(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集活动
International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of
the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou”
Clarification and Answering to Queries (4)
Answering to Queries
问题1:请问人民桥地形图是否有缺失?我司设计同事表示,希望能够拿到 (略) 分地图。是否缺少了地图 点击查看>> ?人民桥末端及周边环境?
答:可以补充提供地形图 点击查看>> ,详见附件1。
Question 1: Is there any deficiency in the topographic map of Renmin Bridge Our companys employee in charge of design hopes that the map of the blank space in the graph below is available. Is there lack of map 点击查看>> What about the map of the end of Renmin Bridge and its surrounding environment
Answer: We can provide you with the extra topographic map 点击查看>> , which is referred to in Appendix 1 in detail.
问题2:关于“ (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案”成果要求“技术文件:包括方案设计说明书和主要图纸”。其中,方案设计说明书可否理解为 (略) 分?主要图纸理解为 (略) 分?
Question 2: As for the Requirements for Design Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou, i.e. Technical Files: Instructions and main drawings, is Instructions the instructions in pure text Are the main drawings made in text and drawings
Answer: Instructions may be made in text for interpretation of the design proposal while the main drawings should be design drawing of the proposal.
问题3:请问这四座桥规定桥底到水面的距离是? (略) 船只的高度是?改造时是否可在桥底改动?
Question 3: What is the distance between the bottom of bridge and the surface of water as stipulated regarding the four bridges What is the height of the navigable vessel Is it ok that we change the bottom of the bridge when making improvement
Answer: The data of the navigable height is provided in the “Requirements for Navigation” in the List of Basic Information of Bridge of the Specifications in detail. The existing navigable height should not be lowered when improving or renovating the bridge.
问题4: 《 (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集》文件里提到的模型尺寸要求如下图:(五)模型:每座桥每个设计方案需提供1:1000模型一个,模型规格:长1200mm,宽500mm,底座厚100mm。
请问,长宽高的一个限值还是 * (略) ?
答:模型比例及尺寸原则上按照征集文件的约定,如原约定模型比例尺寸确实不足以表现设计理念,可以酌情放大,但长不超过2米,宽不超过1.2米;另外,需 (略) 位, (略) 部放大表现。
Question 4: The requirements for the size of model as mentioned in the International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou” are shown in the following graph: (5) Model: Each design proposal for each bridge shall be prepared with one model with the dimension scale of 1:1000, with the specification of 1,200mm in length and 500mm in width; the thickness of pedestal should be at 100mm. Is the limit of length, width and height still * mm
Answer: In principle, the scale and size of the model shall be subject to those provided in the Tender Documents. However, in case that the agreed scale and size of model truly fail to reflect the design idea, the size of model may be made larger at discretion, but not more than 2 meters in length and no more than 1.2 meters in width; in addition, the part needed to be heightened may be partially enlarged.
问题5:关于“ (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案”成果要求:模型要求为1:1000,底板尺寸为 * ,其中人民桥总长度约只有200米,在1200*50 (略) 占比例非常小。请问模型尺寸是否可变?模型的长边方向是否有要求? (略) 或垂直?或可 (略) 选择?
答:模型比例及尺寸原则上按照征集文件的约定,如原约定模型比例尺寸确实不足以表现设计理念,可以酌情放大,但长不超过2米,宽不超过1.2米,对模型 (略) 或垂直不做限制,可 (略) 选择。
Question 5: As for the Requirements for Design Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou: Model Scale is 1:1000, board size is * , among the four bridges, the Renmin Bridge has a total length of 200 meters, accounting for an extremely small proportion of the * model. Is it changeable for the model size Is there any requirement for the long side of the model Is the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge Or can the tenderer choose to make the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge at its own discretion
Answer: In principle, the scale and size of the model shall be subject to those provided in the Tender Documents. However, in case that the agreed scale and size of model truly fail to reflect the design idea, the size of model may be made larger at discretion, but not more than 2 meters in length and no more than 1.2 meters in width. No limits on whether the long side shall be parallel or vertical with the bridge of the model, the tenderer can choose to make the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge at its own discretion.
递交应征文件地点为: (略) 公 (略) 二楼学术报告厅( (略) 市 (略) 区天润路333号)
Place of Submission of Tender Documents: Academic Hall, Second Floor of Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center (No.333, Tianrun Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou)
征集组织单位: (略) 区交通项 (略)
Responsible Government Department: Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office (“Project Office”)
征集代理单位: (略) 有限公司
Tendering Agency: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
December 16, 2015
(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集活动
International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of
the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou”
Clarification and Answering to Queries (4)
Answering to Queries
问题1:请问人民桥地形图是否有缺失?我司设计同事表示,希望能够拿到 (略) 分地图。是否缺少了地图 点击查看>> ?人民桥末端及周边环境?
答:可以补充提供地形图 点击查看>> ,详见附件1。
Question 1: Is there any deficiency in the topographic map of Renmin Bridge Our companys employee in charge of design hopes that the map of the blank space in the graph below is available. Is there lack of map 点击查看>> What about the map of the end of Renmin Bridge and its surrounding environment
Answer: We can provide you with the extra topographic map 点击查看>> , which is referred to in Appendix 1 in detail.
问题2:关于“ (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案”成果要求“技术文件:包括方案设计说明书和主要图纸”。其中,方案设计说明书可否理解为 (略) 分?主要图纸理解为 (略) 分?
Question 2: As for the Requirements for Design Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou, i.e. Technical Files: Instructions and main drawings, is Instructions the instructions in pure text Are the main drawings made in text and drawings
Answer: Instructions may be made in text for interpretation of the design proposal while the main drawings should be design drawing of the proposal.
问题3:请问这四座桥规定桥底到水面的距离是? (略) 船只的高度是?改造时是否可在桥底改动?
Question 3: What is the distance between the bottom of bridge and the surface of water as stipulated regarding the four bridges What is the height of the navigable vessel Is it ok that we change the bottom of the bridge when making improvement
Answer: The data of the navigable height is provided in the “Requirements for Navigation” in the List of Basic Information of Bridge of the Specifications in detail. The existing navigable height should not be lowered when improving or renovating the bridge.
问题4: 《 (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集》文件里提到的模型尺寸要求如下图:(五)模型:每座桥每个设计方案需提供1:1000模型一个,模型规格:长1200mm,宽500mm,底座厚100mm。
请问,长宽高的一个限值还是 * (略) ?
答:模型比例及尺寸原则上按照征集文件的约定,如原约定模型比例尺寸确实不足以表现设计理念,可以酌情放大,但长不超过2米,宽不超过1.2米;另外,需 (略) 位, (略) 部放大表现。
Question 4: The requirements for the size of model as mentioned in the International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou” are shown in the following graph: (5) Model: Each design proposal for each bridge shall be prepared with one model with the dimension scale of 1:1000, with the specification of 1,200mm in length and 500mm in width; the thickness of pedestal should be at 100mm. Is the limit of length, width and height still * mm
Answer: In principle, the scale and size of the model shall be subject to those provided in the Tender Documents. However, in case that the agreed scale and size of model truly fail to reflect the design idea, the size of model may be made larger at discretion, but not more than 2 meters in length and no more than 1.2 meters in width; in addition, the part needed to be heightened may be partially enlarged.
问题5:关于“ (略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案”成果要求:模型要求为1:1000,底板尺寸为 * ,其中人民桥总长度约只有200米,在1200*50 (略) 占比例非常小。请问模型尺寸是否可变?模型的长边方向是否有要求? (略) 或垂直?或可 (略) 选择?
答:模型比例及尺寸原则上按照征集文件的约定,如原约定模型比例尺寸确实不足以表现设计理念,可以酌情放大,但长不超过2米,宽不超过1.2米,对模型 (略) 或垂直不做限制,可 (略) 选择。
Question 5: As for the Requirements for Design Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou: Model Scale is 1:1000, board size is * , among the four bridges, the Renmin Bridge has a total length of 200 meters, accounting for an extremely small proportion of the * model. Is it changeable for the model size Is there any requirement for the long side of the model Is the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge Or can the tenderer choose to make the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge at its own discretion
Answer: In principle, the scale and size of the model shall be subject to those provided in the Tender Documents. However, in case that the agreed scale and size of model truly fail to reflect the design idea, the size of model may be made larger at discretion, but not more than 2 meters in length and no more than 1.2 meters in width. No limits on whether the long side shall be parallel or vertical with the bridge of the model, the tenderer can choose to make the long side parallel or vertical with the bridge at its own discretion.
递交应征文件地点为: (略) 公 (略) 二楼学术报告厅( (略) 市 (略) 区天润路333号)
Place of Submission of Tender Documents: Academic Hall, Second Floor of Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center (No.333, Tianrun Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou)
征集组织单位: (略) 区交通项 (略)
Responsible Government Department: Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office (“Project Office”)
征集代理单位: (略) 有限公司
Tendering Agency: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
December 16, 2015