


Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Fuzhou Culture & Sports Industry Development and Operation Co., Ltd are now inviting all interested parties worldwide to participate in the international competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as “this Bid”) with respect to the Master Planningof Format Improvement and Implementation Plan of Key Areas for Cultivating andDeveloping Fuzhou into an International Consumption Center City. Detailed plan is explained as follows:

  • 项目背景
I. Project Background


The Guiding Opinions regarding the Cultivation and Development of International Consumption Center Cities was issued by 14 ministries including the Ministry of Commerce in 2020 jointly and gave each city directions to thecultivation anddevelopment of international consumption center city, at the national level. To develop the “international consumption center city”, it needs to highlight three major characteristics, i.e. internationalization, consumerization and centralization. Firstly, gather those international consumption resources and local brands serving the global consumers; secondly, integrate it with culture, sports, health and such elements to promote diversified consumption, and; thirdly, enhance the center radiation of city consumption by leading the international fashion consumption. In July 2021, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing took the lead incultivating anddeveloping international consumption center cities, with the approval of the State Council.


To implement strategy 3820 planned by President Xi, Fuzhou will continuously speed up the process of becoming a modern international city by developing the eastern & southern parts as well as the riverside & coastal regions and properly completing the development blueprint for creating a coastal landscape city, and will develop it into an international consumption center city intensively. This Bid procedure is conducted on the basis of international and domestic consumption center cities. Various world-renowned consumption clusters consisting of “one vertical line (featured scenic, historical and cultural consumption area along central axis of the main urban area), one horizontal line (the riverside leisure consumption area along both banks of two rivers) and one zone (coastal tourism consumption zone) will be developed by tackling weaknesses, presenting features and prompting leapfrog development in accordance with international standards. Based on five major international brands in Fuzhou City(“Maritime Fuzhou”, “Digital Fuzhou”, “New Materials”, “Seaport & Airport”, and “Mindu Culture”), increasingly build and improve the distinctive business forms and consumption scenes by virtue of cultivating featured consumer brands and improving business forms in key areas, in combination with the resource endowments like landscape scenery, hot spring, ancient houses and wetland etc. in Fuzhou City. Nowadays, it is aiming at developing Fuzhou into an international consumption center city with unique influence within 3 years.

  • 一、招标方式
IV. Type of Tendering


This Bid is consisting of two stages, i.e. qualification and scheme evaluation & selection.

  • 资格入围阶段
(I) Qualification


Invite excellent foreign and domestic consulting teams by means of open application and through evaluation & selection, determine the shortlist. The consulting team should provide related evidentiary materials that may prove its design strength including experience of main staff, team composition, related project experience and service level etc., and present the brief idea and technical route of its conceptual proposal, preliminary ideas for implementing plan of “Heart of the Minjiang River” – a world-class landmark business district. No participation in the form of a consortium is allowed. Such consultant who has undertaken same type of or similar projects and rendered field services by itself and its main designers will be preferred. Finally, 5 finalists will be chosen by experts via open ballot to participate in the proposal competition.


In case that the number of bidders or the finalists fails to meet the requirement, the bid inviterreserves the right to terminate this Bid. If any finalist quits, the candidate shall fill in sequence.

  • 方案评选阶段
(II) Scheme evaluation & selection


The finalists shall submit the achievements as scheduled according to the requirements for international competition. The panel will evaluate and select the appropriate scheme, prepare the rank list and choose the bid winner who will carry out scheme improvement and render follow-up services.

二、招标要求V. Bidding Requirements
  • 本次招标活动采用公开报名方式,境内外设计机构均可报名参加,不接受联合体形式报名,不接受自然人的报名。

(I) Both foreign and domestic designers may participate in this Bid by means of open application. However, neither application in the form of consortium nor such application by any natural person is allowed.

  • 本次国际竞赛招标不设特定资质要求,国内外注册的合法独立法人企业或机构均可报名参加。单位负责人为同一人或存在控股、管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本项目投标,否则投标无效。

(II) There is no special qualification requirement for this international competitive bidding. All lawful independent legal entities registered at home and abroad are allowed to apply. Those suppliers under the same control, controlling or being controlled by each other are not allowed to participate in this Bid simultaneously; otherwise, their bids shall be deemed as null and void.

  • 考虑到疫情防控等原因对国际航班的影响,各投标人若因疫情防控等原因造成迟到、无法递交资格预审申请文件的,应自行承担其后果。

(III) In view of influence on international flights due to epidemic prevention & control and such reasons, each bidder shall bear the consequences itself for any delay in or failure of submission of application documents for pre-qualification arising from epidemic prevention & control and such causes.

  • 参与本次招标活动的专业技术人员须为该设计机构在册人员,为了保证项目团队人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,境外设计机构的专业技术人员团队中应至少有一名通晓汉语人士。

(IV) Professional technicians participating in this Bid must be registered staff of the designer. To assure the correct understanding of project members on background and related requirements in China, there must be at least one person familiar with Chinese in the team of professional technicians dispatched by any foreign designer.


Besides the foregoing provisions, the bidder shall provide further statements of qualification that meet corresponding requirements when requested by thebid inviterreasonably.


VI. Expenses
  • 方案竞赛阶段
(I) Proposal competition stage


Planning fee (tax-inclusive) will be paid to those bidders who are qualified, submit the competition result as per the specified technical documents, and satisfy the requirements for this competition result as approved on the review meeting:


The planning fee in the amount of RMB 4 million will be paid to the bidder getting a first; compensation fee in the amount of RMB 1.50 million will be paid to the bidder taking the second place, RMB 0.50 million to the bidder taking the third place and RMB 0.30 million to the bidders taking the fourth and fifth places.


All planning and compensation fees paid to the participators shall be paid in RMB and settled in China. Any foreign participator who cannot receive the foresaid fees in RMB with its own account may authorize a domestic lawful independent legal entity for receiving the fees on behalf of it, and all expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by the participator itself.


Note: 1. Each bidder shall make special commitment that if the result submitted is included in the final list, it will allow the bid inviterto have full copyright and allrights to use and modify such result.The subject matter of procurement provided by Party B shall conform to the intellectual property laws and regulations in China and must not be counterfeit or substandard. Party B shall also hold Party A harmless from and against any claim raised by any third party for infringementof intellectual property, patent, trademark or industrial design rights etc. In theevent that such claim raised by any third party has nothing to do with Party A, Party B shall negotiate with such third party and assume all possible legal liabilities, expenses and consequences, and indemnify Party A against all losses (if any) arising therefrom.


2.Provided that the subject matter of procurement provided by Party B does not conform to the intellectual property laws or regulations in China, or is identified by the competent authority as a counterfeit or substandard product, Party B shall be disqualified and Party A reserves the right to handle with such event in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and rules.

  • 深化方案及后续服务阶段
(II) Scheme optimization and follow-up service stages


If the bid winner is entrusted to carry out scheme improvement and follow-up services, the project contract shall be signed by and between thebid inviterand the bid winner and the contract value is RMB 6 million. The content of contract will include integration and improvement of schemes provided by five finalists as well as specific services for investment resource docking in the subsequent 3-year service period.


Upon completion of scheme improvement by the bid winner, 80% of the contract value, i.e. RMB 4.80 million, will be paid by installments; and upon completion of 3-year investment resource docking service, 20% of the contract value, i.e. RMB 1.20 million, will be paid by installments. For details about terms of payment, the contract shall prevail.

VII. Schedule


During stages of qualification and scheme evaluation & selection, specific schedules are planned as follows:























Planning cycle (calendar days)

Tasks completed as planned

(Stage I)


July 1, 2022

Release the competition announcement officially and accept application.

July 11, 2022

Deadline for submission of application documents for pre-qualification

July 11, 2022

Hold designer selection meeting

(Stage II)

Scheme evaluation & selection

July 11, 2022

Hold press conference and issue the bidding announcement

July 12~13, 2022

Site survey & clarification etc.

August 25, 2022

Conceptual design and date for submission of design result

August 25, 2022

Hold the conceptual design review meetingand choose the bid winner.


Note: all dates mentioned in the table above are in Beijing time. The bid inviterreserves the right to properly adjust the specific milestones.


Detailed schedule for scheme improvement and follow-up service stages is explained as follows:













Planning cycle (calendar days)

Tasks completed as planned

(Stage III)

Scheme improvement

August 26, 2022 ~ October 25, 2022

Improve and integrate the schemes; and improve the implementing plan for cultivation of featured consumption brands and formatimprovement in key areas etc.

(Stage IV)

Follow-up service

August 26, 2022 ~ August 25, 2025

Investment resource docking service etc.


Note: all dates mentioned in the table above are in Beijing time. The bid inviterreserves the right to properly adjust the specific milestones.

  • 五、报名方式
VIII. Registration Process

(一)设计机构下载报名表格(报名表格附件可在 http:///index.html>、中国招标投标公共服务平台 http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/> 、福建省公共资源交易电子公共服务平台(https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/)下载),填写后发送到tyc*****@163.com,并联系招标代理机构确认报名成功。报名截止时间为:2022年7月11日9:00。

(I) The designers may download the registration form (appendices can be downloaded from http:///index.html, China procurement & bidding service website, http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/, national public service platform for tendering and bidding, and https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/, public service platform of Fujian Province for transaction of public resources), fill out and send it to tyc*****@163.com, and ask the bidding agency to confirm successful registration. The registration deadline is: July 11, 2022 at 09:00.

  • (二)资格预审申请文件需要严格按照相关要求制作,递交资格预审申请文件包括现场递交和快递邮寄两种方式。

(II) The pre-qualification application documents shall be made in strict accordance with relevant requirements and may be submitted by means of on-site submission and express mail.


1. In case of on-site submission, letter of authorization issued by the legal representative shall be taken


2. If submitted via express mail, sufficient time for express delivery shall be reserved and such documents shall be properly packed and sealed, i.e. in carton or foam box. The bidder shall bear all consequences arising from any damage and missing etc. during express delivery.


(III) Date and place for submission of pre-qualification application documents: the registered bidder should submit the written pre-qualification application documents to the following place designated prior to July 11, 2022 at 15:00. Address: Fujian Tianyuncheng Bidding Agency Co., Ltd(Unit 05# 10F Landmark Plaza No. 89 Wusi Road Gulou District Fuzhou City). All pre-qualification application documents submitted later will be rejected.


(IV) Notification of pre-qualification result: each bidder will be informed in writing within 3 working days after determining the shortlist.


(V) Contact person and information: Mr. Chen, 0591-********


Telephone consultation: 09:00-11:00& 15:00-17:00in working days.




标签: 实施方案 国际竞赛 总体规划








