招标编号: 点击查看>> SITCQ913
(略) 文件提出的相关澄清问题,招标人作如下答复。招标文件其他内容不变,特此通知。 (略) (略) 分之一, (略) 为准。 (略) (略) 分。
问题一: (略) 的机组容量:
问题二:以1#灯光区为例:灯施-1-17图纸说明第3条:机房降噪设计标准必须符合国家环保要求,确保 (略) 60分贝.......。而在“技术规范书” (略) 范围。
请问:(1) (略) 范围内?
(2) (略) 范围内的话,请明确降噪工程的工作内容?
(2)如配套独立柜体的话, (略) 范围内?
根据我公司了解:沃尔沃(原产地:瑞典)、珀金斯(原产地:英国)、道依茨(原产地:德国)均为柴油机品牌,并不是发电机组品牌而且沃尔沃只能做到额定520KW。依此, (略) (略) 限在如此小的范围之内,是否有失公平、公开、公正的招标原则? 是否不利于贵方在更大的范围内采购性价比更佳的产品? 是否具有指向性的排他性?
(3)如国 (略) 采用原装进口柴油机、发电机、 (略) 文件的技术规范要求,是否可以参与投标?
如不能,请问:如何认定等同档次及以上品? 请提供认定标准?
答复:按图纸要求确定原装进口设备,发动机必须为原装进口,品牌档次不低于: 卡特彼勒(CAT)(原产地:美国)、MTU(原产地:德国)、珀金斯(原产地:英国)、康明斯(原产地:英国、美国)、三菱(原产地:日本)、供货时提供产品报关单和原产地国检测报告;
问题五:技术规范书第14页“4.5.2招标人有权在合同设备制造 (略) 代表,进 (略) 检验,......并不由此发生任何费用。”请问:按照前述,此次招标要求原装整机进口设备,招标人是要求 (略) 的监造吗?
答复:按招标文件第二册第七章合同专用条款8. (略)
问题六:技术规范书第3页“1.3、招标范围:日用油箱1m3,技术规范书第12页“3.2.9日用油箱:......油箱有效容积不小于1.0m3,油量能保证 (略) 8小时。”
答复:“满足8 (略) ”, (略) 手段,非容量要求
问题七:技术规范书第14页“4.2. (略) :...... (略) 人承担,投标人无条件配合。......。
(略) 为机组在满载状 (略) 8小时。投标单位负 (略) (略) 需要的负载及燃油。”
请问: (略) 人负责还是由投标人负责?
问题八:技术规范书第17页“5.3.2中标人应在 (略) 设有专门的售后服务机构,......。”
(2)服务机构如是投标人的授权机构,没有柴油发电机组业绩是否可以? 如不可以的话,是否需要提供服务机构的柴油发电机组业绩?
答复:按招标文件第二册第五章投标邀请3.2.7 (略) 。
问题九:招标文件第7章8.1条款(19页):......同时卖方应在柴油发电机组制造商在中国大 * 地区办事机构或授 (略) 在地或 (略) (略) 培训,......。而在第9章(40页)“1-400、工厂监造、检验和培训报价表”中要求:工厂培训。
请明确:是在国内培训还是 (略) 培训?
答复:按招标文件第二册第七章合同专用条款8. (略)
请问:此次招标是指导安装还是安装? 如负责安装,请明确安装工作界面?
答复:投标货币为人民币,评标货币为美元, (略) 文件第二册第六章投标资料表25. (略)
本项目原开标时间: * 日上午9点30分,变更为: * 日上午9点30分,开标地点不变。特此通知。
According to the relevant clarification questions raised by the bidder in the bidding document of the procurement project of diesel generating set for the new airport of Qingdao, the tenderee shall reply as follows. Notice is hereby given that the other contents of the tender document remain unchanged. This announcement is one of the components of the bidding document, and the part that is inconsistent with the bidding document or the bidding announcement shall be subject to this announcement. This clarification response document will be an integral part of the solicitation documents.
Question 1: on the capacity of the unit for this bid:
( 1 ) page 3 of technical specifications book " 1.3 and scope of bidding: rated power of diesel generating set 800 ";
( 2 ) take 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 15 - 4 drawing: the rated capacity of the generating unit is 800 ( in accordance with GB, the conversion shall be: the rated power of the generating unit is 640 );
( 3 ) take the 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 18 drawing main equipment material table: the unit shall carry 800 ( in accordance with GB, the conversion shall be: the rated power of the generating unit is 720 );
Please specify: what is the rated power of the diesel generating set purchased by this tender?
Answer: the rated power of the diesel generating set purchased by this tender is considered as 800 kw.
Question 2: take 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 17 drawing instruction article 3: the noise reduction design standard of engine room must meet the national environmental protection requirements, ensure the room outside the room 7 meters at 60 db.. In the " technical specifications book ", there is no room for noise reduction in the scope of the bidding.
Excuse me: ( 1 ) whether the noise reduction of the diesel engine room is within the scope of this tender?
( 2 ) if in the scope of this tender, please specify the work content of the noise reduction project?
Answer: the noise reduction of the engine room is the scope of civil engineering
Question 3: " technical specifications book" page 11 " 3. 2. 6 general circuit breaker: the unit shall set the total circuit breaker box, and the unit shall be set in one. " ...... ". " and in the lamp application - 1 - 18 drawings ( in the case of 1 # lighting area ), the main equipment material table: diesel generating set comprises a power distribution cabinet.
Excuse me: ( 1 ) the outlet circuit breaker of the unit is integrated with the unit structure or the supporting independent cabinet body?
( 2 ) if the supporting independent cabinet body, is the busbar between the unit and the outlet distribution cabinet within the scope of the bidding?
Reply: mainly by tender documents
Question 4: " technical specifications book" page 9, " 3.1.1 ", requires the unit to be imported equipment for the whole machine.
Please ask: ( 1 ) consult the design instructions and distribution system drawings in the relevant drawings of the tender documents, and do not find the relevant design requirements for the original complete machine import of the unit; I do not know what is the basis of the purchase limited to the original complete machine import? ( many OEM brands in China can reach and surpass the technical specifications. ).
( 2 ) according to " 3" clause 9 of " technical specifications ": diesel generating sets must be imported from caterpillar ( origin: us ), Cummins ( origin: USA ), MTU ( origin: Germany ), Volvo ( origin: Sweden ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), deutz ( origin: Germany ) equivalent grade and above brand.
According to my company, Volvo ( origin: Sweden ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), deutz ( origin: Germany ) are all diesel brands, not the generator brand, and Volvo can only achieve a rated 520 kw. In this way, you limit the scope of the tender to such a small scope, is it unfair, open and fair bidding principles? Is it not conducive to your procurement of better price / performance products in a larger range? Is it exclusive of directionality?
( 3 ) if the domestic OEM factory adopts the original imported diesel engine, generator and control system assembly complete set to meet and exceed the technical specifications requirements of the bidding document, can it participate in the bidding?
( 4 ) if the complete machine import equipment must be used, the diesel generating set must be imported: caterpillar ( origin: us ) equivalent grade and above brand. according to the " 3" clause 9 of " technical specifications book ". If our company adopts the original place of origin: India or Vietnam or Singapore origin original imported unit, and the technology fully meets the technical specification requirements.
Excuse me: can you think of the same grade and above brand?
If not, please ask: how to identify the equivalent grade and above? Please provide criteria for accreditation?
Answer: to determine the original imported equipment according to the drawing requirements, the engine must be imported, the brand level is not less than: caterpillar ( country of origin: USA ), MTU ( origin: Germany ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), Cummins ( origin: Japan ), Mitsubishi ( Japan ), supply goods declaration and the country of origin report;
The generator must be original import, brand level not less than: Leroy - somer ( origin: France ), Stanford ( origin: UK ), marathon ( origin: United States ), caterpillar ( origin: United States ) ( cat ), supply goods declaration and the country of origin inspection report;
Question 5: page 14 of the technical specifications book " 4. 5. 2. the tenderee has the right to send a factory representative in the manufacturing process of the contract equipment, to carry out supervision and factory inspection, ...... and shall not incur any expenses. " according to the foregoing, the bidding requirements of the original equipment imported equipment, the tenderee is required to provide foreign factory supervision?
Reply: according to the special clause 7 of chapter 7 of volume 2 of the tender documents, the special clause 8.1 shall be implemented
Question 6: page 3 of technical specification book " 1.3 and scope of bid: 1 m3 of daily oil tank, page 12 of technical specifications" 3. 2. 9 daily fuel tank: ...... tank effective volume is not less than 1. 1.0m, and the fuel volume can guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the unit for 8 hours. ”
Excuse me: the daily fuel tank is provided according to 1 m3; Or is it based on the 8 - hour capacity?
Reply: " meeting 8 hours continuous operation" is a running means, not a capacity requirement
Question 7: page 14 of the technical specifications book " 4.2. trial operation: ...... the cost of the hydropower oil generated by the commissioning expenses shall be borne by the tenderee, and the bidder shall unconditionally cooperate. " ...... ".
The test run is for the unit to run continuously for 8 hours under full load condition. The bidder shall be responsible for providing the load and fuel required during the trial operation. ”
Excuse me: is the diesel oil during the trial run by the tenderee or by the bidder?
Answer: the bidder is responsible
Question 8: page 17 of the technical specifications book " 5. 3. 2. the winning bidder shall have a special after-sale service organization in Qingdao. ”
Excuse me: ( 1 ) the service institution is the authorized service institution of the bidder?
( 2 ) if the service institution is the authorized institution of the bidder, is it possible for the performance of the diesel generating set? If not, do you need to provide the performance of the diesel generating units of the service providers?
Reply: bid invitation 3 after sales service is executed according to chapter 5 of volume 2 of the bidding document.
Question 9: article 7. 8.1 of the tender document ( 19 pages ): ...... at the same time, the seller shall hold a factory training at the place of the diesel generating set manufacturer or the authorized agency in the local area or other place of the Chinese mainland. And in chapter 9 ( 40 pages ) " 1 - 400, factory supervision, inspection and training quotation sheet" requirements: factory training.
Please be clear: is it training at home or abroad?
Reply: according to the special clause 7 of chapter 7 of volume 2 of the tender documents, the special clause 8.1 shall be implemented
Question 10: according to chapter 5 of the tender document, page 3, " description ", the bidder is responsible for the guidance and installation of the overall equipment, and the installation is required in" 1.1, description " on page 3 of the technical specifications.
Excuse me: is this tender guidance installation or installation? If responsible for installation, please specify the installation interface?
Answer: guide the installation
Question 11: chapter 6 of the tender document, 14 pages 25.1 clause: the bid evaluation currency is the United States dollar; On page 10, 12.1 and 12.2, the tender currency is RMB.
Please specify: tender currency currency?
Reply: the tender currency is RMB, the bid evaluation currency is us dollars, and the currency conversion is performed according to the tender information table 25.1 of the second volume of the tender documents in volume 2 of volume 2 of the tender documents
The original bid opening time of this project: at 9: 30 a.m on July 4, 2017, the change is: at 9: 30 a.m on July 17, 2017, the bid opening place shall not change. Notice is hereby given.
招标编号: 点击查看>> SITCQ913
(略) 文件提出的相关澄清问题,招标人作如下答复。招标文件其他内容不变,特此通知。 (略) (略) 分之一, (略) 为准。 (略) (略) 分。
问题一: (略) 的机组容量:
问题二:以1#灯光区为例:灯施-1-17图纸说明第3条:机房降噪设计标准必须符合国家环保要求,确保 (略) 60分贝.......。而在“技术规范书” (略) 范围。
请问:(1) (略) 范围内?
(2) (略) 范围内的话,请明确降噪工程的工作内容?
(2)如配套独立柜体的话, (略) 范围内?
根据我公司了解:沃尔沃(原产地:瑞典)、珀金斯(原产地:英国)、道依茨(原产地:德国)均为柴油机品牌,并不是发电机组品牌而且沃尔沃只能做到额定520KW。依此, (略) (略) 限在如此小的范围之内,是否有失公平、公开、公正的招标原则? 是否不利于贵方在更大的范围内采购性价比更佳的产品? 是否具有指向性的排他性?
(3)如国 (略) 采用原装进口柴油机、发电机、 (略) 文件的技术规范要求,是否可以参与投标?
如不能,请问:如何认定等同档次及以上品? 请提供认定标准?
答复:按图纸要求确定原装进口设备,发动机必须为原装进口,品牌档次不低于: 卡特彼勒(CAT)(原产地:美国)、MTU(原产地:德国)、珀金斯(原产地:英国)、康明斯(原产地:英国、美国)、三菱(原产地:日本)、供货时提供产品报关单和原产地国检测报告;
问题五:技术规范书第14页“4.5.2招标人有权在合同设备制造 (略) 代表,进 (略) 检验,......并不由此发生任何费用。”请问:按照前述,此次招标要求原装整机进口设备,招标人是要求 (略) 的监造吗?
答复:按招标文件第二册第七章合同专用条款8. (略)
问题六:技术规范书第3页“1.3、招标范围:日用油箱1m3,技术规范书第12页“3.2.9日用油箱:......油箱有效容积不小于1.0m3,油量能保证 (略) 8小时。”
答复:“满足8 (略) ”, (略) 手段,非容量要求
问题七:技术规范书第14页“4.2. (略) :...... (略) 人承担,投标人无条件配合。......。
(略) 为机组在满载状 (略) 8小时。投标单位负 (略) (略) 需要的负载及燃油。”
请问: (略) 人负责还是由投标人负责?
问题八:技术规范书第17页“5.3.2中标人应在 (略) 设有专门的售后服务机构,......。”
(2)服务机构如是投标人的授权机构,没有柴油发电机组业绩是否可以? 如不可以的话,是否需要提供服务机构的柴油发电机组业绩?
答复:按招标文件第二册第五章投标邀请3.2.7 (略) 。
问题九:招标文件第7章8.1条款(19页):......同时卖方应在柴油发电机组制造商在中国大 * 地区办事机构或授 (略) 在地或 (略) (略) 培训,......。而在第9章(40页)“1-400、工厂监造、检验和培训报价表”中要求:工厂培训。
请明确:是在国内培训还是 (略) 培训?
答复:按招标文件第二册第七章合同专用条款8. (略)
请问:此次招标是指导安装还是安装? 如负责安装,请明确安装工作界面?
答复:投标货币为人民币,评标货币为美元, (略) 文件第二册第六章投标资料表25. (略)
本项目原开标时间: * 日上午9点30分,变更为: * 日上午9点30分,开标地点不变。特此通知。
According to the relevant clarification questions raised by the bidder in the bidding document of the procurement project of diesel generating set for the new airport of Qingdao, the tenderee shall reply as follows. Notice is hereby given that the other contents of the tender document remain unchanged. This announcement is one of the components of the bidding document, and the part that is inconsistent with the bidding document or the bidding announcement shall be subject to this announcement. This clarification response document will be an integral part of the solicitation documents.
Question 1: on the capacity of the unit for this bid:
( 1 ) page 3 of technical specifications book " 1.3 and scope of bidding: rated power of diesel generating set 800 ";
( 2 ) take 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 15 - 4 drawing: the rated capacity of the generating unit is 800 ( in accordance with GB, the conversion shall be: the rated power of the generating unit is 640 );
( 3 ) take the 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 18 drawing main equipment material table: the unit shall carry 800 ( in accordance with GB, the conversion shall be: the rated power of the generating unit is 720 );
Please specify: what is the rated power of the diesel generating set purchased by this tender?
Answer: the rated power of the diesel generating set purchased by this tender is considered as 800 kw.
Question 2: take 1 # lighting area as an example: the lamp application - 1 - 17 drawing instruction article 3: the noise reduction design standard of engine room must meet the national environmental protection requirements, ensure the room outside the room 7 meters at 60 db.. In the " technical specifications book ", there is no room for noise reduction in the scope of the bidding.
Excuse me: ( 1 ) whether the noise reduction of the diesel engine room is within the scope of this tender?
( 2 ) if in the scope of this tender, please specify the work content of the noise reduction project?
Answer: the noise reduction of the engine room is the scope of civil engineering
Question 3: " technical specifications book" page 11 " 3. 2. 6 general circuit breaker: the unit shall set the total circuit breaker box, and the unit shall be set in one. " ...... ". " and in the lamp application - 1 - 18 drawings ( in the case of 1 # lighting area ), the main equipment material table: diesel generating set comprises a power distribution cabinet.
Excuse me: ( 1 ) the outlet circuit breaker of the unit is integrated with the unit structure or the supporting independent cabinet body?
( 2 ) if the supporting independent cabinet body, is the busbar between the unit and the outlet distribution cabinet within the scope of the bidding?
Reply: mainly by tender documents
Question 4: " technical specifications book" page 9, " 3.1.1 ", requires the unit to be imported equipment for the whole machine.
Please ask: ( 1 ) consult the design instructions and distribution system drawings in the relevant drawings of the tender documents, and do not find the relevant design requirements for the original complete machine import of the unit; I do not know what is the basis of the purchase limited to the original complete machine import? ( many OEM brands in China can reach and surpass the technical specifications. ).
( 2 ) according to " 3" clause 9 of " technical specifications ": diesel generating sets must be imported from caterpillar ( origin: us ), Cummins ( origin: USA ), MTU ( origin: Germany ), Volvo ( origin: Sweden ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), deutz ( origin: Germany ) equivalent grade and above brand.
According to my company, Volvo ( origin: Sweden ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), deutz ( origin: Germany ) are all diesel brands, not the generator brand, and Volvo can only achieve a rated 520 kw. In this way, you limit the scope of the tender to such a small scope, is it unfair, open and fair bidding principles? Is it not conducive to your procurement of better price / performance products in a larger range? Is it exclusive of directionality?
( 3 ) if the domestic OEM factory adopts the original imported diesel engine, generator and control system assembly complete set to meet and exceed the technical specifications requirements of the bidding document, can it participate in the bidding?
( 4 ) if the complete machine import equipment must be used, the diesel generating set must be imported: caterpillar ( origin: us ) equivalent grade and above brand. according to the " 3" clause 9 of " technical specifications book ". If our company adopts the original place of origin: India or Vietnam or Singapore origin original imported unit, and the technology fully meets the technical specification requirements.
Excuse me: can you think of the same grade and above brand?
If not, please ask: how to identify the equivalent grade and above? Please provide criteria for accreditation?
Answer: to determine the original imported equipment according to the drawing requirements, the engine must be imported, the brand level is not less than: caterpillar ( country of origin: USA ), MTU ( origin: Germany ), Perkins ( origin: UK ), Cummins ( origin: Japan ), Mitsubishi ( Japan ), supply goods declaration and the country of origin report;
The generator must be original import, brand level not less than: Leroy - somer ( origin: France ), Stanford ( origin: UK ), marathon ( origin: United States ), caterpillar ( origin: United States ) ( cat ), supply goods declaration and the country of origin inspection report;
Question 5: page 14 of the technical specifications book " 4. 5. 2. the tenderee has the right to send a factory representative in the manufacturing process of the contract equipment, to carry out supervision and factory inspection, ...... and shall not incur any expenses. " according to the foregoing, the bidding requirements of the original equipment imported equipment, the tenderee is required to provide foreign factory supervision?
Reply: according to the special clause 7 of chapter 7 of volume 2 of the tender documents, the special clause 8.1 shall be implemented
Question 6: page 3 of technical specification book " 1.3 and scope of bid: 1 m3 of daily oil tank, page 12 of technical specifications" 3. 2. 9 daily fuel tank: ...... tank effective volume is not less than 1. 1.0m, and the fuel volume can guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the unit for 8 hours. ”
Excuse me: the daily fuel tank is provided according to 1 m3; Or is it based on the 8 - hour capacity?
Reply: " meeting 8 hours continuous operation" is a running means, not a capacity requirement
Question 7: page 14 of the technical specifications book " 4.2. trial operation: ...... the cost of the hydropower oil generated by the commissioning expenses shall be borne by the tenderee, and the bidder shall unconditionally cooperate. " ...... ".
The test run is for the unit to run continuously for 8 hours under full load condition. The bidder shall be responsible for providing the load and fuel required during the trial operation. ”
Excuse me: is the diesel oil during the trial run by the tenderee or by the bidder?
Answer: the bidder is responsible
Question 8: page 17 of the technical specifications book " 5. 3. 2. the winning bidder shall have a special after-sale service organization in Qingdao. ”
Excuse me: ( 1 ) the service institution is the authorized service institution of the bidder?
( 2 ) if the service institution is the authorized institution of the bidder, is it possible for the performance of the diesel generating set? If not, do you need to provide the performance of the diesel generating units of the service providers?
Reply: bid invitation 3 after sales service is executed according to chapter 5 of volume 2 of the bidding document.
Question 9: article 7. 8.1 of the tender document ( 19 pages ): ...... at the same time, the seller shall hold a factory training at the place of the diesel generating set manufacturer or the authorized agency in the local area or other place of the Chinese mainland. And in chapter 9 ( 40 pages ) " 1 - 400, factory supervision, inspection and training quotation sheet" requirements: factory training.
Please be clear: is it training at home or abroad?
Reply: according to the special clause 7 of chapter 7 of volume 2 of the tender documents, the special clause 8.1 shall be implemented
Question 10: according to chapter 5 of the tender document, page 3, " description ", the bidder is responsible for the guidance and installation of the overall equipment, and the installation is required in" 1.1, description " on page 3 of the technical specifications.
Excuse me: is this tender guidance installation or installation? If responsible for installation, please specify the installation interface?
Answer: guide the installation
Question 11: chapter 6 of the tender document, 14 pages 25.1 clause: the bid evaluation currency is the United States dollar; On page 10, 12.1 and 12.2, the tender currency is RMB.
Please specify: tender currency currency?
Reply: the tender currency is RMB, the bid evaluation currency is us dollars, and the currency conversion is performed according to the tender information table 25.1 of the second volume of the tender documents in volume 2 of volume 2 of the tender documents
The original bid opening time of this project: at 9: 30 a.m on July 4, 2017, the change is: at 9: 30 a.m on July 17, 2017, the bid opening place shall not change. Notice is hereby given.