



澄清或变更简要说明:开标时间和投标截至时间现变更定于 ## 14:00
略,于 ## -略。 略方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
招标项目编号: ## A1068
序号产品名称数量简要技术规格备注1高档彩色多普勒超声诊断仪1套略、妇产科、心脏、外周血管、小器官及穿刺术中等方面的临床超声诊断和科研,具有世界先进水平,具备持续升级能力,能满足开展新的临床应用需求。 2超高端四维彩色多普勒超声诊断仪1套妇产科、腹部、新生儿、泌尿科、浅表组织与小器官、外周血管及科研的高档次实时三维彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,尤其在妇产科、新生儿、腹部、乳腺、泌尿领域具有突出优势,满足产科超声诊断,妇科疑难病例超声诊断,胎儿畸形产前诊断及科研。 3电子输尿管镜系略全浸水清洗,略低温等离子消毒灭菌。 4输尿管镜1套视野角度:5度。 5电子胃镜1套先端摄像头为彩色CCD。 6电子肠镜1套先端摄像头为彩色CCD。 7消化内镜略1套内镜下最大功率可调范围:0—300瓦。
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:a.须具备“医疗器械经营许可证”; b.须提供投标设备的“医疗器械注册证及附表”; c.提供基本略开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明; d.人民检察机关出具的《检略贿犯罪档案结果告知函》; e.投标人是代理商的还须提供产品制造商或产品制造商授权代理商对本次投标产品的专项且唯一合法授权书; f.略网(http:/ 点击查看>> )进行投标注册和年检; g.不接受联合体投标。
招标文件领购开始时间: ##
招标文件领购结束时间: ##
其他说明:3、购买招标文件需提供的资料: a.投标人的“营业执照副本”原件或“事业单位法人证书”原件; b.投标人的“医疗器械经营许可证”原件; c.“单位负责人授权书”原件; d.“授权委托人有效身份证明”原件; e. 投标人是代理商的还须提供产品制造商或产品制造商授权代理商对本次投标产品的专项且唯一合法授权书(原件)。招标文件以电子文档发售且售后不退。
投标截止时间(开标时间): ## 14:00
联系方式 : ##
联系方式 : ##
招标代理略(人民币): 略
招标代理略(美元): 略
账号(人民币): ##
账号(美元): ##
其他: 开户名:略

Qiandongnan prefecture hospital medical equipment procurement projects(1)
Clarify or change:Bid opening time and bidding deadline changed at 14:00 on February 11, 2018
Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tender Consulting Co. Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on ## .
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Medical equipment
Source of Funds:yes
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:yes
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No: ## A1068
Project Name:Qiandongnan prefecture hospital medical equipment procurement projects
Place of Implementation:Qiandongnan state hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
List of Products:
NO.Product NameQuantityMain Technical DataRemarks1High grade color Doppler ultrasonic diagnostic instrument1SetIt is mainly used for clinical ultrasound diagnosis and research in the aspects of abdomen, obstetrics and Gynecology, heart, peripheral blood vessels, small organs and puncture. It has the world's advanced level, and has the ability of continuous upgrading, which can meet the needs of new clinical applications. 2Ultra high end four dimensional color Doppler ultrasonic diagnostic instrument1SetDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, abdomen, newborn, superficial tissue and small organs, peripheral vascular and research of high-grade real time three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, especially has outstanding advantages in obstetrics and Gynecology, newborn, breast and abdomen, urinary field meet obstetric ultrasound diagnosis, gynecological diagnostic ultrasound, prenatal the diagnosis of malformation and scientific research. 3Electronic ureteroscopy system1SetIt can be cleaned by full immersion and can be sterilized at low temperature by plasma. 4Ureteroscopy1SetAngle of view: 5 degrees. 5Electronic gastroscope1SetThe front camera is color CCD. 6Electronic colonoscopy1SetThe front camera is color CCD. 7Digestive endoscope electrosurgical workstation1SetMaximum adjustable range under endoscopy: 0 -300 watts.
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:Qualifications or Performance:A.must have "medical equipment management license"; B.should provide the "medical device registration certificate and the appendix" for the bidding equipment. C.provides the basic account bank account opening date of three months before the credit certificate issued; D.a letter of notification issued by the procuratorial organ of the people's procuratorial organ on the results of inquiring the results of the archives of bribery crime. E.bidder is the sole legal authorisation of the product manufacturer for the product of the product. F. before the opening of the bid in China international tender network (http:/ 点击查看>> ) for the bid registration and annual inspection; G. does not accept the bid of the consortium.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: ##
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: ##
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:On-site Purchase
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$200
Additional Instructions:Additional Instructions:To purchase the tender documents required: a. the "copy of the business license of the original" or "certificate of legal institutions" original; B. the "medical device license" original; C. "units responsible for the authorization of the original;" D. "authorized person valid identity certificate" original; e. is the agent provide product manufacturers to the tender and special products only legitimate authorization (original). The bidding documents are sold by electronic documents and are not refunded after sale. 5.Bid Submission
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): ## 14:00
Place of Bid:the 16 building of Zhitong mansion, No. 204, Zhonghua North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou province.
Place of Bid Opening:the 16 building of Zhitong mansion, No. 204, Zhonghua North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou province.
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on
www.c 点击查看>> .
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
Add.:No. 24, Beijing East Road, Kaili, Guizhou
Contact:Chen Fen
Tel: ##
Bidding Agency:Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tender Consulting Co. Ltd.
Add.:16 building, Zhitong mansion, No. 204, China North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou
Contact:Peng Yun
Tel : ##
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):Bank of Guiyang, Wei Qing Road Branch
Bank(USD):Bank of Guiyang, Wei Qing Road Branch
Account NO.(RMB): ##
Account NO.(USD): ##
Additional:Account Name: Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tendering Consultation Co.


澄清或变更简要说明:开标时间和投标截至时间现变更定于 ## 14:00
略,于 ## -略。 略方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
招标项目编号: ## A1068
序号产品名称数量简要技术规格备注1高档彩色多普勒超声诊断仪1套略、妇产科、心脏、外周血管、小器官及穿刺术中等方面的临床超声诊断和科研,具有世界先进水平,具备持续升级能力,能满足开展新的临床应用需求。 2超高端四维彩色多普勒超声诊断仪1套妇产科、腹部、新生儿、泌尿科、浅表组织与小器官、外周血管及科研的高档次实时三维彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,尤其在妇产科、新生儿、腹部、乳腺、泌尿领域具有突出优势,满足产科超声诊断,妇科疑难病例超声诊断,胎儿畸形产前诊断及科研。 3电子输尿管镜系略全浸水清洗,略低温等离子消毒灭菌。 4输尿管镜1套视野角度:5度。 5电子胃镜1套先端摄像头为彩色CCD。 6电子肠镜1套先端摄像头为彩色CCD。 7消化内镜略1套内镜下最大功率可调范围:0—300瓦。
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:a.须具备“医疗器械经营许可证”; b.须提供投标设备的“医疗器械注册证及附表”; c.提供基本略开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明; d.人民检察机关出具的《检略贿犯罪档案结果告知函》; e.投标人是代理商的还须提供产品制造商或产品制造商授权代理商对本次投标产品的专项且唯一合法授权书; f.略网(http:/ 点击查看>> )进行投标注册和年检; g.不接受联合体投标。
招标文件领购开始时间: ##
招标文件领购结束时间: ##
其他说明:3、购买招标文件需提供的资料: a.投标人的“营业执照副本”原件或“事业单位法人证书”原件; b.投标人的“医疗器械经营许可证”原件; c.“单位负责人授权书”原件; d.“授权委托人有效身份证明”原件; e. 投标人是代理商的还须提供产品制造商或产品制造商授权代理商对本次投标产品的专项且唯一合法授权书(原件)。招标文件以电子文档发售且售后不退。
投标截止时间(开标时间): ## 14:00
联系方式 : ##
联系方式 : ##
招标代理略(人民币): 略
招标代理略(美元): 略
账号(人民币): ##
账号(美元): ##
其他: 开户名:略

Qiandongnan prefecture hospital medical equipment procurement projects(1)
Clarify or change:Bid opening time and bidding deadline changed at 14:00 on February 11, 2018
Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tender Consulting Co. Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on ## .
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Medical equipment
Source of Funds:yes
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:yes
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No: ## A1068
Project Name:Qiandongnan prefecture hospital medical equipment procurement projects
Place of Implementation:Qiandongnan state hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
List of Products:
NO.Product NameQuantityMain Technical DataRemarks1High grade color Doppler ultrasonic diagnostic instrument1SetIt is mainly used for clinical ultrasound diagnosis and research in the aspects of abdomen, obstetrics and Gynecology, heart, peripheral blood vessels, small organs and puncture. It has the world's advanced level, and has the ability of continuous upgrading, which can meet the needs of new clinical applications. 2Ultra high end four dimensional color Doppler ultrasonic diagnostic instrument1SetDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, abdomen, newborn, superficial tissue and small organs, peripheral vascular and research of high-grade real time three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, especially has outstanding advantages in obstetrics and Gynecology, newborn, breast and abdomen, urinary field meet obstetric ultrasound diagnosis, gynecological diagnostic ultrasound, prenatal the diagnosis of malformation and scientific research. 3Electronic ureteroscopy system1SetIt can be cleaned by full immersion and can be sterilized at low temperature by plasma. 4Ureteroscopy1SetAngle of view: 5 degrees. 5Electronic gastroscope1SetThe front camera is color CCD. 6Electronic colonoscopy1SetThe front camera is color CCD. 7Digestive endoscope electrosurgical workstation1SetMaximum adjustable range under endoscopy: 0 -300 watts.
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:Qualifications or Performance:A.must have "medical equipment management license"; B.should provide the "medical device registration certificate and the appendix" for the bidding equipment. C.provides the basic account bank account opening date of three months before the credit certificate issued; D.a letter of notification issued by the procuratorial organ of the people's procuratorial organ on the results of inquiring the results of the archives of bribery crime. E.bidder is the sole legal authorisation of the product manufacturer for the product of the product. F. before the opening of the bid in China international tender network (http:/ 点击查看>> ) for the bid registration and annual inspection; G. does not accept the bid of the consortium.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: ##
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: ##
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:On-site Purchase
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$200
Additional Instructions:Additional Instructions:To purchase the tender documents required: a. the "copy of the business license of the original" or "certificate of legal institutions" original; B. the "medical device license" original; C. "units responsible for the authorization of the original;" D. "authorized person valid identity certificate" original; e. is the agent provide product manufacturers to the tender and special products only legitimate authorization (original). The bidding documents are sold by electronic documents and are not refunded after sale. 5.Bid Submission
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): ## 14:00
Place of Bid:the 16 building of Zhitong mansion, No. 204, Zhonghua North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou province.
Place of Bid Opening:the 16 building of Zhitong mansion, No. 204, Zhonghua North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou province.
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on
www.c 点击查看>> .
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
Add.:No. 24, Beijing East Road, Kaili, Guizhou
Contact:Chen Fen
Tel: ##
Bidding Agency:Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tender Consulting Co. Ltd.
Add.:16 building, Zhitong mansion, No. 204, China North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou
Contact:Peng Yun
Tel : ##
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):Bank of Guiyang, Wei Qing Road Branch
Bank(USD):Bank of Guiyang, Wei Qing Road Branch
Account NO.(RMB): ##
Account NO.(USD): ##
Additional:Account Name: Guizhou Zhongzhi Hengcheng tendering Consultation Co.







