澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) * 期扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知No. * 敬启者: (略) (略) * 期扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知如下: * 、澄清问题回复 1.招标文件 (略) 的图纸,请提供其余电房的图纸? 回复: (略) 图纸电施 点击查看>> 已更新,其余图纸已补充,见附件。 2.招标文件第 * 章《货物需求 * 览表及技术规格》中的 * “货物需求 * 览表”里的序号 * “ (略) -油机切换柜PC级ATSE”数量为1台,图纸图号DQ- * 有2台油机切换柜YP0/YP1,请明确数量及柜号?回复: (略) 图纸以“电施 点击查看>> ”文件夹图纸为准,DQ- * 中应急接入插座及其连接电缆为 * 供材料。 3.招标图 (略) 图纸。问题:是 (略) 剩余图纸?回复: (略) 图纸电施 点击查看>> 已更新,其余图纸已补充,见附件。 4.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 7.2低压交流框架断路器对框架断路器的要求表中“siemens 3WL2N 分断能力为 * KA,脱扣器ETU * /G;Schneider MTZ2 H1分断能力为 * KA , MTZ2 H2分断能力为 * KA, 脱扣器MIC7.0P;ABB E3N分断能力为 * KA, E3S分断能力为 * KA,脱扣器PR * /P”; 低压框架断路器技术规格要求“Ics不小于 * KA”; 据了解Schneider参数高于其他两个品牌,MTZ2的脱扣器无NUC7.0P的,新型号是MIC6.0X/MIC7.0X,且MIC6.0X与其它两个品牌的脱扣器在同 * 档次。问题:1、框架断路器分断能力以什么为准选择? 2、Schneider脱扣器如何选择?回复: 1、框架断路器分断能力以Schneider MTZ2 H2为准。另外两个品牌的产品选型的分断能力需与Schneider MTZ2 H2同 * 档次。 2、Schneider脱扣器按MIC7.0X选择。另外两个品牌的脱扣器选型相应提高,需与MIC 7.0X为同 * 档次。 5.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 7.2.7“开关本身须有通讯功能”; 9多功能电力表参数测量仪 “智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * /西门子P * /ABBPMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产。”多功能表均带通讯。问题:多功表已带通讯,框架开关上是否仍需带通讯?回复:按照招标文件条款要求。 6.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”8.1双电源切换装置标书内没有对双 (略) 要求。问题:双电源是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 7.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 母线槽总体要求 标书内没有对母 (略) 要求。问题:母线槽是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 8.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 标书内没有低压柜温度在线检测装置技术要求及品牌要求。问题:1、温度在线检测装置是否有技术要求? 2、温度在线检测装置是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:1、每个低压柜内需配套数字温湿度控制器及柜内空气调节器各 * 套,具体要求见图纸。 2、具体要求见图纸,不得低于图纸要求。 9.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 货物要求 * 览表,序 (略) ,其中“低压电缆1批”。问题:“电缆1批”所指的范围包括哪些内容?回复:“电缆1批”包括: (略) 到管制楼、管制楼UPS、消防泵房、职工食堂、值班宿舍的低压电缆。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 货物要求 * 览表,序 (略) ,其中“油机切换柜PC级ATSE 1台”但图纸“图号:DQ- * ” 油机切换柜PC级ATSE是2台。问题:请问油机切换柜PC级ATSE是几台柜?回复: (略) 图纸以“电施 点击查看>> ”文件夹图纸为准,油机切换柜PC级ATSE数量为1台,DQ- * 中应急接入插座及其连接电缆为 * 供材料。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,4.1.1空管小区4.1.1.2总体功能描述:(3)低压柜采用抽屉式。低压主进、联络断路器设过载长延时、短路短延时、接地保护脱扣器,其它低压断路器设过载长延时、短路短延时脱扣器。但7.2低压交流框架断路器:施耐德品牌配置的脱扣器是MIC7.0P(过载长延时、短路短延时、短路短延时、漏电保护脱扣器),如下图,请明确进线、联络框架断路器的脱扣器是要接地保护(MIC6.0)还是漏电保护(MIC7.0)? 回复:Schneider脱扣器按MIC7.0X选择。另外两个品牌的脱扣器选型相应提高,需与MIC 7.0X为同 * 档次。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.2低压交流框架断路器7.2.7开关本身须有通讯功能, (略) 有框架断路器都要通信功能?回复:按照招标文件条款要求。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.3低压交流塑壳断路器:低压塑壳断路器描述(脱扣器配置及断路器容量要求参照施工图要求,施工图纸脱扣器配置有热磁脱扣TM/MA、电子脱扣MIC2.2/2.3/5.2等),但表格列出的脱扣器是MIC5.2/5.3,低压塑壳断路器技术规格要求长延时保护、短延时保护、瞬动保护(脱扣器MIC2.2/2.3可满足),如下图,1、请明确脱扣器是按图配置,还是按表格列出的脱扣器是MIC5.2/5.3,还是低压塑壳断路器技术规格要求长延时保护、短延时保护、瞬动保护(脱扣器MIC2.2/2.3可满足)?2、是否每个断路器都要配置辅助触点? 回复:以图纸为准。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.3低压交流塑壳断路器:如下图,请明确故障接点SD,辅助接点OF是按图配置还是每个断路器都要配置? 回复:按照图纸要求配置。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,9.多功能电力参数测量仪1)框架断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,4DI/4DO, * 次谐波,2)塑壳断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,2DI/2DO, * 次谐波,但技术要求 * .2监控采集信息点及对应监控回路智能装置具体要求2)框架断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,7DI/2DO,谐波分析测量,2)塑壳断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,4DI/2DO,如下图,另施耐德PM * 仪表的功能是:全电量液晶显示,THD, * 次谐波,RS * ,4DI/2DO,请明确施耐德PM * 是否满足此项目要求?如不满足,请明确多功能仪表的测量参数? 回复:招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”9 多功能电力参数测量仪的技术需求更换为以下内容: 1)低压开关柜框架断路器:智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * P/西门子P * /ABB的PMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产品,要求具备全电量测量液晶显示功能,4路DI及2路DO,具备 * 次单次谐波分析测量功能,电流电压为0.3级,有功电度为0.5级,带有RS * 通讯接口并具备MODBUS协议。 2)低压开关柜塑壳断路器:智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * P/西门子P * /ABB的PMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产品,要求具备全电量测量液晶显示功能,2路DI及2路DO,具备 * 次单次谐波分析测量功能,电流电压为0.3级,有功电度为0.5级,带有RS * 通讯接口并具备MODBUS协议。 * .低压柜温度在线监测装置是否有品牌要求?回复:具体要求见图纸,不得低于图纸要求。 * .双电源转换开关是否有品牌要求?回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 * .电涌保护器是否有品牌要求?回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 * 、图纸补充本项目图纸有补充或更新,本次“澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知No. * ”附件中的图纸为本项目完整图纸,请以本次发布的图纸为准。 * 、投标截止、开标时间和开标地点通知本项目原投标截止及开标时间、地点为: * 日下午 * : * 时, (略) 2楼3号会议室。 现修改为: * 日上午9: * 时, (略) 2楼3号会议室( (略) 市 (略) 东路 * 号) 本“澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知”构成招 (略) 分。 (略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 Clarify or change:Haikou meilan international airport phase ii expansion project low-voltage complete sets of distribution equipment procurement project (tender number: 点击查看>> a * w * Yours truly: Haikou meilan international airport phase ii expansion project low-voltage complete sets of distribution equipment procurement project (tender no. : 点击查看>> a * w * ) Reply to clarifying questions 1. There is only the drawing of power center in the bidding document. Please provide the drawings of other electric houses. Reply: the power center drawing has been updated to 点击查看>> , and the rest drawings have been added, please see the attachment. 2. The number of "power center - oil machine switching cabinet pc-class ATSE" in the * "goods demand list and technical specifications" in chapter 8 of the bidding document is 1. There are 2 oil machine switching cabinets YP0/YP1 in drawing number dq- * . Reply: the drawing of power center is based on the folder of "electricity application 点击查看>> ", and the emergency access socket and its connecting cable in dq- * are the materials for armour. 3. The bidding drawing only has the power center drawing. Question: can all remaining drawings be provided? Reply: the power center drawing has been updated to 点击查看>> , and the rest drawings have been added, please see the attachment. 4. Bidding document "chapter viii goods demand one cable table and technical specification" 7.2 requirements table of low-voltage ac frame circuit breaker for frame circuit breaker "Siemens 3WL2N breaking capacity is * KA, tripper ETU * /G; Schneider MTZ2 H1 breaking ability was * KA, MTZ2 H2 breaking ability was * KA, and the tripper mic7.0p; ABB E3N breaking capacity was * KA, E3S breaking capacity was * KA, tripper PR * /P "; Technical specification of low-voltage frame circuit breaker "Ics not less than * KA"; It is known that the Schneider parameters are higher than those of the other two brands, the release device of MTZ2 does not have nuc7.0p, the new model is mic6.0x/mic7.0x, and the release device of mic6.0x is in the same level with those of the other two brands. Question: 1. What is the selection of the breaking capacity of frame circuit breaker? 2. How to choose a Schneider tripper? Reply: 1. The breaking capacity of frame circuit breaker is Schneider MTZ2 H2. The product selection ability of the other two brands should be the same level as that of Schneider MTZ2 H2. 2. Choose the Schneider tripper according to MIC7.0X. The selection of the other two brands of trippers should be improved accordingly, and it should be the same level as MIC 7.0X. 5. Bidding document "chapter viii goods demand one cable table and technical specifications" 7.2.7 "switch itself must have communication function"; 9 multi-function meter parameter measuring instrument "the intelligent measuring instrument brand USES the product of schneider PM * / Siemens P * /ABBPMC * plus or the performance is not lower than the above brand." Multi-function with all communication. Question: is the frame switch still needed for multi-meter communication? Reply: as required in the bidding document. 6. The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specifications" 8.1 there is no requirement for the dual-power supply brand in the tender document for dual-power switching device. Question: does the dual power supply have brand requirements? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 7. The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specification" * general requirements of bus slots. No requirements for the brand of bus slots are included in the tender document. Question: does the busway have brand requirements? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 8. There are no technical requirements and brand requirements for on-line temperature detection device of low-voltage cabinet in the tender document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specifications". Question: 1. Is there any technical requirement for the temperature online testing device? 2. Is there a brand requirement for the online temperature detection device? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: 1. Each low-pressure cabinet shall be equipped with a digital temperature and humidity controller and an air conditioner in the cabinet. Please refer to the drawing for detailed requirements. 2. See the drawing for the specific requirements, which shall not be lower than the requirements of the drawing. 9. Bidding document: "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification" * goods requirements list, no. * power center, of which "one batch of low-voltage cables". Question: what is the scope of "cable 1 batch"? Reply: "cable 1 batch" includes: power center to control building, control building UPS, fire pump room, staff canteen, on duty dormitory low-voltage cable. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand cable list and technical specification" * goods requirements list, no. * power center, where "oil machine switch cabinet PC class ATSE 1" but drawing "picture number: dq- * " oil machine switch cabinet PC class ATSE is 2. Question: how many cabinets are pc-class ATSE? Reply: the drawing of power center is based on the folder of "electric application 点击查看>> ", the number of PC class ATSE of the switch cabinet of oil machine is 1, and the emergency access socket and its connecting cable in dq- * is the material of a. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 cargo demand cable list and technical specifications", 4.1.1 air pipe community overall function description :(3) low-pressure cabinet with drawer-type. Long delay of overload, short delay of short circuit and earth protection tripping device are provided for low voltage main entry and contact circuit breaker. For other low voltage circuit breakers, long delay of overload and short delay tripping device are provided. However, 7.2 low-voltage ac frame breaker: the tripper of schneider brand is mic7.0p (long delay of overload, short delay of short circuit, short delay of short circuit, leakage protection tripper), as shown in the following figure. Reply: Schneider tripper press MIC7.0X. The selection of the other two brands of trippers should be improved accordingly, and it should be the same level as MIC 7.0X. * . The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification", 7.2 low-voltage ac frame circuit breaker 7.2.7 switch itself must have communication function, may I ask if all frame circuit breakers should have communication function? Reply: as required in the bidding document. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specifications", 7.3 low-voltage ac shell circuit breaker: Low molding shell circuit breaker description (tripping device configuration and the circuit breaker capacity demands with reference to the construction drawing, construction drawings tripping device equipped with thermal magnetic tripping TM/MA, electronic tripping MIC2.2/2.3/5.2), but form the tripping device is listed MIC5.2/5.3, low molding shell circuit breaker technology specification long time delay protection, short time delay protection, transient dynamic protection (trip MIC2.2/2.3 can meet), the following figure, 1, please clear the tripping device is according to the figure configuration, or according to form the tripping device is listed MIC5.2/5.3, Or is the technical specification of low-pressure molded case circuit breaker required long delay protection, short delay protection, and transient protection (the tripper mic2.2/2.3 can be met)? 2. Should each circuit breaker be equipped with auxiliary contacts? Reply: the drawing shall prevail. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification", 7.3 low-voltage ac molded case circuit breaker: as shown below, please specify the fault contact point SD, should the auxiliary contact point OF "OF" be configured according to the figure or should each circuit breaker be configured? Reply: according to the drawing. * . "Chapter 8 of the tender documents needs a cable list and technical specifications of goods", 9. Multi-function electric parameter measuring instrument 1) frame circuit breaker circuit configuration power liquid crystal display (LCD), 4 di/do 4, * harmonics, 2) the molded case circuit breaker circuit has all power, liquid crystal display (LCD) 2 di/do 2, * harmonics, but technical requirements * .2 monitoring collection information point and corresponding monitoring circuit intelligent device specific requirements (2) full power LCD frame circuit breaker circuit configuration, 7 di / 2 do, harmonic analysis measure, 2) molded case circuit breaker circuit configuration full power, liquid crystal display (LCD) 4 di/do, 2 below, In addition, the functions of the schneider PM * meter are: full-power LCD display,THD, * times harmonic,RS * ,4DI/2DO. Please make clear whether the schneider PM * meets the requirements of this project. If not, please specify the multi-function instrument measurement parameters? Reply: the bidding document "chapter viii cargo demand one cable table and technical specifications" 9 technical requirements of multi-function power parameter measuring instrument are changed as follows: 1) low-voltage switch cabinet frame circuit breaker: Intelligent measuring instrument brands use schneider PM * P/Siemens P * / ABB PMC * plus or not under the brand of product performance, requires full power measurement of liquid crystal display, 4 DI and 2 road DO have * single harmonic analysis measure function, current voltage of 0.3 and active electrical degrees with a magnitude of 0.5, with RS * communication interface and has the MODBUS protocol. 2) plastic-case circuit breaker of low-voltage switchgear: Intelligent measuring instrument brands use schneider PM * P/Siemens P * / ABB PMC * plus or not under the brand of product performance, requires full capacity measuring liquid crystal display function, 2 DO DI and 2 road, have * single harmonic analysis measure function, current voltage of 0.3 and active electrical degrees with a magnitude of 0.5, with RS * communication interface and has the MODBUS protocol. * . Is there a brand requirement for low pressure cabinet temperature on-line monitoring device? Please refer to the drawing for the specific requirements. * . Does the dual power switch have brand requirements? Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. * . Does the surge protector have brand requirements? Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 2. Drawing supplement There are supplements or updates to the project drawings. The attached drawings in the "reply to clarification, supplement of drawings and change notice of bid opening and closing time No. * " are complete drawings of the project. Please refer to the drawings released this time. Notice of closing of tender, time of bid opening and place of bid opening The bidding deadline and bid opening time and place for this project are: meeting room 3, 2nd floor, guoyi tendering co., LTD., at * : * p.m. on August * , * . Now it is revised to: meeting room no. 3, 2nd floor, guoyi tendering co., LTD. (no. * dongfeng east road, guangzhou city) at 9: * am on August * , * . This "reply to clarification, supplement to drawings and notice of change of closing and opening time" shall form part of the bidding document. GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 点击查看>> . |
澄清或变更简要说明: (略) (略) * 期扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知No. * 敬启者: (略) (略) * 期扩建工程空管工程低压成套配电设备采购项目(招标编号: 点击查看>> A * W * )澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知如下: * 、澄清问题回复 1.招标文件 (略) 的图纸,请提供其余电房的图纸? 回复: (略) 图纸电施 点击查看>> 已更新,其余图纸已补充,见附件。 2.招标文件第 * 章《货物需求 * 览表及技术规格》中的 * “货物需求 * 览表”里的序号 * “ (略) -油机切换柜PC级ATSE”数量为1台,图纸图号DQ- * 有2台油机切换柜YP0/YP1,请明确数量及柜号?回复: (略) 图纸以“电施 点击查看>> ”文件夹图纸为准,DQ- * 中应急接入插座及其连接电缆为 * 供材料。 3.招标图 (略) 图纸。问题:是 (略) 剩余图纸?回复: (略) 图纸电施 点击查看>> 已更新,其余图纸已补充,见附件。 4.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 7.2低压交流框架断路器对框架断路器的要求表中“siemens 3WL2N 分断能力为 * KA,脱扣器ETU * /G;Schneider MTZ2 H1分断能力为 * KA , MTZ2 H2分断能力为 * KA, 脱扣器MIC7.0P;ABB E3N分断能力为 * KA, E3S分断能力为 * KA,脱扣器PR * /P”; 低压框架断路器技术规格要求“Ics不小于 * KA”; 据了解Schneider参数高于其他两个品牌,MTZ2的脱扣器无NUC7.0P的,新型号是MIC6.0X/MIC7.0X,且MIC6.0X与其它两个品牌的脱扣器在同 * 档次。问题:1、框架断路器分断能力以什么为准选择? 2、Schneider脱扣器如何选择?回复: 1、框架断路器分断能力以Schneider MTZ2 H2为准。另外两个品牌的产品选型的分断能力需与Schneider MTZ2 H2同 * 档次。 2、Schneider脱扣器按MIC7.0X选择。另外两个品牌的脱扣器选型相应提高,需与MIC 7.0X为同 * 档次。 5.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 7.2.7“开关本身须有通讯功能”; 9多功能电力表参数测量仪 “智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * /西门子P * /ABBPMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产。”多功能表均带通讯。问题:多功表已带通讯,框架开关上是否仍需带通讯?回复:按照招标文件条款要求。 6.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”8.1双电源切换装置标书内没有对双 (略) 要求。问题:双电源是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 7.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 母线槽总体要求 标书内没有对母 (略) 要求。问题:母线槽是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 8.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” 标书内没有低压柜温度在线检测装置技术要求及品牌要求。问题:1、温度在线检测装置是否有技术要求? 2、温度在线检测装置是否有品牌要求?如有请说明要求品牌。回复:1、每个低压柜内需配套数字温湿度控制器及柜内空气调节器各 * 套,具体要求见图纸。 2、具体要求见图纸,不得低于图纸要求。 9.招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 货物要求 * 览表,序 (略) ,其中“低压电缆1批”。问题:“电缆1批”所指的范围包括哪些内容?回复:“电缆1批”包括: (略) 到管制楼、管制楼UPS、消防泵房、职工食堂、值班宿舍的低压电缆。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格” * 货物要求 * 览表,序 (略) ,其中“油机切换柜PC级ATSE 1台”但图纸“图号:DQ- * ” 油机切换柜PC级ATSE是2台。问题:请问油机切换柜PC级ATSE是几台柜?回复: (略) 图纸以“电施 点击查看>> ”文件夹图纸为准,油机切换柜PC级ATSE数量为1台,DQ- * 中应急接入插座及其连接电缆为 * 供材料。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,4.1.1空管小区4.1.1.2总体功能描述:(3)低压柜采用抽屉式。低压主进、联络断路器设过载长延时、短路短延时、接地保护脱扣器,其它低压断路器设过载长延时、短路短延时脱扣器。但7.2低压交流框架断路器:施耐德品牌配置的脱扣器是MIC7.0P(过载长延时、短路短延时、短路短延时、漏电保护脱扣器),如下图,请明确进线、联络框架断路器的脱扣器是要接地保护(MIC6.0)还是漏电保护(MIC7.0)? 回复:Schneider脱扣器按MIC7.0X选择。另外两个品牌的脱扣器选型相应提高,需与MIC 7.0X为同 * 档次。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.2低压交流框架断路器7.2.7开关本身须有通讯功能, (略) 有框架断路器都要通信功能?回复:按照招标文件条款要求。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.3低压交流塑壳断路器:低压塑壳断路器描述(脱扣器配置及断路器容量要求参照施工图要求,施工图纸脱扣器配置有热磁脱扣TM/MA、电子脱扣MIC2.2/2.3/5.2等),但表格列出的脱扣器是MIC5.2/5.3,低压塑壳断路器技术规格要求长延时保护、短延时保护、瞬动保护(脱扣器MIC2.2/2.3可满足),如下图,1、请明确脱扣器是按图配置,还是按表格列出的脱扣器是MIC5.2/5.3,还是低压塑壳断路器技术规格要求长延时保护、短延时保护、瞬动保护(脱扣器MIC2.2/2.3可满足)?2、是否每个断路器都要配置辅助触点? 回复:以图纸为准。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,7.3低压交流塑壳断路器:如下图,请明确故障接点SD,辅助接点OF是按图配置还是每个断路器都要配置? 回复:按照图纸要求配置。 * .招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”,9.多功能电力参数测量仪1)框架断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,4DI/4DO, * 次谐波,2)塑壳断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,2DI/2DO, * 次谐波,但技术要求 * .2监控采集信息点及对应监控回路智能装置具体要求2)框架断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,7DI/2DO,谐波分析测量,2)塑壳断路器回路配置全电量液晶显示,4DI/2DO,如下图,另施耐德PM * 仪表的功能是:全电量液晶显示,THD, * 次谐波,RS * ,4DI/2DO,请明确施耐德PM * 是否满足此项目要求?如不满足,请明确多功能仪表的测量参数? 回复:招标文件“第 * 章货物需求 * 缆表及技术规格”9 多功能电力参数测量仪的技术需求更换为以下内容: 1)低压开关柜框架断路器:智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * P/西门子P * /ABB的PMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产品,要求具备全电量测量液晶显示功能,4路DI及2路DO,具备 * 次单次谐波分析测量功能,电流电压为0.3级,有功电度为0.5级,带有RS * 通讯接口并具备MODBUS协议。 2)低压开关柜塑壳断路器:智能测量仪表品牌使用施耐德PM * P/西门子P * /ABB的PMC * plus或性能不低于上述品牌的的产品,要求具备全电量测量液晶显示功能,2路DI及2路DO,具备 * 次单次谐波分析测量功能,电流电压为0.3级,有功电度为0.5级,带有RS * 通讯接口并具备MODBUS协议。 * .低压柜温度在线监测装置是否有品牌要求?回复:具体要求见图纸,不得低于图纸要求。 * .双电源转换开关是否有品牌要求?回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 * .电涌保护器是否有品牌要求?回复:满足招标文件技术条款要求即可。 * 、图纸补充本项目图纸有补充或更新,本次“澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知No. * ”附件中的图纸为本项目完整图纸,请以本次发布的图纸为准。 * 、投标截止、开标时间和开标地点通知本项目原投标截止及开标时间、地点为: * 日下午 * : * 时, (略) 2楼3号会议室。 现修改为: * 日上午9: * 时, (略) 2楼3号会议室( (略) 市 (略) 东路 * 号) 本“澄清问题回复、图纸补充及截标开标时间变更通知”构成招 (略) 分。 (略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 Clarify or change:Haikou meilan international airport phase ii expansion project low-voltage complete sets of distribution equipment procurement project (tender number: 点击查看>> a * w * Yours truly: Haikou meilan international airport phase ii expansion project low-voltage complete sets of distribution equipment procurement project (tender no. : 点击查看>> a * w * ) Reply to clarifying questions 1. There is only the drawing of power center in the bidding document. Please provide the drawings of other electric houses. Reply: the power center drawing has been updated to 点击查看>> , and the rest drawings have been added, please see the attachment. 2. The number of "power center - oil machine switching cabinet pc- ATSE" in the * "goods demand list and technical specifications" in chapter 8 of the bidding document is 1. There are 2 oil machine switching cabinets YP0/YP1 in drawing number dq- * . Reply: the drawing of power center is based on the folder of "electricity application 点击查看>> ", and the emergency access socket and its connecting cable in dq- * are the materials for armour. 3. The bidding drawing only has the power center drawing. Question: can all remaining drawings be provided? Reply: the power center drawing has been updated to 点击查看>> , and the rest drawings have been added, please see the attachment. 4. Bidding document "chapter viii goods demand one cable table and technical specification" 7.2 requirements table of low-voltage ac frame circuit breaker for frame circuit breaker "Siemens 3WL2N breaking capacity is * KA, tripper ETU * /G; Schneider MTZ2 H1 breaking ability was * KA, MTZ2 H2 breaking ability was * KA, and the tripper mic7.0p; ABB E3N breaking capacity was * KA, E3S breaking capacity was * KA, tripper PR * /P "; Technical specification of low-voltage frame circuit breaker "Ics not less than * KA"; It is known that the Schneider parameters are higher than those of the other two brands, the release device of MTZ2 does not have nuc7.0p, the new model is mic6.0x/mic7.0x, and the release device of mic6.0x is in the same level with those of the other two brands. Question: 1. What is the selection of the breaking capacity of frame circuit breaker? 2. How to choose a Schneider tripper? Reply: 1. The breaking capacity of frame circuit breaker is Schneider MTZ2 H2. The product selection ability of the other two brands should be the same level as that of Schneider MTZ2 H2. 2. Choose the Schneider tripper according to MIC7.0X. The selection of the other two brands of trippers should be improved accordingly, and it should be the same level as MIC 7.0X. 5. Bidding document "chapter viii goods demand one cable table and technical specifications" 7.2.7 "switch itself must have communication function"; 9 multi-function meter parameter measuring instrument "the intelligent measuring instrument brand USES the product of schneider PM * / Siemens P * /ABBPMC * plus or the performance is not lower than the above brand." Multi-function with all communication. Question: is the frame switch still needed for multi-meter communication? Reply: as required in the bidding document. 6. The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specifications" 8.1 there is no requirement for the dual-power supply brand in the tender document for dual-power switching device. Question: does the dual power supply have brand requirements? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 7. The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specification" * general requirements of bus slots. No requirements for the brand of bus slots are included in the tender document. Question: does the busway have brand requirements? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 8. There are no technical requirements and brand requirements for on-line temperature detection device of low-voltage cabinet in the tender document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable table and technical specifications". Question: 1. Is there any technical requirement for the temperature online testing device? 2. Is there a brand requirement for the online temperature detection device? Please specify the required brand if any. Reply: 1. Each low-pressure cabinet shall be equipped with a digital temperature and humidity controller and an air conditioner in the cabinet. Please refer to the drawing for detailed requirements. 2. See the drawing for the specific requirements, which shall not be lower than the requirements of the drawing. 9. Bidding document: "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification" * goods requirements list, no. * power center, of which "one batch of low-voltage cables". Question: what is the scope of "cable 1 batch"? Reply: "cable 1 batch" includes: power center to control building, control building UPS, fire pump room, staff canteen, on duty dormitory low-voltage cable. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand cable list and technical specification" * goods requirements list, no. * power center, where "oil machine switch cabinet PC ATSE 1" but drawing "picture number: dq- * " oil machine switch cabinet PC ATSE is 2. Question: how many cabinets are pc- ATSE? Reply: the drawing of power center is based on the folder of "electric application 点击查看>> ", the number of PC ATSE of the switch cabinet of oil machine is 1, and the emergency access socket and its connecting cable in dq- * is the material of a. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 cargo demand cable list and technical specifications", 4.1.1 air pipe community overall function description :(3) low-pressure cabinet with drawer-type. Long delay of overload, short delay of short circuit and earth protection tripping device are provided for low voltage main entry and contact circuit breaker. For other low voltage circuit breakers, long delay of overload and short delay tripping device are provided. However, 7.2 low-voltage ac frame breaker: the tripper of schneider brand is mic7.0p (long delay of overload, short delay of short circuit, short delay of short circuit, leakage protection tripper), as shown in the following figure. Reply: Schneider tripper press MIC7.0X. The selection of the other two brands of trippers should be improved accordingly, and it should be the same level as MIC 7.0X. * . The bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification", 7.2 low-voltage ac frame circuit breaker 7.2.7 switch itself must have communication function, may I ask if all frame circuit breakers should have communication function? Reply: as required in the bidding document. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specifications", 7.3 low-voltage ac shell circuit breaker: Low molding shell circuit breaker description (tripping device configuration and the circuit breaker capacity demands with reference to the construction drawing, construction drawings tripping device equipped with thermal magnetic tripping TM/MA, electronic tripping MIC2.2/2.3/5.2), but form the tripping device is listed MIC5.2/5.3, low molding shell circuit breaker technology specification long time delay protection, short time delay protection, transient dynamic protection (trip MIC2.2/2.3 can meet), the following figure, 1, please clear the tripping device is according to the figure configuration, or according to form the tripping device is listed MIC5.2/5.3, Or is the technical specification of low-pressure molded case circuit breaker required long delay protection, short delay protection, and transient protection (the tripper mic2.2/2.3 can be met)? 2. Should each circuit breaker be equipped with auxiliary contacts? Reply: the drawing shall prevail. * . Bidding document "chapter 8 goods demand one cable list and technical specification", 7.3 low-voltage ac molded case circuit breaker: as shown below, please specify the fault contact point SD, should the auxiliary contact point OF "OF" be configured according to the figure or should each circuit breaker be configured? Reply: according to the drawing. * . "Chapter 8 of the tender documents needs a cable list and technical specifications of goods", 9. Multi-function electric parameter measuring instrument 1) frame circuit breaker circuit configuration power liquid crystal display (LCD), 4 di/do 4, * harmonics, 2) the molded case circuit breaker circuit has all power, liquid crystal display (LCD) 2 di/do 2, * harmonics, but technical requirements * .2 monitoring collection information point and corresponding monitoring circuit intelligent device specific requirements (2) full power LCD frame circuit breaker circuit configuration, 7 di / 2 do, harmonic analysis measure, 2) molded case circuit breaker circuit configuration full power, liquid crystal display (LCD) 4 di/do, 2 below, In addition, the functions of the schneider PM * meter are: full-power LCD display,THD, * times harmonic,RS * ,4DI/2DO. Please make clear whether the schneider PM * meets the requirements of this project. If not, please specify the multi-function instrument measurement parameters? Reply: the bidding document "chapter viii cargo demand one cable table and technical specifications" 9 technical requirements of multi-function power parameter measuring instrument are changed as follows: 1) low-voltage switch cabinet frame circuit breaker: Intelligent measuring instrument brands use schneider PM * P/Siemens P * / ABB PMC * plus or not under the brand of product performance, requires full power measurement of liquid crystal display, 4 DI and 2 road DO have * single harmonic analysis measure function, current voltage of 0.3 and active electrical degrees with a magnitude of 0.5, with RS * communication interface and has the MODBUS protocol. 2) plastic-case circuit breaker of low-voltage switchgear: Intelligent measuring instrument brands use schneider PM * P/Siemens P * / ABB PMC * plus or not under the brand of product performance, requires full capacity measuring liquid crystal display function, 2 DO DI and 2 road, have * single harmonic analysis measure function, current voltage of 0.3 and active electrical degrees with a magnitude of 0.5, with RS * communication interface and has the MODBUS protocol. * . Is there a brand requirement for low pressure cabinet temperature on-line monitoring device? Please refer to the drawing for the specific requirements. * . Does the dual power switch have brand requirements? Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. * . Does the surge protector have brand requirements? Reply: meet the technical requirements of bidding documents. 2. Drawing supplement There are supplements or updates to the project drawings. The attached drawings in the "reply to clarification, supplement of drawings and change notice of bid opening and closing time No. * " are complete drawings of the project. Please refer to the drawings released this time. Notice of closing of tender, time of bid opening and place of bid opening The bidding deadline and bid opening time and place for this project are: meeting room 3, 2nd floor, guoyi tendering co., LTD., at * : * p.m. on August * , * . Now it is revised to: meeting room no. 3, 2nd floor, guoyi tendering co., LTD. (no. * dongfeng east road, guangzhou city) at 9: * am on August * , * . This "reply to clarification, supplement to drawings and notice of change of closing and opening time" shall form part of the bidding document. GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 点击查看>> . |