1. 流花28-2/27-1气田开发项目水下软管 标段
货物名称:水下软管 Name of Goods: Subsea Flexible Riser & Flowline 主要技术规格:(1)从*气田至HYSY119FPSO的一条1km,ID 5.5英寸的动态柔性立管及其配件。(2)从*气田至HYSY119FPSO的一条9.3km,ID 5.5英寸的静态软管及其配件。(3)从*气田A3井口至管汇的一条8.3km,ID 9.5英寸的静态软管及其配件。Main Specifications:(1)One(1) 5.5” dynamic riser, approximately 1km in length from HYSY119 FPSO to interface point of 5.5” static flowline from LH 27-1 PLET. (2)One(1) 5.5” static flowline, approximately 9.3km in length from * SPS to interface point of 5.5” dynamic riser from HYSY119 FPSO.(3)One(1) 9.5” flexible flowline, approximately 8.3km in length from * Manifold to * PLEM.
(1)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder and CertificatesA.★营业执照:如果 (略) ,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照;如果 (略) , (略) 登记注册证明。★Business licence: The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.★投标人必须是柔性软管制造商。本次招标不接受代理商投标。★Bidder must be flexible pipe manufacturer. Bid by Agent is not accepted.C.★投标人必须提供API17J证书。 ★The bidder must provide API17J certificate. D.★投标人必须提供ISO9001和ISO*认证证书。 ★The bidder must provide ISO9001 and ISO* certificates.E.★第三方产品认证证书:提供中华人民共和国应急管理部认可的ABS、BV和DNV船级社机构证书(需要从以上任意一家机构获得第三方产品认可证书),除了上述3家机构外的任何机构包括他们的下属机构均不允许。并随设备一同交付。 ★Third party certification:The Products certifying agency"s certificates shall be issued by one of the agencies among ABS, BV and DNV which are approved as Classification Society by the Emergency Management Department, PRC. It’s not allowed that the certificates issued by inspection subordinate organization, certification subordinate organization or consultant subordinate organization of these 3 Classification Societies approved by the Emergency Management Department, PRC. The Certificate of Compliance shall be issued with the cargo delivered.F.★型式认证证书:提供型式认可证书(需要从中华人民共和国应急管理部认可的ABS、BV、CCS、DNV和LR船级社机构中任意一家机构获得型式认可证书)。★Type Approval Certificate: Provide Type Approval Certificate issued by one of the agencies among ABS, BV, CCS, DNV,LR which are approved by the Emergency Management Department, PRC.G.★是否接受联合体投标:否★Joint Venture: Not AcceptedH.未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available(2)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder"s reference:★柔性立管和柔性软管业绩要求Flexible Performance requirements2014年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人应具有至少2个用于油气输送的海底柔性软管(输送介质为油或气)供货业绩,其中至少一个内径不小于5.5寸、水深不小于420米的柔性立管,和至少一个内径不小于9.5英寸、水深不小于750米的柔性软管。上述业绩不要求必须在同一合同中。投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1) 销售合同复印件(包括封面、签字页及相关技术附件);和 2) 到货验收材料(包括但不限于买方签字的到货验收单或最终用户签署的完工证明或用户出具的临时验收证明或第三方船级社出具的放行单), 以验证其真实性。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、项目名称、内径、水深技术要求、到货验收证明。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、项目名称、内径、水深的技术要求及到货验收证明的,均视为无效业绩。 投标人务必填写格式附件3业绩表。From 1st Jan, 2014 to the deadline for submission of bids (subject to the time of signing the contract), the bidder shall have at least 2 similar product supply performance of, and all meet the technical requirements of subsea flexible riser and flowline (oil and gas content only) with at least one flexible riser with ID not less than 5.5 inches and the water depth not less than 420 meters, and at least one flexible flowline with ID not less than 9.5 inches and the water depth of not less than 750 meters. There is no requirement that the above performance must be in the same contract.- The Bidder shall provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract (Including the cover and signature page, and the relevant technical attachments) and 2) arrival and acceptance documents (including, but not limited to, certificates of completion signed by the end-user or temporary acceptance certificates issued by the user or release note issued by third-party classification societies), to verify its authenticity. The reference evidence certification furnished by Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: Date of signing Contract, Name of Manufacturer, Name of Goods, Name of Project, technical requirements of ID, water depth, and Receiving certificate of arrival of goods.- If no documentary evidence furnished, or documentary evidence furnished can not demonstrate Date of signing Contract, Name of Manufacturer, Name of Goods, Name of Project, technical requirements of ID, water depth, and Receiving certificate of arrival of goods, the relevant reference will be deemed invalid.The bidder must fill in the performance form in form Attachment 3::List of Performance.
(1)For SUPPLIER in the Asia-Pacific region,FOB SUPPLIER"s Local designated port (INCOTERMS 2010) within 20 months after NOA issued;For SUPPLIER in the European region and the rest of the world, FOB SUPPLIER"s Local designated port (INCOTERMS 2010) within 19 months after NOA issued。(2)Goods Offered From outside PRC Customs Territory:For SUPPLIER in the Asia-Pacific region,FOB SUPPLIER"s Local designated port (INCOTERMS 2010) within 23 months after NOA issued;For SUPPLIER in the European region and the rest of the world, FOB SUPPLIER"s Local designated port (INCOTERMS 2010) within 22 months after NOA issued.(3)中国海油严厉打击串通投标、弄虚作假等违法违规行为,每个招标项目均对投标人的文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址、IP地址、投标文件内容进行查验。请各投标人高度重视投标工作,在本单位办公所在地、使用办公IP下载招标文件并自行独立编制、上传投标文件。 出现不同投标人的“文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址”内容任何一项一致的,将直接视为“投标人相互串通投标”。 被认定为“属于投标人相互串通投标”“视为投标人相互串通投标”或“提供虚假投标资料”的供应商,将按照中国海油相关制度规定,对围标串标的投标人处于禁用两年及以上的处理,对提供虚假投标资料的投标人处于禁用一年及以上的处理,处理期内不能参与新的投标活动。 评标结束后投标人可以在中标候选人公示期间提出异议,进一步可通过投诉寻求行政救济,由行政监督部门做出认定。