项目名称:陵水 * -2气田开发项目
Project Name: LS * -2 Gas Field Development Project
招标编号(Bid No.):
点击查看>> JDCP
日期: * 日
Date : March * th, *
1. (略) (略) (以下称为“招标代理机构”)受海洋 (略) (以下称为“招标人”)委托,就陵水 * - (略) 。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted by Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” ), intends to purchase the Goods and therelevant services required under the project of LS * -2 Gas Field DevelopmentProject by International Competitive Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requestedto provide the following Goods and services with sealed bids.
Source of Funds: YES
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:YES
Joint Bids:NOT Acceptable
项目概况:本采办文件规定了位于中华人民共和国 (略) 海域陵水 * -2气田半潜式平台上安装的雾笛导航系统、直升机 * 板照明系统和半潜平台信号灯系统的设计、材料选择、制造、供货检查、调试和运输的最低要求。
Thisdocument defines the minimum technical requirements for the design, materials,manufacture, supply inspection, testing and preparation for shipment ofnavigational aids system, lighting system for helicopter deck and signal lightssystem for SEMI which will be installed on SEMI of LS * -2 gas fields located inthe South China Sea, the People’s Republic of China.
货物名称: 导航系统
Name of Goods: NavigationAids System
Quantity: One Set
Delivery Schedule:
境内:合同签订后 * 周
Cis: Twenty-two weeks aftre signing the contract
境外: 合同签订后 * 周
Overseas: Twenty-two aftre signing the contract
Destination of delivery:
境内:海工 (略) 库房
Cis:Qingdao Warehouse of COOEC
境外:CFR (略) 港
Overseas:CFR Qing Dao Seaport
2. Qualification Requirements:
制造商通过ISO * 质量体系认证,并提供有效的质量体系认证证书;
The manufacturer of the Bid Goods shall pass ISO * Certification, and the Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of QualityManagement System Certification.
* 日至 * 日期间导航系统具有不少于2台(套)应用于海洋环境项目(海洋环境指海上石油平台或FPSO或海船)的销售业绩。
投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相应销售合同(含相关技术附件)的复印件。 (略) 提交的销售合同中至少须包含下述内容:合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境。如果合同内容本身不能涵盖合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境,需在投标文件中进 * 步提供其他支持材料的复印件(如图纸、用户证 (略) 的信息等), (略) 的要求。未提供相关合同(含相关技术附件)的复印件,或所提供的上述合同及其他支持材料中无法验证合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境,均视为无效业绩。
The Navigation Aids System has a sales performance of no lessthan2 sets for marine environmental projects (marine environment refersto offshore oil platforms or FPSOs or sea vessels) between January 1, * andJanuary 1, * .
The bidder shall submit the performance form inthe prescribedformat and submit a copy of the corresponding sales contract(including relevanttechnical attachments). The sales contract submitted by the bidder must includeat least the following contents: contract signing time, project name, cargoname, and use environment. If the contract content itself cannot cover the timeof signing the contract, the name of the project, the name of the goods, andthe environment of use, a copy of other supporting materials (such as paper,user certificate or publicly issued information)shall be further provided inthe bidding documents to prove the bid. The performance provided meets therequirements of this tender. Failure to provide a copy of the relevant contract(including relevant technical attachments), or the above-mentioned contract andother supporting materials provided, the time for signing the contract, thename of the project, the name of the goods, and the environment of use cannotbe verified as invalid performance.
供应商应自费委 (略) (CCS) (略) 检验,并将该发证机构签发的设计评审报告和船用产品证书提交买方。
TheVENDOR shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain final certificatefrom CCS certifying agency. The design review report and marine productcertification shall be issued by the certifying agency and transferred to thePURCHASER.
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日开始至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/
点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号:
All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindlyrequested to : enter into website https:/
点击查看>> the bidding documents (electronic edition) on linefrom March * , * to April 3, * upon non-refundable payment ofRMB 2, * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC InternationalTendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing BranchHepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.:
点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). Aftercompletion of the remittance,the bidder could download the bidding documents.
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层 * 室。
4.Bids must be delivered to Room * , 3rd Floor, CNOOC Tower,No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China forsubmission of bids before * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on April? * , * .
5. 开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。 开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层 * 室。
5.Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representativeswho choose to attend at * : * a.m. (Beijing time)on April * , * at Room? * , 3rd Floor, CNOOCTower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R.China for bid-opening.
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c
点击查看>> )上发布。
6. The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c
点击查看>> ultaneously.
招标人:海洋 (略)
Tenderee: Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.
地 址: (略) 港保税区海滨十 * 路 * 号 邮编:
Address: No. * , Haibin * th Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone,
点击查看>> , P.R.C.
Contact Person: Hou Xiaoteng
电话Tel:+ * -
电子信箱Email: * ooec.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 层,邮编
Address: Floor 4 CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P. R. China
Contact Person:?Chen?Sicong
电话/Tel :+ *
电子信箱/Email: * nooc.com.cn
项目名称:陵水 * -2气田开发项目
Project Name: LS * -2 Gas Field Development Project
招标编号(Bid No.):
点击查看>> JDCP
日期: * 日
Date : March * th, *
1. (略) (略) (以下称为“招标代理机构”)受海洋 (略) (以下称为“招标人”)委托,就陵水 * - (略) 。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted by Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” ), intends to purchase the Goods and therelevant services required under the project of LS * -2 Gas Field DevelopmentProject by International Competitive Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requestedto provide the following Goods and services with sealed bids.
Source of Funds: YES
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:YES
Joint Bids:NOT Acceptable
项目概况:本采办文件规定了位于中华人民共和国 (略) 海域陵水 * -2气田半潜式平台上安装的雾笛导航系统、直升机 * 板照明系统和半潜平台信号灯系统的设计、材料选择、制造、供货检查、调试和运输的最低要求。
Thisdocument defines the minimum technical requirements for the design, materials,manufacture, supply inspection, testing and preparation for shipment ofnavigational aids system, lighting system for helicopter deck and signal lightssystem for SEMI which will be installed on SEMI of LS * -2 gas fields located inthe South China Sea, the People’s Republic of China.
货物名称: 导航系统
Name of Goods: NavigationAids System
Quantity: One Set
Delivery Schedule:
境内:合同签订后 * 周
Cis: Twenty-two weeks aftre signing the contract
境外: 合同签订后 * 周
Overseas: Twenty-two aftre signing the contract
Destination of delivery:
境内:海工 (略) 库房
Cis:Qingdao Warehouse of COOEC
境外:CFR (略) 港
Overseas:CFR Qing Dao Seaport
2. Qualification Requirements:
制造商通过ISO * 质量体系认证,并提供有效的质量体系认证证书;
The manufacturer of the Bid Goods shall pass ISO * Certification, and the Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of QualityManagement System Certification.
* 日至 * 日期间导航系统具有不少于2台(套)应用于海洋环境项目(海洋环境指海上石油平台或FPSO或海船)的销售业绩。
投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相应销售合同(含相关技术附件)的复印件。 (略) 提交的销售合同中至少须包含下述内容:合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境。如果合同内容本身不能涵盖合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境,需在投标文件中进 * 步提供其他支持材料的复印件(如图纸、用户证 (略) 的信息等), (略) 的要求。未提供相关合同(含相关技术附件)的复印件,或所提供的上述合同及其他支持材料中无法验证合同签署时间、所在项目名称、货物名称、使用环境,均视为无效业绩。
The Navigation Aids System has a sales performance of no lessthan2 sets for marine environmental projects (marine environment refersto offshore oil platforms or FPSOs or sea vessels) between January 1, * andJanuary 1, * .
The bidder shall submit the performance form inthe prescribedformat and submit a copy of the corresponding sales contract(including relevanttechnical attachments). The sales contract submitted by the bidder must includeat least the following contents: contract signing time, project name, cargoname, and use environment. If the contract content itself cannot cover the timeof signing the contract, the name of the project, the name of the goods, andthe environment of use, a copy of other supporting materials (such as paper,user certificate or publicly issued information)shall be further provided inthe bidding documents to prove the bid. The performance provided meets therequirements of this tender. Failure to provide a copy of the relevant contract(including relevant technical attachments), or the above-mentioned contract andother supporting materials provided, the time for signing the contract, thename of the project, the name of the goods, and the environment of use cannotbe verified as invalid performance.
供应商应自费委 (略) (CCS) (略) 检验,并将该发证机构签发的设计评审报告和船用产品证书提交买方。
TheVENDOR shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain final certificatefrom CCS certifying agency. The design review report and marine productcertification shall be issued by the certifying agency and transferred to thePURCHASER.
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日开始至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/
点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号:
All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindlyrequested to : enter into website https:/
点击查看>> the bidding documents (electronic edition) on linefrom March * , * to April 3, * upon non-refundable payment ofRMB 2, * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC InternationalTendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing BranchHepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.:
点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). Aftercompletion of the remittance,the bidder could download the bidding documents.
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层 * 室。
4.Bids must be delivered to Room * , 3rd Floor, CNOOC Tower,No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China forsubmission of bids before * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on April? * , * .
5. 开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。 开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦3层 * 室。
5.Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representativeswho choose to attend at * : * a.m. (Beijing time)on April * , * at Room? * , 3rd Floor, CNOOCTower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R.China for bid-opening.
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c
点击查看>> )上发布。
6. The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c
点击查看>> ultaneously.
招标人:海洋 (略)
Tenderee: Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.
地 址: (略) 港保税区海滨十 * 路 * 号 邮编:
Address: No. * , Haibin * th Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone,
点击查看>> , P.R.C.
Contact Person: Hou Xiaoteng
电话Tel:+ * -
电子信箱Email: * ooec.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 层,邮编
Address: Floor 4 CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P. R. China
Contact Person:?Chen?Sicong
电话/Tel :+ *
电子信箱/Email: * nooc.com.cn