Equipment BiddingProject Tender Announcementof Change
1、投标截止时间(开标时间): * 9:00
The tender notice:
1、Deadlinefor Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): * ,9:00
1、投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
After the change of the tender notice:
1、Deadlinefor Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 点击查看>> ,9:00
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions
Overview:Equipment Bidding Project
Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised
(略) 条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Projecthas been considered, Funds have been implemented
2. 招标内容Bidding Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SITCB115/01
BiddingNo: 点击查看>> SITCB115/01
Project Name:Equipment Bidding Project
项目实施地点: (略)
Place of Implementation:Changchun
序号 NO. |
产品名称Product Name |
数量 Quantity |
简要技术规格Main Technical Data |
1 |
激光焊机 Laser Welder |
1台 1 set |
*根据给定的工装方案,保证焊接时不与工装发生干涉。 *在设备方案中给出工装方案,设备预留与工装联动接口。工装实现快速更换。 *编程。采用示教编程方式,编程时激光器可输出可见指示光,在龙门上设有显示离焦量信息的装置。 * There must be no interference with tooling according to the given tooling program. * Tooling program is given in the equipment scheme and the equipment reserves the linkage interface with tooling. Tooling can be changed quickly. * Programming: teaching programming mode is adopted. When programming, laser can output visible indication light and a display device of defocus distance information is set on the gantry. |
3. 投标人资格要求QualificationRequirements For Bidder
When purchasing the bidding documents, the bidder shallpresent the original of the power of attorney of its legal representative, theoriginal of the identity cards of the authorized person, meanwhile, submit onecopy of every document above bearing its official seal.
To provide the photocopy of every kind of qualificationcertificate: business license (business registration), business permit, ISO9001Quality Management System Certificate.
业绩要求:投标人或制造商近五年(2012年-至今) (略) 要求的同规格或类似设备( (略) 要求)的1个业绩并提供近五年的业绩清单,出具相关业绩的销售合同复印件(含合同首尾页、盖章页、设备名称及清单页等)作为证明材料,否则,将否决其投标 。
Performance requirements: The bidder or manufacturershall have 1 performance case of manufacturing or selling the equipment thesame as or similar (not below the requirements of the bidding documents) to theequipment to be provided in the past five years as of 2012, provide aperformance list of the past five years, and offer the copy (first and finalpages and seal pages of contact, pages of equipment name and a list ofequipment, etc.) of sales contract(s) related to such performance asevidentiary material, or its bid will be rejected.
投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立基 (略) (略) 资信证明的原件或复印件。
The Bidder shall provide a Certificate of Credit Standingfrom the bank which the basic account was opened, issued within three monthsprior to the date of bid opening in original or its copy.
(略) 列 (略) 人或被国家 (略) 列入安全生产不良记录‘黑名单’的潜在投标人不得参加投标,否则其投标无效”。
Potential bidders listed as dishonest executor bypeople’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by StateAdministration of Work Safety must not bid for the project, or their bids willbe invalidated.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the biddingdocuments:NOT Available
4. 招标文件的获取Acquisitionof Bidding Documents
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
招标文件领购地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦大堂西侧
Place:West Side of the Lobby,SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 2000.00 or USD 320.00
5. 投标文件的递交BidSubmission
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (BeijingTime): 点击查看>> 9:00
投标文件接收地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大路243 (略) 7层会议室
Place of Bid:7th Floor, Conference Hall, Changke Hotel, No.2435 Xi’anRd, Changchun City, Jilin Province.
开标地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大路243 (略) 7层会议室
Place of Bid Opening:7th Floor, ConferenceHall, Changke Hotel, No.2435 Xi’an Rd, Changchun City, Jilin Province.
6. 联系方式
招标人:中安联合 (略)
Purchasers:Sinounited InternationalFinancial Co., Ltd
地址: (略) 经济技 (略) 西路52号滨海金融街
Add.:Binhai Financial Street, 52West Xincheng Road, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agency:SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦21层
Add.:21st Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China.
Contact:Yang Yi
联系方式:+8610 5936 9671
Tel:+86 10 5936 9671
7. 汇款方式
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略)
Bank(RMB)::Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, BeijingChang’an Sub-Branch
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略)
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>>
Equipment BiddingProject Tender Announcementof Change
1、投标截止时间(开标时间): * 9:00
The tender notice:
1、Deadlinefor Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): * ,9:00
1、投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
After the change of the tender notice:
1、Deadlinefor Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 点击查看>> ,9:00
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions
Overview:Equipment Bidding Project
Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised
(略) 条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Projecthas been considered, Funds have been implemented
2. 招标内容Bidding Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SITCB115/01
BiddingNo: 点击查看>> SITCB115/01
Project Name:Equipment Bidding Project
项目实施地点: (略)
Place of Implementation:Changchun
序号 NO. |
产品名称Product Name |
数量 Quantity |
简要技术规格Main Technical Data |
1 |
激光焊机 Laser Welder |
1台 1 set |
*根据给定的工装方案,保证焊接时不与工装发生干涉。 *在设备方案中给出工装方案,设备预留与工装联动接口。工装实现快速更换。 *编程。采用示教编程方式,编程时激光器可输出可见指示光,在龙门上设有显示离焦量信息的装置。 * There must be no interference with tooling according to the given tooling program. * Tooling program is given in the equipment scheme and the equipment reserves the linkage interface with tooling. Tooling can be changed quickly. * Programming: teaching programming mode is adopted. When programming, laser can output visible indication light and a display device of defocus distance information is set on the gantry. |
3. 投标人资格要求QualificationRequirements For Bidder
When purchasing the bidding documents, the bidder shallpresent the original of the power of attorney of its legal representative, theoriginal of the identity cards of the authorized person, meanwhile, submit onecopy of every document above bearing its official seal.
To provide the photocopy of every kind of qualificationcertificate: business license (business registration), business permit, ISO9001Quality Management System Certificate.
业绩要求:投标人或制造商近五年(2012年-至今) (略) 要求的同规格或类似设备( (略) 要求)的1个业绩并提供近五年的业绩清单,出具相关业绩的销售合同复印件(含合同首尾页、盖章页、设备名称及清单页等)作为证明材料,否则,将否决其投标 。
Performance requirements: The bidder or manufacturershall have 1 performance case of manufacturing or selling the equipment thesame as or similar (not below the requirements of the bidding documents) to theequipment to be provided in the past five years as of 2012, provide aperformance list of the past five years, and offer the copy (first and finalpages and seal pages of contact, pages of equipment name and a list ofequipment, etc.) of sales contract(s) related to such performance asevidentiary material, or its bid will be rejected.
投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立基 (略) (略) 资信证明的原件或复印件。
The Bidder shall provide a Certificate of Credit Standingfrom the bank which the basic account was opened, issued within three monthsprior to the date of bid opening in original or its copy.
(略) 列 (略) 人或被国家 (略) 列入安全生产不良记录‘黑名单’的潜在投标人不得参加投标,否则其投标无效”。
Potential bidders listed as dishonest executor bypeople’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by StateAdministration of Work Safety must not bid for the project, or their bids willbe invalidated.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the biddingdocuments:NOT Available
4. 招标文件的获取Acquisitionof Bidding Documents
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
招标文件领购地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦大堂西侧
Place:West Side of the Lobby,SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 2000.00 or USD 320.00
5. 投标文件的递交BidSubmission
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (BeijingTime): 点击查看>> 9:00
投标文件接收地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大路243 (略) 7层会议室
Place of Bid:7th Floor, Conference Hall, Changke Hotel, No.2435 Xi’anRd, Changchun City, Jilin Province.
开标地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 大路243 (略) 7层会议室
Place of Bid Opening:7th Floor, ConferenceHall, Changke Hotel, No.2435 Xi’an Rd, Changchun City, Jilin Province.
6. 联系方式
招标人:中安联合 (略)
Purchasers:Sinounited InternationalFinancial Co., Ltd
地址: (略) 经济技 (略) 西路52号滨海金融街
Add.:Binhai Financial Street, 52West Xincheng Road, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agency:SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦21层
Add.:21st Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China.
Contact:Yang Yi
联系方式:+8610 5936 9671
Tel:+86 10 5936 9671
7. 汇款方式
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略)
Bank(RMB)::Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, BeijingChang’an Sub-Branch
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略)
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>>
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