

红沿河项目5-6号机组LOT190Cb (核岛地坑闸阀)
项目名称:红沿河项目5-6号机组LOT190Cb (核岛地坑闸阀)
1.招标人: 中广核工程有限公司
联系人: 张兴云
电话: ****-********
传真: ****-********-****92
电子邮件: zhangxingyun@cgnpc.com.cn
招标代理机构: 中广核工程有限公司
联系人: 王冬冬
电话: ****-********
传真: ****-********
电子邮件: wangdongdong@cgnpc.com.cn

2. 时间安排:
公告开始时间:2014年06月03日 09时00分
公告截止时间:2014年06月09日 17时00分

3. 招标内容:

1) 必须是在法律和财务上独立的实体;
2) 具有履行合同所必需的专业技术、资质能力,具备良好的售后服务能力;
3) 银行资信记录良好,财务状况良好,有足够的流动资金承担本次招标货物的供货;
4) 投标人不得处于被责令停业、财产被接管或冻结的情形;
5) 近两年以来在招投标活动中有串通投标不良行为记录或涉嫌串通投标正在接受主管部门调查的投标申请人将不被接受;
6) 本项目不接受代理投标。
7) 投标人需通过ISO9001:2008系列质量管理体系认证,处于有效期内;并具有完善的质量管理体系,产品或服务范围须覆盖本次拟采购范围;
8) 投标人需取得中华人民共和国民用核安全设备设计、制造许可证(HAF604证书),证书处于有效期内;注册范围必须覆盖本次拟采购范围;

1) 境内单位需提交经年审合格的《企业法人营业执照》及《组织机构代码证》及税务登记证;
2) 法定代表人资格证明及法定代表人授权委托书;
3) 被授权人身份证(护照)复印件;
4) 提供有效的ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证证书;
5) 中华人民共和国民用核安全设备设计、制造许可证(HAF604证书)。

本招标信息同时在中广核工程有限公司招标与采购网(http://bidding.cnpec.com.cn/)及(http://)上发布,二者发布信息不一致时以中广核工程有限公司招标与采购网(http://bidding.cnpec.com.cn/)网站发布的信息为准。 如有疑问,请与招标代理机构的联系人联系。

Tender Notice
Bid No.: CNPEC2014-0129
Project Name:LOT190Cb NI Pit Gate Valves for Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5&6
China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding. The tender notice was released on both http://bidding.cnpec.com.cn and http:// on June 3, 2014.
1. Tenderee and Tenderee Agency
Name of Tenderee: China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, LTD. (CNPEC)
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Xingyun
Tel: +86-****-********
Fax: +86-****-********
Email: zhangxingyun@cgnpc.com.cn
Tenderee Agency: China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, LTD. (CNPEC)
Contact Person: Ms. Wang Dongdong
Tel: +86-****-********
Fax: +86-****-********
Email: wangdongdong@cgnpc.com.cn
2. Tendering Scope
The scope requested by the Bidding Document contains Nuclear Island Pit Gate Valves (4 C type electrical gate valves and 4 W type electrical gate valves) for unit 5 & 6 of Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station, including the equipment design, procurement, fabrication, examination, test, packing, documentation, service and training, etc. The detailed scope, major technical information and requirements are contained in SECTION 2 of the IFB Documents.
3. During the period of announcement, the tenders shall complete the procedure of entering for the tending on the Bidding and Procurement net (CNPEC) http://bidding.cgnpc.com.cn (Remark: Enrolled the net freely is the first step).
4. Qualified Bidder
Commercial Qualification
1) The bidder shall be independent entity legally and financially.
2) The bidder shall be able to meet the required technical capability, qualifications and offer good after-sale service.
3) The bidder must have good bank credibility and financial situation. The bidder must have adequate circulating fund to ensure the supply of the goods.
4) The bidder shall not be ordered to suspend business, taken over or frozen property.
5) The bidder should not have the bad records of bid rigging in latest two years. The bidder, being surveyed for suspicion of bid rigging, is forbidden to attend this bid.
6) The bidding submitted by agency will not be accepted.
Technical Qualification
7) Pass the attestation of ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System and the certification shall be in the valid period.
8) The bidder shall have obtained the HAF 604 Certificate; the certificate shall be valid and cover the bidding scope.
5. Files needed for application
1) Business license and relevant documents evidence (for domestic company).
2) Identification certificate of Legal representative and the power of attorney of legal representative.
3) ID of authorized person.
4) Valid Quality Certificate (ISO9001)
5) Documentation and certification relevant to equipment designing and manufacture.
Above-mentioned files shall be with official seal. If necessary, the bidding Party will require the bidder to submit original of the above documents for reviewing.
6. Warm Remark
(1) The Bidding Announcement will both release on CNPEC Bidding net (http://bidding.cgnpc.com.cn) and China Bidding net (http://) , and in case of discrepancy or ambiguity among them, the CNPEC Bidding net (http://bidding.cgnpc.com.cn) will be deemed binding.
(2) This announcement has both Chinese and English version. In case of differences in interpretation, the Chinese version will be deemed binding.







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