


澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) , (略) 。本次招标采用传统/电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions & Content
项目概况: 项目按照 (略)
Overview:The project in accordance with the expected schedule steadily.
Source of Funds: Self-funded were put in place
(略) 条件的说明:项目确立,资金到位,招标文件制作完成
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Project established, Self-funded were put in place, bidding documents were completed

2. 招标内容:Bidding Conditions & Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>>
Bidding No: 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) CA6DM3柴油机增能达3万台技术改造项目
Project Name:WuXi Diesel Engine Works CA6DM3 Diesel Engine Productivity Increase to 30 thousand sets Technical Reconstruction Project
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市
Place of Implementation:Changchun, jilin province, China



List of Products

No.De 点击查看>> cal SpecificationsRemark
01Reconstruction of CA6DM3 desiel cylinder head and cylinder block production line and metal-cutting machines1.00Reconstruction of the current CA6M3 15000 capacity cylider block and cylider head auto production line, to meet 30000 capacity per year.
02Cylinder Head Seat Ring Guide Assembly Machine1.00Tact time: 300 seconds / piece (including material loading and unloading)

3. 投标人资格要求:Qualification Requirements For Bidder
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:Qualifications or Performance to Bidder:
本项目只接受制造商作为投标人,不接受代理商投标,如有特殊情况须由代理商直接投标(特殊情况是指:制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售,制造商仅仅通过代理商向中国销售其产品),则需由制造商的单位负责人(单位负责人是指:公司总经理、主管副总经理或销售最高负责人)在购买标书前提供正式书面说明函,说 (略) 公章。
说明函应 (略) 销售管理组织机构模式及在中国 (略) 络分布情况以及销售负责人名单。说明函中应明确阐明制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售并承诺对投标承担连带责任。若代理商投标,本项目只接受中国总代理或区域总代理(例如:东北地区,华北地区, (略) 业等)投标。不接受其它级别的代理投标。招标代理机构对上述提交的文件审核合格后方可销售标书。

(1)Qualifications to Bidder: This project only accepts the manufacturer as the bidder to participate with exception to the following condition, in which case the agent is acceptable
a).the manufacturer does not sell directly by itself or its subsidiaries within the territory of China
b).the manufacturer only sell its products through its agent within the territory of China
c).the responsible person of the manufacturer (General manager, deputy general manager in Charge or top sales manager) has issued a formal letter with signature and company stamp, stating that
- the sales organization and pattern of the manufacturer
-the network of manufacturer’s sales agent and list of the sales responsible person
-the manufacturer or its subsidiaries do not sell directly within the territory of China
-the manufacturer will assume the joint and several liabilities with its agent on the bids.
The agent has to be a general agent or regional agent (For instance, General agent for the Northeast of China or the automobile industry) of the manufacturer for the participation of the bids. Agent of other level will not be acceptable.
The bidding agency will review the documentation relating to the above requirement, if the documentation is eligible and meet above conditions, the bidding agency will sell the bidding document to the agent of the manufacturer.
(2)Performance to Bidder: Refer to Bidding Documents

Joint Bids:NOT Available

Bid without the Bidding documents:NOT Available

4. 招标文件获取Acquisition of Bidding Documents & Bid Submission
招标文件领购开始时间: * 日
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 23.2.2017
招标文件领购结束时间: * 日
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2.3. 点击查看>> :00
招标文件领购地点/电子下载方式: (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号, (略) 有限公司423室
To Obtain On-site Purchase Place:The room 423 of the Changchun FAW International Tendering Co.,Ltd. (No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, P. R. China)

* . 点击查看>> .00

不接受现金,不接受个人汇款,凭汇款凭证或存款底单购买,售后不退。如需邮寄,每包另加50元人民币(国内)或者50美元(国外)(购买招标文件汇款名称: (略) 有限公司, (略) 名称,账号同下)。
Purchase by cash will not be accepted,remittance from natural personal's account is not acceptable. Only remittance certificate and deposit reprint are acceptable. If mail is required, please add RMB50(domestic)or $50(abroad) for express delivery for each package. (Remittance shall be transfer to our account in the name as Changchun FAW international tendering Co.,Ltd. , and leave your company name as a note. Account No. as below)

1. 本项目不 (略) 以往招投标过程中提供过虚假文件或有围标、 (略) 为或存 (略) 为的投标人购买标书。
2. 货物原产地为国外的投标人需具备以出口方(卖方)身份与中 (略) (略) 直 (略) 国际贸易(外币)合同的资质和能力, (略) 代理机构书面许可。
3. (略) 文件的投标商,不得参加投标。
1. The tendering center will reject to sell bidding documents to those bidders who have ever
a)provided untrue information to the tenderee ( including tendering agent)
b)colluded in bid and have other illegal conduct
c)oppugned unreasonably during whole bidding process.
2. If the goods are manufactured aboard, the bidder should have the qualification and capability of signing and fulfill international trade (foreign currency) contract as the exporter (seller) with China FAW Group Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.. For any special cases, a written permission from tendering agency before the bid opening is required.
3. The bidder who does not purchased bidding documents from our company shall not participate in the bidding project.

5. 投标文件的递交
投标截止时间(开标时间): * 日-10:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):28.3. 点击查看>> :00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
Place of Bid:The fifth floor Meeting Room of Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
开标地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
Place of Bid Opening:No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China The fifth floor Meeting Room of Changchun FAW International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

6. 投标人在投标前需在上完成注册。评标结果将在公示。
7. 联系方式Contact Details
招标人: (略)
Purchaser:FAW Group Corporation
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街3025号
Add.:No.3025, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China

01赵玲玲8512 5530[email protected]
02庄博8512 3451[email protected]

招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
Bidding Agency:Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号
Add.:No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China
联系人:张莹女士 王雪郡女士
Contact:Ms Zhang Ying and Ms Wang Xuejun
联系方式: 点击查看>>点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>> or 点击查看>>
电子邮箱:[email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

8. 汇款方式Remittance Approach
汇款名称: (略) 有限公司
Name: Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) 支行
Bank(RMB): Bank of china , Faw Sub-Branch
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略) 支行
Bank(USD) Bank of china , Faw Sub-Branch
银行地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街2039号
A/C Bank’s address: NO2039 DongFeng Street , ChangChun City ,Jilin Province , P . R . of china
帐 号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB) 点击查看>>
帐 号(美 元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD) 点击查看>>
Swift code of Bank of china: BKCHCNBJ840


(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: 项目按照 (略)
(略) 条件的说明:项目确立,资金到位,招标文件制作完成
招标项目编号: 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) CA6DM3柴油机增能达3万台技术改造项目
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
01 CA6DM3柴油机缸体缸盖生产线金切设备及改造 1 在现有CA6DM3年产1.5万台气缸体、气缸盖自动生产线上做适应性调整与改造,改造后生产线可满足年生产能力3万台
02 CA6DM3气缸盖座圈导管装配设备 1 节拍:300秒/件(包括上下料)

本项目只接受制造商作为投标人,不接受代理商投标,如有特殊情况须由代理商直接投标(特殊情况是指:制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售,制造商仅仅通过代理商向中国销售其产品),则需由制造商的单位负责人(单位负责人是指:公司总经理、主管副总经理或销售最高负责人)在购买标书前提供正式书面说明函,说 (略) 公章。
说明函应 (略) 销售管理组织机构模式及在中国 (略) 络分布情况以及销售负责人名单。说明函中应明确阐明制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售并承诺对投标承担连带责任。若代理商投标,本项目只接受中国总代理或区域总代理(例如:东北地区,华北地区, (略) 业等)投标。不接受其它级别的代理投标。招标代理机构对上述提交的文件审核合格后方可销售标书。

招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号, (略) 有限公司423室

不接受现金,不接受个人汇款,凭汇款凭证或存款底单购买,售后不退。如需邮寄,每包另加50元人民币(国内)或者50美元(国外)(购买招标文件汇款名称: (略) 有限公司, (略) 名称,账号同下)。

1. 本项目不 (略) 以往招投标过程中提供过虚假文件或有围标、 (略) 为或存 (略) 为的投标人购买标书。
2. 货物原产地为国外的投标人需具备以出口方(卖方)身份与中 (略) (略) 直 (略) 国际贸易(外币)合同的资质和能力, (略) 代理机构书面许可。
3. (略) 文件的投标商,不得参加投标。

投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 10:00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
开标地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
招标人: (略)
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街3025号
联系人:赵玲玲 庄博
联系方式:8512 5530 8512 3451
招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号
电子邮箱:[email protected]
联系人:张莹女士 王雪郡女士
联系方式: 点击查看>>点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) 支行
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略) 支行
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
汇款名称: (略) 有限公司

澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) , (略) 。本次招标采用传统/电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions & Content
项目概况: 项目按照 (略)
Overview:The project in accordance with the expected schedule steadily.
Source of Funds: Self-funded were put in place
(略) 条件的说明:项目确立,资金到位,招标文件制作完成
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Project established, Self-funded were put in place, bidding documents were completed

2. 招标内容:Bidding Conditions & Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>>
Bidding No: 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) CA6DM3柴油机增能达3万台技术改造项目
Project Name:WuXi Diesel Engine Works CA6DM3 Diesel Engine Productivity Increase to 30 thousand sets Technical Reconstruction Project
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市
Place of Implementation:Changchun, jilin province, China



List of Products

No.De 点击查看>> cal SpecificationsRemark
01Reconstruction of CA6DM3 desiel cylinder head and cylinder block production line and metal-cutting machines1.00Reconstruction of the current CA6M3 15000 capacity cylider block and cylider head auto production line, to meet 30000 capacity per year.
02Cylinder Head Seat Ring Guide Assembly Machine1.00Tact time: 300 seconds / piece (including material loading and unloading)

3. 投标人资格要求:Qualification Requirements For Bidder
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:Qualifications or Performance to Bidder:
本项目只接受制造商作为投标人,不接受代理商投标,如有特殊情况须由代理商直接投标(特殊情况是指:制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售,制造商仅仅通过代理商向中国销售其产品),则需由制造商的单位负责人(单位负责人是指:公司总经理、主管副总经理或销售最高负责人)在购买标书前提供正式书面说明函,说 (略) 公章。
说明函应 (略) 销售管理组织机构模式及在中国 (略) 络分布情况以及销售负责人名单。说明函中应明确阐明制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售并承诺对投标承担连带责任。若代理商投标,本项目只接受中国总代理或区域总代理(例如:东北地区,华北地区, (略) 业等)投标。不接受其它级别的代理投标。招标代理机构对上述提交的文件审核合格后方可销售标书。

(1)Qualifications to Bidder: This project only accepts the manufacturer as the bidder to participate with exception to the following condition, in which case the agent is acceptable
a).the manufacturer does not sell directly by itself or its subsidiaries within the territory of China
b).the manufacturer only sell its products through its agent within the territory of China
c).the responsible person of the manufacturer (General manager, deputy general manager in Charge or top sales manager) has issued a formal letter with signature and company stamp, stating that
- the sales organization and pattern of the manufacturer
-the network of manufacturer’s sales agent and list of the sales responsible person
-the manufacturer or its subsidiaries do not sell directly within the territory of China
-the manufacturer will assume the joint and several liabilities with its agent on the bids.
The agent has to be a general agent or regional agent (For instance, General agent for the Northeast of China or the automobile industry) of the manufacturer for the participation of the bids. Agent of other level will not be acceptable.
The bidding agency will review the documentation relating to the above requirement, if the documentation is eligible and meet above conditions, the bidding agency will sell the bidding document to the agent of the manufacturer.
(2)Performance to Bidder: Refer to Bidding Documents

Joint Bids:NOT Available

Bid without the Bidding documents:NOT Available

4. 招标文件获取Acquisition of Bidding Documents & Bid Submission
招标文件领购开始时间: * 日
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 23.2.2017
招标文件领购结束时间: * 日
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2.3. 点击查看>> :00
招标文件领购地点/电子下载方式: (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号, (略) 有限公司423室
To Obtain On-site Purchase Place:The room 423 of the Changchun FAW International Tendering Co.,Ltd. (No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, P. R. China)

* . 点击查看>> .00

不接受现金,不接受个人汇款,凭汇款凭证或存款底单购买,售后不退。如需邮寄,每包另加50元人民币(国内)或者50美元(国外)(购买招标文件汇款名称: (略) 有限公司, (略) 名称,账号同下)。
Purchase by cash will not be accepted,remittance from natural personal's account is not acceptable. Only remittance certificate and deposit reprint are acceptable. If mail is required, please add RMB50(domestic)or $50(abroad) for express delivery for each package. (Remittance shall be transfer to our account in the name as Changchun FAW international tendering Co.,Ltd. , and leave your company name as a note. Account No. as below)

1. 本项目不 (略) 以往招投标过程中提供过虚假文件或有围标、 (略) 为或存 (略) 为的投标人购买标书。
2. 货物原产地为国外的投标人需具备以出口方(卖方)身份与中 (略) (略) 直 (略) 国际贸易(外币)合同的资质和能力, (略) 代理机构书面许可。
3. (略) 文件的投标商,不得参加投标。
1. The tendering center will reject to sell bidding documents to those bidders who have ever
a)provided untrue information to the tenderee ( including tendering agent)
b)colluded in bid and have other illegal conduct
c)oppugned unreasonably during whole bidding process.
2. If the goods are manufactured aboard, the bidder should have the qualification and capability of signing and fulfill international trade (foreign currency) contract as the exporter (seller) with China FAW Group Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.. For any special cases, a written permission from tendering agency before the bid opening is required.
3. The bidder who does not purchased bidding documents from our company shall not participate in the bidding project.

5. 投标文件的递交
投标截止时间(开标时间): * 日-10:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):28.3. 点击查看>> :00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
Place of Bid:The fifth floor Meeting Room of Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
开标地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
Place of Bid Opening:No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China The fifth floor Meeting Room of Changchun FAW International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

6. 投标人在投标前需在上完成注册。评标结果将在公示。
7. 联系方式Contact Details
招标人: (略)
Purchaser:FAW Group Corporation
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街3025号
Add.:No.3025, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China

01赵玲玲8512 5530[email protected]
02庄博8512 3451[email protected]

招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
Bidding Agency:Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号
Add.:No.5278, Dongfeng Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China
联系人:张莹女士 王雪郡女士
Contact:Ms Zhang Ying and Ms Wang Xuejun
联系方式: 点击查看>>点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>> or 点击查看>>
电子邮箱:[email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

8. 汇款方式Remittance Approach
汇款名称: (略) 有限公司
Name: Changchun FAW International Tendering Co., Ltd.
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) 支行
Bank(RMB): Bank of china , Faw Sub-Branch
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略) 支行
Bank(USD) Bank of china , Faw Sub-Branch
银行地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街2039号
A/C Bank’s address: NO2039 DongFeng Street , ChangChun City ,Jilin Province , P . R . of china
帐 号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB) 点击查看>>
帐 号(美 元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD) 点击查看>>
Swift code of Bank of china: BKCHCNBJ840


(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: 项目按照 (略)
(略) 条件的说明:项目确立,资金到位,招标文件制作完成
招标项目编号: 点击查看>>
招标项目名称: (略) CA6DM3柴油机增能达3万台技术改造项目
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
01 CA6DM3柴油机缸体缸盖生产线金切设备及改造 1 在现有CA6DM3年产1.5万台气缸体、气缸盖自动生产线上做适应性调整与改造,改造后生产线可满足年生产能力3万台
02 CA6DM3气缸盖座圈导管装配设备 1 节拍:300秒/件(包括上下料)

本项目只接受制造商作为投标人,不接受代理商投标,如有特殊情况须由代理商直接投标(特殊情况是指:制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售,制造商仅仅通过代理商向中国销售其产品),则需由制造商的单位负责人(单位负责人是指:公司总经理、主管副总经理或销售最高负责人)在购买标书前提供正式书面说明函,说 (略) 公章。
说明函应 (略) 销售管理组织机构模式及在中国 (略) 络分布情况以及销售负责人名单。说明函中应明确阐明制造商不以制造商身份直接向中国销售并承诺对投标承担连带责任。若代理商投标,本项目只接受中国总代理或区域总代理(例如:东北地区,华北地区, (略) 业等)投标。不接受其它级别的代理投标。招标代理机构对上述提交的文件审核合格后方可销售标书。

招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号, (略) 有限公司423室

不接受现金,不接受个人汇款,凭汇款凭证或存款底单购买,售后不退。如需邮寄,每包另加50元人民币(国内)或者50美元(国外)(购买招标文件汇款名称: (略) 有限公司, (略) 名称,账号同下)。

1. 本项目不 (略) 以往招投标过程中提供过虚假文件或有围标、 (略) 为或存 (略) 为的投标人购买标书。
2. 货物原产地为国外的投标人需具备以出口方(卖方)身份与中 (略) (略) 直 (略) 国际贸易(外币)合同的资质和能力, (略) 代理机构书面许可。
3. (略) 文件的投标商,不得参加投标。

投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 10:00
投标文件送达地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
开标地点: (略) 有限公司五楼会议室
招标人: (略)
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街3025号
联系人:赵玲玲 庄博
联系方式:8512 5530 8512 3451
招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司
地址:中国 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大街5278号
电子邮箱:[email protected]
联系人:张莹女士 王雪郡女士
联系方式: 点击查看>>点击查看>>
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) 支行
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略) 支行
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
汇款名称: (略) 有限公司






