


澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) 坪配套设施扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )招标文件修改、图纸补充通知如下: * 、招标文件修改 1. 请提供 * 江导航台及发报台的图纸。回复:请详见附件。 2. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”中第1.1条“本工程为交钥匙工程”,请问本项目的投标总价是否含安装的费用?投标文件中是否需要提供安装资质?回复:投标总价包含安装费用。投标人应具备相关的安装资质,如不具备, (略) 人审核同意的有相关资质的施工单位。投标时不需要提供。 * 、图纸补充本项目的图纸有补充, (略) 文件修改、 (略) (略) 分。 * 、招标文件修改 1. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”的“4.1.3管制楼”条款“”条款原文为: 配置要求:新建 * 套低压配电柜,包括:馈线柜 * 台油机/市电切换柜 1台市电母联柜 1台市电进线柜 2台电容自动补偿柜 2台母线槽 1批电力监控系统 1套漏电火灾监控系统 1套以上柜体主要包含断路器、双电源切换开关、电容自动补偿、密集绝缘母线、多功能测量表、电流互感器等元器件,具体数量和技术规格需满足图纸设计要求。 现修改为: 配置要求:新建 * 套低压配电柜,包括:馈线柜 * 台油机/市电切换柜 1台市电母联柜 1台市电进线柜 2台电容自动补偿柜 2台母线槽 1批电力监控系统 1套漏电火灾监控系统 1套电缆(馈线柜至UPS进线柜、馈线柜至机房精密空调、馈线柜至管制大厅设备空调) 1批以上柜体主要包含断路器、双电源切换开关、电容自动补偿、密集绝缘母线、电缆、多功能测量表、电流互感器等元器件,具体数量和技术规格需满足图纸设计要求。 2. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”的“ * 货物需求 * 览表”条款原文为: * 货物需求 * 览表序号 设备名称 单位 数量 安装地点 备 注 1 低压馈线柜 台 1 * 江导航台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 2 低压馈线柜 台 1 发报台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 3 低压馈线柜 台 * 管制楼 按图定货 油机/市电切换柜 台 1 市电母联柜 台 1 市电进线柜 台 2 电容自动补偿柜 台 2 母线槽 批 1 电力监控系统 套 1 漏电火灾监控系统 套 1 备注: 1、以上 (略) 有断路器的容量及其他功能要求均按图纸内标注。 2、以上 (略) 有智能管理单元和智能仪表的功能要求均按图纸内标注。 3、所有产品应考虑 (略) 有器件接口可能产生的配件如熔丝、接插件等, (略) 有配电柜间的PR、ZX、HMI、RVT供电电缆及其之间联络信号电缆的价格包含在投标总价中。 4、 (略) 列设备规格型号仅供参考,投标人可以选择其他性能相当或更优的其他品牌产品 现修改为: * 货物需求 * 览表序号 设备名称 单位 数量 安装地点 备 注 1 低压馈线柜 台 1 * 江导航台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 2 低压馈线柜 台 1 发报台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 3 低压馈线柜 台 * 管制楼 按图定货 油机/市电切换柜 台 1 市电母联柜 台 1 市电进线柜 台 2 电容自动补偿柜 台 2 母线槽 批 1 电力监控系统 套 1 漏电火灾监控系统 套 1 电缆 批 1 馈线柜至UPS进线柜、馈线柜至机房精密空调、馈线柜至管制大厅设备空调。规格及长度详见图纸,UPS进线规格以高低压系统图为准。备注: 1、以上 (略) 有断路器的容量及其他功能要求均按图纸内标注。 2、以上 (略) 有智能管理单元和智能仪表的功能要求均按图纸内标注。 3、所有产品应考虑 (略) 有器件接口可能产生的配件如熔丝、接插件等, (略) 有配电柜间的PR、ZX、HMI、RVT供电电缆及其之间联络信号电缆的价格包含在投标总价中。 4、 (略) 列设备规格型号仅供参考,投标人可以选择其他性能相当或更优的其他品牌产品 招标文件最高限价不变。补充暖通专业及工艺配电专业图纸,见附件。 * 、图纸补充本项目的图纸有补充,请详见附件 * 、截标开标时间变更通知本项目原投标截止及开标时间、地点为: * 日上午9: * 时( (略) 时间), (略) 2楼5号会议室。现修改为: * 日下午 * : * 时( (略) 时间), (略) 2楼1号会议室( (略) 市 (略) 东路 * 号) 本招标文件修改、 (略) (略) 分。 
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 
Clarify or change:Expansion of the Air-Conditioning Engineering Low-voltage Complete Power Distribution Equipment Purchase Project (Tender No.: 点击查看>> A * W * ) of the Guilin Airport Terminal Building and Station Pinging Facilities Expansion Project First, amendments to the tender documents 1. Please provide the drawings of Sanjiang Navigation Station and Telegraph Station. Reply: Please refer to the attachment for details. 2. Article 1.1 \"This project is a turnkey project\" in the bidding document \"Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications\". Does the bidding price of this project include the installation cost? Is it necessary to provide installation qualification in the bidding documents? Reply: The total bid price includes the installation cost. The bidder shall have relevant installation qualifications. If it does not, bidders are allowed to subcontract to relevant qualified construction units that have been approved by the tenderee. It is not required to submit the bid. Second, the drawings added The drawings of this project are supplemented. Please refer to the attachment for details. The modification of the bidding documents and the supplement of the drawings constitute part of the bidding documents. First, amendments to the tender documents 1. The clause of the \"4.1.3 Control House\" clause in the \"Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications\" of the bidding document is as follows: Configuration Requirements: Create * new low-voltage distribution cabinets, including: Feeder Cabinet * Oil Machine/Mains Switching Cabinet 1 City Electric Motherboard 1 Mains incoming line cabinet 2 sets Automatic capacitance compensation cabinet 2 sets Busway 1 batch Electric power monitoring system 1 set Leakage fire monitoring system 1 set The above cabinets mainly include circuit breakers, dual power supply switching switches, automatic compensation of capacitors, dense insulation busbars, multi-function measuring meters, current transformers, and other components. The specific quantity and technical specifications must meet the design requirements of the drawings. Now amend to: Configuration Requirements: Create * new low-voltage distribution cabinets, including: Feeder Cabinet * Oil Machine/Mains Switching Cabinet 1 City Electric Motherboard 1 Mains incoming line cabinet 2 sets Automatic capacitance compensation cabinet 2 sets Busway 1 batch Electric power monitoring system 1 set Leakage fire monitoring system 1 set Cable (feeder cabinet to UPS inlet cabinet, feeder cabinet to engine room precise air conditioner, feeder cabinet to control hall equipment air conditioning) 1 batch The above cabinets mainly include circuit breakers, dual power switchers, automatic compensation of capacitors, dense insulation busbars, cables, multimeters, current transformers, and other components. The specific quantity and technical specifications must meet the requirements of the drawings. 2. The “ * List of Goods Needed” clause in the “Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications” of the Bidding Document was: * List of cargo requirements No. Device Name Unit Quantity Installation Location Note 1 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Sanjiang navigation station Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 2 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Telegraph station Order according to the plan Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 3 Low-voltage feeder cabinets * Control floor Ordering according to plan Oil Machine/Mains Switch Cabinet 1 City Motherboard Cabinet 1 City Line Cabinet 2 Automatic capacitor compensation cabinet 2 Busway lot 1 Power Monitoring System Set 1 Leakage fire monitoring system set 1 Remarks: 1. The capacity and other functional requirements of all circuit breakers in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 2. The functional requirements of all intelligent management units and smart meters in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 3, all products should consider the drawings may require all parts of the device interface may generate accessories such as fuses, connectors, etc., as well as PR, ZX, HMI, RVT supply cable between all power distribution cabinets and the signal cable between the price contain In the total bid price. 4. The equipment specifications listed on the drawings are for reference only. Bidders can choose other brand products with equivalent or better performance. Now amend to: * List of cargo requirements No. Device Name Unit Quantity Installation Location Note 1 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Sanjiang navigation station Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 2 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Telegraph station Order according to the plan Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 3 Low-voltage feeder cabinets * Control floor Ordering according to plan Oil Machine/Mains Switch Cabinet 1 City Motherboard Cabinet 1 City Line Cabinet 2 Automatic capacitor compensation cabinet 2 Busway lot 1 Power Monitoring System Set 1 Leakage fire monitoring system set 1 The cable batch 1 feeder cabinet to the UPS inlet cabinet, feeder cabinet to the engine room precision air conditioning, feeder cabinet to control hall equipment air conditioning. The specification and length are shown in the drawing. The UPS inlet specifications are based on the high and low voltage system drawings. Remarks: 1. The capacity and other functional requirements of all circuit breakers in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 2. The functional requirements of all intelligent management units and smart meters in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 3, all products should consider the drawings may require all parts of the device interface may generate accessories such as fuses, connectors, etc., as well as PR, ZX, HMI, RVT supply cable between all power distribution cabinets and the signal cable between the price contain In the total bid price. 4. The equipment specifications listed on the drawings are for reference only. Bidders can choose other brand products with equivalent or better performance. The maximum price of the bidding documents remains unchanged. Supplement HVAC professional and technical power distribution professional drawings, see attachment. Second, the drawings added The drawings of this project are supplemented. Please refer to the attachment for details. Third, notice of change of bid opening time The deadline for the original bidding for this project and the time for opening the bid are: 9: * am on July 5, * (Beijing time), meeting room on the second floor of Guoyi Tendering Co., Ltd. No. 5. It is revised as follows: July * , * , * : * (Beijing time), Guoyi Tendering Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, No. 1 Conference Room ( * East Dongfeng Road, Guangzhou City) The modification of the bidding documents, the supplement of the drawings, and the notice of change of the time for the opening of the tenders constitute part of the bidding documents. 
GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 点击查看>> .

澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) 坪配套设施扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )招标文件修改、图纸补充通知如下: * 、招标文件修改 1. 请提供 * 江导航台及发报台的图纸。回复:请详见附件。 2. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”中第1.1条“本工程为交钥匙工程”,请问本项目的投标总价是否含安装的费用?投标文件中是否需要提供安装资质?回复:投标总价包含安装费用。投标人应具备相关的安装资质,如不具备, (略) 人审核同意的有相关资质的施工单位。投标时不需要提供。 * 、图纸补充本项目的图纸有补充, (略) 文件修改、 (略) (略) 分。 * 、招标文件修改 1. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”的“4.1.3管制楼”条款“”条款原文为: 配置要求:新建 * 套低压配电柜,包括:馈线柜 * 台油机/市电切换柜 1台市电母联柜 1台市电进线柜 2台电容自动补偿柜 2台母线槽 1批电力监控系统 1套漏电火灾监控系统 1套以上柜体主要包含断路器、双电源切换开关、电容自动补偿、密集绝缘母线、多功能测量表、电流互感器等元器件,具体数量和技术规格需满足图纸设计要求。 现修改为: 配置要求:新建 * 套低压配电柜,包括:馈线柜 * 台油机/市电切换柜 1台市电母联柜 1台市电进线柜 2台电容自动补偿柜 2台母线槽 1批电力监控系统 1套漏电火灾监控系统 1套电缆(馈线柜至UPS进线柜、馈线柜至机房精密空调、馈线柜至管制大厅设备空调) 1批以上柜体主要包含断路器、双电源切换开关、电容自动补偿、密集绝缘母线、电缆、多功能测量表、电流互感器等元器件,具体数量和技术规格需满足图纸设计要求。 2. 招标文件“第 * 章 货物需求 * 览表及技术规格”的“ * 货物需求 * 览表”条款原文为: * 货物需求 * 览表序号 设备名称 单位 数量 安装地点 备 注 1 低压馈线柜 台 1 * 江导航台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 2 低压馈线柜 台 1 发报台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 3 低压馈线柜 台 * 管制楼 按图定货 油机/市电切换柜 台 1 市电母联柜 台 1 市电进线柜 台 2 电容自动补偿柜 台 2 母线槽 批 1 电力监控系统 套 1 漏电火灾监控系统 套 1 备注: 1、以上 (略) 有断路器的容量及其他功能要求均按图纸内标注。 2、以上 (略) 有智能管理单元和智能仪表的功能要求均按图纸内标注。 3、所有产品应考虑 (略) 有器件接口可能产生的配件如熔丝、接插件等, (略) 有配电柜间的PR、ZX、HMI、RVT供电电缆及其之间联络信号电缆的价格包含在投标总价中。 4、 (略) 列设备规格型号仅供参考,投标人可以选择其他性能相当或更优的其他品牌产品 现修改为: * 货物需求 * 览表序号 设备名称 单位 数量 安装地点 备 注 1 低压馈线柜 台 1 * 江导航台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 2 低压馈线柜 台 1 发报台 按图定货 市电/油机双电源切换柜 台 1 电缆 批 1 3 低压馈线柜 台 * 管制楼 按图定货 油机/市电切换柜 台 1 市电母联柜 台 1 市电进线柜 台 2 电容自动补偿柜 台 2 母线槽 批 1 电力监控系统 套 1 漏电火灾监控系统 套 1 电缆 批 1 馈线柜至UPS进线柜、馈线柜至机房精密空调、馈线柜至管制大厅设备空调。规格及长度详见图纸,UPS进线规格以高低压系统图为准。备注: 1、以上 (略) 有断路器的容量及其他功能要求均按图纸内标注。 2、以上 (略) 有智能管理单元和智能仪表的功能要求均按图纸内标注。 3、所有产品应考虑 (略) 有器件接口可能产生的配件如熔丝、接插件等, (略) 有配电柜间的PR、ZX、HMI、RVT供电电缆及其之间联络信号电缆的价格包含在投标总价中。 4、 (略) 列设备规格型号仅供参考,投标人可以选择其他性能相当或更优的其他品牌产品 招标文件最高限价不变。补充暖通专业及工艺配电专业图纸,见附件。 * 、图纸补充本项目的图纸有补充,请详见附件 * 、截标开标时间变更通知本项目原投标截止及开标时间、地点为: * 日上午9: * 时( (略) 时间), (略) 2楼5号会议室。现修改为: * 日下午 * : * 时( (略) 时间), (略) 2楼1号会议室( (略) 市 (略) 东路 * 号) 本招标文件修改、 (略) (略) 分。 
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 
Clarify or change:Expansion of the Air-Conditioning Engineering Low-voltage Complete Power Distribution Equipment Purchase Project (Tender No.: 点击查看>> A * W * ) of the Guilin Airport Terminal Building and Station Pinging Facilities Expansion Project First, amendments to the tender documents 1. Please provide the drawings of Sanjiang Navigation Station and Telegraph Station. Reply: Please refer to the attachment for details. 2. Article 1.1 \"This project is a turnkey project\" in the bidding document \"Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications\". Does the bidding price of this project include the installation cost? Is it necessary to provide installation qualification in the bidding documents? Reply: The total bid price includes the installation cost. The bidder shall have relevant installation qualifications. If it does not, bidders are allowed to subcontract to relevant qualified construction units that have been approved by the tenderee. It is not required to submit the bid. Second, the drawings added The drawings of this project are supplemented. Please refer to the attachment for details. The modification of the bidding documents and the supplement of the drawings constitute part of the bidding documents. First, amendments to the tender documents 1. The clause of the \"4.1.3 Control House\" clause in the \"Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications\" of the bidding document is as follows: Configuration Requirements: Create * new low-voltage distribution cabinets, including: Feeder Cabinet * Oil Machine/Mains Switching Cabinet 1 City Electric Motherboard 1 Mains incoming line cabinet 2 sets Automatic capacitance compensation cabinet 2 sets Busway 1 batch Electric power monitoring system 1 set Leakage fire monitoring system 1 set The above cabinets mainly include circuit breakers, dual power supply switching switches, automatic compensation of capacitors, dense insulation busbars, multi-function measuring meters, current transformers, and other components. The specific quantity and technical specifications must meet the design requirements of the drawings. Now amend to: Configuration Requirements: Create * new low-voltage distribution cabinets, including: Feeder Cabinet * Oil Machine/Mains Switching Cabinet 1 City Electric Motherboard 1 Mains incoming line cabinet 2 sets Automatic capacitance compensation cabinet 2 sets Busway 1 batch Electric power monitoring system 1 set Leakage fire monitoring system 1 set Cable (feeder cabinet to UPS inlet cabinet, feeder cabinet to engine room precise air conditioner, feeder cabinet to control hall equipment air conditioning) 1 batch The above cabinets mainly include circuit breakers, dual power switchers, automatic compensation of capacitors, dense insulation busbars, cables, multimeters, current transformers, and other components. The specific quantity and technical specifications must meet the requirements of the drawings. 2. The “ * List of Goods Needed” clause in the “Chapter VIII Commodity Demand Schedule and Technical Specifications” of the Bidding Document was: * List of cargo requirements No. Device Name Unit Quantity Installation Location Note 1 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Sanjiang navigation station Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 2 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Telegraph station Order according to the plan Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 3 Low-voltage feeder cabinets * Control floor Ordering according to plan Oil Machine/Mains Switch Cabinet 1 City Motherboard Cabinet 1 City Line Cabinet 2 Automatic capacitor compensation cabinet 2 Busway lot 1 Power Monitoring System Set 1 Leakage fire monitoring system set 1 Remarks: 1. The capacity and other functional requirements of all circuit breakers in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 2. The functional requirements of all intelligent management units and smart meters in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 3, all products should consider the drawings may require all parts of the device interface may generate accessories such as fuses, connectors, etc., as well as PR, ZX, HMI, RVT supply cable between all power distribution cabinets and the signal cable between the price contain In the total bid price. 4. The equipment specifications listed on the drawings are for reference only. Bidders can choose other brand products with equivalent or better performance. Now amend to: * List of cargo requirements No. Device Name Unit Quantity Installation Location Note 1 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Sanjiang navigation station Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 2 Low-voltage feeder cabinets 1 Telegraph station Order according to the plan Mains/Oil Engine Dual Power Switching Cabinets 1 Cable batch 1 3 Low-voltage feeder cabinets * Control floor Ordering according to plan Oil Machine/Mains Switch Cabinet 1 City Motherboard Cabinet 1 City Line Cabinet 2 Automatic capacitor compensation cabinet 2 Busway lot 1 Power Monitoring System Set 1 Leakage fire monitoring system set 1 The cable batch 1 feeder cabinet to the UPS inlet cabinet, feeder cabinet to the engine room precision air conditioning, feeder cabinet to control hall equipment air conditioning. The specification and length are shown in the drawing. The UPS inlet specifications are based on the high and low voltage system drawings. Remarks: 1. The capacity and other functional requirements of all circuit breakers in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 2. The functional requirements of all intelligent management units and smart meters in the above bidding equipment are marked according to the drawings. 3, all products should consider the drawings may require all parts of the device interface may generate accessories such as fuses, connectors, etc., as well as PR, ZX, HMI, RVT supply cable between all power distribution cabinets and the signal cable between the price contain In the total bid price. 4. The equipment specifications listed on the drawings are for reference only. Bidders can choose other brand products with equivalent or better performance. The maximum price of the bidding documents remains unchanged. Supplement HVAC professional and technical power distribution professional drawings, see attachment. Second, the drawings added The drawings of this project are supplemented. Please refer to the attachment for details. Third, notice of change of bid opening time The deadline for the original bidding for this project and the time for opening the bid are: 9: * am on July 5, * (Beijing time), meeting room on the second floor of Guoyi Tendering Co., Ltd. No. 5. It is revised as follows: July * , * , * : * (Beijing time), Guoyi Tendering Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, No. 1 Conference Room ( * East Dongfeng Road, Guangzhou City) The modification of the bidding documents, the supplement of the drawings, and the notice of change of the time for the opening of the tenders constitute part of the bidding documents. 
GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 点击查看>> .






