

中金招标有限责任公司受买方委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2012年09月27日在公告。本次招标采用传统招标 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
Loan No. and Title:2550-PRC: Liaoning Small Cities and Towns Development Demonstration Sector Project
Bid No. and Title: 0773-1221YHLH2034 ( Subproject of Road Construction Equipment and Street Sweeper Truck Supply for Linghai City)
Deadline for Bid Submission:22 November 2012, 10:00 AM (Beijing time)

1The Peoples Republic of China has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of ADB Loan 2550-PRC: Liaoning Small Cities and Towns Development Demonstration Sector Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments for procurement under:
Lot 1: Subproject of Road Construction Equipment and Street Sweeper Truck Supply for Linghai City ( Details and specifications are provided in the bidding documents.)

2China Capital Tendering Co., Ltd (the Procurement agent, CCTC), authorized and on behalf of Linghai City ADB-Financed Urban Infrastructure Facility Upgrading Office (the Purchaser), now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the goods and related services of the above mentioned contract.

3International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADBs Single-Stage: One-Envelope bidding procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries.

4Only eligible bidders who can supply equipment with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:
(a) Bidders must have minimum average annual turnover of at least CNY20 million (or its equivalent in foreign currency transferred at the foreign exchange rates on the bid opening date) within the last 3 years (2009, 2010, and 2011).
(b) Financial Position and Cash Flow Capacity: the net worth of the bidder calculated as the difference between the total assets and the total liabilities should be positive; and current ratio shall be not less than 1.
b.1) The net worth of the bidder calculated as the difference between the total assets and the total liabilities should be positive.
b.2) Bidder’s debt ratio shall be not more than 60%. (debt ratio = total 1iabilities / total assets).
b.3) Considering the need for cash flow during contract execution, current ratio shall be not less than 1 (current ratio = current assets/current liabilities).
(c) Bidders should have good reputation and credit standing. The Bank Reference shall state that the bidder has an excellent reputation.
(d) Bidders shall have independent legal personality with registered capital of not less than CNY5 million. Chinese bidders are required to have import-export operation right, whose business scope shall include the motor vehicle sales about this contract, and issue uniform invoice of national motor vehicle sales.
(e) Bidder shall have executed more than 2 completed contracts of not less than CNY10 million with loans from international financial organizations or governmental financial fund in the last 3 years (2009, 2010 and 2011).
(f) Bidders should have ISO9000 Series Quality Management System Certificate.

3、购买招标文件时间: from 24 September 2012 to 21 November 2012 during working time: 9:00 hours - 16:00 hours (Beijing time).
4、购买招标文件地点:China Capital Tendering Co., Ltd
5、投标截止时间和开标时间:2012-11-22 10:00
7、开标地点:Linghai City ADB-Financed Urban Infrastructure Facility Upgrading Office(Floor 10th Meeting Room,No.47 Guoqing Road, Housing and Urban and Rural Planning Construction Bureau Building)
地 址:Linghai City ADB-Financed Urban Infrastructure Facility Upgrading Office(Floor 10th Meeting Room,No.47 Guoqing Road, Housing and Urban and Rural Planning Construction Bureau Building)
电话: ***-********
联系人:Ms. Hubing
开户银行(美元):Haidian Branch, China Merchants Bank
帐 号(人民币):********10001
帐 号(美 元):********10001







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