Equipments Procurement Project
(略) 增加的内容:
二、技术规格 根据轮对自动压装生产线提供的车轴尺寸、轮径要求、过盈量要求自动选择匹配度最高的车轮,并自动出库。 上料辊道设计为双向转动,车轮可从上料辊道移动至RGV,亦可从RGV移动至上料辊道。 本次采购的检测线控制系统能够根据买方的轮对生产线(后续即将采购)提供的车轴轮座尺寸数据、车轮轮径尺寸和过盈量(数据通过 (略) 自动通讯)自动选择匹配度最高的车轮,并自动调用出库,并通过AGV将车轮传输到轮对生产线。 控制系统应设置车轮质量审核模块,质量人员能够对完工 (略) 有过程数据, (略) 电子交检。对于交检后的车轮,应能自动生成14.所要求的质量表格并打印。 控制系统应能显示检测线内(包括车轮库内)正在生产的、已完工的、已交检的车轮信息、作业状态、交检状态,并以列表显示。
G.3.3 工位信息
表G.2 关键工位信息
9 | 降噪块人工组装台位 | 1、车轮从车轮智能料库自动输送至与制动盘组装系统对接握手位置; 2、制动盘组装系统的抓取机构抓住车轮,根据 (略) 车轮翻转180°,然后将车轮抓取至降噪块人工组装台位。 3、降噪块组装台位需能够实现如下功能:a、台位数量2个;b、仍能够实现 (略) 旋转并在任意位置停止。c、设置人工作业区域。d、该区域需使用买方已有的阿特拉斯电动扭矩扳手组装螺栓,投标方需将电动扭矩的数值读取并判断是否合格;扭矩数值作为车轮的 (略) 存储。e、组装完毕的车轮,重新 (略) 存储。f、该工位设置2个HMI人机 (略) 操作人员与控制系统信息交互。 | 买方的车轮存在降噪块和制动盘两种结构,上述两种结构不会在1个车轮上同时存在 |
After the change of thetender notice:
二、Technical Specifications The wheels with the highest matching degreeshall be automatically selected according to the axle size,wheeldiameter and magnitude of interference provided by automatic press-fitting lineand be automatically delivered from the storehouse. Charging rolltable is of bidirectional rotating de 点击查看>> can be transferred to RGV fromcharging roll table and can also be transferred to charging roll table fromRGV. Control system of the detection linepurchased this time can automatically select the wheels with the highestmatching degree according to the axle wheel seat size data, wheel diameter andmagnitude of interference (automatic data communication is performed by bothparties’ interfaces) provided by the buyer’s wheelset production line(subsequently purchased) and automatically call the wheels out of thestorehouse, and moreover, wheels are transferred to the wheelset productionline through AGV. systemshall be equipped with a wheel quality audit module and quality inspectors canview all process data of the completed wheels and make an electronicinspection. For the wheels after inspection, the quality table required in14. can be automatically generated and printed. Control system shall be able to display theinformation of the wheels being produced, completed and inspected, operatingstate and inspection state in the detection line (including in the wheelstorehouse) in a list.
G.3.3 Operating positioninformation
Table G.2 Information of CriticalOperating Positions
9 | Manual assembly position of noise-reducing block | 1. Wheels are automatically conveyed from the intelligent wheel storehouse to the handshake position connected to the assembly system of brake disc. 2. Grabbing mechanism of brake disc assembly system grabs a wheel and turn the wheel 180°according to different models of car, and then the wheel is grabbed to the manual assembly position of noise-reducing block. 3. Noise-reducing block assembly position shall be able to realize the following functions: a. Two positions are available. b. Wheels can be rotated along the inner hole center and stopped in any position. c. A manual operation area is set. d. In the area, the Atlas electric torque wrench that the buyer has had shall be used to assemble bolts and the bidder shall read the numerical value of electric torque and judge whether it is qualified; torque value is stored as the quality information of wheels. e. The assembled wheels return to the storehouse for storage. f. This operating position is equipped with two HMI terminals for information exchange between the operator and the control system. | The buyers wheels have two structures, the noise reduction block and the brake disc, and the two structures do not exist on either of the 1 wheels |
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions
Overview: Automatic WheelDetection Line (Inclusive of Wheel Warehouse)
Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised
(略) 条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Projecthas been considered, funds have been implemented
2. 招标内容Bidding Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SITCB241/01
BiddingNo: 点击查看>> SITCB241/01
Project Name:EquipmentsProcurement project
项目实施地点: (略)
Place of Implementation:Shandong
序号 NO. | 产品名称Product Name | 数量 Quantity | 简要技术规格Main Technical Data |
1 | 车轮自动检测线(含车轮料库)Automatic Wheel Detection Line (Inclusive of Wheel Warehouse) | 1套 1 set | 13.3.2投标方提供整条检测线的二维或三维布置方案(需按照1:1绘制),包括新增设备、工位的详细结构、尺寸及布置,买方已有设备的布置,人员安全通道布置,安全防护装置结构和布置,各工位、设备的描述。 13.3.3在 (略) 、生产纲领的前提下,买方选择工艺方案最合理、设备可靠性最高、工作效率最高、性价比最高的解决方案。 13.3.4投标方提供整线和各设备近五年的业绩清单及合同,清单中注明:使 (略) 家、生产年份、数量、图片及使用的工序,上述业绩清单需统一汇总。 13.3.2 The bidder shall provide the two-dimensional or three-dimensional layout proposal of the whole detection line, including the detailed structure, dimensions and layout of newly added equipment and operating position, layout of the Buyer’s existing equipment, layout of personnel safety passageway, structure and layout of safety protection devices and description of operating position and equipment. 13.3.3 On the premise of meeting the process layout and production program, the Buyer selects the solution with the most reasonable process proposal and the equipment of the highest reliability, the highest working efficiency and the highest price performance ratio. 13.3.4 The bidder shall provide the performance lists and contracts of the whole line and equipment in recent five years and the lists shall indicate the manufacturer using the equipment, production year, quantity, pictures and used working procedure; the above achievement lists shall be collected in a unified way. |
3. 投标人资格要求
投标人须提供有效的企业法人营业执照副本(或事业单位法人证书)、税务登记证、组织机构代码证复印件(若营业执照 (略) 会信用代码,则不需要提供组织机构代码证、税务登记证),ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书。
*(1) 注册资金不低于人民币500万元。 (略) 注册地检察机关出具的《 (略) 贿犯罪档案查询结果告知函》。
*(2) 投标 (略) 基本账户开户许可证。
*(3) (略) 将查询投标人是 (略) 列 (略) 人或被国家 (略) 列入安全生产不良记录‘黑名单’,投标人 (略) 人或被列入‘黑名单’的,应否决其投标。
业绩要求:投标人或制造商近五年( * 日-至今)制造和/ (略) 要求的同规格或类似设备( (略) 要求)的业绩并提供近五年业绩清单,出具相关业绩的销售合同复印件(投标文件中附合同复印件,内容包括设备名称,数量,用户信息等),业绩合同原件需 (略) 。
Qualifications or Performance to Bidder:
To provide the photocopy of every kind of qualificationcertificates: The bidder must providethe valid duplicate of business license for enterprise legal person (or legalperson certificate of public institution), photocopies of tax registrationcertificate and organization code certificate (If the business license ischanged to Unified Social Credit Code, it will be unnecessary to provide thephotocopies of tax registration certificate or organization code certificate),and the certificate of ISO9001 quality management system.
For domestic bidders
*(1) Registered capital should not be less than RMB5,000,000.00. The bidder must provide the Procuratorial Organ’s Letter ofAnnouncement of Query Result of Bribery and Crime Archives offered by the localprocuratorial organ of the domestic bidder’s registered office;
*(2) The bidder must provide the account opening permitfor its basic bank account;
*(3) The bid evaluation committee will query whether thebidder is listed as dishonest executor by people’s court(s) or in the“blacklist” of work safety demerits by State Administration of Work Safety. Ifso, its bid will be rejected.
Performance requirements: The bidder or manufacturershall have the performance of manufacturing or selling the equipment the sameas or similar (not below the requirements of the bidding documents) to theequipment to be provided in the past five years as of January 1st, 2012,provide a performance list of the past five years, and offer the photocopy(photocopies of contact indicating equipment name, quantity and user information,etc. in the bid) of sales contract(s) related to such performance. The originalcopies of the performance contracts should be taken to the tendering spot.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the biddingdocuments:NOT Available
4. 招标文件的获取Acquisitionof Bidding Documents
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
招标文件领购地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦大堂西侧
Place:West Side of the Lobby, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, FuxingmenwaiDajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Price of Bidding Documents: RMB800.00 or USD120.00
Additional Instructions:
5. 投标文件的递交BidSubmission
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (BeijingTime): 点击查看>> 9:00
投标文件接收地点: (略) 区 (略) 路30 (略) 负1层会议室
Place of Bid:Meeting room, B1 floor,Lilac hotel, NO.30 of Hangzhou Row Qingdao
开标地点: (略) 区 (略) 路30 (略) 负1层会议室
Place of Bid Opening:Meetingroom, B1 floor, Lilac hotel, NO.30 of Hangzhou Row Qingdao
6. (略) 网上完成注册。 (略) 网公示。
The evaluation results will be released onwww.c 点击查看>>
7. 联系方式
招标人:中车 (略) (略)
Purchasers:CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 阳区锦宏东路
Add.:Jinhong East Road, ChengyangDistrict, Qingdao, Shandong Province.
Contact:Mr. Liu
联系方式: 点击查看>> 1649
Tel: 点击查看>> 1649
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agency:SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦21层
Add.:21stFloor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China.
Contact:Mr. Wang Xiaobin / Ms. Ma Cuiling
联系方式: 点击查看>> 6
Tel: 点击查看>> 6
8. 汇款方式
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略)
Bank(RMB)::Industrial and Commercial Bank of
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略)
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>>
Equipments Procurement Project
(略) 增加的内容:
二、技术规格 根据轮对自动压装生产线提供的车轴尺寸、轮径要求、过盈量要求自动选择匹配度最高的车轮,并自动出库。 上料辊道设计为双向转动,车轮可从上料辊道移动至RGV,亦可从RGV移动至上料辊道。 本次采购的检测线控制系统能够根据买方的轮对生产线(后续即将采购)提供的车轴轮座尺寸数据、车轮轮径尺寸和过盈量(数据通过 (略) 自动通讯)自动选择匹配度最高的车轮,并自动调用出库,并通过AGV将车轮传输到轮对生产线。 控制系统应设置车轮质量审核模块,质量人员能够对完工 (略) 有过程数据, (略) 电子交检。对于交检后的车轮,应能自动生成14.所要求的质量表格并打印。 控制系统应能显示检测线内(包括车轮库内)正在生产的、已完工的、已交检的车轮信息、作业状态、交检状态,并以列表显示。
G.3.3 工位信息
表G.2 关键工位信息
9 | 降噪块人工组装台位 | 1、车轮从车轮智能料库自动输送至与制动盘组装系统对接握手位置; 2、制动盘组装系统的抓取机构抓住车轮,根据 (略) 车轮翻转180°,然后将车轮抓取至降噪块人工组装台位。 3、降噪块组装台位需能够实现如下功能:a、台位数量2个;b、仍能够实现 (略) 旋转并在任意位置停止。c、设置人工作业区域。d、该区域需使用买方已有的阿特拉斯电动扭矩扳手组装螺栓,投标方需将电动扭矩的数值读取并判断是否合格;扭矩数值作为车轮的 (略) 存储。e、组装完毕的车轮,重新 (略) 存储。f、该工位设置2个HMI人机 (略) 操作人员与控制系统信息交互。 | 买方的车轮存在降噪块和制动盘两种结构,上述两种结构不会在1个车轮上同时存在 |
After the change of thetender notice:
二、Technical Specifications The wheels with the highest matching degreeshall be automatically selected according to the axle size,wheeldiameter and magnitude of interference provided by automatic press-fitting lineand be automatically delivered from the storehouse. Charging rolltable is of bidirectional rotating de 点击查看>> can be transferred to RGV fromcharging roll table and can also be transferred to charging roll table fromRGV. Control system of the detection linepurchased this time can automatically select the wheels with the highestmatching degree according to the axle wheel seat size data, wheel diameter andmagnitude of interference (automatic data communication is performed by bothparties’ interfaces) provided by the buyer’s wheelset production line(subsequently purchased) and automatically call the wheels out of thestorehouse, and moreover, wheels are transferred to the wheelset productionline through AGV. systemshall be equipped with a wheel quality audit module and quality inspectors canview all process data of the completed wheels and make an electronicinspection. For the wheels after inspection, the quality table required in14. can be automatically generated and printed. Control system shall be able to display theinformation of the wheels being produced, completed and inspected, operatingstate and inspection state in the detection line (including in the wheelstorehouse) in a list.
G.3.3 Operating positioninformation
Table G.2 Information of CriticalOperating Positions
9 | Manual assembly position of noise-reducing block | 1. Wheels are automatically conveyed from the intelligent wheel storehouse to the handshake position connected to the assembly system of brake disc. 2. Grabbing mechanism of brake disc assembly system grabs a wheel and turn the wheel 180°according to different models of car, and then the wheel is grabbed to the manual assembly position of noise-reducing block. 3. Noise-reducing block assembly position shall be able to realize the following functions: a. Two positions are available. b. Wheels can be rotated along the inner hole center and stopped in any position. c. A manual operation area is set. d. In the area, the Atlas electric torque wrench that the buyer has had shall be used to assemble bolts and the bidder shall read the numerical value of electric torque and judge whether it is qualified; torque value is stored as the quality information of wheels. e. The assembled wheels return to the storehouse for storage. f. This operating position is equipped with two HMI terminals for information exchange between the operator and the control system. | The buyers wheels have two structures, the noise reduction block and the brake disc, and the two structures do not exist on either of the 1 wheels |
1. 招标条件Bidding Conditions
Overview: Automatic WheelDetection Line (Inclusive of Wheel Warehouse)
Source of Funds:Domestic self-raised
(略) 条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Projecthas been considered, funds have been implemented
2. 招标内容Bidding Content
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SITCB241/01
BiddingNo: 点击查看>> SITCB241/01
Project Name:EquipmentsProcurement project
项目实施地点: (略)
Place of Implementation:Shandong
序号 NO. | 产品名称Product Name | 数量 Quantity | 简要技术规格Main Technical Data |
1 | 车轮自动检测线(含车轮料库)Automatic Wheel Detection Line (Inclusive of Wheel Warehouse) | 1套 1 set | 13.3.2投标方提供整条检测线的二维或三维布置方案(需按照1:1绘制),包括新增设备、工位的详细结构、尺寸及布置,买方已有设备的布置,人员安全通道布置,安全防护装置结构和布置,各工位、设备的描述。 13.3.3在 (略) 、生产纲领的前提下,买方选择工艺方案最合理、设备可靠性最高、工作效率最高、性价比最高的解决方案。 13.3.4投标方提供整线和各设备近五年的业绩清单及合同,清单中注明:使 (略) 家、生产年份、数量、图片及使用的工序,上述业绩清单需统一汇总。 13.3.2 The bidder shall provide the two-dimensional or three-dimensional layout proposal of the whole detection line, including the detailed structure, dimensions and layout of newly added equipment and operating position, layout of the Buyer’s existing equipment, layout of personnel safety passageway, structure and layout of safety protection devices and description of operating position and equipment. 13.3.3 On the premise of meeting the process layout and production program, the Buyer selects the solution with the most reasonable process proposal and the equipment of the highest reliability, the highest working efficiency and the highest price performance ratio. 13.3.4 The bidder shall provide the performance lists and contracts of the whole line and equipment in recent five years and the lists shall indicate the manufacturer using the equipment, production year, quantity, pictures and used working procedure; the above achievement lists shall be collected in a unified way. |
3. 投标人资格要求
投标人须提供有效的企业法人营业执照副本(或事业单位法人证书)、税务登记证、组织机构代码证复印件(若营业执照 (略) 会信用代码,则不需要提供组织机构代码证、税务登记证),ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书。
*(1) 注册资金不低于人民币500万元。 (略) 注册地检察机关出具的《 (略) 贿犯罪档案查询结果告知函》。
*(2) 投标 (略) 基本账户开户许可证。
*(3) (略) 将查询投标人是 (略) 列 (略) 人或被国家 (略) 列入安全生产不良记录‘黑名单’,投标人 (略) 人或被列入‘黑名单’的,应否决其投标。
业绩要求:投标人或制造商近五年( * 日-至今)制造和/ (略) 要求的同规格或类似设备( (略) 要求)的业绩并提供近五年业绩清单,出具相关业绩的销售合同复印件(投标文件中附合同复印件,内容包括设备名称,数量,用户信息等),业绩合同原件需 (略) 。
Qualifications or Performance to Bidder:
To provide the photocopy of every kind of qualificationcertificates: The bidder must providethe valid duplicate of business license for enterprise legal person (or legalperson certificate of public institution), photocopies of tax registrationcertificate and organization code certificate (If the business license ischanged to Unified Social Credit Code, it will be unnecessary to provide thephotocopies of tax registration certificate or organization code certificate),and the certificate of ISO9001 quality management system.
For domestic bidders
*(1) Registered capital should not be less than RMB5,000,000.00. The bidder must provide the Procuratorial Organ’s Letter ofAnnouncement of Query Result of Bribery and Crime Archives offered by the localprocuratorial organ of the domestic bidder’s registered office;
*(2) The bidder must provide the account opening permitfor its basic bank account;
*(3) The bid evaluation committee will query whether thebidder is listed as dishonest executor by people’s court(s) or in the“blacklist” of work safety demerits by State Administration of Work Safety. Ifso, its bid will be rejected.
Performance requirements: The bidder or manufacturershall have the performance of manufacturing or selling the equipment the sameas or similar (not below the requirements of the bidding documents) to theequipment to be provided in the past five years as of January 1st, 2012,provide a performance list of the past five years, and offer the photocopy(photocopies of contact indicating equipment name, quantity and user information,etc. in the bid) of sales contract(s) related to such performance. The originalcopies of the performance contracts should be taken to the tendering spot.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the biddingdocuments:NOT Available
4. 招标文件的获取Acquisitionof Bidding Documents
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>>
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
招标文件领购地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦大堂西侧
Place:West Side of the Lobby, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, FuxingmenwaiDajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Price of Bidding Documents: RMB800.00 or USD120.00
Additional Instructions:
5. 投标文件的递交BidSubmission
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> 9:00
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (BeijingTime): 点击查看>> 9:00
投标文件接收地点: (略) 区 (略) 路30 (略) 负1层会议室
Place of Bid:Meeting room, B1 floor,Lilac hotel, NO.30 of Hangzhou Row Qingdao
开标地点: (略) 区 (略) 路30 (略) 负1层会议室
Place of Bid Opening:Meetingroom, B1 floor, Lilac hotel, NO.30 of Hangzhou Row Qingdao
6. (略) 网上完成注册。 (略) 网公示。
The evaluation results will be released onwww.c 点击查看>>
7. 联系方式
招标人:中车 (略) (略)
Purchasers:CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 阳区锦宏东路
Add.:Jinhong East Road, ChengyangDistrict, Qingdao, Shandong Province.
Contact:Mr. Liu
联系方式: 点击查看>> 1649
Tel: 点击查看>> 1649
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agency:SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.
地址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦21层
Add.:21stFloor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China.
Contact:Mr. Wang Xiaobin / Ms. Ma Cuiling
联系方式: 点击查看>> 6
Tel: 点击查看>> 6
8. 汇款方式
招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略)
Bank(RMB)::Industrial and Commercial Bank of
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略)
账号(人民币): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>>
账号(美元): 点击查看>>
Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>>