Shanghai Pucheng Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd is authorized by NYUSH for the domestic public tendering of NYUSH Auditorium & Tiered Classrooms Seats Procurement Project, Eligible tenderers who can manufacture or supply such kind of goods in this tendering document, are welcome to bid.
一、 项目概况
Project overview
1 项目编号:PCMET-*******
Document Number:PCMET-*******
2 项目名称:上海纽约大学礼堂和阶梯教室座椅采购项目
Project Name: NYUSH Auditorium & Tiered Classrooms Seats Procurement Project
Tendering content:
序号No | 型号Model | 数量Nos. | 单位Unit | 备注Remark |
1 | 大礼堂365 Auditorium 365 | |||
1.1 | 普通座椅 Normal seat | 254 | 座 set | |
1.2 | 过道两侧带折叠椅的座椅 Seats in both sides with foldable seats | 36 | 座set | |
1.3 | 最后一排的活动座椅 Movable seats in the last row | 15 | 座set | |
2 | 阶梯教室123 Tiered Classroom 123 | 107 | 座set | |
3 | 阶梯教室125 Tiered Classroom 125 | 107 | 座set | |
4 | 阶梯教室205 Tiered Classroom 205 | 80 | 座set |
二、 投标人的资格要求
Performance and Qualification Requirements:
1. 投标人应当是在中华人民共和国境内合法登记注册,具有相应的经营范围。
2. 投标人必须在法律和财务上完全独立、遵照相关法律要求开展运营活动、而且不是招标代理机构和招标人的关联机构,才可以参与本次投标。
3. 投标人必须有良好的、法律所要求的完税和社保基金支付记录。
4. 在过去3年参与政府采购项目的业务活动中,不存在任何严重违规记录。
5. 投标人必须通过ISO9001质量管理体系及ISO14001环境管理体系的认证、GB/T28001-2001职业健康安全管理体系。
6. 投标人必须具有报告厅座椅的设计、生产、安装资质证明;
7. 投标人提供的产品必须是低VOC或不含VOC的产品。产品必须达到绿色卫士(Greenguard)或同类认证标准的要求,部件必须可回收再利用。油漆和所提供的材料(基材、饰面板、纺织品等)必须是VOC含量极低或不含VOC的产品,木材必须取材于控制中的森林资源,而纺织品则应当至少含有50%的可回收成分。如果客户提出LEED认证要求,则产品本身必须达到这一要求,不需要增加额外工作或费用。
8. 投标人必须提供一份其在过去5年内参与的相关项目清单(大学/院校、办公楼、外商独资企业),清单上每个项目的总金额都应当不小于200万人民币。清单上应当注明这些相关项目的联系人和资料,便于上海纽约大学联系并了解投标人在项目开展过程中的具体表现。
9. 投标人必须配备必要的设备、具备专业的技术能力。投标人应当,而且必须通过其员工或分包商,展现出其能够完成其产品安装任务的专业能力。如果投标人委托了分包商,则应当提供分包商的资料(包括名称、地址、联系人和具体信息),并提供过去5年分包商为投标人完成的所有项目列表。
10. 如果部分产品不是由投标人制造的,则投标人必须提供生产厂家出具的根据本项目的唯一授权函及保修和售后服务的合法证明。
11. 投标人所提供的货物和服务,不应当侵犯任何第三方的工业或知识产权,也不得引发任何针对此类侵权的索偿。
12. 投标人必须遵守中华人民共和国各类法律、标准、规章和规范文件的要求。
13. 投标人不应当发生任何与招标人或其母公司、附属或联营公司有关联的商业贿赂行为,而且不应当出现在限制或禁用商业伙伴的名单中。
1. Bidder that has registered legally within the territory of the People’s Republic of China with relevant licensed business scope
2. The Bidders may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer.
3. Bidders should have a good record of paying taxes and social security funds according to the law.
4. No record of serious violations in business activities for the past 3 years when engaged in government procurement procedures.
5. The Bidder has passed ISO9001 Quality Management System certification and ISO14001 Environmental Management System certification, GB/T28001-2001 Occupation Health Safety Management System.
6. Bidders should have design, manufacture and installation qualification certificate of Auditorium Seats.
7. The products supplied by the Bidder shall be low VOC or VOC free. Products shall meet Greenguard or equivalent recognized certification and components shall be recyclable. Paints and all materials provided (substrates, veneers, textiles and other) shall be no or extremely low VOC, wood shall be from managed forest resources and textiles shall contain a minimum of 50% recycled content. Products shall qualify for LEED credits with no additional work or cost if client determines this as a requirement.
8. Bidders will provide a list of their experience with related projects in the past 5 years (universities/schools, office buildings, WOFEs) where each individual project’s total value is no less than RMB 2 million. The list shall include contact person and information at these related projects, so that NYU Shanghai can contact and obtain relevant information about the Bidder’s performance.
9. Bidders need to perform with necessary equipment and professional technical ability. Bidders shall be responsible for and must demonstrate their ability to provide a professional installation of their products, using their own employees or subcontractors. If they are using subcontractors, they must supply information about the subcontractor (including, name, address, contact person and information), and list all projects that the subcontractor has worked on for Bidder in the last 5 years.
10. If part of the products are not made by the bidders, it obligates the bidder to provide the manufacturers unique authorization for this project as well as the legal certificate on warranty and after sale service.
11. The goods and services provided by Bidders shall not infringe any industrial or intellectual property right of any third party or incur any claim due to such infringement.
12. Bidders shall comply with the laws, regulations, rules and regulatory documents of the People’s Republic of China.
13. Bidders shall not have any act of commercial bribery involving the Tenderer, or its parent, or any subsidiary or associate, and are not in the list of restricted or prohibited trading partners.
三、 招标文件购买时须提交的资料
Registration materials submitted when buying Tender Document
Business license copies and relative qualification documents copies specified in qualification conditions, these materials which must be stamped with official seals, original copies for checking if needed.
四、 招标文件发售时间和地点
Selling time and address of Tender Document
1、 购买标书时间:2013年 11 月 27 日至12 月 2日9:00-15:00(节假日除外)
Tender document selling time:since 2013-11-27 to 2013-12-2 (Saturday, Sunday and holidays except)
2、 购买标书地点:上海市浦东新区商城路618号良友大厦8楼
location:8F, LiangYou Building 618 Shangcheng Road , Shanghai
Materials: business license copies and relative qualification documents copies specified in qualification conditions, these materials which must be stamped with official seals, original copies for checking if needed.
五、 招标文件售价:人民币1500元/本(招标文件售后不退)
Tendering document price:RMB 1500/ package(non-refundable payment)
六、 投标截止时间:2013年 12月28 日10:00(北京时间)
Tendering deadline:10:00 am on 2013-12-28 (Beijing time)
七、 投标文件递交地点:上海市商城路618号良友大厦8楼多功能厅
Submission site: 8 Multifunctional Room ,F8, LiangYou Building, No. 618 Shangcheng Rd, Shanghai
八、 开标时间:2013年 12 月 28 日10:00(北京时间)
Bid opening time:10:00 am on 2013-12-28 (Beijing time)
九、 开标地点:上海市浦东新区商城路618号良友大厦8楼多功能厅
Bid opening location:8 Multifunctional Room ,F8, LiangYou Building, No. 618 Shangcheng Rd, Shanghai
Tender Agent:Shanghai Pucheng Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd
Contact Address:8F, LiangYou Building 618 Shangcheng Road , Shanghai
Contact person: Mr Bao Weiping
联系电话: ***-********
Phone number: ***-********
Shanghai Pucheng Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd
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