招标项目编号:0705-(略) 项目名称:上海新微 (略) 单晶氮化铝射频 (略) 建设用光刻机采购项目 项目名称(英文):ICB of Lithography machine for research and development of single crystal aluminum nitride RF filter and construction of pilot platform for SITRI 招标人:上海新微 (略) 招标机构: (略) 招标机构代码:0705 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标
招标项目编号:0705-(略) 项目名称:上海新微 (略) 单晶氮化铝射频 (略) 建设用光刻机采购项目 项目名称(英文):ICB of Lithography machine for research and development of single crystal aluminum nitride RF filter and construction of pilot platform for SITRI 招标人:上海新微 (略) 招标机构: (略) 招标机构代码:0705 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标