





(略) 市企业破产学会接受翡翠国际 (略) 破产清算案(案号为( * )深中法破字第 * 号)破产管理人(以下简称“管理人”)的申请,将于 * 日 * 时至 * 日 * 时(延时除外) (略) (略) 络平台上(账号: (略) 市企业破产学会;网址:https:/ 点击查看>> )进行公开拍卖活动,现公告如下:

* 、拍卖标的

翡翠国际 (略) (略) 商序列号为 点击查看>> 的通用电气CF * C2B5F型发 (略) 商序列号为 点击查看>> 的通用电气CF * C2B5F型发动机两台。该拍卖标的存放地:德国汉堡。

拍卖标的的起拍价为人民币 * , * , * 元(按照 * 日中国国 (略) 公布的人民币汇率折算,每 * 美元兑换 * . * 元人民币)。

由于 点击查看>> (略) 于部分拆卸状态、 点击查看>> (略) 于完全拆卸状态,需要维 (略) 件,考虑到拍卖标的证照缺失的情况、硬件受损状态、其对 (略) 需求,拍卖标的起拍价均参考拍卖标的留置 (略) (略) (略) 价估值(于 点击查看>> 发动机估值市价为 * 万美金, 点击查看>> 发动机估值为 * 万美金)为参考,并根据《 (略) (略) 网络司法拍卖若干问题的规定》第十条规定起拍价确定为市价的 * 折。

上述拍卖标的按 (略) 拍卖,拍卖标的现状以《Table Inspection Report》(检修报告)及管理人现存的有关文件资料记载的内容作为参考,如《Table Inspection Report》(检修报告)及及管理人现存的有关文件资料记载的内容与现状不符,则以拍卖标的实际状况为准, (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人不承担拍卖标的任何瑕疵保证责任。竞买人请在竞买前考虑本次拍卖标的 (略) 有各项瑕疵风险,并经认真调查了解且在确定能够承受已知或可能存在的瑕疵风险后,再作决定,竞买人 * 旦作出竞买决定,即表明已完全了解,并接受拍卖标的的现状和 * 切已知及未知的瑕疵。

特别说明:因拍卖标的现放置于德国汉堡仓库内,根据德国相关法律规定,买受人应符合出口及禁运要求,因违反关于出口及禁运有关规定而导致无法完成拍卖标的交付的, (略) 承担相应的责任与风险。

* 、拍卖方式

1、采用 (略) 拍卖,增价幅度为人民币 * , * 元及整倍数。


* 、竞买人资格

1、竞买人应为依法设立有效存续的独立法人或具备相应的民事权利 (略) 为能力的自然人或其他组织。竞买人在参加 (略) (略) 门了解拍卖标的运输及办理过户转让的相关事宜。如竞买成功,买受人不得因拍卖标的不能办理过户转让手续而主张拍卖无效。

2、竞买人可委托代理人(具 (略) 为能力的自然人)进行竞买,但须在 * 日前向管理人办理委托手续;竞买成功后,竞买人(法定代表人、其他组织的负责人)须与委托代理人 * (略) 办理交接手续。如委托手续不全,竞买活动认定为委托代 (略) 为。

因不符合条件参加竞买的, (略) 承担相应的法律责任。

* 、标的展示


* 、竞买保证金

1、拍卖标的的竞买保证金为人民币1, * , * 元。

2、意向竞买人应按照有关规定缴纳竞买保证金。拍卖竞价前淘宝系统将冻结竞买人支付宝账户内的资金作为应缴的保证金,拍卖结束后未能竞得者冻结的保证金自动解冻,冻结期间不计利息。拍卖成交的,拍卖标的竞得者原冻结的保证金自动转入指定账户,拍卖余款应按有关规定缴入管理人指定账户(账户名:翡翠国际 (略) 管理人;账号: 点击查看>> ; (略) : (略) (略) (略) (略) ),拍卖未成交的,竞买人冻结的保证金自动解冻,冻结期间不计利息。

3、因支付宝账户只能接收人民币,为促成拍卖成交,意向竞买人只能使用美金付款的,也可直接向 (略) 市企业破产学会账户缴纳保证金,由 (略) 市企业破产学会收到保证金后, (略) 拍平台确认收到保证金情况及开通意向竞买人的竞拍资格。保证金缴纳账户信息如下:


户名: (略) 市企业破产学会

账号: 点击查看>>

(略) : (略) (略) (略)


户名: (略) 市企业破产学会

账号: 点击查看>>

(略) : (略) (略) (略)

竞买人以线下方式直接向 (略) 市企业破产学会账户缴纳保证金的, (略) 了解款项到账时间的有关规定。因支付延期、 (略) 理延时、款项逾期到账等事由导致 (略) 市企业破产学会无法在规定期限内确认并开通竞买人竞拍资格的, (略) 承担相应的责任与风险。

4、竞买人参加本次拍卖前应先向管理人提交《竞买申请书》和身份证明文件(如竞买人为外商投资企业,还应提 (略) 股权结构证明等相关资料), (略) 的规定缴纳拍卖标的保证金。

* 、拍卖成交及标的移交

1、拍卖成交后,管理人提供相关文件资料并仅以提供各项书面材料、文件的方式予以协助, (略) 办 (略) 有权变更手续、抵押登记注销手续及拍卖标的运输等事项, (略) 有权、 (略) 产生的包括但不限于保险费、补缴税款、过户税费、拆卸安装及 (略) 有费用和风险均由买受人承担,买受人不得据此主张拍卖无效或向管理人、 (略) 市企业破产学会索偿。

2、拍卖 (略) 发生的费用由管理人承担。

3、拍卖成交后,买受人须在3日内与 (略) 市企业破产学会、管理人签订《拍卖成交确认书》,签署成交确认书地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区中银大厦B座8N。

4、拍 (略) 成交价款应在《拍卖成交确认书》签署之日起7日内支付完毕。

5、买受人签署《拍卖成交确认书》 (略) 成交价款后, (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人向买受人提供收款收据(如需发票,则 (略) (略) 承担相应税费)。管理人向买受人移交拍卖标的现有的文件资料(以管理人现存及文件移交清单记载的内容为准),并办理移交手续,移交手续办理完毕后即视为管理人已向买受人交付了拍卖标的,买 (略) 承担拍卖标的交付后的毁损、灭失及其他 * 切风险及费用承担、支付责任。同时,管理人向留置权人 (略) 及买受人出具《交付通知书》, (略) 协商办理拍卖标的交接手续。管理人对相关文件、数据和资料的完整性不承担任何保证责任,买受人不得因拍卖标的在交付后发生毁损、灭失或移交的相关文件资料不完整而主张拍卖无效或向 (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人主张任何其他权利。

拍卖标的的运输 (略) 处理,相关费用由买受人承担。

6、拍卖成交时,成交价为净价,不包含根据相关法律法规就拍卖 (略) (略) 产生的转让双方的 * 切税费及其他相关费用,前述税、费均 (略) 承担,具体金额 (略) (略) 门咨询。

* 、因标的物本身价值,其起拍价、保证金、竞拍成交价相对较高。竞买人参与竞拍,支付保证金可能会碰到当天限额无法支付的情况,请竞买人根据自 (略) (略) 。 (略) 充值和支付的限 (略) 查询。

* 、上述竞买事宜,以《竞买须知和拍卖规则》记载的内容为准,有意者请与管理人联系索取 (略) (略) 站查询。

学会电话: 点击查看>>

管理人电话: 点击查看>>

(略) 市企业破产学会

* 日


点击查看>> 号发动机

点击查看>> 号发动机


Engine Accessory Report




Bill of Material


Engine Data Submittal


Engine Performance Report


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet AD Status List


Engine Data Submittal


CF6- * C2B5F Engine life Limited Parts


Engine Time Report-On Log


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet SB Status List


Missing Parts List


Engine Time Report


Table Inspection Report


Table Inspection Report


Engine Time Report-Off Log

Announcementon Auction

By accepting entrustment ofthe bankruptcy administrator of Jade Cargo International Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as "the Administrator") (coded as [ * ]SHENZHONG FA PO ZI No. * ), Shenzhen Bankruptcy Law Society (hereinafter referred toas "the Society") is going to convene an auction from * : * am onSeptember * , * to * : * am on September * , * at the website of auction:(https:/ 点击查看>> ).

I. Objects Auctioned

Objects for auction are twoCF * C2B5F engines which the Manufacturer’s Numbers are 点击查看>> and 点击查看>> respectively owned by Jade Cargo International Company Limited (hereinafterreferred to as "Jade Cargo"). The objects are displayed at Hamburg,Germany.

The starting price of theobjects is RMB * , * , * .

Since the No. 点击查看>> engineis under partially-disassembled condition and the No. 点击查看>> engine is underdisassembled condition at present, both engines need repairs and some partsneed to be replaced. Meanwhile, according to Article * of Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues concerning Online JudicialAuction by the Peoples Courts, and considering the lack of licenses/certificates,the extent of damage on hardware and market requirement of correspondingairplanes, the starting price of objects is set on the basis of * % of themarket price (USD * and USD * respectively) valued by Lufthansa TechnikAktiengesellschaft (Lienee of Jade Cargo) for reference.

The objects will beauctioned based on the current conditions as a whole, which shall refer to thecontents stated in Table InspectionReport and other documents provided by the Admini 点击查看>> case of anyinconsistency between the aforesaid documents and current conditions,the lattershall prevail, and the Society and Administrator will not undertake theliability of de 点击查看>> consider the potential risks of defects, seriouslyinvestigate before participating in auction, and make a decision while beingable to take risks known and unknown. The bidder who makes a decision onauction will be deemed to have understood and accepted the current conditionsas well as all the risks of the objects auctioned.

Sincethe objects are stored in Hamburg, Germany, it should be noted that biddersshall be in compliance with the relevant export and embargo requirementsaccording to applicable German laws.Bidders shall undertake the responsibilitiesand risks for being unable to complete the delivery of objects caused by notmeeting relevant requirements.

II. Form of Auction

1. Actionis made by increasing price gradually, in which the increased price range isRMB * , * or its integral multiple.

2. Thefunction of bidding-extending is set during the auction. A five-minute extraperiod will be added once a bidder bid for the objects every last 5 minutesbefore end of the auction.

III. Requirements for the Bidder’sQualification

1. Thebidders should be the natural person, legal person or other organization that enjoysthe corresponding civil right and capacity for civil conduct. Prior to thebidding, bidders shall independently consult related issues of ownership transferand transportation procedures with relevant departments. In case of asuccessful bidding, the buyer may not allege the auction to be invalid due tothe inability for the auction to transfer ownership.

2. Thebidder can entrust an agent (nature person who has full capacity for civilconduct) to bid in this auction while having gone through entrustmentformalities to the Administrator before * : * am, September * , * . The bidder(legal representative or person in charge) and the agent must go throughhand-over procedures to the Administrator after a successful bidding. It isdeemed as inbridual behavior of agent on bidding if relevant formalities areincomplete.

Thebidder shall undertake the legal liability for not meeting qualificationrequirements in this auction.

IV. Exhibition of Objects

Bidderscan apply to the Administrator for consulting documents and materials (see theattachment) for more details about objects after paying bid de 点击查看>> case ofany inconsistency between these documents and current conditions, the lattershall prevail.

V. Bid Deposit

1. The bid deposit ofobjects auctioned is RMB 1, * , * .

2. Bidders should pay thebid deposit according to relevant regulations. Capital in Alipay account ofbidders will be frozen by system automatically as bid deposit before theauction. Frozen capital of bidders who have not acquired the objects auctionedwill be released automatically after the auction is concluded while there is nointerest during the frozen period. When the transaction is made, frozen capitalof the buyer will be transferred into designated account, and the buyer shall paythe rest of transaction price into the Administrator’s account. In case of theunsuccessful auction, frozen capital of bidders will be released automaticallywhile there is no interest during the frozen period.

3. Due to the fact that onlyRMBpayment can be acceptedby Alipay Account, overseas bidders, who may only paywith USD, can pay the biddeposit directly into the bank account of the Societyin order to make successfultransaction. After receiving the payment of biddeposit, the Society willconfirm the payment of bid deposit to the internetauction platform and openqualification on bidding for the bidder. Informationof bank accounts of theSociety for bid deposit payment are as follows:

Account for Cross- RMB:

Bank account name: ShenzhenBankruptcy LawSociety

Account number: 点击查看>>

Bank of deposit: Bank ofChina,ShenzhenZhongyin Garden Subbranch

Account for foreign currency (USD):

Bank account name: ShenzhenBankruptcy LawSociety

Account number: 点击查看>>

Bank of deposit: Bank ofChina,ShenzhenZhongyin Garden Subbranch

Bidders shall know relevantregulations of accounting date while choosing to directly pay to the Society’sbank account (above mentioned). Bidders should undertake responsibilities andrisks for not being qualified in the auction by the reason of delay on payment,payment process and overdue account etc.

Bidders should submit Application of Bidding and identitycertificates (as well as submitting certificate of shareholders and ownershipstructure of corporation), and pay the bid deposit according to the Announcement of Auction.

VI. Auction Completion and Objects Transfer

1. When the auction isconcluded, the Administrator will offer assistance by providing relevant documentsand materials. The buyer shall change ownership of the objects auctioned,relieve mortgage and customs supervision and transfer the objectsindependently. The fees incurred after delivering the objects auctioned includebut not limited to premium, back tax, ownership transfer tax and fees,transportcharges,cost of disassembly and installation and other fees and risks, all of whichshall be borne by the buyer who is not allowed to claim for invalid auction orclaim for compensation based on it.

2. All the fees of theobjects auctioned incurred before the transaction date of auction should beborne by the Administrator.

3. The buyer shall, upon thetransaction of the auction, sign Letterof Confirmation for Auction with the Society and the Administrator within 3days at 8N/F, Block B, Zhongyin Building, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,PRC.

4. The buyer shall pay offall the transaction fees within 7 days after the Letter of Confirmation for Auctionis signed.

5. After the buyer signs Letter of Confirmation for Auction andpays off the fees, the Society and the Administrator will provide receipt (feesand taxes are borne by the buyer while the buyer requesting for invoice). TheAdministrator will transfer the documents and materials (subject to currentmaterials held by the Administrator and the transfer list), and deal withtransfer formalities. The completion of transfer formalities means that theAdministrator has transferred the objects auctioned to the buyer who shall bearthe damage and loss risks after receiving 点击查看>> ile, the Administrator willprovide Notice of Delivery to buyerand Lufthansa Technik Aktiengesellschaft (Lienee of Jade Cargo), and then theformalities and issues of objects’transfer need to be handled by the buyer and LufthansaTechnik Aktiengesellschaft through negotiated settlement. The Administratorbears no guarantee responsibilities for the completeness of relevant data,documents and materials. The buyer is not allowed to claim for the invalidityof auction due to the damage, loss of the objects auctioned after the deliveryor the incomplete data or claim other rights against the Administrator and theSociety.

Also, the Administrator willnot be responsible for the transport of the objects, and the buyer shall handlethe transport issues as well as paying for relevant transport fees.

When the auction isconcluded, the transaction price is net price that all the other relevant feesand taxes on transferring objects and changing ownership are not included.Aforesaid fees and taxes are borne by the buyer.

Ⅶ.Due to the value of objects auctioned, the startingprice, bid deposit and total transaction price are relatively high, and bidderspossibly could not pay for the full price in a day owing to the limit ofpayment. Please consult relevant banks for further information on limits ofpayment and choose appropriate ones to recharge and pay.

VIII.The matters of auction above shall be subject to the contentsstated in the Instructions for Bidding and Auction. For more details, pleaseacquire data by contacting the Administrator or inquire the relevantinformation by logging in the websites of the auction.

Tel Number of the Society:+ * ( * ) 点击查看>>

Tel Number of theAdministrator: + * ( * ) 点击查看>>

Shenzhen Bankruptcy Law Society

September 3, *

The Chineseversionof thisannouncement shallprevailin case ofdiscrepancybetweenChineseversionandEnglish version.( (略) 存在不同,以中文版为准)

Attachment: List of documents that can be check by bidders formore details after the bidder pay the bid deposit

No. 点击查看>> Engine

No. 点击查看>> Engine


Engine Accessory Report




Bill of Material


Engine Data Submittal


Engine Performance Report


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet AD Status List


Engine Data Submittal


CF6- * C2B5F Engine life Limited Parts


Engine Time Report-On Log


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet SB Status List


Missing Parts List


Engine Time Report


Table Inspection Report


Table Inspection Report


Engine Time Report-Off Log




(略) 市企业破产学会接受翡翠国际 (略) 破产清算案(案号为( * )深中法破字第 * 号)破产管理人(以下简称“管理人”)的申请,将于 * 日 * 时至 * 日 * 时(延时除外) (略) (略) 络平台上(账号: (略) 市企业破产学会;网址:https:/ 点击查看>> )进行公开拍卖活动,现公告如下:

* 、拍卖标的

翡翠国际 (略) (略) 商序列号为 点击查看>> 的通用电气CF * C2B5F型发 (略) 商序列号为 点击查看>> 的通用电气CF * C2B5F型发动机两台。该拍卖标的存放地:德国汉堡。

拍卖标的的起拍价为人民币 * , * , * 元(按照 * 日中国国 (略) 公布的人民币汇率折算,每 * 美元兑换 * . * 元人民币)。

由于 点击查看>> (略) 于部分拆卸状态、 点击查看>> (略) 于完全拆卸状态,需要维 (略) 件,考虑到拍卖标的证照缺失的情况、硬件受损状态、其对 (略) 需求,拍卖标的起拍价均参考拍卖标的留置 (略) (略) (略) 价估值(于 点击查看>> 发动机估值市价为 * 万美金, 点击查看>> 发动机估值为 * 万美金)为参考,并根据《 (略) (略) 网络司法拍卖若干问题的规定》第十条规定起拍价确定为市价的 * 折。

上述拍卖标的按 (略) 拍卖,拍卖标的现状以《Table Inspection Report》(检修报告)及管理人现存的有关文件资料记载的内容作为参考,如《Table Inspection Report》(检修报告)及及管理人现存的有关文件资料记载的内容与现状不符,则以拍卖标的实际状况为准, (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人不承担拍卖标的任何瑕疵保证责任。竞买人请在竞买前考虑本次拍卖标的 (略) 有各项瑕疵风险,并经认真调查了解且在确定能够承受已知或可能存在的瑕疵风险后,再作决定,竞买人 * 旦作出竞买决定,即表明已完全了解,并接受拍卖标的的现状和 * 切已知及未知的瑕疵。

特别说明:因拍卖标的现放置于德国汉堡仓库内,根据德国相关法律规定,买受人应符合出口及禁运要求,因违反关于出口及禁运有关规定而导致无法完成拍卖标的交付的, (略) 承担相应的责任与风险。

* 、拍卖方式

1、采用 (略) 拍卖,增价幅度为人民币 * , * 元及整倍数。


* 、竞买人资格

1、竞买人应为依法设立有效存续的独立法人或具备相应的民事权利 (略) 为能力的自然人或其他组织。竞买人在参加 (略) (略) 门了解拍卖标的运输及办理过户转让的相关事宜。如竞买成功,买受人不得因拍卖标的不能办理过户转让手续而主张拍卖无效。

2、竞买人可委托代理人(具 (略) 为能力的自然人)进行竞买,但须在 * 日前向管理人办理委托手续;竞买成功后,竞买人(法定代表人、其他组织的负责人)须与委托代理人 * (略) 办理交接手续。如委托手续不全,竞买活动认定为委托代 (略) 为。

因不符合条件参加竞买的, (略) 承担相应的法律责任。

* 、标的展示


* 、竞买保证金

1、拍卖标的的竞买保证金为人民币1, * , * 元。

2、意向竞买人应按照有关规定缴纳竞买保证金。拍卖竞价前淘宝系统将冻结竞买人支付宝账户内的资金作为应缴的保证金,拍卖结束后未能竞得者冻结的保证金自动解冻,冻结期间不计利息。拍卖成交的,拍卖标的竞得者原冻结的保证金自动转入指定账户,拍卖余款应按有关规定缴入管理人指定账户(账户名:翡翠国际 (略) 管理人;账号: 点击查看>> ; (略) : (略) (略) (略) (略) ),拍卖未成交的,竞买人冻结的保证金自动解冻,冻结期间不计利息。

3、因支付宝账户只能接收人民币,为促成拍卖成交,意向竞买人只能使用美金付款的,也可直接向 (略) 市企业破产学会账户缴纳保证金,由 (略) 市企业破产学会收到保证金后, (略) 拍平台确认收到保证金情况及开通意向竞买人的竞拍资格。保证金缴纳账户信息如下:


户名: (略) 市企业破产学会

账号: 点击查看>>

(略) : (略) (略) (略)


户名: (略) 市企业破产学会

账号: 点击查看>>

(略) : (略) (略) (略)

竞买人以线下方式直接向 (略) 市企业破产学会账户缴纳保证金的, (略) 了解款项到账时间的有关规定。因支付延期、 (略) 理延时、款项逾期到账等事由导致 (略) 市企业破产学会无法在规定期限内确认并开通竞买人竞拍资格的, (略) 承担相应的责任与风险。

4、竞买人参加本次拍卖前应先向管理人提交《竞买申请书》和身份证明文件(如竞买人为外商投资企业,还应提 (略) 股权结构证明等相关资料), (略) 的规定缴纳拍卖标的保证金。

* 、拍卖成交及标的移交

1、拍卖成交后,管理人提供相关文件资料并仅以提供各项书面材料、文件的方式予以协助, (略) 办 (略) 有权变更手续、抵押登记注销手续及拍卖标的运输等事项, (略) 有权、 (略) 产生的包括但不限于保险费、补缴税款、过户税费、拆卸安装及 (略) 有费用和风险均由买受人承担,买受人不得据此主张拍卖无效或向管理人、 (略) 市企业破产学会索偿。

2、拍卖 (略) 发生的费用由管理人承担。

3、拍卖成交后,买受人须在3日内与 (略) 市企业破产学会、管理人签订《拍卖成交确认书》,签署成交确认书地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区中银大厦B座8N。

4、拍 (略) 成交价款应在《拍卖成交确认书》签署之日起7日内支付完毕。

5、买受人签署《拍卖成交确认书》 (略) 成交价款后, (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人向买受人提供收款收据(如需发票,则 (略) (略) 承担相应税费)。管理人向买受人移交拍卖标的现有的文件资料(以管理人现存及文件移交清单记载的内容为准),并办理移交手续,移交手续办理完毕后即视为管理人已向买受人交付了拍卖标的,买 (略) 承担拍卖标的交付后的毁损、灭失及其他 * 切风险及费用承担、支付责任。同时,管理人向留置权人 (略) 及买受人出具《交付通知书》, (略) 协商办理拍卖标的交接手续。管理人对相关文件、数据和资料的完整性不承担任何保证责任,买受人不得因拍卖标的在交付后发生毁损、灭失或移交的相关文件资料不完整而主张拍卖无效或向 (略) 市企业破产学会及管理人主张任何其他权利。

拍卖标的的运输 (略) 处理,相关费用由买受人承担。

6、拍卖成交时,成交价为净价,不包含根据相关法律法规就拍卖 (略) (略) 产生的转让双方的 * 切税费及其他相关费用,前述税、费均 (略) 承担,具体金额 (略) (略) 门咨询。

* 、因标的物本身价值,其起拍价、保证金、竞拍成交价相对较高。竞买人参与竞拍,支付保证金可能会碰到当天限额无法支付的情况,请竞买人根据自 (略) (略) 。 (略) 充值和支付的限 (略) 查询。

* 、上述竞买事宜,以《竞买须知和拍卖规则》记载的内容为准,有意者请与管理人联系索取 (略) (略) 站查询。

学会电话: 点击查看>>

管理人电话: 点击查看>>

(略) 市企业破产学会

* 日


点击查看>> 号发动机

点击查看>> 号发动机


Engine Accessory Report




Bill of Material


Engine Data Submittal


Engine Performance Report


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet AD Status List


Engine Data Submittal


CF6- * C2B5F Engine life Limited Parts


Engine Time Report-On Log


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet SB Status List


Missing Parts List


Engine Time Report


Table Inspection Report


Table Inspection Report


Engine Time Report-Off Log

Announcementon Auction

By accepting entrustment ofthe bankruptcy administrator of Jade Cargo International Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as "the Administrator") (coded as [ * ]SHENZHONG FA PO ZI No. * ), Shenzhen Bankruptcy Law Society (hereinafter referred toas "the Society") is going to convene an auction from * : * am onSeptember * , * to * : * am on September * , * at the website of auction:(https:/ 点击查看>> ).

I. Objects Auctioned

Objects for auction are twoCF * C2B5F engines which the Manufacturer’s Numbers are 点击查看>> and 点击查看>> respectively owned by Jade Cargo International Company Limited (hereinafterreferred to as "Jade Cargo"). The objects are displayed at Hamburg,Germany.

The starting price of theobjects is RMB * , * , * .

Since the No. 点击查看>> engineis under partially-disassembled condition and the No. 点击查看>> engine is underdisassembled condition at present, both engines need repairs and some partsneed to be replaced. Meanwhile, according to Article * of Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues concerning Online JudicialAuction by the Peoples Courts, and considering the lack of licenses/certificates,the extent of damage on hardware and market requirement of correspondingairplanes, the starting price of objects is set on the basis of * % of themarket price (USD * and USD * respectively) valued by Lufthansa TechnikAktiengesellschaft (Lienee of Jade Cargo) for reference.

The objects will beauctioned based on the current conditions as a whole, which shall refer to thecontents stated in Table InspectionReport and other documents provided by the Admini 点击查看>> case of anyinconsistency between the aforesaid documents and current conditions,the lattershall prevail, and the Society and Administrator will not undertake theliability of de 点击查看>> consider the potential risks of defects, seriouslyinvestigate before participating in auction, and make a decision while beingable to take risks known and unknown. The bidder who makes a decision onauction will be deemed to have understood and accepted the current conditionsas well as all the risks of the objects auctioned.

Sincethe objects are stored in Hamburg, Germany, it should be noted that biddersshall be in compliance with the relevant export and embargo requirementsaccording to applicable German laws.Bidders shall undertake the responsibilitiesand risks for being unable to complete the delivery of objects caused by notmeeting relevant requirements.

II. Form of Auction

1. Actionis made by increasing price gradually, in which the increased price range isRMB * , * or its integral multiple.

2. Thefunction of bidding-extending is set during the auction. A five-minute extraperiod will be added once a bidder bid for the objects every last 5 minutesbefore end of the auction.

III. Requirements for the Bidder’sQualification

1. Thebidders should be the natural person, legal person or other organization that enjoysthe corresponding civil right and capacity for civil conduct. Prior to thebidding, bidders shall independently consult related issues of ownership transferand transportation procedures with relevant departments. In case of asuccessful bidding, the buyer may not allege the auction to be invalid due tothe inability for the auction to transfer ownership.

2. Thebidder can entrust an agent (nature person who has full capacity for civilconduct) to bid in this auction while having gone through entrustmentformalities to the Administrator before * : * am, September * , * . The bidder(legal representative or person in charge) and the agent must go throughhand-over procedures to the Administrator after a successful bidding. It isdeemed as inbridual behavior of agent on bidding if relevant formalities areincomplete.

Thebidder shall undertake the legal liability for not meeting qualificationrequirements in this auction.

IV. Exhibition of Objects

Bidderscan apply to the Administrator for consulting documents and materials (see theattachment) for more details about objects after paying bid de 点击查看>> case ofany inconsistency between these documents and current conditions, the lattershall prevail.

V. Bid Deposit

1. The bid deposit ofobjects auctioned is RMB 1, * , * .

2. Bidders should pay thebid deposit according to relevant regulations. Capital in Alipay account ofbidders will be frozen by system automatically as bid deposit before theauction. Frozen capital of bidders who have not acquired the objects auctionedwill be released automatically after the auction is concluded while there is nointerest during the frozen period. When the transaction is made, frozen capitalof the buyer will be transferred into designated account, and the buyer shall paythe rest of transaction price into the Administrator’s account. In case of theunsuccessful auction, frozen capital of bidders will be released automaticallywhile there is no interest during the frozen period.

3. Due to the fact that onlyRMBpayment can be acceptedby Alipay Account, overseas bidders, who may only paywith USD, can pay the biddeposit directly into the bank account of the Societyin order to make successfultransaction. After receiving the payment of biddeposit, the Society willconfirm the payment of bid deposit to the internetauction platform and openqualification on bidding for the bidder. Informationof bank accounts of theSociety for bid deposit payment are as follows:

Account for Cross- RMB:

Bank account name: ShenzhenBankruptcy LawSociety

Account number: 点击查看>>

Bank of deposit: Bank ofChina,ShenzhenZhongyin Garden Subbranch

Account for foreign currency (USD):

Bank account name: ShenzhenBankruptcy LawSociety

Account number: 点击查看>>

Bank of deposit: Bank ofChina,ShenzhenZhongyin Garden Subbranch

Bidders shall know relevantregulations of accounting date while choosing to directly pay to the Society’sbank account (above mentioned). Bidders should undertake responsibilities andrisks for not being qualified in the auction by the reason of delay on payment,payment process and overdue account etc.

Bidders should submit Application of Bidding and identitycertificates (as well as submitting certificate of shareholders and ownershipstructure of corporation), and pay the bid deposit according to the Announcement of Auction.

VI. Auction Completion and Objects Transfer

1. When the auction isconcluded, the Administrator will offer assistance by providing relevant documentsand materials. The buyer shall change ownership of the objects auctioned,relieve mortgage and customs supervision and transfer the objectsindependently. The fees incurred after delivering the objects auctioned includebut not limited to premium, back tax, ownership transfer tax and fees,transportcharges,cost of disassembly and installation and other fees and risks, all of whichshall be borne by the buyer who is not allowed to claim for invalid auction orclaim for compensation based on it.

2. All the fees of theobjects auctioned incurred before the transaction date of auction should beborne by the Administrator.

3. The buyer shall, upon thetransaction of the auction, sign Letterof Confirmation for Auction with the Society and the Administrator within 3days at 8N/F, Block B, Zhongyin Building, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,PRC.

4. The buyer shall pay offall the transaction fees within 7 days after the Letter of Confirmation for Auctionis signed.

5. After the buyer signs Letter of Confirmation for Auction andpays off the fees, the Society and the Administrator will provide receipt (feesand taxes are borne by the buyer while the buyer requesting for invoice). TheAdministrator will transfer the documents and materials (subject to currentmaterials held by the Administrator and the transfer list), and deal withtransfer formalities. The completion of transfer formalities means that theAdministrator has transferred the objects auctioned to the buyer who shall bearthe damage and loss risks after receiving 点击查看>> ile, the Administrator willprovide Notice of Delivery to buyerand Lufthansa Technik Aktiengesellschaft (Lienee of Jade Cargo), and then theformalities and issues of objects’transfer need to be handled by the buyer and LufthansaTechnik Aktiengesellschaft through negotiated settlement. The Administratorbears no guarantee responsibilities for the completeness of relevant data,documents and materials. The buyer is not allowed to claim for the invalidityof auction due to the damage, loss of the objects auctioned after the deliveryor the incomplete data or claim other rights against the Administrator and theSociety.

Also, the Administrator willnot be responsible for the transport of the objects, and the buyer shall handlethe transport issues as well as paying for relevant transport fees.

When the auction isconcluded, the transaction price is net price that all the other relevant feesand taxes on transferring objects and changing ownership are not included.Aforesaid fees and taxes are borne by the buyer.

Ⅶ.Due to the value of objects auctioned, the startingprice, bid deposit and total transaction price are relatively high, and bidderspossibly could not pay for the full price in a day owing to the limit ofpayment. Please consult relevant banks for further information on limits ofpayment and choose appropriate ones to recharge and pay.

VIII.The matters of auction above shall be subject to the contentsstated in the Instructions for Bidding and Auction. For more details, pleaseacquire data by contacting the Administrator or inquire the relevantinformation by logging in the websites of the auction.

Tel Number of the Society:+ * ( * ) 点击查看>>

Tel Number of theAdministrator: + * ( * ) 点击查看>>

Shenzhen Bankruptcy Law Society

September 3, *

The Chineseversionof thisannouncement shallprevailin case ofdiscrepancybetweenChineseversionandEnglish version.( (略) 存在不同,以中文版为准)

Attachment: List of documents that can be check by bidders formore details after the bidder pay the bid deposit

No. 点击查看>> Engine

No. 点击查看>> Engine


Engine Accessory Report




Bill of Material


Engine Data Submittal


Engine Performance Report


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet AD Status List


Engine Data Submittal


CF6- * C2B5F Engine life Limited Parts


Engine Time Report-On Log


CF6- * C2B5F Fleet SB Status List


Missing Parts List


Engine Time Report


Table Inspection Report


Table Inspection Report


Engine Time Report-Off Log






