





























  2.按照IUCN 格式的年度预算和年度财务报告进行审计,出具2019年度和2020年度项目审计报告(中英文)。

















Building Climate Resilient Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Planted Forests in China Through Forest Landscape Restoration and Governance Innovation


Terms of Reference For Mid Term Review

  背景 Background

  “通过森林景观规划和国有林场改革,增强中国人工林的生态系统服务功能”(简称“国有林场GEF项目”)是由全球环境基金资助的赠款项目,国家林业和草原局为国内执行机构,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)为国际执行机构,实施区域包括河北省承德市、江西省赣州市、贵州省毕节市。项目主要以选定的7个试点国有林场为主体,利用国有林场改革的历史机遇,借鉴森林景观恢复等国际先进理念,编制新型森林经营方案,探索形成一套有效提高国有林场治理能力、精准提升中国人工林生态系统服务功能的机制体制;以选定的2县1市为单位,探索编制森林景观恢复规划(即以林为主的山水林田湖草综合规划);开展生态系统服务监测,评估国有林场生态系统服务价值;加强宣传交流、能力建设和经验分享。PRC-GEF State Forest Farms Project (hereafter “the project”) is granted by GEF, International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) plays the role of international executive agency of the project. National Forestry and Grassland Administration is the National Executing Agency of the project. Chengde in Hebei province, Ganzhou in Jiangxi province and Bijie in Guizhou province are pilots of the project. The project aims to enhance sustainable management for the State Forest Farms (SFFs) in China based on the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The project will strengthen key ecosystem services of SFFs at geological landscape scale, and evaluate these services by way of ecological as well as economic and social benefits.


  The Mid Term Review for the project will be conducted in July-September 2021. The review is being undertaken at the midpoint of project implementation, to review the achievements made by the project to date and decide on any major adjustments compared to the initial project that would be needed to achieve the project outcomes and objectives. Particular attention will be paid to work plans and budgets from project launch to June 30, 2021, to ensure attainment of the agreed implementation rate and disbursement targets. This mission will also provide the required forum to following-up on the implementation of the recommendations of the 1st annual review.

  MTR将采用认可性的调查过程而非传统的评价过程,将有助于推进共同思考和相互学习。MTR包括以下组成部分:The mid-term review will be undertaking through an appreciative enquiry process rather than using a traditional evaluative process, which will facilitate collaborative reflection and learning. The mid-term review process involves the following components:

  1.对照计划的活动和产出,评估项目的执行情况;A stock taking of how the project is performing against the planned activities and outputs;

  2.与项目组和其他利益相关者就项目、活动和成就、经验教训(包括项目设计、技术和社会产出)进行反思;Reflections with the project team and other stakeholders on the project, its activities and achievements to date, the lessons learned so far (including on project design, technical and social outputs);

  3.考虑在剩余的项目期内,能够实现的最重要目标;Consideration of what is most important to achieve within the remaining project time frame with the available resources;

  4.提出项目设计(包括活动、产出、里程碑日期、预算分配等)需要改进的内容(如有)Consideration of what (if anything) needs to change in relation to project design (including activities, outputs, milestone dates, budget allocations etc)

  MTR需要明确执行机构(和执行办公室)现有的诉求,并且完成以下任务 The mission shall identify all pending requests from the executing entity (and project management unit) prior to departure and ensure their review and conclusion during the mission period, besides addressing the following generic issues:

  (i) 按照项目模块审查项目实施进度。根据年度工作计划和预算审查所取得的成就,评估项目启动以来的总体进展,和第一次年度检查所提建议的完成情况。Review progress of project implementation on a component by component basis. The mission will also review achievements made against targets set in the annual work plans and budget(s), in addition to assessment of overall progress since project effectiveness, as well as assessing the implementation of recommendations that were made during the previous mission(s).

  (ii) 评估项目目标和影响的实现情况,财务资金的利用情况,并提出相关意见和建议Assess the project progress towards attaining its objectives and outcomes, and in the use of funds, and recommend measures, if any.

  (iii)从时效性、质量、数量、成本效益等方面评估项目活动的有效性,包括相关采购的有效性Assess the performance of the project in terms of timeliness, quality, quantity and cost effectiveness of the activities undertaken including project procurement.

  (iv) 检查合规性Review compliance with all grant conditions.

  (v) 评估执行机构、执行办公室的能力和效率,记录有关组织资源和人力资源的困难和挑战,并提出相关建议Assess the adequacy and efficiency of the executing agency and the project management unit; Document organizational and human resources constraints, if any, and formulate appropriate recommendations for redress.

  (vi) 分析和评估项目相关方的角色和责任Review the appropriateness and clarity of the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in the project.

  (vii)确认项目监测评估体系的作用,尤其是结合项目逻辑框架的要求对信息和数据的分析,对项目执行办公室提交年度和半年度报告的及时性、质量和内容提出建议Verify functionality of the projects’ monitoring and evaluation systems, in particular the collection and analysis of information/data against indicators in the projects’ logical framework matrices and advise PMUs on the regularity, quality and content of mandatory reports especially semi-annual or annual reports [depending on the implementing agreement signed between IUCN and the Executing Agency].

  (viii)评估项目风险,就必要的风险应对和减轻措施取得共识Undertake project risk analysis and jointly agree on contingency plans and mitigation measures where necessary.

  (ix) 收集项目相关方、合作方对执行情况、执行成果的意见Discuss with project beneficiaries, other project stakeholders and collaborating institutions to ascertain their views on implementation progress.

  (x) 评估项目环境和社会管理计划、性别计划的现状和进展Assess the status and progress in implementing the environment and social management plan and the gender plan.

  (xi) 评估目前为止采购活动的现状和有效性Assessing the status of the various approved procurement activities and performance of the approved contracts for services, goods and works under each Project.

  (xii)向执行办公室提供必要协助,包括MTR期间的任何未决诉求Providing implementation assistance to the PMU as may be required, including processing of any pending requests during the mission period.

  (xiii)就需要的调整达成共识,涉及逻辑框架、项目活动和产出、总预算和预算类项调整、采购等Agree jointly on necessary adjustments of the logical framework, activities and outputs to be delivered, the overall budget lines allocation (within the approved budget), procurement and disbursements that would be required.

  重点关注Key Focus Areas

  中期评估将重点关注IUCN/GEF的要求,重点关注如下方面The MTR Mission will assess the the Project in line with IUCN/GEF Evaluation criteria, as elaborated below.


  1.该项目对国际和国内执行机构的战略政策和方案的贡献To what extent is the project contributing to the strategic policies and programmes to both international and national implementation agency?

  2.需要改进的方面 What needs to be done to make thing work better?

  ?分析项目工作是否满足利益相关者的需要和需求Analyse whether the project’s approach addresses the needs and demands of the stakeholders.

  ?评估项目工作是否与主要目标紧密相关Assess the relevance of project activities to the project goals


  1.哪些工作做得好,哪些需要改进?What has worked well and not worked well as expected?

  2.活动是否按照项目计划执行?如果没有,为什么?Are the activities implemented in accordance with the project plans? If not, why?

  3.取得了哪些成果?它们在多大程度上有助于实现项目目标?What outputs have been achieved? To what extent do they contribute to the objectives?

  4.实现预期产出的方法和结构是否有效?如何改进?How effective are the approaches and structures in delivering the desired outputs? How can they be improved?

  5.相关方是否有效地协同工作?管理机制是否有效地推动了预期产出的实现?Do the collaborative organizations work together effectively? Is the structure effective in achieving the desired outputs?

  ?审查项目是否完成了其产出;Review whether the project has accomplished its outputs;

  ?评估项目迄今为止的业绩,特别是参照项目文件和工作计划中所规定的质量指标和数量指标;Assess the performance of the project so far with particular reference to qualitative and quantitative achievements of outputs and targets as defined in the project documents and work-plans and with reference to the project baseline

  ?评估配资的有效性;Assess the effectiveness of the co-funding arrangements:

  ?根据目前的进展和实地活动的开展情况,提出相关的改进建议Based on the progress so far and ground situations, suggest / recommend any changes to the above criteria


  1.现有的技术和资金是否足以完成项目计划?评估项目是否按照工作计划利用项目资金来实现预期目标Are the available technical and financial resources adequate to fulfill the project plans? Assess whether the project has utilized project funding as per the agreed work plan to achieve the projected targets.

  2.资金的使用是否符合项目计划和正确的程序Are the funds being spent in accordance with project plans and using the right procedures?

  3.是否有任何不可预见的问题?处理得如何?Have there been any unforeseen problems? How well were they dealt with? Especially reflections on COVID and adaptive management suggestions.

  4.管理结构中是否有一个有效的流程,用于自我监督和评估、报告和反思?Is there an effective process, built into the management structure for self-monitoring and assessment, reporting and reflection?

  ?分析项目指导委员会(PSC)的作用,以及该机制是否被最佳地用于决策。Analyse the role of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and whether this forum is optimally being used for decision making.

  ?评估项目后续报告的时间表和质量要求Assess the timeline and quality of the reporting followed by the project

  ?从数量和质量方面评估项目提供的管理和其他投入(如设备、技术援助和预算投入)的情况Assess the qualitative and quantitative aspects of management and other inputs (such as equipment, technical assistance and budgetary inputs) provided by the project.

  ?确定影响项目执行的因素,包括与政策、技术、管理、机制体制和社会经济有关的问题,以及项目设计期没有能够提前预见的其他外部因素。Identify factors and constraints which have affected project implementation including policy related, technical, managerial, organizational, institutional and socio-economic issues in addition to other external factors unforeseen during the project design.

  可持续性和影响Sustainability and Impact

  1.项目路径是否有可能确保项目结束后的持续效益?Is the approach used likely to ensure a continued benefit after the end of the project?

  2.所有关键利益相关者是否充分有效地参与?他们的期望是否得到满足,参与程度是否满意?Are all key stakeholders sufficiently and effectively involved? Are their expectations met and are they satisfied with their level of participation?

  3.是否需要其他或额外的措施,如果需要,需要什么来确保持续的可持续性和积极的影响Are alternative or additional measures needed and, if so, what is required to ensure continued sustainability and a positive impact?

  ?形成在项目结束后项目成果发挥可持续作用(在基层和政府层面)的初步判断Assess preliminary indications of the degree to which the project results are likely to be sustainable beyond the project’s lifetime (both at the community and government level), and provide recommendations for strengthening sustainability.

  ?评估项目干预措施对政策、能力和意识的影响的可持续性Assess the sustainability of the project interventions in terms of its effect on policy, capacities and awareness

  网络/链接Network /linkages

  ?评估利益相关者(政府和民间社会、少数民族、当地社区、学术和研究机构等)在项目执行中的水平、程度和代表性Evaluate the level, degree and representation by the stakeholders, (government and civil societies, indigenous groups and local communities, academic and research institutions etc.) in the execution of the project

  ?评估项目与其他项目的一致性,确定实现目标/指标的联系和机会;Assess the alignment of the project with the other projects and identifying linkages and opportunities for achievement of objectives/targets;

  经验教训/结论Lessons learnt/ Conclusions

  ?分析需要改进的项目方案,特别是在目标、决策等方面,以及后续工作所需的时间方面(关于是否延期、延期时长的相关建议)Analyze areas for improved programme planning, especially with respect to setting targets, decision making, whether project extension is necessary and how long it should be .

  ?确定从项目的有效性、效率、可持续性和网络方面可以得出的重要经验教训或结论Identify significant lessons or conclusions which can be drawn from the project in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and networking


  MTR将由一个由两名专家组成的联合小组开展评估。The review will be conducted jointly by a two member team of consultants .

  评估专家A将负责以下任务The reviewer A will be responsible for the following tasks:

  ?领导MTR确保TMR任务按要求完成,Lead MTR and be responsible for MTR arrangements and final report;

  ?分析从启动到2021年6月30日为止的项目进展Analysis of project context and progress from project launch to Jun 30, 2021;

  ?确定关键经验教训;Identification of key lessons learned;

  ?确定本项目中可能具有未来影响的方法和机制Identification of approaches and systems used in this project that might have future implications

  ?中期评估的总体结果;Overall findings from the Mid-Term Review;

  ?中期评估建议的阐述,可包括新冠疫情的应对措施、项目执行管理建议(如有)、监督有效性(合规性)检查。Articulation of the recommendations from the Mid-Term Review, covering COVID adaptive management, change within the management (PMU) (if any), fiduciary oversight and so on.

  评估专家B将负责以下任务The Reviewer B will be responsible for the following tasks:

  ?审查和分析迄今为止完成的项目报告和文件Review and analysis of project reports and papers completed to date;

  ?对原项目设计和方法适宜性的思考Reflections on the appropriateness of the original project design and approaches;

  ?审议项目方法Consideration of the project methodologies ;

  ?合作伙伴和关键利益相关者参与项目活动,包括IUCN、国家林草局等关键相关方的参与情况Engagement of partners and key stakeholders in project activities, especially IUCN, NFGA and so on;

  ?对项目活动预期影响途径的思考Reflection on the expected impact pathway for project activities;


  最终产出为完成中期评估报告(中文版,需提交纸质和电子版)The mission will complete and submit a final report in both hard and soft copy at the end of the mission.

  ?报告结构模板(可参考附件)Draft Report Template: Submission of a draft report format containing Table of Contents

  ?中期评估的初稿和最终报告,报告的结构应合乎逻辑,应载有循证调查结果、结论、经验教训和建议,不应提供与总体分析无关的资料。报告应详细回应上述关键重点领域。它应包括为项目制定的一套具体建议,并确定需要采取的必要行动、谁应采取这些行动以及可能的时间表(如有)。在初稿基础上,由国际和国内执行机构在中期评估汇报会中提出相关反馈,会后一周内形成最终报告。报告为中文,由国家执行办公室组织翻译成英文版。The MTR Draft and Final Report: The report should be logically structured, contain evidence-based findings, conclusions, lessons and recommendations, and should be free of information that is not relevant to the overall analysis. The report should respond in detail to the key focus areas described above. It should include a set of specific recommendations formulated for the project, and identify the necessary actions required to be undertaken, who should undertake those and possible time-lines (if any). Both national and international implementation agency will provide feedback to draft report on MTR wrap-up workshop, and a final report (Chinese version) should be accomplished within a week after wrap-up workshop. Project management office will translate final report into English.


  Tentative Format: Mid Term Review Report

  1.总述Executive Summary

  2.项目简介Project Brief Introduction

  ?总体情况Project overview

  ?项目实施区域Project sites

  3.关于中期评估About MTR Plan

  4.项目结构概述和评估Description and assessment of Project Design

  ?结构Framework conditions

  ?方法Project strategic approach

  5.评估方法和数据情况Presentation of review method used including data sources and quality

  6.对项目结果的评估Assessment of the project results

  ?总体情况Summary of the assessment

  ?产出指标的质量Assessment of SMARTness of Output Indicators

  ?相关性Assessment of Relevance

  ?有效性Assessment of Effectiveness

  ?影响Assessment of Impact

  ?效益Assessment of Efficiency

  ?可持续性Assessment of Sustainability\

  ?IUCN环境和社会管理体系IUCN ESMS

  7.总体建议Key Recommendations


标签: 年度 林场





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