S.No.1 Clarification on 'Tendering Document for Construction of Dairi Lead-
Zinc Mine Underground Development System'
(略) 文件及相关投标单位提出的
To answer questions from bidders about the tender documents for Construction of
Dairi Lead-Zinc Mine Underground Development System, clarifications are thus
made as follows:
1. 投标文件报价形式、装订方式
两个标段的投标文件需分别装订,投标文件正本 * 份,副本 * 份,投标报价
* 览表为已标价的工程量清单,报价为考虑其他成本的综合单价。“需要业
主提供设备”和“不需要业主提供设备”两种报价方式 * 起填写。
1. Type of proposal and bookbinding of bid documents
Bid documents for two bid-sections needs separate bookbinding, with one (1)
original and three (3) copies. The proposed price shall be a comprehensive unit
price by taking into account other costs. Both two types of proposal for “Needing
the Owner to provide equipment” and “Needing the Owner to provide
equipment” shall be filled in.
2. 投标保证金
2. Bid bond
(1) Amount of bid bond
每个标段的投标保证金均为 * , * 美元 或者 5.7亿印尼卢比
Bid bond for each bid-section is * , * USD (or * million IDR)
(2) Type of bid bond
1)支票,附在投标报价 * 览表后
(1) Check: attached to the Summary Sheet of Bidding Quotation
2)银行电汇, (略) 账户,分别接收印尼卢比和美元
(2) Bank telegraphic transfer to the following bank accounts separately for IDR
And USD.
接收印尼卢比 Receiving IDR | 接收美元 Receiving USD |
Account No: 点击查看>> Currency: IDR Account Name: DAIRI PRIMA MINERAL Bank name: BANK MANDIRI Branch: KCP Jkt Iskandarsyah | Account No: 点击查看>> Currency: USD Account Name: DAIRI PRIMA MINERAL Bank name: BANK MANDIRI Branch: KCP Jkt Iskandarsyah |
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
(略) 电汇形式。
Bank telegraphic transfer is recommended.
(3)保函:在提交投标文件的同时,应按照招 (略) 分:投标文件
格式中“ * 、投标保证金”的格式提交保函,其中“担保人”填写投标人名称。
(3) Letter of Guarantee: Letter of Guarantee is required to be submitted together
with the bid documents based on the format in “(4) Bid Security” of “Part 2 Bid
Document Format”, in which “bondsman” is filled with the name of bidder.
3. 施工设备
3. Construction equipment
1) (略) 文件的附件 1(Annex 1)工作范围(Scope
of Work ) 1. * 条 列 明 了 可 为 每 个 标 段 提 供 的 设 备 清 单 , 其 中 备 注
1) Tenderee has listed the equipment available for each bid-section in the Article
1. * of the Annex 1 Scope of Work attached to the tender document for each bid-
section, in which those marked by “Sharing” are shared by two bid-sections.
2) 招标人可为本工程提供的设备数量及主要参数如表 1 所示,投标报价表
3) Quantity and specification of equipment which can be made available by the
tenderee are shown in Table 1 as follows. “Needing the Owner to provide
equipment” as stated in the tender document means that following equipment can
be used. Other construction equipment will be provided by the bidder.
表 1 招标人可提供的设备
序号 No. | 设备名称 Description | 单位 Unit | 数量 Quantit y | 技术参数 Specification |
1 | 双臂凿岩台车 Double-boom Jumbo | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc M2D,液压双臂台车 Double-boom Jumbo |
2 | 双臂凿岩台车 Double-boom Jumbo | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc Boomer * , 液压双臂 台车,配置 * 条折叠臂 Double-boom Jumbo and equipped with one folded beam. |
3 | 锚索台车 Cable bolt Jumbo | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc Cabletec M |
4 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
5 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
6 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
7 | * 吨矿卡 truck ( * t LPDT) | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc MT * |
8 | * 吨矿卡 truck ( * t LPDT) | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc MT * B |
9 | 喷浆台车 Shotcreting machine | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc Meyco ME3 |
* | 多功能车底盘 Multipurpose carrier | set | 4 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 升降车箱 | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises |
| | Scissor lift cassette | | | | |
* | 混凝土运输罐 Agitator Mixer cassette | set | 3 | (略) 安期生 Anchises,5.5m³ |
* | 油箱 Fuel cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, * L |
* | 材料运输车厢 Material cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 随车吊车厢 Crane cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 柴油发电机组 Diesel generator sets | set | 4 | (略) 科泰电源 Shanghai Cooltech, COP 功率 * kW, 输出电压 * kV, 频率 * Hz; Power: * kW(COP), Output voltage: * kV, Frequency: * Hz; |
4. 外部条件
4. External conditions
1) 现场供电情况:现场供电目前有两种方式, (略) 供电,由招标
(略) 电源接入点,距离斜坡道入口约 3.5km,电压等级 * kV,需要
(略) (略) 区, (略) 配电系统为投标人责任范围,电费由招标
人承担;其次为柴油发电机组供电, (略) 人免费提
供,安装 (略) (略) 配电系统为投标人的责任范围。
1) Power supply on site: There are two ways to supply power on site. One is local
power grid, which is preferred. Its accessing point will be provided by the
tenderee, 3.5km away from the main decline portal with voltage level of * kV,
and then the bidder itself shall connect it to site. Power distribution system within
the site shall be within bidder’s responsibility, while electricity charges incurred
will be borne by the tenderee; the second is diesel generator set. The diesel
generator set and diesel will be provided free of charge by the tenderee, while
installation & maintenance and distribution system within the site shall be the
bidder’s responsibility.
2) 供水及排水情况:由招标人 (略) 生产水源,水源地距离主斜坡
道口约 1km,供水管路、水泵、连接件等属于投标人的责任范围;由招标
人提供井下生 (略) 地,产生的其他费用由投标人承担。
2) Water supply and drainage: The production water source on site will be
provided free of charge by the tenderee, which is around 1 km away from the
main decline portal, while water supply pipelines, pumps and connecting parts,
etc. will be within the bidder's responsibility; the tenderee will provide a drainage
site for underground production wastewater, while other expenses incurred shall
be borne by the bidder.
3) 排矸距离: (略) 距离主斜坡道口的距离约 1.6km。
3) Mucking distance: gaugue dump on site is around 1.6 km away from the main
decline portal.
4) 现场井下施工可 * (略) ,爆破时间不受限制。
4) Underground construction can be carried out for * hours per day, and there is
no limitation on blasting time.
5) 生活区:由招标人在 (略) 附近提供 (略) 地,由投标人负责生活
5) Living camp: The tenderer will reserve a space near the mining area for the
bidder to be used as living camp. The bidder shall be responsible for its
construction. The construction materials and construction costs are included in
the comprehensive unit price for the development system.
6) 急救及医疗: (略) 人提供,在 (略) ,投标
人产生的医疗费用( (略) 根据实际收取)由投标人承担。
6)First-aid and medical care: The first-aid ambulance on site will be provided
by the tenderee. There is a hospital near the mining area. Medical expenses
incurred by the bidder (charged by hospital based on the actual service) are borne
by the bidder.
5. 设备、设施和材料提供
5. Supply of equipment, facilities and materials
The following equipment and materials will be free-issued by the tenderee.
1) 表 1 中列出的设备及其备品备件;
1) Equipment and spare parts listed in Table 1;
2) 生产用水水源;
2) Production water source;
3) 生产电力供应;
3) Power supply for production;
4) 柴油;
4) Diesel;
5) 乳化炸药、雷管、导爆管。
5) Emulsion explosives ,detonators,nonel, ;
Other equipment, facilities and materials shall be the bidder’s responsibility and
relevant expenses shall be borne by the bidder.
6. 工程量清单与图纸中的问题
6. About BOQ and drawings
1) 工程量清单与附图不 * 致时,以工程量清单为准;
1) When the BOQ is inconsistent with the attached drawings, the BOQ shall
2) 标段 * 中盲进风井分两段,每段长度 * m,总长 * m;盲回风井分两
段,每段长度 * m,总长 * m;工程量清单中给出的盲进风井总长 * m
2) Blind intake air shaft in the first bid-section is brided into two sections, with
* m long for each section and * m long in total. Blind return air shaft is brided
into two sections, with * m long for each section and * m long in total. Blind
shaft listed in the BOQ is * m long in total, which includes the length of the
ingates, as detailed in the dropdown list.
3) 标段 * 中主斜坡道工程量总量数据准确,但是该项下的明细表中第 * 项
(略) 分实为 * 水平中段巷道的明细,请 (略) 分内容。
3) In the second bid-section, the total amount of BOQ for the main decline is
accurate, yet data after Item * in the detailed statement thereunder are actually
for * mL drift, which should not be considered.
4) 需要业主提供设备的报价和不需要业主提供设备的报价报在同 * 张表
4) Proposal for equipment needing to be provided by the Owner shall be in filled
in the same table with those that don’t need. Materials for contingency items will
all be borne by the bidder and proposal submitted shall be an integrated one.
7. 需要补充的资料
7. Information to be supplemented
1) 目前只预估出了生产期的井下涌水量,矿井水文地质资料较少,目前无
法提供基建期井下涌水量资料,基建期井下涌水量暂按 * m³/d 考虑;
1) Currently, only underground water seepage during production period is
estimated, and that during pre-production period is still not available since there
is little hydrogeological data for the mine, consider water seepage quantity is *
Cub meter per day by temporarily.
2) 其他技术资料详见附件 2 采矿工程技术说明。
2) Other technical data are detailed in the Annex 2 Technical Specification.
8. 当地建筑施 (略) 价格
8. Market price for local construction materials
从棉 (略) 的施工材料价格:
Price of construction materials delivered from Medan to site
* 水泥: * 元/吨;
* cement : * yuan/ton
沙: * 元/立方;
Sand : * yuan per cubic meter
碎石: * 元/立方( * - * 毫米直径);
Gravel : * yuan/cubic meter ( * - * mm diameter)
钢筋: * 元/吨;
Rebar: * yuan/ton
工业用柴油:7.5 元/升;
Industrial diesel :7.5 yuan/l
(略) 正确、 (略) 调研。
The above price is for reference only, and the tenderee shall not be responsible
for the above data. The specific bid quotation requires the bidder to carry out
correct and sufficient market research.
9. 其他可能发生的单位工程量表中的工程量
9. Other possible engineering quantities in the Unit BOQ
计入总价,实际工程量及价 (略) 签证确认。
This part of engineering quantity is estimated, and the specific technical
requirements, material specifications and other information are not determined at
present. The bidder is asked to estimate the price and describe the material
specifications and technical requirements corresponding to the price. This part of
the price is not included in the total price. The actual quantity and payment will
be confirmed by certificate on-site.
* .其他
* . Others
1) 开工时间:招标文件中描述的开工时间为斜坡道开挖时间。
1) Starting time: The starting time described in the tender documents is the
excavation time of the decline.
2) HSE 费用:HSE 费用不计入投标人按照工程量表填报的综合单价,按照
固定比例计取,计算方式为投标人报价总额的 1.5%计取。
2) HSE fee: The HSE fee is not included in the comprehensive unit price filled by
the bidder according to the BOQ. It is calculated based on a fixed ratio, i.e. 1.5%
of the total proposed price of the bidder.
3) 现场生活大临: (略) 地, (略) 建设。
3) Large temporary living facilities on site: space will be provided on site and the
bidder itself shall be responsible for relevant construction.
4) 签证办理、国内国际的差旅等费用:由投标人承担。
4) Fees for visa and domestic/ international travel: shall be borne by the bidder.
5) 承包人采购的施工设备、施工机具、辅材等出口,清关、报关、国内、
5) Exports of construction equipment, construction machinery and auxiliary
materials purchased by the contractor, as well as customs clearance, customs
declaration, domestic and international transportation, etc.: shall be borne by the
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
6) 炸药和雷管的消耗量考核将 (略) 调整。
6) The consumption assessment of explosives and detonators will be adjusted
according to the actual situation.
中色(印尼) (略)
PT Dairi Prima Mineral
* 年 4 月 3 日
April 3rd, *
(略) (1) 点击查看>> .pdf
S.No.1 Clarification on 'Tendering Document for Construction of Dairi Lead-
Zinc Mine Underground Development System'
(略) 文件及相关投标单位提出的
To answer questions from bidders about the tender documents for Construction of
Dairi Lead-Zinc Mine Underground Development System, clarifications are thus
made as follows:
1. 投标文件报价形式、装订方式
两个标段的投标文件需分别装订,投标文件正本 * 份,副本 * 份,投标报价
* 览表为已标价的工程量清单,报价为考虑其他成本的综合单价。“需要业
主提供设备”和“不需要业主提供设备”两种报价方式 * 起填写。
1. Type of proposal and bookbinding of bid documents
Bid documents for two bid-sections needs separate bookbinding, with one (1)
original and three (3) copies. The proposed price shall be a comprehensive unit
price by taking into account other costs. Both two types of proposal for “Needing
the Owner to provide equipment” and “Needing the Owner to provide
equipment” shall be filled in.
2. 投标保证金
2. Bid bond
(1) Amount of bid bond
每个标段的投标保证金均为 * , * 美元 或者 5.7亿印尼卢比
Bid bond for each bid-section is * , * USD (or * million IDR)
(2) Type of bid bond
1)支票,附在投标报价 * 览表后
(1) Check: attached to the Summary Sheet of Bidding Quotation
2)银行电汇, (略) 账户,分别接收印尼卢比和美元
(2) Bank telegraphic transfer to the following bank accounts separately for IDR
And USD.
接收印尼卢比 Receiving IDR | 接收美元 Receiving USD |
Account No: 点击查看>> Currency: IDR Account Name: DAIRI PRIMA MINERAL Bank name: BANK MANDIRI Branch: KCP Jkt Iskandarsyah | Account No: 点击查看>> Currency: USD Account Name: DAIRI PRIMA MINERAL Bank name: BANK MANDIRI Branch: KCP Jkt Iskandarsyah |
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
(略) 电汇形式。
Bank telegraphic transfer is recommended.
(3)保函:在提交投标文件的同时,应按照招 (略) 分:投标文件
格式中“ * 、投标保证金”的格式提交保函,其中“担保人”填写投标人名称。
(3) Letter of Guarantee: Letter of Guarantee is required to be submitted together
with the bid documents based on the format in “(4) Bid Security” of “Part 2 Bid
Document Format”, in which “bondsman” is filled with the name of bidder.
3. 施工设备
3. Construction equipment
1) (略) 文件的附件 1(Annex 1)工作范围(Scope
of Work ) 1. * 条 列 明 了 可 为 每 个 标 段 提 供 的 设 备 清 单 , 其 中 备 注
1) Tenderee has listed the equipment available for each bid-section in the Article
1. * of the Annex 1 Scope of Work attached to the tender document for each bid-
section, in which those marked by “Sharing” are shared by two bid-sections.
2) 招标人可为本工程提供的设备数量及主要参数如表 1 所示,投标报价表
3) Quantity and specification of equipment which can be made available by the
tenderee are shown in Table 1 as follows. “Needing the Owner to provide
equipment” as stated in the tender document means that following equipment can
be used. Other construction equipment will be provided by the bidder.
表 1 招标人可提供的设备
序号 No. | 设备名称 Description | 单位 Unit | 数量 Quantit y | 技术参数 Specification |
1 | 双臂凿岩台车 Double-boom Jumbo | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc M2D,液压双臂台车 Double-boom Jumbo |
2 | 双臂凿岩台车 Double-boom Jumbo | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc Boomer * , 液压双臂 台车,配置 * 条折叠臂 Double-boom Jumbo and equipped with one folded beam. |
3 | 锚索台车 Cable bolt Jumbo | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc Cabletec M |
4 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
5 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
6 | * 吨铲运机 * t LHD | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc ST * |
7 | * 吨矿卡 truck ( * t LPDT) | set | 1 | 安百拓 Epiroc MT * |
8 | * 吨矿卡 truck ( * t LPDT) | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc MT * B |
9 | 喷浆台车 Shotcreting machine | set | 2 | 安百拓 Epiroc Meyco ME3 |
* | 多功能车底盘 Multipurpose carrier | set | 4 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 升降车箱 | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises |
| | Scissor lift cassette | | | | |
* | 混凝土运输罐 Agitator Mixer cassette | set | 3 | (略) 安期生 Anchises,5.5m³ |
* | 油箱 Fuel cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, * L |
* | 材料运输车厢 Material cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 随车吊车厢 Crane cassette | set | 1 | (略) 安期生 Anchises, 能力 Capacity * t |
* | 柴油发电机组 Diesel generator sets | set | 4 | (略) 科泰电源 Shanghai Cooltech, COP 功率 * kW, 输出电压 * kV, 频率 * Hz; Power: * kW(COP), Output voltage: * kV, Frequency: * Hz; |
4. 外部条件
4. External conditions
1) 现场供电情况:现场供电目前有两种方式, (略) 供电,由招标
(略) 电源接入点,距离斜坡道入口约 3.5km,电压等级 * kV,需要
(略) (略) 区, (略) 配电系统为投标人责任范围,电费由招标
人承担;其次为柴油发电机组供电, (略) 人免费提
供,安装 (略) (略) 配电系统为投标人的责任范围。
1) Power supply on site: There are two ways to supply power on site. One is local
power grid, which is preferred. Its accessing point will be provided by the
tenderee, 3.5km away from the main decline portal with voltage level of * kV,
and then the bidder itself shall connect it to site. Power distribution system within
the site shall be within bidder’s responsibility, while electricity charges incurred
will be borne by the tenderee; the second is diesel generator set. The diesel
generator set and diesel will be provided free of charge by the tenderee, while
installation & maintenance and distribution system within the site shall be the
bidder’s responsibility.
2) 供水及排水情况:由招标人 (略) 生产水源,水源地距离主斜坡
道口约 1km,供水管路、水泵、连接件等属于投标人的责任范围;由招标
人提供井下生 (略) 地,产生的其他费用由投标人承担。
2) Water supply and drainage: The production water source on site will be
provided free of charge by the tenderee, which is around 1 km away from the
main decline portal, while water supply pipelines, pumps and connecting parts,
etc. will be within the bidder's responsibility; the tenderee will provide a drainage
site for underground production wastewater, while other expenses incurred shall
be borne by the bidder.
3) 排矸距离: (略) 距离主斜坡道口的距离约 1.6km。
3) Mucking distance: gaugue dump on site is around 1.6 km away from the main
decline portal.
4) 现场井下施工可 * (略) ,爆破时间不受限制。
4) Underground construction can be carried out for * hours per day, and there is
no limitation on blasting time.
5) 生活区:由招标人在 (略) 附近提供 (略) 地,由投标人负责生活
5) Living camp: The tenderer will reserve a space near the mining area for the
bidder to be used as living camp. The bidder shall be responsible for its
construction. The construction materials and construction costs are included in
the comprehensive unit price for the development system.
6) 急救及医疗: (略) 人提供,在 (略) ,投标
人产生的医疗费用( (略) 根据实际收取)由投标人承担。
6)First-aid and medical care: The first-aid ambulance on site will be provided
by the tenderee. There is a hospital near the mining area. Medical expenses
incurred by the bidder (charged by hospital based on the actual service) are borne
by the bidder.
5. 设备、设施和材料提供
5. Supply of equipment, facilities and materials
The following equipment and materials will be free-issued by the tenderee.
1) 表 1 中列出的设备及其备品备件;
1) Equipment and spare parts listed in Table 1;
2) 生产用水水源;
2) Production water source;
3) 生产电力供应;
3) Power supply for production;
4) 柴油;
4) Diesel;
5) 乳化炸药、雷管、导爆管。
5) Emulsion explosives ,detonators,nonel, ;
Other equipment, facilities and materials shall be the bidder’s responsibility and
relevant expenses shall be borne by the bidder.
6. 工程量清单与图纸中的问题
6. About BOQ and drawings
1) 工程量清单与附图不 * 致时,以工程量清单为准;
1) When the BOQ is inconsistent with the attached drawings, the BOQ shall
2) 标段 * 中盲进风井分两段,每段长度 * m,总长 * m;盲回风井分两
段,每段长度 * m,总长 * m;工程量清单中给出的盲进风井总长 * m
2) Blind intake air shaft in the first bid-section is brided into two sections, with
* m long for each section and * m long in total. Blind return air shaft is brided
into two sections, with * m long for each section and * m long in total. Blind
shaft listed in the BOQ is * m long in total, which includes the length of the
ingates, as detailed in the dropdown list.
3) 标段 * 中主斜坡道工程量总量数据准确,但是该项下的明细表中第 * 项
(略) 分实为 * 水平中段巷道的明细,请 (略) 分内容。
3) In the second bid-section, the total amount of BOQ for the main decline is
accurate, yet data after Item * in the detailed statement thereunder are actually
for * mL drift, which should not be considered.
4) 需要业主提供设备的报价和不需要业主提供设备的报价报在同 * 张表
4) Proposal for equipment needing to be provided by the Owner shall be in filled
in the same table with those that don’t need. Materials for contingency items will
all be borne by the bidder and proposal submitted shall be an integrated one.
7. 需要补充的资料
7. Information to be supplemented
1) 目前只预估出了生产期的井下涌水量,矿井水文地质资料较少,目前无
法提供基建期井下涌水量资料,基建期井下涌水量暂按 * m³/d 考虑;
1) Currently, only underground water seepage during production period is
estimated, and that during pre-production period is still not available since there
is little hydrogeological data for the mine, consider water seepage quantity is *
Cub meter per day by temporarily.
2) 其他技术资料详见附件 2 采矿工程技术说明。
2) Other technical data are detailed in the Annex 2 Technical Specification.
8. 当地建筑施 (略) 价格
8. Market price for local construction materials
从棉 (略) 的施工材料价格:
Price of construction materials delivered from Medan to site
* 水泥: * 元/吨;
* cement : * yuan/ton
沙: * 元/立方;
Sand : * yuan per cubic meter
碎石: * 元/立方( * - * 毫米直径);
Gravel : * yuan/cubic meter ( * - * mm diameter)
钢筋: * 元/吨;
Rebar: * yuan/ton
工业用柴油:7.5 元/升;
Industrial diesel :7.5 yuan/l
(略) 正确、 (略) 调研。
The above price is for reference only, and the tenderee shall not be responsible
for the above data. The specific bid quotation requires the bidder to carry out
correct and sufficient market research.
9. 其他可能发生的单位工程量表中的工程量
9. Other possible engineering quantities in the Unit BOQ
计入总价,实际工程量及价 (略) 签证确认。
This part of engineering quantity is estimated, and the specific technical
requirements, material specifications and other information are not determined at
present. The bidder is asked to estimate the price and describe the material
specifications and technical requirements corresponding to the price. This part of
the price is not included in the total price. The actual quantity and payment will
be confirmed by certificate on-site.
* .其他
* . Others
1) 开工时间:招标文件中描述的开工时间为斜坡道开挖时间。
1) Starting time: The starting time described in the tender documents is the
excavation time of the decline.
2) HSE 费用:HSE 费用不计入投标人按照工程量表填报的综合单价,按照
固定比例计取,计算方式为投标人报价总额的 1.5%计取。
2) HSE fee: The HSE fee is not included in the comprehensive unit price filled by
the bidder according to the BOQ. It is calculated based on a fixed ratio, i.e. 1.5%
of the total proposed price of the bidder.
3) 现场生活大临: (略) 地, (略) 建设。
3) Large temporary living facilities on site: space will be provided on site and the
bidder itself shall be responsible for relevant construction.
4) 签证办理、国内国际的差旅等费用:由投标人承担。
4) Fees for visa and domestic/ international travel: shall be borne by the bidder.
5) 承包人采购的施工设备、施工机具、辅材等出口,清关、报关、国内、
5) Exports of construction equipment, construction machinery and auxiliary
materials purchased by the contractor, as well as customs clearance, customs
declaration, domestic and international transportation, etc.: shall be borne by the
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
![](http:/ <a class='moqx' href='javascript:;' onclick='Tishi(3)'>点击查看>></a> )
6) 炸药和雷管的消耗量考核将 (略) 调整。
6) The consumption assessment of explosives and detonators will be adjusted
according to the actual situation.
中色(印尼) (略)
PT Dairi Prima Mineral
* 年 4 月 3 日
April 3rd, *
(略) (1) 点击查看>> .pdf