日 期:2012年10月30日
1. 招标产品的名称、数量和技术参数:
一氧化碳气体检测器 330台、乙炔气体检测器75台
① 所有设备都要最好的质量和建造以确保设备最少25年的设计寿命,传感器最少18个月寿命期。供货商应在投标书中正式澄清所报传感器的预期寿命;
② 气体检测器将安装在有可能有一氧化碳和乙炔气存在的区域,也在可能有焦炭和电石粉尘积累导致产生爆炸的危险的区域;
③ 仪表适用于检测数据表中列出的气体。检测出的气体排放到周围空气中,排放量见数据表。集成变送器提供与检测气体对应的4-20mA信号(HART协议)。另外,仪表检测到传感器故障时,应能够提供数字信号(干接触),连接到装置DCS;
④ 应该能够在变送器打开电源的情况下更换传感器,而不影响仪表爆炸区保护。
2. 资格业绩要求:
(1) 投标人必须具有独立法人资格并保持良好履约记录,有能力响应招标文件要求;
(2) 投标人必须是所投货物的直接制造商,不允许代理商投标;
(3) 投标人注册资本应在5000万元人民币(含)或等值货币以上(如投标人注册资金为非人民币的,将以开标当日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的卖出价进行折算);
(4) 投标人须提供完善、有效的ISO9001体系或同等质量管理体系认证证书(包括但不限于有效的ISO9001证书,复印件须由投标人代表签字或盖章);
(5) 提供各种资质证书的复印件:包括但不限于营业执照、经营许可证等;
(6) 投标人近三年(2009-2011)内,气体探测器成套供货业绩不少于15台(含),且至少有一个业绩合同金额不少于400万元人民币(含)或等值货币(如销售金额为非人民币的,将以开标当日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的卖出价进行折算),投标人须在投标文件中提供业绩清单(包括用户名称、联系方式(中国用户)、购置时间、设备型号、产量、用途、投用时间等信息),并提供能够证明其销售情况的书面材料(包括但不限于合同、最终用户的运行证明及考核验收证书复印件,并由投标人代表签字或盖章,否则不予认可);
(7) 投标人在购买招标文件之前必须按照规定的格式与项目的设计单位-加拿大赫氏有限公司(Hatch Ltd)签订保密协议;
(8) 投标人银行资信情况良好,须提供其开立基本账户的银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明的原件或该原件的复印件。国内投标人(除港、澳、台地区)还须提供中国人民银行营业管理部出具的银行基本账户开户许可证复印件(复印件须由投标人代表签字或盖章);
(9) 按招标文件的格式和内容提供制造商对产品质量保证和售后服务的承诺函;
3. 招标文件售价:每套1,500.00元人民币或250.00美元。文件售后不退,邮购须另加100.00元人民币或50.00美元。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2012年10月30日起至2012年11月20日(北京时间,上午9:00-11:00,下午1:30-4:30,休息日和节假日除外)。
5. 购买招标文件地点:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦一楼大厅西侧。
联系电话:+86 10 5936 8256/8971;传真:+86 10 5936 8911
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2012年11月20日上午9:30时(北京时间)。
7. 开标地点:北京市复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦19层第7会议室。
地 址:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20层
邮 编:100045
电 话:+86 10 5936 8920/9611
传 真:+86 10 5936 9323
联 系 人:仲崇明、刘哲、李斌
********5289,SWIFT CODE: BKCH CN BJ 110(外币)
联系电话:+86 979 8448 154
Gas Detectors for Calcium Carbide device area of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd. Bid Notice
Date: October, 30th, 2012
Bid No.: 0747-1240SITCD055
SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd., entrusted by the Tenderee (Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd.), hereby carries out public bid for the supply of the following goods and related services, and now invites eligible bidders to attend the bidding.
1. Name, Quantity and technical parameters of the bidding products:
CO Gas Detector 330 Sets、C2H2 Gas Detector 75 Sets
① All equipment will be of the Vendor’s best quality and constructed to ensure a minimum equipment design life of 25 years, with a sensor lifespan of at least 18 months. Vendor shall provide a formal declaration indicating the expected lifespan of the quoted sensors, along with its bid.
② The gas detectors will be installed in an area having potential presence of carbon monoxide and/or acetylene in explosive concentrations, as well as the possibility of coke and calcium carbide dust accumulations that might generate explosion hazards.
③ Instrument shall be suitable for the detection of the gas indicated in the data sheet. Gas to be detected is dissolved in ambient air, in the range specified in the data sheet. An integrated transmitter shall provide a 4-20 mA with HART protocol signal proportional to the detected gas. In addition, the instrument shall be able to provide a digital signal (dry contact) for detection of sensor fault, to be connected to the plant DCS.
④ It shall be possible to replace the sensor with the transmitter powered on, without affecting the instrument explosive zone protection.
2. Qualification and Achievement requirements for the bidder:
① Bidder must be with legal personality and maintaining a good performance record, able to respond to the bidding documents.
② Bidder must be the manufacture of bidding goods itself. If the bidder is agent, the bid will be rejected.
③ The registered capital of the Bidder must be RMB 50 million or more (If the registered capital uses a currency other than RMB shall be evaluated by converting it into RMB at the exchange rate (Selling price) which is initially published by Bank of China at the Bid Opening Day).
④ The bidder should provide manufacture’s ISO9000 certificate or equivalent quality management certificate (if it is a copy, the bidder’s representative’s signature or seal will be needed.)
⑤ Bidder should provide the printed version of various qualification certificates, such as business license, operation license, etc.
⑥ The sales performance for Gas Detectors in recent 3 years (2009-2011) shall not be less than 15 sets, and one of the contract value shall not be less than RMB 4 million (If the sales contract uses a currency other than RMB shall be evaluated by converting it into RMB at the exchange rate (Selling price) which is initially published by Bank of China at the Bid Opening Day).A list of reference achievements and users for the equipment should be given in the bid indicating the users’ names, contact details (for users from China), purchasing date, equipment models, volume of production, purpose and using date etc., and supply the written documents to prove that (the copy of sales contracts or demonstration issued by users, and the signature or sealing by the respective of bidders is needed).
⑦ A CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT must be signed between the bidder and Hatch Ltd., before attaining the Bidding Document.
⑧ The Bidder shall provide a Certificate of Credit Standing from the bank where its basic account opened, issued within three months prior to the date of bid opening in original or its copy. And domestic bidder is also required to provide the copy of Bank Basic Account Opening Permit issued by the Business Administration Department of the People’s Bank of China (the signature or sealing by the respective of bidders is needed).
⑨ Bidder should provide Guarantee of After-sale Service by Manufacturer.
⑩ CCC Certificate (if applicable).
? Bidder should have the original reference for all the provided proof document.
3. Price of Bidding Document: RMB 1,500.00 or USD 250.00 for one complete set of package. Bidding Document is non-refundable (if mail order, with additional RMB 100.00 or USD 50.00).
4. Time for obtaining Bidding Documents: From October, 30th, 2012 till November, 20th, 2012 (Beijing Time, 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m., excluding holidays).
5. Place for obtaining Bidding Documents: West Side of the Lobby, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.
Contact person: Ms. HUI Yunxia/ Mr. WANG Xiaobin
Tel: +86 10 5936 8256/8971
Fax: +86 10 5936 8911
6. Deadline of Bid Submission and Bid Opening Time: 9:30 am (Beijing Time), November, 20th, 2012.
7. Bid Opening Address: Meeting Room No.7, Floor 19, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing.
Tendering Agent:
SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd
Address: 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing, P. R. China.
Post code: 100045
Tel: +86 10 5936 8920/9611
Fax: +86 10 5936 9323
Contact person: Mr. Zhong Chongming/Mr. Liu Zhe/Mr. Li Bin
Email: zhongchongming@sinochem.com, liuzhe@sinochem.com, libin13@sinochem.com
Account information for purchasing bidding documents (RMB):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Fuwai SUB-Branch
Account No.: ****************668
Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Account No.: ********5289
Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 28, Huang River Road, Golmud City, Qinghai Province, P. R. China
Contact person: Mr.Hu Guoping
Tel: +86 979 8448 154
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