


(略) (查看原公告
变更日期: 点击查看>> * : * : *
变更说明:标段1:对投标人的资格要求中的“投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。” 变更为“投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。” 招标文件中相关内容如与此不 * 致,请以此为准。其余不变。
招标编号: 点击查看>> JS * / *
     (略) 有限公司(以下称招标机构)受 (略) (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其离心式与变 (略) ,邀请合 (略) 网上电子投标。
1. 招标货物名称、数量、技术规格和资金来源:
3)主要技术参数:(1)离心式空压机1台:排气量: * m3/min;(2)变频无油螺杆式空压机1台:排气量: * ~ * m3/min;(3)智能集中控制系统1套: (略) 以及新增的压缩机设计制造的自动化控制系统,可连接 * 台压缩机;实现 * 、 (略) 的智能集中顺序控制。 (略) 文 (略) 分。;
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
1)交货地点:D (略)
2)交货时间:合同签约后 (略) 设 (略)
3. *凡确认投标的投标人,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在公示。
4. (略) 网(http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后, (略) 文件,进行投标和开标活动。
5. 购买招标文件时间:
1)购买招标文件时间:  点击查看>>  ~  点击查看>>
6. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版 * 套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
售价为人民币 * 元或 * 美元整。
招标文 (略) 计价出售,投标人成功购标后, (略) 文件和投标文件模板。招标文件 * 经售出不得退还。
7. 投标截止时间和开标时间:
1)投标截止时间: 点击查看>> * : * ( (略) 时间)。 (略) (略) 有电子投标文件。
8. 开标方式:电子 * 步法
9. 开标信息:
1)第 * 步开标时间:同投标截止时间( (略) 时间)。
2)开标地点: (略) 本项目开标大厅
* . *投标条件及资格要求:
1)投标条件及资格要求:(1)投标人须具备在近 * 年国 (略) 类似压缩空气工程项目里采用 * Nm3/min离心式空压机及≥ * m3/min变频无油螺杆空压机设备至少1例以上成功应用业绩。(2)由 (略) 调研、技术要求高,任何投标人希望参与本项目的, (略) 人联系开展技术交流。 (略) 人联系并开展技术交流。未能及时联系开展技术交流并签订技术附件的投标人,将被拒绝投标。(技术交流联系人:谢福成 点击查看>> )(3)投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。
* . 联合体投标:
* . 客服热线: 点击查看>> 2(有关投标人CA (略) )
传真: 点击查看>>
网上购标方法: (略) 网“操作指南”。
电 话: 点击查看>>
传 真: 点击查看>>
电子邮件: * ao 点击查看>>
业务室助理联系电话: 点击查看>>
招标机构地址: (略) 市 (略) 区克山路 * 弄果园公寓8号楼
邮编: 点击查看>>
收 款 人: (略) 有限公司
(略) :建行 (略)
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
(略) 账号 点击查看>>
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
Changed Date: 点击查看>> * : * : *
Changed content:Bid section 1:Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:"If the bidder is an agent,the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be 点击查看>> registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than * million RMB."changed to"If the bidder is an agent,the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be 点击查看>> registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than 5 million RMB."Others remain unchanged.
Tendering No.: 点击查看>> JS *
    Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Tendering Agency)is commissioned by SGIS Songshan Co.,Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as tenderer)on international open bidding for the following goods required in Centrifugal Compressor and Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor and Horizontal Spiral Ultracentrifuge and invites eligible bidders to online e-bidding。
1. The name, quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods for tendering:
1)The name:Centrifugal Compressor and Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor and Intelligent Centralized Control System;
2)quantity:one set;
3)technical specifications:(1)one set of Centrifugal air compressor:Exhaust capacity: * m3/min; (2)one set of Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor:Exhaust capacity: * ~ * m3/min; (3)one set of Intelligent Centralized Control System: The automatic control system designed and manufactured for field and newly added compressors can connect * compressors and realize intelligent centralized sequential control of No.2 and No.3 air compressor stations. Detail refer to the technical document part of tendering document.;
4)fund sources of goods for tendering:Self-raised funds(Cash items);
2. Delivery time and place:
1)Delivery place:DDP project site
2)Delivery time:all equipment in the tender shall be delivered to the site within 6 months after contract signing
3. *The bidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on China International Bidding Website),and register. Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annual review before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on China International Bidding Website.
4. Baohua E-bidding website http:/ 点击查看>> )is a computer system on which the bidder can purchase bid and submit bid affter log in using its company authority.
5. Time for purchasing Tendering Documents:
Time for purchasing Tendering Documents: 点击查看>>  ~  点击查看>> (9: * - * : * , * : * - * : * each day, except for holidays).
6. Sales prices of the tendering document:tendering document in English and Chinese version (including electronic version). The Chinese version shall govern in case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version.
Sales price is RMB * or USD * 。
All tendering documents will be sold by bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tendering document and the template of bidding document. No refund of the tendering document after sale.
7. Deadline for submission of bid and Bid Opening Time:
1)Deadline for bid submission and Bid Opening Time: 点击查看>> * : * (Beijing time). The bidder shall submit all bidding documents on Baohua tendering website before the bidding deadline.
8. Bid opening style:E-biddingOne-step of opening
9. Biding opening place:
1)First Bid Opening Time: 点击查看>> * : *
2)E-Biding opening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Tendering net
* . *Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:
1)Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:(1)The bidder shall have at least one successful application of * Nm3/min centrifugal air compressor and (> * m3/min) frequency conversion oil-free screw air compressor in similar compressed air projects in metallurgical plants at home and abroad in the past three years.(2)As the project requires on-site investigation and high technical requirements, any bidder who wishes to participate in the project should contact the tenderer before opening the bid to carry out technical exchanges. The bidder shall contact the tenderer and carry out technical exchanges at the latest five days before the bid opening date. Bidders who fail to communicate and sign technical annexes in time will be rejected. (technical exchange contact: Mr. Xie Fucheng( 点击查看>> )).(3)If the bidder is an agent, the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be provided. The registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than * million RMB.
* . Bidding consortium:
This project no consortium bidding is accepted
* . Customer service hotline: 点击查看>> 2(consulting for bidders CA affairs)
Fax: 点击查看>>
Online tendering document purchase:please refer to "HELP" for details on Baohua tendering website.
Project manager:Gao Hua(contact project leader for commercial, technical problems of tendering project)
Tel: 点击查看>>
Fax: 点击查看>>
E-mail: * ao 点击查看>>
Business assistant:Fang Xiaohui
Tel: 点击查看>>
Bid agency address:No.8, * Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China
Post code: 点击查看>>
payee: Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Accounting Bank:China Construction Bank Baoshan Branch
RMB Accounting Number: 点击查看>>
EUR Accounting Number 点击查看>>
USD Accounting Number: 点击查看>>
JPY Accounting Number: 点击查看>>

(略) (查看原公告
变更日期: 点击查看>> * : * : *
变更说明:标段1:对投标人的资格要求中的“投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。” 变更为“投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。” 招标文件中相关内容如与此不 * 致,请以此为准。其余不变。
招标编号: 点击查看>> JS * / *
     (略) 有限公司(以下称招标机构)受 (略) (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其离心式与变 (略) ,邀请合 (略) 网上电子投标。
1. 招标货物名称、数量、技术规格和资金来源:
3)主要技术参数:(1)离心式空压机1台:排气量: * m3/min;(2)变频无油螺杆式空压机1台:排气量: * ~ * m3/min;(3)智能集中控制系统1套: (略) 以及新增的压缩机设计制造的自动化控制系统,可连接 * 台压缩机;实现 * 、 (略) 的智能集中顺序控制。 (略) 文 (略) 分。;
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
1)交货地点:D (略)
2)交货时间:合同签约后 (略) 设 (略)
3. *凡确认投标的投标人,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在公示。
4. (略) 网(http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后, (略) 文件,进行投标和开标活动。
5. 购买招标文件时间:
1)购买招标文件时间:  点击查看>>  ~  点击查看>>
6. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版 * 套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
售价为人民币 * 元或 * 美元整。
招标文 (略) 计价出售,投标人成功购标后, (略) 文件和投标文件模板。招标文件 * 经售出不得退还。
7. 投标截止时间和开标时间:
1)投标截止时间: 点击查看>> * : * ( (略) 时间)。 (略) (略) 有电子投标文件。
8. 开标方式:电子 * 步法
9. 开标信息:
1)第 * 步开标时间:同投标截止时间( (略) 时间)。
2)开标地点: (略) 本项目开标大厅
* . *投标条件及资格要求:
1)投标条件及资格要求:(1)投标人须具备在近 * 年国 (略) 类似压缩空气工程项目里采用 * Nm3/min离心式空压机及≥ * m3/min变频无油螺杆空压机设备至少1例以上成功应用业绩。(2)由 (略) 调研、技术要求高,任何投标人希望参与本项目的, (略) 人联系开展技术交流。 (略) 人联系并开展技术交流。未能及时联系开展技术交流并签订技术附件的投标人,将被拒绝投标。(技术交流联系人:谢福成 点击查看>> )(3)投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设备制造商或品牌的唯 * 授权书,代理商企业注册资金须不低于 * 万元人民币。
* . 联合体投标:
* . 客服热线: 点击查看>> 2(有关投标人CA (略) )
传真: 点击查看>>
网上购标方法: (略) 网“操作指南”。
电 话: 点击查看>>
传 真: 点击查看>>
电子邮件: * ao 点击查看>>
业务室助理联系电话: 点击查看>>
招标机构地址: (略) 市 (略) 区克山路 * 弄果园公寓8号楼
邮编: 点击查看>>
收 款 人: (略) 有限公司
(略) :建行 (略)
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
(略) 账号 点击查看>>
(略) 账号: 点击查看>>
Changed Date: 点击查看>> * : * : *
Changed content:Bid section 1:Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:"If the bidder is an agent,the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be 点击查看>> registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than * million RMB."changed to"If the bidder is an agent,the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be 点击查看>> registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than 5 million RMB."Others remain unchanged.
Tendering No.: 点击查看>> JS *
    Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Tendering Agency)is commissioned by SGIS Songshan Co.,Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as tenderer)on international open bidding for the following goods required in Centrifugal Compressor and Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor and Horizontal Spiral Ultracentrifuge and invites eligible bidders to online e-bidding。
1. The name, quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods for tendering:
1)The name:Centrifugal Compressor and Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor and Intelligent Centralized Control System;
2)quantity:one set;
3)technical specifications:(1)one set of Centrifugal air compressor:Exhaust capacity: * m3/min; (2)one set of Frequency Conversion Oilless Screw Air Compressor:Exhaust capacity: * ~ * m3/min; (3)one set of Intelligent Centralized Control System: The automatic control system designed and manufactured for field and newly added compressors can connect * compressors and realize intelligent centralized sequential control of No.2 and No.3 air compressor stations. Detail refer to the technical document part of tendering document.;
4)fund sources of goods for tendering:Self-raised funds(Cash items);
2. Delivery time and place:
1)Delivery place:DDP project site
2)Delivery time:all equipment in the tender shall be delivered to the site within 6 months after contract signing
3. *The bidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on China International Bidding Website),and register. Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annual review before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on China International Bidding Website.
4. Baohua E-bidding website http:/ 点击查看>> )is a computer system on which the bidder can purchase bid and submit bid affter log in using its company authority.
5. Time for purchasing Tendering Documents:
Time for purchasing Tendering Documents: 点击查看>>  ~  点击查看>> (9: * - * : * , * : * - * : * each day, except for holidays).
6. Sales prices of the tendering document:tendering document in English and Chinese version (including electronic version). The Chinese version shall govern in case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version.
Sales price is RMB * or USD * 。
All tendering documents will be sold by bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tendering document and the template of bidding document. No refund of the tendering document after sale.
7. Deadline for submission of bid and Bid Opening Time:
1)Deadline for bid submission and Bid Opening Time: 点击查看>> * : * (Beijing time). The bidder shall submit all bidding documents on Baohua tendering website before the bidding deadline.
8. Bid opening :E-biddingOne-step of opening
9. Biding opening place:
1)First Bid Opening Time: 点击查看>> * : *
2)E-Biding opening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Tendering net
* . *Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:
1)Requirements of Bidder’s qualification:(1)The bidder shall have at least one successful application of * Nm3/min centrifugal air compressor and (> * m3/min) frequency conversion oil-free screw air compressor in similar compressed air projects in metallurgical plants at home and abroad in the past three years.(2)As the project requires on-site investigation and high technical requirements, any bidder who wishes to participate in the project should contact the tenderer before opening the bid to carry out technical exchanges. The bidder shall contact the tenderer and carry out technical exchanges at the latest five days before the bid opening date. Bidders who fail to communicate and sign technical annexes in time will be rejected. (technical exchange contact: Mr. Xie Fucheng( 点击查看>> )).(3)If the bidder is an agent, the sole authorization of the equipment manufacturer or brand to the bidder shall be provided. The registered capital of the agent enterprise shall not be less than * million RMB.
* . Bidding consortium:
This project no consortium bidding is accepted
* . Customer service hotline: 点击查看>> 2(consulting for bidders CA affairs)
Fax: 点击查看>>
Online tendering document purchase:please refer to "HELP" for details on Baohua tendering website.
Project manager:Gao Hua(contact project leader for commercial, technical problems of tendering project)
Tel: 点击查看>>
Fax: 点击查看>>
E-mail: * ao 点击查看>>
Business assistant:Fang Xiaohui
Tel: 点击查看>>
Bid agency address:No.8, * Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China
Post code: 点击查看>>
payee: Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Accounting Bank:China Construction Bank Baoshan Branch
RMB Accounting Number: 点击查看>>
EUR Accounting Number 点击查看>>
USD Accounting Number: 点击查看>>
JPY Accounting Number: 点击查看>>






