项目名称:旅大5- (略)
点击查看>> JDCP
日 期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海石油(中国)有限公司委托,旅大5- (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
旅大5-2北油田开发项目拟新建 * 座 * 腿钢结构导管架井口热采平台WHPA、新建 * 座 * 腿钢结构导管架生产支持平台PAP,两座平台栈桥连接,新建 * 条从LD5-2N WHPA至SZ * -1 CEPN的3.9公里 * ″/ * ″双层保温混输海管、新建 * 条从SZ * -1 CEPN至LD5-2N PAP的3.9公里4″输气海管、新建 * 条从SZ * -1CEPN至LD5-2N PAP的3.9公里输电海缆。LD5-2N WHPA平台共设有 * 个井槽,包含 * 口生产井,2口水源井, (略) 理系统、热采锅炉、原油计量、外输系统等;LD5-2N PAP平台,设有生活楼、中控室、燃料气系统、 (略) 理系统等。
数量: 1台套
技术规格:柴油机驱动立式长轴泵,排量: * m3/h,排出压力: * KPaG @ EL (+) * * mm。 柴油消防泵特性曲线应满足:在不少于 * %的额定扬程时,流量不少于额定流量的 * %;关死点扬程不大于额定扬程的 * %;额定扬程应在 * %额定流量的情况下实现。
交货期: * 日(国内)或 * 日(进口)
交货地点:中国 (略) 青 (略) 地(国内货物)或 (略) 港CIF(进口货物)
1) 柴油消防泵橇需按照中国强制性产品 (略) 设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托经国家认监委指定的认证机构对柴油 (略) 3C认证,并在设备交付时提供3C认证证书,设备本体需标有3C消防认证标志。
2) 投标人应在投标文件中提供立式长轴泵、柴油机、现场控制盘、齿轮箱设备的FM或UL证书(需要为同系列设备),以证明制造商在投标时同系列设备已取得FM或UL证书,设备 (略) 交付设备的FM或UL证书,且设备铭牌需标有FM或UL的认证标志。
3) (略) 投标的柴油消防泵橇应为制造商的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。消防泵生产和成橇为同 * 制造商,制造商应具有至少2台套(限 * 年1 月1 日之后签订的合同,柴油消防泵橇,立式长轴泵,排量≥ * m3/h,扬程≥ * m),在海洋石油平台或FPSO或海岸沿线的码 (略) 2年及以上(从交货验收合格日期或使用 (略) 时间证明文件起计)的业绩,并提供相应的书面材料(合同及调试验收报告或合同及使用方出具的有效证明文件);上述文件中如未包含设备的扬程、排量、所在设施的名称及使用方信息,投标人应提供有效说明文件。
4) 投标人选配的 (略) 家的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。其中柴油机(相同系列)作为消防泵驱动设备至少有2 个项目在海洋石油平台或FPSO (略) 2 年及以上的业绩。
5) 柴油消防泵需按照《海上固定平台安全规则》 (略) 设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托国家安全生产 (略) 海洋石 (略) (COOOSO) (略) (ABS,Lloyd’s,DNV,CCS,BV)对柴油消防泵 (略) 检验并获得检验证书。
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/
点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号:
4.投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金并于 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室,在此时间后收到的投标文件恕不接受。
5.开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室。
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c
点击查看>> )上发布。
7. (略) 投标电子交易平台上完成注册。 (略) 投标电子交易平台公示。
详细地址: (略) 市 (略) 区海川路 * 号渤 (略) A座
邮 编:
联系电话:+ * - * -
电子信箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮 编:
联系电话:+ * - * -
电子邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
Project: LD5-2N OIL FIELDPHASE I DEVELOPMENT PROJECT?Diesel Engine Driven FireWater Pump
Bid No:
点击查看>> JDCP
Date: Dec.?5, *
1. CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinaftercalled“TenderingAgent”),for and on behalf of CNOOC China?Limited(here?in?after?called"Purchaser")invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for the?supply?of following equipment:
Source of Funds:Yes
Description of The Prepared BiddingConditions:Yes
JointBids:NOT Acceptable
LD5-2N Oil Field Development Project is proposed to build a new four leg steel structure jacketwellhead thermal production WHPA platform, a new four leg steel structurejacket production support PAP platform, two platform trestle connections, a new3.9km * ″/ * ″double-layer insulation mixed sea pipeline from LD5-2N WHPA toSZ * -1 CEPN, New 3.9km 4″gas pipelinefrom SZ * -1 CEPN to LD5-2N PAP, Build a 3.9 km power transmission submarinecable from SZ * -1 CEPN to LD5-2N PAP. LD5-2N WHPA platform is equipped with * well slots, including * production wells, 2 water source wells, crude oiltreatment system, thermal recovery boiler, crude oil metering, export system,etc. LD5-2N PAP platform is equipped with living building, central controlroom, fuel gas system, boiler water supply treatment system, etc.
Name of Goods: Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pump
Main technical requirements:
1) The type of Diesel Engine Driven FireWater Pump is vertical line shaft pumps driven by diesel engine.
2) The pump displacement and dischargepressure meet the data sheets requirements.
3) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpshall furnish not less than * % of rated capacity at not less than * % oftotal rated head. The shut-off head shall not exceed * % rated head the ratedhead shall is at * % of rated capacity.
Qty: 1?SET
Delivery Schedule: On?or?before?Feb. * th, * (From?within?PRC)
On?or?before?Feb. * th, * (From?outside?PRC)
Destination of?delivery: Construction?Site?of?Qingdao,Shandong?Province(From?within?PRC)
Qingdao?Seaport, Shandong?Province(From?outside?PRC)
2. Qualificationrequirements:
1) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpto design, manufacture, inspection and certification in accordance with theChina mandatory product certification system. The bidder shall entrust thecertification body designated by the National Accreditation Authority for the3C certification of the Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pump, and provide the3C certification certificate when the equipment is delivered, and the equipmentbody shall be marked with the 3C fire certification mark.
2) The BIDDER shall provide at least FM orUL certificates of the same series of relevant equipment (such as DieselEngine, Gearbox, Control panel and Vertical line shaft pump) at the biddingstage to prove that the manufacturer has obtained FM or UL certificates of thesame series of equipment at the time of bidding, and then shall provide the FMor UL Certificate of the contract equipment in delivery; the equipmentnameplate shall be marked with the certification mark of FM or UL.
3) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water PumpSKID provided by VENDOR shall be the mature products of the manufacturers. Thenewly trial products would not been accepted. Fire pump production and Assembleinto skid for the same manufacturer ,The products(Limited to signing the contract after January 1, * ,the Diesel Engine DrivenFire Water Pump skid, the Pump type is the same as this bidding, Capacity≥ * m3/h and Pump Head
≥ * m)provided by BIDDER shall have at least 2 sets of two years or more ofsuccessful performance (from the date of commissioning acceptance report or thecertificate issued by the user) on the Offshore Oil Platform or FPSO or CoastalWharf or Oil Ship. The BIDDER shall provide the relevant supporting documents(contract and commissioning acceptance report or contract and the effectivecertificate issued by the user). If the pump head, pump capacity, the name ofthe facility and the user’s information are not included in the abovedocuments, the bidder shall provide the valid documentation.
4) The DIESEL ENGINE that BIDDER selectedshould be the manufacturer's standard products, the newly trial products wouldnot been accepted. The DIESEL ENGINE that drive fire water pump shall have atleast 2 projects of two years or more of successful performance on the offshoreoil platform or FPSO.
5) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpshall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with therequirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by StateEconomic & Trade Commission. PRC (SETC). Supplier shall at his own costarrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The DieselEngine Driven Fire Water Pump from one of the certifying agencies authorized by?COOOSO, which are ABS,?LIoyd's, DNV,CCS, BV.
3. All?those?who?are?willing to participate in the bids arekindly requested to: enter?into?website?http:/
点击查看>> to purchase thebidding documents(electronicedition) online from?Dec?5,? * ?to?Dec? * ,? * ?upon?non-refundable?payment?of?RMB * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC InternationalTendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing BranchHepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.:
点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, thebidder could download the bidding documents.
4. Bids?must?be?delivered?to No.1?Meeting?Room, 4th?Floor,?CNOOC?Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China?for?submission?of?bidsbefore * : * a.m. (Beijing time) ?on?Dec? * th,? * .
5. Bidswill be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attendat * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on?Dec. * th,? * ?at No.1?Meeting?Room, 4th?Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China for bid-opening.
6?.TheInvitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c
点击查看>> ultaneously.
7.?The bidder needs to regi
点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on www.c
点击查看>> .
Name?of?Purchaser:?CNOOC?CHINA LIMITED
Address:Building A, No. * Haichuan Road, BinhaiNewArea,Tianjin, P.R. China,?
Contact person: Suzie Xing
Telephone:?+ * - * -
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name?of?Tendering?Agent: CNCCC InternationalTenderingCo.,Ltd.
Address:Floor4,CNOOCTower, No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> ,P.R. China
Post Code:
Contact person: Ms. Zhang ChunYing
Telephone: + * - * -
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
项目名称:旅大5- (略)
点击查看>> JDCP
日 期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海石油(中国)有限公司委托,旅大5- (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
旅大5-2北油田开发项目拟新建 * 座 * 腿钢结构导管架井口热采平台WHPA、新建 * 座 * 腿钢结构导管架生产支持平台PAP,两座平台栈桥连接,新建 * 条从LD5-2N WHPA至SZ * -1 CEPN的3.9公里 * ″/ * ″双层保温混输海管、新建 * 条从SZ * -1 CEPN至LD5-2N PAP的3.9公里4″输气海管、新建 * 条从SZ * -1CEPN至LD5-2N PAP的3.9公里输电海缆。LD5-2N WHPA平台共设有 * 个井槽,包含 * 口生产井,2口水源井, (略) 理系统、热采锅炉、原油计量、外输系统等;LD5-2N PAP平台,设有生活楼、中控室、燃料气系统、 (略) 理系统等。
数量: 1台套
技术规格:柴油机驱动立式长轴泵,排量: * m3/h,排出压力: * KPaG @ EL (+) * * mm。 柴油消防泵特性曲线应满足:在不少于 * %的额定扬程时,流量不少于额定流量的 * %;关死点扬程不大于额定扬程的 * %;额定扬程应在 * %额定流量的情况下实现。
交货期: * 日(国内)或 * 日(进口)
交货地点:中国 (略) 青 (略) 地(国内货物)或 (略) 港CIF(进口货物)
1) 柴油消防泵橇需按照中国强制性产品 (略) 设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托经国家认监委指定的认证机构对柴油 (略) 3C认证,并在设备交付时提供3C认证证书,设备本体需标有3C消防认证标志。
2) 投标人应在投标文件中提供立式长轴泵、柴油机、现场控制盘、齿轮箱设备的FM或UL证书(需要为同系列设备),以证明制造商在投标时同系列设备已取得FM或UL证书,设备 (略) 交付设备的FM或UL证书,且设备铭牌需标有FM或UL的认证标志。
3) (略) 投标的柴油消防泵橇应为制造商的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。消防泵生产和成橇为同 * 制造商,制造商应具有至少2台套(限 * 年1 月1 日之后签订的合同,柴油消防泵橇,立式长轴泵,排量≥ * m3/h,扬程≥ * m),在海洋石油平台或FPSO或海岸沿线的码 (略) 2年及以上(从交货验收合格日期或使用 (略) 时间证明文件起计)的业绩,并提供相应的书面材料(合同及调试验收报告或合同及使用方出具的有效证明文件);上述文件中如未包含设备的扬程、排量、所在设施的名称及使用方信息,投标人应提供有效说明文件。
4) 投标人选配的 (略) 家的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。其中柴油机(相同系列)作为消防泵驱动设备至少有2 个项目在海洋石油平台或FPSO (略) 2 年及以上的业绩。
5) 柴油消防泵需按照《海上固定平台安全规则》 (略) 设计、制造、认证和检验。投标人应委托国家安全生产 (略) 海洋石 (略) (COOOSO) (略) (ABS,Lloyd’s,DNV,CCS,BV)对柴油消防泵 (略) 检验并获得检验证书。
3. (略) 文件:
从 * 日至 * 日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/
点击查看>> )购买招标文件(电子版)。 (略) 文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后, (略) 文件。招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元(收款人: (略) (略) , (略) : (略) (略) (略) ,美元账号:
4.投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金并于 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室,在此时间后收到的投标文件恕不接受。
5.开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * ( (略) 时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室。
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c
点击查看>> )上发布。
7. (略) 投标电子交易平台上完成注册。 (略) 投标电子交易平台公示。
详细地址: (略) 市 (略) 区海川路 * 号渤 (略) A座
邮 编:
联系电话:+ * - * -
电子信箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮 编:
联系电话:+ * - * -
电子邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
Project: LD5-2N OIL FIELDPHASE I DEVELOPMENT PROJECT?Diesel Engine Driven FireWater Pump
Bid No:
点击查看>> JDCP
Date: Dec.?5, *
1. CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinaftercalled“TenderingAgent”),for and on behalf of CNOOC China?Limited(here?in?after?called"Purchaser")invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for the?supply?of following equipment:
Source of Funds:Yes
Description of The Prepared BiddingConditions:Yes
JointBids:NOT Acceptable
LD5-2N Oil Field Development Project is proposed to build a new four leg steel structure jacketwellhead thermal production WHPA platform, a new four leg steel structurejacket production support PAP platform, two platform trestle connections, a new3.9km * ″/ * ″double-layer insulation mixed sea pipeline from LD5-2N WHPA toSZ * -1 CEPN, New 3.9km 4″gas pipelinefrom SZ * -1 CEPN to LD5-2N PAP, Build a 3.9 km power transmission submarinecable from SZ * -1 CEPN to LD5-2N PAP. LD5-2N WHPA platform is equipped with * well slots, including * production wells, 2 water source wells, crude oiltreatment system, thermal recovery boiler, crude oil metering, export system,etc. LD5-2N PAP platform is equipped with living building, central controlroom, fuel gas system, boiler water supply treatment system, etc.
Name of Goods: Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pump
Main technical requirements:
1) The type of Diesel Engine Driven FireWater Pump is vertical line shaft pumps driven by diesel engine.
2) The pump displacement and dischargepressure meet the data sheets requirements.
3) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpshall furnish not less than * % of rated capacity at not less than * % oftotal rated head. The shut-off head shall not exceed * % rated head the ratedhead shall is at * % of rated capacity.
Qty: 1?SET
Delivery Schedule: On?or?before?Feb. * th, * (From?within?PRC)
On?or?before?Feb. * th, * (From?outside?PRC)
Destination of?delivery: Construction?Site?of?Qingdao,Shandong?Province(From?within?PRC)
Qingdao?Seaport, Shandong?Province(From?outside?PRC)
2. Qualificationrequirements:
1) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpto design, manufacture, inspection and certification in accordance with theChina mandatory product certification system. The bidder shall entrust thecertification body designated by the National Accreditation Authority for the3C certification of the Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pump, and provide the3C certification certificate when the equipment is delivered, and the equipmentbody shall be marked with the 3C fire certification mark.
2) The BIDDER shall provide at least FM orUL certificates of the same series of relevant equipment (such as DieselEngine, Gearbox, Control panel and Vertical line shaft pump) at the biddingstage to prove that the manufacturer has obtained FM or UL certificates of thesame series of equipment at the time of bidding, and then shall provide the FMor UL Certificate of the contract equipment in delivery; the equipmentnameplate shall be marked with the certification mark of FM or UL.
3) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water PumpSKID provided by VENDOR shall be the mature products of the manufacturers. Thenewly trial products would not been accepted. Fire pump production and Assembleinto skid for the same manufacturer ,The products(Limited to signing the contract after January 1, * ,the Diesel Engine DrivenFire Water Pump skid, the Pump type is the same as this bidding, Capacity≥ * m3/h and Pump Head
≥ * m)provided by BIDDER shall have at least 2 sets of two years or more ofsuccessful performance (from the date of commissioning acceptance report or thecertificate issued by the user) on the Offshore Oil Platform or FPSO or CoastalWharf or Oil Ship. The BIDDER shall provide the relevant supporting documents(contract and commissioning acceptance report or contract and the effectivecertificate issued by the user). If the pump head, pump capacity, the name ofthe facility and the user’s information are not included in the abovedocuments, the bidder shall provide the valid documentation.
4) The DIESEL ENGINE that BIDDER selectedshould be the manufacturer's standard products, the newly trial products wouldnot been accepted. The DIESEL ENGINE that drive fire water pump shall have atleast 2 projects of two years or more of successful performance on the offshoreoil platform or FPSO.
5) The Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumpshall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with therequirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by StateEconomic & Trade Commission. PRC (SETC). Supplier shall at his own costarrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The DieselEngine Driven Fire Water Pump from one of the certifying agencies authorized by?COOOSO, which are ABS,?LIoyd's, DNV,CCS, BV.
3. All?those?who?are?willing to participate in the bids arekindly requested to: enter?into?website?http:/
点击查看>> to purchase thebidding documents(electronicedition) online from?Dec?5,? * ?to?Dec? * ,? * ?upon?non-refundable?payment?of?RMB * or USD * for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCC InternationalTendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing BranchHepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.:
点击查看>> ,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, thebidder could download the bidding documents.
4. Bids?must?be?delivered?to No.1?Meeting?Room, 4th?Floor,?CNOOC?Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China?for?submission?of?bidsbefore * : * a.m. (Beijing time) ?on?Dec? * th,? * .
5. Bidswill be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attendat * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on?Dec. * th,? * ?at No.1?Meeting?Room, 4th?Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing
点击查看>> , P.R. China for bid-opening.
6?.TheInvitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c
点击查看>> ultaneously.
7.?The bidder needs to regi
点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on www.c
点击查看>> .
Name?of?Purchaser:?CNOOC?CHINA LIMITED
Address:Building A, No. * Haichuan Road, BinhaiNewArea,Tianjin, P.R. China,?
Contact person: Suzie Xing
Telephone:?+ * - * -
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name?of?Tendering?Agent: CNCCC InternationalTenderingCo.,Ltd.
Address:Floor4,CNOOCTower, No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
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Post Code:
Contact person: Ms. Zhang ChunYing
Telephone: + * - * -
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn