Invitation For Bids (IFB)投标邀请IFB No./招标编号:
****-********2214 Date/日期:2021年1月28日1.Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tendering Agent),for and on behalf of Guang Xi HuaYi New Material Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tenderee). invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following equipment and services under the 750 kta Propylene and Downstream Deep-processing Integration Project.上海国际招标有限公司(以下简称“招标机构”)受广西华谊新材料有限公司(以下简称“招标人”)的委托,就广西华谊新材料有限公司75万吨/年丙烯及下游深加工一体化项目所需下述设备及服务进行国际公开招标,现邀请合格的投标者进行密封投标。No. 序号Product Name 产品名称Quantity数量Main Technical Data简要技术规格Remarks备注1 轨道球阀48台阀体尺寸:1"、1-1/2"、3"、6"、8"等详见每台阀门的数据表注:供货范围应包括轨道球阀、气动执行机构、电磁阀及附属设备(包括电磁阀、阀位开关、过滤减压器、防爆接线盒等)、运输、现场指导安装、调试及培训。Delivery Time:The goods will arrive at the site within 12months after the date of signing the contract.交货期:合同签订日期后12个月内货到现场。Detailed specifications of which are referred to Section 8. 技术参数要求详见招标文件第八章。2.The tender required funding source has been implemented.
本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实。3.Eligible bidders should meet all of the following qualification requirements:本次招标的合格投标人应同时满足下列资格要求:1) independently.投标人具有独立法人资格,且具有履行合同的能力。2)The bidders should be the manufacturer or the only authorized agent by be the manufacturer of this project.投标人是投标产品的制造商或投标产品制造商针对本项目唯一授权的代理商。3)Bidders have acquired the capacities in finance, technology and production so as to perform the contract. 投标人已具备履行合同所需的财务、技术和生产能力。4) dehydrogenation units in UOP OleflexTM process successfully operated for at least three years. 制造商所供产品必须至少具有三套在UOPOleflexTM工艺丙烷脱氢装置全系列且成功稳定运行三年以上的业绩。5)None of the Bidder’s business activities is banned, or property is taken over, or in bankruptcy.投标人没有处于被责令停业、财产被接管、破产状态,并出具声明。6)The Chinese authority on instruments, boiler, pressure vessel (ML)or its parts supplied and exported to China under the CONTRACT. For the products from outside the
customsterritory,thetypetestreportissuedbytheproductinspection institution recognized by the State Administration of market supervision shall beprovidedorexplicitlypromised;fortheproductsfrominsidethecustoms territory, the special equipment production license corresponding to the items to be provided shall be provided. 投标人应提供中国相关部门所需的合同项下仪器、锅炉、压力容器(ML)和其它出口到中国的部分仪器的所有证书(对源自关境外的产品应提供或明确承诺提供由国家市场监管总局认可的产品检验机构出具的型式试验报告;对源自关境内的产品应提供许可事项与拟供产品相适应的特种设备生产许可证)。7)The bidders should register successfully before the bid deadline on the online platform,hereinafterreferredtoasTendingWebsitc(Website:http://www.chinabidding.com),ofprovidingpublicservicesand administrativesupervision for international tenderingandbiddingactivities specified by the National Ministry of Commerce.投标人须在投标截止期之前在国家商务部指定的为机电产品国际招标投标活动提供公共服务和行政监督的网上平台(以下简称招标网,网址为:http://www.chinabidding.com)上完成有效注册。8)Joint Venture shall not be accepted.本项目不接受联合体投标。4.Interested potential bidders may obtain further information from the Tendering Agent and look up in the Bidding Documents. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可从招标机构得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。5.Interested potential bidders may purchase the Bidding Documents from 8:30a.m (Beijing time) January 28, 2021 to 16:00 p.m(Beijing time) , February 18, 2021
(not including holidays) at the website (https:// www.shabidding.com) upon payment of CNY One Thousand Only (CNY) for each complete set of bidding documents with no refund. Potential bidders not buy the bidding documents from the Tendering Agent will be refused to participate in the bid. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可从2021年1月28日8:30时(北京时间)起至2021年2月18日16:00时(北京时间)止,在上海国际招标有限公司网站(https:// www.shabidding.com)注册并在线领购招标文件。本招标文件每套售价为人民币壹仟元整(CNY1000.00),售后不退。未从招标机构处购买招标文件的潜在投标人将不得参加投标。6.Bids must be delivered to No.3 meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd., 19F, Mei Li Yuan Mansion, 358 Yan’an Road (W), Shanghai 200040, China before 15:00 (Beijing time) on March 1, 2021.所有投标文件应于2021年3月1日下午15:00时(北京时间)之前递交到中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦19楼上海国际招标有限公司第3会议室。7.Bids will be opened publicly in the presence of bidders’ representatives at 15:00 (Beijing time) on March 1, 2021 at No.3 meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd., 19F, Mei Li Yuan Mansion, 358 Yan’an Road (W), Shanghai 200040, China. 定于2021年3月1日下午15:00时(北京时间),在中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦19楼上海国际招标有限公司第3会议室公开开标。届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。Tendering Agent: Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.招标代理机构:上海国际招标有限公司Address:14F, Mei Li Yuan Mansion, 358 Yan’an Road (W), Shanghai 200040, China
地址:上海市延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼Post Code/邮政编码: 200040 Contact person: Mr. Sujiefei, Mr. Luoxi联系人:苏杰飞、罗曦Tel. No/电话: 86-21-
********×170、129 Fax No./传真: 86-21-
********×170、129E-Mail/电邮: sujiefei@shabidding.comTechnical channel /技术联系渠道Person/联系人:姚连军Tel/电话: 139 1782 8564 E-Mail/电邮: yaolianjun@shhuayi.com Commercial and management channel /商务联系渠道Person/联系人:赵书山Tel/电话:
189*****571E-Mail/电邮: zhaoshushan@shhuayi.com
010-68960698 邮箱:1049263697@qq.com