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三 联系方式
借款人项目执行机构: (略) 政府投资项目评审中心
地 址: (略) 青羊区少城路27号,少城大厦6楼
联 系 人:宋婷婷
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项目代理机构:中化建 (略)
地 址: (略) 东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联 系 人: 何立奇
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(咨询服务 QCBS(基于质量和费用的选择))
世界银行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目
(略) 政府投资项目评审中心作为执行机构,使用世行赠款以开展世界银
行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目,并计划将部分赠款用于咨询服务。
和为重点的高质量发展框架, (略) 圈可持续发展。该项目是应对经济发
(1) 以促进经济社会全面绿色低碳转型为重点, (略) (略) 圈绿
(2) 针对发展现状分 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平监测评价
(3) (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领, (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享
(4) 以推动经济和 (略) 发展转型为导向, (略) 产业园区(产业
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1) 咨询机构/咨询联合体牵头方应在制定和实施绿色和低碳指标方面拥有1
2) 咨询机构需要具备有在中国的项目经验, (略) (略) 相关项目
3) 具备相关的海外项目经验。
4) 需要有较强的项目协调和管理能力,包括高质量的数据评估和报告制作
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(略) 武侯区天府大道北段966号天府国际金融中心7号楼, (略) 公共
中化建 (略)
Global Environment Facility
China Sustainable Cities Integrated Approach Pilot
中 (略) 综合方式试点
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Research and piloting for strengthening high-quality development frameworks with a
focus on promoting ecological, biobrersity conservation and carbon neutrality
GEF 7: Green and Carbon Neutral Cities Project for Chengdu
GEF 7:中国绿色 (略) 项目成都项目
Ref NO. P*
Contract NO.:CD-CS1
1. 简介Introduction
该 项 目 是 GEF-
7中国绿 (略) 项目的组成项目。项目目的是以促进生态和生物多样性保
护和碳中和为重点的高质量发展框架, (略) 圈可持续发展。该项目是
The project is a component project of the GEF-7 China Green Carbon Neutral Cities
Program. The aim of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of the
Chengdu metropolitan area by promoting a high-quality development framework
focused on ecological and biobrersity conservation and carbon neutrality. The
project is a practical response to the challenges of economic development and carbon
reduction, and promotes the realization of high-quality development where green is
the prevailing form, and consists of four sub-project activities:
子项1: 以促进经济社会全面绿色低碳转型为重点, (略) 和成都都
Focusing on the promotion of a comprehensive green and low-
carbon economic and social transformation, a green and low-carbon
development indicator system will be constructed for Chengdu and
the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项2: 针对发展现状分 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平监
Monitoring and evaluating the level of green and low-carbon
development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
respectively, with regard to the current state of development
子项3: (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领, (略) 绿色低碳发展数
Build a data-sharing and management platform for urban green and
low-carbon development, with urban carbon peaking and carbon
neutrality as the goal
子项4: 以推动经济和 (略) 发展转型为导向, (略) 产业园
To promote the transformation of the economy and green low-
carbon urban development, to carry out the pilot of the green
development evaluation system for industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) in Chengdu
(略) 以促进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架研究
( 合 同 号 CD-
CS1)的主要任务是:1) (略) 和部分周边地区绿色低碳发展指标监测评
价体系。2) (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发
展数据共享平台。3) (略) 和部分周边地区产业园区(功能区)绿色发展
规则(2016年7月版) 基于质量和费用的选择(QCBS) 方式进行。
Main task for Chengdu Research and piloting for strengthening high-quality
development frameworks with a focus on promoting ecological, biobrersity
conservation and carbon neutrality (Contract NO.: CD-CS1) contains: 1) Support the
formulation of green and low-carbon indicator 2. Establish or enhance data-sharing
platform 3. Piloting green development evaluation system in industrial functional
zones. The selection of the consultant will be carried out in accordance with the
World Bank s Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF)
Borrowers (July 2016 version) - Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
本项目的执行 (略) 发改委。该项目将于2026年完成。
The PMO sits in the Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission. The
project will be completed in 2026.
1.1. 总体目标 Overall Objective
该项目的目标是将生物多样性保护纳入成 (略) (略) 发展中,
向整合展示了气侯变化和生物多样性综合解决方案的共同利益和损失 纵向整
(略) 和县级的政策制定和执行。这一目标的实现将通过在五年规划绩效
The project objective is to integrate biobrersity conservation into the urban
development of Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area and to set a carbon-
neutral direction for it. The project supports two focal areas, biobrersity and climate
change, to achieve global environmental benefits. The project component integrates at
two levels: horizontal integration demonstrates the co-benefits and losses of integrated
climate change and biobrersity solutions vertical integration facilitates policy
development and implementation at the city and county levels. Achievement of this
objective will be measured through the use of eco-conservation and low-carbon
development indicators in the five-year planning performance assessment to evaluate
facilitation efforts.
1.2. 本项目的目的 The Project Objective
该过程第 (略) 制定 实施和采用一揽子相互促进的指标,重点是
传统的经济绩效上。最近,为了与 生态文明 接轨,增加了环境指标,但这
些指标仍然是传统的,包括空气质量 能源强度和绿地面积的指标。 (略)
空间规划 生态系统服务管理 生物多样性和产业脱碳发展的系统性变化的指
标还没有被纳入。因此,这些待开发的指标体系 数据平台建设以及试点旨在
更好地衡量 生态文明 中高质量发展的程度。
The first step in the process is for Chengdu to develop, implement and adopt a
package of mutually reinforcing indicators focusing on green and low-carbon growth.
The indicators to be developed are intended to measure ecological protection and
carbon-neutral development in the context of the transition to high-quality economic
growth. In the existing government performance management system, indicators
currently focus on traditional economic performance. Recently, environmental
indicators have been added to align with ecological civilization , but these remain
traditional, including indicators on air quality, energy intensity and green space.
Indicators that drive systemic changes in urban spatial planning, ecosystem service
management, biobrersity and industrial decarbonization have not been included.
Therefore, the system of indicators to be developed, the development of data
platforms and pilots aim to better measure the extent of high-quality development in
the context of an ecological civilization .
1.3. 中国背景下的绿色和碳中和指标
Green and carbon neutral indicators in the context of China
是为了制定一个更全面的清单。这将包括创建指标和标准化的数据收集 测量
监测和评估方法。最终的目标至少包含10个指标。绿色 (略) 的关键
Currently, some of the indicators can guide planning and implementation to achieve
high-quality growth, but the endeavor is to develop a more comprehensive list. This
will include the creation of indicators and standardized methods for data collection,
measurement, monitoring and evaluation. The ultimate goal is to include at least 10
indicators. Key indicators for green and carbon-neutral cities are listed in box 1.
1. 绿色经济
2. 环境和生态保护
3. 空间规划 (略) 形态
4. 碳中和足迹
5. 绿色工业
6. 社会包容
Box 1
1. green economy
2. Environmental and ecological protection
3. Spatial planning and compact urban form
4. carbon neutral footprint
5. green industry
6. Social inclusion
1.4. 中国的绿色碳中和指标的案例
The Case for Green Carbon Neutral Indicators in China
的28%。2020年9月,中国宣布将在2060年前实现 碳中和 ,即净零排放。中
地区。2021和2022年,中国在昆明举办了 生物多样性公约 第15次缔约方会
议(COP15),其目的是制定2020年后的生物多样性目标,政府已经提出了 中国
生物多样性行动计划和立场 。
China has set ambitious national targets to address two of the defining issues of this
century: climate change and biobrersity. China is the world s largest emitter of
carbon dioxide, accounting for about 28 per cent of global emissions, and in
September 2020 it announced that it would be carbon neutral , or net-zero, by 2060.
China is also one of the world s most biobrerse countries, with four major
biobrersity hotspots. In 2021 and 2022, China hosted the fifteenth Conference of the
Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Kunming, with
the aim of setting post-2020 biobrersity targets, and the Government has put forward
the China Biobrersity Action Plan and Position.
气候变化和生物多样性方面的行动支持中国实现 生态文明 和加速向绿
第二大经济体。现在政府从以最大的经济增长为目标转向强调 高质量 的经
济发展:即鼓励与环境一致 与自然和谐发展的模式。
Action on climate change and biobrersity supported China s goal of achieving an
ecological civilization and accelerating its transition to a green economy. Four
decades of rapid gross domestic product (GDP) growth have made China the world s
second largest economy. The Government is now shifting from aiming for maximum
economic growth to emphasizing high-quality economic development: a model that
encourages development in harmony with the environment and with nature.
Success in achieving a green transition was important not only for China, but also had
significant implications for global efforts to combat climate change and biobrersity
loss. In addition, China s actions could make a significant contribution to the success
of collective global action and prompt other countries to follow suit. Moreover, as
China remains one of the largest importers of some natural resources (e.g., timber)
and is a major investor in countries in Africa and Latin America, its domestic actions
will have both direct and indirect impacts on global land-use patterns (which are
critical for biobrersity) and on greenhouse gas emissions in other countries.
这 十 年 ( 2021-
2025年 ) , 和 第 十 五 个 五 年 计 划 ( 2026-
2030年)。将国家一级的政策框架和 (略) (略) 级的行动,并取得标
This decade (2021-2030) is important for China s efforts to lay the foundations for a
green transition and meet climate and biobrersity targets. Long-term goals are clear,
but short- and medium-term decarbonization actions and policies remain to be
developed. China s actions over the next decade will either put it on track to meet its
ambitious targets or risk locking in a high-emission trajectory and a resource-
intensive economy that will lead to irreversible damage to the environment. China s
five-year plans provide a basis for guiding the green transition. The 14th Five-Year
Plan (2021-2025), and the 15th Five-Year Plan (2026-2030) will be implemented over
the next 10 years. Translating policy frameworks and targets at the national level into
action at the provincial and municipal levels, with standardized, measurable and
verifiable results, was essential for reducing carbon emissions and protecting
1.5. 部门和机构背景 Sectoral and institutional context
Chengdu is crucial in implementing the country s green transition
and achieving ambitious national climate and biobrersity targets:
部分增长。 (略) 化率从1978年的不到20%增长到今天的60%,到2030年,
城市人的总数预计将达到10亿。其中,作为国家 (略) 之一,成都也面
临 (略) 化挑战。如何选择适应增长并管理其土地 水和其他自然资源
Cities drive economic growth and resource consumption. Urbanization has driven
much of China s growth over the past four decades. China s urbanization rate has
grown from less than 20 per cent in 1978 to 60 per cent today, and by 2030 the total
number of urbanites is expected to reach 1 billion. Chengdu is one of the country s
low-carbon pilot cities and faces unique urbanization challenges. How it chooses to
adapt to growth and manage its land, water and other natural resources, while
reducing emissions and conserving biobrersity, will have major implications for
national and global ecosystems.
理想的目标和约束性指标。 (略) 都要制定自己的五年计划,反映国家框架
级联 管理系统,同时又是一个分散的实施过程。除了确立目标之外,国家政
府还建立了级联指标框架,并建立了行政问责制度, (略) 议程的跨部门
评估地方政府的表现 指导项目规划和监督实施方面发挥了关键作用。
The Chinese Government has formulated five-year plans as blueprints for the
country s social and economic development, containing aspirational goals and binding
targets. Each province and city is required to develop its own five-year plan,
reflecting the principles of the national framework and adapted to the local
development situation, with a set of mandatory goals and targets to measure progress.
The coordination and cooperation between national and local governments has
resulted in a unique management structure in China: a top-down cascading
management system with a decentralized implementation process. In addition to
setting targets, the national government has established a framework of cascading
indicators and a system of administrative accountability to coordinate the cross-
sectoral implementation of the urban agenda. The system relies on indicators to
enable high-level policies to trickle down to local programmes and pilots. Indicators
play a key role in assessing the performance of local governments, guiding project
planning and monitoring implementation.
(略) 圈提供了通过综合方法大规模应对气候和生物多样性的机会。
The Chengdu metropolitan area offers the opportunity to address
climate and biobrersity at scale through an integrated approach.
(略) 圈以成都为中心,与联系 (略) (略) (略) 共同组
成, (略) 圈 (略) 圈后,国家层面批复的第三 (略) 圈也
是 (略) 圈, (略) 圈内 (略) 地理相连 山水相依 生态相
容 人口众多 社会经济活跃,是 一带一路 与 长江经济带 的重要交汇
地带。同时, (略) 圈地处长江支流岷江及沱江流域,是我国主要的水源涵
多样性分布中心,但同时区域发展不平衡不充分,结构性 布局性 累积性生
Chengdu Metropolitan Area, centered on Chengdu and composed of Deyang City,
Meishan City and Ziyang City, is the third national metropolitan area and the first
western metropolitan area approved by the state after Nanjing Metropolitan Area and
Fuzhou Metropolitan Area. Chengdu Metropolitan Area is geographically connected
with Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang City, and is ecologically compatible,
populous and socio-economically active, and is an important intersection zone of the
One Belt, One Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. At the same time,
Chengdu metropolitan area is located in the Yangtze River tributary Minjiang River
and Tuojiang River basin, is China s major water conservation area and biobrersity
rich area, the metropolitan area Longmen Mountain is China s important natural
boundary and biobrersity distribution center, but at the same time the regional
development is unbalanced and inadequate, structural, layout, cumulative ecological
and environmental problems are still more prominent.
(略) (略) 群为克服体制障碍和更好地将生物多样性保护和气候方
面纳入发展提供了大规模的机会。 (略) 化战略的一部分, (略) 圈
作为新的增长引擎, (略) 群横跨河流流域和生态敏感地区,预计其发展将
超越目前的边界。将生物多样性战略和低碳管理计划 (略) 的早期发展
The urban agglomeration of the Chengdu metropolitan area offers large-scale
opportunities to overcome institutional barriers and better integrate biobrersity
conservation and climate aspects into development. As part of the national
urbanization strategy, the Chengdu metropolitan area is expected to grow beyond its
current boundaries as a new growth engine involving clusters of cities spanning river
basins and ecologically sensitive areas. The integration of biobrersity strategies and
low-carbon management plans into the early stages of development of these cities is
critical to avoid environmental degradation and land-use change that further amplify
the impacts of climate change and biobrersity loss.
(略) 圈在战略上处于领导气候和生物多样性挑战的综合方法的地位。
(略) 之间的相互联系已被广泛认可,但气侯变化和生物多样性丧失的问题
植被中储存的碳,同时减少物种灭绝的风险。 (略) (略) 空间规划可以将
类居住区。虽然这些分区规划划定了不 (略) 扩张,但它们也为将生物
多样性 基于自然的解决方案(NBSs)和土壤中的碳储存纳入可持续土地利用管
理奠定了基础。这种综合解决方案对于 (略) 圈的碳中和目标也是至关
The Chengdu metropolitan area is strategically positioned to lead an integrated
approach to climate and biobrersity challenges. While the interconnectedness of
cities is widely recognized, the issues of climate change and biobrersity loss are
largely discussed and addressed separately at the international and national levels.
However, the actions needed to achieve the goals associated with these two global
crises are intertwined. For example, land conservation can safeguard carbon stored in
soil and vegetation while reducing the risk of species extinction. Urban spatial
planning in the Chengdu metropolitan area can combine previously isolated
ecological conservation efforts. Under these plans, local governments are required to
delineate three zones on planning maps: (1) critical ecological function zones, (2)
agricultural production zones, and (3) industrial development and human settlement
zones. While these zoning plans delineate uncontrolled urban sprawl, they also lay the
groundwork for integrating biobrersity, nature-based solutions (NBSs), and carbon
storage in soils into sustainable land use management. Such integrated solutions are
also critical to achieving the carbon neutrality goals of the Chengdu metropolitan
(略) 统计局 市发改委 市委组织部联合 (略) 高质量发展评价指
标 体 系 ( 试 行 ) , 该 指 标 体 系 以 三 新 两 优 一 控
为导向构建基本框架,包含质效提升 结构优化 动能转换 绿色低碳 风险
防控 民生改善六大评价领域,共计52个二级指标, (略) 及区(市)
县高质量发展水平。其中绿色低碳维度测量了包括空气质量优良天数比 清洁
能源消费比重 人均公园绿地面积等在内的11个二级指标。
聚焦高质量发展评价指标体系, (略) 级相关部门前期已经进行了探索研
究,但仍存在以下问题。一是以关注经济高质量发展为主。 (略) 高质量发展
评价指标体系中与绿色增长 土地利用空间管理 气候变化相关的关键指标分
发展的指标主要以污染物总量控制 污染物浓度降低率 清洁能源消费占比等
为主,反映生物多样性 土地利用空间管理等方面的相关指标仍然较少,反映
(略) 绿色低碳高质量发展特色性指标不够充足。
Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the Municipal Development and Reform
Commission, and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee
jointly issued the Chengdu high-quality development evaluation index system (trial).
The index system builds a basic framework guided by three new, two excellent and
one control , including six evaluation areas of quality and efficiency improvement,
structural optimization, kinetic energy conversion, green and low carbon, risk
prevention and control, and people s livelihood improvement, with a total of 52
secondary indicators. It is used to evaluate the high quality development level of the
city and the district (city) county. The green and low-carbon dimension measures 11
secondary indicators, including the proportion of days with good air quality, the
proportion of clean energy consumption, and the per capita green area of parks.
Focusing on the high-quality development evaluation index system, although the
relevant municipal departments have carried out exploration and research in the early
stage, there are still the following problems. First, focus on high-quality economic
development. The key indicators related to green growth, land use spatial
management and climate change accounted for only 23.1% of the total number of
indicators in Chengdu s high-quality development evaluation index system. Second,
the index system for green and low-carbon development is not perfect. At present, the
indicators of green development mainly include total pollutant control, pollutant
concentration reduction rate, and clean energy consumption proportion. The relevant
indicators reflecting biobrersity and land use spatial management are still few, and
the indicators reflecting the characteristics of green, low-carbon and high-quality
development of Chengdu are insufficient.
尽管有这些机会, (略) 圈在寻求实现绿色和低碳转型面临着多重挑
战。随着经济总量持续增长,城镇化快速推进,成 (略) (略)
发展 经济增长和降碳减排多重压力,城市可持续发展面临着新挑战。
Despite these opportunities, the Chengdu metropolitan area faces multiple challenges
in its quest to achieve a green and low-carbon transition. With continued economic
growth and rapid urbanization, Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area are
facing multiple pressures on urban development, economic growth and carbon
reduction, and new challenges to sustainable urban development.
首先,高质量增长或 生态文明 的概念还没有在地方层面得到落实。为
展的进展。中国的 级联 管理制度下,指标在指导政策制定和评估实施效果
方面起着关键作用。目前, (略) 的指标主要侧重关注经济高质量发展。最近
为少数与 生态文明 接轨而增加的环境指标基本上仍是传统的。 (略) 空
间规划 生态系统服务管理 生物多样性和低碳产业发展的系统性变化的指标
First, the concept of high-quality growth or eco-civilization has not yet been
implemented at the local level. In order to translate this concept into implementation,
cities need a comprehensive set of indicators to measure progress towards green, low-
carbon and high-quality development. In China s cascading management system,
indicators play a key role in guiding policymaking and evaluating implementation.
Currently, Chengdu s indicators focus on high-quality economic development. The
few environmental indicators that have recently been added to align with ecological
civilization remain largely traditional. Indicators driving systemic changes in urban
spatial planning, ecosystem service management, biobrersity and low-carbon
industrial development have not been included. In addition, different agencies often
do not use the same methodologies for defining and measuring the same indicators,
resulting in inconsistent methodologies and non-comparable data sets.
其次,成都常住人口超过2000万,城镇化率达79%,面 (略) 发展
经济增长和减污降碳的多重压力, (略) (略) 仍处于人口聚集期。亟
需从总体目标规划 (略) 正确处理发展和减排的关系, (略) 圈
达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平合,可以从技术层面
(略) 绿色低碳发展智能化 生态环境治理精准化,从而为实现绿色成为普
Secondly, with a resident population of over 20 million and an urbanization rate of
79%, Chengdu faces the multiple pressures of balancing urban development,
economic growth and pollution and carbon reduction, while other cities in the
Chengdu metropolitan area are still in a period of population agglomeration. There is
an urgent need to guide the cities to correctly deal with the relationship between
development and emission reduction at the level of overall planning, strengthen the
sense of community in the Chengdu metropolitan area, promote the common
protection and governance of the ecological environment, and incorporate the concept
of green and low carbon into the whole process of economic and social development,
so as to achieve a high level of protection of the ecological environment and high-
quality development of the economy and society at the same time. By building a data-
sharing platform to promote urban green and low-carbon development with the goal
of carbon peak attainment and carbon neutrality, we can promote the intelligent
development of urban green and low-carbon development and precise ecological and
environmental governance at the technical level, thus providing strong support for the
realization of high-quality development in which green has become a universal form.
第三,许多地方政府缺乏系统的生态规划方法, (略) 的自然资产和
城市生物多样性。通过生态恢复和使用NBS, (略) 圈内 (略) 的
绿色连接 ,对于防止生境的损失和破碎化至关重要。生态发展的一个重要
(略) 发展和生态保护之间的平衡。这将 (略) 群的自然资产,如
草原 公园 绿道 河流 湖泊 运河和湿地等。 (略) 生态资产对生物多
(略) 复原力至关重要。它们可以减少极端天气事件的影响,改善食物和
Thirdly, many local governments lack a systematic approach to ecological planning
and do not value the natural assets of cities and urban biobrersity. Enhancing green
connectivity within the Chengdu metropolitan area and across metropolitan areas
through ecological restoration and the use of NBS is essential to prevent habitat loss
and fragmentation. An important part of ecological development is the balance
between urban development and ecological conservation. This will include protecting
the natural assets of urban agglomerations, such as grasslands, parks, greenways,
rivers, lakes, canals and wetlands. These urban ecological assets are critical for
biobrersity and urban resilience. They can reduce the impact of extreme weather
events, improve food and water security, regulate air pollution and microclimates,
help reduce noise, improve well-being and support carbon sequestration, thereby
managing greenhouse gas emissions.
第四, (略) 将产业园区(产业功能区)作为推动 (略) 发展转型
接 (略) 圈高质量发展进程, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)聚焦产业
需求,在各区内建立了主导产业明确 专业分工合理 差异发展鲜明的产业体
标设计约束落地性不够。 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状与趋势
,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数构建和评估, (略) 圈产
Fourthly, Chengdu City takes industrial parks (industrial functional zones) as the main
hand to promote the transformation of economic construction and urban development,
as well as the carrier of further spatial coupling of elements and resources, and its
state of green and low-carbon development will have a direct impact on the process of
high-quality development of Chengdu metropolitan area. Chengdu City industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) focus on the industrial needs, and have established
a clear dominant industry, a reasonable specialized brision of labor and a distinctive
difference in development in the various zones. However, a comprehensive evaluation
system for the green and low-carbon development of industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) has not yet been formed, and industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) do not have sufficient understanding of green, low-carbon and recycling
development, and the design constraints of recycling indexes are not sufficiently
grounded. Combined with the current situation and trend of development of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, the construction and evaluation of
green and low-carbon development index for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) will be carried out, and a pilot project will be launched for industrial parks
(industrial functional zones) in the metropolitan area, so as to deepen the concept of
green and low-carbon development.
1.6. 走向绿 (略) 发展的关键要求 Key requirements for moving
towards green and low-carbon urban development
在迈向绿色低碳的高 (略) 圈建设发展的过程中, (略) 必须
克服挑战,在三个层面上采取行动:In moving towards green, low-carbon, high-
quality construction and development of the Chengdu metropolitan area, the cities of
the metropolitan area must overcome challenges and act at three levels:
架,在新型城镇 (略) 示范区建设要求下,支持五年计划的实施
在技术规划层面, (略) 大 (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领促
(略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,规范配套数据共享流程和机制,为
在决策部署层面, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状和趋势
At the policy level, the implementation of the Five-Year Plan is supported
through the incorporation of a comprehensive set of green and low-carbon
performance indicators into a high-quality development framework, in the
context of the requirements for the development of new urbanization and
park city demonstration zones.
At the technical planning level, relying on the city brain to build a data-sharing
platform to promote urban green and low-carbon development with the goal
of urban carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, standardize the supporting
data-sharing process and mechanism, and provide visual decision-making
references for the competent authorities.
At the level of decision-making and deployment, combined with the current
situation and trend of the development of industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) in Chengdu City, we will carry out the construction and
assessment of the green and low-carbon development index of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones), and specifically carry out application
demonstrations of green and low-carbon development.
1.7. 背 景 城 市-成 都 和 成 都 都 市 圈 Background cities - Chengdu and
Chengdu metropolitan area
成都是中国西南部的一 (略) , (略) (略) ,全国15个副
(略) 之一。 (略) 辖锦江 青羊 金牛 武侯 成华 龙泉驿 青白江
新都 温江 双流 郫都 新津12个区,简阳 都江堰 彭州 邛崃 崇州5个
(略) ,金堂 大邑 蒲江3个县。另外, (略) 有国家级自主创新示范区
成 都 高 新 技 术 产 业 开 发 区 国 家 级 经 济 技 术 开 发 区
成 都 经 济 技 术 开 发 区 国 家 级 新 区
四川天府新区成都直管区(2014年10月 (略) 认定为国家级新区) 2020
年4月28日, (略) 人民政府同意设立成都东部新区。
Chengdu is a major metropolis in southwestern China, the capital city of Sichuan
Province and one of the country s 15 sub-provincial cities. Chengdu has 12 districts,
namely Jinjiang, Qingyang, Jinniu, Wuhou, Chenghua, Longquanyi, Qingbaijiang,
Xindu, Wenjiang, Shuangliu, Pidu and Xinjin, 5 county-level cities, namely Jianyang,
Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Qionglai and Chongzhou, and 3 counties, namely Jintang,
Dayi and Pujiang. In addition, Chengdu has a state-level autonomous innovation
demonstration zone - Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone, a state-level
economic and technological development zone - Chengdu Economic and
Technological Development Zone, and a state-level new zone - Sichuan Tianfu New
Area Chengdu Direct Zone. -Sichuan Tianfu New Area Chengdu Directly
Administered Zone (recognized by the State Council as a state-level new area on 2
October 2014) and on 28 April 2020, the People s Government of Sichuan Province
agreed to set up the Eastern Chengdu New Area.
2010至2022年间, (略) 常住人口由1511.88万增至2126.8万,净增长614
万人,增量仅次于深圳 广州,是全国仅有的四个2000万 (略) 之一。
8.8%。 (略) 面积为14,335平方公里, (略) 的3%, (略) 8372万
人口的25.4%, (略) GDP的贡献率为37%。20 (略) 实现地区生产总值为20
817.5亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长2.8%。分产业看,第一产业 第二产
业和第三产业增加值分别为588.4亿元 6404.1亿元和13825.0亿元,三次产业
结构为2.8 30.8 66.4。按常住人口计算,人均地区生产总值98149元,增长2
.0%。在全球 (略) (GaWC)研究网络最新发布的 (略) 名册2020
中,成都入选Beta 级,位列全球第59名。成都是中国西部地区的一个经济中心
和 (略) 。2022年,其GDP在 (略) 中排名第七。成都吸引了中国
国西部的金融 技术和制造业中心。 (略) 一起,它是中国西部地区的主要
经济驱动力。成都努力成为一个可持 (略) 。在过去的几年里,市政府
已经公布了一些关于绿色 (略) 发展的主要政策指南。 关于推进绿色
发展,建设 (略) 典范的实施意见 (2016年) (略) 化的质量
,而不是速度。 关于推进美丽 (略) 建设的决定 (2018年)将 公
(略) 作为成都的愿景。
Between 2010 and 2022, the resident population of Chengdu will increase from
15,118,800 to 21,268,000, a net increase of 6.14 million people, an increase second
only to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and one of only four metropolises with a
population of 20 million in China. By the end of 2022, the resident population will be
21.268 million, an increase of 76,000 from the end of the previous year, or 0.4 per
cent. Among them, the urban resident population was 16.991 million, and the
urbanization rate of the resident population was 79.9%, an increase of 0.4 percentage
points from the end of the previous year. The household population at the end of the
year was 15.716 million, an increase of 154,000 from the end of the previous year,
with an urbanization rate of 68.8%. With an area of 14,335 square kilometers,
Chengdu is less than 3% of Sichuan Province, but houses 25.4% of the province s
83.72 million people and contributes 37% to the province s GDP. 2022 GDP in
Chengdu was RMB 20,817.5 billion, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year at
comparable prices. In terms of industries, the added value of primary, secondary and
tertiary industries will be 58.84 billion yuan, 640.41 billion yuan and 138.25 billion
yuan respectively, with the structure of the three industries being 2.8:30.8:66.4. Per
capita GDP per resident population will be 98,149 yuan, an increase of 2.0%. In the
latest World Cities Roster 2020 released by the Globalization and World Cities
(GaWC) research network, Chengdu was selected in the Beta level and ranked 59th
in the world. Chengdu is an economic center and a city of national importance in
Western China. in 2022, its GDP was ranked seventh among all Chinese cities.
Chengdu attracts the highest foreign direct investment in Western China, and 377
Fortune 500 companies have set up offices in Chengdu. It is the financial,
technological and manufacturing center of Western China. Together with Chongqing
Municipality, it is a major economic driver in Western China. Chengdu strives to be a
sustainable city. Over the past few years, the city government has published some key
policy guidelines on green and sustainable urban development. The Implementing
Opinions on Promoting Green Development and Building a Model of China s
Beautiful Cities (2016) focuses on the quality of urbanization rather than its speed.
The Decision on Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful and Livable Garden City
(2018) sets out a vision for Chengdu as a park city .
(略) (略) 为中心,与联系 (略) (略) (略) 共同
组成, (略) 圈 (略) 圈后,国家层面批复的第三 (略) 圈
也是 (略) 圈。主要包括: (略) , (略) 旌阳区 (略) (略) 中
江县, (略) 东坡区 彭山区 仁寿县 青神县, (略) 雁江区 乐至县,面
积2.64万平方公里 规划范围拓展到成都 德阳 眉山 资阳全域,总面积3.3
1万平方公里。202 (略) 圈经济总量2.62万亿元 (略) 的46.2%。省政
府印发的 (略) 圈发展规划 提出,到2025年, (略) 圈经济总量突破3
.3万亿元。成都在电子信息 生物医药等先进制造业支撑有力,现代金融业中
西部领先。德阳在重大装备制造,眉山在电子信息 新能源新材料,资阳在汽
车制造 轨道交通等方面发展基础坚实。
Chengdu Metropolitan Area, centered on the city of Chengdu, together with the
closely-connected cities of Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang, is the third national
metropolitan area and the first western metropolitan area approved at the national
level, following the Nanjing Metropolitan Area and the Fuzhou Metropolitan Area. It
mainly includes Chengdu City, Jingyang District, Shifang City, Guanghan City and
Zhongjiang County of Deyang City, Dongpo District, Pengshan District, Renshou
County and Qingshen County of Meishan City, Yanjiang District and Lezhi County of
Ziyang City, with an area of 26,400 square kilometers and the planning scope is
expanded to cover the whole area of Chengdu, Deyang City, Meishan City and
Ziyang City, with a total area of 33,100 square kilometers. 46.2 per cent. The
Chengdu Metropolitan Area Development Plan issued by the provincial government
proposes that by 2025, the total economic output of the Chengdu Metropolitan Area
will exceed RMB 3.3 trillion. Chengdu has strong support in advanced manufacturing
industries such as electronic information and biomedicine, and is a leader in the
modern financial industry in Central and Western China. Deyang in major equipment
manufacturing, Meishan in electronic information, new energy and new materials,
Ziyang in automobile manufacturing, rail transport and other aspects of the
development of a solid foundation.
(略) 圈面临着几个方面的可持续性挑战。首先,都市圈拥有快速增长
的人口,但自然资源有限。其次,空气污染 水污染和固体废物管理不足造成
的土壤污染是长期存在的问题, (略) 在解决这些问题方面作出了努力。最
后, (略) 发展仍然被视为规划或环境机构管辖下的具体部门问题,它还
没 (略) 的整体发展规划中。
The Chengdu metropolitan area faces sustainability challenges on several fronts. First,
the metropolitan area has a rapidly growing population but limited natural resources.
Secondly, air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution caused by inadequate solid
waste management were persistent problems, despite the city s efforts to address
them. Finally, sustainable urban development is still seen as a sector-specific issue
under the jurisdiction of planning or environmental agencies, and it has not yet been
integrated into the city s overall development plan.
A.以前的绿色和低碳协议Previous green and low-carbon agreements
表1:以前 (略) 层面的政策
Table 1: Previous policies at national and city level
Policy content
规划提出,在有条件的地区推进经济社会发展总体规划 城市规划 土地利用规划等 多规合一 。并将 以人为本,尊重自然,传承绿色低碳 (略) 规划的全过程 。
The plan proposes to promote the integration of economic and social development master planning, urban planning, land use planning and other multi-planning in areas where conditions exist. It also incorporates the concepts of people-centeredness, respect for nature, and the inheritance of green and low-carbon concepts
into the entire process of urban planning .
National New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020) and the
Second National New Urbanization Plan (2021-2035).
规划提出要 以提高环境质量和以人为本为核心,以解决生态环境领域突出问题为重点,加大生态环境保护力度,提高资源利用效率,为人民群众提供更多优质生态产品,协同推进人民富裕 国家富强 中国美丽 。规划从 优化空间和国土开发,城镇化模式向绿色 低碳 弹性发展转变,加大环境
综合治理力度,加强生态保护和修复,积极应对全球气候变化 等几个方面来指导国家的绿色发展和高质量发展。
The plan puts forward the need to focus on improving environmental quality and putting people first, focus on solving outstanding problems in the field of ecological and environmental protection, intensify efforts to protect the ecological environment, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, provide more high-quality
国民经济和社会发展十四个五年规划纲要 Outline
of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic
and Social Development
ecological products for the people, and collaborate to promote the prosperity of the people, the wealth of the country and the beauty of China . The plan guides the country s green and high-quality development in several areas, including optimizing spatial and territorial development, transforming the urbanization model
towards green, low-carbon and resilient development, increasing comprehensive environmental management, strengthening ecological protection and restoration, and actively responding to global climate change .
规划提出: 坚特节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,高举绿色发展旗帜,紧紧围绕资源能源利用效率和清洁生产水平,以传统产业绿色化改造为重点,以绿色科技创新为支撑,以法规标准体系建设为保障,实施绿色制造工程,加快绿色制造体系建设,大力发展绿色制造产业,推动绿色产品 绿色工
厂 绿色园区 绿色供应链全面发展,建立健全工业绿色发展长效机制 。
The plan proposes: adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, hold high the banner of green development, closely focus on the efficiency of resource and energy use and the level of clean production, focus on the green transformation of traditional industries, supported by green
scientific and technological innovation, and safeguarded by the construction of regulations and standard systems, implement the green manufacturing project, accelerate the construction of green manufacturing system, and vigorously develop the green manufacturing industry , promote the comprehensive development of green
products, green factories, green parks and green supply chains, and establish and improve the long-term mechanism for industrial green development .
Industrial Green Development Program (2016-2020)
为 落 实 生 物 多 样 性 公 约 的 规 定 , 进 一 步 加 强 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 工 作 , 有 效 应 对 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 面 临 的 新 问 题 和 新 挑 战 , 环 境 保 护 部 会 同 20多 个 部 门 和 单 位 编 制 了 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 战 略 与 行 动 计 划 (2011-
2030年) ,该计划提出了未来20年生物多样性保护的总体目标 战略任务和优先行动。行动计划共确定了7个目标,包括建立和完善国家自然保护区网络,确定和规划对生物多样性有重要意义的野生物种的保护,保护农作物和牲畜的遗传资源,评估自然保护区外野生物种的就地保护,建立全国性
In order to implement the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), further strengthen China s biobrersity conservation work, and effectively respond to the new problems and challenges facing China s biobrersity conservation, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), together with more than 20
departments and units, has compiled China s Biobrersity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030), which puts forward the overall objectives, strategic tasks, and priority actions for biobrersity conservation in the next 20 years. The action plan identifies a total of seven objectives, including establishing and
improving the national network of nature reserves, identifying and planning for the conservation of wild species of importance to biobrersity, conserving the genetic resources of crops and livestock, assessing the in-situ conservation of wild species outside of nature reserves, setting up a nationwide information and monitoring
system, coordinating biobrersity conservation and sustainable development and strengthening the basic research.
China s Biobrersity Conservation Strategy and Action
Plan (2011-2030)
新的空间规划体系将主体功能区划 土地利用规划 城乡规划和生态环境规划整合为一个统一的规划体系,包括总体规划 详细规划和专业规划,旨在缓解空间规划设计 实施和监管过程中的矛盾。它被公认为是在一定区域内发展和保护领土空间的一种时空部署。
The new spatial planning system integrates main function zoning, land use planning, urban and rural planning and ecological environment planning into a unified planning system, including master plans, detailed plans and specialized plans, with the aim of easing contradictions in the process of designing, implementing and
regulating spatial planning. It is recognized as a spatial and temporal deployment for the development and protection of territorial space within a certain area.
(略) 国土空间总体规划(2019-2035)
Chengdu Territorial Spatial Master Plan (2019-2035)
到2035年,成都希望成为一个 (略) ,因此它正在将绿色部分纳入 (略) 发展规划中。新的任务被列入了成都2016年至2018年 (略) 规划中的35项。在成都,一个以 生态文明 为动力的 美丽 宜 (略) 将在2035年开始形成基本形态。 (略) 的概念描绘了一个工业
(略) 环境和人都完美和谐地共存的社会。
为了满足居民对美好生活的期望, (略) 在新时期的竞争力,这 (略) 的创建强调了环境保护和经济增长之间的平衡。
Chengdu wants to become a park city by 2035, so it is incorporating a green component into its latest urban development plan. The new tasks are included in 35 items in Chengdu s overall urban plan for 2016 to early 2018. In Chengdu, a beautiful and livable park city powered by ecological civilization will begin to take
shape by 2035. The park city concept depicts a society where industry, the physical city, the environment and people coexist in perfect harmony.
The creation of such park cities emphasizes the balance between environmental protection and economic growth in order to meet the expectations of residents for a better life and to reshape the competitiveness of cities in the new era.
发展美丽 宜 (略) (2018-2035年)
Developing Beautiful, Livable Park Cities (2018-2035)
(略) 化进程的有效推进,保护生态系统,该计划旨在构 (略) 空间控制体系。关键是要优先考虑有利于环境 (略) 空间布局,严格执行国家的人均建筑面积标准,制止不合理的增长和随意的蔓延,鼓励现有可建设用地和旧建筑的再利用,并试验多部门合作促进生态文明。该计
(略) 设计中优先考虑人的尺度,同时通过有目的地保护社区的自然和文化遗产来促进和确保社区的个人身份。最后,该计划旨在建立一个系统来跟 (略) 发展与环境 白然和资源的关系, (略) 官员的绩效评估建立一套更全面的环境和资源利用目标,定 (略) 人口未来健康风险
的最新预测和评估,并为 (略) 社会治理提供一个坚实的法律基础。
In order to encourage effective urbanization and protect the ecosystem, the plan aims to build and strengthen an urban spatial control system. The key is to give priority to an urban spatial layout that is favorable to the environment and the inhabitants, to strictly enforce national standards for floor space per capita, to stop
irrational growth and random sprawl, to encourage the reuse of existing buildable land and old buildings, and to experiment with multisectoral cooperation to promote ecological civilization. The plan also prioritizes the human scale in urban design, while promoting and securing the inbridual identity of communities through
the purposeful preservation of their natural and cultural heritage. Finally, the plan aims to establish a system for tracking and evaluating urban development in relation to the environment, blanches and resources, to establish a more comprehensive set of environmental and resource-use targets for the performance evaluation of
city officials, to publish regularly updated projections and assessments of future health risks to the urban population, and to provide a solid legal basis for public participation in the governance of urban societies.
生 (略) 建设规划(2018-2035)
Ecological civilization model city construction plan
B.差距和挑战 Gaps and challenges
许多核心挑战尚待解决Many core challenges remain to be addressed
集中在中部平坝地区, (略) 部分区域国土开发强度达86% 人口密度达到每平
生态资源明显不足,以成都为例,人均森林面积仅为全国 全省平均水平的1/4
1/6,人均水资源量不到全国的1/4 全省的1/7,生态用水紧张,且水资源时
空分布不均,使得资源承载能力瓶颈愈发凸显。 (略) 圈人口将继续呈
1. Environmental and resource constraints are becoming tighter and tighter. The
adjustment of the urban spatial structure requires sustained efforts, with the
population and industry still concentrated mainly in the central region, with the
development intensity of some areas of Chengdu reaching 86 per cent and the
population density reaching 14,000 people per square kilometer, and a differentiated
pattern of coordinated and synergistic development coordinated with regional
resource endowments yet to be accelerated and constructed. Ecological resources are
obviously insufficient, in Chengdu, for example, the per capita forest area is only 1/4,
1/6 of the national and provincial average, per capita water resources is less than 1/4
of the country, the province s 1/7, the ecological water stress, and water resources
uneven spatial and temporal distribution, so that the bottleneck of the carrying
capacity of the resources is more and more prominent. In the future, the population of
Chengdu metropolitan area will continue to grow, and the contradiction between
population, resources and environment is bound to become more prominent, and the
red line of ecological protection, i.e., the baseline of ecological function safeguard,
the bottom line of environmental quality and safety, and the top line of natural
resources utilization, will be under great pressure.
不足,支撑绿色低碳新产品 新技术 新模式的应用环境尚不完善,产业链
绿色低碳制造业总体规模偏小,面临工业发展不足 质量不高与减少工业碳排
业档次较低,绿色金融体系有待进一步健全。 (略) 圈建设 (略)
平衡不充分,资源 环境 交通 产业基础等发展条件差异较大,生态环境质
量 污染治理能力和水平与国际 (略) 圈相比差距较大, (略) 扩
张 人类活动加剧,生态空间不断受到挤压,都市圈 (略) 病 问题也日益
2. The level of green industrial development and the capacity of green and
low-carbon development needs to be further enhanced. Insufficient investment has
been made in green technology research and development, the application
environment to support new green and low-carbon products, technologies and modes
is not yet perfect, the industry chain and the innovation chain are not strong enough to
integrate and synergize, the industrial application of green and low-carbon
technologies has not yet reached a large scale, and the cost of technological
application is relatively high. Green and clean production methods have not been
comprehensively promoted, the difficulty of adjusting the stock of industrial
industries has increased, the overall scale of the green and low-carbon manufacturing
industry is small, and we are faced with the dual tasks of insufficient industrial
development, low quality and reduction of industrial carbon emissions. The green
consumption environment needs to be improved, the development of productive
service industry is not sufficient, the traditional service industry is of low grade, and
the green financial system needs to be further improved. The construction of the
Chengdu metropolitan area and the development of Chengdu, Demei, Meizi and Zizhi
city clusters are now generally in the primary stage of transformation from core-
driven to synergistic construction, with unbalanced and insufficient regional
development, and large differences in the development conditions in terms of
resources, the environment, transport and industrial base there is a large gap between
the quality of the ecological environment and the ability and level of pollution control
and that of the advanced metropolitan areas in the country and internationally, and the
ecological space is being squeezed continuously with the expansion of the cities and
the intensification of human activities. With the expansion of cities and the
intensification of human activities, ecological space is constantly being squeezed, and
the problem of big city disease in the metropolitan area is becoming increasingly
环境污染问题复杂性增加。近年来, (略) 下大力气坚决打好污染防治
攻坚战,生态环境质量总体呈现稳中向好趋势,但生态环境保护的结构性 根
源性 趋势性压力尚未根本缓解,生态环境质量从量变到质变的拐点尚未到来
量在 (略) 中排名靠后。水污染防治方面,水环境改善和水生态修复成
护修复力度有待加强。土壤污染防治仍处于起步阶段,存在污染成因复杂 治
3. The complexity of environmental pollution problems has increased. In recent
years, the four cities of Chengdu, Demei and Zizhi have made great efforts to
resolutely fight the battle against pollution, and the overall ecological and
environmental quality has shown a stable and improving trend, but the structural, root
cause and trend pressure of ecological and environmental protection has not yet been
alleviated fundamentally, and the ecological and environmental quality has not yet
reached the inflection point of quantitative change to qualitative change. Air pollution
prevention and control, vertical look at the effectiveness of remarkable, but horizontal
than the situation is still grim, Chengdu air quality in the national key cities ranked
behind. Water pollution prevention and control, water environment improvement and
water ecological restoration of the effectiveness of the target is still a gap, sewage
network and treatment facilities operation and maintenance level needs to be
improved, wetland protection and restoration efforts need to be strengthened. Soil
pollution prevention and control is still in its infancy, with complex causes of
pollution and immature treatment technologies, and the prevention and control of
agricultural surface pollution needs to be stepped up.
经济发展和土地利用等规划有效街接不够, 规建管 三位一体等模式还需强
全 质量不佳 部门数据不通 智能化水平不高等问题,导致生态保护和环境
案应用不足,用市场化办法增加环保投入 撬动社会资金等方面缺少创新性的
4. Institutional mechanism innovation is still insufficient. The planning policy
system of integrating the concept of sustainable development into the whole process
of economic and social development needs to be improved, the top-level design of
carbon peak and carbon neutral needs to be accelerated to establish and improve, the
ecological protection planning and economic development and land use planning is
not enough to effectively connect, planning, construction and management and
other modes of the trinity needs to be strengthened. Eco-environmental statistics,
monitoring and evaluation system needs to be improved, green and low-carbon
development indicator system needs to be accelerated to build, the degree of
application of intelligent governance system is not enough, inbridual districts and
counties there are ecological environment monitoring system coverage is incomplete,
the quality is not good, departmental data does not make sense, the level of
intelligence is not high enough, leading to the ecological protection and
environmental governance initiatives are not precise enough. The environmental
infrastructure planning and construction system needs to be improved, the application
of nature-based solutions is insufficient, there is a lack of innovative initiatives to
increase environmental protection inputs and leverage social funds using market-
based approaches, and the ways to realize ecological value need to be accelerated and
5. 生 态 安 全 屏 障 亟 待 巩 固 。 成 都 都 市 圈 区 域 内 分 布 有 龙 门 山-
岷山等多条断裂带,地震 山体滑坡 泥石流等地质灾害多发,龙门山地区受
泉山脉生态系统功能较弱,封山育林 森林管护不足。岷江上游部分河流减脱
5. The ecological security barrier needs to be consolidated. In the Chengdu
metropolitan area, there are a number of fracture zones, such as the Longmenshan-
Minshan Mountains, where earthquakes, landslides, mudslides and other geological
hazards are common, and the Longmenshan area has been affected by the Wenchuan
earthquake as well as a number of large-scale mudslides and other geological hazards,
so that the ecological vegetation has not yet been fully restored. The ecosystem
function of the Longquan Mountain Range is weak, and there is insufficient
forestation and forest management. Some of the rivers in the upper reaches of the
Minjiang River have dried up, and some of the rivers in the lower reaches are
seriously polluted, thus greatly affecting the integrity and safety of the river
ecosystem. The bottom of biobrersity is unclear.
2. 工作范围:任务与产出Scope of work: tasks and outputs
2.1. 研究目标 Research Objectives
成都常住人口超过2000万,城镇化率达79%,面 (略) 发展 经济增
长和减污降碳的多重压力, (略) (略) 仍处于人口聚集期。根据世界
银行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目(暨中 (略) 项目)总体框架,紧
紧围绕制约成 (略) 圈可持续发展的瓶颈矛盾,发挥成都在成渝地区双
城经济圈 (略) 圈中的作用,研究围绕 以促进生态和生物多样性保护和
碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架 ,将以绿色高质量监测和评价指标体系构
建为引领, (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展
数据共享平台为支撑,以产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳评估试点 都市圈
体系 技术方法到实 (略) 可持续发展综合指引和支撑体系,从总体目
标规划 (略) 正确处理发展和减排的关系,将绿色低碳理念融入经济社
引 (略) 十四五 规划实施和 十五五 规划编制,探索超大人口规
(略) 与自然和谐共生的新路径, (略) 圈可持续发展,筑牢长江上
With a resident population of more than 20 million and an urbanization rate of
79%, Chengdu faces multiple pressures to balance urban development, economic
growth, and pollution and carbon reduction, while other cities in the Chengdu
metropolitan area are still in a period of population agglomeration. According to the
overall framework of the World Bank s GEF7 China Green and Carbon Neutral Cities
Project (and the China Sustainable Cities Project), the study focuses on the
bottlenecks and contradictions constraining the sustainable development of Chengdu
and the Chengdu metropolitan area, the role of Chengdu in the Chengdu-Chongqing
Twin Cities Economic Circle and the Chengdu metropolitan area, and the study is
centered on the Framework for High-quality Development Focused on the Promotion
of Ecological and Biobrersity Conservation and Carbon Neutrality . The study
focuses on strengthening the framework of high-quality development with a focus on
promoting ecological and biobrersity protection and carbon neutrality , and will take
the construction of a green and high-quality monitoring and evaluation index system
as the lead, the construction of a data-sharing platform for promoting green and low-
carbon development of the city by building a city brain with the goal of reaching the
peak carbon level and carbon neutrality as the lead as the support, and the green and
low-carbon assessment pilot project of the industrial parks (functional zones for
industry), and the pilot project of the recycling development of key industrial parks
(functional zones for industry) of the metropolitan circle as the guide. Taking the
project as a starting point, it will build a comprehensive guideline and support system
for sustainable urban development from the target system, technical methodology to
the implementation path, and guide the city to correctly deal with the relationship
between development and emission reduction from the overall target planning level,
and integrate the concept of green and low carbon into the whole process of economic
and social development, so as to realize the high-quality economic and social
development with a high level of ecological and environmental protection. At the
same time, it will guide and support the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan
and the preparation of the 15th Five-Year Plan of Chengdu City, explore new paths
for harmonious coexistence between cities and nature under the super-large
population scale, promote the sustainable development of the Chengdu metropolitan
area, build a strong ecological barrier on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and
build a high-quality living and livable place with national influence. The project will
help promote the sustainable development of the Chengdu metropolitan area, build a
strong ecological barrier on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and build a high-
quality living place with national influence.
2.2. 重点 Key Points
本项目 (略) (略) 圈在绿色和低碳发展方面实现飞跃。在成
This project will help Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area make a leap
forward in green and low-carbon development. In Chengdu, the grant will be used:
子项1: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系 Constructing an
indicator system for green and low-carbon development in Chengdu
and the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项2: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价 Carrying out
monitoring and evaluation of green and low-carbon development in
Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项3: (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳
发展数据共享管理平台 Relying on the City Brain to build a
data-sharing and management platform to promote green and low-
carbon development in cities with the goal of carbon peak
attainment and carbon neutrality as the lead
子 项 4: 开 展 长 安 静 脉 产 业 园 -
业港)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点 Carrying out a pilot project
of Changan Vein Industrial Park - Chengdu Environmental Group
Environmental Protection Park and Chengdu Green Hydrogen
Energy Industrial Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern Industrial
Port) in Chengdu
2.3. 任务 Tasks
以促进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架 为
基础,本研 (略) (略) 圈四个子项以及其具体子项活动,以及对
应的产出成果 负责机构(表2)。
Based on the Framework for Enhancing Quality Development with a Focus on
Promoting Ecological and Biobrersity Conservation and Carbon Neutrality, the study
proposes four sub-projects for Chengdu and the Chengdu Metropolitan Area, as well
as their specific sub-activities, with corresponding outputs and outcomes, responsible
organizations. (Table 2).
产出成果使用部门:市委组织部 市委宣传部 市委外事办 市委社治委
市机关事务管理局 市城管委 市经济和信息化局 市教育局 市科学技术
局 市财政局 市规划和自然资源局 市生态环境局 市住建局 市交通运输
局 市口岸物流办 市水务局 市农业农村局 (略) 局 市商务局 市
文广旅局 市国资委 市市场监督管理局 市统计局 市金融监管局 市新经
济委 成 (略) 森林公园管委会 国家税 (略) 税务局 国网成
Output results used by Chengdu Municipal Organization Department, Municipal
Publicity Department, Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, Municipal Social
Governance Committee, Municipal Government Offices Administration, Municipal
Urban Management Committee, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau,
Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal
Finance Bureau, Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal
Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Housing Bureau, Municipal
Transportation Bureau, Municipal Port Logistics Office, Municipal Water Bureau,
Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Municipal Park City Bureau, Municipal
Park City Bureau Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism,
Municipal SASAC, Municipal Market Supervision Administration, Municipal Bureau
of Statistics, Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal New Economy
Commission, Chengdu Longquanshan Urban Forest Park Management Committee,
State Administration of Taxation Chengdu Tax Bureau, State Grid Chengdu Power
Supply Company.
表2:成 (略) 圈项目各子项活动和产出
Table 2: Activities and Outputs by Sub-Project in
Chengdu and Chengdu Metropolitan Area Project
Responsible agency
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系
Constructing a Green and Low Carbon Development Indicator System for Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
以 两山 理论和中国式现代化理论为指导,开展具有中国特色的绿色低碳指标的理论框架研究,明确指标来源 内涵 标准和界限,以及工作要求 2.
开展机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与,识别主要机构和利益相关者,明确其事权范围,使各相关方参与指标体系构建过程 3.
基于事权和空间管理权 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系和监测评估框架
Mountains theory and Chinese modernization theory as a guide, carry out research on the theoretical framework of green and low-carbon indicators with Chinese
characteristics, and clarify the sources, connotations, standards and boundaries of the indicators, as well as the requirements for work 2. carry out analysis of
institutions, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation, and identify the main institutions and stakeholders, and clarify the scope of their authority. Conduct
institutional analysis, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation to identify key organizations and stakeholders, clarify their scope of authority and involve all
relevant parties in the construction of the indicator system 3. Construct a green and low-carbon development indicator system and a monitoring and evaluation
framework for Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area based on the authority and spatial management authority
1.1 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标理论框架研究报告
1.2 利益相关方分析报告
1.3 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系研究报告
1.1 Research Report on the Theoretical Framework of Green and Low Carbon
Development Indicators for Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
1.2 Stakeholder Analysis Report
1.3 Research Report on Green and Low Carbon Development Indicator System for
Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
(略) 发改委牵头,省同 (略) (略) (略) 发改委及相关部门机构支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Provincial Tongcheng Office and Development and Reform Commission of Deyang City,
Meishan City, Ziyang City and relevant departments and agencies
Responsible agency
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
1. 数据采集 2. 利用指标体系和指标 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展情况和 (略) 圈发展规划 实施情况进行中期监测评估 3.
1. data collection 2. mid-term monitoring and assessment of green and low-carbon development in Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area and the
implementation of the Development Plan for the Chengdu Metropolitan Area using the indicator system and the indicator guidelines 3. sectoral policy and action
2.1 (略) 绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
2.2 (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
2.1Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low Carbon Development of Chengdu
2.2 Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu
Metropolitan Area
(略) 发改委牵头,省同 (略) (略) (略) 发改委及相关部门机构支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Provincial Tongcheng Office and Development and Reform Commission of Deyang City,
Meishan City, Ziyang City and relevant departments and agencies
(略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享管理平台
Build a data-sharing and management platform for urban green and low-carbon development
led by the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets, relying on the City Brain.
1. (略) 城市智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建 双碳 数据共享平台 2. (略) 主要碳排放源, (略) 管理和监测数据 3.
开 发 绿 色 低 碳 发 展 指 标 对 比 趋 势 分 析 异 常 监 测 预 警 等 功 能 4.
规范绿色低碳发展数据共享流程和机制, (略) 部门及机构信息系统互联互通 数据共享。
1. build a dual-carbon data sharing platform based on the Chengdu City Intelligent Management Platform (City Brain) 2. integrate urban management and
monitoring data according to the major carbon emission sources in Chengdu 3. develop functions such as comparison of green and low-carbon development indexes,
trend analysis, and abnormal monitoring and early warning 4. standardize the process and mechanism of sharing green and low-carbon development data and
3. (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,软件应用。
3.2 (略) 部门及机构间数据共享操作指南 ,研究报告。
3.1 Chengdu Green and Low Carbon Development Data Sharing Platform, Software
3.2 Operational Guidelines for Data Sharing among Departments and Agencies in
Chengdu, Research Report.
(略) 发改委牵头,市网络理政办及相关部门支持
Led by Chengdu Development and Reform Commission, supported by the Municipal
Network Governance Office and relevant departments.
Responsible agency
promote the interoperability and data sharing of the information systems of municipal departments and institutions. Standardize the process and mechanism of data
sharing for green and low-carbon development, and promote the interconnection and data sharing of the information systems of municipal departments and agencies.
(略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点Pilot Green and Low Carbon
Development Evaluation System for Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
1. (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状与趋势,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数构建
2. 以指数构建为基础,选取典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展评估,总结评估结果,优化评估体系
3. 依据评估结果,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展优秀案例评选和推广,形成一批典型案例。
1. Combining the current situation and trend of the development of industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, to carry out the construction of green and
low-carbon development index for industrial parks (industrial functional zones)
2. Based on the construction of the index, select typical industrial parks (industrial functional zones) to carry out the assessment, summaries the assessment results and
optimize the assessment system
3. Based on the assessment results, carry out the selection and promotion of excellent cases of green and low-carbon development in industrial parks (industrial
functional zones), and form a number of typical cases.
4.1 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数和评估报告 ,研究报告。
4.2 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展典型案例研究 ,研究报告。
4.1 Green and Low Carbon Development Index and Assessment Report of Chengdu
Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones) , Research Report.
4.2 Typical Case Study on Green and Low Carbon Development of Chengdu Industrial
Park (Industrial Functional Zone) , Research Report.
(略) 发改委牵头,市生态环境局 相关区(市)县政府支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment and relevant district (city) and county
2.3.1. 子项1: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系
Sub-component 1: Constructing an Indicator System for Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
项目内容:开展具有中国特色 成都 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳指标
的理论框架研究 开展机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与 (略) 和
(略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系和监测评估框架。开展机构分析 利益相关
(略) 民参与。
Project content: Conduct research on the theoretical framework of green and low-
carbon indicators with Chinese characteristics and Chengdu characteristics conduct
institutional analyses, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation and construct
a green and low-carbon development indicator system and a monitoring and
evaluation framework for Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area. Conduct
institutional analysis, stakeholder consultation and citizen engagement.
Task (1) Study on the indicator system for green and low-carbon development
以 主 题 -层 次 法 构 建 目 标 层 -系 统 层 -
指标层 指标体系框架: (略) 系统性和复杂性的认识,绿色低碳评价指
标 体 系 适 合 采 取 主 题 -
层次 构建法,即围绕 绿色低碳 主题,从不同维度提出指标集合并细分指
标,由目标层 系统层和指标层多层结构构成。其中,目标层反映指标体系的
绿色低碳发展指标体系的构建应包括但不限于资源利用 环境治理 环
境质量 生态保护 增长质量 绿色生活 公众满意度等方面。在指标
建立过程中,应该从概念 表述和数据解释上力求简洁明了。指标框架
Constructing the indicator system framework of target layer - system layer -
indicator layer by the theme - level method: Based on the understanding
of the systemic and complexity of cities, it is suitable to adopt the theme -
level method to construct the green and low-carbon evaluation indicator
system, i.e. to focus on the theme of green and low-carbon , propose a
collection of indicators from different dimensions and subbride them into
indicators. Based on the understanding of the systematic and complex nature
of cities, the green low-carbon evaluation indicator system is suitable for
adopting the theme-level construction method, i.e., focusing on the theme
of green low-carbon , proposing a collection of indicators and subbriding
the indicators in different dimensions, and consisting of a multi-layer
structure of the target layer, system layer and indicator layer. Among them,
the target layer reflects the evaluation areas of the indicator system, the
system layer reflects the systems that each evaluation area is composed of,
and the indicator layer reflects the indicators of each element, which can be
composed of one or more, and the indicators form a certain logical
relationship with each other, reflecting not only the main characteristics and
status of different systems, but also the intrinsic connection between them, so
as to form an organic whole.
基于目标引领 过程控制和结果导向确定评价领域: (略) 工作的系统
包括但不限于:发展绿色产业 (略) 空间布局 提升生态环境质量
推进绿色交通发展 加快绿色基础设施建设 推动绿色建筑与社区建
设 强化机制保障。
发展绿色产业:围绕数字经济 航空航天 现代交通 绿色低碳 大健
康 新消费 现代农业等8个产业生态圈,和28条重点产业链,构建绿
城市空间布局:城市空 (略) 的社会 经济 环境以及工程技术
与建筑空间组合的综合反映。 (略) 主要用地组成的不同形态表现
出来的。建立统 (略) 空间布局的指标体系,实现目标指标化
指标空间化,使指标可实施 可评估 可考核和可监管,有效指导下位
生态环境质量:从 蓝天 碧水 净土 生态 四个方面,从生
态格局 生态功能 生物多样性以及生态胁迫等角度构建生态环境质量
绿色交通发展:从减污降碳 用能结构 运输结构三个角度构建绿色交
绿色基础设施建设: (略) 生态基础设施体系 城市水系统 城市绿地
系统 城市能源系统方面构建基础设施绿色评价指标。
绿色建筑与社区建设:城市环境卫生 供水排水 燃气供热 垃圾处理
园林绿化 信息通讯 公众满意度等方面建立建筑与社区绿色评价指
机制保障:基于土地 能耗 环境 资金等要素构建机制保障评价指标
Determination of evaluation areas based on goal leadership, process
control and result orientation: Starting from the systematic and specialized
nature of urban work, with regional green and low-carbon development as
the core goal, and taking process control and result orientation into account,
the regional carbon reduction and carbon reduction goal is decomposed into
seven tasks, which together constitute the goal layer, including but not
limited to: developing green industries, optimizing urban spatial layout,
improving ecological environment quality, promoting green transport
development, accelerating green infrastructure construction, promoting green
building and community construction, and strengthening mechanism
Develop green industry: Build a green industry index system around eight
industrial ecosystems, including digital economy, aviation and aerospace,
modern transportation, green and low-carbon, large health, new consumption
and modern agriculture, and 28 key industrial chains, so as to promote the
high-quality development of Chengdu.
Urban spatial layout: Urban spatial layout is a comprehensive reflection of the
city s social, economic, environmental, engineering technology and
architectural space combination. It is expressed through the different forms
of the main land use in the city. Establish a unified index system to guide
urban spatial layout, achieve target indexation and spatial indicators, so that
indicators can be implemented, evaluated, assessed and supervised, and
effectively guide the next planning.
Ecological environment quality: From the four aspects of blue sky , clear
water , pure land and ecology , the main indicators of ecological
environment quality are constructed from the perspectives of ecological
pattern, ecological function, biobrersity and ecological stress.
Green transportation development: Establish green transportation development
indicators from three perspectives: pollution reduction and carbon reduction,
energy use structure and transportation structure.
Green infrastructure construction: Construct green evaluation index of
infrastructure from the aspects of urban ecological infrastructure system,
urban water system, urban green space system and urban energy system.
Green building and community construction: Establish building and
community green evaluation indicators in terms of urban environmental
sanitation, water supply and drainage, gas heating, garbage disposal,
landscaping, information and communication, and public satisfaction.
Mechanism guarantee: Construct mechanism guarantee evaluation index based
on land, energy consumption, environment, capital and other factors.
遵循准确性 便利性和有效性原则遴选指标:指标遴选需要综合考虑多
方面因素。所选取的指标要准确权威, (略) 形成统一的口径,
形成公平可比的评估结果。所选取的指标定义应简明清晰 避免误解,
数据应易于收集,并便于进行定量化处理。所选取的 (略) 的具
Selection of indicators in accordance with the principles of accuracy,
accessibility and effectiveness: The selection of indicators requires
comprehensive consideration of various factors. The selected indicators
should be accurate and authoritative and should be of a uniform caliber with
other cities, resulting in fair and comparable assessment results. The
definitions of the selected indicators should be concise and clear to avoid
misunderstanding, and the data should be easy to collect and quantify. The
selected indicators should be orientated towards the specific work of the city,
making it easy to differentiate between authority and spatial management
and providing direct guidance for the work.
制定监测评估框架:指标体系 (略) 圈 城市 区县层面的评价
,也可用于园区层面的评价 (略) 政府履行监督职责 分解绿
同区县 园区之间对比时,综合得分较差的区县 园区纳入政府负面管
Developing a monitoring and evaluation framework: the indicator system
can be used for evaluation at the metropolitan area, city, district and county
levels, as well as at the park level it can be used to assist municipal
governments in fulfilling their supervisory responsibilities and in breaking
down the goals and tasks of green and low-carbon development, and it can
be used for self-assessment and improvement of the targets of evaluation.
When used for comparison between different counties and parks, counties
and parks with worse overall scores will be included in the government s
negative management list, according to which more targeted regulatory
measures will be implemented and regular rectification will be required.
District and county governments and parks can develop their own indicator
systems according to their own realities, carry out self-examination and
dynamic assessment, and continuously improve the level of green
development through self-monitoring and adjustment. The municipal
government shall regularly and timely carry out assessments of urban and
rural green construction work and release the results, so as to fulfil the role of
social supervision.
任务(2)机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与
Task (2) Institutional Analysis, Stakeholder Consultation and Citizen Participation
本任 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展相关利益相关方分析评估,
This task carries out an analytical assessment of the stakeholders related to green and
low-carbon development in Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area, in order to
identify the main stakeholders and their impacts on the region s green and low-carbon
development, and to propose corresponding development recommendations. Specific
tasks include:
咨 询 当 地 的 主 要 利 益 相 关 方 ( 即 相 关 政 府 部 门 -
发改 规划 环保 交通等,以及相关社会团体)并通过流程使他们参
(略) 民参与计划并开展公众咨询。并且开展中小学普及教育主题
Conducting institutional analysis and stakeholder assessments, identifying key
institutions and stakeholders, and clarifying the scope of authority of each
institution and stakeholder.
Consultation with key local stakeholders (i.e. relevant government
departments - development and reform, planning, environmental protection,
transport, etc., as well as relevant social organizations) and a process to
involve them in the construction of the indicator system.
Developing a citizen participation program and conducting public
2.3.2. 子项2: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价Sub-
component 2: Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon
Development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展情况和 (略) 圈发展规划 实施情况进
Project content: Collect data based on the indicator system established in
Subcomponent 1, use the indicator system and the indicator guide to conduct mid-
term monitoring and evaluation of the green and low-carbon development of Chengdu
City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area and the implementation of the Chengdu
Metropolitan Area Development Plan, and further put forward recommendations on
sectoral policies and actions.
任务(3)数据收集和权重确定Data collection and developing weights
Collect necessary information to support baseline analysis for the development of
the Indexes and Sub-indexes. All information collected should be available on a
platform that any of the concerned agencies can access as a shared database. Key
information could include, but not be limited to, the following:
地理空间数据:生态环境 土地 房屋 设施 公共空间 就业和人口
的空间分布等基础数据 手机信令 工商企业 LBS(位置服务)等动
态感知大数据 城市总体规划 公共交通网络发展规划以及其他相关的
专题规划,如步行和自行车系统规划 公共空间规划 历史社区保护规
(略) 洪水风险管理规划等。所有数据应以可编辑的电子格式收集,
最好是使用GIS shapefile格式。
Geo-spatial data: basic data such as ecological environment, land, housing,
facilities, public space, spatial distribution of employment and population
dynamically sensed big data such as mobile phone signaling, industrial and
commercial enterprises, and LBS (location-based services) urban master
plans, public transport network development plans, and other relevant
thematic plans such as walking and cycling system plans, public space plans,
historic community preservation plans, and urban flood risk management
planning, etc. All data should be collected in an editable electronic format,
preferably in GIS shapefile format.
社会经济数据:经济增长 财政收入 人口和人口特征 住房和商业房
(略) 场指标等的最新统计数据。
Social-economic data: up-to-date statistics on economic growth, fiscal
revenues, population and demographic characteristics, housing and
commercial property market indicators, etc.
政策背景数据:当地有关土地开发与分区 产权 公共交通建设 规划
整合 地下空间开发 多种交通方式整合 低影响开发 公共空间规划
与设计 停车管理等方面的政策和法规。
Policy context information: relevant local policy and regulations on land
development and zoning, property rights, public transit construction,
planning integration, underground space development, multiple transport
mode integration, low-impact development, public space planning and
design, and parking management, etc.
数据来源包括政府统计数据 各部门各行业数据 互联网大数据 遥感数
据 专项调查数据等。专项调查数据通过抽样方法采集。
Data sources include government statistics, data from various sectors and
industries, Internet big data, remote sensing data and special survey data. Special
survey data are collected through sampling methods.
对 生 态 文 明
案之间进行比较。它在世界范围内被用于政府 商业 工业 医疗和教育等领
After each sub-index s indicators are chosen, they need to be weighted to identify
and take into consideration their contribution to ecological civilization . Given the
extremely subjective nature of this process, it is advised to employ the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) uses a framework
to structure a problem, represent and quantify its aspects, tie those elements to goals,
and simplify evaluation of potential solutions, allowing comparison between a list of
alternatives. It is employed worldwide in numerous decision-making circumstances in
sectors including government, business, industry, healthcare, and education1. When
determining the weights for indicators, there are three main steps:
(1) 使用层次结构来组织问题。AHP的层次结构通常包括顶部的总体目
(2) 通过配对比较,对标准进行评估,确定它们在层次结构中的重要性
(3) 通过AHP软件,根据调查得出的数据(从相关的利益相关者处收集
(1) Firstly, a hierarchy is used to organize the problems. An AHP hierarchy
typically consists of an overarching objective at the top, a set of options
or alternatives for achieving that goal at the bottom, and a set of criteria
connecting the options to the goal in the center.
( 2) Secondly, by incorporating pair-wise comparisons, the criteria are
assessed and their significance within the hierarchy is determined to
generate the weights.
( 3) Finally, weights are calculated for each indicator through an AHP
software based on survey-derived data (collected from relevant
stakeholders). During the survey, the respondents score the importance
of indicators to the sub-indexes based on their understanding of the
issues at hand.
然后,在将它们分组为子指数之前,需要通过一个被称为 规范化
1 Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas. 1994. Decision Making in Economic, Social and Technological
Environments. Pittsburgh: RWS Publications.
Then, before grouping them into sub-indexes, the indicators need to be
standardized through a process known as normalization . Then, the sub-indexes can
be built and weighted following the same approach.
对于指数有两种汇总类型:合并单个指标,形成子指数 将子指数组合起
There are two types of aggregation: Combining inbridual indicators to form sub-
indexes and combining sub-indexes to build the main index. Normalization is a
crucial step to make indicators comparable and allow their integration into the sub-
indexes and the main index. The process of normalization is used to make indicators
retrieved from brerse sources comparable within a single system. Effective
normalization methods2, according to international experience, are:
标准化: 将所有指标转换为一个共同的尺度,平均值为0,标准差为1
Ranking: using simple rankings
Standardization: Converting all indicators to a common scale with an
average of 0 and standard deviation of 1
Max-Min: calculating the ratio of the difference between the raw indicator
value and the minimum value brided by the range
Distance to a reference: briding the indicator by a reference such as a
benchmark or target
Categorical scale: assigning a categorical scale (numeric of qualitative) to an
(略) 进行评估或排名, (略) 政管理部门提高其绩效
Overall, the index (together with its sub-indexes and indicators) can be utilized to:
a) Evaluate or rank cities, and encourage municipal administrations to enhance
their performance
b) Make trend analysis possible, which, along with PSR analysis, can give
policymakers a foundation for evaluating the effects of their decisions.
c) Make it easier to identify problems and provide the analysis required to
support future policy creation.
d) Make it possible for PSR analysis to evaluate government initiatives to
ecological civilization and show how selected factors affect it.
Importantly, by employing this system, the main index shows not only how its
different indicators and sub-indices change over time, but also how they change in
relation to one another. Policymakers could then be better equipped to comprehend
the broad patterns of necessary policy interventions.
任务(4)分析评价诊断 Analyze and evaluation
本任务根据不同的研究和实践目标,开展总项 各分项的排名与解读,通
过横向和纵向对比的方式进行规律总结,对重要区域 典型案例进行深入研究
This task carries out the ranking and interpretation of the overall objective and
sub objectives according to different research and practice objectives, summarizes the
laws by way of horizontal and vertical comparisons, and carries out in-depth studies
and analyses of important regions and typical cases. On this basis, the way to conduct
sustainable path tracking and spatial and temporal carving in the future will be
clarified to facilitate the subsequent dynamic assessment. The dynamic assessment
can be brided into two implementation modes: annual assessment and five-year
assessment, and an effective applicable evaluation mechanism will be established
according to different assessment purposes. Including but not limited to:
(略) 及分区县绿色低碳发展监测评价
(略) 圈(成都 德阳 眉山 资阳)绿色低碳发展监测评价
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in
Chengdu City and Sub-district Counties
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in
Chengdu Metropolitan Area (Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan, Ziyang)
任务(5)部门政策与行动建议 Sectoral policies and action plan
,有重点 有目标地提出分部门 分区域的政策与行动建议。
Based on the judgement and understanding of the feasibility of the policy
recommendations and the functions of the relevant sectors, and in response
to the findings of the evaluation, focused and targeted sub sectoral and sub
regional policy and action recommendations are made.
Selection of key policy action scenarios to assess carbon reduction potential.
2.3.3. 子项3: (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略)
Component 3: Building a data-sharing and management platform for urban
green and low-carbon development led by the carbon peaking and carbon
neutrality targets based on the city brain
项目内容:一 (略) 城市智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建 双碳 数据
共享平台 二 (略) 主要碳排放源,在碳排放重点领域集成碳排放数据
与动态更新数据 三是开发碳考核指标 指标动态考核 趋势分析 异常监测
预警等功能 四是规范绿色低碳发展数据共享流程和机制, (略) 部门及机构
信息系统互联互通 数据共享。
Project content: Firstly, to build a dual-carbon data sharing platform based on the
Chengdu City Intelligent Management Platform (City Brain) secondly, to integrate
carbon emission data and dynamically updated data in the key areas of carbon
emission according to the main sources of carbon emission in Chengdu City thirdly,
to develop carbon assessment indicators, dynamic assessment of indicators, trend
analysis, abnormality monitoring and early warning functions fourthly, to standardize
the process and mechanism of green and low-carbon development data sharing, and to
promote the interconnection of information systems of municipal departments and
项目应用: (略) 智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建共享平台,可以填补
该市碳达峰碳中和数据平台空白,形成数据定期更新 反馈机制,及时 客观
门提供可视化的决策参考,辅助制定相关政策措施, (略) 精细治理打牢基础
Project application: Firstly, build a sharing platform based on the city s intelligent
management platform (city brain), which can fill in the blank of the city s carbon peak
carbon neutral data platform, form a mechanism for regular updating and feedback of
the data, and reflect the green development and future trends for the competent
authorities in a timely and objective manner. Secondly, it integrates carbon emission
data with dynamic update data based on major carbon emission sources and provides
application support for dual-carbon management scenarios. It can provide visualized
decision-making reference for the competent authorities, assist in the formulation of
relevant policies and measures, and lay a solid foundation for fine urban governance.
任务(6)搭建数据共享平台 Task (7) Build a data-sharing platform
搭建绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,主要从业务视角 功能视角和技术视角
功能视图包括:数据接入层 传输处理层 数据接入层以及数据应用层。技术
视角应从安全技术 隐私计算技术 存证溯源技术 数据控制技术 计算处理
To build a data-sharing platform for green and low-carbon development, the
architecture of the system platform is constructed mainly from the business
perspective, the functional perspective and the technical perspective. Under the
business perspective, the main participants of the system platform are considered. The
functional view of the system platform includes: data access layer, transmission
processing layer, data access layer, and data application layer. The technical
perspective should be integrated from the aspects of security technology, privacy
computing technology, deposit and traceability technology, data control technology,
and computing and processing technology.
任务(7)碳排放数据收集和处理 Carbon emissions data collection and processing
下功能:碳排放数据定期核算 趋势预测和分析 异常监测预警等,并提供可
的处理和分析,具有数据量大 结构形式多样 逻辑结构复杂等特点。项目团
,构建统一时空数据底座,建立分析数据模型,对数据进行跟踪 处理和解决
Collect the necessary carbon emission data and interface with the database
systems of various departments through a data-sharing platform to achieve hassle-free
data interfacing and processing. Data collection includes, but is not limited to, the
following: geospatial data, public transport data, public facilities data. Carbon
emission data management and monitoring includes, but is not limited to, the
following functions: regular accounting of carbon emission data, trend prediction and
analysis, abnormal monitoring and early warning, etc., and providing visualized
decision-making reference suggestions. In this work, it involves the processing and
analysis of carbon emission related data from more different industries, which is
characterized by large amount of data, brerse structural forms and complex logical
structure. The project team should have the corresponding technology for data
Through data processing, spatial data within the scope and special data on carbon
emissions are established based on research data and multi-source data, forming the
results of spatially oriented data governance and analysis of carbon emissions. Carry
out data analysis and feature mining from multiple perspectives and prepare a
research and analysis report on energy use and carbon emissions. Through data
processing, a unified spatial and temporal data base is constructed, an analytical data
model is established, and data are tracked, processed and resolved to achieve full
management of data quality.
任务(8)双碳智慧管理应用模块开发 Dual Carbon Smart Management
Application Module Development
建碳排放数据体系和碳排放核算体系, (略) 碳排放监测与动态清单。
通过碳监测平台的建设,将范围内的空间数据与碳排放的专项数据 核算方法
据模型,对数据进行跟踪 处理和解决,实现对数据质量的全程管理。以此为
基础,能够在空间层级上实现碳排放基准线分析 对标分析 减排潜力评估等
专题应用,为相关政策的制定 政策效用评估 政策实施路径等提供数据环境
Carbon Emission Monitoring and Dynamic Inventory: Carbon Emission Monitoring
and Dynamic Inventory mainly focuses on key carbon emission sources, constructs a
carbon emission data system and a carbon emission accounting system, and then
establishes an urban carbon emission monitoring and dynamic inventory. Through the
construction of the carbon monitoring platform, the spatial data within the scope and
the special data of carbon emission, accounting methodology, etc. are integrated with
multiple sources to form a spatially oriented carbon emission data governance and
presentation. An analytical data model is established to track, process and resolve the
data to achieve full management of data quality. Based on this, thematic applications
such as carbon emission baseline analysis, benchmarking analysis and assessment of
emission reduction potential can be achieved at the spatial level, providing data
environment support for the formulation of relevant policies, assessment of policy
effectiveness and policy implementation paths.
碳预算与考核预警: (略) 动态排放清单,建立碳预算与考核预警
Carbon budget and assessment and early warning: The platform establishes a
carbon budget and assessment and early warning system based on the city s dynamic
emission inventory, constructs a dynamic emission inventory for key areas,
establishes a corresponding carbon emission assessment and evaluation mechanism,
then breaks down the targets and allocates the carbon budget, and also analyses the
trend and warns of risks through the dynamic monitoring of carbon emission sources.
供支持,构建碳资产项目库 碳资产开发项目可以减少碳排放 增加碳汇 遵
各类减排项目进行识别梳理,根据实施机制分类,建立 (略) 场 国家
自愿碳减排 国际自愿碳减排 地方碳普惠等机制的碳资产分类分级储备与管
理项目库。 (略) 场政策发展进程设立符合 (略) 场发展环境的资产
开发与管理计划,逐渐完善碳资产的储备 开发 交易等的全周期管理机制。
Carbon Asset Development and Project Pool: Carbon asset development
provides support for carbon emission reduction mainly through the analysis of
emission reduction potential and the construction of a carbon asset project pool
carbon asset development projects can reduce carbon emissions, increase carbon sinks
and comply with national and international carbon emission reduction policies, thus
obtaining carbon credits or emission reduction units, and realizing carbon trading and
economic gains. At the same time, the project library can also help enterprises or
investors to quickly understand and find carbon asset development projects with
sustainable development potential and reduce the investment risk and cost of carbon
asset development. Identify and sort out various types of emission reduction projects
within the scope, classify them according to the implementation mechanism, and set
up a carbon asset classification and grading reserve and management project database
including national carbon market, national voluntary carbon emission reduction,
international voluntary carbon emission reduction, local carbon inclusion and other
mechanisms. It will also set up asset development and management plans in
accordance with the development process of market policies that are in line with local
realities and the market development environment, and gradually improve the full-
cycle management mechanism of carbon asset reserves, development and trading.
用能及碳排放变化监测情况进行展示,通过整合 汇聚片区内用能数据,计算
分析视图,针 (略) 各区县 各类建筑为统计范围的用能及碳排放分
析。界面展示统计指标的区位分布 建筑类型分布情况,并应提供时间序列图
Decision-making Cockpit: With carbon assessment as the goal, the carbon
emission intensity, energy consumption intensity and emission reduction trend of the
assessment target can be quickly queried, so as to realize the efficient supervision of
carbon emission reduction. It displays the monitoring of regional energy consumption
and carbon emission changes in a simple and easy-to-use way, and quickly monitors
regional energy consumption and carbon emission changes by integrating and
aggregating energy consumption data within the area and calculating energy
consumption and carbon emission indicators. Through a series of analysis views,
users can analyses the energy consumption and carbon emissions of each city, district
and county, and each type of building as the statistical scope in the past years. The
interface shows the distribution of statistical indicators by district and building type
and should provide time series charts to view the changes of the above indicators,
which can be filtered for different regional boundaries and different types of energy-
using units and linked to the map display.
任务(9)建立绿色低碳数据共享机制Task (9) Establishment of a green low-
carbon data-sharing mechanism
数据共享过程 数据共享安全性和数据共享监管。
Using blockchain technology to build a secure and trustworthy data sharing
mechanism, which mainly contains data quality assurance, data sharing process, data
sharing security and data sharing regulation.
限界定方法明确数据共享的标准与范围,对数据使用者的检索 下载及共享行
保上链数据以高质量的状态持续共享 其次,数据安全是保障数据质量的关键
,对数据进行收集整理时应对数据来源 数据格式 数据规范进行严格审查,
隐私的保护程度,确保数据共享以安全有效的方式推进 最后,在用户需求方
面应完善数据需求方与数据管理者之间的沟通与反馈机制,借助数据脱敏 非
Data quality assurance consists of the following three aspects: first, in terms of
data permissions, the standards and scope of data sharing are clarified through the
development of effective permission definition methods, and the retrieval,
downloading and sharing behaviors of data users are supervised to ensure that the
whole process of data use is within the scope of permissions meanwhile, the shared
data should be regularly reviewed, and the cycle is set according to the process of data
sharing to ensure that the uploaded data are continuously shared in a high-quality state
by means of repeated audits and strict supervision second, data security is the key to
guaranteeing data quality. Secondly, data security is the key to guaranteeing data
quality. When collecting and arranging data, data sources, data formats, and data
specifications should be strictly examined to guarantee the authority and accuracy of
the shared data, and the quality control of government data should be strictly
implemented from the data management process and organizational structure of the
administrators when the data are in use. Finally, in terms of user demand, the
communication and feedback mechanism between the data demand side and data
managers should be improved, and the protection of personal privacy information
should be improved with the help of data desensitization, asymmetric encryption and
other technologies, so as to safeguard the quality of the data while balancing the
relationship between data utilization and privacy protection.
数据共享过程主要经过数据申请 数据授权和数据发布3个流程。数据申请
的请求 数据授权主要审核节点身份和数据内容,将按照预设的智能合约条款
息录入区块 数据发布也需要链上节点发出请求,根据数据类型划分不同的子
The data sharing process mainly goes through three processes: data application, data
authorization and data release. Data application refers to the user joining the
blockchain system through node registration, and issuing a request to apply for data
uploading to the blockchain as a node on the chain data authorization mainly audits
the identity of nodes and data content, and automatically authorizes nodes that satisfy
the requirements in accordance with the terms of the preset smart contract, and allows
the node to enter the data information into the block after the consensus of the other
nodes on the chain is passed data release also requires the nodes on the chain to issue
a request, and enter the data details into the distributed ledger under the subdirectory
according to the type of data. Data release also requires the nodes on the chain to
issue a request to bride different subdirectories according to the data types, enter the
details of the data into the distributed ledger under the subdirectories, and at the same
time, enter the address value of the previous block, which is used to ensure the
continuity between the blocks.
但不限于环签名 同态加密 安全多方计算等安全传输的方式,对用户可识别
信息进行脱敏处理或差分隐私处理 利用区块链的签名机制和零知识证明等技
术,实现用户数据共享的同时保证用户隐私 利用底层链系统的安全计算模块
Data sharing security: take measures to protect user privacy and prevent leakage
of private information, adopt secure transmission methods including but not limited to
ring signature, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, etc., and
carry out desensitization processing or differential privacy processing of user
identifiable information make use of blockchain s signature mechanism and zero-
knowledge proof and other technologies to realize the sharing of user data and at the
same time ensure user privacy make use of the security of the underlying chain
system to implement business requirements such as data analysis and computation on
the basis of data without sharing. Calculation module to achieve business
requirements such as data analysis and computing on the basis that data need not be
shared. Traceability of records ensures that the data operation at each moment is
unchangeable and recorded according to the timestamp, and the chain connection
between blocks, combined with various methods and algorithms, ensures that the
transaction records can be queried at any time, so as to realize the traceability of
建立数据共享的政策和相关法规制度 对数据共享过程进行评估和监测 加强
Data-sharing regulation: establish a data-sharing agency or department
responsible for the supervision and management of data-sharing establish data-
sharing policies and a system of related regulations assess and monitor the data-
sharing process and strengthen data security and privacy protection.
2.3.4. 子项4: (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点Sub-
component 4: Pilot Green and Low Carbon Development Evaluation System
for Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
项目内容:该子项包含三方面内容, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)的
发展现状 产业要素 产业特点进行分析,并结合国际国内优秀案例,建立具
有成都特色的产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系 二是以评价体
对比评价结果,优化和完善绿色低碳发展评价体系 三是依据评价体系和典型
Project content: This sub-project contains three aspects, one is to analyses the
development status quo, industrial elements and industrial characteristics of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, and establish a green and low-carbon
development evaluation system for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) with
characteristics of Chengdu by combining the international and domestic excellent
cases the second is to carry out green and low-carbon development evaluation based
on the construction of the evaluation system by selecting a typical park (functional
zone) The second is to select typical parks (functional zones) based on the
construction of the evaluation system to carry out the evaluation of green low-carbon
development, release and vertically compare the evaluation results, and optimize and
improve the evaluation system of green low-carbon development. Enhance the appeal
and influence of green and low-carbon development and make the concept of green
and low-carbon development deeply rooted in people s hearts.
Project application: The application level includes four aspects. Firstly, it is to sort
out the elements of industrial parks (industrial functional zones) and summaries the
evaluation elements of industrial development with Chengdu characteristics.
Secondly, based on the advanced cases at home and abroad and the development
factors of Chengdu s industrial parks (industrial zones), the green and low-carbon
development index evaluation system with Chengdu s characteristics will be refined
and established. Thirdly, based on the established green and low-carbon development
index system for industrial parks (industrial functional zones), select typical cases
with industrial characteristics, organize relevant expert judges to evaluate the typical
cases, and feedback the evaluation results to optimize the development index
evaluation system. Fourthly, assist the relevant departments in summarizing the
practices and paths of green low-carbon demonstration zones, promote the
popularization of green low-carbon development indexes and green low-carbon
production methods, and organize relevant experts to explain the indexes and promote
the cases, so as to enhance the appeal and influence of green low-carbon
development, and to make the concept of green low-carbon development deeply
rooted in people s hearts.
任务(10)成都产业园区(产业功能区)综合要素评估Comprehensive factor
assessment of Chengdu Industrial Park (Industrial Functional Zone)
限 于 : Summarize the elements of industrial development assessment that are
characteristic of Chengdu. The summary of industrial elements should include but not
limited to:
产 业 发 展 趋 势 梳 理
Sorting out the current status of industrial development
Sorting out the characterization of industrial development
Sorting out industrial development plans
Sorting out industrial production methods
Sorting out industrial ecosystem
Sorting out the development trend of the industry
任务(11)构建产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数Task (11)
Constructing a Green and Low Carbon Development Index for Industrial Parks
(Industrial Functional Zones)
on advanced cases at home and abroad and the development characteristics of
Chengdu industrial parks (industrial functional zones), identify the main problems of
green and low-carbon development in industrial parks (industrial functional zones),
and refine and establish a green and low-carbon development index evaluation system
with Chengdu characteristics. These evaluation indexes mainly include, but should
not be limited to:
Green low carbon investment dimensions
Green and low carbon industry planning dimensions
Green low carbon master planning dimensions
Green low carbon building design dimensions
Green low carbon building construction dimensions
Green low carbon industry production chain dimensions
Green low carbon office business dimensions
Green low carbon circulation transaction dimensions
Green low carbon park living consumption dimensions
Green low carbon future development resilience dimensions
数据。 (略) 低碳发展指标体系指数化,依据一定的打分规则和评分细则进
Based on the above key indicators, identify and establish each measurement indicator,
and study and design the secondary indicators of the relevant indicators, establish the
qualitative and quantitative evaluation indexes and scoring weights of the first-level
and second-level indicators, and collect the corresponding data. In order to index the
urban low-carbon development indicator system, uniform scoring is carried out based
on certain scoring rules and scoring details, so as to form an evaluation model that can
be put into practice.
任务(12)典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展指标评估Task (12) Indicator
Assessment of Typical Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
化发展指数评估体系。选取的试点产业功能区2023年7月均 (略) 首批近
According to the green and low-carbon development index system for industrial parks
(industrial functional zones) established, the Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industrial
Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern Industrial Port) and Chang an Intravenous
Industrial Park (Chengdu Environment Group Environmental Protection Park) were
taken as the pilot industrial functional zones, and the relevant experts were organised
to evaluate the typical cases, and the results of the evaluation were fed back to
optimise the development index evaluation system. The selected pilot industrial
functional zones will all be created as the first batch of near-zero carbon emission
parks in Chengdu in July 2023, with the following basic information:
成 都 绿 色 氢 能 产 业 功 能 区 ( 挂 牌 成 都 现 代 工 业 港 ) 占 地
66.8平方公里,涵盖郫筒街道 红光街道全域,属碳中和产业生态圈和汽车产
业生态圈,主导产业为 氢能装备和电子信息配套装备 , 规划核心区
2个 , 分 别 是 氢 能 技 术 和 创 新 孵 化 基 地 ( 1.6 平 方 公 里 )
氢 能 装 备 制 造 与 应 用 基 地 ( 1.4 平 方 公 里 ) 。 本 次 拟 将 园 区 的 A
区作为试点,该区域包括了成都现代工业港北片区 北片区拓展区及小微企业
创 新 园 。 A
华路,西至佘林家路。规划建设面积 8.29 平方公里。
Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industry Functional Zone (listed Chengdu Modern
Industrial Port) covers an area of 66.8 square kilometres, covering PI Street,
Hongguang Street, the whole area, is a carbon-neutral industrial ecosystem and
automotive industry ecosystem, the leading industry for hydrogen energy equipment
and electronic information supporting equipment , the planning of the core area of 2,
respectively, hydrogen technology and innovation incubation base (1.6 square
kilometres), hydrogen equipment manufacturing and application base (1.4 square
kilometres). Two core areas are planned, namely hydrogen energy technology and
innovation incubation base (1.6 square kilometres) and hydrogen energy equipment
manufacturing and application base (1.4 square kilometres). It is proposed to take
Area A of the park as a pilot project, which includes the North Area of Chengdu
Modern Industrial Harbour, the Expansion Area of the North Area and the Innovation
Park for Small and Micro Enterprises. Area A is located to the north of National
Highway 317, with the following four boundaries: north to Gangtai Avenue, south to
Hongguang Avenue, east to Honghua Road, and west to Shelinjia Road. The planned
construction area is 8.29 square kilometers.
图1 成都绿色氢能产业功能区(成都现代工业港)
Figure 1: Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industry Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern
Industrial Port)
试点区产业结构以智能设备制造 智能终端整机制造产业为主。截止
2021年 底 , A 区 引 进 企 业 431 家 , 其 中 规 上 工 业 规 上 服 务 业
限上批零住餐四上企业共计131家,企业产业类别主要为电气机械制造 设备制
造 金属制品 建材及新材料 电子信息 包装印务 食品及其他轻工等产业
比 为 14%, 金 属 制 品 业 企 业 占 比 9%,
The industrial structure of the pilot zone is dominated by intelligent equipment
manufacturing and intelligent terminal manufacturing. By the end of 2021, 431
enterprises have been introduced into Zone A, including 131 enterprises in industrial,
service industry and wholesale, retail and foodstuffs, and the industrial categories of
the enterprises are mainly electrical machinery manufacturing, equipment
manufacturing, metal products, building materials, electronic information, packaging
and printing, food and other light industries. The number of electrical machinery
manufacturing enterprises is the largest, accounting for 19 per cent, followed by
general equipment manufacturing enterprises accounting for 14 per cent, metal
products industry enterprises accounting for 9 per cent, followed by special equipment
manufacturing and printing industry enterprises accounting for 8 per cent each.
园区企业包含成都深冷 (略) 中国东方电气集团有限公
司 万控科技(成都)有限公司 四川川润 (略) 等。
Enterprises in the park include Chengdu Deep-Cooling Liquefaction Equipment
Co., Ltd, China Oriental Electric Corporation, Wanchuan Technology (Chengdu) Co.
Table X Presentation of selected companies in the park
园区企业Enterprises in the park 简介 Brief
成都深冷 (略)
Chengdu Deep-Cooling
Liquefaction Equipment Co.
创 立 于 2008
年,是省属国企蜀道投资集团实际控股的混 (略) 企业。公司是国内知名的深冷技术装备制造服务(各类气体的净化 分离 液化) 绿色能源开发利用(氢能源 充电站) 交通装备制造服务(加油站 加气站) 气体投资运营供应商。
Founded in 2008, it is a listed mixed ownership enterprise actually held by the provincial state-owned enterprise Shudao Investment Group. The company is a well-known domestic supplier of deep-cooling technology equipment manufacturing services (purification,
separation and liquefaction of all kinds of gases), green energy development and utilisation (hydrogen energy, charging stations), transportation equipment manufacturing services (petrol stations, filling stations) and gas investment and operation.
中国 (略)
China Eastern Electric
Corporation Limited
全球最大的发电设备制造和电站工程总承包企业集团之一, 发电设备产量累计超过6亿千瓦,已连续 18 年发电设备产量位居世界前列。
It is one of the world s largest power generation equipment manufacturers and power plant general contractors, with a cumulative output of more than 600 million kilowatts of power generation equipment, and has been ranked among the world s top producers of power
generation equipment for 18 consecutive years.
Wanchuan Technology (Chengdu)
万控集团创立于1991年,总部设立于浙江温州,分别在丽水 天津 成都 温州 太仓等地建立了生产基地,主要生产高低压电气机柜 中压断路器等产品, 是国内电气机柜领域最大的制造商。
Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, WCG has set up production bases in Lishui, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wenzhou, Taicang, etc. WCG mainly produces high and low-voltage electrical cabinets, medium-voltage circuit breakers, etc., and it is
the largest manufacturer in the field of electrical cabinets in China.
四川川润 (略)
Sichuan Chuanrun Hydraulic
Lubrication Equipment Co.
成立于2006年,是国内最大的润滑液压设备生产基地,目 前拥有风电行业 润滑液压 (略) 场地位,其风力发电液压润滑装置产品已全面替代进口并走向国际化。
Founded in 2006, is the largest lubrication and hydraulic equipment production base, currently has the wind power industry, lubrication and hydraulics industry, the first market position, its wind power hydraulic lubrication device products have been a comprehensive
alternative to imports and towards internationalization.
Projects planned for the Park to achieve a Net Zero Carbon Park after 2023
长安静脉产业园(成都环境集团环保园) (略) 龙泉驿区万兴乡和洛
带镇交界处,地处中心城区东郊 龙泉山西簏,位 (略) 森林公园中。
(略) 中心约28公里,总规划用地面积为4.67平方公里。位于龙泉驿区
要场所, (略) 垃圾的无害化处理。近年来,依托长安垃圾填埋场,逐渐建
Chang an Vein Industrial Park (Chengdu Environment Group Environmental Park) is
located at the junction of Wanxing Township and Luodai Township, Longquanyi
District, Chengdu, in the eastern suburb of the central city and the basket of
Longquanshan Mountain, in the Longquanshan Urban Forest Park. The park is about
28 kilometres away from the centre of Chengdu, with a total planned land area of 4.67
square kilometres. Located at the junction of Luodai Town and Wanxing Township in
Longquanyi District, Chang an Landfill (Phase I and II), covering an area of more
than 1,500 acres, was completed in 1992 and formally put into use in 1993, and is the
main landfill site for domestic rubbish in Chengdu s central city and the surrounding
districts and counties, being in charge of harmless treatment of rubbish in the city. In
recent years, relying on the Chang an landfill, other supporting solid waste treatment
projects have been gradually built.
长 安 静 脉 产 业 园 -
成都环境集团环保园涵盖万兴环保发电厂 垃圾渗滤液处理厂 危废处置中心
长安垃圾填埋场及周边绿化。目前,一个以长安垃圾填埋场 生活垃圾焚烧
发电厂为核心的 (略) 中心城区并辐射到周边区县的静脉产业集群已
Chang an Vein Industrial Park - Chengdu Environment Group s Environmental Park
covers the Wanxing Environmental Power Plant, the Waste Leachate Treatment Plant,
the Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre, the Chang an Landfill and the surrounding
greenery. At present, a venous industry cluster taking Chang an landfill and domestic
waste incineration power plant as the core, serving the downtown area of Chengdu
and radiating to the surrounding districts and counties has already taken shape.
图2 长安静脉产业园(成都环境集团环保园)
Figure 2 Chang an Vein Industrial Park (Chengdu Environmental Group
Environmental Park)
园区内部分建成项目包括万兴环保发电厂 (略) 成都危险废物处置中心
垃圾渗滤液处理厂(一期,二期) 垃圾渗滤液处理厂(三期)等。
Some of the completed projects in the park include Wanxing Environmental
Protection Power Plant, Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre of Sichuan
Province, Waste Leachate Treatment Plant (Phase I, Phase II) and Waste Leachate
Treatment Plant (Phase III).
Completed projects in the park
Wanxing Environmental Power
万兴环保发电厂一期2017年2月正式运行,占地180亩,设计处理能力2400吨/日,实际入厂垃圾约2700吨/日。都市万兴环保发电厂二期设计规模为3000吨/日,年可处理生活垃圾109.5万吨。项 (略) 政污泥干化生产线年处理湿污泥13.86万吨。二期项目投入运行后年可发3.96 108千瓦时,其中
上网电量约3.16 108千瓦时/年。
The first phase of Wanxing Environmental Power Plant, which was officially operated in February 2017, covers an area of 180 acres and has a design capacity of 2,400 tons/day, with about 2,700 tons/day of actual incoming waste. The design scale of the second phase of the Metropolitan Wanxing Environmental Power Plant
is 3,000 tons/day, with an annual capacity of 1,095,000 tonnes of domestic waste. The project is synchronized with the construction of a municipal sludge drying production line to process 138,600 tons of wet sludge per year. The second phase of the project can generate 3.96 108 kWh per year after it is put into operation, of
which about 3.16 108 kWh/year will be fed into the grid.
(略) 成都危险废物处置中心
Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal
Centre, Sichuan Province
(略) 成都危险废物处置中心一期项目处理能力为3.26万吨/年,其中焚烧10000吨/年,物化7600吨/年,固化15000吨/年,危险废物处理类别31类。二期项目设计处理能力6.3万吨/年,危险废物处理类别40类,项目选址在一期现有建设范围内。三期项目设计处置规模为5万吨/年,占地约95亩。
The first phase of the Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre in Sichuan Province has a capacity of 32,600 tons/year, including 10,000 tons/year of incineration, 7,600 tons/year of materialization and 15,000 tons/year of curing, with 31 categories of hazardous waste treatment. The second phase of the project is designed to
handle 63,000 tons/year, with 40 hazardous waste treatment categories, and the project site is within the existing construction area of the first phase. The third-phase project is designed to dispose of 50,000 tons/year and covers an area of about 95 acres.
垃圾渗滤液处理厂(一期,二期) 一期工程设计规模为日处理渗滤液1300吨,采用 外置式膜生化反应器 反渗透 工艺,膜系统产生的浓缩液回灌垃圾填埋场,具有较高环境污染风险 二期工程设计规模为日处理渗滤液1000吨,采用外置式膜生化反应器 纳滤/反渗透工艺,膜系统产生的浓缩液进入浓缩液处理系统,通过高级氧化
Refuse Leachate Treatment Plant
(Phase I, Phase II)
The design scale of the first-phase project is 1,300 tons of leachate per day, adopting external membrane biochemical reactor reverse osmosis process, and the concentrate produced by the membrane system is recharged into the landfill, which has a high risk of environmental pollution the design scale of the second-phase
project is 1,000 tons of leachate per day, adopting external membrane biochemical reactor Nano-filtration/reverse osmosis process, and the concentrate produced by the membrane system enters into the concentrate treatment system, and is discharged through advanced oxidative process and meets the standard.
Refuse Leachate Treatment Plant
(Phase III)
(略) 垃圾渗滤处理厂三期位于万兴环保发电厂二期南侧,用于处理万兴环保发电厂二期产生的全部渗滤液 填埋场三期的全部渗滤液(焚烧发电项目建成后,填埋场三期转为应急填埋场,不再填埋生活垃圾) 长安垃圾填埋场一 二期的部分渗滤液以及其他项目的部分沼液等。本项目占地面积为
Chengdu Waste Leachate Treatment Plant Phase III is located at the south side of Wanxing Environmental Protection Power Plant Phase II, which is used to treat all the leachate generated by Wanxing Environmental Protection Power Plant Phase II, all the leachate of Landfill Phase III (after the completion of the incineration
power generation project, Landfill Phase III will be turned into an emergency landfill, and will no longer be used to fill in the domestic rubbish), part of the leachate of Chang an Waste Landfill Phase I and Phase II, as well as some of the methane from other projects, etc. The project covers an area of 50 acres and has been
completed and put into operation. The project covers an area of 50 acres, with a leachate treatment scale of 2,000 tons per day, and has already been completed and put into operation.
Projects planned to achieve a net zero carbon park after 2023:
The main workflow can be followed as follows:
The participating units will submit the information of the participating
industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in accordance with the
requirements for participation, and the participating units will conduct the
preliminary self-evaluation according to the green and low-carbon indicator
A team of selection experts will review the information and self-assessment
results of the participating organizations in the initial assessment and conduct
a reassessment in accordance with the evaluation system of the Green and
Low Carbon Development Index.
Based on the re-evaluation by experts, 1-2 excellent cases of typical industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) of each type will be selected.
Optimize and improve the assessment system of the Green Low Carbon Index
based on the practical effects during the initial and reassessment processes
and form a long-term assessment system that can be put into practice.
任务(13)产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳示范项目总结及推广 Task (13)
Summary and Promotion of Green and Low Carbon Demonstration Projects in
Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
Based on the results of the selection of typical industrial parks (industrial functional
zones), form a summary report on the outstanding green and low-carbon cases of
typical industrial parks (industrial functional zones), cooperate with the WB project
team and the relevant departments of Chengdu, promote and popularize the indicators
of green and low-carbon development and the green and low-carbon production
methods, and organize relevant experts to give explanations on the indicators and
promote the cases to enhance the appeal and influence of green and low-carbon
development and make the concept of green and low-carbon development deeply
rooted in people s hearts and minds. development concept is deeply rooted in people s
2.4. 关键的成果与计划Key Deliverables and schedule
出。以下是每项任务下预期的项目产出清单(最低要求)。For each deliverable,
the consultant will deliver a standalone presentation summarizing the output of each
phase. A List of Expected Project Outputs that would be expected under each task is
provided below (minimum requirement)
表3:关键成果 Table 3: Key deliverables
Task No.
任 务
Key deliverables
(1) - 开题报告 Kick-off Report 签 订 合 同
后 2 个月
2 months
after signing
(2) - (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标理论框
- 利益相关方分析报告
- (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系研
- Research Report on the Theoretical Framework of
Green and Low Carbon Development Indicators for
Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
- Stakeholder Analysis Report
- Research Report on the Indicator System for Green
and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
签 订 合 同
后 6 个月
6 months
after signing
(3) - (略) 绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
- (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
- Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu City
- Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu Metropolitan Area
签 订 合 同
后 12 个
12 months
after signing
(4) - 确定系统平台的功能视图和采用的系统平台架构
- 设计多源异构数据处理技术,实现数据对接和处
- Determine the functional view of the system platform
and the adopted system platform architecture
- Design of multi-source heterogeneous data processing
techniques for data interfacing and processing
签 订 合 同
后 16 个
16 months
after signing
(5) - (略) 主要碳排放源构建碳排放数据管理与
- 开发绿色低碳发展指标对比 趋势分析 异常监
- Build a carbon emission data management and
monitoring system based on the major carbon
emission sources in Chengdu and construct a special
carbon emission database.
- Develop functions such as comparison of green and
low-carbon development indicators, trend analysis,
abnormal monitoring and early warning
签 订 合 同
后 24 个
24 months
after signing
(6) - 构建安全可信的数据共享机制,开发包括碳排放
动态监测 碳考核 碳资产 决策驾驶舱等核心
签 订 合 同
后 26 个
- (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台
- 完成 (略) 部门及机构间数据共享操作指南
- Construct a safe and credible data-sharing mechanism,
and develop a dual-carbon management application
module that includes core functions such as dynamic
monitoring of carbon emissions, carbon assessment,
carbon assets and decision-making cockpit
- Establish a data-sharing platform for green and low-
carbon development in Chengdu
- Completion of the Operational Guidelines for Data
Sharing among Departments and Agencies in
26 months
after signing
(7) - 成都产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展要素
- 构建成都特色的产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低
- 选取典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展评估,形
- 完成 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
发展指数和评估报告 。
- Current Situation of Green and Low Carbon
Development Factors in Chengdu Industrial Park
(Industrial Functional Zone)
- Construct a green and low-carbon development index
for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) with
Chengdu characteristics
- Select typical industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) to carry out assessment and form assessment
results and excellent cases of typical parks.
- Completion of the Green and Low Carbon
Development Index and Assessment Report of
Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional
签 订 合 同
后 28 个
28 months
after signing
(8) - 开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展优秀
- 完成 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
发展案例研究 。
- Carry out the selection and promotion of excellent
cases of green and low-carbon development in
签 订 合 同
后 30 个
30 months
after signing
industrial parks (industrial functional zones)
- Complete the case study on Green and Low Carbon
Development of Chengdu Industrial Park (Industrial
Functional Zone).
2.1.服务期Term of Services
The advisory service needed for this project is for a period of 30 months, from
October 2023 to March 2026.
2.2.项目管理办公室提供的支持 Support provided by PMO
1. (略) 各部门协调,提供所需数据(如有费用,顾问公司应承担数据
2. 为项目的公众咨询提供必要的协助(如有任何费用,顾问公司应承担公
3. 为整个项目提供必要的协助,如组织会议并通知与会者,提供会议室和
1. Coordinate with Chengdu municipal departments to provide required data (in
case of any cost, the consultant shall bear the costs for the data).
2. Provide essential assistance to public consultation for the project (in case of
any cost, the consultant shall bear the costs for the public consultation).
3. Provide essential assistance throughout the project, such as meeting
organization with notification to participants, provision of meeting rooms
and supplies, coordination with video conferences, etc. (in case of any cost,
the consultant shall bear the costs for the above activities).
3. 所需的专业知识Expertise required
该 (略) 规划 碳排放核算 数据分析 环境 信息技术 产业和
社会保障等方面的专家136个人月, (略) 机构未来的沟通和参与能力。见
顾问和专业职位计划(表4)。咨询公司应提交其拟议的组织结构图 所有预期
The project requires specialists in urban planning, carbon emission accounting, data
analysis, environment, IT, industry and safeguards and other aspects of 136 months
and development of capacity for communications and engagement by the city
agencies in the future. See consultants and professional positions into one monthly
plan, Table 4. The consultant firm shall submit their proposed organization chart,
names and qualifications of all expected staff, including estimated experts who will
work for the project within the project implementing period.
Table 4: Consultant Table表4:顾问表
顾问职位和专业 Consultant positions and profession
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长)
High Quality Development and Low Carbon Economy Specialist (Team
10 5
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长)
Information Technology Specialist (Deputy Team Leader) 12 6
3. 城市经济学专家
Urban Economics Specialist 8 4
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析)
GIS and IT Specialist (GIS, data analytics) 8 4
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域)
Environment Safeguards Specialist (Ecological, low carbon field) 8 4
6. 社会保障专家
Social Safeguards Specialist 8 4
7. (略) 规划专家或环境规划专家(国际专家)
Senior Urban Planning Specialist or Environmental Planning Specialist 2 1
8. 环境和可持续性专家
Environment and Sustainability Specialist 8 4
9. 低碳专家
Low Carbon Specialist 8 4
10. 绿色高质量发展专家
Green High-quality Development Specialist 8 4
11. 产业发展和运营专家
Industrial Development and Development Specialist 6 3
12. 产业规划专家
Industrial Planning Specialist 6 3
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向)
IT Specialist (Platform Construction) 8 4
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向)
IT Specialist (Data Analysis) 8 4
15. 城市可持续发展专家
Urban Sustainable Development Specialist 8 4
16. 项目助理
Project Assistant 20 10
Total number of months of experts 136 68
(1)咨询机构的资质 Qualifications of consulting firms
(略) 相关项目经验者优先,具有与世界银行GEF项目合作成功经验的优先
The consulting firm or joint venture should have more than 10 years and wide range
of expertise and experiences in developing and implementing green and low-carbon
indicators. The consulting firm or joint venture should have project experience in
China, with experience in relevant projects in Sichuan Province and Chengdu City
preferred, and successful experience in working with the World Bank s GEF program
preferred. The consulting firm or joint venture should have relevant international
project experience. Strong program coordination and management skills are required,
including high quality data assessment and report production.
(2)对顾问的资格要求 Qualification requirements for consultants
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长)
High Quality Development and Low Carbon Economy Specialist (Team Leader)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职
持或作为主要成员参与过不 (略) 低碳相关的课题或项目。熟悉国内外超
(略) 绿色低碳指标的制定和实施, (略) 发展,特别是成 (略)
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in high-quality green development and low-carbon
economy research or practical experience. He or she should lead or participate as a
key member in no less than 3 urban low carbon related research or projects. He or she
should be familiar with the development and implementation of green and low-carbon
indicators for mega-cities at home and abroad, and has a deep understanding of
Chinese urban development, especially the development of Chengdu and the Chengdu
metropolitan area. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
组的代表。他/她将负责组织 协调 指导和监督专家组所有成员的工作,完成
Main work and responsivities: The team leader is responsible for all management
and coordination of this advisory service and is the representative of the team. He or
she should be responsible for organizing, coordinating, directing and supervising the
work of all team members to accomplish the consulting tasks. He or she should
regularly check and guide the progress of the work and communicate effectively with
the PMO. He or she should overall lead the research work of the four sub-projects. He
or she is mainly responsible for the development of green and low-carbon
development indicators and providing support especially in the green and low-carbon
development data platform.
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长)
Information Technology Specialist (Deputy Team Leader)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职
称待遇。专家应具有10年以上的绿色发展 IT和信息化研究或实践经验。主持
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in green development, IT and informatization
research or practical experience. He or she should lead or participate as a key member
in no less than 3 integration of IT technology and green development research or
projects. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent
writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
共享平台的相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: He or she should assist the team leader to be
responsible for all the management and coordination of this advisory service, and as
the leader, mainly responsible for the green low carbon development data sharing
platform sub-project. He or she should conduct relevant training on the green low
carbon development data sharing platform. He or she should undertake other related
tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from
time to time.
3. 城市经济学专家
Urban Economics Specialist
专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职称
待遇。该专家应具有至少10年经济高质 (略) 经济相关专业背景的经验
和资质。应该熟知中国的城镇化 城市化和经济发展。主持或作为主要成员参
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in high quality economic development and urban
economy. He or she should be familiar with Chinese urbanization and economic
development. He or she should lead or participate as a key member in no less than 3
economic high-quality development research or projects. Experience in appropriate
foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
析,模型建立等方面提供支持。协助完成指标构建 数据分析等工作。提供城
市经济方面的相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务
Main work and responsivities: He or she should provide support in the development
of indicators of high-quality economic development, data acquisition, economic data
analysis, and modeling. He or she should assist with metrics construction, data
analysis, etc. He or she should provide relevant training on urban economy and
undertake other related tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and
the team leader from time to time.
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析)
GIS and IT Specialist (GIS, data analytics)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受教授或研
究员以上待遇。该专家应具有8 (略) 规划 地理信息系统和数据分析经
验。主持或作为主要成员参与不少于 (略) (略) 总体规划, (略) 规划
相关的GIS或大数据平台项目。要求对系统平台进行组织 开发和实施,包括地
理空间 社会经济数据 政策背景等方面的综合展示,熟悉大数据平台的建立
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 8 years of experience in urban planning, geographic information systems
and data analytics He or she should host or participate as a key member in GIS or Big
Data platform projects related to no less than 1 major cities and urban master plans, or
urban planning. It is required to organize, develop and implement the system
platform, including comprehensive display of geospatial, socio-economic data, policy
background and other aspects, familiar with the establishment, application and
analysis of big data platforms.
主要的工作及职责: (略) (略) 圈数据共享平台建设方面提供咨
询服务和技术支持。允许不同平台之间的整合, (略) 空间规划系统 生态
及生物多样性系统,产业脱碳发展系统 绿色零碳建筑管理系统 生态和低碳
(略) 发展系统等 通过在该领域提供技术意见, (略) 政府制定以促
进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中 (略) 发展框架。
Main work and responsivities: He or she should provide advisory services and
technical support in establishing the construction of a data-sharing platform for
Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area. He or she should allow integration
between different platforms, such as the urban spatial planning system, the ecological
and biobrersity system, the industrial decarbonization development system, the green
and zero-carbon building management system, and the ecological and low-carbon
high-quality urban development system and guide the Chengdu Municipal
Government in developing a framework for ecological and biobrersity conservation
and carbon-neutral, high-quality urban development through the provision of
technical inputs in this area.
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域)
Environment Safeguards Specialist (Ecological, low carbon field)
专家应具有8年以上的环境管理 监测 影响分析 环境管理或相关专业背景的
经验和资质。主持或作为主要成员参与3个以上的生 (略) 研究和规划项
目。要求熟悉国内环境管理和政策程序 分析数据 撰写报告,并能与当地社
区 开发商和政府机构进行有效沟通和合作。
The specialist should have more than 8 years of experience and qualifications in
environmental management, monitoring, impact analysis, environmental management
or related professional background. He or she should host or participate as a key
member in more than 3 ecological and low carbon urban research and planning
projects. He or she should be required familiarity with domestic environmental
management and policy procedures, analytical data, report writing, and effective
communication and cooperation with local communities, developers, and government
主要的工作及职责: (略) (略) 高质量发展框架提供生态及生物多
样性保护技术咨询 (略) 能够更大的提高具气 (略) 高质量发
展 为制定生态及生物多样性综合发展提供指导和技术意见
(略) 高质量发展框架的编写中提供基于生态和生物多样性系统的适应
性措施方面提供专业技术知识, (略) 政府提供支持
(略) 政府制 (略) 发展框架提供有关生态和生物 (略) 气候
写 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide technical advice on
ecological and biobrersity conservation to the Chengdu Municipal Government for
the development of a high quality urban development framework to ensure that
Chengdu is able to scale up high quality climate resilient urban development He or
she should provide guidance and technical inputs for the development of integrated
ecological and biobrersity development He or she should provide technical expertise
on the provision of ecological and biobrersity systems based adaptation measures in
the development of a high quality development framework for Chengdu. He or she
should support the Chengdu Municipal Government by providing technical expertise
in the development of a high-quality development framework for the city assist in the
preparation of the project progress report and project completion report provide
training on ecological and biobrersity and urban climate resilience adaptation for the
development of a high-quality urban development framework for the Chengdu
Municipal Government and assist in the implementation of the capacity-building
program and guide the preparation of the training materials and undertake any other
relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the
team leader from time to time.
6. 社会保障专家 Social Safeguards Specialist
专家应具有8年以上社会保障(征地补偿和安置 公众参与相关等)工作经验和
资质, (略) 征地和安置管理及政策程序,并具有政策咨询和法律支持
项目的实践经验。评估影响,撰写报告,并与当地社区 开发商和政府机构沟
The specialist should have more than 8 years of experience and qualifications in
social security (compensation and resettlement, public consultation), familiar with
domestic urban land acquisition and resettlement management and policy procedures
and have practical experience in policy consulting and legal support projects. Assess
impact, write reports, and communicate with local communities, developers, and
government agencies.
主要的工作及职责:协 (略) 高质量发展框架的社会发展计划 审查及
家 社 会 保 障 政 策
就社会 安全保障和或性别发展提出建议 评估土地征用,移民安置和其他不利
的社会影响 更新项目绩效监测系统和设计和监测框架中的社会和性别部分及绩
效 测 评 指 标
制定利益相关方沟通及公众咨询 公众意识提高策略 确保高质量发展框架中
体 现 社 会 及 公 众 利 益 , 以 实 现 低 碳 行 为 变 化 的 预 期 结 果
提供有关社会和性别发展的培训 协助项目进度报告和项目完工报告
(略) 政府进行培训,指导培训材料的编写 (略) 政府和团队组长不时
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in the formulation of
social development plans under the Chengdu Quality Development Framework
review and collect information on social development and community participation to
ensure that social development plans are in line with relevant international and
national social security policies and make recommendations on social, safety and
security and gender development assess land acquisition, resettlement and other
adverse social impacts update the project performance monitoring system and design
and monitor the social and gender components of the framework and performance
indicators develop stakeholder communication and public consultation, public
awareness strategies, and ensure that the social and public interest is reflected in the
framework in order to achieve the desired outcomes of low carbon behavior change
conduct social impact surveys among affected populations to determine the extent of
low carbon behavior change provide training on social and gender development
assist with the project progress report and project completion report train the
Chengdu Municipal Government and guide the preparation of training materials and
undertake any other relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
7. (略) 规划或环境规划专家(国际专家)
Senior Urban Planning Specialist or Environmental Planning Specialist
(International Specialist)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应在主要西方国
家享受教授或研究员待遇的。该专家应具有10 (略) 或环境规划经验。
熟悉 (略) 绿色低碳指标的制定和实施, (略) 发展有深刻理解。
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles in main western countries.
He or she should have more than 10 years of experience in urban or environment
planning. He or she should be familiar with the development and implementation of
green and low carbon indicators for domestic and international metropolises and have
a deep understanding of Chinese urban development. Experience in appropriate
foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责:在绿色低碳 (略) 规划方面提供支持。基于绿色低
数据分析,现场调研等工作。引入国 (略) 规划经验,并本土化。提供
城市规划相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in urban
planning in the context of the green low carbon indicators. He or she should assist in
the completion of the report based on the green low carbon evaluation indicator
system. He or she should carry out data collection, data analysis, on-site research and
other work required to complete the above results introduce international advanced
urban planning experience and localize it. provide training on urban planning. and
undertake any other relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
8. 环境和可持续性专家
或作为主要成员参与过 (略) 的环境规划与评估工作。在绿色和低碳转型
The specialist should have 8 years of experience in Environment and Sustainability
assessment and have professor-level titles or similar positions. He or she should host
or participated as a key member in 3 or more overseas cities in environmental
planning and assessment. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is
preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is
主要的工作及职责:协助完 (略) 圈产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in the establishment of a
green and low-carbon development indicator system and the selection of excellent
cases for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu and the
metropolitan area carry out data collection, data analysis, and on-site research
necessary to accomplish the above results introduce international advanced
experience and localize it provide relevant training and undertake other related tasks
as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
9. 低碳专家
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
或作为主要成员参与过3个以上低碳转型 绩效评估的课题或项目。具有相应的
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in low-carbon transition development
research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more
than 3 low-carbon transition and performance assessment research and projects.
Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing
and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责:开展农业 建筑业 服务业绿色低碳发展指标的制定 数
据获取分析 模型建立等方面提供支持。协助完成指标建立 数据分析等工作
。提供相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in carrying out
the development of indicators for green and low-carbon development in agriculture,
construction, services, data acquisition and analysis, and model building assist in
completing the work of indicator establishment and data analysis provide relevant
training and undertake other related tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
10. 绿色高质量发展专家
Green High-quality Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少 (略) 和绿色高质量发展的研究或实践
经验。主持或作为主要成员参与过不少于3个生 (略) 研究或项目。要求
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in low-carbon cities and green high-
quality development research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a
key member in more than 3 ecological and low-carbon city research and projects. He
or she should be familiar with domestic green quality development and policy
procedures is required. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is
preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is
主要的工作及职责: (略) 和示范区绿色低碳发展指标体系的制定。支
持其余工作的顺利开展。开展高质量绿色发展的相关培训。 (略) 政府和
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in finalizing the
development of the indicator system for green and low-carbon development in cities
and demonstration zones support the smooth implementation of the remaining work
conduct training related to high quality green development. and undertake other
relevant tasks assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader
from time to time.
11. 产业发展和运营专家
Industrial Development and Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in industrial development and operation
research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more
than 3 green development and operation research and projects. He or she should be
familiar with domestic green quality development and policy procedures is required.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
数示范园区的相关培训和推广工作。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should lead the development of the
green and low-carbon development indicator for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) and the writing of the assessment report support the smooth implementation of
the remaining work carry out training and promotion work related to the green low
carbon development index demonstration zones and undertake other relevant tasks
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
12. 产业规划专家
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
主要成员参与过不少于3个产业规划 转型的研究或项目。具有优秀的中英文书
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in industrial development research or
practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more than 3
industrial planning, and transition research and projects. Excellent writing and
presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
和推广工作。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should lead the development of the
green and low-carbon development indicator for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) and the writing of the assessment report assist in the training and promotion
work related to the green and low carbon development index demonstration park and
undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and
the team leader from time to time.
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向)
IT Specialist (Platform Construction)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
大数据平台的建立 应用和分析。具有优秀的中英文书写与表达能力。
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in data platform construction. He or she
should host or participate as a key member in more than 3 big data platform
construction projects. He or she should be familiar with the establishment, application
and analysis of the big data platform. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
(略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide consultancy services
and technical support in the establishment of the data platform that will support data
sharing across multiple low carbon information systems provide constructive advice
on platform architecture provide technical support for the development of a data
sharing platform for green and low carbon development, and guide the preparation of
training materials for the use of the platform undertake other related tasks as assigned
by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to time.
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向)
IT Specialist (Data Analysis)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少8年大数据挖掘 处理和分析经验以及具有信
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in big data mining, processing and
analysis and experience in information systems department management. He or she
should host or participate as a key member in more than 3 big data analysis projects.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
, (略) 主要碳排放源的特征和分布,建立碳排放的预测模型, (略) 的
构建碳排放监测预警模型。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in data
analysis and application of the data sharing platform for low carbon development
analyze the characteristics and distribution of major carbon emission sources in
Chengdu, and build a prediction model for carbon emissions, so as to provide data
support for the city s carbon emission management and monitoring develop green and
low-carbon development indicators analyze carbon emission trends, and build carbon
emission monitoring and early warning models and undertake other related tasks as
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
15. 城市可持续发展专家
Urban Sustainable Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少8 (略) 可持续发展研究或实践经验。
(略) 可持续发展的技术和手段。主持或作为主要成员参与3 (略) 可
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in sustainable urban development. He or
she should be familiar with techniques and tools for sustainable urban development,
host or participate as a key member in more than 3 sustainable urban development
projects. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责: (略) 可持续发展指标的制定,数据的获取 分析,模型
建立等方面提供支持。协助完成相关评估报告和指南。 (略) 可持续发展的
相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in the
development of urban sustainable development indicators, data acquisition, analysis,
modeling, etc. assist in finalizing relevant assessment reports and guidelines conduct
training on sustainable urban development and undertake other related tasks as
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
Project Assistant
The specialist should have a bachelor s degree or above. The specialist should have
experience in managing at least 2 similar WB projects. Excellent writing and
presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责: (略) 政府和专家团队处理日常工作与项目参与各方
的 沟 通 和 联 络
协助各项报告的编写 编辑及提交与GEF的联络和文件的准备,安排项目检查团
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team in their daily work and communication and liaison with all
parties involved in the project assist in the preparation, editing and submission of
reports, liaison with the GEF and preparation of documents, and arrange for field
visits of the project mission team.
顾问职位和专业 Consultant positions and profession 专家类别 专家编号
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长) 主关键 MC-1
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长) 主关键 MC-2
3. 城市经济学专家 主关键 MC-3
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析) 主关键 MC-4
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域) 主关键 MC-5
6. 社会保障专家 主关键 MC-6
7. (略) 规划专家或环境规划专家(国际专家) 主关键 MC-7
8. 环境和可持续性专家 主关键 MC-8
9. 低碳专家 次关键 SC-1
10. 绿色高质量发展专家 次关键 SC-2
11. 产业发展和运营专家 次关键 SC-3
12. 产业规划专家 次关键 SC-4
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向) 次关键 SC-5
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向) 次关键 SC-6
15. 城市可持续发展专家 次关键 SC-7
16. 项目助理 非关键 SP-1
项目阶段 任务子项 MC-1 MC-2 MC-3 MC-4 MC-5 MC-6 MC-7 MC-8
标体系研究 1 0 2 2 1 1 0.5 1 第一阶段
任务2:机构分析 利益
相 (略) 民参与 0 0 1 0 3 3 0 0
确定 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.25 1 第二阶段
任务4:分析评价诊断 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 2
台 1 2.5 0 1 0 0 0 0
和处理 0.5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
用模块开发 0.5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
据共享机制 1 2 0.5 0.5 1 1 0 0
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1 第四阶段
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1
第五阶段 任务5:部门政策与行动建议 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 1
总计 10 12 8 8 8 8 2 8
项目阶段 任务子项 SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 SP-1 总计
标体系研究 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 15.5第一阶段
任务2:机构分析 利益
相 (略) 民参与 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9
确定 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 2 2 13.25第二阶段
任务4:分析评价诊断 2 2 0.5 0.5 0 0 2 2 17.25
台 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 11.5
和处理 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 7.5
用模块开发 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 7.5
据共享机制 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 9
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 8.75
任务11:建产业园区(产 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.5 2 10.25
1 1 2 2 0 0 0.5 2 12.25
第五阶段 任务5:部门政策与行动建议 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 14.25
总计 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 20 136
详情见附件(注:以下内容为附件图片识别,个别文字可能不准确,请以附件为准)世界银行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目-
一 更正内容:
招标文件条款号 原内容 更正后内容
任务大纲 对任务大纲进行补充 对任务大纲进行补充,添加咨询顾问投入需求表 主关键专家,次关键专家与非关键专家分类表,请以后附任务大纲内容为准。
二 监督部门
本招标项目的监督 (略) 发展和改革委员会。
三 联系方式
借款人项目执行机构: (略) 政府投资项目评审中心
地 址: (略) 青羊区少城路27号,少城大厦6楼
联 系 人:宋婷婷
电 话:028-*
项目代理机构:中化建 (略)
地 址: (略) 东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联 系 人: 何立奇
电 话: 010-*
电子邮件: helq5 http://**
借款人项目执行机构或代理机构: (盖章)
(咨询服务 QCBS(基于质量和费用的选择))
世界银行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目
(略) 政府投资项目评审中心作为执行机构,使用世行赠款以开展世界银
行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目,并计划将部分赠款用于咨询服务。
和为重点的高质量发展框架, (略) 圈可持续发展。该项目是应对经济发
(1) 以促进经济社会全面绿色低碳转型为重点, (略) (略) 圈绿
(2) 针对发展现状分 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平监测评价
(3) (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领, (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享
(4) 以推动经济和 (略) 发展转型为导向, (略) 产业园区(产业
有 兴 趣 的 咨 询 公 司 可 以 从 中 国 招 标 投 标 公 共 服 务 平 台 -
世行专区获得更多关于 任务大纲 的信息,并于2023年11月16日至2023年11月23
日期间,从网上免费下载 任务大纲 。澄清回复或补遗文件将上传到中国招标投
标 公 共 服 务 平 台 -
世行专区系统, (略) 时刻关注系统,招标人或招标代理不对投标咨询
(略) 政府投资项目评审中心现邀请合格的咨询顾问( 顾问 )表明其对提
供 此 项 咨 询 服 务 的 兴 趣 。
1) 咨询机构/咨询联合体牵头方应在制定和实施绿色和低碳指标方面拥有1
2) 咨询机构需要具备有在中国的项目经验, (略) (略) 相关项目
3) 具备相关的海外项目经验。
4) 需要有较强的项目协调和管理能力,包括高质量的数据评估和报告制作
有意向的顾问应注意 世界银行投资项目贷款(IPF)借款人采购规则 ( 采购
规则 )(2016年7月版 2017年11月和2018年8月修订)第三章3.14 3.16和3.17条款
突相关的具体信息: 采购规则 第3.17条款下与该项目利益冲突相关的信息。
该项目将根据 采购规则 中规定的QCBS方法选择顾问。
(略) ,联系人:何立奇,电话:010-*。
http://**。并可以把向业主提出疑问或者投诉的函电 (略) 发展
和改革委员会,其投诉渠 (略) 发展和改革委员会官方网站。
(略) 政府投资项目评审中心
地址: (略) 青羊区少城路27号,少城大厦6楼,邮编:*
电子邮箱: cdpszx3
(略) 武侯区天府大道北段966号天府国际金融中心7号楼, (略) 公共
中化建 (略)
Global Environment Facility
China Sustainable Cities Integrated Approach Pilot
中 (略) 综合方式试点
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Research and piloting for strengthening high-quality development frameworks with a
focus on promoting ecological, biobrersity conservation and carbon neutrality
GEF 7: Green and Carbon Neutral Cities Project for Chengdu
GEF 7:中国绿色 (略) 项目成都项目
Ref NO. P*
Contract NO.:CD-CS1
1. 简介Introduction
该 项 目 是 GEF-
7中国绿 (略) 项目的组成项目。项目目的是以促进生态和生物多样性保
护和碳中和为重点的高质量发展框架, (略) 圈可持续发展。该项目是
The project is a component project of the GEF-7 China Green Carbon Neutral Cities
Program. The aim of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of the
Chengdu metropolitan area by promoting a high-quality development framework
focused on ecological and biobrersity conservation and carbon neutrality. The
project is a practical response to the challenges of economic development and carbon
reduction, and promotes the realization of high-quality development where green is
the prevailing form, and consists of four sub-project activities:
子项1: 以促进经济社会全面绿色低碳转型为重点, (略) 和成都都
Focusing on the promotion of a comprehensive green and low-
carbon economic and social transformation, a green and low-carbon
development indicator system will be constructed for Chengdu and
the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项2: 针对发展现状分 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平监
Monitoring and evaluating the level of green and low-carbon
development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
respectively, with regard to the current state of development
子项3: (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领, (略) 绿色低碳发展数
Build a data-sharing and management platform for urban green and
low-carbon development, with urban carbon peaking and carbon
neutrality as the goal
子项4: 以推动经济和 (略) 发展转型为导向, (略) 产业园
To promote the transformation of the economy and green low-
carbon urban development, to carry out the pilot of the green
development evaluation system for industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) in Chengdu
(略) 以促进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架研究
( 合 同 号 CD-
CS1)的主要任务是:1) (略) 和部分周边地区绿色低碳发展指标监测评
价体系。2) (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发
展数据共享平台。3) (略) 和部分周边地区产业园区(功能区)绿色发展
规则(2016年7月版) 基于质量和费用的选择(QCBS) 方式进行。
Main task for Chengdu Research and piloting for strengthening high-quality
development frameworks with a focus on promoting ecological, biobrersity
conservation and carbon neutrality (Contract NO.: CD-CS1) contains: 1) Support the
formulation of green and low-carbon indicator 2. Establish or enhance data-sharing
platform 3. Piloting green development evaluation system in industrial functional
zones. The selection of the consultant will be carried out in accordance with the
World Bank s Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF)
Borrowers (July 2016 version) - Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
本项目的执行 (略) 发改委。该项目将于2026年完成。
The PMO sits in the Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission. The
project will be completed in 2026.
1.1. 总体目标 Overall Objective
该项目的目标是将生物多样性保护纳入成 (略) (略) 发展中,
向整合展示了气侯变化和生物多样性综合解决方案的共同利益和损失 纵向整
(略) 和县级的政策制定和执行。这一目标的实现将通过在五年规划绩效
The project objective is to integrate biobrersity conservation into the urban
development of Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area and to set a carbon-
neutral direction for it. The project supports two focal areas, biobrersity and climate
change, to achieve global environmental benefits. The project component integrates at
two levels: horizontal integration demonstrates the co-benefits and losses of integrated
climate change and biobrersity solutions vertical integration facilitates policy
development and implementation at the city and county levels. Achievement of this
objective will be measured through the use of eco-conservation and low-carbon
development indicators in the five-year planning performance assessment to evaluate
facilitation efforts.
1.2. 本项目的目的 The Project Objective
该过程第 (略) 制定 实施和采用一揽子相互促进的指标,重点是
传统的经济绩效上。最近,为了与 生态文明 接轨,增加了环境指标,但这
些指标仍然是传统的,包括空气质量 能源强度和绿地面积的指标。 (略)
空间规划 生态系统服务管理 生物多样性和产业脱碳发展的系统性变化的指
标还没有被纳入。因此,这些待开发的指标体系 数据平台建设以及试点旨在
更好地衡量 生态文明 中高质量发展的程度。
The first step in the process is for Chengdu to develop, implement and adopt a
package of mutually reinforcing indicators focusing on green and low-carbon growth.
The indicators to be developed are intended to measure ecological protection and
carbon-neutral development in the context of the transition to high-quality economic
growth. In the existing government performance management system, indicators
currently focus on traditional economic performance. Recently, environmental
indicators have been added to align with ecological civilization , but these remain
traditional, including indicators on air quality, energy intensity and green space.
Indicators that drive systemic changes in urban spatial planning, ecosystem service
management, biobrersity and industrial decarbonization have not been included.
Therefore, the system of indicators to be developed, the development of data
platforms and pilots aim to better measure the extent of high-quality development in
the context of an ecological civilization .
1.3. 中国背景下的绿色和碳中和指标
Green and carbon neutral indicators in the context of China
是为了制定一个更全面的清单。这将包括创建指标和标准化的数据收集 测量
监测和评估方法。最终的目标至少包含10个指标。绿色 (略) 的关键
Currently, some of the indicators can guide planning and implementation to achieve
high-quality growth, but the endeavor is to develop a more comprehensive list. This
will include the creation of indicators and standardized methods for data collection,
measurement, monitoring and evaluation. The ultimate goal is to include at least 10
indicators. Key indicators for green and carbon-neutral cities are listed in box 1.
1. 绿色经济
2. 环境和生态保护
3. 空间规划 (略) 形态
4. 碳中和足迹
5. 绿色工业
6. 社会包容
Box 1
1. green economy
2. Environmental and ecological protection
3. Spatial planning and compact urban form
4. carbon neutral footprint
5. green industry
6. Social inclusion
1.4. 中国的绿色碳中和指标的案例
The Case for Green Carbon Neutral Indicators in China
的28%。2020年9月,中国宣布将在2060年前实现 碳中和 ,即净零排放。中
地区。2021和2022年,中国在昆明举办了 生物多样性公约 第15次缔约方会
议(COP15),其目的是制定2020年后的生物多样性目标,政府已经提出了 中国
生物多样性行动计划和立场 。
China has set ambitious national targets to address two of the defining issues of this
century: climate change and biobrersity. China is the world s largest emitter of
carbon dioxide, accounting for about 28 per cent of global emissions, and in
September 2020 it announced that it would be carbon neutral , or net-zero, by 2060.
China is also one of the world s most biobrerse countries, with four major
biobrersity hotspots. In 2021 and 2022, China hosted the fifteenth Conference of the
Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Kunming, with
the aim of setting post-2020 biobrersity targets, and the Government has put forward
the China Biobrersity Action Plan and Position.
气候变化和生物多样性方面的行动支持中国实现 生态文明 和加速向绿
第二大经济体。现在政府从以最大的经济增长为目标转向强调 高质量 的经
济发展:即鼓励与环境一致 与自然和谐发展的模式。
Action on climate change and biobrersity supported China s goal of achieving an
ecological civilization and accelerating its transition to a green economy. Four
decades of rapid gross domestic product (GDP) growth have made China the world s
second largest economy. The Government is now shifting from aiming for maximum
economic growth to emphasizing high-quality economic development: a model that
encourages development in harmony with the environment and with nature.
Success in achieving a green transition was important not only for China, but also had
significant implications for global efforts to combat climate change and biobrersity
loss. In addition, China s actions could make a significant contribution to the success
of collective global action and prompt other countries to follow suit. Moreover, as
China remains one of the largest importers of some natural resources (e.g., timber)
and is a major investor in countries in Africa and Latin America, its domestic actions
will have both direct and indirect impacts on global land-use patterns (which are
critical for biobrersity) and on greenhouse gas emissions in other countries.
这 十 年 ( 2021-
2025年 ) , 和 第 十 五 个 五 年 计 划 ( 2026-
2030年)。将国家一级的政策框架和 (略) (略) 级的行动,并取得标
This decade (2021-2030) is important for China s efforts to lay the foundations for a
green transition and meet climate and biobrersity targets. Long-term goals are clear,
but short- and medium-term decarbonization actions and policies remain to be
developed. China s actions over the next decade will either put it on track to meet its
ambitious targets or risk locking in a high-emission trajectory and a resource-
intensive economy that will lead to irreversible damage to the environment. China s
five-year plans provide a basis for guiding the green transition. The 14th Five-Year
Plan (2021-2025), and the 15th Five-Year Plan (2026-2030) will be implemented over
the next 10 years. Translating policy frameworks and targets at the national level into
action at the provincial and municipal levels, with standardized, measurable and
verifiable results, was essential for reducing carbon emissions and protecting
1.5. 部门和机构背景 Sectoral and institutional context
Chengdu is crucial in implementing the country s green transition
and achieving ambitious national climate and biobrersity targets:
部分增长。 (略) 化率从1978年的不到20%增长到今天的60%,到2030年,
城市人的总数预计将达到10亿。其中,作为国家 (略) 之一,成都也面
临 (略) 化挑战。如何选择适应增长并管理其土地 水和其他自然资源
Cities drive economic growth and resource consumption. Urbanization has driven
much of China s growth over the past four decades. China s urbanization rate has
grown from less than 20 per cent in 1978 to 60 per cent today, and by 2030 the total
number of urbanites is expected to reach 1 billion. Chengdu is one of the country s
low-carbon pilot cities and faces unique urbanization challenges. How it chooses to
adapt to growth and manage its land, water and other natural resources, while
reducing emissions and conserving biobrersity, will have major implications for
national and global ecosystems.
理想的目标和约束性指标。 (略) 都要制定自己的五年计划,反映国家框架
级联 管理系统,同时又是一个分散的实施过程。除了确立目标之外,国家政
府还建立了级联指标框架,并建立了行政问责制度, (略) 议程的跨部门
评估地方政府的表现 指导项目规划和监督实施方面发挥了关键作用。
The Chinese Government has formulated five-year plans as blueprints for the
country s social and economic development, containing aspirational goals and binding
targets. Each province and city is required to develop its own five-year plan,
reflecting the principles of the national framework and adapted to the local
development situation, with a set of mandatory goals and targets to measure progress.
The coordination and cooperation between national and local governments has
resulted in a unique management structure in China: a top-down cascading
management system with a decentralized implementation process. In addition to
setting targets, the national government has established a framework of cascading
indicators and a system of administrative accountability to coordinate the cross-
sectoral implementation of the urban agenda. The system relies on indicators to
enable high-level policies to trickle down to local programmes and pilots. Indicators
play a key role in assessing the performance of local governments, guiding project
planning and monitoring implementation.
(略) 圈提供了通过综合方法大规模应对气候和生物多样性的机会。
The Chengdu metropolitan area offers the opportunity to address
climate and biobrersity at scale through an integrated approach.
(略) 圈以成都为中心,与联系 (略) (略) (略) 共同组
成, (略) 圈 (略) 圈后,国家层面批复的第三 (略) 圈也
是 (略) 圈, (略) 圈内 (略) 地理相连 山水相依 生态相
容 人口众多 社会经济活跃,是 一带一路 与 长江经济带 的重要交汇
地带。同时, (略) 圈地处长江支流岷江及沱江流域,是我国主要的水源涵
多样性分布中心,但同时区域发展不平衡不充分,结构性 布局性 累积性生
Chengdu Metropolitan Area, centered on Chengdu and composed of Deyang City,
Meishan City and Ziyang City, is the third national metropolitan area and the first
western metropolitan area approved by the state after Nanjing Metropolitan Area and
Fuzhou Metropolitan Area. Chengdu Metropolitan Area is geographically connected
with Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang City, and is ecologically compatible,
populous and socio-economically active, and is an important intersection zone of the
One Belt, One Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. At the same time,
Chengdu metropolitan area is located in the Yangtze River tributary Minjiang River
and Tuojiang River basin, is China s major water conservation area and biobrersity
rich area, the metropolitan area Longmen Mountain is China s important natural
boundary and biobrersity distribution center, but at the same time the regional
development is unbalanced and inadequate, structural, layout, cumulative ecological
and environmental problems are still more prominent.
(略) (略) 群为克服体制障碍和更好地将生物多样性保护和气候方
面纳入发展提供了大规模的机会。 (略) 化战略的一部分, (略) 圈
作为新的增长引擎, (略) 群横跨河流流域和生态敏感地区,预计其发展将
超越目前的边界。将生物多样性战略和低碳管理计划 (略) 的早期发展
The urban agglomeration of the Chengdu metropolitan area offers large-scale
opportunities to overcome institutional barriers and better integrate biobrersity
conservation and climate aspects into development. As part of the national
urbanization strategy, the Chengdu metropolitan area is expected to grow beyond its
current boundaries as a new growth engine involving clusters of cities spanning river
basins and ecologically sensitive areas. The integration of biobrersity strategies and
low-carbon management plans into the early stages of development of these cities is
critical to avoid environmental degradation and land-use change that further amplify
the impacts of climate change and biobrersity loss.
(略) 圈在战略上处于领导气候和生物多样性挑战的综合方法的地位。
(略) 之间的相互联系已被广泛认可,但气侯变化和生物多样性丧失的问题
植被中储存的碳,同时减少物种灭绝的风险。 (略) (略) 空间规划可以将
类居住区。虽然这些分区规划划定了不 (略) 扩张,但它们也为将生物
多样性 基于自然的解决方案(NBSs)和土壤中的碳储存纳入可持续土地利用管
理奠定了基础。这种综合解决方案对于 (略) 圈的碳中和目标也是至关
The Chengdu metropolitan area is strategically positioned to lead an integrated
approach to climate and biobrersity challenges. While the interconnectedness of
cities is widely recognized, the issues of climate change and biobrersity loss are
largely discussed and addressed separately at the international and national levels.
However, the actions needed to achieve the goals associated with these two global
crises are intertwined. For example, land conservation can safeguard carbon stored in
soil and vegetation while reducing the risk of species extinction. Urban spatial
planning in the Chengdu metropolitan area can combine previously isolated
ecological conservation efforts. Under these plans, local governments are required to
delineate three zones on planning maps: (1) critical ecological function zones, (2)
agricultural production zones, and (3) industrial development and human settlement
zones. While these zoning plans delineate uncontrolled urban sprawl, they also lay the
groundwork for integrating biobrersity, nature-based solutions (NBSs), and carbon
storage in soils into sustainable land use management. Such integrated solutions are
also critical to achieving the carbon neutrality goals of the Chengdu metropolitan
(略) 统计局 市发改委 市委组织部联合 (略) 高质量发展评价指
标 体 系 ( 试 行 ) , 该 指 标 体 系 以 三 新 两 优 一 控
为导向构建基本框架,包含质效提升 结构优化 动能转换 绿色低碳 风险
防控 民生改善六大评价领域,共计52个二级指标, (略) 及区(市)
县高质量发展水平。其中绿色低碳维度测量了包括空气质量优良天数比 清洁
能源消费比重 人均公园绿地面积等在内的11个二级指标。
聚焦高质量发展评价指标体系, (略) 级相关部门前期已经进行了探索研
究,但仍存在以下问题。一是以关注经济高质量发展为主。 (略) 高质量发展
评价指标体系中与绿色增长 土地利用空间管理 气候变化相关的关键指标分
发展的指标主要以污染物总量控制 污染物浓度降低率 清洁能源消费占比等
为主,反映生物多样性 土地利用空间管理等方面的相关指标仍然较少,反映
(略) 绿色低碳高质量发展特色性指标不够充足。
Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the Municipal Development and Reform
Commission, and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee
jointly issued the Chengdu high-quality development evaluation index system (trial).
The index system builds a basic framework guided by three new, two excellent and
one control , including six evaluation areas of quality and efficiency improvement,
structural optimization, kinetic energy conversion, green and low carbon, risk
prevention and control, and people s livelihood improvement, with a total of 52
secondary indicators. It is used to evaluate the high quality development level of the
city and the district (city) county. The green and low-carbon dimension measures 11
secondary indicators, including the proportion of days with good air quality, the
proportion of clean energy consumption, and the per capita green area of parks.
Focusing on the high-quality development evaluation index system, although the
relevant municipal departments have carried out exploration and research in the early
stage, there are still the following problems. First, focus on high-quality economic
development. The key indicators related to green growth, land use spatial
management and climate change accounted for only 23.1% of the total number of
indicators in Chengdu s high-quality development evaluation index system. Second,
the index system for green and low-carbon development is not perfect. At present, the
indicators of green development mainly include total pollutant control, pollutant
concentration reduction rate, and clean energy consumption proportion. The relevant
indicators reflecting biobrersity and land use spatial management are still few, and
the indicators reflecting the characteristics of green, low-carbon and high-quality
development of Chengdu are insufficient.
尽管有这些机会, (略) 圈在寻求实现绿色和低碳转型面临着多重挑
战。随着经济总量持续增长,城镇化快速推进,成 (略) (略)
发展 经济增长和降碳减排多重压力,城市可持续发展面临着新挑战。
Despite these opportunities, the Chengdu metropolitan area faces multiple challenges
in its quest to achieve a green and low-carbon transition. With continued economic
growth and rapid urbanization, Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area are
facing multiple pressures on urban development, economic growth and carbon
reduction, and new challenges to sustainable urban development.
首先,高质量增长或 生态文明 的概念还没有在地方层面得到落实。为
展的进展。中国的 级联 管理制度下,指标在指导政策制定和评估实施效果
方面起着关键作用。目前, (略) 的指标主要侧重关注经济高质量发展。最近
为少数与 生态文明 接轨而增加的环境指标基本上仍是传统的。 (略) 空
间规划 生态系统服务管理 生物多样性和低碳产业发展的系统性变化的指标
First, the concept of high-quality growth or eco-civilization has not yet been
implemented at the local level. In order to translate this concept into implementation,
cities need a comprehensive set of indicators to measure progress towards green, low-
carbon and high-quality development. In China s cascading management system,
indicators play a key role in guiding policymaking and evaluating implementation.
Currently, Chengdu s indicators focus on high-quality economic development. The
few environmental indicators that have recently been added to align with ecological
civilization remain largely traditional. Indicators driving systemic changes in urban
spatial planning, ecosystem service management, biobrersity and low-carbon
industrial development have not been included. In addition, different agencies often
do not use the same methodologies for defining and measuring the same indicators,
resulting in inconsistent methodologies and non-comparable data sets.
其次,成都常住人口超过2000万,城镇化率达79%,面 (略) 发展
经济增长和减污降碳的多重压力, (略) (略) 仍处于人口聚集期。亟
需从总体目标规划 (略) 正确处理发展和减排的关系, (略) 圈
达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平合,可以从技术层面
(略) 绿色低碳发展智能化 生态环境治理精准化,从而为实现绿色成为普
Secondly, with a resident population of over 20 million and an urbanization rate of
79%, Chengdu faces the multiple pressures of balancing urban development,
economic growth and pollution and carbon reduction, while other cities in the
Chengdu metropolitan area are still in a period of population agglomeration. There is
an urgent need to guide the cities to correctly deal with the relationship between
development and emission reduction at the level of overall planning, strengthen the
sense of community in the Chengdu metropolitan area, promote the common
protection and governance of the ecological environment, and incorporate the concept
of green and low carbon into the whole process of economic and social development,
so as to achieve a high level of protection of the ecological environment and high-
quality development of the economy and society at the same time. By building a data-
sharing platform to promote urban green and low-carbon development with the goal
of carbon peak attainment and carbon neutrality, we can promote the intelligent
development of urban green and low-carbon development and precise ecological and
environmental governance at the technical level, thus providing strong support for the
realization of high-quality development in which green has become a universal form.
第三,许多地方政府缺乏系统的生态规划方法, (略) 的自然资产和
城市生物多样性。通过生态恢复和使用NBS, (略) 圈内 (略) 的
绿色连接 ,对于防止生境的损失和破碎化至关重要。生态发展的一个重要
(略) 发展和生态保护之间的平衡。这将 (略) 群的自然资产,如
草原 公园 绿道 河流 湖泊 运河和湿地等。 (略) 生态资产对生物多
(略) 复原力至关重要。它们可以减少极端天气事件的影响,改善食物和
Thirdly, many local governments lack a systematic approach to ecological planning
and do not value the natural assets of cities and urban biobrersity. Enhancing green
connectivity within the Chengdu metropolitan area and across metropolitan areas
through ecological restoration and the use of NBS is essential to prevent habitat loss
and fragmentation. An important part of ecological development is the balance
between urban development and ecological conservation. This will include protecting
the natural assets of urban agglomerations, such as grasslands, parks, greenways,
rivers, lakes, canals and wetlands. These urban ecological assets are critical for
biobrersity and urban resilience. They can reduce the impact of extreme weather
events, improve food and water security, regulate air pollution and microclimates,
help reduce noise, improve well-being and support carbon sequestration, thereby
managing greenhouse gas emissions.
第四, (略) 将产业园区(产业功能区)作为推动 (略) 发展转型
接 (略) 圈高质量发展进程, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)聚焦产业
需求,在各区内建立了主导产业明确 专业分工合理 差异发展鲜明的产业体
标设计约束落地性不够。 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状与趋势
,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数构建和评估, (略) 圈产
Fourthly, Chengdu City takes industrial parks (industrial functional zones) as the main
hand to promote the transformation of economic construction and urban development,
as well as the carrier of further spatial coupling of elements and resources, and its
state of green and low-carbon development will have a direct impact on the process of
high-quality development of Chengdu metropolitan area. Chengdu City industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) focus on the industrial needs, and have established
a clear dominant industry, a reasonable specialized brision of labor and a distinctive
difference in development in the various zones. However, a comprehensive evaluation
system for the green and low-carbon development of industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) has not yet been formed, and industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) do not have sufficient understanding of green, low-carbon and recycling
development, and the design constraints of recycling indexes are not sufficiently
grounded. Combined with the current situation and trend of development of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, the construction and evaluation of
green and low-carbon development index for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) will be carried out, and a pilot project will be launched for industrial parks
(industrial functional zones) in the metropolitan area, so as to deepen the concept of
green and low-carbon development.
1.6. 走向绿 (略) 发展的关键要求 Key requirements for moving
towards green and low-carbon urban development
在迈向绿色低碳的高 (略) 圈建设发展的过程中, (略) 必须
克服挑战,在三个层面上采取行动:In moving towards green, low-carbon, high-
quality construction and development of the Chengdu metropolitan area, the cities of
the metropolitan area must overcome challenges and act at three levels:
架,在新型城镇 (略) 示范区建设要求下,支持五年计划的实施
在技术规划层面, (略) 大 (略) 碳达峰碳中和为目标引领促
(略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,规范配套数据共享流程和机制,为
在决策部署层面, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状和趋势
At the policy level, the implementation of the Five-Year Plan is supported
through the incorporation of a comprehensive set of green and low-carbon
performance indicators into a high-quality development framework, in the
context of the requirements for the development of new urbanization and
park city demonstration zones.
At the technical planning level, relying on the city brain to build a data-sharing
platform to promote urban green and low-carbon development with the goal
of urban carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, standardize the supporting
data-sharing process and mechanism, and provide visual decision-making
references for the competent authorities.
At the level of decision-making and deployment, combined with the current
situation and trend of the development of industrial parks (industrial
functional zones) in Chengdu City, we will carry out the construction and
assessment of the green and low-carbon development index of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones), and specifically carry out application
demonstrations of green and low-carbon development.
1.7. 背 景 城 市-成 都 和 成 都 都 市 圈 Background cities - Chengdu and
Chengdu metropolitan area
成都是中国西南部的一 (略) , (略) (略) ,全国15个副
(略) 之一。 (略) 辖锦江 青羊 金牛 武侯 成华 龙泉驿 青白江
新都 温江 双流 郫都 新津12个区,简阳 都江堰 彭州 邛崃 崇州5个
(略) ,金堂 大邑 蒲江3个县。另外, (略) 有国家级自主创新示范区
成 都 高 新 技 术 产 业 开 发 区 国 家 级 经 济 技 术 开 发 区
成 都 经 济 技 术 开 发 区 国 家 级 新 区
四川天府新区成都直管区(2014年10月 (略) 认定为国家级新区) 2020
年4月28日, (略) 人民政府同意设立成都东部新区。
Chengdu is a major metropolis in southwestern China, the capital city of Sichuan
Province and one of the country s 15 sub-provincial cities. Chengdu has 12 districts,
namely Jinjiang, Qingyang, Jinniu, Wuhou, Chenghua, Longquanyi, Qingbaijiang,
Xindu, Wenjiang, Shuangliu, Pidu and Xinjin, 5 county-level cities, namely Jianyang,
Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Qionglai and Chongzhou, and 3 counties, namely Jintang,
Dayi and Pujiang. In addition, Chengdu has a state-level autonomous innovation
demonstration zone - Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone, a state-level
economic and technological development zone - Chengdu Economic and
Technological Development Zone, and a state-level new zone - Sichuan Tianfu New
Area Chengdu Direct Zone. -Sichuan Tianfu New Area Chengdu Directly
Administered Zone (recognized by the State Council as a state-level new area on 2
October 2014) and on 28 April 2020, the People s Government of Sichuan Province
agreed to set up the Eastern Chengdu New Area.
2010至2022年间, (略) 常住人口由1511.88万增至2126.8万,净增长614
万人,增量仅次于深圳 广州,是全国仅有的四个2000万 (略) 之一。
8.8%。 (略) 面积为14,335平方公里, (略) 的3%, (略) 8372万
人口的25.4%, (略) GDP的贡献率为37%。20 (略) 实现地区生产总值为20
817.5亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长2.8%。分产业看,第一产业 第二产
业和第三产业增加值分别为588.4亿元 6404.1亿元和13825.0亿元,三次产业
结构为2.8 30.8 66.4。按常住人口计算,人均地区生产总值98149元,增长2
.0%。在全球 (略) (GaWC)研究网络最新发布的 (略) 名册2020
中,成都入选Beta 级,位列全球第59名。成都是中国西部地区的一个经济中心
和 (略) 。2022年,其GDP在 (略) 中排名第七。成都吸引了中国
国西部的金融 技术和制造业中心。 (略) 一起,它是中国西部地区的主要
经济驱动力。成都努力成为一个可持 (略) 。在过去的几年里,市政府
已经公布了一些关于绿色 (略) 发展的主要政策指南。 关于推进绿色
发展,建设 (略) 典范的实施意见 (2016年) (略) 化的质量
,而不是速度。 关于推进美丽 (略) 建设的决定 (2018年)将 公
(略) 作为成都的愿景。
Between 2010 and 2022, the resident population of Chengdu will increase from
15,118,800 to 21,268,000, a net increase of 6.14 million people, an increase second
only to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and one of only four metropolises with a
population of 20 million in China. By the end of 2022, the resident population will be
21.268 million, an increase of 76,000 from the end of the previous year, or 0.4 per
cent. Among them, the urban resident population was 16.991 million, and the
urbanization rate of the resident population was 79.9%, an increase of 0.4 percentage
points from the end of the previous year. The household population at the end of the
year was 15.716 million, an increase of 154,000 from the end of the previous year,
with an urbanization rate of 68.8%. With an area of 14,335 square kilometers,
Chengdu is less than 3% of Sichuan Province, but houses 25.4% of the province s
83.72 million people and contributes 37% to the province s GDP. 2022 GDP in
Chengdu was RMB 20,817.5 billion, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year at
comparable prices. In terms of industries, the added value of primary, secondary and
tertiary industries will be 58.84 billion yuan, 640.41 billion yuan and 138.25 billion
yuan respectively, with the structure of the three industries being 2.8:30.8:66.4. Per
capita GDP per resident population will be 98,149 yuan, an increase of 2.0%. In the
latest World Cities Roster 2020 released by the Globalization and World Cities
(GaWC) research network, Chengdu was selected in the Beta level and ranked 59th
in the world. Chengdu is an economic center and a city of national importance in
Western China. in 2022, its GDP was ranked seventh among all Chinese cities.
Chengdu attracts the highest foreign direct investment in Western China, and 377
Fortune 500 companies have set up offices in Chengdu. It is the financial,
technological and manufacturing center of Western China. Together with Chongqing
Municipality, it is a major economic driver in Western China. Chengdu strives to be a
sustainable city. Over the past few years, the city government has published some key
policy guidelines on green and sustainable urban development. The Implementing
Opinions on Promoting Green Development and Building a Model of China s
Beautiful Cities (2016) focuses on the quality of urbanization rather than its speed.
The Decision on Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful and Livable Garden City
(2018) sets out a vision for Chengdu as a park city .
(略) (略) 为中心,与联系 (略) (略) (略) 共同
组成, (略) 圈 (略) 圈后,国家层面批复的第三 (略) 圈
也是 (略) 圈。主要包括: (略) , (略) 旌阳区 (略) (略) 中
江县, (略) 东坡区 彭山区 仁寿县 青神县, (略) 雁江区 乐至县,面
积2.64万平方公里 规划范围拓展到成都 德阳 眉山 资阳全域,总面积3.3
1万平方公里。202 (略) 圈经济总量2.62万亿元 (略) 的46.2%。省政
府印发的 (略) 圈发展规划 提出,到2025年, (略) 圈经济总量突破3
.3万亿元。成都在电子信息 生物医药等先进制造业支撑有力,现代金融业中
西部领先。德阳在重大装备制造,眉山在电子信息 新能源新材料,资阳在汽
车制造 轨道交通等方面发展基础坚实。
Chengdu Metropolitan Area, centered on the city of Chengdu, together with the
closely-connected cities of Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang, is the third national
metropolitan area and the first western metropolitan area approved at the national
level, following the Nanjing Metropolitan Area and the Fuzhou Metropolitan Area. It
mainly includes Chengdu City, Jingyang District, Shifang City, Guanghan City and
Zhongjiang County of Deyang City, Dongpo District, Pengshan District, Renshou
County and Qingshen County of Meishan City, Yanjiang District and Lezhi County of
Ziyang City, with an area of 26,400 square kilometers and the planning scope is
expanded to cover the whole area of Chengdu, Deyang City, Meishan City and
Ziyang City, with a total area of 33,100 square kilometers. 46.2 per cent. The
Chengdu Metropolitan Area Development Plan issued by the provincial government
proposes that by 2025, the total economic output of the Chengdu Metropolitan Area
will exceed RMB 3.3 trillion. Chengdu has strong support in advanced manufacturing
industries such as electronic information and biomedicine, and is a leader in the
modern financial industry in Central and Western China. Deyang in major equipment
manufacturing, Meishan in electronic information, new energy and new materials,
Ziyang in automobile manufacturing, rail transport and other aspects of the
development of a solid foundation.
(略) 圈面临着几个方面的可持续性挑战。首先,都市圈拥有快速增长
的人口,但自然资源有限。其次,空气污染 水污染和固体废物管理不足造成
的土壤污染是长期存在的问题, (略) 在解决这些问题方面作出了努力。最
后, (略) 发展仍然被视为规划或环境机构管辖下的具体部门问题,它还
没 (略) 的整体发展规划中。
The Chengdu metropolitan area faces sustainability challenges on several fronts. First,
the metropolitan area has a rapidly growing population but limited natural resources.
Secondly, air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution caused by inadequate solid
waste management were persistent problems, despite the city s efforts to address
them. Finally, sustainable urban development is still seen as a sector-specific issue
under the jurisdiction of planning or environmental agencies, and it has not yet been
integrated into the city s overall development plan.
A.以前的绿色和低碳协议Previous green and low-carbon agreements
表1:以前 (略) 层面的政策
Table 1: Previous policies at national and city level
Policy content
规划提出,在有条件的地区推进经济社会发展总体规划 城市规划 土地利用规划等 多规合一 。并将 以人为本,尊重自然,传承绿色低碳 (略) 规划的全过程 。
The plan proposes to promote the integration of economic and social development master planning, urban planning, land use planning and other multi-planning in areas where conditions exist. It also incorporates the concepts of people-centeredness, respect for nature, and the inheritance of green and low-carbon concepts
into the entire process of urban planning .
National New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020) and the
Second National New Urbanization Plan (2021-2035).
规划提出要 以提高环境质量和以人为本为核心,以解决生态环境领域突出问题为重点,加大生态环境保护力度,提高资源利用效率,为人民群众提供更多优质生态产品,协同推进人民富裕 国家富强 中国美丽 。规划从 优化空间和国土开发,城镇化模式向绿色 低碳 弹性发展转变,加大环境
综合治理力度,加强生态保护和修复,积极应对全球气候变化 等几个方面来指导国家的绿色发展和高质量发展。
The plan puts forward the need to focus on improving environmental quality and putting people first, focus on solving outstanding problems in the field of ecological and environmental protection, intensify efforts to protect the ecological environment, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, provide more high-quality
国民经济和社会发展十四个五年规划纲要 Outline
of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic
and Social Development
ecological products for the people, and collaborate to promote the prosperity of the people, the wealth of the country and the beauty of China . The plan guides the country s green and high-quality development in several areas, including optimizing spatial and territorial development, transforming the urbanization model
towards green, low-carbon and resilient development, increasing comprehensive environmental management, strengthening ecological protection and restoration, and actively responding to global climate change .
规划提出: 坚特节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,高举绿色发展旗帜,紧紧围绕资源能源利用效率和清洁生产水平,以传统产业绿色化改造为重点,以绿色科技创新为支撑,以法规标准体系建设为保障,实施绿色制造工程,加快绿色制造体系建设,大力发展绿色制造产业,推动绿色产品 绿色工
厂 绿色园区 绿色供应链全面发展,建立健全工业绿色发展长效机制 。
The plan proposes: adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, hold high the banner of green development, closely focus on the efficiency of resource and energy use and the level of clean production, focus on the green transformation of traditional industries, supported by green
scientific and technological innovation, and safeguarded by the construction of regulations and standard systems, implement the green manufacturing project, accelerate the construction of green manufacturing system, and vigorously develop the green manufacturing industry , promote the comprehensive development of green
products, green factories, green parks and green supply chains, and establish and improve the long-term mechanism for industrial green development .
Industrial Green Development Program (2016-2020)
为 落 实 生 物 多 样 性 公 约 的 规 定 , 进 一 步 加 强 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 工 作 , 有 效 应 对 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 面 临 的 新 问 题 和 新 挑 战 , 环 境 保 护 部 会 同 20多 个 部 门 和 单 位 编 制 了 中 国 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 战 略 与 行 动 计 划 (2011-
2030年) ,该计划提出了未来20年生物多样性保护的总体目标 战略任务和优先行动。行动计划共确定了7个目标,包括建立和完善国家自然保护区网络,确定和规划对生物多样性有重要意义的野生物种的保护,保护农作物和牲畜的遗传资源,评估自然保护区外野生物种的就地保护,建立全国性
In order to implement the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), further strengthen China s biobrersity conservation work, and effectively respond to the new problems and challenges facing China s biobrersity conservation, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), together with more than 20
departments and units, has compiled China s Biobrersity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030), which puts forward the overall objectives, strategic tasks, and priority actions for biobrersity conservation in the next 20 years. The action plan identifies a total of seven objectives, including establishing and
improving the national network of nature reserves, identifying and planning for the conservation of wild species of importance to biobrersity, conserving the genetic resources of crops and livestock, assessing the in-situ conservation of wild species outside of nature reserves, setting up a nationwide information and monitoring
system, coordinating biobrersity conservation and sustainable development and strengthening the basic research.
China s Biobrersity Conservation Strategy and Action
Plan (2011-2030)
新的空间规划体系将主体功能区划 土地利用规划 城乡规划和生态环境规划整合为一个统一的规划体系,包括总体规划 详细规划和专业规划,旨在缓解空间规划设计 实施和监管过程中的矛盾。它被公认为是在一定区域内发展和保护领土空间的一种时空部署。
The new spatial planning system integrates main function zoning, land use planning, urban and rural planning and ecological environment planning into a unified planning system, including master plans, detailed plans and specialized plans, with the aim of easing contradictions in the process of designing, implementing and
regulating spatial planning. It is recognized as a spatial and temporal deployment for the development and protection of territorial space within a certain area.
(略) 国土空间总体规划(2019-2035)
Chengdu Territorial Spatial Master Plan (2019-2035)
到2035年,成都希望成为一个 (略) ,因此它正在将绿色部分纳入 (略) 发展规划中。新的任务被列入了成都2016年至2018年 (略) 规划中的35项。在成都,一个以 生态文明 为动力的 美丽 宜 (略) 将在2035年开始形成基本形态。 (略) 的概念描绘了一个工业
(略) 环境和人都完美和谐地共存的社会。
为了满足居民对美好生活的期望, (略) 在新时期的竞争力,这 (略) 的创建强调了环境保护和经济增长之间的平衡。
Chengdu wants to become a park city by 2035, so it is incorporating a green component into its latest urban development plan. The new tasks are included in 35 items in Chengdu s overall urban plan for 2016 to early 2018. In Chengdu, a beautiful and livable park city powered by ecological civilization will begin to take
shape by 2035. The park city concept depicts a society where industry, the physical city, the environment and people coexist in perfect harmony.
The creation of such park cities emphasizes the balance between environmental protection and economic growth in order to meet the expectations of residents for a better life and to reshape the competitiveness of cities in the new era.
发展美丽 宜 (略) (2018-2035年)
Developing Beautiful, Livable Park Cities (2018-2035)
(略) 化进程的有效推进,保护生态系统,该计划旨在构 (略) 空间控制体系。关键是要优先考虑有利于环境 (略) 空间布局,严格执行国家的人均建筑面积标准,制止不合理的增长和随意的蔓延,鼓励现有可建设用地和旧建筑的再利用,并试验多部门合作促进生态文明。该计
(略) 设计中优先考虑人的尺度,同时通过有目的地保护社区的自然和文化遗产来促进和确保社区的个人身份。最后,该计划旨在建立一个系统来跟 (略) 发展与环境 白然和资源的关系, (略) 官员的绩效评估建立一套更全面的环境和资源利用目标,定 (略) 人口未来健康风险
的最新预测和评估,并为 (略) 社会治理提供一个坚实的法律基础。
In order to encourage effective urbanization and protect the ecosystem, the plan aims to build and strengthen an urban spatial control system. The key is to give priority to an urban spatial layout that is favorable to the environment and the inhabitants, to strictly enforce national standards for floor space per capita, to stop
irrational growth and random sprawl, to encourage the reuse of existing buildable land and old buildings, and to experiment with multisectoral cooperation to promote ecological civilization. The plan also prioritizes the human scale in urban design, while promoting and securing the inbridual identity of communities through
the purposeful preservation of their natural and cultural heritage. Finally, the plan aims to establish a system for tracking and evaluating urban development in relation to the environment, blanches and resources, to establish a more comprehensive set of environmental and resource-use targets for the performance evaluation of
city officials, to publish regularly updated projections and assessments of future health risks to the urban population, and to provide a solid legal basis for public participation in the governance of urban societies.
生 (略) 建设规划(2018-2035)
Ecological civilization model city construction plan
B.差距和挑战 Gaps and challenges
许多核心挑战尚待解决Many core challenges remain to be addressed
集中在中部平坝地区, (略) 部分区域国土开发强度达86% 人口密度达到每平
生态资源明显不足,以成都为例,人均森林面积仅为全国 全省平均水平的1/4
1/6,人均水资源量不到全国的1/4 全省的1/7,生态用水紧张,且水资源时
空分布不均,使得资源承载能力瓶颈愈发凸显。 (略) 圈人口将继续呈
1. Environmental and resource constraints are becoming tighter and tighter. The
adjustment of the urban spatial structure requires sustained efforts, with the
population and industry still concentrated mainly in the central region, with the
development intensity of some areas of Chengdu reaching 86 per cent and the
population density reaching 14,000 people per square kilometer, and a differentiated
pattern of coordinated and synergistic development coordinated with regional
resource endowments yet to be accelerated and constructed. Ecological resources are
obviously insufficient, in Chengdu, for example, the per capita forest area is only 1/4,
1/6 of the national and provincial average, per capita water resources is less than 1/4
of the country, the province s 1/7, the ecological water stress, and water resources
uneven spatial and temporal distribution, so that the bottleneck of the carrying
capacity of the resources is more and more prominent. In the future, the population of
Chengdu metropolitan area will continue to grow, and the contradiction between
population, resources and environment is bound to become more prominent, and the
red line of ecological protection, i.e., the baseline of ecological function safeguard,
the bottom line of environmental quality and safety, and the top line of natural
resources utilization, will be under great pressure.
不足,支撑绿色低碳新产品 新技术 新模式的应用环境尚不完善,产业链
绿色低碳制造业总体规模偏小,面临工业发展不足 质量不高与减少工业碳排
业档次较低,绿色金融体系有待进一步健全。 (略) 圈建设 (略)
平衡不充分,资源 环境 交通 产业基础等发展条件差异较大,生态环境质
量 污染治理能力和水平与国际 (略) 圈相比差距较大, (略) 扩
张 人类活动加剧,生态空间不断受到挤压,都市圈 (略) 病 问题也日益
2. The level of green industrial development and the capacity of green and
low-carbon development needs to be further enhanced. Insufficient investment has
been made in green technology research and development, the application
environment to support new green and low-carbon products, technologies and modes
is not yet perfect, the industry chain and the innovation chain are not strong enough to
integrate and synergize, the industrial application of green and low-carbon
technologies has not yet reached a large scale, and the cost of technological
application is relatively high. Green and clean production methods have not been
comprehensively promoted, the difficulty of adjusting the stock of industrial
industries has increased, the overall scale of the green and low-carbon manufacturing
industry is small, and we are faced with the dual tasks of insufficient industrial
development, low quality and reduction of industrial carbon emissions. The green
consumption environment needs to be improved, the development of productive
service industry is not sufficient, the traditional service industry is of low grade, and
the green financial system needs to be further improved. The construction of the
Chengdu metropolitan area and the development of Chengdu, Demei, Meizi and Zizhi
city clusters are now generally in the primary stage of transformation from core-
driven to synergistic construction, with unbalanced and insufficient regional
development, and large differences in the development conditions in terms of
resources, the environment, transport and industrial base there is a large gap between
the quality of the ecological environment and the ability and level of pollution control
and that of the advanced metropolitan areas in the country and internationally, and the
ecological space is being squeezed continuously with the expansion of the cities and
the intensification of human activities. With the expansion of cities and the
intensification of human activities, ecological space is constantly being squeezed, and
the problem of big city disease in the metropolitan area is becoming increasingly
环境污染问题复杂性增加。近年来, (略) 下大力气坚决打好污染防治
攻坚战,生态环境质量总体呈现稳中向好趋势,但生态环境保护的结构性 根
源性 趋势性压力尚未根本缓解,生态环境质量从量变到质变的拐点尚未到来
量在 (略) 中排名靠后。水污染防治方面,水环境改善和水生态修复成
护修复力度有待加强。土壤污染防治仍处于起步阶段,存在污染成因复杂 治
3. The complexity of environmental pollution problems has increased. In recent
years, the four cities of Chengdu, Demei and Zizhi have made great efforts to
resolutely fight the battle against pollution, and the overall ecological and
environmental quality has shown a stable and improving trend, but the structural, root
cause and trend pressure of ecological and environmental protection has not yet been
alleviated fundamentally, and the ecological and environmental quality has not yet
reached the inflection point of quantitative change to qualitative change. Air pollution
prevention and control, vertical look at the effectiveness of remarkable, but horizontal
than the situation is still grim, Chengdu air quality in the national key cities ranked
behind. Water pollution prevention and control, water environment improvement and
water ecological restoration of the effectiveness of the target is still a gap, sewage
network and treatment facilities operation and maintenance level needs to be
improved, wetland protection and restoration efforts need to be strengthened. Soil
pollution prevention and control is still in its infancy, with complex causes of
pollution and immature treatment technologies, and the prevention and control of
agricultural surface pollution needs to be stepped up.
经济发展和土地利用等规划有效街接不够, 规建管 三位一体等模式还需强
全 质量不佳 部门数据不通 智能化水平不高等问题,导致生态保护和环境
案应用不足,用市场化办法增加环保投入 撬动社会资金等方面缺少创新性的
4. Institutional mechanism innovation is still insufficient. The planning policy
system of integrating the concept of sustainable development into the whole process
of economic and social development needs to be improved, the top-level design of
carbon peak and carbon neutral needs to be accelerated to establish and improve, the
ecological protection planning and economic development and land use planning is
not enough to effectively connect, planning, construction and management and
other modes of the trinity needs to be strengthened. Eco-environmental statistics,
monitoring and evaluation system needs to be improved, green and low-carbon
development indicator system needs to be accelerated to build, the degree of
application of intelligent governance system is not enough, inbridual districts and
counties there are ecological environment monitoring system coverage is incomplete,
the quality is not good, departmental data does not make sense, the level of
intelligence is not high enough, leading to the ecological protection and
environmental governance initiatives are not precise enough. The environmental
infrastructure planning and construction system needs to be improved, the application
of nature-based solutions is insufficient, there is a lack of innovative initiatives to
increase environmental protection inputs and leverage social funds using market-
based approaches, and the ways to realize ecological value need to be accelerated and
5. 生 态 安 全 屏 障 亟 待 巩 固 。 成 都 都 市 圈 区 域 内 分 布 有 龙 门 山-
岷山等多条断裂带,地震 山体滑坡 泥石流等地质灾害多发,龙门山地区受
泉山脉生态系统功能较弱,封山育林 森林管护不足。岷江上游部分河流减脱
5. The ecological security barrier needs to be consolidated. In the Chengdu
metropolitan area, there are a number of fracture zones, such as the Longmenshan-
Minshan Mountains, where earthquakes, landslides, mudslides and other geological
hazards are common, and the Longmenshan area has been affected by the Wenchuan
earthquake as well as a number of large-scale mudslides and other geological hazards,
so that the ecological vegetation has not yet been fully restored. The ecosystem
function of the Longquan Mountain Range is weak, and there is insufficient
forestation and forest management. Some of the rivers in the upper reaches of the
Minjiang River have dried up, and some of the rivers in the lower reaches are
seriously polluted, thus greatly affecting the integrity and safety of the river
ecosystem. The bottom of biobrersity is unclear.
2. 工作范围:任务与产出Scope of work: tasks and outputs
2.1. 研究目标 Research Objectives
成都常住人口超过2000万,城镇化率达79%,面 (略) 发展 经济增
长和减污降碳的多重压力, (略) (略) 仍处于人口聚集期。根据世界
银行GEF7中国绿色 (略) 项目(暨中 (略) 项目)总体框架,紧
紧围绕制约成 (略) 圈可持续发展的瓶颈矛盾,发挥成都在成渝地区双
城经济圈 (略) 圈中的作用,研究围绕 以促进生态和生物多样性保护和
碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架 ,将以绿色高质量监测和评价指标体系构
建为引领, (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展
数据共享平台为支撑,以产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳评估试点 都市圈
体系 技术方法到实 (略) 可持续发展综合指引和支撑体系,从总体目
标规划 (略) 正确处理发展和减排的关系,将绿色低碳理念融入经济社
引 (略) 十四五 规划实施和 十五五 规划编制,探索超大人口规
(略) 与自然和谐共生的新路径, (略) 圈可持续发展,筑牢长江上
With a resident population of more than 20 million and an urbanization rate of
79%, Chengdu faces multiple pressures to balance urban development, economic
growth, and pollution and carbon reduction, while other cities in the Chengdu
metropolitan area are still in a period of population agglomeration. According to the
overall framework of the World Bank s GEF7 China Green and Carbon Neutral Cities
Project (and the China Sustainable Cities Project), the study focuses on the
bottlenecks and contradictions constraining the sustainable development of Chengdu
and the Chengdu metropolitan area, the role of Chengdu in the Chengdu-Chongqing
Twin Cities Economic Circle and the Chengdu metropolitan area, and the study is
centered on the Framework for High-quality Development Focused on the Promotion
of Ecological and Biobrersity Conservation and Carbon Neutrality . The study
focuses on strengthening the framework of high-quality development with a focus on
promoting ecological and biobrersity protection and carbon neutrality , and will take
the construction of a green and high-quality monitoring and evaluation index system
as the lead, the construction of a data-sharing platform for promoting green and low-
carbon development of the city by building a city brain with the goal of reaching the
peak carbon level and carbon neutrality as the lead as the support, and the green and
low-carbon assessment pilot project of the industrial parks (functional zones for
industry), and the pilot project of the recycling development of key industrial parks
(functional zones for industry) of the metropolitan circle as the guide. Taking the
project as a starting point, it will build a comprehensive guideline and support system
for sustainable urban development from the target system, technical methodology to
the implementation path, and guide the city to correctly deal with the relationship
between development and emission reduction from the overall target planning level,
and integrate the concept of green and low carbon into the whole process of economic
and social development, so as to realize the high-quality economic and social
development with a high level of ecological and environmental protection. At the
same time, it will guide and support the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan
and the preparation of the 15th Five-Year Plan of Chengdu City, explore new paths
for harmonious coexistence between cities and nature under the super-large
population scale, promote the sustainable development of the Chengdu metropolitan
area, build a strong ecological barrier on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and
build a high-quality living and livable place with national influence. The project will
help promote the sustainable development of the Chengdu metropolitan area, build a
strong ecological barrier on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and build a high-
quality living place with national influence.
2.2. 重点 Key Points
本项目 (略) (略) 圈在绿色和低碳发展方面实现飞跃。在成
This project will help Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area make a leap
forward in green and low-carbon development. In Chengdu, the grant will be used:
子项1: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系 Constructing an
indicator system for green and low-carbon development in Chengdu
and the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项2: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价 Carrying out
monitoring and evaluation of green and low-carbon development in
Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area
子项3: (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳
发展数据共享管理平台 Relying on the City Brain to build a
data-sharing and management platform to promote green and low-
carbon development in cities with the goal of carbon peak
attainment and carbon neutrality as the lead
子 项 4: 开 展 长 安 静 脉 产 业 园 -
业港)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点 Carrying out a pilot project
of Changan Vein Industrial Park - Chengdu Environmental Group
Environmental Protection Park and Chengdu Green Hydrogen
Energy Industrial Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern Industrial
Port) in Chengdu
2.3. 任务 Tasks
以促进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中和为重点加强高质量发展框架 为
基础,本研 (略) (略) 圈四个子项以及其具体子项活动,以及对
应的产出成果 负责机构(表2)。
Based on the Framework for Enhancing Quality Development with a Focus on
Promoting Ecological and Biobrersity Conservation and Carbon Neutrality, the study
proposes four sub-projects for Chengdu and the Chengdu Metropolitan Area, as well
as their specific sub-activities, with corresponding outputs and outcomes, responsible
organizations. (Table 2).
产出成果使用部门:市委组织部 市委宣传部 市委外事办 市委社治委
市机关事务管理局 市城管委 市经济和信息化局 市教育局 市科学技术
局 市财政局 市规划和自然资源局 市生态环境局 市住建局 市交通运输
局 市口岸物流办 市水务局 市农业农村局 (略) 局 市商务局 市
文广旅局 市国资委 市市场监督管理局 市统计局 市金融监管局 市新经
济委 成 (略) 森林公园管委会 国家税 (略) 税务局 国网成
Output results used by Chengdu Municipal Organization Department, Municipal
Publicity Department, Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, Municipal Social
Governance Committee, Municipal Government Offices Administration, Municipal
Urban Management Committee, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau,
Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal
Finance Bureau, Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal
Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Housing Bureau, Municipal
Transportation Bureau, Municipal Port Logistics Office, Municipal Water Bureau,
Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Municipal Park City Bureau, Municipal
Park City Bureau Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism,
Municipal SASAC, Municipal Market Supervision Administration, Municipal Bureau
of Statistics, Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal New Economy
Commission, Chengdu Longquanshan Urban Forest Park Management Committee,
State Administration of Taxation Chengdu Tax Bureau, State Grid Chengdu Power
Supply Company.
表2:成 (略) 圈项目各子项活动和产出
Table 2: Activities and Outputs by Sub-Project in
Chengdu and Chengdu Metropolitan Area Project
Responsible agency
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系
Constructing a Green and Low Carbon Development Indicator System for Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
以 两山 理论和中国式现代化理论为指导,开展具有中国特色的绿色低碳指标的理论框架研究,明确指标来源 内涵 标准和界限,以及工作要求 2.
开展机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与,识别主要机构和利益相关者,明确其事权范围,使各相关方参与指标体系构建过程 3.
基于事权和空间管理权 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系和监测评估框架
Mountains theory and Chinese modernization theory as a guide, carry out research on the theoretical framework of green and low-carbon indicators with Chinese
characteristics, and clarify the sources, connotations, standards and boundaries of the indicators, as well as the requirements for work 2. carry out analysis of
institutions, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation, and identify the main institutions and stakeholders, and clarify the scope of their authority. Conduct
institutional analysis, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation to identify key organizations and stakeholders, clarify their scope of authority and involve all
relevant parties in the construction of the indicator system 3. Construct a green and low-carbon development indicator system and a monitoring and evaluation
framework for Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area based on the authority and spatial management authority
1.1 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标理论框架研究报告
1.2 利益相关方分析报告
1.3 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系研究报告
1.1 Research Report on the Theoretical Framework of Green and Low Carbon
Development Indicators for Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
1.2 Stakeholder Analysis Report
1.3 Research Report on Green and Low Carbon Development Indicator System for
Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
(略) 发改委牵头,省同 (略) (略) (略) 发改委及相关部门机构支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Provincial Tongcheng Office and Development and Reform Commission of Deyang City,
Meishan City, Ziyang City and relevant departments and agencies
Responsible agency
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
1. 数据采集 2. 利用指标体系和指标 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展情况和 (略) 圈发展规划 实施情况进行中期监测评估 3.
1. data collection 2. mid-term monitoring and assessment of green and low-carbon development in Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area and the
implementation of the Development Plan for the Chengdu Metropolitan Area using the indicator system and the indicator guidelines 3. sectoral policy and action
2.1 (略) 绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
2.2 (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
2.1Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low Carbon Development of Chengdu
2.2 Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu
Metropolitan Area
(略) 发改委牵头,省同 (略) (略) (略) 发改委及相关部门机构支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Provincial Tongcheng Office and Development and Reform Commission of Deyang City,
Meishan City, Ziyang City and relevant departments and agencies
(略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享管理平台
Build a data-sharing and management platform for urban green and low-carbon development
led by the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets, relying on the City Brain.
1. (略) 城市智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建 双碳 数据共享平台 2. (略) 主要碳排放源, (略) 管理和监测数据 3.
开 发 绿 色 低 碳 发 展 指 标 对 比 趋 势 分 析 异 常 监 测 预 警 等 功 能 4.
规范绿色低碳发展数据共享流程和机制, (略) 部门及机构信息系统互联互通 数据共享。
1. build a dual-carbon data sharing platform based on the Chengdu City Intelligent Management Platform (City Brain) 2. integrate urban management and
monitoring data according to the major carbon emission sources in Chengdu 3. develop functions such as comparison of green and low-carbon development indexes,
trend analysis, and abnormal monitoring and early warning 4. standardize the process and mechanism of sharing green and low-carbon development data and
3. (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,软件应用。
3.2 (略) 部门及机构间数据共享操作指南 ,研究报告。
3.1 Chengdu Green and Low Carbon Development Data Sharing Platform, Software
3.2 Operational Guidelines for Data Sharing among Departments and Agencies in
Chengdu, Research Report.
(略) 发改委牵头,市网络理政办及相关部门支持
Led by Chengdu Development and Reform Commission, supported by the Municipal
Network Governance Office and relevant departments.
Responsible agency
promote the interoperability and data sharing of the information systems of municipal departments and institutions. Standardize the process and mechanism of data
sharing for green and low-carbon development, and promote the interconnection and data sharing of the information systems of municipal departments and agencies.
(略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点Pilot Green and Low Carbon
Development Evaluation System for Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
1. (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)发展现状与趋势,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数构建
2. 以指数构建为基础,选取典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展评估,总结评估结果,优化评估体系
3. 依据评估结果,开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展优秀案例评选和推广,形成一批典型案例。
1. Combining the current situation and trend of the development of industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, to carry out the construction of green and
low-carbon development index for industrial parks (industrial functional zones)
2. Based on the construction of the index, select typical industrial parks (industrial functional zones) to carry out the assessment, summaries the assessment results and
optimize the assessment system
3. Based on the assessment results, carry out the selection and promotion of excellent cases of green and low-carbon development in industrial parks (industrial
functional zones), and form a number of typical cases.
4.1 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数和评估报告 ,研究报告。
4.2 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展典型案例研究 ,研究报告。
4.1 Green and Low Carbon Development Index and Assessment Report of Chengdu
Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones) , Research Report.
4.2 Typical Case Study on Green and Low Carbon Development of Chengdu Industrial
Park (Industrial Functional Zone) , Research Report.
(略) 发改委牵头,市生态环境局 相关区(市)县政府支持
Led by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, supported by
Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment and relevant district (city) and county
2.3.1. 子项1: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系
Sub-component 1: Constructing an Indicator System for Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
项目内容:开展具有中国特色 成都 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳指标
的理论框架研究 开展机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与 (略) 和
(略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系和监测评估框架。开展机构分析 利益相关
(略) 民参与。
Project content: Conduct research on the theoretical framework of green and low-
carbon indicators with Chinese characteristics and Chengdu characteristics conduct
institutional analyses, stakeholder consultation and citizen participation and construct
a green and low-carbon development indicator system and a monitoring and
evaluation framework for Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area. Conduct
institutional analysis, stakeholder consultation and citizen engagement.
Task (1) Study on the indicator system for green and low-carbon development
以 主 题 -层 次 法 构 建 目 标 层 -系 统 层 -
指标层 指标体系框架: (略) 系统性和复杂性的认识,绿色低碳评价指
标 体 系 适 合 采 取 主 题 -
层次 构建法,即围绕 绿色低碳 主题,从不同维度提出指标集合并细分指
标,由目标层 系统层和指标层多层结构构成。其中,目标层反映指标体系的
绿色低碳发展指标体系的构建应包括但不限于资源利用 环境治理 环
境质量 生态保护 增长质量 绿色生活 公众满意度等方面。在指标
建立过程中,应该从概念 表述和数据解释上力求简洁明了。指标框架
Constructing the indicator system framework of target layer - system layer -
indicator layer by the theme - level method: Based on the understanding
of the systemic and complexity of cities, it is suitable to adopt the theme -
level method to construct the green and low-carbon evaluation indicator
system, i.e. to focus on the theme of green and low-carbon , propose a
collection of indicators from different dimensions and subbride them into
indicators. Based on the understanding of the systematic and complex nature
of cities, the green low-carbon evaluation indicator system is suitable for
adopting the theme-level construction method, i.e., focusing on the theme
of green low-carbon , proposing a collection of indicators and subbriding
the indicators in different dimensions, and consisting of a multi-layer
structure of the target layer, system layer and indicator layer. Among them,
the target layer reflects the evaluation areas of the indicator system, the
system layer reflects the systems that each evaluation area is composed of,
and the indicator layer reflects the indicators of each element, which can be
composed of one or more, and the indicators form a certain logical
relationship with each other, reflecting not only the main characteristics and
status of different systems, but also the intrinsic connection between them, so
as to form an organic whole.
基于目标引领 过程控制和结果导向确定评价领域: (略) 工作的系统
包括但不限于:发展绿色产业 (略) 空间布局 提升生态环境质量
推进绿色交通发展 加快绿色基础设施建设 推动绿色建筑与社区建
设 强化机制保障。
发展绿色产业:围绕数字经济 航空航天 现代交通 绿色低碳 大健
康 新消费 现代农业等8个产业生态圈,和28条重点产业链,构建绿
城市空间布局:城市空 (略) 的社会 经济 环境以及工程技术
与建筑空间组合的综合反映。 (略) 主要用地组成的不同形态表现
出来的。建立统 (略) 空间布局的指标体系,实现目标指标化
指标空间化,使指标可实施 可评估 可考核和可监管,有效指导下位
生态环境质量:从 蓝天 碧水 净土 生态 四个方面,从生
态格局 生态功能 生物多样性以及生态胁迫等角度构建生态环境质量
绿色交通发展:从减污降碳 用能结构 运输结构三个角度构建绿色交
绿色基础设施建设: (略) 生态基础设施体系 城市水系统 城市绿地
系统 城市能源系统方面构建基础设施绿色评价指标。
绿色建筑与社区建设:城市环境卫生 供水排水 燃气供热 垃圾处理
园林绿化 信息通讯 公众满意度等方面建立建筑与社区绿色评价指
机制保障:基于土地 能耗 环境 资金等要素构建机制保障评价指标
Determination of evaluation areas based on goal leadership, process
control and result orientation: Starting from the systematic and specialized
nature of urban work, with regional green and low-carbon development as
the core goal, and taking process control and result orientation into account,
the regional carbon reduction and carbon reduction goal is decomposed into
seven tasks, which together constitute the goal layer, including but not
limited to: developing green industries, optimizing urban spatial layout,
improving ecological environment quality, promoting green transport
development, accelerating green infrastructure construction, promoting green
building and community construction, and strengthening mechanism
Develop green industry: Build a green industry index system around eight
industrial ecosystems, including digital economy, aviation and aerospace,
modern transportation, green and low-carbon, large health, new consumption
and modern agriculture, and 28 key industrial chains, so as to promote the
high-quality development of Chengdu.
Urban spatial layout: Urban spatial layout is a comprehensive reflection of the
city s social, economic, environmental, engineering technology and
architectural space combination. It is expressed through the different forms
of the main land use in the city. Establish a unified index system to guide
urban spatial layout, achieve target indexation and spatial indicators, so that
indicators can be implemented, evaluated, assessed and supervised, and
effectively guide the next planning.
Ecological environment quality: From the four aspects of blue sky , clear
water , pure land and ecology , the main indicators of ecological
environment quality are constructed from the perspectives of ecological
pattern, ecological function, biobrersity and ecological stress.
Green transportation development: Establish green transportation development
indicators from three perspectives: pollution reduction and carbon reduction,
energy use structure and transportation structure.
Green infrastructure construction: Construct green evaluation index of
infrastructure from the aspects of urban ecological infrastructure system,
urban water system, urban green space system and urban energy system.
Green building and community construction: Establish building and
community green evaluation indicators in terms of urban environmental
sanitation, water supply and drainage, gas heating, garbage disposal,
landscaping, information and communication, and public satisfaction.
Mechanism guarantee: Construct mechanism guarantee evaluation index based
on land, energy consumption, environment, capital and other factors.
遵循准确性 便利性和有效性原则遴选指标:指标遴选需要综合考虑多
方面因素。所选取的指标要准确权威, (略) 形成统一的口径,
形成公平可比的评估结果。所选取的指标定义应简明清晰 避免误解,
数据应易于收集,并便于进行定量化处理。所选取的 (略) 的具
Selection of indicators in accordance with the principles of accuracy,
accessibility and effectiveness: The selection of indicators requires
comprehensive consideration of various factors. The selected indicators
should be accurate and authoritative and should be of a uniform caliber with
other cities, resulting in fair and comparable assessment results. The
definitions of the selected indicators should be concise and clear to avoid
misunderstanding, and the data should be easy to collect and quantify. The
selected indicators should be orientated towards the specific work of the city,
making it easy to differentiate between authority and spatial management
and providing direct guidance for the work.
制定监测评估框架:指标体系 (略) 圈 城市 区县层面的评价
,也可用于园区层面的评价 (略) 政府履行监督职责 分解绿
同区县 园区之间对比时,综合得分较差的区县 园区纳入政府负面管
Developing a monitoring and evaluation framework: the indicator system
can be used for evaluation at the metropolitan area, city, district and county
levels, as well as at the park level it can be used to assist municipal
governments in fulfilling their supervisory responsibilities and in breaking
down the goals and tasks of green and low-carbon development, and it can
be used for self-assessment and improvement of the targets of evaluation.
When used for comparison between different counties and parks, counties
and parks with worse overall scores will be included in the government s
negative management list, according to which more targeted regulatory
measures will be implemented and regular rectification will be required.
District and county governments and parks can develop their own indicator
systems according to their own realities, carry out self-examination and
dynamic assessment, and continuously improve the level of green
development through self-monitoring and adjustment. The municipal
government shall regularly and timely carry out assessments of urban and
rural green construction work and release the results, so as to fulfil the role of
social supervision.
任务(2)机构分析 利益相 (略) 民参与
Task (2) Institutional Analysis, Stakeholder Consultation and Citizen Participation
本任 (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展相关利益相关方分析评估,
This task carries out an analytical assessment of the stakeholders related to green and
low-carbon development in Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area, in order to
identify the main stakeholders and their impacts on the region s green and low-carbon
development, and to propose corresponding development recommendations. Specific
tasks include:
咨 询 当 地 的 主 要 利 益 相 关 方 ( 即 相 关 政 府 部 门 -
发改 规划 环保 交通等,以及相关社会团体)并通过流程使他们参
(略) 民参与计划并开展公众咨询。并且开展中小学普及教育主题
Conducting institutional analysis and stakeholder assessments, identifying key
institutions and stakeholders, and clarifying the scope of authority of each
institution and stakeholder.
Consultation with key local stakeholders (i.e. relevant government
departments - development and reform, planning, environmental protection,
transport, etc., as well as relevant social organizations) and a process to
involve them in the construction of the indicator system.
Developing a citizen participation program and conducting public
2.3.2. 子项2: (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展监测评价Sub-
component 2: Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon
Development in Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
(略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展情况和 (略) 圈发展规划 实施情况进
Project content: Collect data based on the indicator system established in
Subcomponent 1, use the indicator system and the indicator guide to conduct mid-
term monitoring and evaluation of the green and low-carbon development of Chengdu
City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area and the implementation of the Chengdu
Metropolitan Area Development Plan, and further put forward recommendations on
sectoral policies and actions.
任务(3)数据收集和权重确定Data collection and developing weights
Collect necessary information to support baseline analysis for the development of
the Indexes and Sub-indexes. All information collected should be available on a
platform that any of the concerned agencies can access as a shared database. Key
information could include, but not be limited to, the following:
地理空间数据:生态环境 土地 房屋 设施 公共空间 就业和人口
的空间分布等基础数据 手机信令 工商企业 LBS(位置服务)等动
态感知大数据 城市总体规划 公共交通网络发展规划以及其他相关的
专题规划,如步行和自行车系统规划 公共空间规划 历史社区保护规
(略) 洪水风险管理规划等。所有数据应以可编辑的电子格式收集,
最好是使用GIS shapefile格式。
Geo-spatial data: basic data such as ecological environment, land, housing,
facilities, public space, spatial distribution of employment and population
dynamically sensed big data such as mobile phone signaling, industrial and
commercial enterprises, and LBS (location-based services) urban master
plans, public transport network development plans, and other relevant
thematic plans such as walking and cycling system plans, public space plans,
historic community preservation plans, and urban flood risk management
planning, etc. All data should be collected in an editable electronic format,
preferably in GIS shapefile format.
社会经济数据:经济增长 财政收入 人口和人口特征 住房和商业房
(略) 场指标等的最新统计数据。
Social-economic data: up-to-date statistics on economic growth, fiscal
revenues, population and demographic characteristics, housing and
commercial property market indicators, etc.
政策背景数据:当地有关土地开发与分区 产权 公共交通建设 规划
整合 地下空间开发 多种交通方式整合 低影响开发 公共空间规划
与设计 停车管理等方面的政策和法规。
Policy context information: relevant local policy and regulations on land
development and zoning, property rights, public transit construction,
planning integration, underground space development, multiple transport
mode integration, low-impact development, public space planning and
design, and parking management, etc.
数据来源包括政府统计数据 各部门各行业数据 互联网大数据 遥感数
据 专项调查数据等。专项调查数据通过抽样方法采集。
Data sources include government statistics, data from various sectors and
industries, Internet big data, remote sensing data and special survey data. Special
survey data are collected through sampling methods.
对 生 态 文 明
案之间进行比较。它在世界范围内被用于政府 商业 工业 医疗和教育等领
After each sub-index s indicators are chosen, they need to be weighted to identify
and take into consideration their contribution to ecological civilization . Given the
extremely subjective nature of this process, it is advised to employ the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) uses a framework
to structure a problem, represent and quantify its aspects, tie those elements to goals,
and simplify evaluation of potential solutions, allowing comparison between a list of
alternatives. It is employed worldwide in numerous decision-making circumstances in
sectors including government, business, industry, healthcare, and education1. When
determining the weights for indicators, there are three main steps:
(1) 使用层次结构来组织问题。AHP的层次结构通常包括顶部的总体目
(2) 通过配对比较,对标准进行评估,确定它们在层次结构中的重要性
(3) 通过AHP软件,根据调查得出的数据(从相关的利益相关者处收集
(1) Firstly, a hierarchy is used to organize the problems. An AHP hierarchy
typically consists of an overarching objective at the top, a set of options
or alternatives for achieving that goal at the bottom, and a set of criteria
connecting the options to the goal in the center.
( 2) Secondly, by incorporating pair-wise comparisons, the criteria are
assessed and their significance within the hierarchy is determined to
generate the weights.
( 3) Finally, weights are calculated for each indicator through an AHP
software based on survey-derived data (collected from relevant
stakeholders). During the survey, the respondents score the importance
of indicators to the sub-indexes based on their understanding of the
issues at hand.
然后,在将它们分组为子指数之前,需要通过一个被称为 规范化
1 Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas. 1994. Decision Making in Economic, Social and Technological
Environments. Pittsburgh: RWS Publications.
Then, before grouping them into sub-indexes, the indicators need to be
standardized through a process known as normalization . Then, the sub-indexes can
be built and weighted following the same approach.
对于指数有两种汇总类型:合并单个指标,形成子指数 将子指数组合起
There are two types of aggregation: Combining inbridual indicators to form sub-
indexes and combining sub-indexes to build the main index. Normalization is a
crucial step to make indicators comparable and allow their integration into the sub-
indexes and the main index. The process of normalization is used to make indicators
retrieved from brerse sources comparable within a single system. Effective
normalization methods2, according to international experience, are:
标准化: 将所有指标转换为一个共同的尺度,平均值为0,标准差为1
Ranking: using simple rankings
Standardization: Converting all indicators to a common scale with an
average of 0 and standard deviation of 1
Max-Min: calculating the ratio of the difference between the raw indicator
value and the minimum value brided by the range
Distance to a reference: briding the indicator by a reference such as a
benchmark or target
Categorical scale: assigning a categorical scale (numeric of qualitative) to an
(略) 进行评估或排名, (略) 政管理部门提高其绩效
Overall, the index (together with its sub-indexes and indicators) can be utilized to:
a) Evaluate or rank cities, and encourage municipal administrations to enhance
their performance
b) Make trend analysis possible, which, along with PSR analysis, can give
policymakers a foundation for evaluating the effects of their decisions.
c) Make it easier to identify problems and provide the analysis required to
support future policy creation.
d) Make it possible for PSR analysis to evaluate government initiatives to
ecological civilization and show how selected factors affect it.
Importantly, by employing this system, the main index shows not only how its
different indicators and sub-indices change over time, but also how they change in
relation to one another. Policymakers could then be better equipped to comprehend
the broad patterns of necessary policy interventions.
任务(4)分析评价诊断 Analyze and evaluation
本任务根据不同的研究和实践目标,开展总项 各分项的排名与解读,通
过横向和纵向对比的方式进行规律总结,对重要区域 典型案例进行深入研究
This task carries out the ranking and interpretation of the overall objective and
sub objectives according to different research and practice objectives, summarizes the
laws by way of horizontal and vertical comparisons, and carries out in-depth studies
and analyses of important regions and typical cases. On this basis, the way to conduct
sustainable path tracking and spatial and temporal carving in the future will be
clarified to facilitate the subsequent dynamic assessment. The dynamic assessment
can be brided into two implementation modes: annual assessment and five-year
assessment, and an effective applicable evaluation mechanism will be established
according to different assessment purposes. Including but not limited to:
(略) 及分区县绿色低碳发展监测评价
(略) 圈(成都 德阳 眉山 资阳)绿色低碳发展监测评价
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in
Chengdu City and Sub-district Counties
Monitoring and Evaluation of Green and Low Carbon Development in
Chengdu Metropolitan Area (Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan, Ziyang)
任务(5)部门政策与行动建议 Sectoral policies and action plan
,有重点 有目标地提出分部门 分区域的政策与行动建议。
Based on the judgement and understanding of the feasibility of the policy
recommendations and the functions of the relevant sectors, and in response
to the findings of the evaluation, focused and targeted sub sectoral and sub
regional policy and action recommendations are made.
Selection of key policy action scenarios to assess carbon reduction potential.
2.3.3. 子项3: (略) 大脑搭建以碳达峰碳中和目标为 (略)
Component 3: Building a data-sharing and management platform for urban
green and low-carbon development led by the carbon peaking and carbon
neutrality targets based on the city brain
项目内容:一 (略) 城市智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建 双碳 数据
共享平台 二 (略) 主要碳排放源,在碳排放重点领域集成碳排放数据
与动态更新数据 三是开发碳考核指标 指标动态考核 趋势分析 异常监测
预警等功能 四是规范绿色低碳发展数据共享流程和机制, (略) 部门及机构
信息系统互联互通 数据共享。
Project content: Firstly, to build a dual-carbon data sharing platform based on the
Chengdu City Intelligent Management Platform (City Brain) secondly, to integrate
carbon emission data and dynamically updated data in the key areas of carbon
emission according to the main sources of carbon emission in Chengdu City thirdly,
to develop carbon assessment indicators, dynamic assessment of indicators, trend
analysis, abnormality monitoring and early warning functions fourthly, to standardize
the process and mechanism of green and low-carbon development data sharing, and to
promote the interconnection of information systems of municipal departments and
项目应用: (略) 智慧管理平台(城市大脑)搭建共享平台,可以填补
该市碳达峰碳中和数据平台空白,形成数据定期更新 反馈机制,及时 客观
门提供可视化的决策参考,辅助制定相关政策措施, (略) 精细治理打牢基础
Project application: Firstly, build a sharing platform based on the city s intelligent
management platform (city brain), which can fill in the blank of the city s carbon peak
carbon neutral data platform, form a mechanism for regular updating and feedback of
the data, and reflect the green development and future trends for the competent
authorities in a timely and objective manner. Secondly, it integrates carbon emission
data with dynamic update data based on major carbon emission sources and provides
application support for dual-carbon management scenarios. It can provide visualized
decision-making reference for the competent authorities, assist in the formulation of
relevant policies and measures, and lay a solid foundation for fine urban governance.
任务(6)搭建数据共享平台 Task (7) Build a data-sharing platform
搭建绿色低碳发展数据共享平台,主要从业务视角 功能视角和技术视角
功能视图包括:数据接入层 传输处理层 数据接入层以及数据应用层。技术
视角应从安全技术 隐私计算技术 存证溯源技术 数据控制技术 计算处理
To build a data-sharing platform for green and low-carbon development, the
architecture of the system platform is constructed mainly from the business
perspective, the functional perspective and the technical perspective. Under the
business perspective, the main participants of the system platform are considered. The
functional view of the system platform includes: data access layer, transmission
processing layer, data access layer, and data application layer. The technical
perspective should be integrated from the aspects of security technology, privacy
computing technology, deposit and traceability technology, data control technology,
and computing and processing technology.
任务(7)碳排放数据收集和处理 Carbon emissions data collection and processing
下功能:碳排放数据定期核算 趋势预测和分析 异常监测预警等,并提供可
的处理和分析,具有数据量大 结构形式多样 逻辑结构复杂等特点。项目团
,构建统一时空数据底座,建立分析数据模型,对数据进行跟踪 处理和解决
Collect the necessary carbon emission data and interface with the database
systems of various departments through a data-sharing platform to achieve hassle-free
data interfacing and processing. Data collection includes, but is not limited to, the
following: geospatial data, public transport data, public facilities data. Carbon
emission data management and monitoring includes, but is not limited to, the
following functions: regular accounting of carbon emission data, trend prediction and
analysis, abnormal monitoring and early warning, etc., and providing visualized
decision-making reference suggestions. In this work, it involves the processing and
analysis of carbon emission related data from more different industries, which is
characterized by large amount of data, brerse structural forms and complex logical
structure. The project team should have the corresponding technology for data
Through data processing, spatial data within the scope and special data on carbon
emissions are established based on research data and multi-source data, forming the
results of spatially oriented data governance and analysis of carbon emissions. Carry
out data analysis and feature mining from multiple perspectives and prepare a
research and analysis report on energy use and carbon emissions. Through data
processing, a unified spatial and temporal data base is constructed, an analytical data
model is established, and data are tracked, processed and resolved to achieve full
management of data quality.
任务(8)双碳智慧管理应用模块开发 Dual Carbon Smart Management
Application Module Development
建碳排放数据体系和碳排放核算体系, (略) 碳排放监测与动态清单。
通过碳监测平台的建设,将范围内的空间数据与碳排放的专项数据 核算方法
据模型,对数据进行跟踪 处理和解决,实现对数据质量的全程管理。以此为
基础,能够在空间层级上实现碳排放基准线分析 对标分析 减排潜力评估等
专题应用,为相关政策的制定 政策效用评估 政策实施路径等提供数据环境
Carbon Emission Monitoring and Dynamic Inventory: Carbon Emission Monitoring
and Dynamic Inventory mainly focuses on key carbon emission sources, constructs a
carbon emission data system and a carbon emission accounting system, and then
establishes an urban carbon emission monitoring and dynamic inventory. Through the
construction of the carbon monitoring platform, the spatial data within the scope and
the special data of carbon emission, accounting methodology, etc. are integrated with
multiple sources to form a spatially oriented carbon emission data governance and
presentation. An analytical data model is established to track, process and resolve the
data to achieve full management of data quality. Based on this, thematic applications
such as carbon emission baseline analysis, benchmarking analysis and assessment of
emission reduction potential can be achieved at the spatial level, providing data
environment support for the formulation of relevant policies, assessment of policy
effectiveness and policy implementation paths.
碳预算与考核预警: (略) 动态排放清单,建立碳预算与考核预警
Carbon budget and assessment and early warning: The platform establishes a
carbon budget and assessment and early warning system based on the city s dynamic
emission inventory, constructs a dynamic emission inventory for key areas,
establishes a corresponding carbon emission assessment and evaluation mechanism,
then breaks down the targets and allocates the carbon budget, and also analyses the
trend and warns of risks through the dynamic monitoring of carbon emission sources.
供支持,构建碳资产项目库 碳资产开发项目可以减少碳排放 增加碳汇 遵
各类减排项目进行识别梳理,根据实施机制分类,建立 (略) 场 国家
自愿碳减排 国际自愿碳减排 地方碳普惠等机制的碳资产分类分级储备与管
理项目库。 (略) 场政策发展进程设立符合 (略) 场发展环境的资产
开发与管理计划,逐渐完善碳资产的储备 开发 交易等的全周期管理机制。
Carbon Asset Development and Project Pool: Carbon asset development
provides support for carbon emission reduction mainly through the analysis of
emission reduction potential and the construction of a carbon asset project pool
carbon asset development projects can reduce carbon emissions, increase carbon sinks
and comply with national and international carbon emission reduction policies, thus
obtaining carbon credits or emission reduction units, and realizing carbon trading and
economic gains. At the same time, the project library can also help enterprises or
investors to quickly understand and find carbon asset development projects with
sustainable development potential and reduce the investment risk and cost of carbon
asset development. Identify and sort out various types of emission reduction projects
within the scope, ify them according to the implementation mechanism, and set
up a carbon asset ification and grading reserve and management project database
including national carbon market, national voluntary carbon emission reduction,
international voluntary carbon emission reduction, local carbon inclusion and other
mechanisms. It will also set up asset development and management plans in
accordance with the development process of market policies that are in line with local
realities and the market development environment, and gradually improve the full-
cycle management mechanism of carbon asset reserves, development and trading.
用能及碳排放变化监测情况进行展示,通过整合 汇聚片区内用能数据,计算
分析视图,针 (略) 各区县 各类建筑为统计范围的用能及碳排放分
析。界面展示统计指标的区位分布 建筑类型分布情况,并应提供时间序列图
Decision-making Cockpit: With carbon assessment as the goal, the carbon
emission intensity, energy consumption intensity and emission reduction trend of the
assessment target can be quickly queried, so as to realize the efficient supervision of
carbon emission reduction. It displays the monitoring of regional energy consumption
and carbon emission changes in a simple and easy-to-use way, and quickly monitors
regional energy consumption and carbon emission changes by integrating and
aggregating energy consumption data within the area and calculating energy
consumption and carbon emission indicators. Through a series of analysis views,
users can analyses the energy consumption and carbon emissions of each city, district
and county, and each type of building as the statistical scope in the past years. The
interface shows the distribution of statistical indicators by district and building type
and should provide time series charts to view the changes of the above indicators,
which can be filtered for different regional boundaries and different types of energy-
using units and linked to the map display.
任务(9)建立绿色低碳数据共享机制Task (9) Establishment of a green low-
carbon data-sharing mechanism
数据共享过程 数据共享安全性和数据共享监管。
Using blockchain technology to build a secure and trustworthy data sharing
mechanism, which mainly contains data quality assurance, data sharing process, data
sharing security and data sharing regulation.
限界定方法明确数据共享的标准与范围,对数据使用者的检索 下载及共享行
保上链数据以高质量的状态持续共享 其次,数据安全是保障数据质量的关键
,对数据进行收集整理时应对数据来源 数据格式 数据规范进行严格审查,
隐私的保护程度,确保数据共享以安全有效的方式推进 最后,在用户需求方
面应完善数据需求方与数据管理者之间的沟通与反馈机制,借助数据脱敏 非
Data quality assurance consists of the following three aspects: first, in terms of
data permissions, the standards and scope of data sharing are clarified through the
development of effective permission definition methods, and the retrieval,
downloading and sharing behaviors of data users are supervised to ensure that the
whole process of data use is within the scope of permissions meanwhile, the shared
data should be regularly reviewed, and the cycle is set according to the process of data
sharing to ensure that the uploaded data are continuously shared in a high-quality state
by means of repeated audits and strict supervision second, data security is the key to
guaranteeing data quality. Secondly, data security is the key to guaranteeing data
quality. When collecting and arranging data, data sources, data formats, and data
specifications should be strictly examined to guarantee the authority and accuracy of
the shared data, and the quality control of government data should be strictly
implemented from the data management process and organizational structure of the
administrators when the data are in use. Finally, in terms of user demand, the
communication and feedback mechanism between the data demand side and data
managers should be improved, and the protection of personal privacy information
should be improved with the help of data desensitization, asymmetric encryption and
other technologies, so as to safeguard the quality of the data while balancing the
relationship between data utilization and privacy protection.
数据共享过程主要经过数据申请 数据授权和数据发布3个流程。数据申请
的请求 数据授权主要审核节点身份和数据内容,将按照预设的智能合约条款
息录入区块 数据发布也需要链上节点发出请求,根据数据类型划分不同的子
The data sharing process mainly goes through three processes: data application, data
authorization and data release. Data application refers to the user joining the
blockchain system through node registration, and issuing a request to apply for data
uploading to the blockchain as a node on the chain data authorization mainly audits
the identity of nodes and data content, and automatically authorizes nodes that satisfy
the requirements in accordance with the terms of the preset smart contract, and allows
the node to enter the data information into the block after the consensus of the other
nodes on the chain is passed data release also requires the nodes on the chain to issue
a request, and enter the data details into the distributed ledger under the subdirectory
according to the type of data. Data release also requires the nodes on the chain to
issue a request to bride different subdirectories according to the data types, enter the
details of the data into the distributed ledger under the subdirectories, and at the same
time, enter the address value of the previous block, which is used to ensure the
continuity between the blocks.
但不限于环签名 同态加密 安全多方计算等安全传输的方式,对用户可识别
信息进行脱敏处理或差分隐私处理 利用区块链的签名机制和零知识证明等技
术,实现用户数据共享的同时保证用户隐私 利用底层链系统的安全计算模块
Data sharing security: take measures to protect user privacy and prevent leakage
of private information, adopt secure transmission methods including but not limited to
ring signature, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, etc., and
carry out desensitization processing or differential privacy processing of user
identifiable information make use of blockchain s signature mechanism and zero-
knowledge proof and other technologies to realize the sharing of user data and at the
same time ensure user privacy make use of the security of the underlying chain
system to implement business requirements such as data analysis and computation on
the basis of data without sharing. Calculation module to achieve business
requirements such as data analysis and computing on the basis that data need not be
shared. Traceability of records ensures that the data operation at each moment is
unchangeable and recorded according to the timestamp, and the chain connection
between blocks, combined with various methods and algorithms, ensures that the
transaction records can be queried at any time, so as to realize the traceability of
建立数据共享的政策和相关法规制度 对数据共享过程进行评估和监测 加强
Data-sharing regulation: establish a data-sharing agency or department
responsible for the supervision and management of data-sharing establish data-
sharing policies and a system of related regulations assess and monitor the data-
sharing process and strengthen data security and privacy protection.
2.3.4. 子项4: (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系试点Sub-
component 4: Pilot Green and Low Carbon Development Evaluation System
for Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
项目内容:该子项包含三方面内容, (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)的
发展现状 产业要素 产业特点进行分析,并结合国际国内优秀案例,建立具
有成都特色的产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展评价体系 二是以评价体
对比评价结果,优化和完善绿色低碳发展评价体系 三是依据评价体系和典型
Project content: This sub-project contains three aspects, one is to analyses the
development status quo, industrial elements and industrial characteristics of industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu, and establish a green and low-carbon
development evaluation system for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) with
characteristics of Chengdu by combining the international and domestic excellent
cases the second is to carry out green and low-carbon development evaluation based
on the construction of the evaluation system by selecting a typical park (functional
zone) The second is to select typical parks (functional zones) based on the
construction of the evaluation system to carry out the evaluation of green low-carbon
development, release and vertically compare the evaluation results, and optimize and
improve the evaluation system of green low-carbon development. Enhance the appeal
and influence of green and low-carbon development and make the concept of green
and low-carbon development deeply rooted in people s hearts.
Project application: The application level includes four aspects. Firstly, it is to sort
out the elements of industrial parks (industrial functional zones) and summaries the
evaluation elements of industrial development with Chengdu characteristics.
Secondly, based on the advanced cases at home and abroad and the development
factors of Chengdu s industrial parks (industrial zones), the green and low-carbon
development index evaluation system with Chengdu s characteristics will be refined
and established. Thirdly, based on the established green and low-carbon development
index system for industrial parks (industrial functional zones), select typical cases
with industrial characteristics, organize relevant expert judges to evaluate the typical
cases, and feedback the evaluation results to optimize the development index
evaluation system. Fourthly, assist the relevant departments in summarizing the
practices and paths of green low-carbon demonstration zones, promote the
popularization of green low-carbon development indexes and green low-carbon
production methods, and organize relevant experts to explain the indexes and promote
the cases, so as to enhance the appeal and influence of green low-carbon
development, and to make the concept of green low-carbon development deeply
rooted in people s hearts.
任务(10)成都产业园区(产业功能区)综合要素评估Comprehensive factor
assessment of Chengdu Industrial Park (Industrial Functional Zone)
限 于 : Summarize the elements of industrial development assessment that are
characteristic of Chengdu. The summary of industrial elements should include but not
limited to:
产 业 发 展 趋 势 梳 理
Sorting out the current status of industrial development
Sorting out the characterization of industrial development
Sorting out industrial development plans
Sorting out industrial production methods
Sorting out industrial ecosystem
Sorting out the development trend of the industry
任务(11)构建产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展指数Task (11)
Constructing a Green and Low Carbon Development Index for Industrial Parks
(Industrial Functional Zones)
on advanced cases at home and abroad and the development characteristics of
Chengdu industrial parks (industrial functional zones), identify the main problems of
green and low-carbon development in industrial parks (industrial functional zones),
and refine and establish a green and low-carbon development index evaluation system
with Chengdu characteristics. These evaluation indexes mainly include, but should
not be limited to:
Green low carbon investment dimensions
Green and low carbon industry planning dimensions
Green low carbon master planning dimensions
Green low carbon building design dimensions
Green low carbon building construction dimensions
Green low carbon industry production chain dimensions
Green low carbon office business dimensions
Green low carbon circulation transaction dimensions
Green low carbon park living consumption dimensions
Green low carbon future development resilience dimensions
数据。 (略) 低碳发展指标体系指数化,依据一定的打分规则和评分细则进
Based on the above key indicators, identify and establish each measurement indicator,
and study and design the secondary indicators of the relevant indicators, establish the
qualitative and quantitative evaluation indexes and scoring weights of the first-level
and second-level indicators, and collect the corresponding data. In order to index the
urban low-carbon development indicator system, uniform scoring is carried out based
on certain scoring rules and scoring details, so as to form an evaluation model that can
be put into practice.
任务(12)典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展指标评估Task (12) Indicator
Assessment of Typical Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
化发展指数评估体系。选取的试点产业功能区2023年7月均 (略) 首批近
According to the green and low-carbon development index system for industrial parks
(industrial functional zones) established, the Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industrial
Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern Industrial Port) and Chang an Intravenous
Industrial Park (Chengdu Environment Group Environmental Protection Park) were
taken as the pilot industrial functional zones, and the relevant experts were organised
to evaluate the typical cases, and the results of the evaluation were fed back to
optimise the development index evaluation system. The selected pilot industrial
functional zones will all be created as the first batch of near-zero carbon emission
parks in Chengdu in July 2023, with the following basic information:
成 都 绿 色 氢 能 产 业 功 能 区 ( 挂 牌 成 都 现 代 工 业 港 ) 占 地
66.8平方公里,涵盖郫筒街道 红光街道全域,属碳中和产业生态圈和汽车产
业生态圈,主导产业为 氢能装备和电子信息配套装备 , 规划核心区
2个 , 分 别 是 氢 能 技 术 和 创 新 孵 化 基 地 ( 1.6 平 方 公 里 )
氢 能 装 备 制 造 与 应 用 基 地 ( 1.4 平 方 公 里 ) 。 本 次 拟 将 园 区 的 A
区作为试点,该区域包括了成都现代工业港北片区 北片区拓展区及小微企业
创 新 园 。 A
华路,西至佘林家路。规划建设面积 8.29 平方公里。
Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industry Functional Zone (listed Chengdu Modern
Industrial Port) covers an area of 66.8 square kilometres, covering PI Street,
Hongguang Street, the whole area, is a carbon-neutral industrial ecosystem and
automotive industry ecosystem, the leading industry for hydrogen energy equipment
and electronic information supporting equipment , the planning of the core area of 2,
respectively, hydrogen technology and innovation incubation base (1.6 square
kilometres), hydrogen equipment manufacturing and application base (1.4 square
kilometres). Two core areas are planned, namely hydrogen energy technology and
innovation incubation base (1.6 square kilometres) and hydrogen energy equipment
manufacturing and application base (1.4 square kilometres). It is proposed to take
Area A of the park as a pilot project, which includes the North Area of Chengdu
Modern Industrial Harbour, the Expansion Area of the North Area and the Innovation
Park for Small and Micro Enterprises. Area A is located to the north of National
Highway 317, with the following four boundaries: north to Gangtai Avenue, south to
Hongguang Avenue, east to Honghua Road, and west to Shelinjia Road. The planned
construction area is 8.29 square kilometers.
图1 成都绿色氢能产业功能区(成都现代工业港)
Figure 1: Chengdu Green Hydrogen Industry Functional Zone (Chengdu Modern
Industrial Port)
试点区产业结构以智能设备制造 智能终端整机制造产业为主。截止
2021年 底 , A 区 引 进 企 业 431 家 , 其 中 规 上 工 业 规 上 服 务 业
限上批零住餐四上企业共计131家,企业产业类别主要为电气机械制造 设备制
造 金属制品 建材及新材料 电子信息 包装印务 食品及其他轻工等产业
比 为 14%, 金 属 制 品 业 企 业 占 比 9%,
The industrial structure of the pilot zone is dominated by intelligent equipment
manufacturing and intelligent terminal manufacturing. By the end of 2021, 431
enterprises have been introduced into Zone A, including 131 enterprises in industrial,
service industry and wholesale, retail and foodstuffs, and the industrial categories of
the enterprises are mainly electrical machinery manufacturing, equipment
manufacturing, metal products, building materials, electronic information, packaging
and printing, food and other light industries. The number of electrical machinery
manufacturing enterprises is the largest, accounting for 19 per cent, followed by
general equipment manufacturing enterprises accounting for 14 per cent, metal
products industry enterprises accounting for 9 per cent, followed by special equipment
manufacturing and printing industry enterprises accounting for 8 per cent each.
园区企业包含成都深冷 (略) 中国东方电气集团有限公
司 万控科技(成都)有限公司 四川川润 (略) 等。
Enterprises in the park include Chengdu Deep-Cooling Liquefaction Equipment
Co., Ltd, China Oriental Electric Corporation, Wanchuan Technology (Chengdu) Co.
Table X Presentation of selected companies in the park
园区企业Enterprises in the park 简介 Brief
成都深冷 (略)
Chengdu Deep-Cooling
Liquefaction Equipment Co.
创 立 于 2008
年,是省属国企蜀道投资集团实际控股的混 (略) 企业。公司是国内知名的深冷技术装备制造服务(各类气体的净化 分离 液化) 绿色能源开发利用(氢能源 充电站) 交通装备制造服务(加油站 加气站) 气体投资运营供应商。
Founded in 2008, it is a listed mixed ownership enterprise actually held by the provincial state-owned enterprise Shudao Investment Group. The company is a well-known domestic supplier of deep-cooling technology equipment manufacturing services (purification,
separation and liquefaction of all kinds of gases), green energy development and utilisation (hydrogen energy, charging stations), transportation equipment manufacturing services (petrol stations, filling stations) and gas investment and operation.
中国 (略)
China Eastern Electric
Corporation Limited
全球最大的发电设备制造和电站工程总承包企业集团之一, 发电设备产量累计超过6亿千瓦,已连续 18 年发电设备产量位居世界前列。
It is one of the world s largest power generation equipment manufacturers and power plant general contractors, with a cumulative output of more than 600 million kilowatts of power generation equipment, and has been ranked among the world s top producers of power
generation equipment for 18 consecutive years.
Wanchuan Technology (Chengdu)
万控集团创立于1991年,总部设立于浙江温州,分别在丽水 天津 成都 温州 太仓等地建立了生产基地,主要生产高低压电气机柜 中压断路器等产品, 是国内电气机柜领域最大的制造商。
Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, WCG has set up production bases in Lishui, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wenzhou, Taicang, etc. WCG mainly produces high and low-voltage electrical cabinets, medium-voltage circuit breakers, etc., and it is
the largest manufacturer in the field of electrical cabinets in China.
四川川润 (略)
Sichuan Chuanrun Hydraulic
Lubrication Equipment Co.
成立于2006年,是国内最大的润滑液压设备生产基地,目 前拥有风电行业 润滑液压 (略) 场地位,其风力发电液压润滑装置产品已全面替代进口并走向国际化。
Founded in 2006, is the largest lubrication and hydraulic equipment production base, currently has the wind power industry, lubrication and hydraulics industry, the first market position, its wind power hydraulic lubrication device products have been a comprehensive
alternative to imports and towards internationalization.
Projects planned for the Park to achieve a Net Zero Carbon Park after 2023
长安静脉产业园(成都环境集团环保园) (略) 龙泉驿区万兴乡和洛
带镇交界处,地处中心城区东郊 龙泉山西簏,位 (略) 森林公园中。
(略) 中心约28公里,总规划用地面积为4.67平方公里。位于龙泉驿区
要场所, (略) 垃圾的无害化处理。近年来,依托长安垃圾填埋场,逐渐建
Chang an Vein Industrial Park (Chengdu Environment Group Environmental Park) is
located at the junction of Wanxing Township and Luodai Township, Longquanyi
District, Chengdu, in the eastern suburb of the central city and the basket of
Longquanshan Mountain, in the Longquanshan Urban Forest Park. The park is about
28 kilometres away from the centre of Chengdu, with a total planned land area of 4.67
square kilometres. Located at the junction of Luodai Town and Wanxing Township in
Longquanyi District, Chang an Landfill (Phase I and II), covering an area of more
than 1,500 acres, was completed in 1992 and formally put into use in 1993, and is the
main landfill site for domestic rubbish in Chengdu s central city and the surrounding
districts and counties, being in charge of harmless treatment of rubbish in the city. In
recent years, relying on the Chang an landfill, other supporting solid waste treatment
projects have been gradually built.
长 安 静 脉 产 业 园 -
成都环境集团环保园涵盖万兴环保发电厂 垃圾渗滤液处理厂 危废处置中心
长安垃圾填埋场及周边绿化。目前,一个以长安垃圾填埋场 生活垃圾焚烧
发电厂为核心的 (略) 中心城区并辐射到周边区县的静脉产业集群已
Chang an Vein Industrial Park - Chengdu Environment Group s Environmental Park
covers the Wanxing Environmental Power Plant, the Waste Leachate Treatment Plant,
the Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre, the Chang an Landfill and the surrounding
greenery. At present, a venous industry cluster taking Chang an landfill and domestic
waste incineration power plant as the core, serving the downtown area of Chengdu
and radiating to the surrounding districts and counties has already taken shape.
图2 长安静脉产业园(成都环境集团环保园)
Figure 2 Chang an Vein Industrial Park (Chengdu Environmental Group
Environmental Park)
园区内部分建成项目包括万兴环保发电厂 (略) 成都危险废物处置中心
垃圾渗滤液处理厂(一期,二期) 垃圾渗滤液处理厂(三期)等。
Some of the completed projects in the park include Wanxing Environmental
Protection Power Plant, Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre of Sichuan
Province, Waste Leachate Treatment Plant (Phase I, Phase II) and Waste Leachate
Treatment Plant (Phase III).
Completed projects in the park
Wanxing Environmental Power
万兴环保发电厂一期2017年2月正式运行,占地180亩,设计处理能力2400吨/日,实际入厂垃圾约2700吨/日。都市万兴环保发电厂二期设计规模为3000吨/日,年可处理生活垃圾109.5万吨。项 (略) 政污泥干化生产线年处理湿污泥13.86万吨。二期项目投入运行后年可发3.96 108千瓦时,其中
上网电量约3.16 108千瓦时/年。
The first phase of Wanxing Environmental Power Plant, which was officially operated in February 2017, covers an area of 180 acres and has a design capacity of 2,400 tons/day, with about 2,700 tons/day of actual incoming waste. The design scale of the second phase of the Metropolitan Wanxing Environmental Power Plant
is 3,000 tons/day, with an annual capacity of 1,095,000 tonnes of domestic waste. The project is synchronized with the construction of a municipal sludge drying production line to process 138,600 tons of wet sludge per year. The second phase of the project can generate 3.96 108 kWh per year after it is put into operation, of
which about 3.16 108 kWh/year will be fed into the grid.
(略) 成都危险废物处置中心
Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal
Centre, Sichuan Province
(略) 成都危险废物处置中心一期项目处理能力为3.26万吨/年,其中焚烧10000吨/年,物化7600吨/年,固化15000吨/年,危险废物处理类别31类。二期项目设计处理能力6.3万吨/年,危险废物处理类别40类,项目选址在一期现有建设范围内。三期项目设计处置规模为5万吨/年,占地约95亩。
The first phase of the Chengdu Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre in Sichuan Province has a capacity of 32,600 tons/year, including 10,000 tons/year of incineration, 7,600 tons/year of materialization and 15,000 tons/year of curing, with 31 categories of hazardous waste treatment. The second phase of the project is designed to
handle 63,000 tons/year, with 40 hazardous waste treatment categories, and the project site is within the existing construction area of the first phase. The third-phase project is designed to dispose of 50,000 tons/year and covers an area of about 95 acres.
垃圾渗滤液处理厂(一期,二期) 一期工程设计规模为日处理渗滤液1300吨,采用 外置式膜生化反应器 反渗透 工艺,膜系统产生的浓缩液回灌垃圾填埋场,具有较高环境污染风险 二期工程设计规模为日处理渗滤液1000吨,采用外置式膜生化反应器 纳滤/反渗透工艺,膜系统产生的浓缩液进入浓缩液处理系统,通过高级氧化
Refuse Leachate Treatment Plant
(Phase I, Phase II)
The design scale of the first-phase project is 1,300 tons of leachate per day, adopting external membrane biochemical reactor reverse osmosis process, and the concentrate produced by the membrane system is recharged into the landfill, which has a high risk of environmental pollution the design scale of the second-phase
project is 1,000 tons of leachate per day, adopting external membrane biochemical reactor Nano-filtration/reverse osmosis process, and the concentrate produced by the membrane system enters into the concentrate treatment system, and is discharged through advanced oxidative process and meets the standard.
Refuse Leachate Treatment Plant
(Phase III)
(略) 垃圾渗滤处理厂三期位于万兴环保发电厂二期南侧,用于处理万兴环保发电厂二期产生的全部渗滤液 填埋场三期的全部渗滤液(焚烧发电项目建成后,填埋场三期转为应急填埋场,不再填埋生活垃圾) 长安垃圾填埋场一 二期的部分渗滤液以及其他项目的部分沼液等。本项目占地面积为
Chengdu Waste Leachate Treatment Plant Phase III is located at the south side of Wanxing Environmental Protection Power Plant Phase II, which is used to treat all the leachate generated by Wanxing Environmental Protection Power Plant Phase II, all the leachate of Landfill Phase III (after the completion of the incineration
power generation project, Landfill Phase III will be turned into an emergency landfill, and will no longer be used to fill in the domestic rubbish), part of the leachate of Chang an Waste Landfill Phase I and Phase II, as well as some of the methane from other projects, etc. The project covers an area of 50 acres and has been
completed and put into operation. The project covers an area of 50 acres, with a leachate treatment scale of 2,000 tons per day, and has already been completed and put into operation.
Projects planned to achieve a net zero carbon park after 2023:
The main workflow can be followed as follows:
The participating units will submit the information of the participating
industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in accordance with the
requirements for participation, and the participating units will conduct the
preliminary self-evaluation according to the green and low-carbon indicator
A team of selection experts will review the information and self-assessment
results of the participating organizations in the initial assessment and conduct
a reassessment in accordance with the evaluation system of the Green and
Low Carbon Development Index.
Based on the re-evaluation by experts, 1-2 excellent cases of typical industrial
parks (industrial functional zones) of each type will be selected.
Optimize and improve the assessment system of the Green Low Carbon Index
based on the practical effects during the initial and reassessment processes
and form a long-term assessment system that can be put into practice.
任务(13)产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳示范项目总结及推广 Task (13)
Summary and Promotion of Green and Low Carbon Demonstration Projects in
Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional Zones)
Based on the results of the selection of typical industrial parks (industrial functional
zones), form a summary report on the outstanding green and low-carbon cases of
typical industrial parks (industrial functional zones), cooperate with the WB project
team and the relevant departments of Chengdu, promote and popularize the indicators
of green and low-carbon development and the green and low-carbon production
methods, and organize relevant experts to give explanations on the indicators and
promote the cases to enhance the appeal and influence of green and low-carbon
development and make the concept of green and low-carbon development deeply
rooted in people s hearts and minds. development concept is deeply rooted in people s
2.4. 关键的成果与计划Key Deliverables and schedule
出。以下是每项任务下预期的项目产出清单(最低要求)。For each deliverable,
the consultant will deliver a standalone presentation summarizing the output of each
phase. A List of Expected Project Outputs that would be expected under each task is
provided below (minimum requirement)
表3:关键成果 Table 3: Key deliverables
Task No.
任 务
Key deliverables
(1) - 开题报告 Kick-off Report 签 订 合 同
后 2 个月
2 months
after signing
(2) - (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标理论框
- 利益相关方分析报告
- (略) (略) 圈绿色低碳发展指标体系研
- Research Report on the Theoretical Framework of
Green and Low Carbon Development Indicators for
Chengdu City and Chengdu Metropolitan Area
- Stakeholder Analysis Report
- Research Report on the Indicator System for Green
and Low Carbon Development in Chengdu City and
Chengdu Metropolitan Area
签 订 合 同
后 6 个月
6 months
after signing
(3) - (略) 绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
- (略) 圈绿色低碳发展水平评价报告
- Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu City
- Evaluation Report on the Level of Green and Low
Carbon Development in Chengdu Metropolitan Area
签 订 合 同
后 12 个
12 months
after signing
(4) - 确定系统平台的功能视图和采用的系统平台架构
- 设计多源异构数据处理技术,实现数据对接和处
- Determine the functional view of the system platform
and the adopted system platform architecture
- Design of multi-source heterogeneous data processing
techniques for data interfacing and processing
签 订 合 同
后 16 个
16 months
after signing
(5) - (略) 主要碳排放源构建碳排放数据管理与
- 开发绿色低碳发展指标对比 趋势分析 异常监
- Build a carbon emission data management and
monitoring system based on the major carbon
emission sources in Chengdu and construct a special
carbon emission database.
- Develop functions such as comparison of green and
low-carbon development indicators, trend analysis,
abnormal monitoring and early warning
签 订 合 同
后 24 个
24 months
after signing
(6) - 构建安全可信的数据共享机制,开发包括碳排放
动态监测 碳考核 碳资产 决策驾驶舱等核心
签 订 合 同
后 26 个
- (略) 绿色低碳发展数据共享平台
- 完成 (略) 部门及机构间数据共享操作指南
- Construct a safe and credible data-sharing mechanism,
and develop a dual-carbon management application
module that includes core functions such as dynamic
monitoring of carbon emissions, carbon assessment,
carbon assets and decision-making cockpit
- Establish a data-sharing platform for green and low-
carbon development in Chengdu
- Completion of the Operational Guidelines for Data
Sharing among Departments and Agencies in
26 months
after signing
(7) - 成都产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展要素
- 构建成都特色的产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低
- 选取典型产业园区(产业功能区)开展评估,形
- 完成 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
发展指数和评估报告 。
- Current Situation of Green and Low Carbon
Development Factors in Chengdu Industrial Park
(Industrial Functional Zone)
- Construct a green and low-carbon development index
for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) with
Chengdu characteristics
- Select typical industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) to carry out assessment and form assessment
results and excellent cases of typical parks.
- Completion of the Green and Low Carbon
Development Index and Assessment Report of
Chengdu Industrial Parks (Industrial Functional
签 订 合 同
后 28 个
28 months
after signing
(8) - 开展产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳发展优秀
- 完成 (略) 产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
发展案例研究 。
- Carry out the selection and promotion of excellent
cases of green and low-carbon development in
签 订 合 同
后 30 个
30 months
after signing
industrial parks (industrial functional zones)
- Complete the case study on Green and Low Carbon
Development of Chengdu Industrial Park (Industrial
Functional Zone).
2.1.服务期Term of Services
The advisory service needed for this project is for a period of 30 months, from
October 2023 to March 2026.
2.2.项目管理办公室提供的支持 Support provided by PMO
1. (略) 各部门协调,提供所需数据(如有费用,顾问公司应承担数据
2. 为项目的公众咨询提供必要的协助(如有任何费用,顾问公司应承担公
3. 为整个项目提供必要的协助,如组织会议并通知与会者,提供会议室和
1. Coordinate with Chengdu municipal departments to provide required data (in
case of any cost, the consultant shall bear the costs for the data).
2. Provide essential assistance to public consultation for the project (in case of
any cost, the consultant shall bear the costs for the public consultation).
3. Provide essential assistance throughout the project, such as meeting
organization with notification to participants, provision of meeting rooms
and supplies, coordination with video conferences, etc. (in case of any cost,
the consultant shall bear the costs for the above activities).
3. 所需的专业知识Expertise required
该 (略) 规划 碳排放核算 数据分析 环境 信息技术 产业和
社会保障等方面的专家136个人月, (略) 机构未来的沟通和参与能力。见
顾问和专业职位计划(表4)。咨询公司应提交其拟议的组织结构图 所有预期
The project requires specialists in urban planning, carbon emission accounting, data
analysis, environment, IT, industry and safeguards and other aspects of 136 months
and development of capacity for communications and engagement by the city
agencies in the future. See consultants and professional positions into one monthly
plan, Table 4. The consultant firm shall submit their proposed organization chart,
names and qualifications of all expected staff, including estimated experts who will
work for the project within the project implementing period.
Table 4: Consultant Table表4:顾问表
顾问职位和专业 Consultant positions and profession
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长)
High Quality Development and Low Carbon Economy Specialist (Team
10 5
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长)
Information Technology Specialist (Deputy Team Leader) 12 6
3. 城市经济学专家
Urban Economics Specialist 8 4
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析)
GIS and IT Specialist (GIS, data analytics) 8 4
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域)
Environment Safeguards Specialist (Ecological, low carbon field) 8 4
6. 社会保障专家
Social Safeguards Specialist 8 4
7. (略) 规划专家或环境规划专家(国际专家)
Senior Urban Planning Specialist or Environmental Planning Specialist 2 1
8. 环境和可持续性专家
Environment and Sustainability Specialist 8 4
9. 低碳专家
Low Carbon Specialist 8 4
10. 绿色高质量发展专家
Green High-quality Development Specialist 8 4
11. 产业发展和运营专家
Industrial Development and Development Specialist 6 3
12. 产业规划专家
Industrial Planning Specialist 6 3
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向)
IT Specialist (Platform Construction) 8 4
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向)
IT Specialist (Data Analysis) 8 4
15. 城市可持续发展专家
Urban Sustainable Development Specialist 8 4
16. 项目助理
Project Assistant 20 10
Total number of months of experts 136 68
(1)咨询机构的资质 Qualifications of consulting firms
(略) 相关项目经验者优先,具有与世界银行GEF项目合作成功经验的优先
The consulting firm or joint venture should have more than 10 years and wide range
of expertise and experiences in developing and implementing green and low-carbon
indicators. The consulting firm or joint venture should have project experience in
China, with experience in relevant projects in Sichuan Province and Chengdu City
preferred, and successful experience in working with the World Bank s GEF program
preferred. The consulting firm or joint venture should have relevant international
project experience. Strong program coordination and management skills are required,
including high quality data assessment and report production.
(2)对顾问的资格要求 Qualification requirements for consultants
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长)
High Quality Development and Low Carbon Economy Specialist (Team Leader)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职
持或作为主要成员参与过不 (略) 低碳相关的课题或项目。熟悉国内外超
(略) 绿色低碳指标的制定和实施, (略) 发展,特别是成 (略)
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in high-quality green development and low-carbon
economy research or practical experience. He or she should lead or participate as a
key member in no less than 3 urban low carbon related research or projects. He or she
should be familiar with the development and implementation of green and low-carbon
indicators for mega-cities at home and abroad, and has a deep understanding of
Chinese urban development, especially the development of Chengdu and the Chengdu
metropolitan area. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
组的代表。他/她将负责组织 协调 指导和监督专家组所有成员的工作,完成
Main work and responsivities: The team leader is responsible for all management
and coordination of this advisory service and is the representative of the team. He or
she should be responsible for organizing, coordinating, directing and supervising the
work of all team members to accomplish the consulting tasks. He or she should
regularly check and guide the progress of the work and communicate effectively with
the PMO. He or she should overall lead the research work of the four sub-projects. He
or she is mainly responsible for the development of green and low-carbon
development indicators and providing support especially in the green and low-carbon
development data platform.
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长)
Information Technology Specialist (Deputy Team Leader)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职
称待遇。专家应具有10年以上的绿色发展 IT和信息化研究或实践经验。主持
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in green development, IT and informatization
research or practical experience. He or she should lead or participate as a key member
in no less than 3 integration of IT technology and green development research or
projects. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent
writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
共享平台的相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: He or she should assist the team leader to be
responsible for all the management and coordination of this advisory service, and as
the leader, mainly responsible for the green low carbon development data sharing
platform sub-project. He or she should conduct relevant training on the green low
carbon development data sharing platform. He or she should undertake other related
tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from
time to time.
3. 城市经济学专家
Urban Economics Specialist
专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受正高级职称
待遇。该专家应具有至少10年经济高质 (略) 经济相关专业背景的经验
和资质。应该熟知中国的城镇化 城市化和经济发展。主持或作为主要成员参
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 10 years of experience in high quality economic development and urban
economy. He or she should be familiar with Chinese urbanization and economic
development. He or she should lead or participate as a key member in no less than 3
economic high-quality development research or projects. Experience in appropriate
foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
析,模型建立等方面提供支持。协助完成指标构建 数据分析等工作。提供城
市经济方面的相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务
Main work and responsivities: He or she should provide support in the development
of indicators of high-quality economic development, data acquisition, economic data
analysis, and modeling. He or she should assist with metrics construction, data
analysis, etc. He or she should provide relevant training on urban economy and
undertake other related tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and
the team leader from time to time.
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析)
GIS and IT Specialist (GIS, data analytics)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受教授或研
究员以上待遇。该专家应具有8 (略) 规划 地理信息系统和数据分析经
验。主持或作为主要成员参与不少于 (略) (略) 总体规划, (略) 规划
相关的GIS或大数据平台项目。要求对系统平台进行组织 开发和实施,包括地
理空间 社会经济数据 政策背景等方面的综合展示,熟悉大数据平台的建立
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she should have
more than 8 years of experience in urban planning, geographic information systems
and data analytics He or she should host or participate as a key member in GIS or Big
Data platform projects related to no less than 1 major cities and urban master plans, or
urban planning. It is required to organize, develop and implement the system
platform, including comprehensive display of geospatial, socio-economic data, policy
background and other aspects, familiar with the establishment, application and
analysis of big data platforms.
主要的工作及职责: (略) (略) 圈数据共享平台建设方面提供咨
询服务和技术支持。允许不同平台之间的整合, (略) 空间规划系统 生态
及生物多样性系统,产业脱碳发展系统 绿色零碳建筑管理系统 生态和低碳
(略) 发展系统等 通过在该领域提供技术意见, (略) 政府制定以促
进生态和生物多样性保护和碳中 (略) 发展框架。
Main work and responsivities: He or she should provide advisory services and
technical support in establishing the construction of a data-sharing platform for
Chengdu and the Chengdu metropolitan area. He or she should allow integration
between different platforms, such as the urban spatial planning system, the ecological
and biobrersity system, the industrial decarbonization development system, the green
and zero-carbon building management system, and the ecological and low-carbon
high-quality urban development system and guide the Chengdu Municipal
Government in developing a framework for ecological and biobrersity conservation
and carbon-neutral, high-quality urban development through the provision of
technical inputs in this area.
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域)
Environment Safeguards Specialist (Ecological, low carbon field)
专家应具有8年以上的环境管理 监测 影响分析 环境管理或相关专业背景的
经验和资质。主持或作为主要成员参与3个以上的生 (略) 研究和规划项
目。要求熟悉国内环境管理和政策程序 分析数据 撰写报告,并能与当地社
区 开发商和政府机构进行有效沟通和合作。
The specialist should have more than 8 years of experience and qualifications in
environmental management, monitoring, impact analysis, environmental management
or related professional background. He or she should host or participate as a key
member in more than 3 ecological and low carbon urban research and planning
projects. He or she should be required familiarity with domestic environmental
management and policy procedures, analytical data, report writing, and effective
communication and cooperation with local communities, developers, and government
主要的工作及职责: (略) (略) 高质量发展框架提供生态及生物多
样性保护技术咨询 (略) 能够更大的提高具气 (略) 高质量发
展 为制定生态及生物多样性综合发展提供指导和技术意见
(略) 高质量发展框架的编写中提供基于生态和生物多样性系统的适应
性措施方面提供专业技术知识, (略) 政府提供支持
(略) 政府制 (略) 发展框架提供有关生态和生物 (略) 气候
写 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide technical advice on
ecological and biobrersity conservation to the Chengdu Municipal Government for
the development of a high quality urban development framework to ensure that
Chengdu is able to scale up high quality climate resilient urban development He or
she should provide guidance and technical inputs for the development of integrated
ecological and biobrersity development He or she should provide technical expertise
on the provision of ecological and biobrersity systems based adaptation measures in
the development of a high quality development framework for Chengdu. He or she
should support the Chengdu Municipal Government by providing technical expertise
in the development of a high-quality development framework for the city assist in the
preparation of the project progress report and project completion report provide
training on ecological and biobrersity and urban climate resilience adaptation for the
development of a high-quality urban development framework for the Chengdu
Municipal Government and assist in the implementation of the capacity-building
program and guide the preparation of the training materials and undertake any other
relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the
team leader from time to time.
6. 社会保障专家 Social Safeguards Specialist
专家应具有8年以上社会保障(征地补偿和安置 公众参与相关等)工作经验和
资质, (略) 征地和安置管理及政策程序,并具有政策咨询和法律支持
项目的实践经验。评估影响,撰写报告,并与当地社区 开发商和政府机构沟
The specialist should have more than 8 years of experience and qualifications in
social security (compensation and resettlement, public consultation), familiar with
domestic urban land acquisition and resettlement management and policy procedures
and have practical experience in policy consulting and legal support projects. Assess
impact, write reports, and communicate with local communities, developers, and
government agencies.
主要的工作及职责:协 (略) 高质量发展框架的社会发展计划 审查及
家 社 会 保 障 政 策
就社会 安全保障和或性别发展提出建议 评估土地征用,移民安置和其他不利
的社会影响 更新项目绩效监测系统和设计和监测框架中的社会和性别部分及绩
效 测 评 指 标
制定利益相关方沟通及公众咨询 公众意识提高策略 确保高质量发展框架中
体 现 社 会 及 公 众 利 益 , 以 实 现 低 碳 行 为 变 化 的 预 期 结 果
提供有关社会和性别发展的培训 协助项目进度报告和项目完工报告
(略) 政府进行培训,指导培训材料的编写 (略) 政府和团队组长不时
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in the formulation of
social development plans under the Chengdu Quality Development Framework
review and collect information on social development and community participation to
ensure that social development plans are in line with relevant international and
national social security policies and make recommendations on social, safety and
security and gender development assess land acquisition, resettlement and other
adverse social impacts update the project performance monitoring system and design
and monitor the social and gender components of the framework and performance
indicators develop stakeholder communication and public consultation, public
awareness strategies, and ensure that the social and public interest is reflected in the
framework in order to achieve the desired outcomes of low carbon behavior change
conduct social impact surveys among affected populations to determine the extent of
low carbon behavior change provide training on social and gender development
assist with the project progress report and project completion report train the
Chengdu Municipal Government and guide the preparation of training materials and
undertake any other relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
7. (略) 规划或环境规划专家(国际专家)
Senior Urban Planning Specialist or Environmental Planning Specialist
(International Specialist)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应在主要西方国
家享受教授或研究员待遇的。该专家应具有10 (略) 或环境规划经验。
熟悉 (略) 绿色低碳指标的制定和实施, (略) 发展有深刻理解。
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have professor-level titles or equivalent titles in main western countries.
He or she should have more than 10 years of experience in urban or environment
planning. He or she should be familiar with the development and implementation of
green and low carbon indicators for domestic and international metropolises and have
a deep understanding of Chinese urban development. Experience in appropriate
foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责:在绿色低碳 (略) 规划方面提供支持。基于绿色低
数据分析,现场调研等工作。引入国 (略) 规划经验,并本土化。提供
城市规划相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in urban
planning in the context of the green low carbon indicators. He or she should assist in
the completion of the report based on the green low carbon evaluation indicator
system. He or she should carry out data collection, data analysis, on-site research and
other work required to complete the above results introduce international advanced
urban planning experience and localize it. provide training on urban planning. and
undertake any other relevant tasks as may be assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
8. 环境和可持续性专家
或作为主要成员参与过 (略) 的环境规划与评估工作。在绿色和低碳转型
The specialist should have 8 years of experience in Environment and Sustainability
assessment and have professor-level titles or similar positions. He or she should host
or participated as a key member in 3 or more overseas cities in environmental
planning and assessment. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is
preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is
主要的工作及职责:协助完 (略) 圈产业园区(产业功能区)绿色低碳
相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in the establishment of a
green and low-carbon development indicator system and the selection of excellent
cases for industrial parks (industrial functional zones) in Chengdu and the
metropolitan area carry out data collection, data analysis, and on-site research
necessary to accomplish the above results introduce international advanced
experience and localize it provide relevant training and undertake other related tasks
as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
9. 低碳专家
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
或作为主要成员参与过3个以上低碳转型 绩效评估的课题或项目。具有相应的
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in low-carbon transition development
research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more
than 3 low-carbon transition and performance assessment research and projects.
Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is preferred. Excellent writing
and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责:开展农业 建筑业 服务业绿色低碳发展指标的制定 数
据获取分析 模型建立等方面提供支持。协助完成指标建立 数据分析等工作
。提供相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in carrying out
the development of indicators for green and low-carbon development in agriculture,
construction, services, data acquisition and analysis, and model building assist in
completing the work of indicator establishment and data analysis provide relevant
training and undertake other related tasks as assigned by the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team leader from time to time.
10. 绿色高质量发展专家
Green High-quality Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少 (略) 和绿色高质量发展的研究或实践
经验。主持或作为主要成员参与过不少于3个生 (略) 研究或项目。要求
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in low-carbon cities and green high-
quality development research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a
key member in more than 3 ecological and low-carbon city research and projects. He
or she should be familiar with domestic green quality development and policy
procedures is required. Experience in appropriate foreign investment projects is
preferred. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is
主要的工作及职责: (略) 和示范区绿色低碳发展指标体系的制定。支
持其余工作的顺利开展。开展高质量绿色发展的相关培训。 (略) 政府和
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist in finalizing the
development of the indicator system for green and low-carbon development in cities
and demonstration zones support the smooth implementation of the remaining work
conduct training related to high quality green development. and undertake other
relevant tasks assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader
from time to time.
11. 产业发展和运营专家
Industrial Development and Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in industrial development and operation
research or practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more
than 3 green development and operation research and projects. He or she should be
familiar with domestic green quality development and policy procedures is required.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
数示范园区的相关培训和推广工作。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should lead the development of the
green and low-carbon development indicator for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) and the writing of the assessment report support the smooth implementation of
the remaining work carry out training and promotion work related to the green low
carbon development index demonstration zones and undertake other relevant tasks
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
12. 产业规划专家
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
主要成员参与过不少于3个产业规划 转型的研究或项目。具有优秀的中英文书
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in industrial development research or
practical. He or she should host or participate as a key member in more than 3
industrial planning, and transition research and projects. Excellent writing and
presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
和推广工作。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should lead the development of the
green and low-carbon development indicator for industrial parks (industrial functional
zones) and the writing of the assessment report assist in the training and promotion
work related to the green and low carbon development index demonstration park and
undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and
the team leader from time to time.
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向)
IT Specialist (Platform Construction)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
大数据平台的建立 应用和分析。具有优秀的中英文书写与表达能力。
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in data platform construction. He or she
should host or participate as a key member in more than 3 big data platform
construction projects. He or she should be familiar with the establishment, application
and analysis of the big data platform. Excellent writing and presentation skills in
English and Chinese is preferred.
(略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide consultancy services
and technical support in the establishment of the data platform that will support data
sharing across multiple low carbon information systems provide constructive advice
on platform architecture provide technical support for the development of a data
sharing platform for green and low carbon development, and guide the preparation of
training materials for the use of the platform undertake other related tasks as assigned
by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to time.
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向)
IT Specialist (Data Analysis)
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少8年大数据挖掘 处理和分析经验以及具有信
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in big data mining, processing and
analysis and experience in information systems department management. He or she
should host or participate as a key member in more than 3 big data analysis projects.
Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
, (略) 主要碳排放源的特征和分布,建立碳排放的预测模型, (略) 的
构建碳排放监测预警模型。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in data
analysis and application of the data sharing platform for low carbon development
analyze the characteristics and distribution of major carbon emission sources in
Chengdu, and build a prediction model for carbon emissions, so as to provide data
support for the city s carbon emission management and monitoring develop green and
low-carbon development indicators analyze carbon emission trends, and build carbon
emission monitoring and early warning models and undertake other related tasks as
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
15. 城市可持续发展专家
Urban Sustainable Development Specialist
该专家应至少具有研究生及以上学历 具有博士学位者优先。应享受副高级或
以上职称待遇。该专家应具有至少8 (略) 可持续发展研究或实践经验。
(略) 可持续发展的技术和手段。主持或作为主要成员参与3 (略) 可
The specialist should have a master s degree or above, a PHD degree is preferred. He
or she should have an associate professor-level titles or equivalent titles. He or she
should have more than 8 years of experience in sustainable urban development. He or
she should be familiar with techniques and tools for sustainable urban development,
host or participate as a key member in more than 3 sustainable urban development
projects. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责: (略) 可持续发展指标的制定,数据的获取 分析,模型
建立等方面提供支持。协助完成相关评估报告和指南。 (略) 可持续发展的
相关培训。 (略) 政府和团队组长不时分配的其它相关任务。
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should provide support in the
development of urban sustainable development indicators, data acquisition, analysis,
modeling, etc. assist in finalizing relevant assessment reports and guidelines conduct
training on sustainable urban development and undertake other related tasks as
assigned by the Chengdu Municipal Government and the team leader from time to
Project Assistant
The specialist should have a bachelor s degree or above. The specialist should have
experience in managing at least 2 similar WB projects. Excellent writing and
presentation skills in English and Chinese is preferred.
主要的工作及职责: (略) 政府和专家团队处理日常工作与项目参与各方
的 沟 通 和 联 络
协助各项报告的编写 编辑及提交与GEF的联络和文件的准备,安排项目检查团
Main work and responsivities: The specialist should assist the Chengdu Municipal
Government and the team in their daily work and communication and liaison with all
parties involved in the project assist in the preparation, editing and submission of
reports, liaison with the GEF and preparation of documents, and arrange for field
visits of the project mission team.
顾问职位和专业 Consultant positions and profession 专家类别 专家编号
1. 高质量发展与低碳经济专家(项目组长) 主关键 MC-1
2. IT技术专家(绿色发展方向)(项目副组长) 主关键 MC-2
3. 城市经济学专家 主关键 MC-3
4. 地理信息系统和信息技术专家(地理信息系统,数据分析) 主关键 MC-4
5. 环境保障措施专家(生态 低碳领域) 主关键 MC-5
6. 社会保障专家 主关键 MC-6
7. (略) 规划专家或环境规划专家(国际专家) 主关键 MC-7
8. 环境和可持续性专家 主关键 MC-8
9. 低碳专家 次关键 SC-1
10. 绿色高质量发展专家 次关键 SC-2
11. 产业发展和运营专家 次关键 SC-3
12. 产业规划专家 次关键 SC-4
13. IT技术专家(平台建设方向) 次关键 SC-5
14. IT技术专家(数据分析方向) 次关键 SC-6
15. 城市可持续发展专家 次关键 SC-7
16. 项目助理 非关键 SP-1
项目阶段 任务子项 MC-1 MC-2 MC-3 MC-4 MC-5 MC-6 MC-7 MC-8
标体系研究 1 0 2 2 1 1 0.5 1 第一阶段
任务2:机构分析 利益
相 (略) 民参与 0 0 1 0 3 3 0 0
确定 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.25 1 第二阶段
任务4:分析评价诊断 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 2
台 1 2.5 0 1 0 0 0 0
和处理 0.5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
用模块开发 0.5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
据共享机制 1 2 0.5 0.5 1 1 0 0
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1 第四阶段
1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 1
第五阶段 任务5:部门政策与行动建议 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 1
总计 10 12 8 8 8 8 2 8
项目阶段 任务子项 SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 SP-1 总计
标体系研究 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 15.5第一阶段
任务2:机构分析 利益
相 (略) 民参与 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9
确定 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 2 2 13.25第二阶段
任务4:分析评价诊断 2 2 0.5 0.5 0 0 2 2 17.25
台 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 11.5
和处理 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 7.5
用模块开发 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 7.5
据共享机制 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 9
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 8.75
任务11:建产业园区(产 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.5 2 10.25
1 1 2 2 0 0 0.5 2 12.25
第五阶段 任务5:部门政策与行动建议 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 14.25
总计 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 20 136