(略) 贷款 (略) (略) 乡基础设施建 (略) 合同编号:FK-G1招标编号:
点击查看>> 本项目 * 年3月 (略) (略) 、、 (略) 有限公 (略) 。 (略) 将投标截止日延期至 * 上午9: * ,第 * 次延期至 * 日,为给予投标人更充分的时间准备投标文件,暂对 (略) 设备投标截止日第 * 次延期 * 天,即延期至 * 日截止。各潜在投标人须于 * 上午9: * 以前向下列地址提交投标文件。请投标人收到本文件后,在文件上签字盖章并确认收到,扫描后发送至下列邮箱。 招标代理: (略) 有限公司联系人:张卓远 先生地址: (略) 市 (略) 区西 * 环中路 * 号通用技术大厦 * 层会议室电话:
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Xinjiang Changji Integrated Urban-Rural Infrastructure Demonstration Project Financed by the Asian Development BankFukang City roads maintenance equipment and Ganhezi Town snow clearing equipmentFourth Extension Notice Contract No.: FK-G1Invitation for Bid No.:
点击查看>> The project issued an Invitation for Bids on the supply of Fukang City roads maintenance equipment and Ganhezi Town snow clearing equipment on the official website of the ADB, , www.c
点击查看>> and www.c
点击查看>> in March * , * . The deadline for bid submission postponed for the first time to 9: * a.m. on May * , * , the second extension to June * , * , and the third extension to July * , * . In order to give bidders more time to prepare bidding documents. The fourth extension of the deadline for bid submission postponed * days, which is postponed until August * , * . Bids must be delivered to the address below before 9: * a.m. on August * , * . After receiving this document, the bidders should sign and seal the document and confirm receipt. After scanning, the bidders send it to the following e-mail. Agent: China International Tendering Limited CompanyAttn.: Mr. Zhang ZhuoyuanAddress: Conference Room, 4th Floor of Genertec Plaza, No. * , Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, The People's Republic of ChinaTel:
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(略) 贷款 (略) (略) 乡基础设施建 (略) 合同编号:FK-G1招标编号:
点击查看>> 本项目 * 年3月 (略) (略) 、、 (略) 有限公 (略) 。 (略) 将投标截止日延期至 * 上午9: * ,第 * 次延期至 * 日,为给予投标人更充分的时间准备投标文件,暂对 (略) 设备投标截止日第 * 次延期 * 天,即延期至 * 日截止。各潜在投标人须于 * 上午9: * 以前向下列地址提交投标文件。请投标人收到本文件后,在文件上签字盖章并确认收到,扫描后发送至下列邮箱。 招标代理: (略) 有限公司联系人:张卓远 先生地址: (略) 市 (略) 区西 * 环中路 * 号通用技术大厦 * 层会议室电话:
点击查看>> 点击查看>> 6-
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点击查看>> * 1电子邮件: *
Xinjiang Changji Integrated Urban-Rural Infrastructure Demonstration Project Financed by the Asian Development BankFukang City roads maintenance equipment and Ganhezi Town snow clearing equipmentFourth Extension Notice Contract No.: FK-G1Invitation for Bid No.:
点击查看>> The project issued an Invitation for Bids on the supply of Fukang City roads maintenance equipment and Ganhezi Town snow clearing equipment on the official website of the ADB, , www.c
点击查看>> and www.c
点击查看>> in March * , * . The deadline for bid submission postponed for the first time to 9: * a.m. on May * , * , the second extension to June * , * , and the third extension to July * , * . In order to give bidders more time to prepare bidding documents. The fourth extension of the deadline for bid submission postponed * days, which is postponed until August * , * . Bids must be delivered to the address below before 9: * a.m. on August * , * . After receiving this document, the bidders should sign and seal the document and confirm receipt. After scanning, the bidders send it to the following e-mail. Agent: China International Tendering Limited CompanyAttn.: Mr. Zhang ZhuoyuanAddress: Conference Room, 4th Floor of Genertec Plaza, No. * , Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, The People's Republic of ChinaTel:
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点击查看>> Fax:
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