



延期理由: 因报价情况不满足要求,采购方决定延期

项目名称 4K摄影机 项目编号 JJ 点击查看>>
公告开始日期 点击查看>> * : * : * 公告截止日期 点击查看>> * : * : *
采购单位 (略) 付款方式
联系人 中标后在我参与的项目中查看 联系电话 中标后在我参与的项目中查看
签约时间要求 成交后3天 到货时间要求 签约后3天
预 算   * , * . * 未公布
收货地址 (略) 翡翠湖校区 (略)

符合《政府采购法》第 * 十 * 条规定的供应商基本条件

公告说明 由于该项目参与报价供应商数量不满足要求,本项目延期至 点击查看>> * : *


采购商品 采购数量 计量单位 所属分类
4K摄影机 1

品牌 品牌1 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K摄影机
型号 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K摄影机
技术参数及配置要求 Effective Sensor Size
* . * mm x * mm (Four Thirds)

Lens Mount
Active MFT mount.

Lens Control
Iris, focus and zoom on supported lenses.

Dynamic Range
* Stops.

Dual Native ISO
* and *

Shooting Resolutions
* x * (4K DCI), * x * (Ultra HD), * x * (HD).

Frame Rates
Maximum sensor frame rate dependent on resolution and codec selected. Project frame rates of * . * , * , * , * . * , * , * , * . * and * fps supported.
Off-speed frame rates up to * fps in 4K DCI, * fps in HD windowed.

SD Video Standards

HD Video Standards
* , * p * , * p * , * , * p * , * p * , * , * p * .

Ultra HD Video Standards
* , * p * , * p * , * , * p * , * p * , * , * p * .

4K DCI Standards
4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * .

1 x CFast and 1 x SD UHS-II card slot for CinemaDNG Raw and ProRes Recording. Actual supported codec and frame rates are media dependent.

Media Format
Can format cards to ExFAT for Windows and Mac or HFS+ for Mac (file systems).

Supported Codecs
CinemaDNG RAW, CinemaDNG RAW 3:1, CinemaDNG RAW 4:1, ProRes * HQ QuickTime, ProRes * QuickTime, ProRes * LT QuickTime, ProRes * Proxy QuickTime.

Storage Features
Storage Type
1 x CFast 2.0.

1 x SD UHS-II card.

Storage Rates
* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - * . * MB/s

* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * .6 MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - * .4 MB/s

* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * .5 MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * .4 MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - 5.6 MB/s
Storage rates based on * frames per second.
Recording Formats
Lossless CinemaDNG RAW, RAW 3:1 and RAW 4:1 with film dynamic range at * x * , * x * and * x * . Apple ProRes * x * , * x * and * x * in either film, video, extended video dynamic range or custom 3D LUT.
售后服务 商品承诺:原厂全新未拆封正品;


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延期理由: 因报价情况不满足要求,采购方决定延期
end ngIf: 点击查看>> ing(0, 2) == 'YQ' ngIf: 点击查看>> ing(0, 2) == 'BG'

项目名称 4K摄影机 项目编号 JJ 点击查看>>
公告开始日期 点击查看>> * : * : * 公告截止日期 点击查看>> * : * : *
采购单位 (略) 付款方式
联系人 中标后在我参与的项目中查看 联系电话 中标后在我参与的项目中查看
签约时间要求 成交后3天 到货时间要求 签约后3天
预 算   * , * . * 未公布
收货地址 (略) 翡翠湖校区 (略)

符合《政府采购法》第 * 十 * 条规定的供应商基本条件

ngRepeat: qual in enquiry.quals

公告说明 由于该项目参与报价供应商数量不满足要求,本项目延期至 点击查看>> * : *

ngRepeat: item in enquiry.items


采购商品 采购数量 计量单位 所属分类
4K摄影机 1

品牌 品牌1 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K摄影机
型号 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K摄影机
技术参数及配置要求 Effective Sensor Size
* . * mm x * mm (Four Thirds)

Lens Mount
Active MFT mount.

Lens Control
Iris, focus and zoom on supported lenses.

Dynamic Range
* Stops.

Dual Native ISO
* and *

Shooting Resolutions
* x * (4K DCI), * x * (Ultra HD), * x * (HD).

Frame Rates
Maximum sensor frame rate dependent on resolution and codec selected. Project frame rates of * . * , * , * , * . * , * , * , * . * and * fps supported.
Off-speed frame rates up to * fps in 4K DCI, * fps in HD windowed.

SD Video Standards

HD Video Standards
* , * p * , * p * , * , * p * , * p * , * , * p * .

Ultra HD Video Standards
* , * p * , * p * , * , * p * , * p * , * , * p * .

4K DCI Standards
4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * , 4KDCIp * . * , 4KDCIp * .

1 x CFast and 1 x SD UHS-II card slot for CinemaDNG Raw and ProRes Recording. Actual supported codec and frame rates are media dependent.

Media Format
Can format cards to ExFAT for Windows and Mac or HFS+ for Mac (file systems).

Supported Codecs
CinemaDNG RAW, CinemaDNG RAW 3:1, CinemaDNG RAW 4:1, ProRes * HQ QuickTime, ProRes * QuickTime, ProRes * LT QuickTime, ProRes * Proxy QuickTime.

Storage Features
Storage Type
1 x CFast 2.0.

1 x SD UHS-II card.

Storage Rates
* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - * . * MB/s

* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * .6 MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - * .4 MB/s

* x *
CinemaDNG RAW - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 3:1 - * MB/s
CinemaDNG RAW 4:1 - * MB/s
Apple ProRes * HQ - * .5 MB/s
Apple ProRes * - * .4 MB/s
Apple ProRes * LT - * . * MB/s
Apple ProRes Proxy - 5.6 MB/s
Storage rates based on * frames per second.
Recording Formats
Lossless CinemaDNG RAW, RAW 3:1 and RAW 4:1 with film dynamic range at * x * , * x * and * x * . Apple ProRes * x * , * x * and * x * in either film, video, extended video dynamic range or custom 3D LUT.

{{ 点击查看>> }}

售后服务 商品承诺:原厂全新未拆封正品;

end ngRepeat: item in enquiry.items


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