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Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Project: Lingshui 25-1 Gas Field Development Project
Name of Goods: Subsea Flexible Pipeline
Bid?No: 0704-2240JDCP0148/01
Date:May.19th, 2022
1.CNCCC International Tendering?Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC?ChinaLimited (hereinafter called "Purchaser") invites sealed bids?fromeligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:
Description?ofThe Prepared Bidding Conditions:yes
Project overview: Lingshui 25-1 gas filed is located in the western part of continental shelfof South China Sea northern area, water depth is ranges from 851.95m to 990.80m, and is 140km away from Nanshan terminal of YC13-1 Gas Field. Lingshui 25-1 Gas Field Development Project consist of one new built YC13-1 PAP platform, subsea production system, subsea pipeline system, and modification of Lingshui 17-2 semi platform and YC13-1 APD platform.
Name?ofGoods: Subsea Flexible Pipeline
Quantity:1 lot
Key technical parameter:
Product 1: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 175m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A1H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 2: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 155m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A2H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 3: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 135m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A3H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 4: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 165m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A4H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 5: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 185m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A6H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 6: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 175m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A6H to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 7: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 495m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A7 HIPPS to South Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 51.3MPa, water depth 960.5m.
Product 8: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 95m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A8H to North Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 895.9m.
Product 9: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 125m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A9H to North Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 895.9m.
Product 10: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 635m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A10H HIPPS to North Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 50.9MPa, water depth 895.9m.
Product 11: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 125m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A11H to East Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 905.7m.
Product 12: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 695m with 152.4mm ID (from Well A12H HIPPS to East Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 58.8MPa, water depth 905.7m.
Product 13: One 6” flexible pipeline with total length of 7800m with 152.4mm ID (from East Manifold to North Manifold), design temperature 120℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 905.7m.
Product 14: One 10” flexible pipeline with total length of 5800m with 254mm ID (from South Manifold to North Manifold), design temperature 116℃, design pressure 38.2MPa, water depth 960.5m.
2、The material of carcass shall be Duplex stainless steel 2205 or Duplex stainless steel with strength and molybdenum content higher than Duplex 2205, to improve the material strength and corrosion resistance. And the material of pressure sheath shall be PVDF material without plasticizer, or plasticizer content≤10%.
From within PRC | From outside PRC |
14 flexible pipe products shall be delivered in two batches: First Batch: Flexible pipe Product 2, Product 3, Product 8, Product 9, Product 10, Product 11, Product 13, Product 14 and its all ancillary items, special tools, spares and test sample shall be delivered to Shenzhen Chiwan Port?before 1st January 2024. Second Batch: Flexible pipe Product 1, Product 4, Product 5, Product 6, Product 7, Product 12 and its all ancillary items, special tools, spares shall be delivered to Shenzhen Chiwan Port?before 1st January 2025. | 14 flexible pipe products shall be delivered in two batches: First Batch: Flexible pipe Product 2, Product 3, Product 8, Product 9, Product 10, Product 11, Product 13, Product 14 and its all ancillary items, special tools, spares and test sample shall be delivered to Shenzhen Chiwan Port?before 1st January 2024. Second Batch: Flexible pipe Product 1, Product 4, Product 5, Product 6, Product 7, Product 12 and its all ancillary items, special tools, spares shall be delivered to Shenzhen Chiwan Port?before 1st January 2025. |
★2.Requirements?for Qualification and reference of Bidder:
(1)Requirements?for Qualification of Bidder:
Agent Bids: NOT Acceptable.
BIDDER shall have a third party approval Type Approval Certificate, and the manufacturing capacity permitted by the Type Approval certificate shall meet the requirements of Lingshui 25-1 Project flexible pipe design parameter: pipe ID: 6inch and 10 inch, design pressure≥58.8Mpa, design temperature: -29℃ to 120℃. BIDDER shall provide the Type Approval Certificate at tender stage.
(2)From January 1, 2007 to the deadline of this tender (subject to the signing date of the contract), BIDDER shall at least have the following two flexible pipe track records: 1) At least one subsea flexible pipeline (ID: 6inch to 10inch, the length of a single flexible pipe shall be at least 40 m, water depth≥900m, design pressure≥58Mpa) supply track record in offshore oil and gas fields. And 2) At least one subsea flexible pipeline (ID: 6inch to 10inch, the length of a single flexible pipe shall be at least 40 m, water depth≥900m, design temperature≥120℃) supply track record in offshore oil and gas fields. BIDDER shall submit relevant track record certificated documents, including but not limited to: Copies of sales contract and technical attachment (including contract signing date, name of goods, length of supply, name of client, flexible pipe ID, product design pressure, design temperature and design water depth), client received certificated document (or operation certificate signed by client, or commissioning report, or FAT report), and other certificated document (if any).
Note: Track record 1) and 2) can be the track record of different projects.
3.All?those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to:enterinto website https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb/topurchase the bidding documents(electronic edition) on line fromMay 19th., 2022 toMay 26th., 2022?upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2,000or USD300 for each copy. ( USD A/C detail:Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of?Bank: INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch.USD A/C No.: 020*****091********, SWIFT Code: ICBKCNBJBJM,Bank address:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR: ******.).After completion of the remittance, the biddercoulddownload the bidding documents. Those who didn’t purchase thebidding documents are not allowed to participate in the bids.
4.Bids?must be delivered to No.8?MeetingRoom,4th. Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 DongzhimenwaiXiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing ******, P.R. China for submission of bids?before?10:00?a.m. (Beijing time) on Jun?9th., 2022
5.Bids?willbe opened in the presence of bidders‘ representatives who choose to attendat10:00?a.m. (Beijing time) on?Jun?9th.,2022 at Room No.8?MeetingRoom,4th.Floor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing******,P.R. China for bid-opening.
6.The?Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.chinabidding.com?simultaneously.
7.?The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will?be released on www.chinabidding.com.
Address: Rongcheng Bojun, No.6 Changbin 3rd Road, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan,P.R.China,?******
ContactPerson: Mo Zhenying
Telephone: +86-898-********
E-mail: mozhy5@cnooc.com.cn
NameofTendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
DetailedAddress:Floor 4, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District,Beijing******, P.R. China
Contactperson:Chen Sicong
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