日期Date:2012-6-27 招标编号Bid No.:0744-1240CSIE0812 中国神华国际工程有限公司受买方委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标。现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 Entrusted by the purchaser, China Shenhua International Engineering Ltd. invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. 1、招标产品的名称、数量及主要技术参数Name of Products/Equipment, Quantity, and Main Technical Data: 道岔清筛机(4台) switch under cutter (4 sets) 2、招标文件售价Price of Bidding Documents: 每包每套人民币100元(人民币壹佰元整)或15美元(美元拾伍元整),售后不退。 Each complete set of the Bidding Documents (including electronic version) may be purchased by any interested Bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee RMB100 (RMB Yuan one hundred only) or USD15 (US Dollars fifteen only) 3、购买招标文件时间Time of Selling Bidding Documents:2012年6月28日至2012年7月17日,每天上午8:30至11:30下午13:30至16:30(北京时间),法定节假日除外。 8:30-11:30am (Beijing time), 1:30-4:00pm,starting from June 28, 2012 to July 17, 2012 except for public holidays. 4、购买招标文件地点Place of Selling Bidding Documents: 中国神华国际工程有限公司(北京市东城区安定门安德路16号洲际大厦7038室) China Shenhua International Engineering Ltd.(Room 7038, Zhouji Tower, 16 Andelu, Andingmen, Dongcheng District, Beijing China.) 5、投标截止时间和开标时间:2012-7-18 10:00 6、开标地点Place of Bid Opening:张家口饭店一层B会议室B Conference Room on 1stF, Zhangjiakou Hotel 地址Add:北京市东城区安定门安德路甲10号A10 Andelu, Dongcheng District, Beijing China. 邮编Zip code:100011 电子邮箱E-mail:180*****906@163.com 电话Tel:+86-10-********,******** 传真Fax:+86-10-******** 联系人Contact:李维盈、徐庆Li Weiying, Xu Qing 开户银行Account Bank:中国银行北京市分行Bank of China Beijing Branch 帐号Account No.:345 458 594 966