

********6">Invitation for Bid through Invited Tendering

Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for the Marsyangdi River Cascade Hydropower Project

Date: March 18, 2021

1. China International Tendering Co., Ltd, entrusted by S.C.I.G. International Nepal Hydro Joint Development Company Private Limited, hereby invites qualified international consultants (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultants") to submit proposals of Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project and Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project.

2. The Marsyangdi River Cascade Hydropower Project is located Gandaki Zone of the western part of Nepal. The project includes three hydropower stations from up to down, which are Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower station, Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower station and Up Marsyangdi 2 Hydropower station. The Project is developed jointly by 5 firms, namely, Butwal Power Company Limited, SCIG International Limited, Xingcheng International Investment Co., Limited, QYEC International Co., Limited, and S.C.I.G. International Nepal Hydro Joint Development Company Private Limited. To utilize its equity and arrange financial resources for the construction of Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project and Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project, These firms will separately establish a project company as registered in Nepal. The name of Project Company for Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Company Private Limited (Established) and the name of Project Company for Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is Manaslu Energy Private Limited Company (Establishing).

3. The main service scope and contents of the services are as follows:
(1) The Consulting Company shall review and liquidate the signed contracts, design achievements and implemented works in the early stage of the Project;
(2) The Consulting Company shall, in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, system documents and procedures, tender for the EPC contracting within the scope of authority entrusted by the Contract to ensure the tendering and the biddings’ compliance with relevant laws and regulations and avoid unfair competition. The tender scheme shall be prepared scientifically in the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and good faith, and with the aim to assist the Client in optimizing the selection of bid winner.
(3) The Consulting Company shall effectively supervise and manage the start-up, process and achievements of the EPC Contractor"s design work, and review, inspect and evaluate the design/documents submitted by the EPC Contractor, and provide suggestions for the Client to reply to such documents;
(4) The Consulting Company shall review and put forward opinions and suggestions for the procurement plan and tender procurement scheme of EPC Contractor"s equipment and materials in the whole construction period, which shall be approved for implementation by the Consulting Company after being submitted to the Client for examination and approval. The Consulting Company shall participate in the whole process of the EPC Contractor"s procurement, be responsible for the check of the arrival progress of equipment and materials and the delivery progress of technical documents (including technical services) and the acceptance and inspection of equipment and materials after arrival, and signature for the inspection.
(5) According to the laws and regulations, internationally recognized engineering construction standards, China"s existing Management Standards for Whole Process Engineering Consulting Services, Code of Construction Project Management, survey and design documents and related contracts, the Consulting Company shall monitor the construction quality, cost and progress, manage contracts and information, coordinate the relationship between relevant parties in engineering construction, and perform the services of statutory duties and responsibilities for management of work safety in construction projects.
(6) The Consulting Company shall collect and collate all the process documents, drawings and data generated in the investment decision-making, implementation stages and the defect liability period of the construction project; assist the Client to complete all the work such as special acceptance, completion acceptance, completion settlement, completion handover and final settlement of accounts; organize the hand-over of qualified construction works and complete data from the EPC Contractor to the Client.
The consulting services period of Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is expected as of approximately 64 calendar months, including: preparation phase 6 months, construction supervision phase 34 months and after-construction phase 24 months. The consulting services period of Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is expected as of approximately 69 calendar months, including: preparation phase 6 months, construction supervision phase 39 months and after-construction phase 24 months.

4. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is sent to potential consultants through invited tendering. Only the consultants invited is qualified for participation in the competition of this consulting service.

5. The minimum requirements on candidates for consultants are as follows:
(1) Independent legal personality and general VAT taxpayer;
(2) Comprehensive qualification of engineering supervision or Grade A qualification of water conservancy and hydropower engineering supervision or Grade A qualification of water conservancy engineering construction supervision; and Grade A qualification of comprehensive engineering survey and Grade A qualification of comprehensive engineering design;
(3) The following performances achieved from January 2010 to now: (1) Engineering supervision performances for the projects with an installed capacity of 135MW or above; or (2) Supervision performances for Pressure tunnel works with a length of 5km or above; or (3) Mechanical and electrical installation supervision performance in medium-sized hydropower engineering projects or larger; or (4) Supervision or consultancy performance in overseas hydropower station projects. The conditions above are not limited to the same project;
(4) Valid quality management system certificates, environmental management system certificates and occupational health and safety management system certificates;
(5) Good financial situations and no loss in last 3 years;
(6) Good social reputations, no defrauding for bid or serious breach of contract for Consultants in tendering activities in last 5 years and no violations of rules, disciplines and laws related to commercial bribes; no corruptions and frauds, and misconducts related to goodwill in performance of contract for the Consultants in last 5 years;
(7) The Contract Project shall accept the bid from a joint venture.

6. Registration and Purchase of the RFP documents:
(1) Potential consultants are invited to bid in “Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract of Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project” and “Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract of Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project” and submit proposals. Candidate consultant shall participate in both services. Participation in only one of the service will not be accepted.
(2) The printed RFP documents shall be purchased on 9:00 am – 17:00 pm (Beijing Time) fromMarch 18, 2021 to March 24, 2021 at Room 1710, SCIG Building, No.1 Linjiang West Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province at the presentation of the following documents:
(a) Recommendation letter of the firm
(b) A power of attorney by the legal representative of the firm
(c) Passport and Personal Identification Certification
(d) Business Certificate (duplicate)
(e) Professional Qualification Certificate of the firm (duplicate) A photocopy of each of the above listed documents shall be provided duly stamped with the firm’s seal.
(3) The cost of the RFP documents is RMB10,000 or USD1,500 (The cost of the RFP document of Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is RMB5,000 or USD750 and The cost of the RFP document of Consulting Services for Whole Process Project Management on EPC Contract for Lower Manang Marsyangdi Hydropower Project is RMB5,000 or USD750) and non-refundable after sale.
(4) Registration of potential consultant:
Potential consultants shall register for free on http://www.china-tender.com.cn on March 18, 2021 to March 24, 2021, from 9:00–17:00 (Beijing Time, unless otherwise stated). For technical support, call www.china-tender.com.cn at ***-*******.
When the registration is complete, please go to the Tendering Document Acquisition column on www.china-tender.com.cn and fill in a tendering document purchase application (the purchase price is 0) for the corresponding project (tender), for your project registration to be reviewed. Only consultants who have had their documents inspected by the Client and have purchased the tendering documents will pass the registration review.

7. Submission of the Proposal
Time for submission of the Proposals shall be not later than 10:00am, April 19, 2021 at Room 1710, SCIG Building, No.1 Linjiang West Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Late submission, delivery to the wrong place or improper preparation and sealing of the Proposals will be rejected by the Client.

Tender Agent: China International Tendering Co., Ltd
Address: Genertec Plaza, No.90 of Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing
Contact person: Mr. Chai
Telephone: ***-********
Email: chaixiaopeng@cgci.gt.cn




1. 中技国际招标有限公司受川投国际尼泊尔水电联合开发公司的委托,现邀请合格的国际咨询公司(下称“咨询人”)对马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务和下马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务提交建议书。

2. 马相迪河梯级水电站项目位于尼泊尔西部甘达基地区境内,自上而下共3级水电站,分别为马楠马相迪水电站、下马楠马相迪水电站和上马相迪-2水电站。 该项目由布特瓦尔电力有限公司、川投国际有限公司、兴城(香港)国际投资有限公司、清源国际工程咨询有限公司、川投国际尼泊尔水电联合开发公司共同开发。上述公司为投资建设马楠马相迪水电站项目及下马楠马相迪水电站项目分别成立一家在尼泊尔境内注册的项目公司,马楠马相迪水电站项目的项目公司名称为马楠马相迪水电公司(已成立),下马楠马相迪水电站项目的项目公司名称暂定为马纳斯鲁能源公司(成立中)。

3. 上述项目的咨询服务主要服务范围和内容如下:

(1) 咨询公司对项目前期已签订的合同、设计成果及已实施的工程项目进行复核和清算;

(2) 咨询公司应按照相关法律法规要求、制度文件和流程规定,在合同委托权限范围内开展EPC总承包招标活动,保证招投标活动符合相关法律法规规定,避免不正当竞争。应科学策划招标方案,遵循公开、公平、公正和诚信原则,协助雇主优选中标单位。

(3) 咨询公司应对EPC承包商设计工作的启动、过程及成果实施有效的监督管理,并对EPC承包商提交的设计/文件进行审查、检查和评估,为雇主批复这些文件提供建议;

(4) 咨询公司应对EPC承包商的设备材料的全建设周期采购计划、招标采购方案进行审核,并提出意见和建议,报雇主审查同意后,咨询公司批准实施;咨询公司应全过程参加EPC总承包方的采购活动;负责对设备材料的到货进度及技术文件的交付进度(含技术服务)进行检查;负责对设备材料到货后验收检查工作,并对检验情况进行签证。

(5) 咨询公司根据法律法规、国际公认的工程建设标准以及中国现行的《全过程工程咨询服务管理标准》、《建设工程监理规范》、勘察设计文件及相关合同,在项目工程实施过程中,对建设工程质量、造价、进度进行控制,对合同、信息进行管理,对工程建设相关方的关系进行协调,并履行建设工程安全生产管理法定职责的服务。

(6) 咨询公司应对建设项目从投资决策、实施阶段和缺陷责任期形成的过程文件、图纸、资料等进行全面收集整理,协助雇主完成专项验收、竣工验收、竣工结算、竣工移交、竣工决算等全部工作;组织EPC总承包方将经过验收合格的建设项目及完整资料移交给雇主。


4. 本征询建议文件通过邀请招标方式发给潜在候选咨询人,仅被邀请的潜在候选咨询人有资格参与本服务的竞争。

5. 候选咨询人的最低要求如下:

(1) 具有独立法人资格,且为一般纳税人;

(2) 具有工程监理综合资质或水利水电工程监理甲级资质或水利工程施工监理甲级资质;且具有工程勘察综合类甲级资质和工程设计综合资质甲级;

(3) 咨询人2010年1月至今须同时具有以下业绩: ①装机容量135MW(或以上)引水式水电站工程监理业绩。 ②有压引水隧洞长度5KM(或以上)监理业绩。 ③中型及以上水电工程机电安装监理业绩。④海外水电站项目的监理或咨询服务业绩。上述业绩要求不限于同一个工程。

(4) 具有有效的质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证、职业健康安全管理体系认证;

(5) 近3年的财务状况良好,无亏损;

(6) 具有良好的社会信誉,近5年内咨询人在投标活动中未发生骗取中标和严重违约,无涉及商业贿赂等相关违规、违纪、违法行为;咨询人在近5年内没有发生过腐败和欺诈行为和履约中的不良商誉行为;

(7) 本合同工程接受联营体投标。

6. 征询建议文件获取及报名:

(1) 候选咨询人被邀请参与“马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务”和“下马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务”并提交建议书。候选咨询人必须同时参与上述两个咨询服务的投标,不接受仅参与其中任意一个咨询服务的投标。

(2) 候选咨询人请于 2021年3月18日至 2021年3月24日,每日9:00-17:00时(北京时间,下同),在成都市高新区天府大道中段530-2号东方希望天祥广场B座9楼912房间持以下证件购买文件:

(a) 单位介绍信;

(b) 法定代表人授权委托书;

(c) 经办人身份证明;

(d) 企业营业执照(副本原件);

(e) 企业资质证书(副本原件)。


(3) 建议书征询文件每套售价10000元或1500美元(其中“马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务” 建议书征询文件:5000元或750美元;“下马楠马相迪水电站EPC总承包全过程项目管理咨询服务” 建议书征询文件:5000元或750美元),售后不退。

(4) 候选咨询人的报名:



7. 建议书的提交:

建议书递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为 2021年4月19日 10:00am 时,地点在四川省成都市武候区临江西路1号川投大厦1710室。逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的建议书,将予以拒收。







标签: 咨询服务 项目管理 全过程





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