西部陆海新通道广西普通国省干线公路服务能力提升工程总 招标公告
西部陆海新通道广西普通国省干线公路服务能力提升工程总 招标公告
中国 广西壮族自治区
日期: 2022年3月14日
Guangxi Regional Road Network Improvement Program
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
The People’s Republic of China
General Procurement Notice
Date: March, 14, 2022
ThePeople’s Republic of Chinahas applied for financing in the amount of USD 500 million equivalent from the New Development Bank (NDB) toward the cost of Guangxi Regional Road Network Improvement Program(the Program) and it intends to apply the proceeds to part of the payments for goods, works, consulting services and other related activities to be procured under this program. The Program aims to enhance the capacity and quality of the road network in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
The Program includes the following key components and all the related construction and delivery will be within Guangxi:
Component I: Network capacity improvement, whichconsists of the construction of 4 new roadsections with a total length of around 100 kmfor updating as Class II roads.
Component II: Maintenance and service improvement, which includes the rehabilitation works of roads to improve pavement quality & safety features.(1) The pavement improvement works involves those major and medium repairs for 45 national and provincial road sections with a total length of about 1,636 km; and (2) the safety improvement works covers those 4 aspects: continuous long and steep downhill road section improvement, geological disaster improvement, bridge protection improvement, and road marking missing improvement.
Component III: Institutional capacity and program management support, which includes program management support and capacity building for the implementing entities by way of consulting service and training & workshops, as well as the development of an integrated road management information system.
Procurement of contracts financed by NDB under this Program willfollow NDB Procurement Policy, andwill be carried out in accordance with“The Bidding Law of the People"s Republic of China “and “Regulationson the Implementationof the Bidding Law of the People"s Republic of China”.
Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open competitive bidding will be announced, when they become available, on Guangxi Public Resources Trading Center(http://gxggzy.gxzf.gov.cn/), GuangxiZhuang Autonomous RegionTendering and Bidding Public Service Platform(http://zbtb.gxi.gov.cn:9000/), China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform(http://www.cebpubservice.com/)and Governmentofficial website of Department of Transport of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(http://jtt.gxzf.gov.cn/).
Interested eligible firmsfrom NDB member countrieswho would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works andconsulting services underthe Program, or those requiring additional information related to qualifications including mandatory registration of firms following local regulations, should contact the Project Entity at the address below:
Project Entity:Guangxi Roads NDB Loan Project Management Office
Contact Person: Mr. He / Ms. Chen
Address: New DevelopmentBuilding, No.39 of Yunjing Road, Qingxiu District,Nanning, GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region, People"s Republic of China,
Telephone: +86 771 *******
Fax:+86 771 *******
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