序号 No. |
招标编号 Tender No. |
标段名称 Tender Designation |
主要指标 Major Specifications |
招标文件费用(元) Tender Documents Fee (CNY) |
1、 |
HD-CT-09- 点击查看>> |
汽轮发电机组基础及汽动给水泵机组基础弹簧隔振系统 Spring Foundation of Turbine/Generator & Steam Feed Pump Set |
The Project has two units, each of which is provided with four steam feed pump sets.
汽轮发电机组弹簧隔振2套;汽动给水泵组弹簧隔振4套。 Turbine/Generator foundation spring element 2 sets,steam feed pump set foundation spring element 4 sets. |
1000 |
Basic qualifications on tenderers
1 资格要求
1.1 投标人应具有独立订立合同的法人资格,不接受联合体或中间代理机构的投标。
Tenderers shall act as a legal person that can independently sign the contract. The tenderers submitted by consortiums or intermediate agencies are not accepted.
1.2 具有完善的质量保证体系,必须持有国家认定的有资质机构颁发的ISO9000系列认证书或等同的质量保证体系认证证书;在专业技术、设备设施、人员组织、业绩经验等方面具有设计、制造、质量控制、经营管理等方面的相应资格和能力。
Tenderers shall have a well-maintained quality control system and process ISO9000 series certificates or same-level quality control certificates issued by eligible institutes authorized by the state. Tenderers shall process qualifications and capabilities in design, manufacture, quality control, operational management etc. in the fields of technical expertise, facility and equipment, personnel mobilization and past references etc.
1.3 投标人具有设计、制造与招标设备相同或相近的设备的能力,在安装、 (略) 中未发现重大的设备质量问题或对曾发生的问题已有有效的改进措施。
Tenderers shall process the capability of designing and manufacturing the tender equipment or similar equipment. No major quality defects occurred during assembly, testing and operation or the defects have been removed by effective measures.
1.4最近三年内没有发生骗取中标、严重 (略) 为。
Tenderers shall not have misconducts, such as fraud, serious violation of contract in the past three years.
1.5 具 (略) 资信和商业信誉, (略) 于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产状态。
Tenderers shall process good financial credits and business ethics. Tenderers shall not have been forced to shut down, bankrupt or assets be taken over or frozen.
1.6 经营状况良好。
Tenderers shall operate the business well.
2 业绩要求
Achievements Requirement on Tenderers
2.1 投标人本次投标的同类型设备须具有:
The tenderers’ equipment proposed for this tender shall have:
序号 No. |
标段名称 Tender Designation |
业绩要求 Achievements Requirement |
1 |
汽轮发电机组基础及汽动给水泵机组基础弹簧隔振系统 Spring Foundation of Turbine/Generator & Steam Feed Pump Set |
投标人本次投标的设备须具有:近5年内至少2个600MW及以上火电项目,汽轮发电机组弹簧隔振系统2年及 (略) 的业绩。 The Tenderers’ equipment proposed for this tender shall have the reference of having been operated commercially as the spring foundation of Turbine/Generator for at least Two years in at least Two thermal power plant projects of 600MW and above in the past Five years. |
2.2 投标的产品若采用引进技术的,投标人应提供相关的授权文件,以证明其允许进 (略) 。同时,投标人应承诺:若投标的产品引起相关知识产权纠纷的,所造成的后果均由投标人承但。
If the imported technology is utilized, the tenderer shall provide relevant authorized documents to prove the technology is allowed to enter Turkish market. At the same time, the tenderer shall confirm that all the consequences shall be taken by the tenderer if the tender equipment causes any intelligence property rights dispute.
2.3 投标人应提供同类型设备的业绩文件,包括设备使用单位、合同签订时间、安装投产时 (略) 情况的说明以及设备曾经发生过的缺陷以及改进效果。
Tenderers shall provide the evidence of similar equipment, including the users of the equipment, contract signing date, assembly and operation dates, operation status as well as the occurred defects and updating effects.
Purchase of Tender Documents
1 发售时间和地点
Time and place of purchase
2016年5月4日至 * 日(法定节假日除外),上午9:00-11:30,下午13:30-17:00在中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上在线发售,不 (略) 购买。
The tender documents could be purchased on “www.c 点击查看>> ” from 4th May, 2016 to 9th May, 2016 (except for legal holidays), 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 13:30 p.m.-17:00 p.m. Any other way of purchase will not be accepted.
2 购买方式
Way of purchase
2.1 网站注册
On-line registration
未曾在中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上注册的 (略) 网站注册,注册时须上传如下资料的扫描件:
Please register on “www.c 点击查看>> ”. The copies of the following materials shall be uploaded:
a) 企业法人营业执照副本(必须是年审有效期内的,加盖单位公章,正页与年审页合并制作在一页内)。
The scan of the business license (duplicate) for the legal entity, which shall be in validity period of annual review and with company seal. The official page and the annual review page shall be shown in one page.
b) 注册联系人身份证件(二代身份证双面合并制作在一页内)。
The scan of registered person’s ID card. The two sides of the second-generation ID card shall be shown in one page.
2.2 购买招标文件
Purchase for tender document
在中国电 (略) (www.c 点击查看>> )进行以下操作:1.网员登录→2.搜索公告→3.查看公告详细内容→4.选择参与标段,在线填写《购买单位申请表》→5.支付招标文件费用。 (略) 操作说明\购买招标文件。
Operates as follows at the website (www.c 点击查看>> ):
Step 1, login as website member;
Step 2, search this tender notice;
Step 3, browse through the detail content of the tender notice;
Step 4, choose the Tender Designation, and then fill out the Application for Purchaser;
Step 5, pay the cost of Tender Documents.
More details see the Website Operation Instructions\ Tender Documents Purchase.
2.3 支付方式:银联在线支付。
Way of Payment: Online payment
2.4 文件下载
Document Download
购买招标文件款项在线支付成功后, (略) 员专区,在 “文件购买订单”处,选择“已购文件” (略) 项目点击“文件下载”。 (略) 操作说明\下载招标文件。
After the online payment of Tender Documents, please enter the “File Purchase Order”. Click the icon of “File Download” to download the Tender Documents needed in the folder of “Purchased Files”.
More details see the Website Operation Instructions\ Download the Tender Documents.
首次购买或未办理数字证书的潜在投标人, (略) 员专区,在“ (略) ”发送消息“ (略) 文件,请发招标文件”, (略) 文件电子版至《购买单位申请表》填写的联系人邮箱。
For the Potential Tenderers have no digital certificates or first purchase in this website, please send a message of “Have paid successfully, please send the Tender Documents” to “Message Center”. Then the website will send the electronic copy of the Tender Documents to the contact mailbox listed in the Application for Purchaser.
发 (略) 领取。
The invoice could be received at Tender Opening Conference.
3 招标文件购买联系方式
Contacts ofTender Documents Purchase
电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
传真: 点击查看>> 转5501
Fax: 点击查看>> ext.5501
E-mail: * 点击查看>>
4 招标文件答疑联系方式
Contacts of Questions or Clarification
(略) 文件的澄清问题,请在中国电 (略) “网员专区→文件购买订单→已购文件→澄清提问” (略) 提交。
Any question of the Tender Documents need to clarify, please login the website and submit the questions in the web page of “File Purchase Order→Purchased Files→Question of Clarification”.
Contact Person: Zheng Lu
电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
传真: 点击查看>>
Fax: 点击查看>>
5 其它事项
5.1 招标文件一经售出,费用概不退还。
As long as the tender documents are sold, the fee will not be returned.
5.2 本公告在和中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上公开发布。
The notice will be published on “” and “www.c 点击查看>> ”.
Deadline for Submission/ Date and Location of Tender Opening
截标/开标时间、地点:待定(具体时间和地点 (略) 通知, (略) 补充澄清发布信息)
The Date and Location will be of further notice. Please pay attention to the tender supplement and clarification information on “www.c 点击查看>> ”.
4th May, 2016
序号 No. |
招标编号 Tender No. |
标段名称 Tender Designation |
主要指标 Major Specifications |
招标文件费用(元) Tender Documents Fee (CNY) |
1、 |
HD-CT-09- 点击查看>> |
汽轮发电机组基础及汽动给水泵机组基础弹簧隔振系统 Spring Foundation of Turbine/Generator & Steam Feed Pump Set |
The Project has two units, each of which is provided with four steam feed pump sets.
汽轮发电机组弹簧隔振2套;汽动给水泵组弹簧隔振4套。 Turbine/Generator foundation spring element 2 sets,steam feed pump set foundation spring element 4 sets. |
1000 |
Basic qualifications on tenderers
1 资格要求
1.1 投标人应具有独立订立合同的法人资格,不接受联合体或中间代理机构的投标。
Tenderers shall act as a legal person that can independently sign the contract. The tenderers submitted by consortiums or intermediate agencies are not accepted.
1.2 具有完善的质量保证体系,必须持有国家认定的有资质机构颁发的ISO9000系列认证书或等同的质量保证体系认证证书;在专业技术、设备设施、人员组织、业绩经验等方面具有设计、制造、质量控制、经营管理等方面的相应资格和能力。
Tenderers shall have a well-maintained quality control system and process ISO9000 series certificates or same-level quality control certificates issued by eligible institutes authorized by the state. Tenderers shall process qualifications and capabilities in design, manufacture, quality control, operational management etc. in the fields of technical expertise, facility and equipment, personnel mobilization and past references etc.
1.3 投标人具有设计、制造与招标设备相同或相近的设备的能力,在安装、 (略) 中未发现重大的设备质量问题或对曾发生的问题已有有效的改进措施。
Tenderers shall process the capability of designing and manufacturing the tender equipment or similar equipment. No major quality defects occurred during assembly, testing and operation or the defects have been removed by effective measures.
1.4最近三年内没有发生骗取中标、严重 (略) 为。
Tenderers shall not have misconducts, such as fraud, serious violation of contract in the past three years.
1.5 具 (略) 资信和商业信誉, (略) 于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产状态。
Tenderers shall process good financial credits and business ethics. Tenderers shall not have been forced to shut down, bankrupt or assets be taken over or frozen.
1.6 经营状况良好。
Tenderers shall operate the business well.
2 业绩要求
Achievements Requirement on Tenderers
2.1 投标人本次投标的同类型设备须具有:
The tenderers’ equipment proposed for this tender shall have:
序号 No. |
标段名称 Tender Designation |
业绩要求 Achievements Requirement |
1 |
汽轮发电机组基础及汽动给水泵机组基础弹簧隔振系统 Spring Foundation of Turbine/Generator & Steam Feed Pump Set |
投标人本次投标的设备须具有:近5年内至少2个600MW及以上火电项目,汽轮发电机组弹簧隔振系统2年及 (略) 的业绩。 The Tenderers’ equipment proposed for this tender shall have the reference of having been operated commercially as the spring foundation of Turbine/Generator for at least Two years in at least Two thermal power plant projects of 600MW and above in the past Five years. |
2.2 投标的产品若采用引进技术的,投标人应提供相关的授权文件,以证明其允许进 (略) 。同时,投标人应承诺:若投标的产品引起相关知识产权纠纷的,所造成的后果均由投标人承但。
If the imported technology is utilized, the tenderer shall provide relevant authorized documents to prove the technology is allowed to enter Turkish market. At the same time, the tenderer shall confirm that all the consequences shall be taken by the tenderer if the tender equipment causes any intelligence property rights dispute.
2.3 投标人应提供同类型设备的业绩文件,包括设备使用单位、合同签订时间、安装投产时 (略) 情况的说明以及设备曾经发生过的缺陷以及改进效果。
Tenderers shall provide the evidence of similar equipment, including the users of the equipment, contract signing date, assembly and operation dates, operation status as well as the occurred defects and updating effects.
Purchase of Tender Documents
1 发售时间和地点
Time and place of purchase
2016年5月4日至 * 日(法定节假日除外),上午9:00-11:30,下午13:30-17:00在中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上在线发售,不 (略) 购买。
The tender documents could be purchased on “www.c 点击查看>> ” from 4th May, 2016 to 9th May, 2016 (except for legal holidays), 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 13:30 p.m.-17:00 p.m. Any other way of purchase will not be accepted.
2 购买方式
Way of purchase
2.1 网站注册
On-line registration
未曾在中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上注册的 (略) 网站注册,注册时须上传如下资料的扫描件:
Please register on “www.c 点击查看>> ”. The copies of the following materials shall be uploaded:
a) 企业法人营业执照副本(必须是年审有效期内的,加盖单位公章,正页与年审页合并制作在一页内)。
The scan of the business license (duplicate) for the legal entity, which shall be in validity period of annual review and with company seal. The official page and the annual review page shall be shown in one page.
b) 注册联系人身份证件(二代身份证双面合并制作在一页内)。
The scan of registered person’s ID card. The two sides of the second-generation ID card shall be shown in one page.
2.2 购买招标文件
Purchase for tender document
在中国电 (略) (www.c 点击查看>> )进行以下操作:1.网员登录→2.搜索公告→3.查看公告详细内容→4.选择参与标段,在线填写《购买单位申请表》→5.支付招标文件费用。 (略) 操作说明\购买招标文件。
Operates as follows at the website (www.c 点击查看>> ):
Step 1, login as website member;
Step 2, search this tender notice;
Step 3, browse through the detail content of the tender notice;
Step 4, choose the Tender Designation, and then fill out the Application for Purchaser;
Step 5, pay the cost of Tender Documents.
More details see the Website Operation Instructions\ Tender Documents Purchase.
2.3 支付方式:银联在线支付。
Way of Payment: Online payment
2.4 文件下载
Document Download
购买招标文件款项在线支付成功后, (略) 员专区,在 “文件购买订单”处,选择“已购文件” (略) 项目点击“文件下载”。 (略) 操作说明\下载招标文件。
After the online payment of Tender Documents, please enter the “File Purchase Order”. Click the icon of “File Download” to download the Tender Documents needed in the folder of “Purchased Files”.
More details see the Website Operation Instructions\ Download the Tender Documents.
首次购买或未办理数字证书的潜在投标人, (略) 员专区,在“ (略) ”发送消息“ (略) 文件,请发招标文件”, (略) 文件电子版至《购买单位申请表》填写的联系人邮箱。
For the Potential Tenderers have no digital certificates or first purchase in this website, please send a message of “Have paid successfully, please send the Tender Documents” to “Message Center”. Then the website will send the electronic copy of the Tender Documents to the contact mailbox listed in the Application for Purchaser.
发 (略) 领取。
The invoice could be received at Tender Opening Conference.
3 招标文件购买联系方式
Contacts ofTender Documents Purchase
电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
传真: 点击查看>> 转5501
Fax: 点击查看>> ext.5501
E-mail: * 点击查看>>
4 招标文件答疑联系方式
Contacts of Questions or Clarification
(略) 文件的澄清问题,请在中国电 (略) “网员专区→文件购买订单→已购文件→澄清提问” (略) 提交。
Any question of the Tender Documents need to clarify, please login the website and submit the questions in the web page of “File Purchase Order→Purchased Files→Question of Clarification”.
Contact Person: Zheng Lu
电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
传真: 点击查看>>
Fax: 点击查看>>
5 其它事项
5.1 招标文件一经售出,费用概不退还。
As long as the tender documents are sold, the fee will not be returned.
5.2 本公告在和中国电 (略) www.c 点击查看>> 上公开发布。
The notice will be published on “” and “www.c 点击查看>> ”.
Deadline for Submission/ Date and Location of Tender Opening
截标/开标时间、地点:待定(具体时间和地点 (略) 通知, (略) 补充澄清发布信息)
The Date and Location will be of further notice. Please pay attention to the tender supplement and clarification information on “www.c 点击查看>> ”.
4th May, 2016