


Addendum of Bidding Document 01

Loan No. and Title: 2760-PRC: Gansu Tianshui Urban Infrastructure Development Project

Contract No. and Title: Process, electric and automatic control equipment material purchase for 46 heating stations

ICB Bid No.: 点击查看>> GSHW7153

Contract No.: E1

According to the clause 8 of the Section I Instructions to Bidders of the bidding documents, the Purchaser herewith issues this Addendum No. 01 for the above mentioned contract as follows:

I. Description

一、 说明类

1. Due to misoperation in uploading data in the website of bidding announcement, the "rejection of consortium" in the announcement released leads to inconsistency with the bidding documents. Our company has published a clarification in the website of bidding announcement. Now we clarify once again "acceptance of consortium" and declare that the bidding documents shall prevail if the bidding announcement is not consistent with the bidding documents.

1. (略) 网站上传资料时操作失误,公告发布为“不接受联合体”导致与招标文件内容不一致。 (略) (略) 刊登了澄清。现再次澄清“接受联合体投标”, (略) 与招标文件不一致时,以招标文件为准。

Q2.The heat exchanger unit mentioned in Chapter 200 of the technical specification should be the ball valve and butterfly valve. Hereof, in the drawings of equipment procurement package, the gate type valve is used in the inlet and outlet of the unit and the butterfly valve is used in the inward valve. We would like you to tell us we should choose the ball valve or the gate type valve in the inlet and outlet of the unit.


Reply: All the differences between technical specifications and drawings are subject to technical specifications. The drawings are for reference only to describe process and principle.


Q3.In Chapter 200 of the technical specification (P200-3), you refer to the fouling coefficient of heat exchanger is 0.8. We would like you to tell us the unit of this coefficient.


Reply: Coefficient has no unit.


Q4. In Chapter 201 General Rule of the technical specification, you mention “there are 46 heat stations”. Hereof, in light of “205.4.1 the scope”, there are 76 heat stations of thermal control system in the automatic control system installation. Please tell us should we subject to the number “46”.

Q4.技术规范“第201节通则”中“ (略) 工艺设备...”“ (略) 包括...”而在“205.4.1范围”中“工程整体自控系统安装包括: (略) 热控系统...”存在数量差异,是否应以“ (略) ”为准?

Reply: The automatic control in the bidding includes purchase of automatic control equipment of 46 heating stations and automatic control installation and system commissioning of 76 heating stations and dispatching centers of the whole project. Quantity has no difference.

答复:本次招标自控为 (略) 自控设备采购及整个工程 (略) (略) 的自控安装及系统调试。数量不存在差异。

Q5. In 204.4.3 of the technical specification, presenting the main hardware equipment and software technical parameters of the dispatching control system:

Q5.1. The server

The mainstream configuration of the 2U Sever may meet the standard of the system operation. Please tell us if we may adopt the 2U Sever.

Q5. 技术规范第204.4.3调度控制系统主要硬件设备及软件技术参数要求中

Q5.1 服务器

当前2U服务器主流的配置也可以 (略) 要求的配置,是否可以采用2U的服务器?

Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


Q5.2 The operator workstation and the engineering workstation

Windows 10 system is the main operating system on the desktop and Windows 7 is less inclined. Please tell us if we may adopt Windows 10 as the operating system.

Q5.2 (略) (4. (略) )


Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


Q5.3 Other questions: Please tell us if the sever and the network equipment may share a cabinet.

Q5.3 其他: (略) 络机设备是否共同使用一台机柜?

Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


Q6 In the 2.2.2 technical experience of Chapter 3 (specific requirement on qualifications) of the technical specification, presenting the years of experience in product supply should not less than 10 years. Please tell us if this aims at the bidder only or other main equipment manufactures should meet with this standard as well.

Q6 招标文件第三章中二、资格标准的具体要求中2.2.2技术经验(1)产品供应经验年数至少为10年,以企业注册日为准。只是指投标人的供应经验至少为10年吗?其他主要设备制造商的供应经验需不需要满足至少10年?

Reply: It is clearly stated in the bidding documents that "At least a decade of product supply experience subject to the registered date of enterprise" in the 2.2.2, qualification standard refers to bidders supply experience only while the eligibility of other equipment manufacturers is subject to the manufacturers eligibility in the bidding documents.

答复:招标文件中表述明确,资格标准2.2.2中“产品供应经验年数至少为10年,以企业注册日为准只指投标人供应经验, (略) 文件中”制造商要求为准。

Q7 The heating load and area of the single platen is listed in the bidding document and drawing not showing the design temperature of the primary side and secondary side. Please offer us related information on the design temperature of the primary side and secondary side for ease of equipment selection.

Q7 标书和图纸中只提到了单台板换的热负荷和面积,但未提到一次侧二次侧的设计温度,需提供一次侧二次侧的设计温度便于选型?

Reply: Heating medium parameters are specified in the chapter of 102.03 Overview of Engineering Project.


Q8 A question about the format of tender quotation sheet.

The format of tender quotation sheet should follow table 1 tabre 2 table3 on page 39 chapt er 4 commercial bid or supply demand list on chapter 6 commercial bid?

Q8 关于投标报价表的格式是按照商务第四章P39页的表1、表2、表3的格式还是按照第六章:供货需求表的清单格式?

Reply: All the commodity quotations must be listed in the supply demand list in the format of bidding quotation list in Article II, Chapter IV in the bidding documents.

答复:以招标文件第四章第二条投标报价表格式,需在表中列明供 (略) 列所有商品报价。

Q9 How many heating stations in the supply range.The number of heat stations is T6 or 46? on page T4205. 4.1 technical bid, please clear.

Q9 关于自控系统安装,技术P74页的205.4.1范围内数量: (略) ,供货范围数量: (略) 。请明确。

Reply: Refer to reply to Article IV.


Q10 About the number of heating exchangers in the drawing paper

The nunber of heating exchangers in the thermal system of 300,000 square thermal station is different form 400,000 squares.

Q10 关于图纸中换热器数量不一致,供热面积30万及40 (略) 系统图中换热器数量描述不一致。

Reply: The quantity expression in the supply demand list in Chapter VI in the bidding documents is clear. When total heat exchange quantity of single heat exchange unit is higher than or equal to 10 MW, two plate-type heat exchangers are arranged in the single unit.


Q11 Please provide a system diagram of the 10kv ring net cabinet.

Please specify whether the single 10kv ring cabinet in the supply range includes one in and one out.

Q11 请提供 (略) 柜的一次系统图,另,请明确供货范围中的单套 (略) 柜是否包含一进一出?

Reply: The 10 kv ring net cabinet is a complete set of equipment of the manufacturer in independent optimization and configuration. Refer to technical requirements concerned in the bidding documents. The supply range covers one in and one out requirements.

答复: (略) (略) 家成套设备,自行优化配置, (略) 文件中的技术要求。供货范围内包括进出线的要求。

Q12 Bidding Document Technical Specfications Thermal Control system equipment. page49, require the I/O points Module configurations not restricted to quantities in the list, and must meet all counts in the station and reserve 20% expansion capacity.

Question: Please specily the number of I/O points in the station

Q12 招 (略) 分第200章,200-35页中,注明I/O模块配置“ (略) 限于清单中的数量, (略) 内所有点数,并预留20%扩容器。” (略) 内I/O点数。

Reply: The bidding company is advised to consider configuration at will according to specific information of product of the supplier and requirements in the technical specification.


Ⅱ. Supplement


Q13 In accordance with the description in Chapter 203.2.2 of the technical specification, the dry-type transformer with shell should be the ventilated dry-type transformer adopting SG (B) product model. Hereof, the casting dry-type transformer adopts SC (B) product model which is hard to identify on the drawings. Please tell us which product model should the dry-type transformer be.

Q13 根据技术规范第203.2.2的描述,带外壳的干式变压器为通风式干式变压器,型号为SG(B)型;而浇筑式干式变压器为SC(B)型,根据图纸也看不出具体型号,请明确干式变压去型号为SG(B)型,还是SC(B)型?

Reply: Dry-type transformer specially refers to SC(B) transformer.


Q14 Concerning the issue of invoice in the bidding.

Q14 本次招标开具发票问题。

Reply: All goods supplied in the bidding should be issued special value-added tax invoices. The specific tax payment amount related to the domestic equipments and sales should be filled in the column 8 of Section 4 - Bidding Forms - Price Schedule for Goods to Be Offered from Within the Purchasers Country, for details see notes in the form.

答复: (略) 供货物一律开具增值税专用发票。国内设备与销售相关的上税具体金额须填写到第四章-投标文件格式- (略) 在国国内提供货物的价格表第8列中,详见表中注释。

Other content remains unchanged!


The bidding company is advised to clearly sign company name, principal name and affix the seal of the company page by page on the Supplement to confirm that you have received it (6 pages in total). Returning the scanned version to our company by September 22, 2017 at 5:00PM will be greatly appreciated.(E-mail: * 63.com)

请各公司在补 (略) 名称、负责人签字并加盖公章,确认收到本补遗(共6页),并于 * 日下午5点前( (略) 时间) (略) (E-mail: * 63.com)

Tianshui Heating Company

September. 21, 2017


    Addendum of Bidding Document 01

    Loan No. and Title: 2760-PRC: Gansu Tianshui Urban Infrastructure Development Project

    Contract No. and Title: Process, electric and automatic control equipment material purchase for 46 heating stations

    ICB Bid No.: 点击查看>> GSHW7153

    Contract No.: E1

    According to the clause 8 of the Section I Instructions to Bidders of the bidding documents, the Purchaser herewith issues this Addendum No. 01 for the above mentioned contract as follows:

    I. Description

    一、 说明类

    1. Due to misoperation in uploading data in the website of bidding announcement, the "rejection of consortium" in the announcement released leads to inconsistency with the bidding documents. Our company has published a clarification in the website of bidding announcement. Now we clarify once again "acceptance of consortium" and declare that the bidding documents shall prevail if the bidding announcement is not consistent with the bidding documents.

    1. (略) 网站上传资料时操作失误,公告发布为“不接受联合体”导致与招标文件内容不一致。 (略) (略) 刊登了澄清。现再次澄清“接受联合体投标”, (略) 与招标文件不一致时,以招标文件为准。

    Q2.The heat exchanger unit mentioned in Chapter 200 of the technical specification should be the ball valve and butterfly valve. Hereof, in the drawings of equipment procurement package, the gate type valve is used in the inlet and outlet of the unit and the butterfly valve is used in the inward valve. We would like you to tell us we should choose the ball valve or the gate type valve in the inlet and outlet of the unit.


    Reply: All the differences between technical specifications and drawings are subject to technical specifications. The drawings are for reference only to describe process and principle.


    Q3.In Chapter 200 of the technical specification (P200-3), you refer to the fouling coefficient of heat exchanger is 0.8. We would like you to tell us the unit of this coefficient.


    Reply: Coefficient has no unit.


    Q4. In Chapter 201 General Rule of the technical specification, you mention “there are 46 heat stations”. Hereof, in light of “205.4.1 the scope”, there are 76 heat stations of thermal control system in the automatic control system installation. Please tell us should we subject to the number “46”.

    Q4.技术规范“第201节通则”中“ (略) 工艺设备...”“ (略) 包括...”而在“205.4.1范围”中“工程整体自控系统安装包括: (略) 热控系统...”存在数量差异,是否应以“ (略) ”为准?

    Reply: The automatic control in the bidding includes purchase of automatic control equipment of 46 heating stations and automatic control installation and system commissioning of 76 heating stations and dispatching centers of the whole project. Quantity has no difference.

    答复:本次招标自控为 (略) 自控设备采购及整个工程 (略) (略) 的自控安装及系统调试。数量不存在差异。

    Q5. In 204.4.3 of the technical specification, presenting the main hardware equipment and software technical parameters of the dispatching control system:

    Q5.1. The server

    The mainstream configuration of the 2U Sever may meet the standard of the system operation. Please tell us if we may adopt the 2U Sever.

    Q5. 技术规范第204.4.3调度控制系统主要硬件设备及软件技术参数要求中

    Q5.1 服务器

    当前2U服务器主流的配置也可以 (略) 要求的配置,是否可以采用2U的服务器?

    Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


    Q5.2 The operator workstation and the engineering workstation

    Windows 10 system is the main operating system on the desktop and Windows 7 is less inclined. Please tell us if we may adopt Windows 10 as the operating system.

    Q5.2 (略) (4. (略) )


    Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


    Q5.3 Other questions: Please tell us if the sever and the network equipment may share a cabinet.

    Q5.3 其他: (略) 络机设备是否共同使用一台机柜?

    Reply: Technical requirements in the bidding documents prevail and must not be altered.


    Q6 In the 2.2.2 technical experience of Chapter 3 (specific requirement on qualifications) of the technical specification, presenting the years of experience in product supply should not less than 10 years. Please tell us if this aims at the bidder only or other main equipment manufactures should meet with this standard as well.

    Q6 招标文件第三章中二、资格标准的具体要求中2.2.2技术经验(1)产品供应经验年数至少为10年,以企业注册日为准。只是指投标人的供应经验至少为10年吗?其他主要设备制造商的供应经验需不需要满足至少10年?

    Reply: It is clearly stated in the bidding documents that "At least a decade of product supply experience subject to the registered date of enterprise" in the 2.2.2, qualification standard refers to bidders supply experience only while the eligibility of other equipment manufacturers is subject to the manufacturers eligibility in the bidding documents.

    答复:招标文件中表述明确,资格标准2.2.2中“产品供应经验年数至少为10年,以企业注册日为准只指投标人供应经验, (略) 文件中”制造商要求为准。

    Q7 The heating load and area of the single platen is listed in the bidding document and drawing not showing the design temperature of the primary side and secondary side. Please offer us related information on the design temperature of the primary side and secondary side for ease of equipment selection.

    Q7 标书和图纸中只提到了单台板换的热负荷和面积,但未提到一次侧二次侧的设计温度,需提供一次侧二次侧的设计温度便于选型?

    Reply: Heating medium parameters are specified in the chapter of 102.03 Overview of Engineering Project.


    Q8 A question about the format of tender quotation sheet.

    The format of tender quotation sheet should follow table 1 tabre 2 table3 on page 39 chapt er 4 commercial bid or supply demand list on chapter 6 commercial bid?

    Q8 关于投标报价表的格式是按照商务第四章P39页的表1、表2、表3的格式还是按照第六章:供货需求表的清单格式?

    Reply: All the commodity quotations must be listed in the supply demand list in the format of bidding quotation list in Article II, Chapter IV in the bidding documents.

    答复:以招标文件第四章第二条投标报价表格式,需在表中列明供 (略) 列所有商品报价。

    Q9 How many heating stations in the supply range.The number of heat stations is T6 or 46? on page T4205. 4.1 technical bid, please clear.

    Q9 关于自控系统安装,技术P74页的205.4.1范围内数量: (略) ,供货范围数量: (略) 。请明确。

    Reply: Refer to reply to Article IV.


    Q10 About the number of heating exchangers in the drawing paper

    The nunber of heating exchangers in the thermal system of 300,000 square thermal station is different form 400,000 squares.

    Q10 关于图纸中换热器数量不一致,供热面积30万及40 (略) 系统图中换热器数量描述不一致。

    Reply: The quantity expression in the supply demand list in Chapter VI in the bidding documents is clear. When total heat exchange quantity of single heat exchange unit is higher than or equal to 10 MW, two plate-type heat exchangers are arranged in the single unit.


    Q11 Please provide a system diagram of the 10kv ring net cabinet.

    Please specify whether the single 10kv ring cabinet in the supply range includes one in and one out.

    Q11 请提供 (略) 柜的一次系统图,另,请明确供货范围中的单套 (略) 柜是否包含一进一出?

    Reply: The 10 kv ring net cabinet is a complete set of equipment of the manufacturer in independent optimization and configuration. Refer to technical requirements concerned in the bidding documents. The supply range covers one in and one out requirements.

    答复: (略) (略) 家成套设备,自行优化配置, (略) 文件中的技术要求。供货范围内包括进出线的要求。

    Q12 Bidding Document Technical Specfications Thermal Control system equipment. page49, require the I/O points Module configurations not restricted to quantities in the list, and must meet all counts in the station and reserve 20% expansion capacity.

    Question: Please specily the number of I/O points in the station

    Q12 招 (略) 分第200章,200-35页中,注明I/O模块配置“ (略) 限于清单中的数量, (略) 内所有点数,并预留20%扩容器。” (略) 内I/O点数。

    Reply: The bidding company is advised to consider configuration at will according to specific information of product of the supplier and requirements in the technical specification.


    Ⅱ. Supplement


    Q13 In accordance with the description in Chapter 203.2.2 of the technical specification, the dry-type transformer with shell should be the ventilated dry-type transformer adopting SG (B) product model. Hereof, the casting dry-type transformer adopts SC (B) product model which is hard to identify on the drawings. Please tell us which product model should the dry-type transformer be.

    Q13 根据技术规范第203.2.2的描述,带外壳的干式变压器为通风式干式变压器,型号为SG(B)型;而浇筑式干式变压器为SC(B)型,根据图纸也看不出具体型号,请明确干式变压去型号为SG(B)型,还是SC(B)型?

    Reply: Dry-type transformer specially refers to SC(B) transformer.


    Q14 Concerning the issue of invoice in the bidding.

    Q14 本次招标开具发票问题。

    Reply: All goods supplied in the bidding should be issued special value-added tax invoices. The specific tax payment amount related to the domestic equipments and sales should be filled in the column 8 of Section 4 - Bidding Forms - Price Schedule for Goods to Be Offered from Within the Purchasers Country, for details see notes in the form.

    答复: (略) 供货物一律开具增值税专用发票。国内设备与销售相关的上税具体金额须填写到第四章-投标文件格式- (略) 在国国内提供货物的价格表第8列中,详见表中注释。

    Other content remains unchanged!


    The bidding company is advised to clearly sign company name, principal name and affix the seal of the company page by page on the Supplement to confirm that you have received it (6 pages in total). Returning the scanned version to our company by September 22, 2017 at 5:00PM will be greatly appreciated.(E-mail: * 63.com)

    请各公司在补 (略) 名称、负责人签字并加盖公章,确认收到本补遗(共6页),并于 * 日下午5点前( (略) 时间) (略) (E-mail: * 63.com)

    Tianshui Heating Company

    September. 21, 2017






