招 标 公 告
(招标编号: 点击查看>> )
(略) 有限公司接受 (略) (略) 件股份 (略) 。现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 (略) 网http:/ 点击查看>> 注册。
橡胶挤出机 1台
3、购买招标文件时间:即日起每天(节假日除外)上午9:00—11:30,下午14:30—17:00( (略) 时间)到 * 日。
4、购买招标文件地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 路27号鑫都财富大厦16层A06室
(略) (略)
5、投标截止时间和开标时间: * 日上午10:00时( (略) 时间)
6、开标地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 路27号鑫都财富大厦16层
(略) 有限公司
7、招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
邮 编: 点击查看>> 电子邮箱: * 63.com
电话及传真: 点击查看>> 、 点击查看>> 、 点击查看>>
(略) :农行 (略)
帐 号: 点击查看>>
开户名称: (略) 有限公司
8、招标人名称: (略) (略) (略) (略)
联 系 人:吴杰文
联系电话: 点击查看>>
(略) 有限公司
Entrusted by the clients, Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Company now invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers, both from home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and services by way of international competitive tendering. The bidder must register on http:/ 点击查看>>
1. Tendering product name, quantity and main technical specification : .
Rubber extruder one set
2. Bidding documents sales price:CNY1000 per package; Add extra CNY50 for post, outside China add USD30 for post
3. Purchase bidding documents time:
From the date of today (except holidays) 9:00 to 11:30,14:30 to 17:30 (Beijing Time)
4. Place of purchase bidding documents:
No.27 Beijing Road .Guiyang, Guizhou,China
16th floors Xindu Fortune Mansion
Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment
Tendering company
5. Deadline for receipt of bid and time for bid opening :
10:00 am (Beijing Time) 28th. JUN. 2016.
6. Place for bid opening:
Address: No.27 Beijing Road .Guiyang, Guizhou,China
Xindu Fortune Mansion
Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment
Tendering Company new meeting room.
Post code: 点击查看>> E-mail: * 63.com
Fax: 0086- 851- 点击查看>> Tel: 点击查看>> - 点击查看>>
Contact person: Ms.WUJUAN
Established bank: Bank of Guiyang
Account No: 点击查看>>
招 标 公 告
(招标编号: 点击查看>> )
(略) 有限公司接受 (略) (略) 件股份 (略) 。现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 (略) 网http:/ 点击查看>> 注册。
橡胶挤出机 1台
3、购买招标文件时间:即日起每天(节假日除外)上午9:00—11:30,下午14:30—17:00( (略) 时间)到 * 日。
4、购买招标文件地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 路27号鑫都财富大厦16层A06室
(略) (略)
5、投标截止时间和开标时间: * 日上午10:00时( (略) 时间)
6、开标地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 路27号鑫都财富大厦16层
(略) 有限公司
7、招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
邮 编: 点击查看>> 电子邮箱: * 63.com
电话及传真: 点击查看>> 、 点击查看>> 、 点击查看>>
(略) :农行 (略)
帐 号: 点击查看>>
开户名称: (略) 有限公司
8、招标人名称: (略) (略) (略) (略)
联 系 人:吴杰文
联系电话: 点击查看>>
(略) 有限公司
Entrusted by the clients, Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Company now invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers, both from home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and services by way of international competitive tendering. The bidder must register on http:/ 点击查看>>
1. Tendering product name, quantity and main technical specification : .
Rubber extruder one set
2. Bidding documents sales price:CNY1000 per package; Add extra CNY50 for post, outside China add USD30 for post
3. Purchase bidding documents time:
From the date of today (except holidays) 9:00 to 11:30,14:30 to 17:30 (Beijing Time)
4. Place of purchase bidding documents:
No.27 Beijing Road .Guiyang, Guizhou,China
16th floors Xindu Fortune Mansion
Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment
Tendering company
5. Deadline for receipt of bid and time for bid opening :
10:00 am (Beijing Time) 28th. JUN. 2016.
6. Place for bid opening:
Address: No.27 Beijing Road .Guiyang, Guizhou,China
Xindu Fortune Mansion
Guizhou Pengye International Machinery & Electric Equipment
Tendering Company new meeting room.
Post code: 点击查看>> E-mail: * 63.com
Fax: 0086- 851- 点击查看>> Tel: 点击查看>> - 点击查看>>
Contact person: Ms.WUJUAN
Established bank: Bank of Guiyang
Account No: 点击查看>>