

投标邀请Invitation for Bids

项目名称: 中广核德令哈50MW光热发电项目(以下简称“项目”)

Project Name: CGN-DELINGHA 50MW SOLAR THERMAL POWER GENERATION PROJECT (hereinafter called “Project”)

国际招标名称: 导热油泵

IFB Name: HTF Pumps

招标编号: ****-********J017

IFB No.: ****-********J017

招标机构: 中国技术进出口总公司

Tendering Agent: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation

发布日期: 2015-02-25

Date: February 25th, 2015



China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC), hereinafter called as the “Tendering Agency”, for and on behalf of CGN Delingha Solar Energy Co., Ltd (hereafter called the “Tendering Party”), invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following service by way of International Competitive Bidding.

1. 项目简介:

Project brief:


CGN-Delingha 50MW Solar Thermal Power Generation Project is located in Delingha Solar Industrial Park in Qinghai province, about 7 km from Delingha city. It covers about 2.5km2. And the altitude is about 3000m. The planning installed capacity is 100MW. This project is the first phase with 50MW.


This project will adopt the parabolic solar energy power generation technology. There will be 190 parabolic through collector (PTC) loops, a molten salt heat storage system (heat storage can meet the needs of wind power at full load for 7.5 hours) and a 55 MW high-pressure intermediate-temperature and single reheat.

2. 招标范围及工期:

Bidding Scope & Construction Period:


Bidding Scope:


1) 导热油泵及配套变频电机;

2) 备品备件、专用工具等;

3) 油泵变频器不包含在本次招标范围内。

The main contents are as follows:

1) HTF Pumps and supporting inverter motor ;

2) Spare parts, special tools, etc;

3) Oil pump frequency converter is not included in the scope of this project.


Construction Period:12 months after letter of acceptance.


According to the Technical Specification.

3. 投标人资格:

Bidder’s Qualifications:

1) 投标人必须是在中华人民共和国境内境外注册的独立法人,未被处于责令停业、投标资格被取消、或者财产被接管、冻结和破产状态;

The bidder shall legally register in China or foreign countries, not in a state of proscribed, disqualify the bid qualification, property has distrained, frozen or bankrupt;

2) 投标人应提供近三年经审计的财务报告以证明其具有良好的现金流和财务状况;

The bidder shall have good financial status and reputation and provide the audited Financial Statements from 2011 to 2013;

3) 投标人应具有2个项目且总数量不少于6台同类(高温导热油介质)产品的应用业绩,上述项目至少已运行2年;其设计温度不低于400℃,正常运行温度不低于280℃,单机功率不小于500KW;

The bidder shall have more than two records and not less than six sets in field of the same type of machinery (HTF medium temperature). The project shall have been put into commercial operation for more than two years. The design temperature is not lower than 400 ℃, the normal operating temperature is not lower than 280 ℃, single power is not less than 500KW;

4) 本次招标不接受联合体投标;本次招标不接受代理商投标.

Consortium bid and agents bid will lead to the rejection of bid.


* The bidder must meet all the qualifications, and provide real and effective evidence, and supply the certificate file yearly checked, if not will lead to the rejection of bid.

4. 招标文件的获取:

Purchasing IFB Documents:


* Bidders should submit the following documents before Obtain IFB Documents (the duplicate documents should be with official seal or signed by the Attorney). The following documentsshall be only used in purchasing IFB Documents, and shall not be a part of the bidding documents:

a) 2011、2012年度及2013年的财务报表(复印件);

The audited Financial Statements from 2011 to 2013;

b) 法人授权委托书正本、经办人本人身份证原件及复印件。

Original of the Power of Attorney, One duplicate of the Responsible persons Identity Card;

c) 符合资格条件中业绩要求的证明文件(须提供合同复印件)。

The reference list with the copy of contracts as proof in field of similar project which consistent with the Qualifications.

1) 购买时间:2015年2月25日至投标截止时间(节假日除外),每天上午9:00至11:00,下午2:00至4:00(北京时间),节假日除外。

Time of Obtain IFB Documents: 9:00-11:00am and 2:00-4:00pm (Beijing time), from Feb 25th, 2014 to the Deadline for Submitting Bids (Weekends and public holidays except).

2) 购买地点:中国技术进出口总公司

Place of Obtain IFB Documents: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation


Address: Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P.R.CHINA.

电话(Telephone): 86-10-********/9164

传真(Facsimile): 86-10-********

联系人(Contact Person):王凯文 先生 Mr. Wang Kaiwen

鲁晓萱 女士 Ms. Lu Xiaoxuan

电子邮箱(E-mail): luxiaoxuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn/


开户银行: 中国银行北京西城支行


账 号: ********6632(人民币)



ACCOUNT NO.:********6632(CNY)





Notes: Please obtain the IFB Documents during the period of sale. And Obtaining of the IFB Documents is the only condition for Submitting Bids.

5. 招标文件售价:本套招标文件(包括电子版)的售价为1000元(大写:人民币壹仟元整)或200美元(大写:贰佰美元整),招标文件售后一律不退。此款须在获取招标文件之前或同时以现金的形式交付。如需邮寄(包括图纸),加收人民币100元或50美元。

Price of IFB Documents: A complete set of IFB Documents (including electronic version) may be purchased by any interested Bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of RMB 1000 (RMB Yuan five thousand only) or USD200 (US Dollars two hundred only). The bidder shall pay directly to the tendering agent in remittance or cash. POSTAGE: The IFB document may be delivered to the Bidder in need by courier for additional fee of RMB 100.00 or USD 50.00.

6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:根据招标人要求,投标人的投标文件须于2015年3月19日下午15:00(北京时间)之前递交至开标地点,如有变化,另行通知。逾期收到或不符合规定的投标文件恕不接受。不接受邮寄方式提交投标文件。

The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening: At 15:00 pm (Beijing Time), Mar. 19th,2015. The bids arrived later than this time or the bids in disagreement with requirements will not be accepted. Mailing Bid Document will not be accepted.

7. 开标地点:北京西三环中路90号(六里桥北里)通用技术大厦309会议室。

Place of Bid Opening:Room 309, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P. R. CHINA


The Tendering Party:CGN Delingha Solar Energy Co., LTD.


The Tendering Agent:China National Technical Import and Export Corporation







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