招标项目编号:0618-244TC240P6Q3 项目名称:精细化工及原料工程项目*吨年高密度聚*烯装置及*吨年全密度聚*烯装置气动蝶阀采购 项目名称(英文):Procurement of pneumatic butterfly valves for * ton/year high-density polyethylene plant and * ton/year full density polyethylene plant in fine chemical and raw material engineering projects 招标人:北方 (略) 招标机构: (略) 招标机构代码:0618 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式: 招标结果:撤项
招标项目编号:0618-244TC240P6Q3 项目名称:精细化工及原料工程项目*吨年高密度聚*烯装置及*吨年全密度聚*烯装置气动蝶阀采购 项目名称(英文):Procurement of pneumatic butterfly valves for * ton/year high-density polyethylene plant and * ton/year full density polyethylene plant in fine chemical and raw material engineering projects 招标人:北方 (略) 招标机构: (略) 招标机构代码:0618 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式: 招标结果:撤项 32