


项目名称:陵水 * -2气田开发工程项目安全阀
招标编号: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
发标日期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称:招标代理机构)受中海石油(中国) (略) (以下简称:招标人)委托,就陵水 * - (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
项目概况:本安全阀将安装于中华人民共和国 (略) 海域陵水 * -2 半潜式平台上。
数量:安全阀: * 台,呼吸阀:3台,爆破片:2台。
1.投 (略) 有安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀应在 (略) 生产,同时承诺(境外投标人)提供产地证明,买方不接受贴牌产品。
2. 所有安全阀和呼吸阀应 (略) 制造的同 * 品牌。
4.呼吸阀的设计应符合API * 标准。
* 日到达 (略) 省 (略) (略) 地。
* 日到达 (略) 省 (略) 港。
资格要求:(1)投标人应承诺自费按 (略) 提 (略) 检验并获得检验证书。船体阀门(位号为HULL-PSV-XXXX 或HULL-PSE-XXXX)为入级设备,需要取得CCS 或 ABS (略) 的船用产品证书。上部组块阀门(位号为TS-PSV-XXXX 或TS-PSE -XXXX 或 TS-PVSV-XXXX)需取得国家安全生产 (略) 海洋石油作业安全办 公室(COOOSO)认可的其中任意 * 家第 * 方认证机构(ABS, Lloyd’s, DNV, BV, CCS)的检验证书。(2)投标人应为安全阀提供ASME?UV证书。
业绩要求:投标人为陵水 * -2 半潜平台提供的安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀必须是制造商的成熟产品,买方不接受未经使用的试制产品。安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀需满足以下要求:近 * 年( * 年1 月1 日至截标日), (略) 投安全阀(先导式、常规式、波纹管式)、呼吸阀和爆破片,每类设备应至少具有应用于两个海上油气生产装置项目且满足下述技术要求业绩(合同签署时间为业绩时间): 
a) 先导式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于1-1/2" * LB x 2" * LB ; 
b) 常规式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于1-1/2" * LB x 3" * LB; 
c) 波纹管式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于3" * LB x 4" * LB; 
d) 呼吸阀尺寸和磅级不低于8" * LB x * " * LB; 
e) 爆破片尺寸和磅级不低于 * " * LB。 
业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称、供货数量、 (略) 属油气生产装置类型、尺寸与压力等级、最终接收证书或用户使用证明。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述信息,均视为无效业绩。
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日开始至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/ 点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号: 点击查看>> ,SWIFTCODE:COMMCNSHBJG),售后不退。
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层 * 室。
5. 开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层 * 室。
6. (略) (略) 网(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布。
地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区南油 * 区 (略) 楼
邮政编码: 点击查看>>
电话:+ * - 点击查看>>
邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮编: 点击查看>>
联 系 人:王立峰
电子邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
联系电话: 点击查看>>  
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Project: Pressure ReliefValve for Lingshui * -2 Gas Field Development Project
Bid No: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
Date: November?2, *
1.    ChinaNational Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement & TenderingCentre and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called“Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited (herinafter called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supplyof following equipment:
Source of Funds:Yes
Description of The PreparedBidding Conditions:Yes
Joint Bids:NOTAcceptable
Overview: The Pressure?Relief Valve will be installed on LS * -2 semi-submersible, which located inSouth China Sea, the People’s Republic of China.
Nameof Goods: Pressure?Relief Valve
Quantity: Pressure?Relief Valve : * sets,Pressure Vacuum Valve:3 sets,Rupture Disc:2 sets.
Main technical?requirement:
1) The Bidder?should promise that all Pressure Relief Valve, Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum?Valve should be produced in its brand own manufactory. Meanwhile overseas?bidder promise to provide certificate of origin. The purchaser does not accept?the OEM product .
2)All of the?pressure relief valves and?pressure?vacuum?valves?in this package shall be the same brand produced by the?same factory.
3) The disc?shall be non fragment design.
4) The Pressure?Vacuum Valve design shall meet the standard API * .
From within PRC
From outside PRC
Augest * , * of Construction Site of Qingdao, Shandong.
Augest * , * of Qingdao port, Shandong.
2.    QualificationRequirements:
1) The Bidder?should promise to arrange inspection of the products supplied and obtain finalinspection certificates at his own cost of the following requirements. Hull part?valve(Tag number with?HULL-PSV-XXXX or HULL-PSE-XXXX)shall have certificate?of marine product issued by China Classification Society (CCS) or American?Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Topside part valve (Tag number with TS-PSV-XXXX orTS-PSE-XXXX or TS-PVSV-XXXX) shall obtain the GOODS inspection certificates?from one of the third party certification agency authorized byCOOOSO, i.e. ABS,BV, CCS, DNV and Lloyd’s.?2)Bidder?shall?supply?ASME?VIII?certificated?and?UV?stamped?certificate?for?pressure?relief?valve.
2) The Pressure?Relief Valve, Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum Valve supplied by Bidder for theLS * -2 SEMI platform should be manufacturer’s proven products,unused prototype equipment shall not beacceptable, The Pressure Relief Valve,Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum Valveneed to meet below requirements:
In recent * ?years (since Jan. 1st, * to the deadline of bids submission stipulated), The?pressure relief valve(pilot,conventional and bellow)and Pressure Vacuum?Valve and Rupture Disc of each category provided by bidder should have records?of applied to at least two offshore Oil/Gas Production Unit projects (the signing?date of contract is regarded as reference time). Meanwhile meet the following?technical requirements:
a) For pilot?type of pressure relief valve, size and pressure class shall equal to1-1/2" * LB x 2" * LB or above.
b) For?conventional type of pressure relief valve, the size and pressure class shall equalto 1-1/2" * LB x 3" * LB or above.
c) For bellow?type of pressure relief valve, the size and pressure class shall equal to3" * LB x 4" * LB or above.
d) For Pressure?Vacuum Valve, size and pressure class shall equal to 8" * LB x * " * LB or above.
e) For Rupture?Disc, size and pressure class shall equal to * " * LB or above.The Bidder?shall submit valid track records and relevant documentary evidence 点击查看>> nt?chapters copies of contract, 2.Final receipt certificate or user operation certificate).
 The?documentary evidence shall contain but not limited to: the date of contract signing,equipment name, quantity, type of oil&gas production facility, size and pressure?class, final receipt certificate or user operation certificate. Absence of the reference?evidence documents or failure to verify the foregoing information shall be deemedas an invalid track record.
3.    Allthose who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to :enter into website https:/ 点击查看>> purchase the bidding documents(electronic edition) on line from November?2, * to November?9, * uponnon-refundable payment of RMB 2, * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank:  Bank ofCommunications Beijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch;  USD A/C No.: 点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). Aftercompletion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents.
4.    Bidsmust be delivered to Room * , 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 DongzhimenwaiXiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China for submission of bids?before * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on November? * , * .
5.    Bids?will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attendat * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on November? * , * at Room * , 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower,No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China forbid-opening.
6.    The?Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c 点击查看>> ?simultaneously.
Name of Purchaser: CNOOCChina Limited
Address: Cooperation Building, 2nd Nanyou District, Potou,Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, 点击查看>> , P.R. China
Contact Person: Miss Mo Zhenying
Telephone: + * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name of Tendering Agent:China National Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement&Tendering Centre and  CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Detailed Address: Floor4,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> ,P.R. China
Post Code: 点击查看>>
Contact person: Wang Lifeng
Telephone: + * - * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
项目名称:陵水 * -2气田开发工程项目安全阀
招标编号: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
发标日期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称:招标代理机构)受中海石油(中国) (略) (以下简称:招标人)委托,就陵水 * - (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
项目概况:本安全阀将安装于中华人民共和国 (略) 海域陵水 * -2 半潜式平台上。
数量:安全阀: * 台,呼吸阀:3台,爆破片:2台。
1.投 (略) 有安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀应在 (略) 生产,同时承诺(境外投标人)提供产地证明,买方不接受贴牌产品。
2. 所有安全阀和呼吸阀应 (略) 制造的同 * 品牌。
4.呼吸阀的设计应符合API * 标准。
* 日到达 (略) 省 (略) (略) 地。
* 日到达 (略) 省 (略) 港。
资格要求:(1)投标人应承诺自费按 (略) 提 (略) 检验并获得检验证书。船体阀门(位号为HULL-PSV-XXXX 或HULL-PSE-XXXX)为入级设备,需要取得CCS 或 ABS (略) 的船用产品证书。上部组块阀门(位号为TS-PSV-XXXX 或TS-PSE -XXXX 或 TS-PVSV-XXXX)需取得国家安全生产 (略) 海洋石油作业安全办 公室(COOOSO)认可的其中任意 * 家第 * 方认证机构(ABS, Lloyd’s, DNV, BV, CCS)的检验证书。(2)投标人应为安全阀提供ASME?UV证书。
业绩要求:投标人为陵水 * -2 半潜平台提供的安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀必须是制造商的成熟产品,买方不接受未经使用的试制产品。安全阀、爆破片和呼吸阀需满足以下要求:近 * 年( * 年1 月1 日至截标日), (略) 投安全阀(先导式、常规式、波纹管式)、呼吸阀和爆破片,每类设备应至少具有应用于两个海上油气生产装置项目且满足下述技术要求业绩(合同签署时间为业绩时间): 
a) 先导式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于1-1/2" * LB x 2" * LB ; 
b) 常规式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于1-1/2" * LB x 3" * LB; 
c) 波纹管式安全阀尺寸和磅级不低于3" * LB x 4" * LB; 
d) 呼吸阀尺寸和磅级不低于8" * LB x * " * LB; 
e) 爆破片尺寸和磅级不低于 * " * LB。 
业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称、供货数量、 (略) 属油气生产装置类型、尺寸与压力等级、最终接收证书或用户使用证明。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述信息,均视为无效业绩。
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日开始至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/ 点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号: 点击查看>> ,SWIFTCODE:COMMCNSHBJG),售后不退。
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层 * 室。
5. 开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层 * 室。
6. (略) (略) 网(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布。
地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区南油 * 区 (略) 楼
邮政编码: 点击查看>>
电话:+ * - 点击查看>>
邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮编: 点击查看>>
联 系 人:王立峰
电子邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
联系电话: 点击查看>>  
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Project: Pressure ReliefValve for Lingshui * -2 Gas Field Development Project
Bid No: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
Date: November?2, *
1.    ChinaNational Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement & TenderingCentre and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called“Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited (herinafter called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supplyof following equipment:
Source of Funds:Yes
Description of The PreparedBidding Conditions:Yes
Joint Bids:NOTAcceptable
Overview: The Pressure?Relief Valve will be installed on LS * -2 semi-submersible, which located inSouth China Sea, the People’s Republic of China.
Nameof Goods: Pressure?Relief Valve
Quantity: Pressure?Relief Valve : * sets,Pressure Vacuum Valve:3 sets,Rupture Disc:2 sets.
Main technical?requirement:
1) The Bidder?should promise that all Pressure Relief Valve, Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum?Valve should be produced in its brand own manufactory. Meanwhile overseas?bidder promise to provide certificate of origin. The purchaser does not accept?the OEM product .
2)All of the?pressure relief valves and?pressure?vacuum?valves?in this package shall be the same brand produced by the?same factory.
3) The disc?shall be non fragment design.
4) The Pressure?Vacuum Valve design shall meet the standard API * .
From within PRC
From outside PRC
Augest * , * of Construction Site of Qingdao, Shandong.
Augest * , * of Qingdao port, Shandong.
2.    QualificationRequirements:
1) The Bidder?should promise to arrange inspection of the products supplied and obtain finalinspection certificates at his own cost of the following requirements. Hull part?valve(Tag number with?HULL-PSV-XXXX or HULL-PSE-XXXX)shall have certificate?of marine product issued by China Classification Society (CCS) or American?Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Topside part valve (Tag number with TS-PSV-XXXX orTS-PSE-XXXX or TS-PVSV-XXXX) shall obtain the GOODS inspection certificates?from one of the third party certification agency authorized byCOOOSO, i.e. ABS,BV, CCS, DNV and Lloyd’s.?2)Bidder?shall?supply?ASME?VIII?certificated?and?UV?stamped?certificate?for?pressure?relief?valve.
2) The Pressure?Relief Valve, Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum Valve supplied by Bidder for theLS * -2 SEMI platform should be manufacturer’s proven products,unused prototype equipment shall not beacceptable, The Pressure Relief Valve,Rupture Disc and Pressure Vacuum Valveneed to meet below requirements:
In recent * ?years (since Jan. 1st, * to the deadline of bids submission stipulated), The?pressure relief valve(pilot,conventional and bellow)and Pressure Vacuum?Valve and Rupture Disc of each category provided by bidder should have records?of applied to at least two offshore Oil/Gas Production Unit projects (the signing?date of contract is regarded as reference time). Meanwhile meet the following?technical requirements:
a) For pilot?type of pressure relief valve, size and pressure shall equal to1-1/2" * LB x 2" * LB or above.
b) For?conventional type of pressure relief valve, the size and pressure shall equalto 1-1/2" * LB x 3" * LB or above.
c) For bellow?type of pressure relief valve, the size and pressure shall equal to3" * LB x 4" * LB or above.
d) For Pressure?Vacuum Valve, size and pressure shall equal to 8" * LB x * " * LB or above.
e) For Rupture?Disc, size and pressure shall equal to * " * LB or above.The Bidder?shall submit valid track records and relevant documentary evidence 点击查看>> nt?chapters copies of contract, 2.Final receipt certificate or user operation certificate).
 The?documentary evidence shall contain but not limited to: the date of contract signing,equipment name, quantity, type of oil&gas production facility, size and pressure?, final receipt certificate or user operation certificate. Absence of the reference?evidence documents or failure to verify the foregoing information shall be deemedas an invalid track record.
3.    Allthose who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to :enter into website https:/ 点击查看>> purchase the bidding documents(electronic edition) on line from November?2, * to November?9, * uponnon-refundable payment of RMB 2, * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank:  Bank ofCommunications Beijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch;  USD A/C No.: 点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). Aftercompletion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents.
4.    Bidsmust be delivered to Room * , 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 DongzhimenwaiXiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China for submission of bids?before * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on November? * , * .
5.    Bids?will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attendat * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on November? * , * at Room * , 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower,No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R. China forbid-opening.
6.    The?Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c 点击查看>> ?simultaneously.
Name of Purchaser: CNOOCChina Limited
Address: Cooperation Building, 2nd Nanyou District, Potou,Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, 点击查看>> , P.R. China
Contact Person: Miss Mo Zhenying
Telephone: + * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name of Tendering Agent:China National Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement&Tendering Centre and  CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Detailed Address: Floor4,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> ,P.R. China
Post Code: 点击查看>>
Contact person: Wang Lifeng
Telephone: + * - * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn





