



深圳市三方诚信招标有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2014-10-31在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。










2.1 X线球管

*2.1.1 阳极热容量≥ 780KHU

*2.1.2 球管焦点≤ 0.6/1.0mm

2.1.3 功率≥ 40/80KW

2.1.4 可通过LCD 显示缩光野的尺寸和源像距具备

2.1.5 可通过皮尺测量床旁拍照的距离具备

2.1.6 缩光器旋转角度≥±45度

2.1.7 球管架垂直运动距离≥180厘米

2.1.8 球管架沿人体纵轴运动距离≥340厘米

2.1.9 球管架沿人体横轴运动距离≥220厘米

2.1.10 X线球管套可沿垂直轴旋转≥+150度/-180度

2.1.11 X线球管套可沿水平轴旋转≥±120度

2.1.12 近台彩色触摸屏, 用于病人信息和曝光条件选择、显示和修改具备

2.2 高压发生器

*2.2.1 高频逆变式高压发生器频率≥100KHZ

2.2.2 高压发生器功率≥ 65KW

2.2.3 管电压可调范围 40-150KV

2.2.4 最短曝光时间≤1ms

2.2.5 具备AEC自动曝光控制具备

2.2.6 发生器的操作与控制系统完全与主机集成,在主机工作站上控制曝光具备

2.3 胸片用平板探测器

2.3.1 探测器结构碘化铯/非晶体硅

*2.3.2 探测器尺寸≥43×43cm,要求非拼接板

2.3.3 像素尺寸≤143um

2.3.4 采集灰阶度≥14bits

2.3.5 空间分辨率≥3.6lp/mm

2.3.6 量子捕获效率 (DQE) ≥60%

2.3.7 采集距阵≥2800 X 2800

2.3.8 平板无须额外特殊冷却具备

2.4 卧位用无线平板探测器

2.4.1 探测器结构碘化铯/非晶体硅

2.4.2 探测器尺寸≥35×43cm

2.4.3 像素尺寸≤ 144um

2.4.4 采集灰阶度≥16bits

2.4.5 空间分辨率≥3.4lp/mm

2.4.6 量子捕获效率 (DQE) ≥60%

2.4.7 采集距阵≥3000X2300

2.4.8 平板无须额外特殊冷却具备

2.4.9 无电缆无线传输所采集图像具备

2.4.10 图像预览时间≤ 5秒

2.4.11 双充电模式: 独立充电器和床下充电器

2.4.12 探测器最大承重≥135公斤

2.5 电动拍摄床

2.5.1 床面高度电动调节范围: 51.5cm-95.5cm

2.5.2 床面纵向移动范围: ≥ ± 48cm

2.5.3 床面横向移动范围:≥ ± 14cm

2.5.4 垂直式脚触开关控制床体的高度升降及床面的锁定及释放具备

2.5.5 滤线栅栅比≥13:1

2.5.6 滤线栅栅密度≥ 90lp/cm

2.5.7 最大承重量≥ 300kg

2.5.8 X线球管与数字平板在床上投照时可以做自动同步追踪运动具备

2.6 胸片架

2.6.1 胸片架可电机驱动高度变化范围:27cm-172cm.

2.6.2 源像距SID 100-180CM

2.6.3 平板接收器可在-20度/+90度变化,并每15度停止位锁定. 具备

2.6.4 滤线栅栅比≥15:1

2.6.5 滤线栅栅密度≥ 80lp/cm

2.6.6 配置侧面手柄和顶侧手柄具备

2.6.7 X线球管与数字平板在胸片架上投照时可以做自动同步追踪运动具备

2.7 系统操作台

*2.7.1 采用菜单驱动和鼠标操作的窗口式操作系统具备

2.7.2 主机机控制台与高压发生器高度集成, 可直接在主机工作站上进行曝光参数的设置,具备

2.7.3 可进行剂量和增感屏速度的选择具备

2.7.4 预设器官程序选择具备

2.7.5 窗宽窗位调整具备

2.7.6 水平和垂直图像镜像具备

2.7.7 图像旋转具备

2.7.8 AP和PA 定位标记具备

2.7.9 全屏图像文本标注具备

2.7.10 图像放大具备

2.7.11 胶片拍照的图像预览功能具备

2.7.12 图象前后翻转具备

2.7.13 电子缩光器具备

2.7.14 可进行任务并行处理具备

2.7.15 边缘增强具备

2.7.16 噪点抑制具备

2.7.17 配置标准DICOM Print和DICOM send接口 具备

2.7.18 硬盘容量≥ 500G

2.7.19 可存储图像数量≥ 10,000幅

2.8 设备主要部件(如:球管,高压发生器等)为设备整机制造商原厂制造具备

2.9 外围设备

2.9.1 电脑1套 CPU>=i5;内存>=8G;



2.9.2 普通激光打印机1套具备

2.9.3 个人防护设备1套包括:铅衣,铅眼睛,铅围脖,铅手套,铅围裙及铅衣架

2.9.4 观片灯1套光感,超薄。


投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1、单位负责人授权书; 2、投标人营业执照或商业注册证明复印件(提供扫描件,原件备查); 3、提供《医疗器械生产企业许可证》或《医疗器械经营企业许可证》(提供扫描件,原件备查); 4、所投产品必须具有中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证(提供扫描件,原件备查); 5、产品制造商或合法代理商或制造商授权的供应商证明(提供相关证明扫描件,原件备查); 6、近三年内无行贿犯罪记录(由深圳市政府采购中心定期向深圳市人民检察院申请对政府采购供应商库中注册有效的供应商进行集中查询,投标文件中无需提供证明材料); 7、投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明(原件或复印件,加盖公章); 8、投标人必须在中国国际招标网( www.chinabidding.com)注册成会员。境内投标人还须在深圳市政府采购网注册成会员; 9、本项目不接受联合体投标。










投标截止时间(开标时间):2014-11-25 14:30








联系方式 :139*****633




联系方式 :****-********-***


招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 中国银行深圳东海支行

招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 中国银行深圳东海支行

账号(人民币): ********0108

账号(美元): ****************14

shenzhen sanfangchengxin tendering co.,ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2014-10-31.

1.Bidding Conditions

Overview:Purchase of DR X-ray machine.

Source of Funds:Source of funds have been implemented

Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Source of funds have been implemented in this tender, the tender documents have been prepared to improve, with the tender conditions.

2.Bidding Content:

Bidding No:0832-1441SFCXA020

Project Name:Purchase of DR X-ray machine for Nanshan Maternity&Child Healthcare Hospital of Shenzhen

Place of Implementation:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen,Guangdong, Chin

List of Products:


Product Name


Main Technical Data



Purchase of DR X-ray machine


2.1. X-ray tube
*2.1.1 Anode heat capacity is greater than or equal to 780KHU
*2.1.2 Bulb focus is less than or equal to 0.6/1.0mm
2.1.3 Power is larger than 40/80KW
2.1.4 Can be displayed by the LCD reducing the size and source of light field image distance with
2.1.5 Can be photographed through a tape measure distance with bedside
2.1.6 Is more than or equal to shrink the optical rotation angle of - 45 degrees
2.1.7 Tube frame vertical movement distance is more than or equal to 180 cm
2.1.8 Tube frame motion along the longitudinal axis is greater than or equal to 340 cm distance from the human body
2.1.9 Tube frame motion along the horizontal axis is greater than or equal to 220 cm distance from the human body
2.1.10 X-ray tube along the vertical axis rotation is more than or equal to + 150 degrees / 180 degrees
2.1.11 X-ray tube sleeve can rotate along the horizontal axis is greater than or equal to - 120 degrees
2.1.12 Close table color touch screen, used for patient information and exposure conditions selection, display and modification have
2.2 High pressure generator
*2.2.1 High frequency inverter type high voltage generator frequency is greater than or equal to 100KHZ
2.2.2 High voltage generator power is larger than 65KW
2.2.3 Tube voltage adjustable range 40-150KV
2.2.4 Most short exposure time is less than or equal to 1ms
2.2.5 With automatic exposure control with AEC
2.2.6 Operation and control system of generator is completely integrated with the host, control of exposure have on the host workstation
2.3 In chest X-ray flat panel detector
2.3.1 Detector structure CSI / non crystal silicon
*2.3.2 Detector size greater than or equal to 43 x 43cm, requires non splice plate
2.3.3 Pixel size is less than or equal to 143um
2.3.4 Acquisition gray degree greater than or equal to 14bits
2.3.5 Spatial resolution of is more than or equal to 3.6lp/mm
2.3.6 Quantum trapping efficiency (DQE) is more than or equal to 60%
2.3.7Acquisition matrix is greater than or equal to 2800 X 2800
2.3.8 No extra special cooling with plate
2.4 Decubitus with wireless flat-panel detector
2.4.1 Detector structure CSI / non crystal silicon
2.4.2 Detector size greater than or equal to 35 x 43cm
2.4.3 Pixel size is less than or equal to 144um
2.4.4 Acquisition gray degree greater than or equal to 16bits
2.4.5 Spatial resolution of is more than or equal to 3.4lp/mm
2.4.6 Quantum capture efficiency (DQE) is more than or equal to 60%
2.4.7 Acquisition matrix is greater than or equal to 3000X2300
2.4.8 No extra special cooling with plate
2.4.9 Cable free wireless transmission of images collected with
2.4.10 Image preview time less than 5 seconds
2.4.11 Dual charging mode: independent charger charger and under the bed
2.4.12 Maximum load is greater than or equal to 135 kg detector
2.5 Electric shot bed
2.5.1 The height of the bed surface electric adjustment range: 51.5cm-95.5cm
2.5.2Bed longitudinal movement range: = + 48CM
2.5.3 Lateral bed moving range: = + 14cm
2.5.4 Vertical feet touch switch lifting height and bed surface of the bed body control locking and release have
2.5.5 Grid grid ratio greater than or equal to 13:1
2.5.6 Grid grid density is greater than or equal to 90lp/cm
2.5.7 Maximum bearing weight is greater than or equal to 300kg
2.5.8.X-ray tube and digital flat on the bed when projected can do automatic synchronization tracking motion with
2.6 Chest stand
2.6.1 Chest frame can be motor driven height range: 27cm-172cm.
2.6.2 Source image distance SID 100-180CM
2.6.3 Flat receiver can change in the -20 degrees /+90 degrees, and 15 degrees per stop bits have locked.
2.6.4 Grid grid ratio greater than or equal to 15:1
2.6.5 Grid grid density is greater than or equal to 80lp/cm
2.6.6 The configuration side surface of the handle and the top side of the handle with
2.6.7 X-ray tube and digital flat in the chest stand on projection can do automatic synchronization tracking motion with
2.7 System operation platform
*2.7.1 With windows based operating system, uses a menu driven and the mouse operation
2.7.2 The host machine console and the high voltage generator is highly integrated, may carry on the exposure parameter settings have directly on the host workstation
2.7.3 Can dose and screen the choice of speed with
2.7.4 The default organ selection procedures have
2.7.5 Adjust the window width window with
2.7.6 Horizontal and vertical mirror image with
2.7.7 Image rotation with
2.7.8 AP and PA positioning mark with
2.7.9.Full screen image annotation of text with
2.7.10 Image magnification with
2.7.11 Image preview function with film camera
2.7.12 Image before and after the turnover has
2.7.13 Electronic optical device with shrinkage
2.7.14 Can perform tasks parallel processing with
2.7.15 Edge enhancement with
2.7.16 Noise reduction with
2.7.17 The configuration DICOM Print and DICOM send standard interface with
2.7.18 Hard disk capacity more than 500G
2.7.19 Can store the image number more than 10000 pieces of
2.8 main parts of equipment (such as: tube, a high voltage generator for the whole equipment manufacturer) manufacturing has the original factory
2.9 The peripheral equipment
2.9.1 computer 1 sets: CPU>=i5; memory >=8G; system: 64 win7; disk >=500G; graphics >=GT650 (double VGA interface), PACS interface.
2.9.2 laser printer 1 sets have common
2.9.3 personal protective equipment 1 sets include lead vests, lead lead lead eyes, scarf, gloves, lead aprons and lead rack
2.9.4 The view pieces lamp 1 sets of light, thin.
2.10 the bidder shall provide the quality inspection department issued by the national metrology DR radiography machine inspection certificate.

3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder

Qualifications or Performance:1) Power of Attorney; 2) Bidders’ business license or certificate of registration (Business scope shall include the tendering goods); 3) Sales license for the medical apparatus (supplied according to requirements of bidder’s country or region) ; 4)the product must have the People’s Republic of China cast Medical Device Registration Certificate (provide scanned copies, the original reference); 5) the product manufacturer or legitimate dealer or manufacturer directly for the project authorized supplier (provide proof of a scanned original reference); 6) the last three years (ie, at least from the beginning of January 2011, starting X, vendors can set up less than three years starting from the date of establishment) no bribery criminal record, by the vendor of the business license issued by the People’s Procurator ate domicile "bribery files this letter. "Within two months from the effective date of issue of this letter, the maturity date shall be valid after the announcement of the project; 7) the bidder shall provide the bank prior to the date of bid opening in credit issued within three months proof (original or duplicate copy, with the official seal); 8) bidders must register as a member at the China International Tendering (www.chinabidding.com). Domestic bidders must register as a member on the Shenzhen Municipal Government procurement network; 9) The project consortium does not accept the bid.

Joint Bids:NOT Available

Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available

4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents

Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2014-11-03

Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2014-11-10

To Obtain:On-site Purchase

Place:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Price of Bidding Documents: ¥800/$135

Additional Instructions:

5.Bid Submission

Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2014-11-25 14:30

Place of Bid:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Place of Bid Opening:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

6.The evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com。

7.Contact Details

Purchasers:Nanshan Women & Children’s Hospital,Shenzhen

Add.:Shenzhen Nanshan District Taoyuan Road No. 93

Contact:Ms Guo


Bidding Agency:shenzhen sanfangchengxin tendering co.,ltd

Add.:7E, JinRun Building, No.9 TaiRan Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Contact:Miss Sun and Mr. Li

Tel :86-755-82800088-821

8.Remittance Approach

Bank(RMB):Bank of China Shenzhen Donghai Branch

Bank(USD):Bank of China Shenzhen Donghai Branch

Account NO.(RMB):********0108

Account NO.(USD):****************14







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