


Plan and Design Proposal International Bidding Project

for Xiyuan Park of Shaoyang City

Questions and Answers (1)


To All bidders:

(略) 项目,招标人根据投标单位提出的问题作如下澄清说明:

With regard to planning and design proposal of Xiyuan Park of Shaoyang City, the tenderee is now making clarification to bidders’ questions.


Question NO. 1: The Employer is requested to supply additional basic design data and document to facilitate the design of proposal:

1、《 (略) 市总体规划》文本和图纸

1. Text and drawings of;

2、《 (略) 市旅游规划图》


3、《 (略) 市防洪规划》与水环境保护相关资料或项目地的《防洪影响评价》

3.; Relevant data and document of water and environment protection, orof the project site;


4. Other existing drawings and data regard to flood control and water protection about the project site.


5. Topographic Map measured on the project site (contour line shall be with elevation on Z axis. In tenderee supplied data and document, the contour line of topographic map was on the same surface)


6. Design drawings and completed drawings of the first stage constructed works


7. Catalogue of existing animals and flora in Xiyuan Park

8、《 (略) 市水系专项规划》


9、 (略) 市资江两岸景观规划(完整版)

9.(full edition)


10. Height of Flood Control Dam


11. Document on Local cultural background


1、《 (略) 市总体规划》文本和图纸为秘密级资料不予提供。

1. Text and drawings ofis confidential grade document and will not be supplied.

2、《 (略) 市旅游交通图》(JPG格式)、《 (略) 市十三五旅游规划》文本将在下周二以邮件形式发放给各投标人。

2.(in JPG format) and text ofwill be sent to every bidder’s email address on next Tuesday.

3、《 (略) 市防洪规划》与水环境保护相关资料为秘密级资料不予提供,《防洪影响评价》未做。

3.and relevant data and document of water and environment protection are confidential grade documents and will not be supplied. Flood Control Impact Assessment Report of project site has not started and is not available.


4. Document and data is not available.


5. Topographic Map measured on site has been provided; Contour line has not got elevation on Z axis, please refer to the remarks on the Topographic Map.


6. First stage completed drawings have been send to each bidder.

7、 (略) 分的植物在竣工图中已标明, (略) 分未统计。

7. Part of flora met in First stage construction works has been marked in the as-built drawings, there was no statistics on flora or animals.

8、《 (略) 市水系专项规划》未做。

8. There was no, thus not available.

9、资 (略) 岸景观已规划(资料已提供),资 (略) 岸景观未规划。

9. Landscape plan of South bank of Zijiang River has been made (Document and data has been provided). Landscape plan of North bank of Zijiang River has not started.


10. Confidential document and data will not be provided.


11. Local culture background document is not available.

问题二:招标文件第73页,提出 (略) (略) 形成东、南、西、北四塔。请问南塔布置在什么位置,是否有相关的图纸和文字等,如有请提供。

Question No.2: On page 73 of Bidding Document, four towers (east, south, west, north) will be set at central area of Shaoyang city. Please show the location of south tower layout, and provide relevant drawings and document and so on, if any.


Answer: south tower proposal is under discussion, relevant drawings and document will not be provided for the time being. The proposed construction location for south tower is at Wangmaoling Mountain, Zixia Park (elevation 319m), with approximate height of 27m.


Question No.3:On page 99 of Bidding Document, in clause 7 of design proposal assessment: Layer type and block element ratio shall be set appropriately. During the review and grading, review experts will check paper design text and demonstration document, layer type can be seen in CAD digital software. Is such assessing and grading standard appropriate for this item?


Answer: Assessing and grading of this item will be deleted as a result of a discussion of experts. 2 points shall be transferred to Clause 1 Proposal Theme conceiving ( 30 points to be adjusted to 32 points, former 15 points of each item will be adjusted to 16 points of each item).


Question No.4: On page 78-90 of Bidding Document shall be commercial bid content, but there is no grading of commercial bid in the whole Bidding Document. Is this commercial bid submitted only for reference but will not be graded? Does technical bid (design proposal) to be graded only by design proposal grading table on page 99 of Bidding Documents?

答:本 (略) 分只做审查,无分数,只对技术标(设计方案)进行评分。

Answer: commercial bid part is only used for check and no points will be given in this bidding, only technical bid (design proposal) to be graded.

问题五:招标文件第72页第五点重点建设①合理利用 (略) 岛, (略) 市新亮点:神滩渡水利枢纽工程位于资江二桥上 (略) ,该工程建成后,规划区水位将维持在215米左右。

Question No.5: On page 72 of Bidding Document, section 5① properly use Penglai Island and create new picture of city. Shentandu Hydro power station is located at approximate 200 upstream of Zijiang No2 Bridge. After completion of this hydropower project, water level of planned area will stay at approximate 215 meters.

疑问: (略) 岛现有标高在212米上下,水利枢纽工程建成后,规划区水位如果将维持在215米左右, (略) 于水下。此规划区水位标高数据是否准确,请明确。(各时期水位,水质,流速等主要数据,包括 (略) 岛及周边水系的相关数据)

Doubts: Current elevation of Penglai Island is about 212 meters. After completion of this hydropower project, if water level of planned area will stay at approximate 215 meters, the island will be below water level and under water. Please confirm the correct water elevation in the planned area. (Please provide Water elevation of different period, water quality, flow speed and other main data for Penglai island and nearby water system).


Answer: After completion of this hydropower project, water elevation of planned area will stay at about 215m throughout the year. Flood peak elevation every 5 year shall be about 216.5 meter, flood peak elevation every 10 year shall be about 218.1meter , which is suggested to raise the elevation to about 215—217meter and water quality to reach grade 2 standard. Flow speed of planned area before the completion of this hydropower project: maximum speed 0.5m/s, average 0.3m/s, speed after completion of this hydropower project is not confirmed.

问题六:已建东塔和 (略) 的作用和意义请提供资料信息;政府对待建的西塔和南塔的愿景提供信息,能否接受现代化造型。

Question NO.6:Please provide information concerning function, meaning and usage of east tower and north tower; and please provide information about government’s intention for the west tower and south tower to be constructed, and whether accept modern profiling and modeling.

答:东塔座落于 (略) 市 (略) 区东塔公园内山顶,塔的周围是公园游览区。八角七级楼阁式砖塔,始建年代不详,清同治元年元(1862年)重修。塔高32.6米,台基六边形,青石砌筑,塔刹为葫芦宝瓶,各层辟拱门,塔檐施斗拱,琉璃瓦。属 (略) 市市级文物保护单位。

(略) 座落在 (略) 市 (略) 区资水河畔。筹建于明隆庆四年(1570年),属风水塔,兼有导航作用。该塔系楼阁式砖塔,平面为八边形,塔基以青石砌筑,塔身外观七层八面,塔顶八角攒尖,以铁铸葫芦收刹,通高37米,全国重点文物保护单位。


Answer: East tower is located at mountain peak of East Tower Park in Shuangqing District of Shaoyang City, surrounded by the park. It is an eight angle seven stories brick pagoda. No data about its first building date but known rebuilt in the first year of the era of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty (1862). East tower is 32.6 meters high and with hexagonal foundation bluestone. The tower is decorated with bottle gourd as its Tasha. Every layer is with open arch and tower eaves contain bucket arch along with encaustic tile. East tower is aCity Level historical and cultural heritage site under protection of government Shaoyang City.

North tower is located at Zijiang River bank of North tower district of Shaoyang City. The tower is constructed in the fourth year of the era of Emperor Longqing in Ming Dynasty(1570)and is a Feng-shui tower with a function of navigation. The tower is an octagon brick pagoda. Foundation of this tower is made by bluestone. The tower body has seven layers and eight faces, top of tower is a pyramidal roof concentrated by eight angles. The tower has got an iron bottle gourd as its Tasha with a height of 37 meters. The tower is aState Level historical and cultural heritage site under protection of central government of People’s Republic of China.

Function, meaning and usage of south tower and west tower have not been defined. West tower’s modeling and profiling is not limited.

问题七:周边建筑立面、建筑高度等相关资料,以作 (略) 市设计指引依据。

Question No.7: Please provide nearby building fa?ade and elevation and relevant data for reference in landscape and construction design.

答:将于下周二提供恒泰西苑住宅小区一期( (略) 小区)、宝庆御园住宅小区、 (略) 等相关资料作为参考。

Answer: For your reference, next Tuesday we will provide relevant document of First stage of Heng-tai-xi-yuan Resident area (Longhu community), Bao-qing-yu-yuan community, Hua-yu-xiang-bin Apartment and other document.

问题八: (略) 市上位规划资料

Question No.8: Please provide Document of< Longterm Strategy Design of Shaoyang City>

答:上位规划资料属秘密级资料不予提供,部分未涉密资料 (略) 在网上查询。

Answer: This document is confidential grade and will not be provided. The bidder can get non confidential document from internet by himself.

问题九:在棚户区规划土地利用图中, (略) 岛资江右岸三角地 (略) 用地和停车, (略) 用地是否确定不能更改?

Question No.9: In the shantytown land use plan, hotel land and parking area is planned in Penglai Island Zijiang river right bank triangle, can their planned function are fixed and cannot be adjusted?

答:公园选址蓝线范围内的土地均为公园用地,原有用地 (略) 相应调整。

Answer: Area within the blue line are reserved for the park, former land usage and character can be adjusted accordingly.

问题十:基地靠资江白田路与神滩防洪堤距离非常接近, (略) 用地非常狭长。该处防洪堤与白田路能否采取堤路合一,道路宽度可否 (略) 相应调整?提高土地利用价值?

Question No.10: The distance between the proposed tower is very close to Baitian road and dam of Zijiang River , so the possible park will be narrow and long. Can the flood control dam and Baitian Road be combined and modify the road width to utilize the use of land?

答:白田路可取消,资 (略) 路采用堤路结合。

Answer: Baitian Road can be canceled and Zijiangnan Road shall combined with the dam.

问题十一: (略) 规划图

Question No.11: Comprehensive pipe and network plan map

答:属秘密级资料不予提供,已提供 (略) 标高。

Answer: This document is confidential grade and will not be provided. Road network elevation nearby the Park has been provided.


Question No.12: Environmental sanitation facility plan map

答:该资料为《 (略) 市总体规划》 (略) 分,属秘密级资料不予提供,公园用地内无规划新建小 (略) ,部分未涉密资料 (略) 在网上查询。

Answer: This document is part of, and is confidential grade and will not be provided. No waste transfer station is planned to be constructed in the Park area. The bidder can get non confidential document from internet by himself.

问题十二:本案规划 (略) 分(铺砖、小品、灯具等)元素太多, (略) 部破除, (略) 景观提质, (略) 顺接?

Question No.12: Currently in the site, there are too many objects (brick paving, sculptures, lamps and so on). Can we demolition some objects and upgrade the landscape in total design? Or current objects can only be modified?

答: (略) 破除,进行景观提质

Answer: Yes, partially demolition is allowed.


Question No.13: In the planned scope, whether the connections between constructed water area and Zijiang River can be adjusted?


Answer: Yes, it can be adjusted.


Question No.14: Is there any construction quota limitation?


Answer: No construction quota limitation.


本次开标地点定于: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路300号, (略) 总店,贵宾楼四楼, (略) B厅。

This bid will be open at: B section of Furong Hall, fourth floor, VIP building, Head office of Huatian Grand Hotel, No.300 Jiefang Road,Furong District, Changsha City.

招 标 人: (略) 市 (略)

Tenderee: Shaoyang Two Roads Project Construction Co., Ltd.

联 系 人:何先生 联系电话:+86 点击查看>>

Contact person: Mr. He Tel.: +86 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略) 天鉴 (略)

Bidding Agency: Hunan Tianjian Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd.

单位地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 路 (略) 世家43栋201、202室

Company Address: Room 201,202, Building No.43 of Jiang Nan Shi Jia, Daxiang Road, Daxiang District, Shaoyang City.

联 系人:张先生、殷先生 联系电话:+86 点击查看>> 、+86 点击查看>>

Contact Person: Mr. zhang, Mr Yin

Tel.: +86 点击查看>> , +86 点击查看>>

Plan and Design Proposal International Bidding Project

for Xiyuan Park of Shaoyang City

Questions and Answers (1)


To All bidders:

(略) 项目,招标人根据投标单位提出的问题作如下澄清说明:

With regard to planning and design proposal of Xiyuan Park of Shaoyang City, the tenderee is now making clarification to bidders’ questions.


Question NO. 1: The Employer is requested to supply additional basic design data and document to facilitate the design of proposal:

1、《 (略) 市总体规划》文本和图纸

1. Text and drawings of;

2、《 (略) 市旅游规划图》


3、《 (略) 市防洪规划》与水环境保护相关资料或项目地的《防洪影响评价》

3.; Relevant data and document of water and environment protection, orof the project site;


4. Other existing drawings and data regard to flood control and water protection about the project site.


5. Topographic Map measured on the project site (contour line shall be with elevation on Z axis. In tenderee supplied data and document, the contour line of topographic map was on the same surface)


6. Design drawings and completed drawings of the first stage constructed works


7. Catalogue of existing animals and flora in Xiyuan Park

8、《 (略) 市水系专项规划》


9、 (略) 市资江两岸景观规划(完整版)

9.(full edition)


10. Height of Flood Control Dam


11. Document on Local cultural background


1、《 (略) 市总体规划》文本和图纸为秘密级资料不予提供。

1. Text and drawings ofis confidential grade document and will not be supplied.

2、《 (略) 市旅游交通图》(JPG格式)、《 (略) 市十三五旅游规划》文本将在下周二以邮件形式发放给各投标人。

2.(in JPG format) and text ofwill be sent to every bidder’s email address on next Tuesday.

3、《 (略) 市防洪规划》与水环境保护相关资料为秘密级资料不予提供,《防洪影响评价》未做。

3.and relevant data and document of water and environment protection are confidential grade documents and will not be supplied. Flood Control Impact Assessment Report of project site has not started and is not available.


4. Document and data is not available.


5. Topographic Map measured on site has been provided; Contour line has not got elevation on Z axis, please refer to the remarks on the Topographic Map.


6. First stage completed drawings have been send to each bidder.

7、 (略) 分的植物在竣工图中已标明, (略) 分未统计。

7. Part of flora met in First stage construction works has been marked in the as-built drawings, there was no statistics on flora or animals.

8、《 (略) 市水系专项规划》未做。

8. There was no, thus not available.

9、资 (略) 岸景观已规划(资料已提供),资 (略) 岸景观未规划。

9. Landscape plan of South bank of Zijiang River has been made (Document and data has been provided). Landscape plan of North bank of Zijiang River has not started.


10. Confidential document and data will not be provided.


11. Local culture background document is not available.

问题二:招标文件第73页,提出 (略) (略) 形成东、南、西、北四塔。请问南塔布置在什么位置,是否有相关的图纸和文字等,如有请提供。

Question No.2: On page 73 of Bidding Document, four towers (east, south, west, north) will be set at central area of Shaoyang city. Please show the location of south tower layout, and provide relevant drawings and document and so on, if any.


Answer: south tower proposal is under discussion, relevant drawings and document will not be provided for the time being. The proposed construction location for south tower is at Wangmaoling Mountain, Zixia Park (elevation 319m), with approximate height of 27m.


Question No.3:On page 99 of Bidding Document, in clause 7 of design proposal assessment: Layer type and block element ratio shall be set appropriately. During the review and grading, review experts will check paper design text and demonstration document, layer type can be seen in CAD digital software. Is such assessing and grading standard appropriate for this item?


Answer: Assessing and grading of this item will be deleted as a result of a discussion of experts. 2 points shall be transferred to Clause 1 Proposal Theme conceiving ( 30 points to be adjusted to 32 points, former 15 points of each item will be adjusted to 16 points of each item).


Question No.4: On page 78-90 of Bidding Document shall be commercial bid content, but there is no grading of commercial bid in the whole Bidding Document. Is this commercial bid submitted only for reference but will not be graded? Does technical bid (design proposal) to be graded only by design proposal grading table on page 99 of Bidding Documents?

答:本 (略) 分只做审查,无分数,只对技术标(设计方案)进行评分。

Answer: commercial bid part is only used for check and no points will be given in this bidding, only technical bid (design proposal) to be graded.

问题五:招标文件第72页第五点重点建设①合理利用 (略) 岛, (略) 市新亮点:神滩渡水利枢纽工程位于资江二桥上 (略) ,该工程建成后,规划区水位将维持在215米左右。

Question No.5: On page 72 of Bidding Document, section 5① properly use Penglai Island and create new picture of city. Shentandu Hydro power station is located at approximate 200 upstream of Zijiang No2 Bridge. After completion of this hydropower project, water level of planned area will stay at approximate 215 meters.

疑问: (略) 岛现有标高在212米上下,水利枢纽工程建成后,规划区水位如果将维持在215米左右, (略) 于水下。此规划区水位标高数据是否准确,请明确。(各时期水位,水质,流速等主要数据,包括 (略) 岛及周边水系的相关数据)

Doubts: Current elevation of Penglai Island is about 212 meters. After completion of this hydropower project, if water level of planned area will stay at approximate 215 meters, the island will be below water level and under water. Please confirm the correct water elevation in the planned area. (Please provide Water elevation of different period, water quality, flow speed and other main data for Penglai island and nearby water system).


Answer: After completion of this hydropower project, water elevation of planned area will stay at about 215m throughout the year. Flood peak elevation every 5 year shall be about 216.5 meter, flood peak elevation every 10 year shall be about 218.1meter , which is suggested to raise the elevation to about 215—217meter and water quality to reach grade 2 standard. Flow speed of planned area before the completion of this hydropower project: maximum speed 0.5m/s, average 0.3m/s, speed after completion of this hydropower project is not confirmed.

问题六:已建东塔和 (略) 的作用和意义请提供资料信息;政府对待建的西塔和南塔的愿景提供信息,能否接受现代化造型。

Question NO.6:Please provide information concerning function, meaning and usage of east tower and north tower; and please provide information about government’s intention for the west tower and south tower to be constructed, and whether accept modern profiling and modeling.

答:东塔座落于 (略) 市 (略) 区东塔公园内山顶,塔的周围是公园游览区。八角七级楼阁式砖塔,始建年代不详,清同治元年元(1862年)重修。塔高32.6米,台基六边形,青石砌筑,塔刹为葫芦宝瓶,各层辟拱门,塔檐施斗拱,琉璃瓦。属 (略) 市市级文物保护单位。

(略) 座落在 (略) 市 (略) 区资水河畔。筹建于明隆庆四年(1570年),属风水塔,兼有导航作用。该塔系楼阁式砖塔,平面为八边形,塔基以青石砌筑,塔身外观七层八面,塔顶八角攒尖,以铁铸葫芦收刹,通高37米,全国重点文物保护单位。


Answer: East tower is located at mountain peak of East Tower Park in Shuangqing District of Shaoyang City, surrounded by the park. It is an eight angle seven stories brick pagoda. No data about its first building date but known rebuilt in the first year of the era of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty (1862). East tower is 32.6 meters high and with hexagonal foundation bluestone. The tower is decorated with bottle gourd as its Tasha. Every layer is with open arch and tower eaves contain bucket arch along with encaustic tile. East tower is aCity Level historical and cultural heritage site under protection of government Shaoyang City.

North tower is located at Zijiang River bank of North tower district of Shaoyang City. The tower is constructed in the fourth year of the era of Emperor Longqing in Ming Dynasty(1570)and is a Feng-shui tower with a function of navigation. The tower is an octagon brick pagoda. Foundation of this tower is made by bluestone. The tower body has seven layers and eight faces, top of tower is a pyramidal roof concentrated by eight angles. The tower has got an iron bottle gourd as its Tasha with a height of 37 meters. The tower is aState Level historical and cultural heritage site under protection of central government of People’s Republic of China.

Function, meaning and usage of south tower and west tower have not been defined. West tower’s modeling and profiling is not limited.

问题七:周边建筑立面、建筑高度等相关资料,以作 (略) 市设计指引依据。

Question No.7: Please provide nearby building fa?ade and elevation and relevant data for reference in landscape and construction design.

答:将于下周二提供恒泰西苑住宅小区一期( (略) 小区)、宝庆御园住宅小区、 (略) 等相关资料作为参考。

Answer: For your reference, next Tuesday we will provide relevant document of First stage of Heng-tai-xi-yuan Resident area (Longhu community), Bao-qing-yu-yuan community, Hua-yu-xiang-bin Apartment and other document.

问题八: (略) 市上位规划资料

Question No.8: Please provide Document of< Longterm Strategy Design of Shaoyang City>

答:上位规划资料属秘密级资料不予提供,部分未涉密资料 (略) 在网上查询。

Answer: This document is confidential grade and will not be provided. The bidder can get non confidential document from internet by himself.

问题九:在棚户区规划土地利用图中, (略) 岛资江右岸三角地 (略) 用地和停车, (略) 用地是否确定不能更改?

Question No.9: In the shantytown land use plan, hotel land and parking area is planned in Penglai Island Zijiang river right bank triangle, can their planned function are fixed and cannot be adjusted?

答:公园选址蓝线范围内的土地均为公园用地,原有用地 (略) 相应调整。

Answer: Area within the blue line are reserved for the park, former land usage and character can be adjusted accordingly.

问题十:基地靠资江白田路与神滩防洪堤距离非常接近, (略) 用地非常狭长。该处防洪堤与白田路能否采取堤路合一,道路宽度可否 (略) 相应调整?提高土地利用价值?

Question No.10: The distance between the proposed tower is very close to Baitian road and dam of Zijiang River , so the possible park will be narrow and long. Can the flood control dam and Baitian Road be combined and modify the road width to utilize the use of land?

答:白田路可取消,资 (略) 路采用堤路结合。

Answer: Baitian Road can be canceled and Zijiangnan Road shall combined with the dam.

问题十一: (略) 规划图

Question No.11: Comprehensive pipe and network plan map

答:属秘密级资料不予提供,已提供 (略) 标高。

Answer: This document is confidential grade and will not be provided. Road network elevation nearby the Park has been provided.


Question No.12: Environmental sanitation facility plan map

答:该资料为《 (略) 市总体规划》 (略) 分,属秘密级资料不予提供,公园用地内无规划新建小 (略) ,部分未涉密资料 (略) 在网上查询。

Answer: This document is part of, and is confidential grade and will not be provided. No waste transfer station is planned to be constructed in the Park area. The bidder can get non confidential document from internet by himself.

问题十二:本案规划 (略) 分(铺砖、小品、灯具等)元素太多, (略) 部破除, (略) 景观提质, (略) 顺接?

Question No.12: Currently in the site, there are too many objects (brick paving, sculptures, lamps and so on). Can we demolition some objects and upgrade the landscape in total design? Or current objects can only be modified?

答: (略) 破除,进行景观提质

Answer: Yes, partially demolition is allowed.


Question No.13: In the planned scope, whether the connections between constructed water area and Zijiang River can be adjusted?


Answer: Yes, it can be adjusted.


Question No.14: Is there any construction quota limitation?


Answer: No construction quota limitation.


本次开标地点定于: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路300号, (略) 总店,贵宾楼四楼, (略) B厅。

This bid will be open at: B section of Furong Hall, fourth floor, VIP building, Head office of Huatian Grand Hotel, No.300 Jiefang Road,Furong District, Changsha City.

招 标 人: (略) 市 (略)

Tenderee: Shaoyang Two Roads Project Construction Co., Ltd.

联 系 人:何先生 联系电话:+86 点击查看>>

Contact person: Mr. He Tel.: +86 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略) 天鉴 (略)

Bidding Agency: Hunan Tianjian Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd.

单位地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 路 (略) 世家43栋201、202室

Company Address: Room 201,202, Building No.43 of Jiang Nan Shi Jia, Daxiang Road, Daxiang District, Shaoyang City.

联 系人:张先生、殷先生 联系电话:+86 点击查看>> 、+86 点击查看>>

Contact Person: Mr. zhang, Mr Yin

Tel.: +86 点击查看>> , +86 点击查看>>






