


澄清或变更简要说明: (略) 澄清的答复

1.招标文件第5页,设计进水水质:COD:70mg/L, BOD:30mg/L, TN:30mg/L, TP:2mg/L 建议:根据施工图及现有技术参数的描述,要求在现有的30米*3. (略) 理能力基础上完成一级A标准的TN的削减量的目标是无法实现的,建议将进水 (略) 理强度降低为25mg/L。如果保持TN30mg/ (略) 理强度, (略) 理规模扩大到至少12池,这样将增加用户土建及设备的投资成本。
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状水质,约有 1/3 时间 TN 含
量超过 25mg/L,而工艺包内的具体设计, (略) 家可根据进
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, though The content of
Sewage TN is more than 25 mg/L in a third time,The manufacturer of technology package can adjust design parameters to solve this problem without Adjusting the requirements of raw water quality。
2.进行工艺设计和提供工艺担保的水温:5-25℃建议: (略) (略) 理厂的设计规范,水质保证的最低温度为12度。
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状,其冬季最冷温度为 5℃,
同时根据相关设计规范,寒冷地区水温低于 10℃时,应按 (略) 修正,而不是最低水温只能为 12℃,故水温 5-25℃不
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, the coldest winter
temperature is 5 ℃, At the same time in accordance with the relevant design specifications, when cold area water temperature under 10 ℃, should be revised in accordance with the relevant Specification is, rather than the lowest water is only temperature 12 ℃, so 5 and 25 ℃ water temperature is not adjust.
3.招标文件第8页,对供应商的工程经验要求被删除了,商务要求中提出的业绩要求不是很明确和规范。建议:针对业绩要求,原招标文件中仅提出了5个10万吨/ (略) 理厂的业绩要求,未明确业绩的来源,为方便客户核查,建议明确为中国大 * 的5个10万吨/ (略) 理厂业绩,并且为已完工验收项目,其中至少 (略) 2年以上,提供合同复印件和用户证明。
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.
Answer: Agree that suppliers don't provide CD or floppy
disks after signing the contract.
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状,其冬季最冷温度为 5℃,
同时根据相关设计规范,寒冷地区水温低于 10℃时,应按相关
(略) 修正,而不是最低水温只能为 12℃,故水温 5-25℃不
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, the coldest winter
temperature is 5 ℃, At the same time in accordance with the relevant design specifications, when cold area water temperature under 10 ℃, should be revised in accordance with the relevant Specification is, rather than the lowest water is only temperature 12 ℃, so 5 and 25 ℃ water temperature is not adjust.
6.第31页,设计进水水质:COD:70mg/L, BOD:30mg/L, TN:30mg/L建议:COD:65mg/L, BOD:25mg/L, TN:25mg/L
Answer: We do not adjust the quality requirements.
答复: (略) 家根据 (略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。
8.表格中第6项:δ=6mm 建议:厚度描述前后矛盾,根据实际的工程经验,厚度δ=4mm应能满足功能要求。
答复: (略) 家根据 (略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。第一段,天然鹅卵石、塑料填料或其他硬质填料作为微生物挂膜介质。建议:前后描述矛盾,在对硬质填料的硬度描述上已经明确有具体要求,塑料填料的硬度不符合要求应予删除。
(略) 家可根据自身工艺特点选用填料。
Answer: Don't do packing specific hardness requirements, on the basis of water quality conditions, Each process package manufacturers according to their own characteristics to choose packing.
(略) 家可根据自身工艺特点选用填料。
Answer: Packing specific hardness is not requested, on the basis of water quality conditions, Each process package
manufacturers should choose packing according to their own characteristics.
11.4) (略) 进水配水管系统:数量:9池(或不多于9池)建议:滤池数目已经设计为9池,该处(或不多于9池)应删除。
答复:进水配水管数量不做强制要求, (略) 家根据
(略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: the water distribution pipe number do not compulsory, The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。
Answer: the uniformity coefficient and non-uniform coefficient is the same indicators, non-uniform coefficient is called in domestic, uniformity coefficient is called in abroad.
13.第50页,5)集水装置:a. (略) 集水槽盖板材质采用SS304不锈钢板建议:材质要求前后矛盾,根据实际的工程经验,盖板的材质使用碳钢即可。
Answer: Should be carbon steel
14.所有制造商应提供ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO18001建议: (略) 项目,工程供应商一般不具有ISO14001及ISO18001。建议保留ISO9001,其余要求删除。
答复:执行招标文件 ISO9001、ISO14001 及 ISO18001(OHSAS18001)认证必须提供。
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents , ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001 (OHSAS18001) certifications must be provided.
15. (略) 文件技术要求P15页“ 竣工测试 b调试:调试期间,供应 (略) 运行;调试期间, (略) 有标书技术文件中规定的测试和检验,其一切费用(例如,水,电,药品等)由供货商负责。”,P16页“2.11.6 性能测试:性 (略) 需药剂、用水、用电等由买方提供。”,澄清:请明确调试及测试 (略) 运行费用是否包括本包投标中价内?
Answer: During the debugging and testing, such as drugs、
spare parts included in the tender offer, except the water、
16. (略) 文件技术要求P7页“2.1供货商职责:⑽提供的自动化设备及软件要保证将来的扩展。在近期配置的自动化设备基础上,提供远期自动化设备控制软件的开发,保证近期、远期构成统一的自动化系统。”澄清:自控软件具体范围是工艺包的吗?
Answer: The control software is in the scope of technology package.
17. (略) 文件技术要求P9页“2.10.1投标人在投标文件中必须提交但不限以下技术资料:⑺对于自控仪表供货商的投标文件应提供以下资料。①全厂控制系统组成(配置)详图;②全厂控制流程(P&I)图;③提供供 (略) 安装的施工组织设计,包括进度计划、质量保证体系,安装使用的主要机械设备, (略) 后安装前的储存保管等等。”澄清:本次招标范围为工艺包自控仪表供货、软件编制、系统调试, (略) 范围内。是否只提供工艺包的图纸?
Answer: Only provide drawing of technology package.
18. (略) 文件技术要求P46页“4)手动闸板阀:闸板阀带有启闭滑槽、阀板、启闭丝杆和电动启闭头”澄清:电动启闭头是否笔误,应为手动启闭头?
Answer: Should be manual type head.
19.由于硝化池和深床滤池单体电气仪表自动化 (略) 控制系统衔接。澄清:烦请业 (略) 现有自 (略) 家、系列和型号。
答复:全厂现有自 (略) 家、系列和型号在中标后予
Answer: The manufacturers of the existing automation
system, series and models will be provided when win the
20.P32页4.1.3 3)投标人 (略) 理工艺必须与标书确定的上述“ (略) 理工艺”相同;核心工艺必须是一个完整的、功能完备的系统,且必须由有资格、有业绩经验的核心工艺包提供商提供,并保证 (略) 理能力能达到标书的要求。投标人编制的技术方案不得对上述“ (略) 理工艺”进行更改和偏离,仅可以根据核心工艺提供方的工程经验对具体工艺和 (略) 局部优化,以便获得更优的工艺设备性能。招标人有权力拒绝接受与基本方案有重大偏离的投标书。澄清:针对硝化滤池和反硝化滤池,每个公司都会有自己的核心工艺,针对自己的核心工艺特点,都会有不同的滤池尺寸, (略) 设备及外围配套设备配置,在满足硝化滤池性 (略) 占地面积要求的前提下,硝化滤池核心设备供应商是否可以按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计、投标?
答复:供应商可以按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计投标。
Answer: The manufacturer can accord to their technical
characteristics for bidding scheme design.
21.P48页4.3.3 2)气水分布块采用成品污水专用滤砖(或其他集配水方式),外壳应采用HDPE (略) 度聚乙烯材料,内填充混凝土,混凝土强度等级应为C35,能支撑滤料介质及卵石层的重量以及整个池体的水压,抗压能力不小于30MPa,须提交公开印刷样本说明抗压能力数据和第三方检测报告,气水分布块应表面光滑。澄清:每个核心供应商对于成品滤砖有自己独特的优势和构造特点,深床 (略) 滤砖承载荷载不足9PSI,即6.3m(0.063MPa)水柱压力,无需滤砖抗压能力不小于30MPa,能否取消本条款要求,由各核心设备供应商按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计、投标?
答复: 同意取消 4.3.3中关于材质及抗压能力的内容, 供应商可以按照自己的 (略) 投标。
Answer: Agreed to cancel 4.3.3 of material and the content of the compressive capacity, The manufacturer can bid according to their own technical characteristics.
23、招标文件第三章评审和资格标准,表2.3财务能力(P3-6页)中“2.3.3财务资源中要求:针对本合同,投标人必须拥有足够信贷额 (略) (略) 需要的财务需求,具体要求如下:人民币2000万元。”澄清: (略) 文件要求的2000万元,还需要提供针对项目的信贷额度吗?
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.

(略) 澄清答复2

招标文件要求:“作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于1个已完成的10万吨/天及以上规模的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括硝化池或深床滤池),上述 (略) 分的金额应不少于4200万人民币或等值货币。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查),否则投标将被拒绝。”
作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于2个已完成的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括硝化池或深床滤池)。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查),否则投标将被拒绝。
Accordingtothe bidding document:2.4Bidder’s Experience, The bidder shall have completed within the last 3 years prior to bid submission date at least one (1) similar contract for supply and installation of core package (including the nitration tank or deep bed filter) for a WWTP with capacity of 点击查看>> tons per day in which the portion of equipment cost represents the amount of at least CNY 42 million or equivalent amount in any other currency. The bidder shall submit copies of notice of contract award, the contract, performance certificate or acceptance report issued by the user with official seal of the bidder (the originals are prepared for reference), otherwise the bid will be rejected.
The requirement above for the bidder's performance is specific and single, it’s not competitive, and could you modify the standard as follows?
The bidder shall have completed within the last 3 years prior to bid submission date at least two (2) similar contracts for supply and installation of core package (including the nitration tank or deep bed filter) for a WWTP. The bidder shall submit copies of notice of contract award, the contract, performance certificate or acceptance report issued by the user with official seal of the bidder (the originals are prepared for reference), otherwise the bid will be rejected.
The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on the methods, technology or other characteristics as described in Section 6
Reply:Execute the original request in bidding documents.
(略) 图纸要求,以及分包商核心工艺包的最低业绩要求:“核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩”,以及“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家”。以上可以看出倾向性非常明显,据我们了解只有美国水环纯(STS)可以完全满足以上苛刻要求,属于品牌唯一性。我公司认为此项设置非常不合理,这样将导致核心工艺包的价格偏高,不利于本项目的成本控制及合理中标人的选择。
请问是否可以取消对分包商的业绩要求, (略) 。投标人在满足系统水质达标的技术前提下,是否可以选择更为合理的工艺以及国内成熟的工艺系 (略) 功能性投标?
According to the bidding document: The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day & To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.
The requirement is unique, as far as we know only STS can fully meet the above requirements, we think this setting is unreasonable, the price of the core technology package would be high. This requirement is not conducive to the project cost control and the selection of reasonable bidder to win this bid.
Could you cancel the performance requirements for the subcontractor, please adopt Package functional bidding by core technology. Whether the bidder can choose a more reasonable process and sub-contractors who utilizes mature system in domestic market for functional bidding in satisfying the premise of the water quality meet the standard?
答复:为保证本工程出水水质要求,采用硝化池+深床滤池工艺是众多专家论证的结论,不允许采用其他工艺,否则就等同于修改设计方案,招标文件中的工艺要求内容不做修改。能满足硝化池+深化滤池工艺的有很多家,故招标文件要 (略) 家并非唯一。我们已对 (略) 家的 (略) 修改, (略) 补遗。
Reply:The process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter in bidding documents can’t be replaced by another process which is a result through many specialists’ arguments to guarantee the water quality from the project, if not the tender will be regard as design scheme changed substantially. So the request on core process in the documents will not be adjusted. There are a lot of potential manufacturers more than one meeting the requirements on core process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter. Also we have already revised the experience requirement for the manufacturer of the nitration tank and deep bed filter and the details please refer to the Addendum.
3、招标文件技术要求中写到:“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家。”
此项要求具有明显的倾向性,为了保证投标人能够公平、 (略) 竞标,是否可以取消此项要求,要求投标人提供出水水质达标承诺即可。
According to the bidding document: To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.
The requirement has obvious tendency, in order to ensure that bidders can bid in fair and just circumstances, can you please cancel the requirement, and require the bidder supply the commitment of effluent water quality meet required standard.
Reply: Refer Bidding Addendum.
4、招标文件技术要求2.10 提交的资料中要求“必须提供供货设备的样本、质量验证、投标设备的彩色照片或彩色图片及彩色样本。”
According to the Technical Requirements of bidding document2.10 Submitted Data Sample, quality certificate of supplied equipment and photo chrome or color picture and color sample as well as technical data of supplied equipment of bid equipment shall be provided.
Please verify what does quality certificate refers to.
Reply: The quality certificates refer to the relevant official document or data used to verify the equipment quality.
5、在招标文件“评审和资格标准”里,“ (略) 制造商都应具有ISO9001质量管理体系证书、ISO14001环境管理体系证书和ISO18001职业健康安全管理体系证书。投标人应提供认证证书复印件。业主有权在评标过程中调验认证证书原件。未能按照业主要求提供证书原件将导致废标。”
投标人在投标过程中要求各分包商提供以上证书原件在评标过程中供业主 (略) ,是否可以修改为业主有权在中标后合同签订前调验认证证书原件?
According to the Evaluation and Qualification Criteria in bidding document: All manufacturer listed in the above table should have ISO9001 certificate of quality management system, ISO14001 certificate of environmental management system and ISO18001 certificate of career health and safety management system. Bidders are required to submit copies of the said certificates with the bids. The Employer reserves the right to request for original certificates during evaluation. Failure by the bidder to provide an original certification at the request of the Employer may result in rejection of the bid.
It’s not feasible for bidders to request the subcontractor to provide the above original certificates in the bid evaluation process for the owner to check, can it be modified to the owner has the right to inspect the certificate before the contract signing.
Reply: Maintain the request in the bidding document. In some specific conditions the certificate original can be shown before agreement signed.
6、招标文件技术要求1.2.2工程概况中,“本次升级改造内容包 (略) (略) (略) (略) 分,其 (略) 理厂升级改造回用工程设计规模为10×104m3/d,老厂区改造 (略) (略) 区仪表、污泥脱水机等 (略) 分。”
请 (略) 老厂 (略) 区仪表、 (略) 范围内?
According to the Technical Requirements of bidding document 1.2.2 Project overview:The upgrading and reconstruction cover the upgrading of sewage treatment plant in southern suburbs and reconstruction of old plant, among which the design capacity of upgrading, reconstruction and reuse project of sewage treatment plant in southern suburbs is 10×104m3/d and reconstruction of old plant includes sewage treatment plant upgrading and reconstruction of instrument, sludge dewatering equipment and other equipment in old plant.
Please clarifywhether the upgrading of the old sewage treatment plant and reconstruction of instrument, sludge dewatering equipment and other equipment in the old plant is in the scope of this tender.
答复: (略) (略) 区仪表、 (略) 范围内,本合同招标内容为核心工艺硝化池和深床滤池。
Reply:The bidding scope and contents only includes core process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter, but the old plant zone and meters in Wastewater Treatment Plant are not the components of the bidding documents.
7、招标文件评审和资格标准里“PLC等制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并在过去5年内具 (略) 理工程业绩, (略) 3年以上。”是否可以理解为是针对自控系统成套商的业绩要求?
According to the Evaluation and Qualification Criteria of bidding document: PLC manufacturers must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing similar equipment for five (5) sewage treatment plants during the last five (5) years which are in successful operation for a minimum of three (3) years. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required.
Please clarify whether the above mentioned requirement is the performance requirement ofcomplete automatic control system provider.
Reply: Yes. The understanding for achievement request is correct.

Addendum No.1

The Employer now issues the Addendum No.1 to amend the Bidding Document; the detailed contents are as follows:
1、将招标文件第三章2.5中的“1核心工艺包(包括消化池和深床滤池):核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩。投标人应提供制造商与买方的合同复印件和用户证明。业主有权在授予合同前调验合同及用户证明原件。需要提供制造商授权书”修改为:“1核心工艺包(包括消化池或深床滤池):核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个(至少包含1个深床滤池)10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩。投标人应提供制造商与买方的合同复印件和用户证明。业主有权在授予合同前调验合同及用户证明原件。需要提供制造商授权书”。
We make a change in Section III, 2.5 from “1 Core Process Package (includes the nitration tank and deep bed filter): The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day. The Bidder shall provide with the bid a copy of the contract between the manufacturer and the purchaser and the End User Certificates. The Employer reserves the right to request for original contracts and End User Certificates prior to contract award. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required” to “1 Core Process Package (includes the nitration tank or deep bed filter): The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants(At least including one deep-bed filter) with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day. The Bidder shall provide with the bid a copy of the contract between the manufacturer and the purchaser and the End User Certificates. The Employer reserves the right to request for original contracts and End User Certificates prior to contract award. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required”.
2、将招标文件技术要求中的“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家。”修改为:“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商鼓励使用同一家”。
We make a change on the request for providers from “To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.” to “To ensure stable operation of treatment process and requirements of the effluent water quality after technical renovation, bidders are encouraged to propose same manufacturers for core processes, i.e. nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter”.
3、递交投标文件的截止日期和开标时间推迟至 * 日上午10时00分( (略) 时间),递交投标文件和开标的地址不变。
The deadline for submission and bid opening time is postponed to: 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time), January 6, 2017. The place for bid submission and bid opening remains unchanged.

请各潜在投标人收到本补遗文件后2 (略) 书面确认(回执传真+86 10- 点击查看>> )。谢谢。
All potential bidders are requested to confirm this document within 24 hours of receipt of this addendum (acknowledgment fax +86 10- 点击查看>> ). Thank you for your cooperation.

(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:中华人民共和国已经从 (略) 获得了一笔贷款(贷款号:PRC-3017), (略) 市综合发展项目的费用支付。该 (略) 分将被用 (略) 理厂升级 (略) 分改造设备设计、供货与安装项目下(合同号:KL-E01)的合格支出。
资金到位或资金来源落实情况: (略) 贷款。
(略) 条件的说明:招标文 (略) 不反对意见。
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> XJ 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) 市综合发展项 (略) 理厂升级 (略) 分改造设备设计、供货与安装项目
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 维吾尔自治区
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
1 硝化池成套工艺设备 1套 详见图纸和技术要求
2 深床滤池成套工艺设备 1套 详见图纸和技术要求

投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1) 所有未决诉讼应视 (略) 理,并且投标人败诉,未决诉讼的总额不能超过投标人净资产的50%。
(2) 提交过去3年的资产负债表和收入报表, (略) 在国的法律没有要求,也可为业主接受的其他财务报表,以表明投标人的财务能力和长期赢利能力。最起码上一年,作为投标人的总资产和总负债的差额的净资产应为正数。
(3) 近三年最小年平均营业额不低于人民币12000万元。
(4) 针对本合同,投标人必须拥有足够信贷额 (略) (略) 需要的财务需求,具体要求如下:人民币2000万元。
(5) 作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于1个已完成的10万吨/天及以上规模的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括消化池或深床滤池),上述合同 (略) 分的金额应不少于4200万人民币或等值货币。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查)。
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦D座二层
其他说明: (略) 文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付人民币1500元的不可退还费用。付款方式为现金支付,或者直接汇款: (略) 北 (略) 支行, (略) (略) ,账号:0200 0537 0902 2105 773。如需邮购,请每套另加100.00元人民币。招标文件将采用 快递 方式寄送。邮寄过程中若发生丢失或迟到,招标代理将不承担任何责任。
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 10:00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦四层会议室
开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦四层会议室
招标人:克拉 (略)
地址: (略) 市胜利路33号市政府2号楼335房间
联系方式: 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦D座二层
联系人:许 (略)
联系方式: 点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) 北 (略) 支行
招标代理 (略) (美元):
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
是否 (略) :是

澄清或变更简要说明: (略) 澄清的答复

1.招标文件第5页,设计进水水质:COD:70mg/L, BOD:30mg/L, TN:30mg/L, TP:2mg/L 建议:根据施工图及现有技术参数的描述,要求在现有的30米*3. (略) 理能力基础上完成一级A标准的TN的削减量的目标是无法实现的,建议将进水 (略) 理强度降低为25mg/L。如果保持TN30mg/ (略) 理强度, (略) 理规模扩大到至少12池,这样将增加用户土建及设备的投资成本。
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状水质,约有 1/3 时间 TN 含
量超过 25mg/L,而工艺包内的具体设计, (略) 家可根据进
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, though The content of
Sewage TN is more than 25 mg/L in a third time,The manufacturer of technology package can adjust design parameters to solve this problem without Adjusting the requirements of raw water quality。
2.进行工艺设计和提供工艺担保的水温:5-25℃建议: (略) (略) 理厂的设计规范,水质保证的最低温度为12度。
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状,其冬季最冷温度为 5℃,
同时根据相关设计规范,寒冷地区水温低于 10℃时,应按 (略) 修正,而不是最低水温只能为 12℃,故水温 5-25℃不
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, the coldest winter
temperature is 5 ℃, At the same time in accordance with the relevant design specifications, when cold area water temperature under 10 ℃, should be revised in accordance with the relevant Specification is, rather than the lowest water is only temperature 12 ℃, so 5 and 25 ℃ water temperature is not adjust.
3.招标文件第8页,对供应商的工程经验要求被删除了,商务要求中提出的业绩要求不是很明确和规范。建议:针对业绩要求,原招标文件中仅提出了5个10万吨/ (略) 理厂的业绩要求,未明确业绩的来源,为方便客户核查,建议明确为中国大 * 的5个10万吨/ (略) 理厂业绩,并且为已完工验收项目,其中至少 (略) 2年以上,提供合同复印件和用户证明。
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.
Answer: Agree that suppliers don't provide CD or floppy
disks after signing the contract.
答复:根 (略) 理厂现状,其冬季最冷温度为 5℃,
同时根据相关设计规范,寒冷地区水温低于 10℃时,应按相关
(略) 修正,而不是最低水温只能为 12℃,故水温 5-25℃不
Answer: According to the present situation of Sewage
Treatment Plant in Southern Suburbs, the coldest winter
temperature is 5 ℃, At the same time in accordance with the relevant design specifications, when cold area water temperature under 10 ℃, should be revised in accordance with the relevant Specification is, rather than the lowest water is only temperature 12 ℃, so 5 and 25 ℃ water temperature is not adjust.
6.第31页,设计进水水质:COD:70mg/L, BOD:30mg/L, TN:30mg/L建议:COD:65mg/L, BOD:25mg/L, TN:25mg/L
Answer: We do not adjust the quality requirements.
答复: (略) 家根据 (略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。
8.表格中第6项:δ=6mm 建议:厚度描述前后矛盾,根据实际的工程经验,厚度δ=4mm应能满足功能要求。
答复: (略) 家根据 (略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。第一段,天然鹅卵石、塑料填料或其他硬质填料作为微生物挂膜介质。建议:前后描述矛盾,在对硬质填料的硬度描述上已经明确有具体要求,塑料填料的硬度不符合要求应予删除。
(略) 家可根据自身工艺特点选用填料。
Answer: Don't do packing specific hardness requirements, on the basis of water quality conditions, Each process package manufacturers according to their own characteristics to choose packing.
(略) 家可根据自身工艺特点选用填料。
Answer: Packing specific hardness is not requested, on the basis of water quality conditions, Each process package
manufacturers should choose packing according to their own characteristics.
11.4) (略) 进水配水管系统:数量:9池(或不多于9池)建议:滤池数目已经设计为9池,该处(或不多于9池)应删除。
答复:进水配水管数量不做强制要求, (略) 家根据
(略) 设计计算确定。
Answer: the water distribution pipe number do not compulsory, The manufacturer of technology package should
design parameters according to the water quality。
Answer: the uniformity coefficient and non-uniform coefficient is the same indicators, non-uniform coefficient is called in domestic, uniformity coefficient is called in abroad.
13.第50页,5)集水装置:a. (略) 集水槽盖板材质采用SS304不锈钢板建议:材质要求前后矛盾,根据实际的工程经验,盖板的材质使用碳钢即可。
Answer: Should be carbon steel
14.所有制造商应提供ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO18001建议: (略) 项目,工程供应商一般不具有ISO14001及ISO18001。建议保留ISO9001,其余要求删除。
答复:执行招标文件 ISO9001、ISO14001 及 ISO18001(OHSAS18001)认证必须提供。
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents , ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001 (OHSAS18001) certifications must be provided.
15. (略) 文件技术要求P15页“ 竣工测试 b调试:调试期间,供应 (略) 运行;调试期间, (略) 有标书技术文件中规定的测试和检验,其一切费用(例如,水,电,药品等)由供货商负责。”,P16页“2.11.6 性能测试:性 (略) 需药剂、用水、用电等由买方提供。”,澄清:请明确调试及测试 (略) 运行费用是否包括本包投标中价内?
Answer: During the debugging and testing, such as drugs、
spare parts included in the tender offer, except the water、
16. (略) 文件技术要求P7页“2.1供货商职责:⑽提供的自动化设备及软件要保证将来的扩展。在近期配置的自动化设备基础上,提供远期自动化设备控制软件的开发,保证近期、远期构成统一的自动化系统。”澄清:自控软件具体范围是工艺包的吗?
Answer: The control software is in the scope of technology package.
17. (略) 文件技术要求P9页“2.10.1投标人在投标文件中必须提交但不限以下技术资料:⑺对于自控仪表供货商的投标文件应提供以下资料。①全厂控制系统组成(配置)详图;②全厂控制流程(P&I)图;③提供供 (略) 安装的施工组织设计,包括进度计划、质量保证体系,安装使用的主要机械设备, (略) 后安装前的储存保管等等。”澄清:本次招标范围为工艺包自控仪表供货、软件编制、系统调试, (略) 范围内。是否只提供工艺包的图纸?
Answer: Only provide drawing of technology package.
18. (略) 文件技术要求P46页“4)手动闸板阀:闸板阀带有启闭滑槽、阀板、启闭丝杆和电动启闭头”澄清:电动启闭头是否笔误,应为手动启闭头?
Answer: Should be manual type head.
19.由于硝化池和深床滤池单体电气仪表自动化 (略) 控制系统衔接。澄清:烦请业 (略) 现有自 (略) 家、系列和型号。
答复:全厂现有自 (略) 家、系列和型号在中标后予
Answer: The manufacturers of the existing automation
system, series and models will be provided when win the
20.P32页4.1.3 3)投标人 (略) 理工艺必须与标书确定的上述“ (略) 理工艺”相同;核心工艺必须是一个完整的、功能完备的系统,且必须由有资格、有业绩经验的核心工艺包提供商提供,并保证 (略) 理能力能达到标书的要求。投标人编制的技术方案不得对上述“ (略) 理工艺”进行更改和偏离,仅可以根据核心工艺提供方的工程经验对具体工艺和 (略) 局部优化,以便获得更优的工艺设备性能。招标人有权力拒绝接受与基本方案有重大偏离的投标书。澄清:针对硝化滤池和反硝化滤池,每个公司都会有自己的核心工艺,针对自己的核心工艺特点,都会有不同的滤池尺寸, (略) 设备及外围配套设备配置,在满足硝化滤池性 (略) 占地面积要求的前提下,硝化滤池核心设备供应商是否可以按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计、投标?
答复:供应商可以按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计投标。
Answer: The manufacturer can accord to their technical
characteristics for bidding scheme design.
21.P48页4.3.3 2)气水分布块采用成品污水专用滤砖(或其他集配水方式),外壳应采用HDPE (略) 度聚乙烯材料,内填充混凝土,混凝土强度等级应为C35,能支撑滤料介质及卵石层的重量以及整个池体的水压,抗压能力不小于30MPa,须提交公开印刷样本说明抗压能力数据和第三方检测报告,气水分布块应表面光滑。澄清:每个核心供应商对于成品滤砖有自己独特的优势和构造特点,深床 (略) 滤砖承载荷载不足9PSI,即6.3m(0.063MPa)水柱压力,无需滤砖抗压能力不小于30MPa,能否取消本条款要求,由各核心设备供应商按照自己的技 (略) 方案设计、投标?
答复: 同意取消 4.3.3中关于材质及抗压能力的内容, 供应商可以按照自己的 (略) 投标。
Answer: Agreed to cancel 4.3.3 of material and the content of the compressive capacity, The manufacturer can bid according to their own technical characteristics.
23、招标文件第三章评审和资格标准,表2.3财务能力(P3-6页)中“2.3.3财务资源中要求:针对本合同,投标人必须拥有足够信贷额 (略) (略) 需要的财务需求,具体要求如下:人民币2000万元。”澄清: (略) 文件要求的2000万元,还需要提供针对项目的信贷额度吗?
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.
Answer: The implementation of bidding documents.

(略) 澄清答复2

招标文件要求:“作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于1个已完成的10万吨/天及以上规模的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括硝化池或深床滤池),上述 (略) 分的金额应不少于4200万人民币或等值货币。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查),否则投标将被拒绝。”
作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于2个已完成的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括硝化池或深床滤池)。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查),否则投标将被拒绝。
Accordingtothe bidding document:2.4Bidder’s Experience, The bidder shall have completed within the last 3 years prior to bid submission date at least one (1) similar contract for supply and installation of core package (including the nitration tank or deep bed filter) for a WWTP with capacity of 点击查看>> tons per day in which the portion of equipment cost represents the amount of at least CNY 42 million or equivalent amount in any other currency. The bidder shall submit copies of notice of contract award, the contract, performance certificate or acceptance report issued by the user with official seal of the bidder (the originals are prepared for reference), otherwise the bid will be rejected.
The requirement above for the bidder's performance is specific and single, it’s not competitive, and could you modify the standard as follows?
The bidder shall have completed within the last 3 years prior to bid submission date at least two (2) similar contracts for supply and installation of core package (including the nitration tank or deep bed filter) for a WWTP. The bidder shall submit copies of notice of contract award, the contract, performance certificate or acceptance report issued by the user with official seal of the bidder (the originals are prepared for reference), otherwise the bid will be rejected.
The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on the methods, technology or other characteristics as described in Section 6
Reply:Execute the original request in bidding documents.
(略) 图纸要求,以及分包商核心工艺包的最低业绩要求:“核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩”,以及“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家”。以上可以看出倾向性非常明显,据我们了解只有美国水环纯(STS)可以完全满足以上苛刻要求,属于品牌唯一性。我公司认为此项设置非常不合理,这样将导致核心工艺包的价格偏高,不利于本项目的成本控制及合理中标人的选择。
请问是否可以取消对分包商的业绩要求, (略) 。投标人在满足系统水质达标的技术前提下,是否可以选择更为合理的工艺以及国内成熟的工艺系 (略) 功能性投标?
According to the bidding document: The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day & To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.
The requirement is unique, as far as we know only STS can fully meet the above requirements, we think this setting is unreasonable, the price of the core technology package would be high. This requirement is not conducive to the project cost control and the selection of reasonable bidder to win this bid.
Could you cancel the performance requirements for the subcontractor, please adopt Package functional bidding by core technology. Whether the bidder can choose a more reasonable process and sub-contractors who utilizes mature system in domestic market for functional bidding in satisfying the premise of the water quality meet the standard?
答复:为保证本工程出水水质要求,采用硝化池+深床滤池工艺是众多专家论证的结论,不允许采用其他工艺,否则就等同于修改设计方案,招标文件中的工艺要求内容不做修改。能满足硝化池+深化滤池工艺的有很多家,故招标文件要 (略) 家并非唯一。我们已对 (略) 家的 (略) 修改, (略) 补遗。
Reply:The process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter in bidding documents can’t be replaced by another process which is a result through many specialists’ arguments to guarantee the water quality from the project, if not the tender will be regard as design scheme changed substantially. So the request on core process in the documents will not be adjusted. There are a lot of potential manufacturers more than one meeting the requirements on core process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter. Also we have already revised the experience requirement for the manufacturer of the nitration tank and deep bed filter and the details please refer to the Addendum.
3、招标文件技术要求中写到:“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家。”
此项要求具有明显的倾向性,为了保证投标人能够公平、 (略) 竞标,是否可以取消此项要求,要求投标人提供出水水质达标承诺即可。
According to the bidding document: To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.
The requirement has obvious tendency, in order to ensure that bidders can bid in fair and just circumstances, can you please cancel the requirement, and require the bidder supply the commitment of effluent water quality meet required standard.
Reply: Refer Bidding Addendum.
4、招标文件技术要求2.10 提交的资料中要求“必须提供供货设备的样本、质量验证、投标设备的彩色照片或彩色图片及彩色样本。”
According to the Technical Requirements of bidding document2.10 Submitted Data Sample, quality certificate of supplied equipment and photo chrome or color picture and color sample as well as technical data of supplied equipment of bid equipment shall be provided.
Please verify what does quality certificate refers to.
Reply: The quality certificates refer to the relevant official document or data used to verify the equipment quality.
5、在招标文件“评审和资格标准”里,“ (略) 制造商都应具有ISO9001质量管理体系证书、ISO14001环境管理体系证书和ISO18001职业健康安全管理体系证书。投标人应提供认证证书复印件。业主有权在评标过程中调验认证证书原件。未能按照业主要求提供证书原件将导致废标。”
投标人在投标过程中要求各分包商提供以上证书原件在评标过程中供业主 (略) ,是否可以修改为业主有权在中标后合同签订前调验认证证书原件?
According to the Evaluation and Qualification Criteria in bidding document: All manufacturer listed in the above table should have ISO9001 certificate of quality management system, ISO14001 certificate of environmental management system and ISO18001 certificate of career health and safety management system. Bidders are required to submit copies of the said certificates with the bids. The Employer reserves the right to request for original certificates during evaluation. Failure by the bidder to provide an original certification at the request of the Employer may result in rejection of the bid.
It’s not feasible for bidders to request the subcontractor to provide the above original certificates in the bid evaluation process for the owner to check, can it be modified to the owner has the right to inspect the certificate before the contract signing.
Reply: Maintain the request in the bidding document. In some specific conditions the certificate original can be shown before agreement signed.
6、招标文件技术要求1.2.2工程概况中,“本次升级改造内容包 (略) (略) (略) (略) 分,其 (略) 理厂升级改造回用工程设计规模为10×104m3/d,老厂区改造 (略) (略) 区仪表、污泥脱水机等 (略) 分。”
请 (略) 老厂 (略) 区仪表、 (略) 范围内?
According to the Technical Requirements of bidding document 1.2.2 Project overview:The upgrading and reconstruction cover the upgrading of sewage treatment plant in southern suburbs and reconstruction of old plant, among which the design capacity of upgrading, reconstruction and reuse project of sewage treatment plant in southern suburbs is 10×104m3/d and reconstruction of old plant includes sewage treatment plant upgrading and reconstruction of instrument, sludge dewatering equipment and other equipment in old plant.
Please clarifywhether the upgrading of the old sewage treatment plant and reconstruction of instrument, sludge dewatering equipment and other equipment in the old plant is in the scope of this tender.
答复: (略) (略) 区仪表、 (略) 范围内,本合同招标内容为核心工艺硝化池和深床滤池。
Reply:The bidding scope and contents only includes core process of nitrifying tank and deep-bed filter, but the old plant zone and meters in Wastewater Treatment Plant are not the components of the bidding documents.
7、招标文件评审和资格标准里“PLC等制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并在过去5年内具 (略) 理工程业绩, (略) 3年以上。”是否可以理解为是针对自控系统成套商的业绩要求?
According to the Evaluation and Qualification Criteria of bidding document: PLC manufacturers must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing similar equipment for five (5) sewage treatment plants during the last five (5) years which are in successful operation for a minimum of three (3) years. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required.
Please clarify whether the above mentioned requirement is the performance requirement ofcomplete automatic control system provider.
Reply: Yes. The understanding for achievement request is correct.

Addendum No.1

The Employer now issues the Addendum No.1 to amend the Bidding Document; the detailed contents are as follows:
1、将招标文件第三章2.5中的“1核心工艺包(包括消化池和深床滤池):核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩。投标人应提供制造商与买方的合同复印件和用户证明。业主有权在授予合同前调验合同及用户证明原件。需要提供制造商授权书”修改为:“1核心工艺包(包括消化池或深床滤池):核心工艺包制造商必须具有10年以上生产类似设备的经历,并具有5个(至少包含1个深床滤池)10万吨/天及以上规模 (略) 理工程业绩。投标人应提供制造商与买方的合同复印件和用户证明。业主有权在授予合同前调验合同及用户证明原件。需要提供制造商授权书”。
We make a change in Section III, 2.5 from “1 Core Process Package (includes the nitration tank and deep bed filter): The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day. The Bidder shall provide with the bid a copy of the contract between the manufacturer and the purchaser and the End User Certificates. The Employer reserves the right to request for original contracts and End User Certificates prior to contract award. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required” to “1 Core Process Package (includes the nitration tank or deep bed filter): The manufacturer of core process equipment must have 10 years’ experience in manufacturing of similar equipment for five (5) municipal sewage treatment plants(At least including one deep-bed filter) with minimum capacity of 100,000 tons/day. The Bidder shall provide with the bid a copy of the contract between the manufacturer and the purchaser and the End User Certificates. The Employer reserves the right to request for original contracts and End User Certificates prior to contract award. Manufacturer’s Authorization is required”.
2、将招标文件技术要求中的“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商必须为同一家。”修改为:“ (略) 理工 (略) 和处理后出水水质的稳定达标,本项目硝化池核心工艺提供商与深床滤池核心工艺提供商鼓励使用同一家”。
We make a change on the request for providers from “To ensure the stable operation of treatment process and continuously meeting the requirement of the effluent water quality after technical renovation project, core Process vendor for nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter shall be same.” to “To ensure stable operation of treatment process and requirements of the effluent water quality after technical renovation, bidders are encouraged to propose same manufacturers for core processes, i.e. nitrifying pool and deep-bed filter”.
3、递交投标文件的截止日期和开标时间推迟至 * 日上午10时00分( (略) 时间),递交投标文件和开标的地址不变。
The deadline for submission and bid opening time is postponed to: 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time), January 6, 2017. The place for bid submission and bid opening remains unchanged.

请各潜在投标人收到本补遗文件后2 (略) 书面确认(回执传真+86 10- 点击查看>> )。谢谢。
All potential bidders are requested to confirm this document within 24 hours of receipt of this addendum (acknowledgment fax +86 10- 点击查看>> ). Thank you for your cooperation.

(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:中华人民共和国已经从 (略) 获得了一笔贷款(贷款号:PRC-3017), (略) 市综合发展项目的费用支付。该 (略) 分将被用 (略) 理厂升级 (略) 分改造设备设计、供货与安装项目下(合同号:KL-E01)的合格支出。
资金到位或资金来源落实情况: (略) 贷款。
(略) 条件的说明:招标文 (略) 不反对意见。
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> XJ 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) 市综合发展项 (略) 理厂升级 (略) 分改造设备设计、供货与安装项目
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 维吾尔自治区
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
1 硝化池成套工艺设备 1套 详见图纸和技术要求
2 深床滤池成套工艺设备 1套 详见图纸和技术要求

投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1) 所有未决诉讼应视 (略) 理,并且投标人败诉,未决诉讼的总额不能超过投标人净资产的50%。
(2) 提交过去3年的资产负债表和收入报表, (略) 在国的法律没有要求,也可为业主接受的其他财务报表,以表明投标人的财务能力和长期赢利能力。最起码上一年,作为投标人的总资产和总负债的差额的净资产应为正数。
(3) 近三年最小年平均营业额不低于人民币12000万元。
(4) 针对本合同,投标人必须拥有足够信贷额 (略) (略) 需要的财务需求,具体要求如下:人民币2000万元。
(5) 作为承包人、管理承包人或分包人参加,在过去3年中必须具有不少于1个已完成的10万吨/天及以上规模的同 (略) 理工程工艺包(包括消化池或深床滤池),上述合同 (略) 分的金额应不少于4200万人民币或等值货币。对此,应提供中标通知书、合同、用户出具的业绩证明或验收报告复印件并加盖投标人公章(原件备查)。
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦D座二层
其他说明: (略) 文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付人民币1500元的不可退还费用。付款方式为现金支付,或者直接汇款: (略) 北 (略) 支行, (略) (略) ,账号:0200 0537 0902 2105 773。如需邮购,请每套另加100.00元人民币。招标文件将采用 快递 方式寄送。邮寄过程中若发生丢失或迟到,招标代理将不承担任何责任。
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 10:00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦四层会议室
开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦四层会议室
招标人:克拉 (略)
地址: (略) 市胜利路33号市政府2号楼335房间
联系方式: 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区三里河路5号五矿大厦D座二层
联系人:许 (略)
联系方式: 点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) 北 (略) 支行
招标代理 (略) (美元):
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
是否 (略) :是






