招标编码: | ********65 | 招标名称: | 国际工程-越同维电子厂房工程-外架工程 | 采购联系人: | 何璇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
采购联系人电话: | ***-******** | 采购联系人传真号: | 采购联系人EMAIL: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
同维电子(越南)有限公司工业厂房工程 外架专业分包 Tongwei Electronics (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. industrial plant Outsourcing of external support works 招标文件 Tender documents 招标人:上海宝冶集团有限公司 Bid inviting party: Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd 承 诺 书 Letter of Commitment 致:上海宝冶集团有限公司 To:Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd 我司郑重承诺,凡是通过我司在中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台(网址:http://ec.mcc.com.cn/)注册账号提交得任何文件及资料均属于我司公司行为,公司法人及法人代表均予以确认并许可该行为得有效性,所有行为都受法律保护和约束。承诺有效期至我司书面通知贵司撤销此承诺书为止。 Our company solemnly promises that any documents and information submitted through our company‘s account registered on China Minmetals Corporation Purchasing e-commerce platform(website: http://ec.mcc.com.cn/) shall be deemed as the behavior of our company, the effectiveness of which shall be confirmed by the legal person and legal representative of our company. And all these actions are protected and restricted by law. This letter of Commitment shall be valid until our company notifies you in writing to cancel this commitment. 承诺人(公章): Promisor (Official seal): 法人代表(签字): Legal representative (signature): 承诺时间: Date: (经宝冶准入审查通过的单位报名参加宝冶的项目投标,必须提供承诺书,宝冶将录入招标单位并存档,只提交一次,若已提交无需重复提交) (Units that have passed SHANGHAI BAOYE GROUP CORP., LTD’s review and sign up to participate in BAOYE GROUP’s project bidding must provide this Letter of Commitment, which will be archived into the Tendereecompanyand only needs to be submitted once. There is no need to do it again if already submitted.) 目录 第一部分投标人须知Part I Instructions to Tenderers 1、报价要求: 2、材料供应与管理Material supply and management 3、选择队伍要求Select team requirements 4、其他Others 第二部分 评标办法和标准 一、 开标程序Bid opening procedure 二、 评标工作程序Bid evaluation procedure 三、 评标办法Bid evaluation method 第三部分合同Part III Contract 第四部分 招标工程量清单Part IV bidding bill of quantities 第五部分 其他Part five other 第六部分 投标文件内容及要求Part VI contents and requirements of tender documents 1.商务标书Commercial tender 2.技术标书Technical tender 第一部分投标人须知Part I Instructions to Tenderers 一、投标须知前附表 The pre-attached table of Instructions to Tenderers
注: 1.-当中英文或中越文出现歧义时,均以中文为准;In case of ambiguity between Chinese and English or between Chinese and Vietnamese, Chinese shall prevail. 2.乙方按越南盾进行报价。若甲方与乙方就在中国境内支付事宜达成一致时,则甲方可按支付时点的实时汇率将越南盾折合成人民币进行支付,同时甲方亦可选择按越南盾在越南进行支付。Party B shall quote in VND. If Party A and Party B reach an agreement on payment in China, Party A can convert the VND into RMB according to the real-time exchange rate at the time of payment, and Party A can also choose to pay in Vietnam according to the VND. 二、招标说明Instructions (一)项目概况Project Overview 1、工程建设规模简介:Brief introduction of project construction scale: 总建筑面积:88000m2; Total building area: 8800m2; 基础情况:桩基础; Foundation: pile foundation; 2、现场情况简介:Introduction to the scene: (1)现场场地:越南海防市安阳县工业区,用地面积88000平方米,其中两栋厂房(3层),1栋仓库(4层),1栋行政楼(4层),1栋食堂(4层)。 (1) Site: Anyang Industrial Zone, Haiphong City, Vietnam, covering an area of 88000 square meters, including two workshops (3 floors), one warehouse (4 floors), one administration building (4 floors) and one canteen (4 floors). (2)现场临时设施情况:乙方进行工作所需的特殊照明乙方自行负责。 (2) Temporary facilities on site: Party B shall be responsible for the special lighting required . (3)现场机械配置:/。 (3) Site mechanical configuration: /. (4)生活区设置: 乙方自行承担。如有,则在靠近工地附近,由项目部有偿提供彩钢夹芯板活动板房,具体可使用时间由甲方通知,且遵守甲方相关规定。 (4) The setting of living area: Party B shall undertake by itself. If there is, the project department shall provide the color steel sandwich board movable board house near the construction site for a fee, and the specific usable time shall be notified by Party A, and the relevant regulations of Party A shall be observed. (5)临时设施分摊及收费情况: (5) Allocation and charges of temporary facilities: a.彩板房办公室及工人宿舍每间 100 美元/月收取,生活区用水用电及保洁费按房间均摊;施工水电费由乙方自行承担,收费按下列公式计算: a. Each room of color board room office and worker‘s dormitory will be charged us $100 / month, and the water, electricity and cleaning fees of living area will be shared equally according to the room; The construction water and electricity fee shall be borne by Party B, and the fee shall be calculated according to the following formula: b.乙方水电费摊销总金额=∑每月乙方完成工作量/每月甲方所有分包完成产值之和*每月水电费应摊销总金额。 b. The total amount of amortization of Party B‘s water and electricity expenses = ∑ the sum of monthly workload completed by Party B / monthly output value completed by all subcontractors of Party A * the total amount of amortization of monthly water and electricity expenses. c.乙方负责将建筑垃圾清运至楼层指定地点或底层指定地点,乙方须配合垃圾装车(此部分费用包含在综合单价中),生活垃圾清运至指定区域;垃圾清运费分摊:建筑垃圾外运费由甲方支付,按乙方完成产值比例分摊,生活垃圾按房间数分摊。 c. Party B is responsible for clearing and transporting the construction waste to the designated place on the floor or the designated place on the ground floor. Party B shall cooperate with the garbage loading (this part of the cost is included in the comprehensive unit price) and clear and transport the domestic waste to the designated area; Garbage collection and transportation fee allocation: the construction garbage transportation fee shall be paid by Party A, and shall be allocated according to the proportion of output value completed by Party B, and the domestic garbage shall be allocated according to the number of rooms. d.乙方负责承担将其自身产生的现场垃圾清运(含生活、建筑垃圾等),若乙方不清理或拖延清理,甲方自行清理,费用将在进度款中扣除。 d. Party B shall be responsible for clearing and transporting the site garbage (including domestic and construction garbage, etc.) generated by itself. If Party B does not clean or delays cleaning, Party A shall clean up by itself, and the cost will be deducted from the progress payment. e.对本合同分包范围内的工程质量向工程承包人负责,组织具有相应资格证书的熟练工人投入工作;未经工程承包人授权或允许,不得擅自与发包人及有关部门建立工作联系(如有发生,经核实后,甲方有权视情节轻重对乙方做出处罚,乙方必须无条件接受);自觉遵守法律法规及有关规章制度; e. Be responsible for the project quality within the subcontract scope of the contract to the project contractor, and organize skilled workers with corresponding qualification certificates to work; Without the authorization or permission of the contractor, Party A shall not establish working contact with the employer and relevant departments (if any, Party A shall have the right to punish Party B according to the seriousness of the case after verification, and Party B shall accept it unconditionally); Consciously abide by laws and regulations and relevant rules and regulations; f.分包人在施工中遇到不可抗力,应尽快通知工程承包人,并且在不可抗力发生后,分包人应尽可能采取有关措施减少或防止损失的扩大,否则,分包人对这部分扩大的损失负责。因不可抗力因素引起损失的,甲乙双方互不承担赔偿责任,各自损失各自承担。 f. In case of force majeure, the subcontractor shall inform the Contractor as soon as possible, and after the occurrence of force majeure, the subcontractor shall take relevant measures as far as possible to reduce or prevent the expansion of the loss, otherwise, the subcontractor shall be responsible for the expanded loss. In case of any loss caused by force majeure, Party A and Party B shall not be liable to each other for compensation, and each party shall bear its own loss. g.乙方的进出场所有的设备、车辆应满足当地政府及业主的管理要求,现场所有乙方车辆由其自行冲洗整理干净方能出场(符合当地政府和业主的管理要求),不影响市政道路、安全,若被当地政府、业主处罚,所有责任均由乙方承担。 g. All equipment and vehicles of Party B entering and leaving the site shall meet the management requirements of the local government and the owner. All vehicles of Party B on the site shall be washed and cleaned by themselves before leaving the site (meeting the management requirements of the local government and the owner), without affecting the municipal road and safety. If they are punished by the local government and the owner, all responsibilities shall be borne by Party B. h.上述费用乙方应每月签字予以确认,否则甲方有权按照单方面确认的数据予以扣款。 乙方可选择不使用甲方提供的生产、生活临时设施或甲方不提供生产、生活临时设施。 h. Party B shall sign monthly to confirm the above expenses, otherwise Party A shall have the right to deduct according to the data unilaterally confirmed.Party B may choose not to use the temporary production and living facilities provided by Party A, or Party A may not provide the temporary production and living facilities. 3、招标内容及界面: Bidding content and interface: (一)招标范围:包括本项目外架工程等。 (1) Bidding scope: Including the external support works of the project, etc (二)招标内容(包括但不限于):见投标人须知中的招标范围描述。 (2) Bidding contents (including but not limited to): see the description of bidding scope in the instructions to bidders. 4、工期、质量、安全、文明施工目标Construction period, quality, safety and civilized construction objectives (1)工期要求和重要节点:Schedule requirements and important nodes: a.具体工期要求详见招标说明及合同。以上工期总日历天数已包含越南国家全部法定节假日;计划开完工日期与总日历天数不一致的,以总日历天数为准。实际开工日期以承包人开工通知为准。 a. The specific construction period requirements are detailed in the bidding instructions and the contract. The total calendar days of the above construction period have included all legal holidays of Vietnam; If the planned commencement and completion date is inconsistent with the total calendar days, the total calendar days shall prevail. The actual commencement date shall be subject to the Contractor‘s commencement notice. b.合同一经签订,分包方应对完成分包工作量根据总承包方工期要求,列出详细的施工总计划,全力配合完成总承包方的分部分项计划要求,合理安排,落实劳动力等来确保总承包方总工期的完成。 b. Once the contract is signed, the subcontractor shall complete the subcontracting workload, list the detailed general construction plan according to the construction period requirements of the general contractor, fully cooperate with the completion of the requirements of the general contractor‘s divisional and sub divisional plans, reasonably arrange and implement the labor force to ensure the completion of the general construction period of the general contractor. c.分包方分包的工程施工工期,必须按总承包方对其核定施工工期要求执行。 c. The construction period of the project subcontract by the subcontractor must be carried out according to the requirements of the main contractor for the approved construction period. d.应分包方原因导致工期拖延引起总承包方工期的拖延,对分包方的罚款参照总承包方同业主签订合同条款,数额视后期赶工补救措施、发生的损失额及业主对总承包方的罚款之大小确定。 d. If the main contractor delays the construction period due to the subcontractor‘s reasons, the fine to the subcontractor shall refer to the terms of the contract signed by the main contractor and the owner, and the amount shall be determined according to the remedial measures, the amount of loss and the fine to the main contractor by the owner. e.分包方按总工期要求,向总承包方提供施工工期计划表。 e. The subcontractor shall provide the construction schedule to the main contractor according to the requirements of the total construction period. f.分包方向总承包方提供主要项目管理人员名单和各施工工种负责人名单以及各施工工种所施工过的项目施工情况。 f. The subcontractor shall provide the general contractor with the list of main project management personnel, the list of persons in charge of various types of construction work, and the construction status of projects constructed by various types of construction work. g.分包方向总承包方提供各施工工种计划人数。 g. The subcontractor shall provide the general contractor with the planned number of each type of construction work. h.合同工期总日历天数包括所有法定假期、休息日、暴风雨雾、高温等天气、各专业工程工序配合所需时间、现场临时停电时间在内。 h. The total calendar days of the contract construction period include all statutory holidays, rest days, storm and fog, high temperature and other weather, the time required for each professional engineering process cooperation, and the time of temporary power failure on site. i.乙方须按照招标文件要求,确保项目工期如期竣工,如因乙方原因,导致工期延误,按业主承揽合同约定等条件处罚,发生工期索赔事宜时,乙方须积极配合总包单位提交索赔申请。 i. Party B shall, in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents, ensure the completion of the project on schedule. If the construction period is delayed due to Party B‘s reasons, Party B shall be punished according to the conditions stipulated in the owner‘s contract. In case of claims for construction period, Party B shall actively cooperate with the general contractor to submit claims. (2)工程质量目标及要求:标的必须符合图纸及设计要求以及工程质量符合越南社会主义共和国国家相关建设工程质量合格标准,同时达到中国国家现行“工程施工质量验收规范”合格标准。一次验收合格率100%。同时工程实体质量达到上海宝冶国际工程公司海外质量控制示范工地,争创海外鲁班奖。同时满足业主或监理提出的通过竣工验收所应达到的质量要求。分包方如未达到上述质量要求,则按照承揽部分合同总价 5 %进行罚款。对于分包工程质量的特殊标准或要求:满足甲方和业主其他要求,分层验收100%合格,竣工验收100%合格,未达到本合同内规定的质量要求的,则按各项目结算值总价5%进行罚款。 (2) Project quality objectives and requirements: the subject must meet the drawing and design requirements, and the project quality must meet the relevant national construction project quality standards of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and at the same time meet the current "code for acceptance of project construction quality" of China. The first acceptance rate is 100%. At the same time, the quality of the project entity has reached the overseas quality control demonstration site of Shanghai Baoye international engineering company, striving for the overseas Luban Award. At the same time, it can meet the quality requirements put forward by the owner or the supervisor. If the subcontractor fails to meet the above quality requirements, it shall be fined 5% of the total contract price of the contracted part. For the special quality standards or requirements of the subcontract project: meeting the other requirements of Party A and the owner, the layered acceptance is 100% qualified, and the completion acceptance is 100% qualified. If the quality requirements specified in the contract are not met, a fine of 5% of the total settlement value of each project will be imposed. (3)安全文明施工目标及要求:Objectives and requirements of safe and civilized construction: a.安全管理目标:安全工亡事故为零、重伤事故为零、交通死亡有责事故为零、重大险肇事故为零、火灾事故为零; a. Safety management objectives: Zero work death accident, zero serious injury accident, zero responsible traffic death accident, zero major dangerous accident and zero fire accident; b.安全文明施工要求: b. Requirements for safe and civilized construction: j按职业健康安全和环境管理体系要求进行安全管理; Carry out safety management according to the requirements of occupational health, safety and environmental management system; k按招标人下发的安全文明标准化手册要求执行; According to the requirements of safety civilization standardization Manual issued by the bid inviting party; l安全文明施工费须包含在综合单价中,若分包方安全文明施工不达标,总承包方将自行安排,产生的费用将无条件从分包方工程款中扣除; The cost of safe and civilized construction shall be included in the comprehensive unit price. If the subcontractor fails to meet the standard of safe and civilized construction, the general contractor will arrange by itself, and the cost will be deducted unconditionally from the project payment of the subcontractor; m安全生产费需按招标文件附件3《安全生产费管理实施细则》执行; Safety production cost shall be implemented according to Annex 3 "detailed rules for management and implementation of safety production cost" of the bidding document; n安全施工:分包方应遵守工程建设安全生产有关规定,严格按安全标准组织施工,并随时接受行业安全检查人员实施的监督检查,采取必要的安全防护措施,消除事故隐患,确保安全施工;总承包方有权对分包方实行安全监督、检查,如发现违章作业或不安全施工行为,有权劝阻、制止,并根据情节轻重进行罚款直到下达停工令,由此造成的责任和损失由分包方全部承担;分包方的施工人员在施工所在地必须严格遵守当地政府部门有关安全生产的各项规定,并承担相应费用;在施工过程中,如发生伤亡及其他安全事故,分包方应立即通知总承包方,同时按国家有关规定妥善处理好事故。确保施工期间重大伤亡事故为零、无重大治安、刑事案件和火灾事故,视情节轻重每发生一次则对分包人处罚1000美元至2000美元,若由于乙方原因发生重大伤亡事故则对乙方处罚1至2万美元,同时事故处理及赔偿的所有费用由乙方承担。 Safe construction: the subcontractor shall abide by the relevant regulations on safe production of engineering construction, organize the construction in strict accordance with the safety standards, accept the supervision and inspection carried out by the industry safety inspectors at any time, and take necessary safety protection measures to eliminate potential accidents and ensure safe construction; The general contractor shall have the right to supervise and inspect the safety of the subcontractors. If any illegal operation or unsafe construction is found, the general contractor shall have the right to dissuade and stop it, and impose a fine according to the seriousness of the case until a stop work order is issued. All the responsibilities and losses caused thereby shall be borne by the subcontractors; The construction personnel of the subcontractor must strictly abide by the relevant regulations of local government departments on safety production at the construction site, and bear the corresponding costs; In the process of construction, in case of casualties and other safety accidents, the subcontractor shall immediately inform the main contractor, and properly handle the accidents according to relevant national regulations. To ensure that there are no major casualties, no major public security, criminal cases and fire accidents during the construction period, the subcontractor will be fined US $1000 to US $2000 for each occurrence depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, and US $10000 to US $20000 for major casualties due to Party B‘s reasons. Meanwhile, all costs of accident handling and compensation shall be borne by Party B. o文明施工:分包方应具体负责其施工区域及生活区域的文明施工,服从总承包方的统一管理,文明施工应满足当地政府部门的要求及甲方提出的统一着装等合理要求。同时,分包方应保持施工现场清洁,施工所用的材料、机具堆放整齐;在进行工序交接前,分包方应确保施工区域整洁。分包方应承担文明施工所发生的相应费用;分包方不能按总承包方要求完成文明施工事项时,总承包方可采取相应措施,安排其他劳动力完成,由此发生的所有费用,从分包方工程款中扣除。 Civilized construction: the subcontractor shall be specifically responsible for the civilized construction of its construction area and living area, subject to the unified management of the general contractor, and the civilized construction shall meet the requirements of local government departments and the reasonable requirements of uniform dress proposed by Party A. At the same time, the subcontractor shall keep the construction site clean, and the materials and machines used for construction shall be stacked neatly; Before process handover, the subcontractor shall ensure that the construction area is clean and tidy. The subcontractor shall bear the corresponding cost of civilized construction; If the subcontractor fails to complete the civilized construction according to the requirements of the main contractor, the main contractor may take corresponding measures to arrange other labor force to complete, and all expenses incurred therefrom shall be deducted from the project funds of the subcontractor. p乙方进场人员必须统一佩戴有上海宝冶标识的PPE、办理人员胸卡,费用包含在报价中。所有中国籍、柬籍作业人员的安全帽和反光背心,由总包单位参照宝冶安全文明施工标准统一采购并下发,实际采购相关费用按照乙方实际领用情况,从乙方工程款中扣除。 Party B‘s personnel entering the site must wear PPE with the logo of Shanghai Baoye and the chest card of the handling personnel, and the cost is included in the quotation. The safety helmets and reflective vests of all Chinese and Cambodian operators shall be purchased and distributed by the general contractor in accordance with the safe and civilized construction standards of Baoye, and the actual purchase cost shall be deducted from the project payment of Party B according to the actual situation of Party B. (二)投标要求Bid requirement 1、报价要求: (1)价格形式:工程量清单固定综合单价: (1) Price form: fixed comprehensive unit price of bill of quantities: (2)格式要求:按附件2招标工程量清单的要求逐项填报。 (2) Format requirements: fill in item by item according to the requirements of annex 2 bidding bill of quantities. (3)报价清单及说明:本招标工程量清单中表明的工程量为暂定工程量。综合单价中需充分考虑现场施工环境、工程范围、质量标准、工期等因素。包括但不限于如下费用内容:人工费、材料费(含各类乙供材料试验检测费)、机械机具费、损耗费、水电费、质量缺陷整改费用、确保工程正常施工、质量和进度的一切措施费、环境卫生保护费、差旅费、误工费、窝工费、日常加班费及节假日加班费、赶工费、原材料取样送检费、余料清理、水电费、采购及保管费、运输费(含二次搬运费)、夜间施工费、测量定位放线费、施工措施费、安全文明施工费、临时设施费、施工通道修设费、甲供范围以外的大型机械设备进出场及安拆费、所有技术措施费及材料费用、已完工程及设备保护、工程排污费、社会保障费、住房公积金、危险作业意外伤害保险、市场价格的上涨因素、企业管理费、利润。 (3) Quotation list and Description: the quantities indicated in the bidding bill of quantities are provisional quantities. In the comprehensive unit price, factors such as site construction environment, project scope, quality standard and construction period should be fully considered. It includes but is not limited to the following expenses: labor cost, material cost (including test and detection cost of all kinds of materials supplied by Party B), machinery and tools cost, loss cost, water and electricity cost, quality defect rectification cost, all measures to ensure normal construction, quality and progress of the project, environmental health protection cost, travel expenses, delay cost, idling cost, daily overtime, holiday overtime, rush cost, etc Raw material sampling and inspection fee, surplus material cleaning fee, water and electricity fee, procurement and storage fee, transportation fee (including secondary handling fee), night construction fee, surveying and positioning and setting out fee, construction measure fee, safe and civilized construction fee, temporary facility fee, construction channel repair fee, large-scale machinery and equipment out of the scope of Party A‘s supply, installation and dismantling fee, all technical measure fee and material fee Completed projects and equipment protection, project sewage charges, social security fees, housing provident fund, accident insurance for dangerous operations, market price rising factors, enterprise management fees, profits. (4)综合单价中需包含除甲供材料外的所有大小辅材,机具设备,登高设备租赁费用、安装工人劳保用品、登高安全防护等一切措施费。 (4) The comprehensive unit price shall include all auxiliary materials, machinery and equipment, rental cost of climbing equipment, labor protection equipment for installation workers, climbing safety protection and other measures except the materials supplied by Party A. (5)工程量清单计价格式中列明的所有需要填报的单价和合价,投标人均应填报,未填报的单价和合价,视为此项费用已包含在工程量清单的其他单价和合价中。投标人需根据招标文件要求进行复核报价,可补充增加或减少相应项目。 (5) All the unit prices and total prices listed in the pricing format of bill of quantities that need to be filled in shall be filled in by the bidder. The unit prices and total prices not filled in shall be deemed to have been included in other unit prices and total prices of bill of quantities. The bidder shall review the quotation according to the requirements of the bidding documents, and may add or reduce the corresponding items. (6)本招标范围包含成品保护责任,即本次招标范围内未经过甲方项目验收之前所有材料及安装完工的成品保护责任为乙方,如因成品被破坏,耽误竣工节点的,影响甲方工程进度的,所有损失由乙方承担。 (6) The scope of this bidding includes the responsibility for the protection of finished products, that is, Party B shall be responsible for the protection of all materials and finished products installed before the acceptance of Party A‘s project within the scope of this bidding. If the finished products are damaged, the completion node is delayed, and the project progress of Party A is affected, all losses shall be borne by Party B. (7)综合单价中应包含不限于以下内容:工地文明施工、环境保洁所发生的费用(配合达到文明工地的要求及经常性的检查验收);施工区域保洁、赶工、超过法定工作时间及节假日、春节加班、不利的施工条件、外界阻碍等客观原因、高温季节补贴费及防暑降温费、安全措施费(含工人劳保用品及教育培训)、材料二次驳运、夜间施工、工程查验、人员签证费用、保险费用、非总包原因的窝工费用、成品及半成品保护等。 (7) The comprehensive unit price shall include but not limited to the following contents: expenses incurred in civilized construction and environmental cleaning of the construction site (to meet the requirements of civilized construction site and regular inspection and acceptance); Objective reasons such as cleaning in construction area, rushing to work, exceeding legal working hours and holidays, overtime in Spring Festival, unfavorable construction conditions, external obstacles, subsidies and heatstroke prevention fees in high temperature season, safety measures fees (including labor protection articles and education and training for workers), secondary transportation of materials, night construction, project inspection, personnel visa fees, insurance fees Cost of idling work, protection of finished products and semi-finished products due to non general contract reasons. (8)乙方安装工程中所有材料的横向运输包含在投标单价中,不另行增补。 (8) The horizontal transportation of all materials in Party B‘s installation project shall be included in the tender unit price without additional supplement. (9)乙方必须在报价清单中综合考虑其他相关专业的配合等零星项目费用及本次招标范围内涉及到的所有的成品保护费用,实际施工过程中乙方必须无条件进行上述零星项目的施工,费用已包含在清单综合单价中,不再另行计取。 (9) Party B must comprehensively consider the cost of sporadic projects such as the cooperation of other relevant specialties in the quotation list and all the finished product protection costs involved in the scope of this bidding. In the actual construction process, Party B must unconditionally carry out the construction of the above sporadic projects, and the cost has been included in the comprehensive unit price of the list and will not be calculated separately. (10)每个分项的综合单价应包含除越南10%VAT税以外的所有税费。 (10) The comprehensive unit price of each item shall include all taxes except Vietnam 10% VAT. 2、材料供应与管理Material supply and management (1)招标人供应材料:无 (1) Materials supplied by the bidder: None (2)投标人供应材料:本清单项下所有涉及的主材辅材以及完成施工内容所需的机械设备等。 (2) Materials supplied by the bidder: all the main and auxiliary materials involved in the list and the mechanical equipment required to complete the construction. (3)总承包方供应的材料、机械(简称甲供料)到达工地现场后的卸货、码堆和施工完毕后的余料清理、码堆、退库装卸等工作由分包方负责,按综合单价结算的,其费用已包含在综合单价中。甲供料交由分包方并办理完移交手续后的保管等责任由分包方负责;甲供料总承包方将根据图纸按预算含量实行限额控制供应,由分包方在使用的一月前提出需用计划,经总承包方审核后供应。由总承包方供应的材料、机械,分包方必须确保保管的安全和使用的合理及节约,若造成材料、机械丢失、损坏、损失和浪费的,则总承包方将按实际采购价的 1.2 倍从分包方工程款中扣罚;双方约定,由分包方在施工单价中自行备带的材料、机械设备,分包方如需总承包方采购供应时,由分包方提出委托采购供应意向,经总承包方同意后双方另签订委托协议。 (3) The subcontractor shall be responsible for the unloading and stacking of the materials and machinery supplied by the general contractor (hereinafter referred to as the materials supplied by Party A) after arriving at the construction site, and the cleaning, stacking, returning and loading and unloading of the surplus materials after the completion of the construction. If the settlement is made according to the comprehensive unit price, the cost has been included in the comprehensive unit price. The subcontractor shall be responsible for the custody of the materials supplied by Party A after handing over the materials to the subcontractor; The general contractor of the materials supplied by Party A will control the supply according to the budget according to the drawings, and the subcontractor will put forward the demand plan one month before use, and supply after the general contractor‘s review. For the materials and machinery supplied by the main contractor, the subcontractor must ensure the safety of storage and reasonable and economical use. If the materials and machinery are lost, damaged, lost and wasted, the main contractor will deduct the penalty from the subcontractor‘s project payment according to 1.2 times of the actual purchase price; Both parties agree that the subcontractor shall prepare the materials, machinery and equipment in the construction unit price by itself. If the subcontractor needs the main contractor to purchase and supply, the subcontractor shall propose the intention of entrusted purchase and supply, and the two parties shall sign another entrustment agreement after the main contractor agrees. 3、选择队伍要求Select team requirements (1)本工程选择竞标竞价,最终决出1 支施工队伍中标(即招标文件中所提到的乙方),评标方法请见第二部分。 (1) The project selects competitive bidding, and finally decidesone construction team to win the bid (i.e. Party B mentioned in the bidding documents). Please refer to part II for the bid evaluation method. (2)乙方须具有相应资质条件并符合政府有关部门的规定。 (2) Party B shall have corresponding qualifications and meet the requirements of relevant government departments. (3)分包方须有精明、干练、有力的管理班子,常驻施工现场,配合项目部指挥生产。 (3) The subcontractor shall have a smart, capable and powerful management team, stay at the construction site, and cooperate with the project department to command the production. (4)乙方必须符合国家及地方的用工政策、法规,并遵守上海宝冶集团有限公司相应的制度、纪律,办好规范用工的所有手续,按照规定进行开工,开工前做好安全技术交底工作,施工过程中做好各项安全防护措施。分包人为实施合同而雇佣的特殊工种的人员应受过专门的培训并已取得政府有关管理机构颁发的上岗证书。特殊工种必须持有特殊工种操作证,其他工种100%持有上岗证,相关资料复印件及时送工程管理部和项目部备案。 (4) Party B must comply with the national and local employment policies and regulations, and abide by the corresponding systems and disciplines of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd., handle all the procedures of standardized employment, start the construction according to the regulations, do a good job of safety technical disclosure before the construction, and do a good job of various safety protection measures during the construction process. The personnel of special type of work employed by the subcontractor for the implementation of the contract shall have received special training and have obtained the work certificate issued by the relevant government administrative agency. The special type of work must hold the special type of work operation certificate, other types of work 100% hold the work license, and the copies of relevant data shall be sent to the project management department and project department for record in time. (5)分包方应根据总承包方工程进度制定具体的施工组织方案和作业计划,并服从总承包方的统一指挥、协调和安排。乙方须保证所属劳工的签证及其他手续问题在开工前得到解决,工人劳务合同和工人工资发放单应及时备案至甲方,严格遵守甲方员工管理要求,严格遵守不拖欠农民工工资的承诺,甲方有权派遣专员对工人劳务合同及工资发放情况进行审查并评估管理处理措施,乙方需予以配合。 (5) The subcontractor shall formulate specific construction organization scheme and operation plan according to the project progress of the general contractor, and obey the unified command, coordination and arrangement of the general contractor. Party B shall ensure that the visa and other formalities of its employees are solved before the commencement of work. The labor contract and wage payment form shall be timely recorded to Party A, and Party A shall strictly abide by the management requirements of Party A‘s employees and the promise of not defaulting on the wages of migrant workers. Party A shall have the right to send specialists to review the labor contract and wage payment of workers and evaluate the management measures, Party B shall cooperate. (6)分包方须按照分包合同及相关规定,制定详细的项目管理方案,包括项目班子管理、操作工人管理,质量、工期、安全文明标化的管理以及相应保证措施。 (6) The subcontractor shall formulate detailed project management plan in accordance with the subcontract and relevant regulations, including project team management, operator management, quality, construction period, safety, civilization and standardization management and corresponding guarantee measures. 4、其他Others (1)分包商须自行对现场进行考虑,无论是否中标,投标期间所产生的费用自行吸收。 (1) The subcontractor shall consider the site on his own, and the cost incurred during the bidding period shall be absorbed by himself regardless of whether he wins the bid or not. (2)本招标文件及投标书、乙方的承诺书同时作为今后签订合同的附件及依据。 (2) This bidding document, tender and Party B‘s letter of commitment shall be used as the appendix and basis for signing the contract in the future. (3)对于后期发生的设计变更及项目部发出的工程师指令,单价根据中标单价计价,没有单价的参照相近工作内容的单价计取,不得因此拒绝施工。 (3) For the design changes in the later stage and the engineer‘s instructions issued by the project department, the unit price shall be calculated according to the bid winning unit price. If there is no unit price, it shall be calculated by referring to the unit price of similar work content, and the construction shall not be refused. (4)中标后分包商的人员进场须按照上海宝冶集团有限公司要求的时间和安排进行。乙方须按照越南当地政府规定办理设备、机具安全审核,办理施工人员工作签证及执业资格证件,乙方使用的劳工必须符合越南当地法律法规(包括不限于劳工证、社保卡等),并保证施工环境符合当地法律法规要求。若乙方用工违反当地法律法规,一切责任由乙方自行承担。若因乙方原因导致甲方被当地政府处罚,一切费用由乙方承担,甲方将从当期工程款内扣除本项罚款。 (4) After winning the bid, the subcontractor‘s personnel shall enter the site according to the time and arrangement required by Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. Party B shall, in accordance with the provisions of the local government of Vietnam, handle the safety audit of equipment and machines, and handle the work visa and qualification certificate of construction personnel. The labor used by Party B must comply with the local laws and regulations of Vietnam (including but not limited to labor certificate, social security card, etc.), and ensure that the construction environment meets the requirements of local laws and regulations. If Party B‘s employment violates local laws and regulations, all responsibilities shall be borne by Party B itself. If Party A is punished by the local government due to Party B, all expenses shall be borne by Party B, and Party A will deduct this fine from the current project payment. (5)境外项目其他有别于国内项目且需要增加成本的,乙方须全部考虑在报价内,不增加额外费用。 (5) If other overseas projects are different from domestic projects and need to increase costs, Party B shall fully consider them in the quotation without additional costs. (6)投标单位为中国公司的,资质必须满足承建国内同等规模工程所需资质的要求。如确定中标后,中国大陆境内公司作为担保公司,为连带责任人,中标企业必须在中标通知书发放后的3个月内在越南注册成立合法公司,并取得相应的税务、资质等文件,分包须向总承包方提供中国大陆境内公司与越南公司的相互担保书,所有的工程、法律、债务等关系均承担连带责任。同时甲方可以选择以国内母公司与乙方国内母公司签订合同,并通过国内母公司之间汇款,乙方提供符合要求的形式发票。 (6) If the bidder is a Chinese company, its qualification must meet the qualification requirements for the construction of projects of the same scale in China. If the Chinese mainland company is considered as a Guarantee Corporation, the winning bidder must be incorporated into a legal company within 3 months after the winning notice is issued and the relevant tax and qualification documents should be obtained. The sub contractor must provide the general contractor with a mutual guarantee for the Chinese mainland companies and the Vietnamese companies. Debt and other relations are jointly and severally liable. At the same time, Party A may choose to sign a contract with Party B‘s domestic parent company by domestic parent company, and remit money through domestic parent company, and Party B shall provide the required proforma invoice. (7)投标单位为越南公司的,资质必须满足越南政府的要求,投标前须向总承包方提供营业执照、税务证、业绩说明、法人授权委托书、法人身份证&护照、被委托人身份证&护照等有效证件的电子版扫描件或复印件并加盖公章,供总承包方备案。 (7)If the bidder is a Vietnamese company, its qualification must meet the requirements of the Vietnamese government. Before bidding, it is necessary to provide the general contractor with scanned or photocopies of business license, tax certificate, performance description, power of attorney of legal person, ID card & passport of legal person, ID card & passport of the entrusted person and other valid certificates with official seal for filing. (8)为公平起见,所有单位报价中,自行考虑工人到达工程所在地的差旅费。即人员来越南的境外交通费、到达工程所在地的路费以及应本合同需发生的差旅费,包含在报价内。 (8) For the sake of fairness, in the quotation of all units, the travel expenses of workers arriving at the project site shall be considered by themselves. That is, the overseas transportation expenses of personnel to Vietnam, the road expenses to the project site and the travel expenses required by this contract are included in the quotation. (9)一旦确定乙方后,乙方必须在越南当地注册公司,并与上海宝冶集团有限公司(包括所属执行公司)签订合同,否则本次招标无效。 (9) Once Party B is confirmed, Party B must register a company in Vietnam and sign a contract with Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. (including its executive company), otherwise the bidding will be invalid. (10)工程一切险由总承包方购买,其他保险均由乙方自行承担,如人身意外险等,包括但不限于乙方承建范围内所有工作人员的劳动意外伤害各项保险。乙方必须为从事危险作业的职工办理意外伤害保险,并为施工场地内自有人员生命财产和施工机械设备办理保险,自行支付保险费用并将相关资料报备甲方确认。 (10) All risks of the project shall be purchased by the general contractor, and other insurances shall be borne by Party B itself, such as personal accident insurance, including but not limited to various insurances for labor accident injury of all staff within the scope of construction undertaken by Party B. Party B must take out accident insurance for the workers engaged in dangerous operations, and take out insurance for the life and property of its own personnel and construction machinery and equipment in the construction site. Party B shall pay the insurance fee by itself and report the relevant information to Party A for confirmation. (11)每个分项的单价应包含除越南VAT税以外的所有税费。 (11) The unit price of each item shall include all taxes except Vietnam VAT. (12)若有争议到上海宝山区仲裁委员会。 (12) In case of any dispute, the case shall be submitted to Shanghai Baoshan Arbitration Commission. (13)招标答疑: (13) Q & A for bidding: a.商务答疑: 联系方式: a. Business Q & A: contact information: b.技术答疑: 张松 联系方式:855 ******** b. Technical Q & A: Zhang Song contact: 855 ******** c. Question answering method: the bidder shall send the question to the bidding mailbox in the form of e-mail sbccfbzb@sbcc -Mc.com, and the bidding unit will reply by email. (14)本招标文件中要求投标单位提交的资料或文件必须提交。 (14) The information or documents required to be submitted by the bidder in this bidding document must be submitted. (三)投标文件内容与要求Contents and requirements of tender documents (详见第六部分) (see Part 6 for details) (四)招标文件澄清与修改Clarification and modification of bidding documents 1、任何要求对招标文件进行澄清的投标人,均应在开标前通过书面方式向招标人咨询。 1. Any bidder who requests to clarify the bidding documents shall consult the bid inviting party in writing before bid opening. 2、在投标截止日期前的任何时间,无论出于何种原因,招标人可主动地或在解答投标人提出的澄清问题时对招标文件进行修改;为使投标人准备投标时有充分时间对招标文件的修改部分进行研究,招标人可适当延长投标截止日期。 2. At any time before the deadline for submission of bids, the bid inviting party may, for any reason, modify the bidding documents on its own initiative or when answering the clarification questions raised by the bidders; In order to allow sufficient time for the bidder to study the modified part of the bidding document when preparing the bid, the bid inviting party may appropriately extend the deadline for bidding. 3、当招标文件、招标文件澄清回复、招标文件修改函件内容相互矛盾时,以最后时间发出的内容为准。 3. When the contents of the bidding document, the clarification reply to the bidding document and the amendment letter to the bidding document are contradictory, the contents issued at the last time shall prevail. (五)投标文件修改和撤回Modification and withdrawal of tender documents 投标人在规定的截止时间前可以修改或撤回投标文件,在规定的截止时间后,投标人不得对其投标文件做任何修改,也不得撤回。 A bidder may modify or withdraw his bid before the deadline. After the deadline, the bidder shall neither modify nor withdraw his bid. (六)投标保证金 (6) Bid security 1、投标人应按照投标须知表的要求提交投标保证金作为其投标文件的一部分。 1. The bidder shall submit the bid security as a part of its bid document in accordance with the requirements of the instruction to bidders. 2、投标人如有下列情况之一,投标保证金不予退还: 2. In case of any of the following circumstances, the bid security shall not be returned: (1)投标截止后,投标人撤销投标文件的; (1) The Bidder withdraws the bid documents after the deadline for bidding; (2)中标人放弃中标项目,无正当理由不与招标人订立合同,在签订合同时向招标人提出附加条件,或者不按照招标文件要求提交履约保证金的。 (2) The successful bidder abandons the winning project, fails to enter into a contract with the bid inviting party without justifiable reasons, puts forward additional conditions to the bid inviting party when signing the contract, or fails to submit a performance bond in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents. (七)不可抗力 (7) Force majeure 因不可抗力或服务器故障等原因,招标人可酌情变更投标截止时间,各方当事人相关的所有权利与义务应延长至新的截止时间。 Due to force majeure or server failure, the bid inviting party may change the deadline of bidding at its discretion, and all rights and obligations of all parties concerned shall be extended to the new deadline. (八)保密和知识产权 (8) Confidentiality and intellectual property 招标文件及其所有附件的知识产权均归属于招标人,投标人未经招标人许可,不得以任何理由外泄,否则,招标人保留法律追索的权利。 The intellectual property rights of the bidding document and all its attachments belong to the bidder. Without the permission of the bidder, the bidder shall not disclose them for any reason. Otherwise, the bidder reserves the right of legal recourse. 投标人对招标人提供的相关图纸等技术资料负有保密责任,不得将图纸或其他技术资料泄露给第三方或公开发表与引用 The bidder shall be responsible for the confidentiality of the relevant drawings and other technical data provided by the bid inviting party, and shall not disclose the drawings or other technical data to a third party or publicly publish and quote them 投标人在投标中使用材料、设备或采用工艺时,因侵犯知识产权引起的责任,由投标人承担,并赔偿因投标人发生知识产权纠纷给招标人造成的直接、间接损失(包括但不限于经济损失、声誉损失)。 When the bidder uses materials, equipment or processes in the bidding, the responsibility caused by the infringement of intellectual property rights shall be borne by the bidder, and the bidder shall compensate the direct and indirect losses (including but not limited to economic losses and reputation losses) caused by the bidder‘s intellectual property disputes. 第二部分 评标办法和标准 Part II bid evaluation methods and standards 一、 开标程序Bid opening procedure 招标人组织开标工作,开标后,招标人对投标人进行资格审查,审查合格的有效投标人进入评标程序,审查不合格的投标人做废标处理,有效投标人少于3家,作流标处理并重新招标。 The bid inviting party shall organize the bid opening. After the bid opening, the bid inviting party shall examine the qualification of the bidders. The effective bidders who pass the examination shall enter the bid evaluation procedure. The unqualified bidders shall be rejected. If there are less than 3 effective bidders, the bid shall be transferred and the bid shall be re invited. 二、 评标工作程序Bid evaluation procedure 开标结束后,评标委员会专家组成评标小组即开始评标。评标小组本着公平、公正的原则,严格按照法律法规、招标文件要求,由评标小组专家进行独立评审。经评标小组对投标文件分别进行初步评审、详细评审,并根据评分标准分别评审打分, 按照不同投标人的得分由高到低的顺序排名并推荐中标候选人。 After the bid opening, the experts of the bid evaluation committee form a bid evaluation group to start the bid evaluation. Based on the principle of fairness and impartiality, the bid evaluation team shall conduct independent evaluation by experts in strict accordance with laws, regulations and bidding documents. The bid evaluation team conducts preliminary evaluation and detailed evaluation on the bidding documents, and evaluates and scores the bidding documents according to the scoring standards, ranking and recommending the bid winning candidates according to the scores of different bidders from high to low. 三、 评标办法Bid evaluation method (一)初步评审Preliminary review 1、废标条件 1. Conditions for rejection of bid (1)不满足招标文件规定的投标人资格要求的; (1) Failing to meet the qualification requirements of the bidder specified in the bidding documents; (2)提交两份或者两份以上内容不同的投标文件的; (2) Submitting two or more tender documents with different contents; (3)除招标文件规定提交备选投标方案外,同一招标项目有两个或者两个以上报价,且未声明哪一个有效的; (3) There are two or more quotations for the same bidding project without stating which one is valid, except for the alternative bidding scheme specified in the bidding documents; (4)投标报价有算数错误的,评标小组按评标原则对投标报价进行修正,投标人不接受修正价格的; (4) If there are arithmetic errors in the bid price, the bid evaluation team will revise the bid price according to the bid evaluation principle, and the bidder will not accept the revised price; (5)未能对招标文件作出实质性响应的和其他违反招标文件规定的的其他情形; (5) Failing to respond substantially to the bidding documents or other circumstances in violation of the provisions of the bidding documents; (6)有串通投标、弄虚作假或有其他违反法律、法规规定的情形; (6) Collusion in bidding, fraud or other violation of laws and regulations; (7)不同投标人IP地址相同的; (7) The IP address of different bidders is the same; (8)存在关联关系的公司不得同时参与同一标的投标,若同一标段内存在相关联关系的公司,则作废标处理。 (8) The company with associated relationship shall not participate in the bidding of the same bid at the same time. If the company with associated relationship exists in the same bid, the bid will be rejected. 2、符合性评审 2. Compliance review 评标小组根据招标文件规定的评审标准对投标文件进行符合性评审。按照废标条件有一项不符合,或投标文件附有招标人不能接受的条件,则投标文件做废标处理。 The bid evaluation team shall evaluate the conformity of the bidding documents according to the evaluation standards specified in the bidding documents. If one of the rejected conditions is not met, or if the tender document contains conditions unacceptable to the bid inviting party, the tender document shall be rejected. 评标小组不接受投标人主动提出的澄清、说明或补正,评标小组可以根据规定对评标程中发现的计算错误进行核实、修改,可以要求投标人对投标文件含义不明确的内容作必要的澄清或说明,投标人应采用书面形式进行澄清或说明,但不得超出投标文件的范围或改变投标文件的实质性内容(算术性错误修正的除外)。 The bid evaluation team will not accept the clarification, explanation or correction offered by the bidder. The bid evaluation team can verify and modify the calculation errors found in the process of bid evaluation according to the provisions, and can ask the bidder to make necessary clarification or explanation for the unclear meaning of the tender document. The bidder shall clarify or explain in writing, However, it shall not go beyond the scope of the tender documents or change the substantial contents of the tender documents (except for the correction of arithmetic errors). 投标报价有算数性错误的,评标小组按以下原则对投标报价进行修正,经投标人确认同意后,修正后的投标报价对投标人起约束作用。如果投标人不接受,其投标将被拒绝并且其投标保证金也将被没收。 In case of arithmetical errors in the tender offer, the bid evaluation team shall revise the tender offer according to the following principles. After the confirmation and consent of the bidder, the revised tender offer shall bind the bidder. If the bidder does not accept, his bid will be rejected and his bid security will be confiscated. (1)投标文件中的大写金额与小写金额不一致的,以大写金额为准; (1) If the amount in words is inconsistent with the amount in figures in the tender document, the amount in words shall prevail; (2)当单价与工程量的乘积与合价之间不一致时,通常以标出的单价为准修正总价。除非评标小组认为有明显的小数点错误的除外。 (2) When the product of unit price and engineering quantity is inconsistent with the total price, the unit price marked shall prevail to correct the total price. Unless the bid evaluation team considers that there is obvious decimal point error. (3)组成综合单价的材料单价与投标报价中主要材料价格表中材料单价不一致时, 以主要材料价格表中的单价为准,并修改相应的综合单价和合价。 (3) If the unit price of materials constituting the comprehensive unit price is inconsistent with that in the price list of main materials in the tender offer, the unit price in the price list of main materials shall prevail, and the corresponding comprehensive unit price and total price shall be modified. (4)当执行上述修正后的合价出现与投标函中的投标总价不一致时,按以下原则确定为修正后投标报价: (4) When the total price after the above correction is inconsistent with the total bid price in the letter of bid, the revised bid price shall be determined according to the following principles: a.若修正后的合价低于投标函中的投标总价,则有效评标价以投标函中的投标总价为准,中标价(若被推荐为中标候选人)以修正后的合价为准。 a. If the revised total price is lower than the total bid price in the letter of bid, the effective bid evaluation price shall be subject to the total bid price in the letter of bid, and the bid winning price (if recommended as the successful candidate) shall be subject to the revised total price. b.若修正后的合价高于投标函中的投标总价,则有效评标价应以投标函中的投标总价为准,由投标人在总价不变的情况下修正平衡各投标综合单价,中标价(若被推荐为中标候选人)以投标函中的投标总价为准。 b. If the revised total price is higher than the total bid price in the letter of bid, the effective bid evaluation price shall be subject to the total bid price in the letter of bid, and the comprehensive unit price of each bid shall be corrected and balanced by the bidder under the condition that the total bid price remains unchanged. The bid winning price (if recommended as the successful candidate) shall be subject to the total bid price in the letter of bid. 对低于成本价的判别标准:总报价明显低于总成本 The criterion of lower than cost price: The total quotation is obviously lower than the total cost (二)详细评审Detailed review 1、综合评分法:通过初步评审的投标人,进入详细评审,评分标准见下表。 1. Comprehensive scoring method: the bidders who have passed the preliminary evaluation enter the detailed evaluation. The scoring standard is shown in the table below. (1) 评分权值 (1) Scoring weight
(2)评分细则 (2) Scoring rules
2、合理低价法(本次招标不适用) 2. Reasonable low price method (not applicable to this bidding) (1)评分细则Scoring rules
(三)定标Calibration 招标人在评标小组推荐的中标候选人中选定中标人报招标管理委员会审批。招标人不承诺保证采用最低投标价格,招标人对落标原因不作解释,招标人保留在授标之前任何时候作废标处理任何投标,以及宣布招标程序无效或作废标处理所有投标的权力,对受影响的投标人不承担任何责任,投标人应予以充分理解。 The bid winner shall be selected from the candidates recommended by the bid evaluation team and submitted to the bidding Management Committee for approval. The bid inviting party does not promise to adopt the lowest bid price. The bid inviting party does not explain the reasons for the failure of the bid. The bid inviting party reserves the right to reject any bid at any time before the award of the bid, and to declare the bidding procedure invalid or reject all bids. It shall not bear any responsibility for the affected bidders, and the bidders shall fully understand. (四)合同Contract 中标人须在收到中标通知三个工作日内与招标人进行合同洽谈和签订工作。 The successful bidder shall negotiate and sign the contract with the bid inviting party within three working days after receiving the bid winning notice. (五)评标工作纪律Discipline of bid evaluation 1.评标工作应严格按照本评标办法,遵循公平、公正、科学、择优的原则进行。 1. The bid evaluation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the bid evaluation method and the principles of fairness, impartiality, science and selection of the best. 2.评标工作小组成员有下列情形之一的,应当主动提出回避: 2. In case of any of the following circumstances, the members of the bid evaluation working group shall take the initiative to withdraw: (1)投标人或者投标人主要负责人的近亲属; (1) The next of kin of the bidder or the person in charge of the bidder; (2)与投标人有经济利益关系,可能影响对投标公正评审的; (2) Having an economic interest relationship with the bidder, which may affect the fair evaluation of the bid; (3)曾因在招标、评标以及其他与招标投标有关活动中从事违法行为而受过行政或刑事处罚的。 (3) Those who have been subject to administrative or criminal punishment for engaging in illegal acts in tendering, bid evaluation and other activities related to tendering and bidding. 3.开标后,直至宣布授予合同为止,评标人员必须严格遵守保密规定,凡属于审查、澄清、评价的有关资料以及授予合同有关的信息,都不应向投标人或与该评标过程无关的其他人员泄漏。 3. After the bid opening and until the award of the contract is announced, the bid evaluation personnel must strictly abide by the confidentiality provisions. All information related to the review, clarification and evaluation and the award of the contract shall not be disclosed to the bidders or other personnel irrelevant to the bid evaluation process. 第三部分合同Part III Contract 详见附件1 《拟采用合同文本》 See Annex 1"proposed contract text" for details 第四部分 招标工程量清单Part IV bidding bill of quantities 详见附件2 招标工程量清单 See Annex 2 bidding bill of quantities for details 第五部分其他Part five other 第六部分 投标文件内容及要求Part VI contents and requirements of tender documents 一、投标文件封面Cover of tender document 二、投标文件目录List of tender documents 三、投标文件格式Format of tender documents 投标文件 Tender documents (招标编号:) (tender No.) 工程名称: Project Name: 招标单位: Bidding unit: 投标单位(盖章): Bidder (seal): 法人代表(签章): Legal representative (signature and seal) 联系电话: contact number: 目录order record 1.商务标书Commercial tender 1.1投标报价书 1.1 tender offer 1.1.1投标函 1.1.1 letter of tender 1.1.2投标报价书 1.1.2 tender offer 1.2商务资信标书 1.2 commercial credit tender 1.2.1投标保证金转账凭证原件扫描件或其他符合要求的凭证; 1.2.1 scanned copy of original transfer voucher of bid security or other certificates meeting the requirements; 1.2.2法定代表人授权委托书、法定代表人资格证明书、法定代表人及被授权人身份证复印件 1.2.2 power of attorney of the legal representative, qualification certificate of the legal representative, and copies of ID cards of the legal representative and the authorized person 1.2.3中国大陆境内分包商:企业证照、资质证书、安全生产许可证等企业证照(原件扫描);越南境内当地分包商:营业执照、税务登记证、注册许可证等企业证照(原件扫描); 1.2.3 Chinese mainland subcontractors: corporate licenses, qualification certificates, safety production licenses and other corporate licenses (original scan);Local subcontractors in Vietnam: business license, tax registration certificate, registration license and other enterprise licenses (original scanning); 1.2.4中国大陆境内分包商:投标人拟派往本工程的人员一览表和项目经理(执业资格证注册证书、安全B证)、生产经理及安全员(安全C证)近一个月社保单原件扫描件;越南境内当地分包商:投标人拟派往本工程的人员一览表,中籍人员需提供相关执业证照,非中籍人员提供符合当地政府要求的证照。 1.2.4 subcontractors in Chinese mainland: list of personnel to be sent to the project and the project manager (certificate of registration, B card), production manager and safety officer (safety C certificate) in the past month.Local subcontractor in Vietnam: list of personnel to be sent to the project by the bidder, Chinese personnel shall provide relevant license, and non Chinese personnel shall provide license meeting the requirements of local government. 1.2.5投标人近2 年业绩证明文件:已签订得合同协议书原件扫描件; 1.2.5 performance certification documents of the bidder in recent two years: scanned copies of the original contract agreement signed; 1.2.6中国大陆境内分包商:投标人财务证明文件:近6个月得银行流水原件扫描件或上一年度审计报告,财务报表。越南境内当地分包商:近6个月得银行流水原件扫描件; 1.2.6 subcontractors in Chinese mainland: bidder‘s financial proof document: the scanned original or scanned annual report of the past 6 months, and the financial statements.Local subcontractors in Vietnam: scanned copies of bank records in recent 6 months; 1.2.7其他投标资料:附件4 投标确认书。 1.2.7 other tender information: Annex 4 tender confirmation. 2.技术标书Technical tender 请投标人提供详细的技术标书,该技术标书包含但不限于以下内容: The bidder is requested to provide detailed technical bid, which includes but is not limited to the following contents: 2.1 劳动力及机械配置计划表 2.1 labor and machinery allocation schedule 2.2 项目组织架构及拟派人员情况表 2.2 project organization structure and proposed personnel 2.3 施工组织进度计划及工期保证措施 2.3 construction organization schedule and construction period guarantee measures 2.4 工程施工技术方案 2.4 engineering construction technical scheme 2.5 材料管理和加工 2.5 material management and processing 2.6 安全文明施工 2.6 safe and civilized construction 1. 商务标书 1. Commercial tender 1.1 投标报价书 1.1 tender offer 1.1.1 投标函 1.1.1 letter of tender 致:上海宝冶集团有限公司 To: Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd 1、根据已收到的你方的招标文件(招标编号为:),遵照《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及越南当地政府建设工程招投标管理有关规定,经踏勘项目现场和研究上述招标文件其他有关文件后,我方愿以USD:(大写:美元 )的总价,按上述合同条件、技术规范、图纸、工程量清单的条件承包上述工程的施工、竣工和保修。(详工程量清单报价表) 1. According to your bidding document(bidding No.:) received, in accordance with the bidding law of the people‘s Republic of China and the relevant regulations of the local government of Vietnam on the management of construction project bidding, after surveying the project site and studying other relevant documents of the above bidding documents, we are willing to use USD:(In words:),In accordance with the above contract conditions, technical specifications, drawings and bill of quantities, the construction, completion and warranty of the above project shall be contracted( See quotation sheet of bill of quantities for details). 2、我方已详细审核全部招标文件,包括修改文件及有关附件;我方完全知道必须放弃提出含糊不清或误解的权利。 2. We have examined all the bidding documents in detail, including the revised documents and relevant attachments; We are fully aware that the right to raise ambiguities or misunderstandings must be abandoned. 3、如果我方中标,我方保证按招标文件中规定的工期、质量、安全等目标完成工作内容。 3. If we win the bid, we guarantee to complete the work according to the construction period, quality, safety and other objectives specified in the bidding documents. 4、如果我方中标,我方承诺在本项目施工过程中文明施工,保证施工场地的清洁。 4. If we win the bid, we promise to carry out civilized construction in the construction process of the project and ensure the cleanness of the construction site. 5、我方同意所提交的投标文件在年月日内有效,在此期间内如果中标,我方将受此约束。 5. We agree that the tender documents submitted shall be valid for the period ofyear monthday . During this period, if we win the bid, we will be bound by this. 除非另外达成协议并生效,你方的中标通知书和本投标文件将成为约束双方的合同文件的组成部分。 Unless otherwise agreed and come into effect, your letter of acceptance and this tender document will become an integral part of the contract documents binding on both parties. 6、如我方中标: 6. If we win the bid: (1)我方将派出(建设行政主管部门核发的项目负责人岗位证书或执业资格证书姓名和编号) 为本项目的项目经理。 (1) We will send ( The project manager of the project shall be the post certificate or practice qualification certificate (name and number) issued by the construction administrative department. (2)我方承诺在收到中标通知书后,在中标通知书规定的期限内与你方签订合同。 (2) We promise to sign the contract with you within the time limit specified in the letter of acceptance after receiving the letter of acceptance. (3)我方承诺按照招标文件规定向你方递交履约担保。 (3) We promise to submit the performance guarantee to you in accordance with the bidding documents. (4)我方承诺在合同约定的期限内完成并移交全部合同工程。 (4) We promise to complete and hand over all the contract projects within the time limit agreed in the contract. 投标人(盖章)Bidder (seal): 法定代表人或其委托代理人(签字或盖章): Legal representative or entrusted agent (signature or seal) 日期:年月日 Date: mm / DD / yyyy 1.1.2 投标报价书 1.1.2 Quotation (按招标工程量清单要求的格式或其他格式逐项填报) (Fill in item by item with the format required by the bill of quantity list or other formats) 1.1 商务资信标书 1.2 commercial credit tender 1.2.1 投标保证金Tender Security 致:上海宝冶集团有限公司 To: Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd 我单位参加(招标编号:)投标。根据招标文件要求,我单位应递交投标保证金美元。 Our company participated in the bidding(bidding No.). According to the requirements of the bidding documents, our company shall submit a bid security of USD. 我单位实际缴纳情况如下: The actual payment of our company is as follows: 1.现金/支票缴纳USD(收据黏贴处) 1. Cash / check payment USD(receipt sticker) 2.年度投标保证金缴纳 USD(收据黏贴处) 2. Payment of annual bid security in USD (receipt sticker) 3.以项目工程款抵扣。 3.It is deducted by the project fundsof project. 项目部预算人员确认: The budget personnel of the project department confirm that: 成本中心确认: Confirmation of cost center: 投标人bidder: 法定代表人(或其委托代理人)Legal representative (or hisentrusted agent): 日期:年月日 Date: mm / DD / yyyy 1.2.2 法定代表人授权委托书 致:上海宝冶集团有限公司 (公司名称),为(国家)合法企业,法定地址:。 *(Company name) isa (Country) legal enterprise,with the legal address of: . 特授权代表我公司全权办理(项目)(招标编号:)的投标、谈判、签约等具体工作,并签署全部有关文件、协议及合同。 Hereby authorize as the representative of our company to handle the submission of Tender, negotiation and signing of contract for the(Tender reference number:), and sign all relevant documents, agreements and contracts. 被授权人无转委托权。 The attorney does not have the right to transfer the authorization. 被授权人签名:法定代表人签名: Attorney (Signature):Legal representative (Signature): 职务:职务: Position:Position: 被授权人身份证号码: Attorney’s ID number: 被授权人手机号: Attorney’s mobile phone number: 投标人名称(公章): 年 月 日 Name of Tenderer (Official Seal): Date: 法定代表人资格及身份证明书 致:上海宝冶集团有限公司 姓名:性别:年龄:身份证号码:联系方式:在我(投标人单位全称)任职务,是我(投标人单位全称)的法定代表人。为项目(招标编号:)签署投标文件、合同洽谈、合同和合同履行过程管理、合同结算等全部有关文件、协议及处理与之有关的一切事务。 特此证明。 投标人名称:(盖公章) 日期:年月日 1. 注:本证明书投标人必须提供。此处所述“法定代表人”,须与投标申请人的“营业执照”上的内容一致。 Qualification and identity certificate of legal representative To: Name:Gender:Age:ID number:Contact information:. As (Position) of (Company name), he is the legal representative of our company, and has the full authority to Sign all related documents and handle all related matters, which include the Tender, contract negotiation, contract performance process management, contract settlement for the(Tender reference number:). Hereby to prove. Name of Tenderer:(with official seal) Date: 1. Note: Tenderers must provide this certificate. The "legal representative" mentioned here must be consistent with the content of the Tenderer‘s "business license". 1.2.3 企业证照、资质证书、安全生产许可证等企业证照; 1.2.3 Enterprise licenses, qualification certificates, safety production licenses and other enterprise licenses; (投标人需提供证照原件的扫描件) (The Tenderers shall provide scanned copies of the original certificates) 1.2.4拟派往本项目管理团队(包含管理人员、技术人员及施工人员等) 1.2.4 Management team to be sent to the project (including management personnel, technical personnel and construction personnel, etc.) 拟派往本项目人员一览表 List of personnel to be sent to this project
(项目经理、生产经理、安全员等人员证书原件扫描件) (Scanned copy of the original certificate of the project manager, production manager, safety officer, etc.) 1.2.5投标人业绩证明文件 1.2.5 Tenderer‘s performance (已签订得合同协议书原件扫描件) (Scanned copies of the signed original contract agreement) 1.2.6投标人财务证明文件 1.2.6 Tenderer‘sfinancial information (近6个月得银行流水原件扫描件或上一年度审计报告,财务报表) (Scanned copies of original bank records or audit reports of the previous year and financial statements in the past 6 months) 1.2.7其他投标资料 1.2.7 Other information 2.技术标书 2.1 劳动力及机械配置计划表 2.1 labor and machinery allocation schedule
2.2 项目组织架构及拟派人员情况表 2.2 project organization structure and proposed personnel 2.3 施工组织进度计划及工期保证措施(本次招标不适用) 2.3 construction organization schedule and construction period guarantee measures(not applicable to this bidding) 2.4工程施工技术方案(本次招标不适用) 2.4 engineering construction technical scheme(not applicable to this bidding) 2.5 材料管理和加工 2.5 material management and processing 2.6 安全文明施工 2.6 safe and civilized construction |
序号 | 物资描述 | 计量单位 | 采购数量 | 税率 | 交货日期 | 报价要求 |
1 | 钢管租赁计价(外架) | 平方米 | 1.0000 | 0.10 | 2021-08-02 | 技术标准:计量方式:付款方式:送货地点:工程部位:收料人姓名:联系方式: |
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