



日 期:2022年1月13日






项目概况:陵水 25-1 气田开发依托崖城13-1 平台,通过水下生产系统回接至崖城13-1 已建平台进行处理和外输,同时新建崖城13-1 PAP 平台布置新增设备,与崖城13-1AWA 平台栈桥相连。




供应商应提供HAZOP (含H2S), SIL 分析报告。

设计能力(富MEG 最大流量):1)预处理90m3/h;2)乙二醇再生及回收装置55m3/h(Ⅰ期);3)除盐装置90m3/h。

MRU 预处理装置应包括一个闪蒸分离器。


MRU 的调节比为:20%(最小)。

贫MEG 最高温度: 45℃。


MEG 最高损失率:0.5 wt%。

贫MEG 最小浓度:90%wt。

最大热负荷: 27600kW (Ⅰ期)。

最大冷负荷: 27900kW (Ⅰ期)。

正常生产工况最大热负荷: 45300kW (Ⅰ&Ⅱ期)。

正常生产工况最大冷负荷: 45000kW (Ⅰ&Ⅱ期)。

贫MEG 中最高含盐量:5g/L。


去生产水处理系统的生产水中的超过50μm 的固体颗粒去除率>99%。

尺寸限制为25000 mm x20000 mm x27000 mm (长x 宽x 高)。(Ⅰ期)


MRU 供应商应保证所提供的MRU 再生及回收系统在台风模式下能正常工作(指平台无人值守,在陆地遥控操作)。





1) 乙二醇再生及回收装置的设计、制造、认证和测试应满足招标文件、最新版相关规范、标准的要求。供应商应自费安排检验,并从应急管理部海洋石油安全生产监督管理办公室授权的其中一家认证机构(ABS、DNV、BV、Lloyd’s 和CCS)获得橇的最终第三方证书。并向买方提交证书报告。

2)建造方应具有有效期内的ISO 9001/45001/14001 质量/健康安全/环境管理体系认证证书、ISO 3834/CNAS 焊接质量体系/实验认证证书、AISC 或EN 1090 钢结构标准认证证书。需提供相关认证机构出具的有效证书复印件。

3) 近15年(自2006年1月1日至投标截止日,以合同签订日期为准),投标人应具有至少2个乙二醇再生及回收装置(每个乙二醇再生及回收装置中单系列富乙二醇再生处理量须达到30m3/h-35m3/h 或以上)在海上油气生产装置上(海上固定平台或FPSO等浮式平台)或海岸沿线的油气处理终端成功运行2年及以上的成功运行业绩(成功运行时间以完工证明文件(签字)时间开始计)。投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件至少应包括(1)销售合同及技术附件复印件(应包括合同签署页、合同时间、货物名称、供货数量、设备所属油气生产装置类型、处理能力(乙二醇再生及回收装置总设计处理量、单个系列富乙二醇再生处理量,单位对应转化为公制单位m3/h)、体现合同双方名称及联系方式等信息内容)(2)完工证明文件(签字)。

4) 本项目乙二醇再生及回收装置应在中国国内成橇建造。投标人(或其指定建造方)应至少具有1 个乙二醇再生及回收装置在中国国内成橇建造的业绩。投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件至少应包括:(1)建造合同及技术附件复印件(应包括合同签署页、合同时间、货物名称、供货数量、设备所属油气生产装置类型、处理能力(乙二醇再生及回收装置总设计处理量)、合同双方名称及联系方式等信息内容)(2)建造完工证明文件(签字)。


从 2022年1月13日至2022年1月22日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn)购买招标文件(电子版)。投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或300美元(Name of A/C:CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.Name of bank:INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA, Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch,Account NO.:****************351,WIFT CODE: ICBKCNBJBJM Address of bank: No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR:100006),售后不退。未购买招标文件不允许参加投标。

















Project: LS25-1 GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT?MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package

BidNo: 0704-2140JDCP2603/01

Date: Jan.13th,2022

1. CNCCC International Tendering?Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter?called“Tendering?Agent”),for and on behalf of CNOOC China?Limited(here?in?after?called"Purchaser")invites?sealed?bids from eligible?bidders for the?supply?of following equipment:

Source of Funds:Yes

Description of The Prepared BiddingConditions:Yes

JointBids:NOT Acceptable

The purchaser does not accept agent’s bid.

Project overview: The development of Lingshui 25-1 gas field relies on Yacheng 13-1 platform and is connected to the established platform of Yacheng 13-1 for treatment and external transport through the underwater production system. Meanwhile, new equipment is arranged on the newly built Yacheng 13-1 PAP platform, which is connected with the trekking bridge of Yacheng 13-1AWA platform.

Name?of Goods: MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package

Main technical requirements:

VENDOR shall supply HAZOP, SIL analysis report.

Design capacity(max, feed rate of rich MEG) : 1) pre-treatment 90m3/h ; 2) MEG?Regeneration and Desalination 55m3/h(Phase I); 3) Salt Removal 90m3/h.

The pretreatment unit of the MRU shall include a flash separator.

MRU phaseⅠ shall reserve the access interface for phaseⅡ.

The turn down ratio of MRU minimum:20%.

The maximum temperature of lean MEG : 45℃.

The maximum temperature of produced water: 50℃.

Maximum MEG losses: 0.5 wt%.

Minimum concentration of lean MEG: 90%wt.

Maximum heat duty: 27600kW (PHASE Ⅰ).

Maximum cooling duty: 27900kW (PHASE Ⅰ).

Maximum heat duty at normal production case: 45300kW (PHASE Ⅰ&Ⅱ).

Maximum cooling duty at normal production case: 45000kW (PHASE Ⅰ&Ⅱ).

Maximum salt content in lean MEG: 5g/L.

Maximum hydrocarbon in production water routed to produced water treatment?system:300ppmv.

Removal rate of solid particles larger than 50μm in production water routed to produced water treatment system >99%.

Limited dimension is 25000 mm x20000 mm x27000 mm (LxWxH). (PHASE Ⅰ)

Limited overall dry weight for the package is ******* kg and should supply detail weight control report.(PHASE Ⅰ)

MRU VENDOR should? the MEG regeneration and reclamation system can meet operation requirement in typhoon mode (no operator on platform, the production is remote controlled onshore).

The bidder shall determine the only constructor when bidding, and provide a letter of?commitment stamped by both sides.

Qty: 1?SET

Delivery Schedule: On?or?before?Dec.1st, 2023(From?within?PRC)?,On?or?before? Dec.1st, 2023 (From?outside?PRC)

Destination of?delivery:

From?within?PRC :Construction?Site?of? Qingdao COOEC?construction site

From outside?PRC:DAP Qingdao COOEC construction site


1) The MEG regeneration and reclamation system package shall be designed, manufactured,certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of BID documents, the latestrevision of the correlative codes, standards. The VENDOR shall at his own cost arrangeinspection and obtain final certificate of the package from one of the certifying agenciesauthorized by COOOSO, which are ABS, DNV, BV, Lloyd’s and CCS. And submit the certificate reports to the PURCHASER.

2) The constructor shall have ISO 9001 / 45001 / 14001 QHSE management system?certification, ISO 3834 / CNAS welding quality system / experiment certification, AISC or EN?1090 steel structure standard certification within the validity period. Copies of valid?certificates issued by relevant certification bodies shall be provided.

3)In recent 15 years (from January 1st, 2006 to the tender deadline,take the date of signing the contract as the standard), the bidder shall have track?records of at least 2 sets MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package (the capacity of each?MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package train shall be?30m3/h-35m3/h at least) which?have applied to the offshore Oil/Gas Production Unit (Offshore fixed platform or FPSO etc.)?or Oil and gas processing and production terminals along the coast for at least two years or?more of successful performance. (the successful operation time is calculated from the time of?completion acceptance report signed).The Bidder shall submit relevant documentary of valid?track records. The documentary shall at least include:1).Copies of contract and technical?attachments,including contract signing page, date of contract signing, name of goods,quantity of supply, type of oil and gas production device, treatment capacity (total design?treatment capacity of MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package, the capacity of each?MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package train , and the unit is correspondingly?converted to metric unit m3/h). 2).completion acceptance report signed.

4) The MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package of the project shall be skid constructed in?China. The bidder (or its designated constructor) shall have the performance of skid?construction of at least one MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package in China. The?tenderer shall submit relevant documentary of valid track records. The documentary shall at?least include: 1) copies of the construction contract and technical annexes (including contract?signing page, contract time, name of goods, supply quantity, type of oil and gas production?unit to which the equipment belongs to, processing capacity (total design processing capacity?of the MEG Regeneration and Reclamation Package, names and contact information of both?parties to the contract) , 2) Construction completion certificate (signature)

3.All?those?who?are?willing to participate in the bids are?kindly requested to: enter?into?website?http://buy.cnooc.com.cn to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) online from?Jan 13th, 2022 to Jan 22th,2022.upon?non-refundable?payment?of?RMB2000?or?USD300 for each copy. (Beneficiary:CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.Name of bank:INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA, Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch,Account NO.:****************351,WIFT CODE: ICBKCNBJBJM Address of bank: No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR:100006). After completion of the remittance,thebiddercould download the bidding documents.

4.Bids?must?be?mailed?toNo.7 Meeting Room (4th?Floor) of CNOOCTower,No.6DongzhimenwaiXiaojie,DongchengDistrict,Beijing100027,P.R.China ?for?submission?of?bids?before10:00?a.m. (Beijing time) ?on?Feb 10th, 2022.

5.Bids?will?be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on Feb 10th, 2022.?atNo. 7?Meeting Room (4th?Floor) of CNOOCTower,No.6DongzhimenwaiXiaojie,DongchengDistrict,Beijing100027,P.R.China for bid-opening.

6?.The?Invitation?for Bids is issued on the website of www.chinabidding.com?simultaneously.

7.?The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will?be released on www.chinabidding.com.

Name?of?Purchaser:?CNOOC?CHINA LIMITED

Address:Rongcheng Bojun, No.6 Changbin 3rd Road, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan,P.R.China,?570311

Contact person: Mo Zhenying


E-mail: mozhy5@cnooc.com.cn

Name?of?Tendering?Agent:CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

Address:Floor4,CNOOCTower,No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027,P.R. China
Post Code: 100010

Contact person: Mr. Chen Sicong

Telephone: +86-10-********

E-mail: chensc2@cncccitc.com.cn



标签: 装置 回收





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