立式加工中心招标采购项目 - 国际招标公告
煤炭工业规划设计研究院有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2022-10-20在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1、招标条件 项目概况:本次招标采购是为北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司配置精密加工设备,投标人应根据招标文件所提出的设备技术规格和服务 要求,综合考虑设备的适用性,选择具有最佳性能价格比的设备前来投标。投标人应以技术先进的设备、优良的服务和优惠的价格,充分显 示自己的竞争实力。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本项目已获得主管部门审批,资金已落实。企业自筹资金。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:招标产品已获得进口论证审批,可以接受进口产品。
招标项目编号:4679-224GHY****** 招标项目名称:立式加工中心招标采购项目
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
1 立式加工中心(四轴) 1 (以投标人型号为准) 整机
1.1 立式加工中心主机 1 - 分项明细
1.2 立柱加高 1 - 分项明细
1.3 刀柄选项 1 HSK A63 分项明细
1.4 刀库扩容 1 ≥40 分项明细
1.5 排屑机 1 - 分项明细
1.6 主轴贯穿冷却系统1 70bar 分项明细
1.7 过滤系统 1 - 分项明细
1.8 液压站及液压卡具接口 1 70bar 分项明细
1.9 第四轴(含尾座) 1 - 分项明细
1.1 四轴配套桥板和连接件 1 - 分项明细
1.11 四轴配套接口和其他附件 1 - 分项明细
1.12 油雾收集器 1 - 分项明细
1.13 电柜空调 1 - 分项明细
1.14 冲屑水枪 1 - 分项明细
1.15 局域网卡 1 - 分项明细
1.16 其他附件 1 - 分项明细
1.17 设备包装运输费用 1 - 分项明细
1.18 安装调试、验收、培训等服务费用 1 - 分项明细
1.19 技术资料 1 - 分项明细
2 立式加工中心 1 (以投标人型号为准) 整机
2.1 立式加工中心主机 1 - 分项明细
2.2 刀柄选项 1 HSK A63 分项明细
2.3 刀库扩容 1 ≥40 分项明细
2.4 排屑机 1 - 分项明细
2.5 主轴贯穿冷却系统 1 70bar 分项明细
2.6 过滤系统 1 - 分项明细
2.7 液压站及液压卡具接口 1 70bar 分项明细
2.8 油雾收集器 1 - 分项明细
2.9 电柜空调 1 - 分项明细
2.1 冲屑水枪 1 - 分项明细
2.11 局域网卡 1 - 分项明细
2.12 其他附件 1 - 分项明细
2.13 设备包装运输费用 1 - 分项明细
2.14 安装调试、验收、培训等服务费用 1 - 分项明细
2.15 技术资料 1 - 分项明细
3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:合格的投标人: 1. 投标人是响应招标、已在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其 他组织。任何未在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。 2. 除非另有规定,凡是来自中华人民共和国或是与 中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区(以下简称“合格来源国/地区”)的法人或其他组织均可投标。 3. 与招标人存在利害关系可能影 响招标公正性的法人或其他组织不得参加投标。 4. 接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人或其他组织不得参加受托项目的投标, 也不得为该项目的投标人编制投标文件或者提供咨询。 5. 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目 包投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。 6. 联合体各方不得在同一招标项目包中以自己名义单独投标或者参加其他联合体投标。 7. 只有在法 律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。 8. 投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国国 际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:http://www.chinabidding.com)和中国煤科电子采购平台(http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm)成功注 册(免费)。否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。 9.制造商的授权 10.能力证明:投标人具有履行本项目所 必需的设备和专业服务能力,以近三年(2019至今)同类设备销售业绩(附中标通知书投标人的其它资格要求: 1)投标人企业信誉优良, 无不良的合同履行记录,财务状况良好(以近两年(2020-2021年)财务报表为准)。 2)信誉要求(以下三类完整截图均须提供,缺一不 可,否则将被否决投标): 2.1投标人未列入市场监督总局国家企业信用信息公示系统企业异常名录或严重违法失信企业名单( http://www.g sxt.gov.cn/index.html),提供网站查询截图;(仅适用于境内投标人) 2.2投标人未列入发改委和人行“信用中国”网( www.creditchina.gov. cn)失信惩戒名单,提供网站查询截图;(仅适用于境内投标人) 2.3投标人未列入最高法中国执行信息公开网(zxgk.court.gov.cn)的失信 被执行人清单,提供网站查询截图。(仅适用于境内投标人) 2.4 信誉承诺书(仅适用于境外投标人,境外投标人无须提供上述三类截 图)。或合同复印件)为准。
4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:2022-10-20
招标文件发售时间:从2022年10月20日17:00起到2022年10月28日下午17: 00时止。
公司账户(Beneficiary):煤炭工业规划设计研究院有限公司(CCTEG Coal Industry Planning Institute)
开户行(Bank):光 大银行北京德胜门支行
人民币账号(Account No. RMB):350*****000******
有意向的投标人应先在中国煤科电子采购平台(http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm)进行免费注册并同时办理CA证书(详见【中国煤科电子采购平台 首页】-【CA办理】,特别提示:招标代理机构不 负责办理CA证书,CA证书可以邮寄办理,鉴于办理时效,请各投标人注意规划时间),注册完成后请按照网上操作流程进行购买。技术咨 询电话400-860-3718,技术咨询邮箱:syb@ebidding.net.cn。购买标书流程:投标人先在机电招标网招标文件获取一栏中对应的项目 (标)下填写招标文件购买申请,填写招标文件购买申请后,具体购买方式包括: 1)选择网上支付方式购买招标文件的投标人在标书款支 付成功后,将标书费凭证上传至中国煤科电子采购平台后,经工作人员审核通过后,即可下载招标文件; 2)发票领取方式为:注册中国煤 科电子采购平台时请准确、完整填写发票信息(户名、开户行、银行账号、纳税人识别号、地址、电话以及接收电子发票的邮箱,前述所有 内容均须准确、完整填写,若因投标人填写错误导致发票无效或无法发送电子发票,一切后果由投标人自行承担,本项目不提供纸质标书费 发票).
投标截止时间(开标时间):2022-11-09 09:00
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(https://www.ebnew.com)或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https://www.chinabidding.com)完成注册及 信息核验。
联系人:东亮 联系方式 :188*****890
联系人:李嘉平 联系方式 :138*****843
8、汇款方式 招标代理机构
开户银行(人民币): 光大银行北京德胜门支行
账号(人民币): 350*****000******
Vertical Machining Center
CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and ab road for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding.
The tender notice was released on w ww.chinabidding.com on 2022-10-20. 1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:This bidding procurement is to equip Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. with precision processing equi pment. The bidder should select the equipment with the best performance price ratio to bid according to the equipment technical specificati ons and service requirements proposed in the bidding documents, taking into account the applicability of the equipment. The Tenderer shal l fully demonstrate its competitive strength with advanced equipment, excellent services and preferential prices.
Source of Funds:The project has been approved by the competent department, and the funds have been implemented. The enterpris e raised funds by itself. Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The bidding products have been approved for import demonstration and can be impo rted. 2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:4679-224GHY******
Project Name:Vertical Machining Center Place of Implementation:
Beijing City List of Products:
O. Product Name Quantit y Main Technical Data Remarks 1 Vertical machining center (four shafts) 1 (Subject to the Bidder"s mo del) complete machine
1.1 Vertical machining center host 1 - Itemized Details
1.2 Column heightening 1 - Itemized Details
1.3 Tool handle options 1 HSK A63 Itemized Details
1.4 Tool magazine expansion 1 ≥40 Itemized Details
1.5 Chip conveyor 1 - Itemized Details
1.6 Spindle through cooling system 1 70bar Itemized Details
1.7 Filter system 1 - Itemized Details
1.8 Hydraulic station and hydraulic fixture interface 1 70bar Itemized Details
1.9 Fourth shaft (including tailstock) 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 Four axle supporting bridge slab and connector 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 1 Four shaft mating interface and other accessories 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 2 Oil mist collector 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 3 Electric cabinet air conditioner 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 4 Chip washing water gun 1 - Itemized Details 1.1 5 LAN card 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 6 Other accessories 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 7 Equipment packaging and transportation fee 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 8 Equipment packaging and transportation cost 1 - Itemized Details
1.1 9 technical information 1 - Itemized Details
2 Vertical machining center 1 (Subject to the Bidder"s mo del) complete machine
2.1 Vertical machining center host 1 - Itemized Details
2.2 Tool handle options 1 HSK A63 Itemized Details
2.3 Tool magazine expansion 1 ≥40 Itemized Details
2.4 Chip conveyor 1 - Itemized Details
2.5 Spindle through cooling system 1 70bar Itemized Details
2.6 Filter system 1 - Itemized Details
2.7 Hydraulic station and hydraulic fixture interface 1 70bar Itemized Details
2.8 Oil mist collector 1 - Itemized Details
2.9 Electric cabinet air conditioner 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 Chip washing water gun 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 1 LAN card 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 2 Other accessories 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 3 Equipment packaging and transportation cost 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 4 Installation, commissioning, acceptance, training and other service costs 1 - Itemized Details
2.1 5 technical information 1 - Itemized Details
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:1. The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent, and participated in the bid.Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the bidding document s from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid. 2. This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal persons or other organizations from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries/areas”), except as provided hereinafter. 3. Any legal person or other org anization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate in the bi d. 4. Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or t o prepare the bidding document is not allowed to participate in the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bi dder. 5. Different bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management should not particip ate in the bids for the same package, except for the case to form a joint venture to bid. 6. Any party to a joint venture shall not, for the same package, submit bid independently in its name or participate in another joint venture. 7. The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if the y are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent. 8. Bidders should successfully complete registration on http://www.chinabidding.com(hereinafter abb. as “the Website”) p rior to the deadline for submission of bids stipulated in the bidding document. Otherwise, the bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by bidders. 9. Manufacturer"s Authorization 10. Capability certificate: The bidder has the equipment and professional service capability necessary to perform the project, which shall be subject to the sales performance of simil ar equipment in the past three years (2019 to date) (attached with a copy of the bid winning notice or contract). 11. Other Requirements: 1) The bidder"s enterprise has good reputation, no bad contract performance record and good financial condition (subject to the financial state ments of the recent two years (2020-2021)). 2) Reputation requirements (the following three types of complete screenshots must be provid ed, either of which is indispensable, or the bid will be rejected): a. The bidder is not included in the abnormal directory of enterprises in the State Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System of the State Administration of Market Supervision or the list of enterprises that are seri ously illegal and dishonest( http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/index.html ), provide screenshots of website queries; (Only applicable to domestic bi dders) b. The bidder has not been listed in the list of punishment for breach of credit of the NDRC and the People"s Bank of China "Credit China" website (www.creditchina. gov.cn), and the screenshot of website query is provided; (Only applicable to domestic bidders) c. The bi dder is not listed in the list of dishonest persons to be executed on the China Implementation Information Disclosure Network (zxgk. court. gov.cn), which is the highest law, and the screenshot of website query is provid(Only applicable to domestic bidders) d. Letter of Credit Co mmitment (only applicable to overseas bidders, and overseas bidders need not provide the above three types of screenshots)
Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-10-20
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-10-27
Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-line
Download Place: http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥200/$30
Additional Instructions:The price of the bidding documents of this project: 200 yuan, non refundable. Selling time of bidding document s: from 17:00 on October 20, 2022 to 17:00 on October 28, 2022. Benefit: CCTEG Coal Industry Planning Institute Bank of deposit: Beijing Deshengmen Branch of China Everbright Bank Account No. RMB: 350*****000****** Interested bidders shall first visit China Coal Tech nology Electronic Procurement Platform( http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm )Free registration and CA certificate handling shall be carried out at the same time (see [Home Page of China Coal Technology Electronic Procurement Platform] - [CA Handling] for details). Special not e: the bidding agency is not responsible for handling CA certificates, and CA certificates can be handled by mail. In view of the timeliness o f handling, please pay attention to the planning time). After registration, please purchase according to the online operation process. Technic al consultation telephone 400-860-3718, technical consultation e-mail: syb@ebidding.net.cn 。 Purchase bidding process: The bidder shall first fill in the purchase application of the bidding documents under the corresponding project (bid) in the column of "Obtain Bidding Docum ents" on the electromechanical bidding website. After filling in the purchase application of the bidding documents, the specific purchase me thods include: 1) After successful payment of the bid price, the bidder who chooses online payment to purchase the bidding documents will upload the bid fee voucher to the China Coal Technology Electronic Procurement Platform, and then download the bidding documents after being approved by the staff; 2) The way to get the invoice is: please be accurate when registering the China Coal Technology e-Procureme nt Platform Complete the invoice information (account name, opening bank, bank account number, taxpayer identification number, address, telephone number and e-mail address for receiving electronic invoice. All the above contents must be filled in accurately and completely. If the invoice is invalid or the electronic invoice cannot be sent due to the Tenderer"s filling error, all the consequences shall be borne by the T enderer, and the paper invoice of tender fee is not provided for this project)
5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2022-11-09 09:00
Place of Bid:Bidding Agency Service Center of China Coal Technology and Industry Group, Liupukang 2 District, Xicheng District, Bei jing
Place of Bid Opening:http://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com
7.Contact Details Purchasers:Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd.
Add.:27 Linhe St, Renhe Town, Shunyi District, Beijing
Contact:Liang DONG
Add.:Bidding Agency Service Center of China Coal Technology and Industry Group, Liupukang 2 District, Xicheng District, Beijing
Contact:Jiaping LI
Tel :138*****843 8.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB):China Everbright Bank Beijing Deshengmen
Sub branch Bank(USD):
Account NO.(RMB):350*****000******
Account NO.(USD):
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