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技术参数及配置要求【项目金额】供应商依据图书目录报总价。 (略) 上竞价方式组织采购,本项目共采购图书649册,项目预算14.*元,累计结算金额不超过14.*元,始终不受汇率影响,以人民币进行结算。
【采购标的】采购标 (略) 所需的外文图书649册,图书目录详见下文,从左至右依次为图书条码、著作者、书名、出版社。
条码 著作者 书名 出版社
* Daniela Brambilla Portraying Children: Expressions、Proportions、Drawing and Painting Techniques / 描绘儿童:表情、比例、素描和绘画技巧 Hoaki
* Cumming, Robert My Dear Bb . . .: The Letters Of Bernard Berenson And Kenneth Clark, 1925–1959 Yale University Press
* David Pearson Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook / 图书史上的种源研究:手册 Bodleian Library
* Patrick De Rynck Understanding Painting: From Giotto to Warhol / 了解绘画:从乔托到沃霍尔 Ludion
* Huw Lewis-Jones Explorers Sketchbooks: The Art of Discovery & Adventure / 探险者的速写本:探索的艺术 Thames & Hudson
* W. Kirk Macnulty Freemasonry: Symbols Secrets Significance/共济会:符号、秘密、意义 Thames & Hudson
* Thomas Koster 50 Artists You Should Know Prestel
* Amy Whitaker The Story of NFTs : Artists、Technology、and Democracy / NFTs的故事:艺术家、技术和民主 "Rizzoli
* Julia Friedrich Kunst in Schokolade / Chocolate Art / 巧克力艺术 Hatje Cantz
* Peter Davidson The Lighted Window : Evening Walks Remembered / 灯光下的窗户:晚间漫步的记忆 Bodleian Library
* Form, Space, and Vision (third edition) Vitalis Verlag Gmbh
* Guislain Gent Characteristic Faces: On Hawk Noses & Chipmunk Cheeks / 特征面孔:鹰鼻子和胖乎乎的脸颊上 Lannoo
* Alain de Botton Art as Therapy / 艺术的疗效 Phaidon
* Abigail Solomon-Godeau Male Trouble: A Crisis in Representation/男性的烦恼:表现的危机 Thames & Hudson
* クラウス?グリム 額縁の歴史 Alte Bilderrahmen / 画框的历史 青幻舍
* David Breslin Art History & Emergency: Crises in the Visual Arts & Humanities Yale University Press
* Vahram Muratyan About Time: A Visual Memoir Around the Clock. Little Brown & Co (P)
* Michael Green Visions and Ecstasies: Selected Essays David Zwirner Books
* Bonazzoli,F Portraits Unmasked: The Stories Behind the Faces Prestel
* Mark Leonard Personal Viewpoints: Thoughts about Paintings Conservation Getty Museum
* Polsky, Richard The Art Prophets: The Artists, Dealers, and Tastemakers Who Shook the Art World Prestel
* Gill Perry Academies Museums and Canons of Art /学院 博物馆和艺术典范 Yale University Press
* Editor Ledbury Fictions of Art History Yale University Press
* Claire Tancons Look for Me All Around You: Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber Prestel
* Emily Bilski Objects of the Spirit: Ritual and the Art of Tobi Kahn Hudson Hills Press
* Ines Schlenker Hitler’s Salon: The "Grobe Deutsche Kunstausstellung at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich 1937-1944 Peter Lang
* John Gurche Lost Anatomies:The Evolution of the Human Form / 失落的解剖学:人类形态的演变 Abrams
* Tom Devonshire Jones The Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art and Architecture / 牛津基督教艺术与建筑词典 Oxford University Press
* Scattone, Leslie The Plains of Mars: European War Prints, 1500-1825, from the Collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation Yale University Press
* Peter Baldwin Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle Princeton Press
* J.C. Amberlyn The Artists Guide to Drawing World Wildlife: Essential Step-by-Step Lessons for Beginners / 绘制世界野生动物的艺术家指南:初学者的基本分步课程 The Monacelli Press
* Michael Findlay The Value of Art:Money. Power. Beauty. / 艺术的价值:金钱、力量、美丽 Prestel
* Brad Finger 50 Portraits You Should Know / 50幅你应该知道的肖像 Prestel
* Virginia Woolf Oh、To Be a Painter! (Ekphrasis) / 喔、成为一名画家! 艺格敷词系列 David Zwirner Books
* Giulia Carciotto Massimo Listri. Cabinet of Curiosities Taschen
* C. Stephen Jaeger Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West Pennsylvania Press
* Rosa Giorgi The History of the Church in Art / 艺术中的教堂历史 J Paul Getty Museum
* Jarrett Earnest Tell Me Something Good: Artist Interviews from The Brooklyn Rail / 告诉我一件好事:布 (略) 的艺术家采访 David Zwirner Books
* Anne Truitt Yield: The Journal of an Artist / 产量:艺术家日记 Yale University Press
* Louvre Museum Frameables: My Louvre—21 prints for a picture-perfect home / 相框:我的卢浮宫—21张版画、打造一个美好的家 Flammarion
* Martin Gayford A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen / 图画史:从洞穴石壁到电脑屏幕 大卫·霍克尼 Hockney Abrams
* James S. Ackerman Origins、Invention、Revision: Studying the History of Art and Architecture / 起源、发明、修正:研究艺术与建筑的历史 Yale University Press
* Gombrich, E.H. Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art Yale University Press
* Liana De Girolami Cheney Giorgio Vasari’s ?Prefaces?: Art and Theory Peter Lang
* Turtle Bunbury Ireland’s Forgotten Past: A History of the Overlooked and Disremembered / 爱尔兰被遗忘的过去:被忽视和被遗忘的历史 Thames & Hudson
* Aliced Goldfarb Marquis Art Czar: The Rise & Fall of Clement Greenberg - A Biography MFA, Boston
* Andrew Ballantyne Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 建筑学:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Jo Kirby A Closer Look: Techniques of Painting / 细察:绘画技巧 Yale University Press
* David Alan Brown Raphael & the Beautiful Banker: The Story of the Bindo Altoviti Portrait. Yale University Press
* Alexander Nemerov Summoning Pearl Harbor David Zwirner Books
* Quentin Blake The Language of the Fan Thames & Hudson
* Sarah Wilson Visual World Of French Theory: Figurations / 法国理论的视觉世界 Yale University Press
* Hackney S On Canvas: Preserving the Structure of Paintings Getty Museum
* Kathleen Raine William Blake / 威廉·布莱克 Thames & Hudson
* Quentin Blake Night Thoughts Thames & Hudson
* Rose-Marie Hagen What Great Paintings Say. Faces of Power Taschen
* Steve Edwards Photography: A Very Short Introduction / 摄影:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* The Met Art =:Discovering Infinite Connections in Art History / 艺术=:发现艺术史上的无限联系 Phaidon
* Paul B. Franklin The Artist and His Critic Stripped Bare: The Correspondence of Marcel Duchamp and Robert Lebel Getty Museum
* Laura J. Snyder Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and the Reinvention of Seeing 旁观者的眼睛 W. W. Norton & Company
* Dieter Roth Collaborations: Relations-Confrontations Thames & Hudson
* Cristina Bechtler Thinking in Thin Air: Anthology of a Decade: Engadin Art Talks Lars Muller Publishers
* Chicago, Judy Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education/Judy Chicago Monacelli Press
* Stan Douglas ArtCenter Talks: Graduate Seminar, The First Decade 1986-1995 David Zwirner Books
* Huw Lewis-Jones The Writers Map: An Atlas of Imaginary Lands Thames & Hudson
* Paul Greenhalgh The Modern Ideal: The Rise and Collapse of Idealism in the Visual Arts, From the Enlightenment to Postmodernism V & A Publishing
* David Hockney はじめての絵画の歴史 :「見る」「描く」「撮る」のひみつ / 写给孩子们的图画史 大卫 霍克尼 A History Of Pictures For Children David Hockney 青幻舍
* Daphne S. Barbour Facture: Conservation、Science、Art History : Volume 4: Series、Multiples、Replicas / 制作:保护、科学、艺术史:第4卷:系列、倍数、复制品 Yale University Press
* Richard Travers To Paint a War: The lives of the Australian artists who painted the Great War, 1914-1918 Thames & Hudson
* Judy Sund Exotic:A Fetish for the Foreign Phaidon
* Nicholas Penny A Closer Look: Frames / 细看画框 National Gallery
* Alberto Ausoni Music in Art / 艺术中的音乐 J Paul Getty Museum
* Julian Brooks The Lure of Italy - Artists` Views Getty Museum
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Still Life / 细察:静物 Yale University Press
* Bernard Dewulf Shame: (English and French Edition) Lannoo
* John A. Parks The Pocket Universal Principles of Art: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding、Analyzing、and Practicing Art / 口袋艺术的普遍原则:理解、分析和实践艺术的100个关键概念 Rockport Publishers
* Michael Wood Film: A Very Short Introduction / 电影:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Michael Glover Thrust: A Spasmodic Pictorial History of the Codpiece David Zwirner Books
* Sandra Rendgen History of Information Graphics Taschen
* Lauren ONeill-Butler Lets Have a Talk: Conversations with Women on Art and Culture / 让我们来谈谈:与女性谈论艺术和文化 Karma, New York
* Vishakha N. Desai Asian Art History in the Twenty-First Century Clark Art Institute
* Denise Markonish Explode Every Day: An Inquiry into the Phenomena of Wonder Hatje Cantz
* Zimmer, Heinrich Robert Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization Princeton Press
* Stanislav Grof Books of the Dead Thames & Hudson
* John Ruskin Giotto and His Works in Padua David Zwirner Books
* Painting In Latin America, 1550-1820 Yale University Press
* Jonathan Jones Sensations:The Story of British Art from Hogarth to Banksy / 感觉:从霍加斯到班克斯的英国艺术故事 Laurence King Publishing
* Whitechapel Gallery The Unseen: Hurvin Anderson selects from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation / 见所未见:赫尔文·安德森从克里斯汀·斯维亚斯艺术基金会挑选 Whitechapel
* Vanessa Pauman Art of Law: Three Centuries of Justice Depicted Lannoo
* John Updike Always Looking : Essays on Art / 一直在看:艺术随便 Knopf
* Elizabeth Johns American Genre Painting: The Politics of Everyday Life Yale University Press
* Marco Milan About the Error/Sobre el Error (Tales-on) La Fabrica
* Edward O. Wilson Origins of Creativity Boni and Liveright
* Geoffrey Tyack The Historic Heart of Oxford University / 牛津大学的历史中心 Bodleian Library
* Penelope Treadwell Johan Zoffany: Artist and Adventurer / 约翰·佐法尼:艺术家和冒险家 Paul Holberton
* Graham Bader Hall of Mirrors: Roy Lichtenstein and the Face of Painting in the 1960s / 镜厅:罗伊·利希滕斯坦和1960S的绘画面貌 The MIT Press
* Angela Y. Davis Art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People’s Culture : Two Works Series Vol. 2 / 艺术在前线:人民文化的使命:两部作品系列 第2卷 Walther Konig
* Andrea Ponsi Drawing Analogies LETTERAVENTIDUE
* Michael F Zimmermann Art Historian:National Traditions and Institutional Practices Clark Art Institute
* Elizabeth Prettejohn Beauty and Art: 1750-2000 (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美与艺术:1750-2000年 Oxford University Press
* Phaidon Editors Destination Art:500 Artworks Worth the Trip Phaidon
* Gianfranco Ravasi Peter: History、Image、Memory (slipcased) / 彼得:历史、图像、记忆 (滑套) Electa
* Florian Heine The Art of Illusion Prestel
* Phaidon The Art Box Greeting Cards—Blue Selection / 艺术贺卡盒装 - 蓝色精选 Phaidon
* 宮津大輔 美術作品の修復保存入門:古美術から現代アートまで / 美术作品的修复保存入门:从古美术到现代艺术 An introduction to the restoration and preservation of works of art 青幻舍
* Peter Jenny Unlearning to Draw / 忘记绘画(学会去看) Princeton Architectural
* Guy Noble Drawing Masterclass: 100 Creative Techniques of Great Artists / 素描大师班:100位伟大艺术家的创作技巧 Thames & Hudson
* Felix Scheinberger 100 Ways to Draw a Bird AND make a living from Illustration Hoaki
* David Hockney 絵画の歴史 洞窟壁画からiPadまで (増補普及版) / 图画史:从洞穴石壁到电脑屏幕 A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen 青幻舍
* Gail Levin Lee Krasner: A Biography Thames & Hudson
* Onians, John The Art Atlas Abbeville Press
* Maja Fowkes Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950 Thames & Hudson
* Quentin Blake Trip Hazards Thames & Hudson
* Umbro Apollonio Futurist Manifestos MFA, Boston
* Jamie Camplin Books Do Furnish a Painting / 绘画中的书 Thames & Hudson
* Bailey Van Hook The Virgin and the Dynamo: Public Murals in American Architecture 1893–1917 / 圣母与迪纳摩:美国建筑中的公共壁画 1893–1917 Ohio University
* Hilda Werschkul Experiences of Art: Reflections on Masterpieces ORO Editions
* John Onians Neuroarthistory: From Aristotle & Pliny to Baxandall & Zeki / 神经艺术史:从亚里士多德和普林尼到巴克桑德尔和泽基 Yale University Press
* Rosalind Ormiston 50 Art Movements You Should Know: From Impressionism to Performance Art / 你应该知道的50种艺术运动:从印象派到表演艺术 Prestel
* Pamela A Patton Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain / 隔离的艺术:重新定义西班牙收复失地运动中的犹太人 Penn State Press
* Michael Bird Artists Letters : Leonardo da Vinci to David Hockney / 艺术家书信:从列奥纳多·达·芬奇到大卫·霍克尼 Frances Lincoln
* Matthew Rampley Vienna School of Art History Penn State Press
* David Hopkins Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction / 达达与超现实主义:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Charles Baudelaire The Salon of 1846 (ekphrasis) / 1846年的沙龙(艺格敷词系列) David Zwirner Books
* Keith Moxey Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies Clark Art Institute
* Antonella Fuga Artists Techniques and Materials / 艺术家的技术和材料 Getty Museum
* Claude-Henri Watelet Essay on Gardens: A Chapter in the French Picturesque Pennsylvania Press
* Jean-Claude Bologne Love In The Louvre Flammarion
* Matilde Battistini Symbols and Allegories in Art/艺术中的象征与寓言 Getty Museum
* David Bomford A Closer Look: Colour / 细察:颜色 Yale University Press
* Cathrin Klingsohr Surrealism (ba) /Taschen Taschen
* Barbara Bloemink Florine Stettheimer: A Biography / 弗洛琳·斯泰特海默:传记 Hirmer Publishers
* Randolph Touching Objects: Intimate Experiences of Italian Fifteenth-Century Art Yale University Press
* Andrea Kirsh Seeing Through Paintings: Physical Examination in Art Historical Studies Yale University Press
* Andrew Moore The Paston Treasure: Microcosm of the Known World /《帕斯顿宝藏》:已知世界的缩影 Yale University Press
* Christiane Weidemann 50 Women Artists You Should Know / 你应该知道的50位女艺术家 Prestel
* John E. Roemer How We Cooperate: A Theory of Kantian Optimization Yale University Press
* Daryl Green Thinking 3D: Books、Images and Ideas from Leonardo to the Present / 思考3D:从莱昂纳多到现在的书籍、图像和想法 Bodleian Library
* Jeremy Black France: A Short History / 法国简史 Thames & Hudson
* Paul Gambino Morbid Curiosities: Collections of the Uncommon and the Bizarre Hauser & Wirth Publishers
* Frank Jolles Zulu Beer Vessels in the Twentieth Century Arnoldsche
* Jusepe Martinez Practical Discourses on the Most Noble Art of Painting Getty Museum
* Daniel Esterman Meyer Schapiro Abroad: Letters to Lillian & Travel Notebooks. Getty Museum
* Paola Rapelli Symbols of Power in Art / 艺术中的力量象征 Getty Museum
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Allegory / 细察:寓言 Yale University Press
* Diane Von Furstenberg Own It: The Secret of Life / 拥有它:生命的秘密 Phaidon
* Jim Naughten Human Anatomy: Stereoscopic Images of Medical Specimens / 人体解剖学:医学标本的立体图像 Prestel
* Eric H Cline Biblical Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction / 圣经考古学:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Sharon F. Patton African-American Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:非裔美国艺术 Oxford University Press
* Rainer Maria Rilke Letters to a Young Painter David Zwirner Books
* Richard Cork Everything Seemed Possible: Art in the 1970s / 一切似乎皆有可能:20世纪70年代的艺术 Yale University Press
* Philip Ball The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery / 元素:他们发现的视觉历史 Thames & Hudson
* Stephen Melville Lure of the Object / 对象的诱惑 Yale University Press
* Ilene Susan Fort Marsden Hartley: The German Paintings, 1913-1915 D.A.P.
* Givanni Andrea Gilio Dialogue on the Errors and Abuses of Painters Getty Museum
* Gombrich Tributes:Interpreters of our cultural tradition / 敬献集:西方文化传统的解释者 Phaidon
* Stefano Zuffi Gospel Figures in Art / 艺术中的福音人物 Getty Museum
* McLean, Janet Lines of Vision: Irish Writers on Art Thames & Hudson
* Paulina Kewes Uses of History in Early Modern England Huntington Library Press
* Graham Bader Roy Lichtenstein The MIT Press
* Helen Molesworth One Day at a Time: Manny Farber and Termite Art Prestel
* Whitney Chadwick The Militant Muse:Love、War and the Women of Surrealism / 好战的缪斯:爱情、战争与超现实主义的女性 Thames & Hudson
* Joachim Homann Art Purposes:Object Lessons for the Liberal Arts / 艺术的目的:文科实物课 Prestel
* Lucia Impelluso Nature and its Symbols / 自然及其象征 Getty Museum
* David Cottington Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction / 现代艺术:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* de Bièvre Dutch Art and Urban Cultures, 1200-1700 Yale University Press
* Claudia Stauble The Paintings That Revolutionized Art / 改变了艺术史的绘画 Prestel
* Luigi Serafini Pulcinellopaedia Seraphiniana "Rizzoli
* Australia Arthur Boyd: Agony and Ecstacy / 亚瑟·博伊德:痛苦与狂喜 National Gallery of Australia
* Lydia Yee Moving Bodies - Moving Images / 运动物体 - 运动图像 Whitechapel
* John Onains Compression vsExpression: Containing & Explaining the Worlds Art Clark Art Institute
* Julie Cirelli Harvard Design Magazine 48: America Harvard University
* Felipe Fernandez-Armesto World of Myths: Vol.2 - The Legendary Past 神话的世界:美索不达米亚、波斯、中国、玛雅、印加 The British Museum
* Mari Carmen Ramez Resisting Categories: Latin American and/or Latino?: Volume 1 / 抵制类别:拉*美洲和/或拉*裔?:第1卷 Yale University Press
* Marc Michael Epstein Skies of Parchment、Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts / 羊皮纸的天空、墨水的海洋:犹太泥金彩绘手稿 Princeton Press
* Quentin Blake Thirteen Things You Cannot Really Manage Without Thames & Hudson
* Chris Meplon Ceci Nest Pas une Copie: Design Between Innovation and Imitation Lannoo
* Stanislas Klossowski Alchemy Thames & Hudson
* Steve Seid Silence Yale University Press
* Elizabeth Bonython Great Exhibitor: The Life & Work of Henry Cole Victory and Albert Museum
* Alice Michel Degas and His Model / 德加和他的模特 David Zwirner Books
* Tim Barringer Unto This Last: Two Hundred Years of John Ruskin Yale University Press
* Alan Colquhoun Modern Architecture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:现代建筑 Oxford University Press
* Evelyn Lincoln Brilliant Discourse: Pictures & Readers in Early Modern Rome / 绝妙的陈述:近代早期罗马的图像与读者 Yale University Press
* Hoogewerff, G.J. De Noord-Nederlandsche Schilderkunst.(5 Vols) The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff
* Stephen Bann The Repeating Image: Multiples in French Painting from David to Matisse Walters Art Museum
* Geraldine A Johnson Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction / 文艺复兴艺术:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Angels / 细察:天使 Yale University Press
* Whitney Chadwick The Militant Muse: Love, War and the Women of Surrealism Thames & Hudson
* JO?RG LESCZENSKI The Finest Colors For Artists/艺术家的最佳颜色 Prestel
* Peter Jenny Artists Eye Princeton Architectural
* Daniel E. Sutherland Whistler: A Life for Arts Sake / 惠斯勒:艺术人生 Yale University Press
* Richard Cork New Spirit, New Sculpture, New Money Yale University Press
* Johannes Bonke The Talks - No Idea Is Final: Quotes from the Creative Voices of our Time / 会谈-没有任何想法是最终的:引用我们这个时代的创造性声音 Phaidon
* Mark Holborn Sun and Moon / 太阳和月亮 Phaidon
* Lelia Packer Monochrome: Painting in Black and White National Gallery London
* Wendy Wick Reaves Beyond The Face: New Perspectives on Portraiture GILES
* Carol Lowrey Legacy of Art: Paintings & Sculptures by Artist Life Members of the National Hudson Hills Press
* Barbara Furlotti Antiquities in Motion - From Excavation Sites to Renaissance Collections/运动中的古物-从发掘地到文艺复兴时期的收藏 Getty Museum
* Dirk Boll Auctioneers Who Made Art History / 造就艺术史的拍卖商 Hatje Cantz
* Scott Gutterman Sunlight on the River: Poems about Paintings, Paintings about Poems Prestel
* Joost Joustra Sin Yale University Press
* David Bomford A Closer Look: Conservation of Paintings / 细察:绘画保护 Yale University Press
* Phaidon Editors Every Day a Word Surprises Me & Other Quotes by Writers / 每天都有一句话让我大吃一惊&作家的其他名言 Phaidon
* Mark Hallett Court、Country、City: British Art and Architecture 1660–1735 / 宫廷、乡村、城市:英国艺术与建筑论文集 1660–1735年 Yale University Press
* Rab MacGibbon Icons and Identities / 偶像与身份 National Portrait Gallery
* Christine Kondoleon Aphrodite & the Gods of Love / 阿芙罗狄蒂与爱神 MFA, Boston
* David Pearson Speaking Volumes: Books with Histories / 卷语:有历史的书籍 Bodleian Library
* Simon Baker Surrealism, History and Revolution Peter Lang
* E.H. Gombrich The Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art / 偏爱原始性:西方艺术和文论文汇的趣味史 Phaidon
* Cornelia Klinger Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective: Re-Reading the Canon in German Penn State Press
* Phaidon Editors Artifacts: Fascinating Facts about Art、Artists、and the Art World / 文物:关于艺术、艺术家和艺术世界的迷人事实 Phaidon
* Philip M. Isaacson Short Walk Around the Pyramids and Through the World of Art Random House
* Wilko Hoffmann J.Mayer H. - Could Should Would/J.梅尔 H. - 可以、应该、会 Hatje Cantz
* Rebel, Ernst Self-Portraits/自画像绘画艺术 原版画册 Taschen【Basic Art】系列 Taschen
* Lucia Impelluso Gods and Heroes in Art / 艺术中的神与英雄 Getty Museum
* Jenelle Porter Figuring Color: Kathy Butterly Felix Gonzalez-Torres Roy McMakin Sue Williams/配色:凯西·巴特利,费利克斯·冈萨雷斯-托雷斯,罗伊·麦克马金,苏·威廉姆斯 Hatje Cantz
* Michael Auping 40 Years: Just Talking About Art / 四十年:策展人迈克尔·奥平谈艺术 Prestel
* Nikolaus Pevsner Visual Planning and the Picturesque/视觉规划与风景如画 Getty Museum
* Jill Casid Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn Clark Art Institute
* Geoffrey Ashe Atlantis / 亚特兰蒂斯 Thames & Hudson
* Lachlan Goudie The Story of Scottish Art / 苏格兰艺术的故事 Thames & Hudson
* John Guy Elizabeth: The Forgotten Years Viking Press
* Neil Holt Paper: Material, Medium, Magic / 纸:材料、介质、魔法 Prestel
* Marianne Krogh Connectedness: an incomplete encyclopedia of anthropocene / 连通性:一部不完整的人类新世百科全书 DelMonico Books
* Leonard Stanley Adrian: A Lifetime of Movie Glamour, Art and High Fashion "Rizzoli
* 姉崎正広 実用手描文字 Handwritten Character Templates / 实用手描文字 青幻舍
* Shima Rabiee Design Visualization: Exploring Expressive Visualization Through Art Fundamentals / 设计可视化:通过艺术基础探索传达可视化 ORO Editions
* PIE International 1枚デザインの構図とレイアウト / 单页排版技术 Single-Page Composition and Layout Technique PIE International
* Massimo Vignelli The Vignelli Canon Lars Muller Publishers
* Malene Lytken Danish Lights — 1920 to Now: 100 Stories about Danish Lamp Design Strandberg Publishing
* Maria Pergay Maria Pergay: Complete Works 1957-2010 Damiani
* Peter Cachola Schmal Yesterdays Future: Visionary Designs by Future Systems and Archigram Prestel
* Cees W. De Jong Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design Prestel
* Chris van Uffelen Rough Past meets New Design / 粗糙的过去与全新的设计 Braun
* Design Museum Paris in Fifty Design Icons / 五十个设计图标中的巴黎 Conran Octopus
* Beppe Finessi Design: 101 Zanotta Stories Silvana Editoriale
* Freek Kroesbergen Dutch Designers Yearbook: From Reset to Resilience Nai010 Publishers
* Bettina Richter Ja! Nein! Yes! No! Swiss Posters for Democracy: Poster Collection 33 Lars Muller Publishers
* Rob Ryan I Thought About It in My Head and I Felt It in My Heart but I Made It with My Hands "Rizzoli
* Cees W. de Jong New Poster Art / 新海报艺术 Thames & Hudson
* Dorothy Abbe William Addison Dwiggins: Stencilled Ornament and Illustration / 威廉·艾迪生·德威金斯:模板装饰和插图 Princeton Architectural
* 青幻舎 上野リチのデザイン:マイ?ファースト?リチ My First Lizzi / 上野里奇的设计:我的第一个里奇 青幻舍
* Josep M. Garrofé Structural Packaging: GOLD Hoaki
* Jonny Trunk A–Z of Record Shop Bags: 1940s to 1990s / 唱片购物袋 A-Z:1940S-1990S FUEL Publishing
* Lars Muller Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design / 瑞士平面设计的先驱 Lars Muller Publishers
* Kenya Hara 100 Whites 白百 Lars Muller Publishers
* Takanobu Okoshi 昭和ちびっこ広告手帳2 ?大阪万博からアイドル黄金期まで? / 昭和少儿广告手册2~大阪世博会至偶像黄金期~ Childrens Advertising in the SHOWA ERA 2 青幻舍
* Tord Boontje Tord Boontje: Enchanted World: The Romance of Design "Rizzoli
* Ramón Ubeda Chairpedia La Fabrica
* J. Namdev Hardisty Function、Restraint and Subversion in Typography / 功能、限制和颠覆版画 Princeton Architectural
* Ellen Lupton Thinking with Type: A Primer for Designers: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students Princeton Architectural
* Benjamin Hubert Benjamin Hubert:Layer / 本杰明·休伯特:层次 Phaidon
* Nigel Holmes Holmes. Crazy Competitions Taschen
* Silvio Benedito Atmosphere Anatomies: On Design, Weather and Sensation Lars Muller Publishers
* Phaidon Editors Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design Phaidon
* Rob Ford Web Design. The Evolution of the Digital World 1990–Today Taschen
* Jim Heimann Automobile Design Graphics (va) /Taschen Taschen
* Ute Ackermann Bauhaus Museum Weimar : The Bauhaus Comes from Weimar! / 魏玛包豪斯博物馆:包豪斯来自魏玛! Hirmer Publishers
* Andreas Laeufer Tank Too Thames & Hudson
* Victionary Design Origin: Germany: Design in Germany Today / 设计起源:德国当代设计 Victionary
* David Bernstein Advertising Outdoors: Watch this Space! / 户外广告:注意这个空间! Phaidon
* Marie Hugstead The Little Book of Danish Design: for Children and Curious Grown-ups / 丹麦设计小书:儿童和好奇的成年人 Thames & Hudson
* Justinian Jampol East German Handbook. Beyond The Wall Taschen
* Alexander Tibelius The Logo Design Toolbox: Time-Saving Templates for Graphic Design / 标志设计工具箱:节省时间的图形设计模板 Gestalten
* Paul Shaw Revival Type: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past / 复古字形:受过去启发的数字字体 文字设计 字体设计 Yale University Press
* 小我野明子 ロシアのチョコレート包み紙 ーソ連時代のかわいいデザインー / Russian chocolate wrapping paper / 俄罗斯巧克力包装纸:苏联时代可爱的设计师 青幻舍
* Stefan Waidmann Schrift und Typografie:Die Sprache der klassischen Schriften / 字体和排版:语言表达中的经典字体 Niggli Verlag
* Silvia Belli Visual Merchandising and Display: Best Practices for Window Displays and Store Designs Hoaki
* Jasper Morrison Jasper Morrison:A Book of Things Lars Muller Publishers
* 天童木工 天童木工とジャパニーズモダン TENDO In Japanese Modern / 天童木工与日本现代 青幻舍
* David Gartman From Autos to Architecture: Fordism & Architectural Aesthetics in the Twentieth Princeton Architectural
* Lucy Ryder Richardson 100 Midcentury Chairs & Their Stories Pavilion
* Jesse Simon Berlin Typography Prestel
* 緒方 慎一郎 HIGASHIYA 緒方 慎一郎 青幻舍
* Jeffrey L. Meikle Design in the USA (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美国设计 Oxford University Press
* Tony Seddon Fonts and Typefaces Made Easy: How to choose and use / 字体和字体变得简单:如何选择和使用 Flame Tree Publishing
* Gerlinde Schuller Designing Universal Knowledge Lars Muller Publishers
* Jens Muller Logo Modernism Taschen
* Shin Sobue 祖父江慎+コズフィッシュ / 祖父江慎+木鱼:日本书籍设计先驱的作品全集 Shin Sobue + cozfish: The Complete Collection of Works by a Pioneer of Japanese Book Design PIE International
* Ellen Lupton Bauhaus Typography at 100 / 包豪斯版式设计100年 Letterform Archive Books
* 和田三造 配色事典 応用編:大正?昭和の色彩と商品デザイン / 配色事典 应用篇:大正?昭和的色彩与商品设计 A Dictionary Of Color Combinations Volume 2 青幻舍
* Steven Heller Free Hand: New Typography Sketchbooks/新排版速写/手绘字体设计 Thames & Hudson
* Ruida Si Visual Philosophy:Thoughts on I and We / 视觉哲学:关于我和我们的思考 Lars Muller Publishers
* Stuart Brockman A Gathering of Leaves : Catalogue for Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2022 / 树叶的聚会:2022年国际装订设计师大赛图录 Bodleian Library
* Steven Heller Typography Sketchbooks / 排版速写本 Thames & Hudson
* Ellen Lupton Graphic Design / 平面设计 Princeton Press
* Lupton, Ellen & Jennifer Cole Phillips Graphic Design Princeton Press
* Cordelia Craigie Blank Slate: A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies / 白板:一个综合的摄影虚拟图书馆 Gestalten
* John Andrew Designer British Silver from Studios Established 1930-1985 Antique Collectors Club
* Murray Moss Please Do Not Touch: Other Things You Couldnt Do at Moss, the Design Store That Changed Design "Rizzoli
* PIE International 外国人にアピールするデザインのアイデア / 吸引外国人的平面设计理念和灵感 Graphic Design ideas and inspirations to Attract People from Different Countries PIE International
* John Boardley Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing / 字体排印的首创:早期印刷历险记 Bodleian Library
* PIE International 進化するライフスタイル:定期便サービスのデザイン / 不断发展的生活方式:为订阅服务设计 Evolving Lifestyles:Designing for Subscription Services PIE International
* Alex W. White Advertising Design and Typography / 广告设计与排版 Allworth Press
* Tyler, C. Youll Never Know: "Soldiers Heart" (Vol. 3) Fantagraphics
* Matthew Collings Ron Arad:talks to Matthew Collings about Designing Chairs Vases Buildings and... Phaidon
* Charlotte Fiell Tools for Living: A Sourcebook of Iconic Designs for the Home / 生活工具:家居用品设计经典手册 Carlton
* Helmut Schmid Ruder Typography-Ruder Philosophy: Idea No.333 / 粗野的字体- 更粗野的理念:思路 No.333 Lars Muller Publishers
* Bobbye Tigerman Scandinavian Design and the United States, 1890-1980 Prestel
* Christian Habermeier The Adidas Archives. The Footwear Collection Taschen
* Michael Kroeger Paul Rand: Conversations with Students Princeton Architectural
* Bradley Quinn Textile Visionaries : Innovation and Sustainability in Textile Design / 纺织梦想家:纺织品设计中的创新和可持续性 Laurence King Publishing
* David A. Hanks Partners in Design: Alfred H. Barr Jr. Und Philip Johnson. Bauhaus-Pioniere in Amerika / 设计合伙人:小阿尔弗雷德·H·巴尔和菲利普·约翰逊.包豪斯在美国的先驱 Arnoldsche
* Max Fraser Nichetto Studio: Projects、Collaborations and Conversations in Design / 尼切托工作室:设计中的项目、合作和对话 Phaidon
* Jon Dowling Hey: Design & Illustration / 嘿:设计和插图 Counter-Print
* Camille Walala Camille Walala: Taking Joy Seriously / 卡米尔·瓦拉拉:认真对待快乐 孟菲斯 Counter-Print
* Nancy Berliner Inspired by China: Contemporary Furnituremakers Explore Chinese Traditions / 灵感来自中国:当代家具制造商探索中国传统 Peabody Essex Museum
* Valerio Paolo Mosco Andrea Vallicelli: A History of Designs Skira
* Claire Cock-Starkey Hyphens & Hashtags* : *The stories behind the symbols on our keyboard / 连字符和标签符*:*键盘上符号背后的故事 Bodleian Library
* Marcroy Smith People of Print : Innovative、Independent Design and Illustration / 印刷人:创新、独立的设计和插图 Thames & Hudson
* Counter-Print Maritime Logos / 海事标志 Counter-Print
* Erik Mattie Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design Prestel
* Mickey Ross Razzia: 25 Years Of Poster Art Square One Publishers
* Robert Klanten Erratic: Visual Impact in Current Design / 不稳定:当前设计中的视觉冲击 Gestalten
* Carol Camper The Walking Society Lars Muller Publishers
* Massimo Mariani What Images Really Tell Us: The Adoption of Visual Rhetoric in Graphic Design, Art and Advertising Hoaki
* Vv.Aa. Spain by Hand : 100 Artisan Workshops La Fabrica
* Hartmut Bohnacker Generative Design: Visualize、Program、and Create with Processing / 生成式设计:可视化、编程和处理创建 Princeton Architectural
* Jasper Morrison The Good Life: Perceptions of the Ordinary Lars Muller Publishers
* Gestalten Shoplifter! : New Retail Architecture and Brand Spaces / 商店扒手!:新零售架构和品牌建设 Gestalten
* 青幻舎 昭和モダン 広告デザイン 1920-30s:ポスター、チラシ、マッチなど。紙もの大集合! / 昭和现代广告设计1920-30s:海报、传单、火柴等.纸的大集合! 青幻舍
* PIE International 小さなベーカリー&焼き菓子のデザオイン / 小面包店和糖果店的平面设计和图像 Graphic Designs and Images for Small Bakeries and Sweet Shops PIE International
* Tamsin Dillon Roundel: 100 Artists Remake a London Icon - Art on the Underground Art/Books
* Andy Cooke Graphic Design for Art, Fashion, Film, Architecture, Photography, Product Design and Everything in Between Prestel
* Jong,,Cees The Enduring Legacy of Weimar: Graphic Design & New Typography 1919-1933 Prestel
* 橋爪節也 大正昭和レトロチラシ:商業デザインにみる大大阪 / 大正、昭和时代的复古海报 Retro Handbills from the Taisho and Showa Era 青幻舍
* Bettina Richter Herbert Leupin: Poster Collection 28 Lars Muller Publishers
* David Batterham The World of Ornament Taschen
* Veronika Kapsali Biomimicry for Designers: Applying Natures Processes & Materials in the Real World / 仿生学的设计::在现实世界中应用自然的过程和材料 Thames & Hudson
* Christian Sumi The Goddess – La Deesse: Investigations on the Legendary Citroen DS Lars Muller Publishers
* Philippe Weisbecker フィリップ?ワイズベッカー作品集 / 菲利普·韦斯贝克作品集 Philippe Weisbecker:Works in Progress PIE International
* Heller, Steven 100 Classic Graphic Design Journals Laurence King Publishing
* Viction Workshop BRANDLife: Boutique Hotels & Hostels / 品牌生命:精品酒店及旅馆 Victionary
* Sam Hecht Industrial Facility / 工业设施 Phaidon
* PIE International 冊子&折りパンフの構図とレイアウト / 多页排版技术 Multi-Page Composition & Layout Technique PIE International
* Teresa Breathnach New Retro: Classic Graphics、Todays Designs / 新复古:经典的图案、今日的设计 Thames & Hudson
* Gareth Williams Furniture Machine: Furniture since 1990 Victory and Albert Museum
* Terrie Sultan Chuck Close Prints: Process and Collaboration Prestel
* Winfried Nerdinger Otl Aicher:Design、Type、Thinking / 奥特尔·艾歇尔:设计、类型、思维 Prestel
* Petra Eisele Futura: The Typeface (NoDJ) Laurence King Publishing
* Martin, Andy Ideas Have Legs: Ian McMillan Vs Andy Martin FUEL Publishing
* Hiroshi Manabe Hiroshi Manabe: The Book of Books / 真鍋博 本の本 / 真锅博:书之书 PIE International
* Joan Escandell Animals: 850 Handmade Illustrations Promopress
* 青幻舎 昭和モダン 看板デザイン 1920-30s:ショーウインドー、店舗内装、ディスプレイなど.街角アイデア集! / 昭和现代招牌设计1920-30s:橱窗、店铺内部装饰、显示器等.街角创意集! 青幻舍
* Bettina Richter En Vogue: Poster Collection 32 Lars Muller Publishers
* Alex Newson Designer Maker User:An Introduction to Design Phaidon
* Manuela Brambatti Jewellery Illustration and Design、vol.2 : From the Idea to the Project / 珠宝插图与设计、第2卷:从创意到项目 Hoaki
* Kelsey Keith HAY / 干草 Phaidon
* Gisela Keil Year in the Garden: 365 Inspirational Gardens and Gardening Tips Prestel
* Mark van Wageningen Type and Color: How to Design and Use Multicolored Typefaces (step-By-step Guide to Designing Typefaces with Multiple Colors, Essential New Graphic Design and Typography Book) Princeton Architectural
* Design Zurich Josef Muller-Brockmann: Poster Collection 25 / 约瑟夫·穆勒·布罗克曼:海报收藏25 Lars Muller Publishers
* "Gemma Warriner and
Kate Sweetapple" Food Futures: Experimental Food Design Hoaki
* Julius Wiedemann Logo Design (bu) /Taschen Taschen
* Raffaello Buccheri Graphic design for Restaurants:a selection of contemporary restaurants designs / 餐厅平面设计:当代餐厅设计精选 Beatnik Publishing
* Kazuna Iida ファンシーポップ&ビビッドキッチュ写真素材集 / Fancy Pop&Bivid Kitch写真素材集 Fancy Pop and Vivid Kitsch Photo Resource Book PIE International
* Monique Hemmingson Wild Kinship : The Makers / 狂野的亲情:制作者 Beatnik Publishing
* Magdalena Droste Our Bauhaus: Memories of Bauhaus People / 我们的包豪斯:包豪斯人的回忆录 Prestel
* Alison Brown Designing the New: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow Style Prestel
* Jean-Charles Trebbi The Art of Origami Books : Origami、Kirigami、Labyrinth、Tunnel and Mini Books by Artists from Around the World / 折纸书的艺术:折纸、基里加米、迷宫、隧道和世界各地艺术家的迷你书 Hoaki
* Teal Triggs Typographic Experiment: Radical Innovation in Contemporary Design / 印刷实验:当代设计的激进创新 Thames & Hudson
* Naoto Fukasawa Super Normal: Sensations of the Ordinary Lars Muller Publishers
* Helen Thompson Santa Fe Modern: Contemporary Design in the High Desert / 圣达菲现代:高沙漠中的当代设计 The Monacelli Press
* PIE International Book Design 365 / 图书设计 365本 PIE International
* Jon Dowling Cruz Novillo: Logos / 西班牙设计师 克鲁兹·诺维洛:标志 Counter-Print
* Dara Caponigro S Is for Style: The Schumacher Book of Decoration "Rizzoli
* UPENN Design LA+ Design ORO Editions
* PIE International Logo Designs that Communicate Trust & Honesty: Attractive Logo Designs Grouped by Industry PIE International
* Simon Loxley Type is Beautiful: The Story of Fifty Remarkable Fonts / 字体是美丽的:50种非凡字体的故事 Bodleian Library
* 長崎盛輝 新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調 The Traditional Colors of Japan / 新版 日本传统色:颜色名称和色调 青幻舍
* Catherine Scotto Morocco: Destination of Style、Elegance and Design / 摩洛哥:时尚、优雅和设计的终点 Prestel
* Phaidon Editors 1000 Design Classics / 1000 款经典设计 Phaidon
* Ornamentalism Ornamentalism / 装饰主义 Oxford UK
* Beauty and Art Beauty and Art: 1750-2000 (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美与艺术:1750-2000年 Oxford UK
* Photography: A Very Short Introduction Photography: A Very Short Introduction / 摄影:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 建筑学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction / 达达与超现实主义:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Film: A Very Short Introduction Film: A Very Short Introduction / 电影:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction / 文艺复兴艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction / 现代艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Twentieth Century Design Twentieth-Century Design (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:20世纪设计 Oxford UK
* African-American Art African-American Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:非裔美国艺术 Oxford UK
* Design in the USA Design in the USA (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美国设计 Oxford UK
* Modern Architecture Modern Architecture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:现代建筑 Oxford UK
* Landscape and Western Art Landscape and Western Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:景观与西方艺术 Oxford UK
* Classical Art Classical Art: From Greece to Rome (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:古典艺术:从希腊到罗马 Oxford UK
* The Pacific Arts of Polynesia and Micronesia The Pacific Arts of Polynesia and Micronesia (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:玻里尼西亚与密克罗尼西亚的太平洋艺术 Oxford UK
* Medieval Art Medieval Art(Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:中世纪艺术 Oxford UK
* Portraiture Portraiture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:肖像 Oxford UK
* Early Art and Architecture of Africa Early Art and Architecture of Africa (Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:非洲早期艺术与建筑 Oxford UK
* Northern Renaissance Art Northern Renaissance Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:北方文艺复兴艺术 Oxford UK
* Medieval Architecture Medieval Architecture (Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:中世纪建筑 Oxford UK
* Design: A Very Short Introduction Design: A Very Short Introduction / 设计:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists / 牛津美国艺术与艺术家词典 Oxford UK
* From Renaissance to Impressionism From Renaissance to Impressionism: Styles and Movements in Western Art 1400-1900 / 从文艺复兴到印象主义:风格与西方艺术运动 1400-1900 Oxford UK
* Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 现代建筑:通识读本 Oxford UK
* A Short History of Gardens A Short History of Gardens / 花园简史 Oxford UK
* Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600 Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600 / 意大利艺术理论 1450-1600年 Oxford UK
* Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction / 当代艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Art History: A Very Short Introduction Art History: A Very Short Introduction / 艺术史:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Creativity: A Very Short Introduction Creativity: A Very Short Introduction / 创造力:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Typography: A Very Short Introduction Typography: A Very Short Introduction / 印刷术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Alchemist and Other Plays The Alchemist and Other Plays:Volpone、or The Fox; Epicene、or The Silent Woman; The Alchemist; Bartholemew Fair / 炼金术士和其他戏剧 Oxford UK
* The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms / 牛津简明艺术术语词典 Oxford UK
* The Avant Garde: A Very Short Introduction The Avant Garde: A Very Short Introduction / 先锋派:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction / 考古学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Modern Drama: A Very Short Introduction Modern Drama: A Very Short Introduction / 现代戏剧:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture / 牛津建筑词典 第3版 Oxford UK
* Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 园林建筑学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 古埃及艺术与建筑:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Trojan War: A Very Short Introduction The Trojan War: A Very Short Introduction / 特洛伊战争:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Artworld Prestige Artworld Prestige: Arguing Cultural Value / 艺术界的声望:争论的文化价值 Oxford UK
* Forged Forged: Why Fakes are the Great Art of Our Age / 仿造:仿制品何以成为时代杰作? Oxford UK
* Obelisk Obelisk: A History MIT
* Science Of Art - Optical Themes In Western Art From Bru, The The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat Thames&Hudson
* A Little History Of Philosophy A Little History of Philosophy / 哲学小史 Thames&Hudson
* Serious Play Serious Play: Design in Midcentury America Thames&Hudson
* Frame Work - Honour And Ornament In Italian Renaissance Art Frame Work: Honour and Ornament in Italian Renaissance Art / 框架作品:意大利文艺复兴时期艺术中的荣誉和装饰 Thames&Hudson
* Art Of Paper - From The Holy Land To The Americas, The The Art of Paper: From the Holy Land to the Americas / 纸的艺术 Thames&Hudson
* An Introduction To Art An Introduction To Art Thames&Hudson
* Art & Graphic Design - George Maciunas, Ed Ruscha, Sheila Le Art & Graphic Design: George Maciunas、 Ed Ruscha、 Sheila Levrant de Bretteville Thames&Hudson
* Afterlives - Recovering The Lost Stories Of Looted Art Afterlives: Recovering the Lost Stories of Looted Art / 来世:恢复掠夺艺术的失落故事 Thames&Hudson
* Nikolai Astrup - Visions Of Norway Nikolai Astrup: Visions of Norway Thames&Hudson
* Bard Graduate Center At 25 - Decorative Arts, Design History Bard Graduate Center at 25: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture Thames&Hudson
* How To Enjoy Art - A Guide For Everyone How to Enjoy Art: A Guide for Everyone / 如何享受艺术:全员学面设计中的当代拼贴艺术 Thames&Hudson
* LetS Talk Type An Essential Lexicon Of Type Terms Lets Talk Type: An Essential Lexicon of Type Terms / 让我们谈谈类型:类型术语的基本词典 Thames&Hudson
* Rethinking The Modular Adaptable Systems In Architecture And Rethinking the Modular: Adaptable Systems in Architecture and Design /反思模块化 Thames&Hudson
* Drawing: A Complete Guide Drawing: A Complete Guide / 素描手册 Thames&Hudson
* Books That Shaped Art History From Gombrich And Greenbe, The The Books that Shaped Art History: From Gombrich and Greenberg to Alpers and Krauss/ 塑造美术史的那些书 Thames&Hudson
* Hand-Drawn Maps A Guide For Creatives Hand-Drawn Maps: A Guide for Creatives Thames&Hudson
* Looking At Pictures Looking at Pictures: Art Essentials Series/画作欣赏:艺术精要系列 Thames&Hudson
* An Anthology Of Decorated Papers A Sourcebook For Designers An Anthology of Decorated Papers: A Sourcebook for Designers / 装饰用纸精选集:设计师资料册 Thames&Hudson
* Seeing Ourselves WomenS Self-Portraits Seeing Ourselves:Women’s Self-Portraits / 看见自己:女性自画像 Thames&Hudson
* Paper Crafts A MakerS Guide Paper Crafts: A Makers Guide Thames&Hudson
* Free Hand New Typography Sketchbooks Free Hand New Typography Sketchbooks Thames&Hudson
* Calligraphy & Lettering A MakerS Guide Calligraphy & Lettering: A Makers Guide Thames&Hudson
* Street Art Street Art (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Surrealism Surrealism (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Women Artists Women Artists (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Impressionism Impressionism (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Bio Design Nature . Science . Creativity Bio Design:Nature 、Science、Creativity / 生物设计:自然、科学、创造力 Thames&Hudson
* Interior Design Course Principles, Practices And Techni, The The Interior Design Course: Principles, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer Thames&Hudson
* World Of Charles And Ray Eames, The The World of Charles and Ray Eames / 伊姆斯夫妇的世界 查尔斯和雷·埃姆斯 Thames&Hudson
* Things Come Apart 2.0 A Teardown Manual For Modern Living Things Come Apart 2.0:A Teardown Manual for Modern Living / 万物分崩离析2.0:现代生活拆解手册 Thames&Hudson
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* Daniela Brambilla Portraying Children: Expressions、Proportions、Drawing and Painting Techniques / 描绘儿童:表情、比例、素描和绘画技巧 Hoaki
* Cumming, Robert My Dear Bb . . .: The Letters Of Bernard Berenson And Kenneth Clark, 1925–1959 Yale University Press
* David Pearson Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook / 图书史上的种源研究:手册 Bodleian Library
* Patrick De Rynck Understanding Painting: From Giotto to Warhol / 了解绘画:从乔托到沃霍尔 Ludion
* Huw Lewis-Jones Explorers Sketchbooks: The Art of Discovery & Adventure / 探险者的速写本:探索的艺术 Thames & Hudson
* W. Kirk Macnulty Freemasonry: Symbols Secrets Significance/共济会:符号、秘密、意义 Thames & Hudson
* Thomas Koster 50 Artists You Should Know Prestel
* Amy Whitaker The Story of NFTs : Artists、Technology、and Democracy / NFTs的故事:艺术家、技术和民主 "Rizzoli
* Julia Friedrich Kunst in Schokolade / Chocolate Art / 巧克力艺术 Hatje Cantz
* Peter Davidson The Lighted Window : Evening Walks Remembered / 灯光下的窗户:晚间漫步的记忆 Bodleian Library
* Form, Space, and Vision (third edition) Vitalis Verlag Gmbh
* Guislain Gent Characteristic Faces: On Hawk Noses & Chipmunk Cheeks / 特征面孔:鹰鼻子和胖乎乎的脸颊上 Lannoo
* Alain de Botton Art as Therapy / 艺术的疗效 Phaidon
* Abigail Solomon-Godeau Male Trouble: A Crisis in Representation/男性的烦恼:表现的危机 Thames & Hudson
* クラウス?グリム 額縁の歴史 Alte Bilderrahmen / 画框的历史 青幻舍
* David Breslin Art History & Emergency: Crises in the Visual Arts & Humanities Yale University Press
* Vahram Muratyan About Time: A Visual Memoir Around the Clock. Little Brown & Co (P)
* Michael Green Visions and Ecstasies: Selected Essays David Zwirner Books
* Bonazzoli,F Portraits Unmasked: The Stories Behind the Faces Prestel
* Mark Leonard Personal Viewpoints: Thoughts about Paintings Conservation Getty Museum
* Polsky, Richard The Art Prophets: The Artists, Dealers, and Tastemakers Who Shook the Art World Prestel
* Gill Perry Academies Museums and Canons of Art /学院 博物馆和艺术典范 Yale University Press
* Editor Ledbury Fictions of Art History Yale University Press
* Claire Tancons Look for Me All Around You: Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber Prestel
* Emily Bilski Objects of the Spirit: Ritual and the Art of Tobi Kahn Hudson Hills Press
* Ines Schlenker Hitler’s Salon: The "Grobe Deutsche Kunstausstellung at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich 1937-1944 Peter Lang
* John Gurche Lost Anatomies:The Evolution of the Human Form / 失落的解剖学:人类形态的演变 Abrams
* Tom Devonshire Jones The Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art and Architecture / 牛津基督教艺术与建筑词典 Oxford University Press
* Scattone, Leslie The Plains of Mars: European War Prints, 1500-1825, from the Collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation Yale University Press
* Peter Baldwin Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle Princeton Press
* J.C. Amberlyn The Artists Guide to Drawing World Wildlife: Essential Step-by-Step Lessons for Beginners / 绘制世界野生动物的艺术家指南:初学者的基本分步课程 The Monacelli Press
* Michael Findlay The Value of Art:Money. Power. Beauty. / 艺术的价值:金钱、力量、美丽 Prestel
* Brad Finger 50 Portraits You Should Know / 50幅你应该知道的肖像 Prestel
* Virginia Woolf Oh、To Be a Painter! (Ekphrasis) / 喔、成为一名画家! 艺格敷词系列 David Zwirner Books
* Giulia Carciotto Massimo Listri. Cabinet of Curiosities Taschen
* C. Stephen Jaeger Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West Pennsylvania Press
* Rosa Giorgi The History of the Church in Art / 艺术中的教堂历史 J Paul Getty Museum
* Jarrett Earnest Tell Me Something Good: Artist Interviews from The Brooklyn Rail / 告诉我一件好事:布 (略) 的艺术家采访 David Zwirner Books
* Anne Truitt Yield: The Journal of an Artist / 产量:艺术家日记 Yale University Press
* Louvre Museum Frameables: My Louvre—21 prints for a picture-perfect home / 相框:我的卢浮宫—21张版画、打造一个美好的家 Flammarion
* Martin Gayford A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen / 图画史:从洞穴石壁到电脑屏幕 大卫·霍克尼 Hockney Abrams
* James S. Ackerman Origins、Invention、Revision: Studying the History of Art and Architecture / 起源、发明、修正:研究艺术与建筑的历史 Yale University Press
* Gombrich, E.H. Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art Yale University Press
* Liana De Girolami Cheney Giorgio Vasari’s ?Prefaces?: Art and Theory Peter Lang
* Turtle Bunbury Ireland’s Forgotten Past: A History of the Overlooked and Disremembered / 爱尔兰被遗忘的过去:被忽视和被遗忘的历史 Thames & Hudson
* Aliced Goldfarb Marquis Art Czar: The Rise & Fall of Clement Greenberg - A Biography MFA, Boston
* Andrew Ballantyne Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 建筑学:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Jo Kirby A Closer Look: Techniques of Painting / 细察:绘画技巧 Yale University Press
* David Alan Brown Raphael & the Beautiful Banker: The Story of the Bindo Altoviti Portrait. Yale University Press
* Alexander Nemerov Summoning Pearl Harbor David Zwirner Books
* Quentin Blake The Language of the Fan Thames & Hudson
* Sarah Wilson Visual World Of French Theory: Figurations / 法国理论的视觉世界 Yale University Press
* Hackney S On Canvas: Preserving the Structure of Paintings Getty Museum
* Kathleen Raine William Blake / 威廉·布莱克 Thames & Hudson
* Quentin Blake Night Thoughts Thames & Hudson
* Rose-Marie Hagen What Great Paintings Say. Faces of Power Taschen
* Steve Edwards Photography: A Very Short Introduction / 摄影:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* The Met Art =:Discovering Infinite Connections in Art History / 艺术=:发现艺术史上的无限联系 Phaidon
* Paul B. Franklin The Artist and His Critic Stripped Bare: The Correspondence of Marcel Duchamp and Robert Lebel Getty Museum
* Laura J. Snyder Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and the Reinvention of Seeing 旁观者的眼睛 W. W. Norton & Company
* Dieter Roth Collaborations: Relations-Confrontations Thames & Hudson
* Cristina Bechtler Thinking in Thin Air: Anthology of a Decade: Engadin Art Talks Lars Muller Publishers
* Chicago, Judy Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education/Judy Chicago Monacelli Press
* Stan Douglas ArtCenter Talks: Graduate Seminar, The First Decade 1986-1995 David Zwirner Books
* Huw Lewis-Jones The Writers Map: An Atlas of Imaginary Lands Thames & Hudson
* Paul Greenhalgh The Modern Ideal: The Rise and Collapse of Idealism in the Visual Arts, From the Enlightenment to Postmodernism V & A Publishing
* David Hockney はじめての絵画の歴史 :「見る」「描く」「撮る」のひみつ / 写给孩子们的图画史 大卫 霍克尼 A History Of Pictures For Children David Hockney 青幻舍
* Daphne S. Barbour Facture: Conservation、Science、Art History : Volume 4: Series、Multiples、Replicas / 制作:保护、科学、艺术史:第4卷:系列、倍数、复制品 Yale University Press
* Richard Travers To Paint a War: The lives of the Australian artists who painted the Great War, 1914-1918 Thames & Hudson
* Judy Sund Exotic:A Fetish for the Foreign Phaidon
* Nicholas Penny A Closer Look: Frames / 细看画框 National Gallery
* Alberto Ausoni Music in Art / 艺术中的音乐 J Paul Getty Museum
* Julian Brooks The Lure of Italy - Artists` Views Getty Museum
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Still Life / 细察:静物 Yale University Press
* Bernard Dewulf Shame: (English and French Edition) Lannoo
* John A. Parks The Pocket Universal Principles of Art: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding、Analyzing、and Practicing Art / 口袋艺术的普遍原则:理解、分析和实践艺术的100个关键概念 Rockport Publishers
* Michael Wood Film: A Very Short Introduction / 电影:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Michael Glover Thrust: A Spasmodic Pictorial History of the Codpiece David Zwirner Books
* Sandra Rendgen History of Information Graphics Taschen
* Lauren ONeill-Butler Lets Have a Talk: Conversations with Women on Art and Culture / 让我们来谈谈:与女性谈论艺术和文化 Karma, New York
* Vishakha N. Desai Asian Art History in the Twenty-First Century Clark Art Institute
* Denise Markonish Explode Every Day: An Inquiry into the Phenomena of Wonder Hatje Cantz
* Zimmer, Heinrich Robert Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization Princeton Press
* Stanislav Grof Books of the Dead Thames & Hudson
* John Ruskin Giotto and His Works in Padua David Zwirner Books
* Painting In Latin America, 1550-1820 Yale University Press
* Jonathan Jones Sensations:The Story of British Art from Hogarth to Banksy / 感觉:从霍加斯到班克斯的英国艺术故事 Laurence King Publishing
* Whitechapel Gallery The Unseen: Hurvin Anderson selects from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation / 见所未见:赫尔文·安德森从克里斯汀·斯维亚斯艺术基金会挑选 Whitechapel
* Vanessa Pauman Art of Law: Three Centuries of Justice Depicted Lannoo
* John Updike Always Looking : Essays on Art / 一直在看:艺术随便 Knopf
* Elizabeth Johns American Genre Painting: The Politics of Everyday Life Yale University Press
* Marco Milan About the Error/Sobre el Error (Tales-on) La Fabrica
* Edward O. Wilson Origins of Creativity Boni and Liveright
* Geoffrey Tyack The Historic Heart of Oxford University / 牛津大学的历史中心 Bodleian Library
* Penelope Treadwell Johan Zoffany: Artist and Adventurer / 约翰·佐法尼:艺术家和冒险家 Paul Holberton
* Graham Bader Hall of Mirrors: Roy Lichtenstein and the Face of Painting in the 1960s / 镜厅:罗伊·利希滕斯坦和1960S的绘画面貌 The MIT Press
* Angela Y. Davis Art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People’s Culture : Two Works Series Vol. 2 / 艺术在前线:人民文化的使命:两部作品系列 第2卷 Walther Konig
* Andrea Ponsi Drawing Analogies LETTERAVENTIDUE
* Michael F Zimmermann Art Historian:National Traditions and Institutional Practices Clark Art Institute
* Elizabeth Prettejohn Beauty and Art: 1750-2000 (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美与艺术:1750-2000年 Oxford University Press
* Phaidon Editors Destination Art:500 Artworks Worth the Trip Phaidon
* Gianfranco Ravasi Peter: History、Image、Memory (slipcased) / 彼得:历史、图像、记忆 (滑套) Electa
* Florian Heine The Art of Illusion Prestel
* Phaidon The Art Box Greeting Cards—Blue Selection / 艺术贺卡盒装 - 蓝色精选 Phaidon
* 宮津大輔 美術作品の修復保存入門:古美術から現代アートまで / 美术作品的修复保存入门:从古美术到现代艺术 An introduction to the restoration and preservation of works of art 青幻舍
* Peter Jenny Unlearning to Draw / 忘记绘画(学会去看) Princeton Architectural
* Guy Noble Drawing Master: 100 Creative Techniques of Great Artists / 素描大师班:100位伟大艺术家的创作技巧 Thames & Hudson
* Felix Scheinberger 100 Ways to Draw a Bird AND make a living from Illustration Hoaki
* David Hockney 絵画の歴史 洞窟壁画からiPadまで (増補普及版) / 图画史:从洞穴石壁到电脑屏幕 A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen 青幻舍
* Gail Levin Lee Krasner: A Biography Thames & Hudson
* Onians, John The Art Atlas Abbeville Press
* Maja Fowkes Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950 Thames & Hudson
* Quentin Blake Trip Hazards Thames & Hudson
* Umbro Apollonio Futurist Manifestos MFA, Boston
* Jamie Camplin Books Do Furnish a Painting / 绘画中的书 Thames & Hudson
* Bailey Van Hook The Virgin and the Dynamo: Public Murals in American Architecture 1893–1917 / 圣母与迪纳摩:美国建筑中的公共壁画 1893–1917 Ohio University
* Hilda Werschkul Experiences of Art: Reflections on Masterpieces ORO Editions
* John Onians Neuroarthistory: From Aristotle & Pliny to Baxandall & Zeki / 神经艺术史:从亚里士多德和普林尼到巴克桑德尔和泽基 Yale University Press
* Rosalind Ormiston 50 Art Movements You Should Know: From Impressionism to Performance Art / 你应该知道的50种艺术运动:从印象派到表演艺术 Prestel
* Pamela A Patton Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain / 隔离的艺术:重新定义西班牙收复失地运动中的犹太人 Penn State Press
* Michael Bird Artists Letters : Leonardo da Vinci to David Hockney / 艺术家书信:从列奥纳多·达·芬奇到大卫·霍克尼 Frances Lincoln
* Matthew Rampley Vienna School of Art History Penn State Press
* David Hopkins Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction / 达达与超现实主义:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Charles Baudelaire The Salon of 1846 (ekphrasis) / 1846年的沙龙(艺格敷词系列) David Zwirner Books
* Keith Moxey Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies Clark Art Institute
* Antonella Fuga Artists Techniques and Materials / 艺术家的技术和材料 Getty Museum
* Claude-Henri Watelet Essay on Gardens: A Chapter in the French Picturesque Pennsylvania Press
* Jean-Claude Bologne Love In The Louvre Flammarion
* Matilde Battistini Symbols and Allegories in Art/艺术中的象征与寓言 Getty Museum
* David Bomford A Closer Look: Colour / 细察:颜色 Yale University Press
* Cathrin Klingsohr Surrealism (ba) /Taschen Taschen
* Barbara Bloemink Florine Stettheimer: A Biography / 弗洛琳·斯泰特海默:传记 Hirmer Publishers
* Randolph Touching Objects: Intimate Experiences of Italian Fifteenth-Century Art Yale University Press
* Andrea Kirsh Seeing Through Paintings: Physical Examination in Art Historical Studies Yale University Press
* Andrew Moore The Paston Treasure: Microcosm of the Known World /《帕斯顿宝藏》:已知世界的缩影 Yale University Press
* Christiane Weidemann 50 Women Artists You Should Know / 你应该知道的50位女艺术家 Prestel
* John E. Roemer How We Cooperate: A Theory of Kantian Optimization Yale University Press
* Daryl Green Thinking 3D: Books、Images and Ideas from Leonardo to the Present / 思考3D:从莱昂纳多到现在的书籍、图像和想法 Bodleian Library
* Jeremy Black France: A Short History / 法国简史 Thames & Hudson
* Paul Gambino Morbid Curiosities: Collections of the Uncommon and the Bizarre Hauser & Wirth Publishers
* Frank Jolles Zulu Beer Vessels in the Twentieth Century Arnoldsche
* Jusepe Martinez Practical Discourses on the Most Noble Art of Painting Getty Museum
* Daniel Esterman Meyer Schapiro Abroad: Letters to Lillian & Travel Notebooks. Getty Museum
* Paola Rapelli Symbols of Power in Art / 艺术中的力量象征 Getty Museum
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Allegory / 细察:寓言 Yale University Press
* Diane Von Furstenberg Own It: The Secret of Life / 拥有它:生命的秘密 Phaidon
* Jim Naughten Human Anatomy: Stereoscopic Images of Medical Specimens / 人体解剖学:医学标本的立体图像 Prestel
* Eric H Cline Biblical Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction / 圣经考古学:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Sharon F. Patton African-American Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:非裔美国艺术 Oxford University Press
* Rainer Maria Rilke Letters to a Young Painter David Zwirner Books
* Richard Cork Everything Seemed Possible: Art in the 1970s / 一切似乎皆有可能:20世纪70年代的艺术 Yale University Press
* Philip Ball The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery / 元素:他们发现的视觉历史 Thames & Hudson
* Stephen Melville Lure of the Object / 对象的诱惑 Yale University Press
* Ilene Susan Fort Marsden Hartley: The German Paintings, 1913-1915 D.A.P.
* Givanni Andrea Gilio Dialogue on the Errors and Abuses of Painters Getty Museum
* Gombrich Tributes:Interpreters of our cultural tradition / 敬献集:西方文化传统的解释者 Phaidon
* Stefano Zuffi Gospel Figures in Art / 艺术中的福音人物 Getty Museum
* McLean, Janet Lines of Vision: Irish Writers on Art Thames & Hudson
* Paulina Kewes Uses of History in Early Modern England Huntington Library Press
* Graham Bader Roy Lichtenstein The MIT Press
* Helen Molesworth One Day at a Time: Manny Farber and Termite Art Prestel
* Whitney Chadwick The Militant Muse:Love、War and the Women of Surrealism / 好战的缪斯:爱情、战争与超现实主义的女性 Thames & Hudson
* Joachim Homann Art Purposes:Object Lessons for the Liberal Arts / 艺术的目的:文科实物课 Prestel
* Lucia Impelluso Nature and its Symbols / 自然及其象征 Getty Museum
* David Cottington Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction / 现代艺术:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* de Bièvre Dutch Art and Urban Cultures, 1200-1700 Yale University Press
* Claudia Stauble The Paintings That Revolutionized Art / 改变了艺术史的绘画 Prestel
* Luigi Serafini Pulcinellopaedia Seraphiniana "Rizzoli
* Australia Arthur Boyd: Agony and Ecstacy / 亚瑟·博伊德:痛苦与狂喜 National Gallery of Australia
* Lydia Yee Moving Bodies - Moving Images / 运动物体 - 运动图像 Whitechapel
* John Onains Compression vsExpression: Containing & Explaining the Worlds Art Clark Art Institute
* Julie Cirelli Harvard Design Magazine 48: America Harvard University
* Felipe Fernandez-Armesto World of Myths: Vol.2 - The Legendary Past 神话的世界:美索不达米亚、波斯、中国、玛雅、印加 The British Museum
* Mari Carmen Ramez Resisting Categories: Latin American and/or Latino?: Volume 1 / 抵制类别:拉*美洲和/或拉*裔?:第1卷 Yale University Press
* Marc Michael Epstein Skies of Parchment、Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts / 羊皮纸的天空、墨水的海洋:犹太泥金彩绘手稿 Princeton Press
* Quentin Blake Thirteen Things You Cannot Really Manage Without Thames & Hudson
* Chris Meplon Ceci Nest Pas une Copie: Design Between Innovation and Imitation Lannoo
* Stanislas Klossowski Alchemy Thames & Hudson
* Steve Seid Silence Yale University Press
* Elizabeth Bonython Great Exhibitor: The Life & Work of Henry Cole Victory and Albert Museum
* Alice Michel Degas and His Model / 德加和他的模特 David Zwirner Books
* Tim Barringer Unto This Last: Two Hundred Years of John Ruskin Yale University Press
* Alan Colquhoun Modern Architecture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:现代建筑 Oxford University Press
* Evelyn Lincoln Brilliant Discourse: Pictures & Readers in Early Modern Rome / 绝妙的陈述:近代早期罗马的图像与读者 Yale University Press
* Hoogewerff, G.J. De Noord-Nederlandsche Schilderkunst.(5 Vols) The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff
* Stephen Bann The Repeating Image: Multiples in French Painting from David to Matisse Walters Art Museum
* Geraldine A Johnson Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction / 文艺复兴艺术:通识读本 Oxford University Press
* Erika Langmuir A Closer Look: Angels / 细察:天使 Yale University Press
* Whitney Chadwick The Militant Muse: Love, War and the Women of Surrealism Thames & Hudson
* JO?RG LESCZENSKI The Finest Colors For Artists/艺术家的最佳颜色 Prestel
* Peter Jenny Artists Eye Princeton Architectural
* Daniel E. Sutherland Whistler: A Life for Arts Sake / 惠斯勒:艺术人生 Yale University Press
* Richard Cork New Spirit, New Sculpture, New Money Yale University Press
* Johannes Bonke The Talks - No Idea Is Final: Quotes from the Creative Voices of our Time / 会谈-没有任何想法是最终的:引用我们这个时代的创造性声音 Phaidon
* Mark Holborn Sun and Moon / 太阳和月亮 Phaidon
* Lelia Packer Monochrome: Painting in Black and White National Gallery London
* Wendy Wick Reaves Beyond The Face: New Perspectives on Portraiture GILES
* Carol Lowrey Legacy of Art: Paintings & Sculptures by Artist Life Members of the National Hudson Hills Press
* Barbara Furlotti Antiquities in Motion - From Excavation Sites to Renaissance Collections/运动中的古物-从发掘地到文艺复兴时期的收藏 Getty Museum
* Dirk Boll Auctioneers Who Made Art History / 造就艺术史的拍卖商 Hatje Cantz
* Scott Gutterman Sunlight on the River: Poems about Paintings, Paintings about Poems Prestel
* Joost Joustra Sin Yale University Press
* David Bomford A Closer Look: Conservation of Paintings / 细察:绘画保护 Yale University Press
* Phaidon Editors Every Day a Word Surprises Me & Other Quotes by Writers / 每天都有一句话让我大吃一惊&作家的其他名言 Phaidon
* Mark Hallett Court、Country、City: British Art and Architecture 1660–1735 / 宫廷、乡村、城市:英国艺术与建筑论文集 1660–1735年 Yale University Press
* Rab MacGibbon Icons and Identities / 偶像与身份 National Portrait Gallery
* Christine Kondoleon Aphrodite & the Gods of Love / 阿芙罗狄蒂与爱神 MFA, Boston
* David Pearson Speaking Volumes: Books with Histories / 卷语:有历史的书籍 Bodleian Library
* Simon Baker Surrealism, History and Revolution Peter Lang
* E.H. Gombrich The Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art / 偏爱原始性:西方艺术和文论文汇的趣味史 Phaidon
* Cornelia Klinger Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective: Re-Reading the Canon in German Penn State Press
* Phaidon Editors Artifacts: Fascinating Facts about Art、Artists、and the Art World / 文物:关于艺术、艺术家和艺术世界的迷人事实 Phaidon
* Philip M. Isaacson Short Walk Around the Pyramids and Through the World of Art Random House
* Wilko Hoffmann J.Mayer H. - Could Should Would/J.梅尔 H. - 可以、应该、会 Hatje Cantz
* Rebel, Ernst Self-Portraits/自画像绘画艺术 原版画册 Taschen【Basic Art】系列 Taschen
* Lucia Impelluso Gods and Heroes in Art / 艺术中的神与英雄 Getty Museum
* Jenelle Porter Figuring Color: Kathy Butterly Felix Gonzalez-Torres Roy McMakin Sue Williams/配色:凯西·巴特利,费利克斯·冈萨雷斯-托雷斯,罗伊·麦克马金,苏·威廉姆斯 Hatje Cantz
* Michael Auping 40 Years: Just Talking About Art / 四十年:策展人迈克尔·奥平谈艺术 Prestel
* Nikolaus Pevsner Visual Planning and the Picturesque/视觉规划与风景如画 Getty Museum
* Jill Casid Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn Clark Art Institute
* Geoffrey Ashe Atlantis / 亚特兰蒂斯 Thames & Hudson
* Lachlan Goudie The Story of Scottish Art / 苏格兰艺术的故事 Thames & Hudson
* John Guy Elizabeth: The Forgotten Years Viking Press
* Neil Holt Paper: Material, Medium, Magic / 纸:材料、介质、魔法 Prestel
* Marianne Krogh Connectedness: an incomplete encyclopedia of anthropocene / 连通性:一部不完整的人类新世百科全书 DelMonico Books
* Leonard Stanley Adrian: A Lifetime of Movie Glamour, Art and High Fashion "Rizzoli
* 姉崎正広 実用手描文字 Handwritten Character Templates / 实用手描文字 青幻舍
* Shima Rabiee Design Visualization: Exploring Expressive Visualization Through Art Fundamentals / 设计可视化:通过艺术基础探索传达可视化 ORO Editions
* PIE International 1枚デザインの構図とレイアウト / 单页排版技术 Single-Page Composition and Layout Technique PIE International
* Massimo Vignelli The Vignelli Canon Lars Muller Publishers
* Malene Lytken Danish Lights — 1920 to Now: 100 Stories about Danish Lamp Design Strandberg Publishing
* Maria Pergay Maria Pergay: Complete Works 1957-2010 Damiani
* Peter Cachola Schmal Yesterdays Future: Visionary Designs by Future Systems and Archigram Prestel
* Cees W. De Jong Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design Prestel
* Chris van Uffelen Rough Past meets New Design / 粗糙的过去与全新的设计 Braun
* Design Museum Paris in Fifty Design Icons / 五十个设计图标中的巴黎 Conran Octopus
* Beppe Finessi Design: 101 Zanotta Stories Silvana Editoriale
* Freek Kroesbergen Dutch Designers Yearbook: From Reset to Resilience Nai010 Publishers
* Bettina Richter Ja! Nein! Yes! No! Swiss Posters for Democracy: Poster Collection 33 Lars Muller Publishers
* Rob Ryan I Thought About It in My Head and I Felt It in My Heart but I Made It with My Hands "Rizzoli
* Cees W. de Jong New Poster Art / 新海报艺术 Thames & Hudson
* Dorothy Abbe William Addison Dwiggins: Stencilled Ornament and Illustration / 威廉·艾迪生·德威金斯:模板装饰和插图 Princeton Architectural
* 青幻舎 上野リチのデザイン:マイ?ファースト?リチ My First Lizzi / 上野里奇的设计:我的第一个里奇 青幻舍
* Josep M. Garrofé Structural Packaging: GOLD Hoaki
* Jonny Trunk A–Z of Record Shop Bags: 1940s to 1990s / 唱片购物袋 A-Z:1940S-1990S FUEL Publishing
* Lars Muller Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design / 瑞士平面设计的先驱 Lars Muller Publishers
* Kenya Hara 100 Whites 白百 Lars Muller Publishers
* Takanobu Okoshi 昭和ちびっこ広告手帳2 ?大阪万博からアイドル黄金期まで? / 昭和少儿广告手册2~大阪世博会至偶像黄金期~ Childrens Advertising in the SHOWA ERA 2 青幻舍
* Tord Boontje Tord Boontje: Enchanted World: The Romance of Design "Rizzoli
* Ramón Ubeda Chairpedia La Fabrica
* J. Namdev Hardisty Function、Restraint and Subversion in Typography / 功能、限制和颠覆版画 Princeton Architectural
* Ellen Lupton Thinking with Type: A Primer for Designers: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students Princeton Architectural
* Benjamin Hubert Benjamin Hubert:Layer / 本杰明·休伯特:层次 Phaidon
* Nigel Holmes Holmes. Crazy Competitions Taschen
* Silvio Benedito Atmosphere Anatomies: On Design, Weather and Sensation Lars Muller Publishers
* Phaidon Editors Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design Phaidon
* Rob Ford Web Design. The Evolution of the Digital World 1990–Today Taschen
* Jim Heimann Automobile Design Graphics (va) /Taschen Taschen
* Ute Ackermann Bauhaus Museum Weimar : The Bauhaus Comes from Weimar! / 魏玛包豪斯博物馆:包豪斯来自魏玛! Hirmer Publishers
* Andreas Laeufer Tank Too Thames & Hudson
* Victionary Design Origin: Germany: Design in Germany Today / 设计起源:德国当代设计 Victionary
* David Bernstein Advertising Outdoors: Watch this Space! / 户外广告:注意这个空间! Phaidon
* Marie Hugstead The Little Book of Danish Design: for Children and Curious Grown-ups / 丹麦设计小书:儿童和好奇的成年人 Thames & Hudson
* Justinian Jampol East German Handbook. Beyond The Wall Taschen
* Alexander Tibelius The Logo Design Toolbox: Time-Saving Templates for Graphic Design / 标志设计工具箱:节省时间的图形设计模板 Gestalten
* Paul Shaw Revival Type: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past / 复古字形:受过去启发的数字字体 文字设计 字体设计 Yale University Press
* 小我野明子 ロシアのチョコレート包み紙 ーソ連時代のかわいいデザインー / Russian chocolate wrapping paper / 俄罗斯巧克力包装纸:苏联时代可爱的设计师 青幻舍
* Stefan Waidmann Schrift und Typografie:Die Sprache der klassischen Schriften / 字体和排版:语言表达中的经典字体 Niggli Verlag
* Silvia Belli Visual Merchandising and Display: Best Practices for Window Displays and Store Designs Hoaki
* Jasper Morrison Jasper Morrison:A Book of Things Lars Muller Publishers
* 天童木工 天童木工とジャパニーズモダン TENDO In Japanese Modern / 天童木工与日本现代 青幻舍
* David Gartman From Autos to Architecture: Fordism & Architectural Aesthetics in the Twentieth Princeton Architectural
* Lucy Ryder Richardson 100 Midcentury Chairs & Their Stories Pavilion
* Jesse Simon Berlin Typography Prestel
* 緒方 慎一郎 HIGASHIYA 緒方 慎一郎 青幻舍
* Jeffrey L. Meikle Design in the USA (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美国设计 Oxford University Press
* Tony Seddon Fonts and Typefaces Made Easy: How to choose and use / 字体和字体变得简单:如何选择和使用 Flame Tree Publishing
* Gerlinde Schuller Designing Universal Knowledge Lars Muller Publishers
* Jens Muller Logo Modernism Taschen
* Shin Sobue 祖父江慎+コズフィッシュ / 祖父江慎+木鱼:日本书籍设计先驱的作品全集 Shin Sobue + cozfish: The Complete Collection of Works by a Pioneer of Japanese Book Design PIE International
* Ellen Lupton Bauhaus Typography at 100 / 包豪斯版式设计100年 Letterform Archive Books
* 和田三造 配色事典 応用編:大正?昭和の色彩と商品デザイン / 配色事典 应用篇:大正?昭和的色彩与商品设计 A Dictionary Of Color Combinations Volume 2 青幻舍
* Steven Heller Free Hand: New Typography Sketchbooks/新排版速写/手绘字体设计 Thames & Hudson
* Ruida Si Visual Philosophy:Thoughts on I and We / 视觉哲学:关于我和我们的思考 Lars Muller Publishers
* Stuart Brockman A Gathering of Leaves : Catalogue for Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2022 / 树叶的聚会:2022年国际装订设计师大赛图录 Bodleian Library
* Steven Heller Typography Sketchbooks / 排版速写本 Thames & Hudson
* Ellen Lupton Graphic Design / 平面设计 Princeton Press
* Lupton, Ellen & Jennifer Cole Phillips Graphic Design Princeton Press
* Cordelia Craigie Blank Slate: A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies / 白板:一个综合的摄影虚拟图书馆 Gestalten
* John Andrew Designer British Silver from Studios Established 1930-1985 Antique Collectors Club
* Murray Moss Please Do Not Touch: Other Things You Couldnt Do at Moss, the Design Store That Changed Design "Rizzoli
* PIE International 外国人にアピールするデザインのアイデア / 吸引外国人的平面设计理念和灵感 Graphic Design ideas and inspirations to Attract People from Different Countries PIE International
* John Boardley Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing / 字体排印的首创:早期印刷历险记 Bodleian Library
* PIE International 進化するライフスタイル:定期便サービスのデザイン / 不断发展的生活方式:为订阅服务设计 Evolving Lifes:Designing for Subscription Services PIE International
* Alex W. White Advertising Design and Typography / 广告设计与排版 Allworth Press
* Tyler, C. Youll Never Know: "Soldiers Heart" (Vol. 3) Fantagraphics
* Matthew Collings Ron Arad:talks to Matthew Collings about Designing Chairs Vases Buildings and... Phaidon
* Charlotte Fiell Tools for Living: A Sourcebook of Iconic Designs for the Home / 生活工具:家居用品设计经典手册 Carlton
* Helmut Schmid Ruder Typography-Ruder Philosophy: Idea No.333 / 粗野的字体- 更粗野的理念:思路 No.333 Lars Muller Publishers
* Bobbye Tigerman Scandinavian Design and the United States, 1890-1980 Prestel
* Christian Habermeier The Adidas Archives. The Footwear Collection Taschen
* Michael Kroeger Paul Rand: Conversations with Students Princeton Architectural
* Bradley Quinn Textile Visionaries : Innovation and Sustainability in Textile Design / 纺织梦想家:纺织品设计中的创新和可持续性 Laurence King Publishing
* David A. Hanks Partners in Design: Alfred H. Barr Jr. Und Philip Johnson. Bauhaus-Pioniere in Amerika / 设计合伙人:小阿尔弗雷德·H·巴尔和菲利普·约翰逊.包豪斯在美国的先驱 Arnoldsche
* Max Fraser Nichetto Studio: Projects、Collaborations and Conversations in Design / 尼切托工作室:设计中的项目、合作和对话 Phaidon
* Jon Dowling Hey: Design & Illustration / 嘿:设计和插图 Counter-Print
* Camille Walala Camille Walala: Taking Joy Seriously / 卡米尔·瓦拉拉:认真对待快乐 孟菲斯 Counter-Print
* Nancy Berliner Inspired by China: Contemporary Furnituremakers Explore Chinese Traditions / 灵感来自中国:当代家具制造商探索中国传统 Peabody Essex Museum
* Valerio Paolo Mosco Andrea Vallicelli: A History of Designs Skira
* Claire Cock-Starkey Hyphens & Hashtags* : *The stories behind the symbols on our keyboard / 连字符和标签符*:*键盘上符号背后的故事 Bodleian Library
* Marcroy Smith People of Print : Innovative、Independent Design and Illustration / 印刷人:创新、独立的设计和插图 Thames & Hudson
* Counter-Print Maritime Logos / 海事标志 Counter-Print
* Erik Mattie Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design Prestel
* Mickey Ross Razzia: 25 Years Of Poster Art Square One Publishers
* Robert Klanten Erratic: Visual Impact in Current Design / 不稳定:当前设计中的视觉冲击 Gestalten
* Carol Camper The Walking Society Lars Muller Publishers
* Massimo Mariani What Images Really Tell Us: The Adoption of Visual Rhetoric in Graphic Design, Art and Advertising Hoaki
* Vv.Aa. Spain by Hand : 100 Artisan Workshops La Fabrica
* Hartmut Bohnacker Generative Design: Visualize、Program、and Create with Processing / 生成式设计:可视化、编程和处理创建 Princeton Architectural
* Jasper Morrison The Good Life: Perceptions of the Ordinary Lars Muller Publishers
* Gestalten Shoplifter! : New Retail Architecture and Brand Spaces / 商店扒手!:新零售架构和品牌建设 Gestalten
* 青幻舎 昭和モダン 広告デザイン 1920-30s:ポスター、チラシ、マッチなど。紙もの大集合! / 昭和现代广告设计1920-30s:海报、传单、火柴等.纸的大集合! 青幻舍
* PIE International 小さなベーカリー&焼き菓子のデザオイン / 小面包店和糖果店的平面设计和图像 Graphic Designs and Images for Small Bakeries and Sweet Shops PIE International
* Tamsin Dillon Roundel: 100 Artists Remake a London Icon - Art on the Underground Art/Books
* Andy Cooke Graphic Design for Art, Fashion, Film, Architecture, Photography, Product Design and Everything in Between Prestel
* Jong,,Cees The Enduring Legacy of Weimar: Graphic Design & New Typography 1919-1933 Prestel
* 橋爪節也 大正昭和レトロチラシ:商業デザインにみる大大阪 / 大正、昭和时代的复古海报 Retro Handbills from the Taisho and Showa Era 青幻舍
* Bettina Richter Herbert Leupin: Poster Collection 28 Lars Muller Publishers
* David Batterham The World of Ornament Taschen
* Veronika Kapsali Biomimicry for Designers: Applying Natures Processes & Materials in the Real World / 仿生学的设计::在现实世界中应用自然的过程和材料 Thames & Hudson
* Christian Sumi The Goddess – La Deesse: Investigations on the Legendary Citroen DS Lars Muller Publishers
* Philippe Weisbecker フィリップ?ワイズベッカー作品集 / 菲利普·韦斯贝克作品集 Philippe Weisbecker:Works in Progress PIE International
* Heller, Steven 100 Classic Graphic Design Journals Laurence King Publishing
* Viction Workshop BRANDLife: Boutique Hotels & Hostels / 品牌生命:精品酒店及旅馆 Victionary
* Sam Hecht Industrial Facility / 工业设施 Phaidon
* PIE International 冊子&折りパンフの構図とレイアウト / 多页排版技术 Multi-Page Composition & Layout Technique PIE International
* Teresa Breathnach New Retro: Classic Graphics、Todays Designs / 新复古:经典的图案、今日的设计 Thames & Hudson
* Gareth Williams Furniture Machine: Furniture since 1990 Victory and Albert Museum
* Terrie Sultan Chuck Close Prints: Process and Collaboration Prestel
* Winfried Nerdinger Otl Aicher:Design、Type、Thinking / 奥特尔·艾歇尔:设计、类型、思维 Prestel
* Petra Eisele Futura: The Typeface (NoDJ) Laurence King Publishing
* Martin, Andy Ideas Have Legs: Ian McMillan Vs Andy Martin FUEL Publishing
* Hiroshi Manabe Hiroshi Manabe: The Book of Books / 真鍋博 本の本 / 真锅博:书之书 PIE International
* Joan Escandell Animals: 850 Handmade Illustrations Promopress
* 青幻舎 昭和モダン 看板デザイン 1920-30s:ショーウインドー、店舗内装、ディスプレイなど.街角アイデア集! / 昭和现代招牌设计1920-30s:橱窗、店铺内部装饰、显示器等.街角创意集! 青幻舍
* Bettina Richter En Vogue: Poster Collection 32 Lars Muller Publishers
* Alex Newson Designer Maker User:An Introduction to Design Phaidon
* Manuela Brambatti Jewellery Illustration and Design、vol.2 : From the Idea to the Project / 珠宝插图与设计、第2卷:从创意到项目 Hoaki
* Kelsey Keith HAY / 干草 Phaidon
* Gisela Keil Year in the Garden: 365 Inspirational Gardens and Gardening Tips Prestel
* Mark van Wageningen Type and Color: How to Design and Use Multicolored Typefaces (step-By-step Guide to Designing Typefaces with Multiple Colors, Essential New Graphic Design and Typography Book) Princeton Architectural
* Design Zurich Josef Muller-Brockmann: Poster Collection 25 / 约瑟夫·穆勒·布罗克曼:海报收藏25 Lars Muller Publishers
* "Gemma Warriner and
Kate Sweetapple" Food Futures: Experimental Food Design Hoaki
* Julius Wiedemann Logo Design (bu) /Taschen Taschen
* Raffaello Buccheri Graphic design for Restaurants:a selection of contemporary restaurants designs / 餐厅平面设计:当代餐厅设计精选 Beatnik Publishing
* Kazuna Iida ファンシーポップ&ビビッドキッチュ写真素材集 / Fancy Pop&Bivid Kitch写真素材集 Fancy Pop and Vivid Kitsch Photo Resource Book PIE International
* Monique Hemmingson Wild Kinship : The Makers / 狂野的亲情:制作者 Beatnik Publishing
* Magdalena Droste Our Bauhaus: Memories of Bauhaus People / 我们的包豪斯:包豪斯人的回忆录 Prestel
* Alison Brown Designing the New: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow Style Prestel
* Jean-Charles Trebbi The Art of Origami Books : Origami、Kirigami、Labyrinth、Tunnel and Mini Books by Artists from Around the World / 折纸书的艺术:折纸、基里加米、迷宫、隧道和世界各地艺术家的迷你书 Hoaki
* Teal Triggs Typographic Experiment: Radical Innovation in Contemporary Design / 印刷实验:当代设计的激进创新 Thames & Hudson
* Naoto Fukasawa Super Normal: Sensations of the Ordinary Lars Muller Publishers
* Helen Thompson Santa Fe Modern: Contemporary Design in the High Desert / 圣达菲现代:高沙漠中的当代设计 The Monacelli Press
* PIE International Book Design 365 / 图书设计 365本 PIE International
* Jon Dowling Cruz Novillo: Logos / 西班牙设计师 克鲁兹·诺维洛:标志 Counter-Print
* Dara Caponigro S Is for Style: The Schumacher Book of Decoration "Rizzoli
* UPENN Design LA+ Design ORO Editions
* PIE International Logo Designs that Communicate Trust & Honesty: Attractive Logo Designs Grouped by Industry PIE International
* Simon Loxley Type is Beautiful: The Story of Fifty Remarkable Fonts / 字体是美丽的:50种非凡字体的故事 Bodleian Library
* 長崎盛輝 新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調 The Traditional Colors of Japan / 新版 日本传统色:颜色名称和色调 青幻舍
* Catherine Scotto Morocco: Destination of Style、Elegance and Design / 摩洛哥:时尚、优雅和设计的终点 Prestel
* Phaidon Editors 1000 Design Classics / 1000 款经典设计 Phaidon
* Ornamentalism Ornamentalism / 装饰主义 Oxford UK
* Beauty and Art Beauty and Art: 1750-2000 (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美与艺术:1750-2000年 Oxford UK
* Photography: A Very Short Introduction Photography: A Very Short Introduction / 摄影:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 建筑学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction / 达达与超现实主义:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Film: A Very Short Introduction Film: A Very Short Introduction / 电影:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction / 文艺复兴艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction / 现代艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Twentieth Century Design Twentieth-Century Design (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:20世纪设计 Oxford UK
* African-American Art African-American Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:非裔美国艺术 Oxford UK
* Design in the USA Design in the USA (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:美国设计 Oxford UK
* Modern Architecture Modern Architecture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:现代建筑 Oxford UK
* Landscape and Western Art Landscape and Western Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:景观与西方艺术 Oxford UK
* Classical Art Classical Art: From Greece to Rome (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:古典艺术:从希腊到罗马 Oxford UK
* The Pacific Arts of Polynesia and Micronesia The Pacific Arts of Polynesia and Micronesia (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:玻里尼西亚与密克罗尼西亚的太平洋艺术 Oxford UK
* Medieval Art Medieval Art(Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:中世纪艺术 Oxford UK
* Portraiture Portraiture (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:肖像 Oxford UK
* Early Art and Architecture of Africa Early Art and Architecture of Africa (Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:非洲早期艺术与建筑 Oxford UK
* Northern Renaissance Art Northern Renaissance Art (Oxford History of Art) / 牛津艺术史系列:北方文艺复兴艺术 Oxford UK
* Medieval Architecture Medieval Architecture (Oxford History of Art)/ 牛津艺术史系列:中世纪建筑 Oxford UK
* Design: A Very Short Introduction Design: A Very Short Introduction / 设计:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists / 牛津美国艺术与艺术家词典 Oxford UK
* From Renaissance to Impressionism From Renaissance to Impressionism: Styles and Movements in Western Art 1400-1900 / 从文艺复兴到印象主义:风格与西方艺术运动 1400-1900 Oxford UK
* Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 现代建筑:通识读本 Oxford UK
* A Short History of Gardens A Short History of Gardens / 花园简史 Oxford UK
* Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600 Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600 / 意大利艺术理论 1450-1600年 Oxford UK
* Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction / 当代艺术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Art History: A Very Short Introduction Art History: A Very Short Introduction / 艺术史:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Creativity: A Very Short Introduction Creativity: A Very Short Introduction / 创造力:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Typography: A Very Short Introduction Typography: A Very Short Introduction / 印刷术:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Alchemist and Other Plays The Alchemist and Other Plays:Volpone、or The Fox; Epicene、or The Silent Woman; The Alchemist; Bartholemew Fair / 炼金术士和其他戏剧 Oxford UK
* The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms / 牛津简明艺术术语词典 Oxford UK
* The Avant Garde: A Very Short Introduction The Avant Garde: A Very Short Introduction / 先锋派:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction / 考古学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Modern Drama: A Very Short Introduction Modern Drama: A Very Short Introduction / 现代戏剧:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture / 牛津建筑词典 第3版 Oxford UK
* Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 园林建筑学:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction / 古埃及艺术与建筑:通识读本 Oxford UK
* The Trojan War: A Very Short Introduction The Trojan War: A Very Short Introduction / 特洛伊战争:通识读本 Oxford UK
* Artworld Prestige Artworld Prestige: Arguing Cultural Value / 艺术界的声望:争论的文化价值 Oxford UK
* Forged Forged: Why Fakes are the Great Art of Our Age / 仿造:仿制品何以成为时代杰作? Oxford UK
* Obelisk Obelisk: A History MIT
* Science Of Art - Optical Themes In Western Art From Bru, The The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat Thames&Hudson
* A Little History Of Philosophy A Little History of Philosophy / 哲学小史 Thames&Hudson
* Serious Play Serious Play: Design in Midcentury America Thames&Hudson
* Frame Work - Honour And Ornament In Italian Renaissance Art Frame Work: Honour and Ornament in Italian Renaissance Art / 框架作品:意大利文艺复兴时期艺术中的荣誉和装饰 Thames&Hudson
* Art Of Paper - From The Holy Land To The Americas, The The Art of Paper: From the Holy Land to the Americas / 纸的艺术 Thames&Hudson
* An Introduction To Art An Introduction To Art Thames&Hudson
* Art & Graphic Design - George Maciunas, Ed Ruscha, Sheila Le Art & Graphic Design: George Maciunas、 Ed Ruscha、 Sheila Levrant de Bretteville Thames&Hudson
* Afterlives - Recovering The Lost Stories Of Looted Art Afterlives: Recovering the Lost Stories of Looted Art / 来世:恢复掠夺艺术的失落故事 Thames&Hudson
* Nikolai Astrup - Visions Of Norway Nikolai Astrup: Visions of Norway Thames&Hudson
* Bard Graduate Center At 25 - Decorative Arts, Design History Bard Graduate Center at 25: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture Thames&Hudson
* How To Enjoy Art - A Guide For Everyone How to Enjoy Art: A Guide for Everyone / 如何享受艺术:全员学面设计中的当代拼贴艺术 Thames&Hudson
* LetS Talk Type An Essential Lexicon Of Type Terms Lets Talk Type: An Essential Lexicon of Type Terms / 让我们谈谈类型:类型术语的基本词典 Thames&Hudson
* Rethinking The Modular Adaptable Systems In Architecture And Rethinking the Modular: Adaptable Systems in Architecture and Design /反思模块化 Thames&Hudson
* Drawing: A Complete Guide Drawing: A Complete Guide / 素描手册 Thames&Hudson
* Books That Shaped Art History From Gombrich And Greenbe, The The Books that Shaped Art History: From Gombrich and Greenberg to Alpers and Krauss/ 塑造美术史的那些书 Thames&Hudson
* Hand-Drawn Maps A Guide For Creatives Hand-Drawn Maps: A Guide for Creatives Thames&Hudson
* Looking At Pictures Looking at Pictures: Art Essentials Series/画作欣赏:艺术精要系列 Thames&Hudson
* An Anthology Of Decorated Papers A Sourcebook For Designers An Anthology of Decorated Papers: A Sourcebook for Designers / 装饰用纸精选集:设计师资料册 Thames&Hudson
* Seeing Ourselves WomenS Self-Portraits Seeing Ourselves:Women’s Self-Portraits / 看见自己:女性自画像 Thames&Hudson
* Paper Crafts A MakerS Guide Paper Crafts: A Makers Guide Thames&Hudson
* Free Hand New Typography Sketchbooks Free Hand New Typography Sketchbooks Thames&Hudson
* Calligraphy & Lettering A MakerS Guide Calligraphy & Lettering: A Makers Guide Thames&Hudson
* Street Art Street Art (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Surrealism Surrealism (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Women Artists Women Artists (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Impressionism Impressionism (Art Essentials) Thames&Hudson
* Bio Design Nature . Science . Creativity Bio Design:Nature 、Science、Creativity / 生物设计:自然、科学、创造力 Thames&Hudson
* Interior Design Course Principles, Practices And Techni, The The Interior Design Course: Principles, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer Thames&Hudson
* World Of Charles And Ray Eames, The The World of Charles and Ray Eames / 伊姆斯夫妇的世界 查尔斯和雷·埃姆斯 Thames&Hudson
* Things Come Apart 2.0 A Teardown Manual For Modern Living Things Come Apart 2.0:A Teardown Manual for Modern Living / 万物分崩离析2.0:现代生活拆解手册 Thames&Hudson
* Man With A Blue Scarf On Sitting For A Portrait By Lucian Fr Man With A Blue Scarf (pb) Thames&Hudson
* Craftland Japan Craftland Japan Thames&Hudson
* Radical Matter Rethinking Materials For A Sustainable Future Radical Matter: Rethinking Materials for a Sustainable Future Thames&Hudson
* Graphic Design School A Foundation Course For Graphic Design Graphic Design School: A Foundation Course for Graphic Designers Working in Print, Moving Image and Digital Media Thames&Hudson
* How To Use Graphic Design To Sell Things, Explain Things, Ma How to use graphic design to sell things、explain things、make things look better、make people laugh、make people cry、and (every once in a while) change the world / 如何使用平面设计来推销东西、解释东西、让东西看起来更好看、让人发笑、让人哭泣,以及(每隔一段时间)改变世界 Thames&Hudson
* Mediterranean In History, The The Mediterranean in History / 历史上的地中海 Thames&Hudson
* Modern Explorers Epic Journeys To The Ends Of The World, The The Modern Explorers:Epic Journeys to the Ends of the World / 现代探险家:通往世界末日的史诗之旅 Thames&Hudson
* Masterpieces An Art LoverS Guide To Great Britain And Irela Masterpieces:An Art Lover s Guide to Great Britain and Ireland / 杰作:英国和爱尔兰的艺术爱好者指南 Thames&Hudson
* Eileen Gray Her Life And Work Eileen Gray: Her Life and Work /艾琳·格雷传 Thames&Hudson
* Story Of Scottish Design, The The Story of Scottish Design Thames&Hudson
* William Morris (Victoria And Albert Museum) William Morris / 威廉·莫里斯 Thames&Hudson
* VoyseyS Birds And Animals Voyseys Birds and Animals / 沃西的鸟类和动物 Thames&Hudson
* Christopher Dresser: Design Pioneer (Victoria And Albert Mus Christopher Dresser: Design Pioneer / 克里斯多夫·德莱赛:设计先驱 Thames&Hudson
* V&A Sourcebook Of Pattern And Ornament (Victoria And Al, The The V&A Sourcebook of Pattern and Ornament / 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的图案与装饰资料手册 Thames&Hudson
* Form Book Best Practice In Creating Forms For Printed A, The Form Book: Creating Forms for Printed and Online Use Thames&Hudson
* New Artisans Handmade Designs For Contemporary Living, The The New Artisans: Handmade Designs for Contemporary Living / 新工匠:当代生活的手工设计 Thames&Hudson
* Remake It: Clothes The Essential Guide To Resourceful Fashio Remake It: Clothes Thames&Hudson
* Graphic Design Before Graphic Designers The Printer As Desig Graphic Design Before Graphic Designers: The Printer as Designer and Craftsman, 1700-1914 Thames&Hudson
* Typorama The Graphic Work Of Philippe Apeloig Typorama Thames&Hudson
* CollectorS Edition Innovative Packaging And Graphics Collector’s Edition:Innovative Packaging and Graphics / 珍藏版:创新包装和图形 Thames&Hudson
* Encore! The New Artisans Handmade Designs For Contemporary L The New Artisans II / 新工匠 II Thames&Hudson
* Furnitecture Furniture That Transforms Space Furnitecture: Furniture That Transforms Space / 家具:改变空间的家具 Thames&Hudson
* Classic Contemporary The Dna Of Furniture Design Classic Contemporary: The DNA of Furniture Design Thames&Hudson
* Walking On Art Explorations In Carpet Design Walking on Art: Explorations in Carpet Designs Thames&Hudson
* Modernist Design Complete Modernist Design Complete Thames&Hudson
* Stamping & Printing 20 Creative Projects Stamping and Printing: 20 Creative Projects (A Craft Studio Book) Thames&Hudson
* Slab Serif Type A Century Of Bold Letterforms Slab Serif Type: A Century of Bold Letterforms Thames&Hudson
* Materials Sourcebook For Design Professionals, The Materials Sourcebook for Design Professionals Thames&Hudson
* Real And The Romantic English Art Between Two World War, The The Real and the Romantic: English Art Between Two World Wars / 真实与浪漫:两次世界大战之间的英国艺术 Thames&Hudson
* Craft Companion, The Craft Companion: Handmade Life Thames&Hudson
* Smile Stealers The Fine And Foul Art Of Dentistry, The The Smile Stealers: The Fine and Foul Art of Dentistry Thames&Hudson
* Postmodern Design Complete Postmodern Design Complete Thames&Hudson
* Vienna 1900 Complete Vienna 1900 Complete / 维也纳1900全集 Thames&Hudson
* Anatomy Of Colour The Story Of Heritage Paints And Pigm, The The Anatomy of Colour: The Story of Heritage Paints and Pigments Thames&Hudson
* Arabic For Designers An Inspirational Guide To Arabic Cultu Arabic for Designers: An Inspirational Guide to Arabic Culture and Creativity Thames&Hudson
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