


标段(包)编号: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
标段(包)名称:陵水 * -2气田开发项目直缝埋弧焊钢管

1. “★ (略) 投货物的制造商。本次招标不接受代理商投标。The Bidder shall be the manufacturer of bid goods. Bid by Agent is not accepted.” 
“★如果投标人为代理商,投 (略) 投货物制造商同意其在中国为本次投标提供该货物的合法正式授权书。如果投 (略) (略) (略) ,应提供声明,说明投 (略) (略) ,负责投标货物的销售工作。If the Bidder is an agent, the Bidder shall be duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer to supply the goods in this bidding project. If the Bidder is the sales company belonging to the group of manufacturer of bid goods, the Bidder shall furnish a declaration in bid that: The Bidder and the manufacturer of bid goods belong to a same group, the Bidder is in charge of the sales of bid goods.” 
2. “★投标人提供有效的API5L证书。The Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of API5L.” 
“★投标人应提供投标货物制造商的有效API 5L证书。The Bidder shall provide valid API 5L Certificate of manufacturer of bid goods.” 
3.“★近 * 年内( * 日至 * 日),投标人应具有至少 * 项 * 米水深及以上、海底管道用 * - * 英寸,径厚比小于 * .7的直缝埋弧焊钢管的供货业绩,供货量不能少于 * 吨或 * km。 
Recent * years(from Jan.1, * to Dec 1, * ), the supplier shall have at least one supply reference of * in to * in, Diameter thickness ratio less than * .7 SAWL applied for subsea pipeline with water depth of * m and above, the supplied quantity shall not be less than * tons or * km.” 
“★近 * 年内( * 日至 * 日),投标货物制造商应具有至少 * 项 * 米水深及以上、海底管道用 * - * 英寸,径厚比小于 * .7的直缝埋弧焊钢管的供货业绩,供货量不能少于 * 吨或 * km。 
Recent * years(from Jan.1, * to Dec 1, * ), the manufacturer of bid goods shall have at least one supply reference of * in to * in, Diameter thickness ratio less than * .7 SAWL applied for subsea pipeline with water depth of * m and above, the supplied quantity shall not be less than * tons or * km.”” 
4. ★投标产品应由 * 个制造商生产。 
Bid goods shall be manufactured by one manufacturer. 
5. 投标文件发售时间推迟至 * 日。 
The time for the interested Bidders to purchase the Bidding Document is postponed to Dec. * , * . 
6. 投标文件递交截止时间和开标时间推迟至 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)。 
The deadline for submission of bid/ Bid opening time is postponed to * : * a.m. at Jan. 7, * (Beijing time). 
7. 投标文件递交递交地点和开标地点变更为: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 会议室。 
Place for submission of bid/ Bid opening place is changed to meeting room? * , CNOOC Tower, No. 6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, P. R. China. 

标段(包)编号: 点击查看>> JDCP 点击查看>>
标段(包)名称:陵水 * -2气田开发项目直缝埋弧焊钢管

1. “★ (略) 投货物的制造商。本次招标不接受代理商投标。The Bidder shall be the manufacturer of bid goods. Bid by Agent is not accepted.” 
“★如果投标人为代理商,投 (略) 投货物制造商同意其在中国为本次投标提供该货物的合法正式授权书。如果投 (略) (略) (略) ,应提供声明,说明投 (略) (略) ,负责投标货物的销售工作。If the Bidder is an agent, the Bidder shall be duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer to supply the goods in this bidding project. If the Bidder is the sales company belonging to the group of manufacturer of bid goods, the Bidder shall furnish a declaration in bid that: The Bidder and the manufacturer of bid goods belong to a same group, the Bidder is in charge of the sales of bid goods.” 
2. “★投标人提供有效的API5L证书。The Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of API5L.” 
“★投标人应提供投标货物制造商的有效API 5L证书。The Bidder shall provide valid API 5L Certificate of manufacturer of bid goods.” 
3.“★近 * 年内( * 日至 * 日),投标人应具有至少 * 项 * 米水深及以上、海底管道用 * - * 英寸,径厚比小于 * .7的直缝埋弧焊钢管的供货业绩,供货量不能少于 * 吨或 * km。 
Recent * years(from Jan.1, * to Dec 1, * ), the supplier shall have at least one supply reference of * in to * in, Diameter thickness ratio less than * .7 SAWL applied for subsea pipeline with water depth of * m and above, the supplied quantity shall not be less than * tons or * km.” 
“★近 * 年内( * 日至 * 日),投标货物制造商应具有至少 * 项 * 米水深及以上、海底管道用 * - * 英寸,径厚比小于 * .7的直缝埋弧焊钢管的供货业绩,供货量不能少于 * 吨或 * km。 
Recent * years(from Jan.1, * to Dec 1, * ), the manufacturer of bid goods shall have at least one supply reference of * in to * in, Diameter thickness ratio less than * .7 SAWL applied for subsea pipeline with water depth of * m and above, the supplied quantity shall not be less than * tons or * km.”” 
4. ★投标产品应由 * 个制造商生产。 
Bid goods shall be manufactured by one manufacturer. 
5. 投标文件发售时间推迟至 * 日。 
The time for the interested Bidders to purchase the Bidding Document is postponed to Dec. * , * . 
6. 投标文件递交截止时间和开标时间推迟至 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)。 
The deadline for submission of bid/ Bid opening time is postponed to * : * a.m. at Jan. 7, * (Beijing time). 
7. 投标文件递交递交地点和开标地点变更为: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 会议室。 
Place for submission of bid/ Bid opening place is changed to meeting room? * , CNOOC Tower, No. 6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, P. R. China. 






