


Procurement Notification of China Southern Airlines Aircrew Service Project


China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd. (hereafter refer as “Airline”) is announcing to launch the aircrew accommodation service procurement project. Please refer below for the details:

1、项目简介Project Introduction

1.1 项目名称:温哥华驻勤酒店服务采购项目。

Project Name: Aircrew Accommodation service procurement in the city of Vancouver.

1.2 项目编号:JG-JZ-*******

Project Number: JG-JZ-*******.

1.3 项目类别:服务类。

Type of Project: Service.

1.4 资金来源:企业自筹资金。

Source of funds: Own raised.

1.5 采购数量:本次采购1家合作酒店,通过符合性审查供应商数量达不到计划采购数量的情况,按实际通过的个数推荐。

Quantity: Only one candidate will be se lected for this project. If the number of candidates fails to reach the planned se lect quantity through the compliance review, it shall be recommended according to the actual number.

1.6 服务内容:本项目为南航异地驻勤机组所需酒店住宿用房采购,入围酒店需遵守南航机组保障安全、服务管理规定,为南航机组提供住宿、餐食、车辆、洗衣等保障服务;关注南航航班计划,根据航班计划做好房间预留以及接送机服务。中选酒店原则上应按照当地政府与采购人不定期更新的疫情防控指引提供服务,并遵守相关工作要求。

Service content: This project is looking for Aircrew Accommodation service provider. The shortlisted suppliers shall abide by the regulations on Aircrew security and service management of China Southern Airlines. The service detail is to provide accommodation service, F&B service, Transportation service and Laundry service according to flight schedule.The se lected hotel shall do most efforts to provide services in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control guidelines up.dated from time to time by the local government and Airline, and comply with relevant work requirements.


The latest epidemic prevention requirements are as follows:

Standard of Epidemic Prevention


1. Public Areas


1.1 Hotel’s elevators should be disinfected every 2 hours.


1.2 Hotel shall implement garbage classification. The garbage shall be stored in a closed manner and the cleaning frequency shall be increased against normal. The garbage can shall be covered and sealed at all times.


1.3 Hotel shall disinfect the public area according to the proportion of 20ml/m3 with 500mg/L chlorine disinfectant, it shall be carry out regularly every day.

酒店应每天定时用500mg/L的含氯消毒液,按20ml/m3 的量对工作场所进行喷雾消毒。


The hotel has a specially assigned person to guide the crew on the elevator and ensure that no other staff and guests enter the elevator.

2. Guestrooms


2.1 The windows in the guestroom shall open and keep ventilation for no less than 1 hour in each day. The ventilating fan shall be in working condition to ensure indoor air circulation.

客房应每天开窗保持自然通风不少于1 小时;运行期间保持排气扇运转正常,保持室内空气流通。

2.2 The central air conditioning shall not be use during Epidemic Period. If it cannot be turnoff, The central air conditioner provides the crew’s room with fresh air brought in from the outside.Hotel shall strengthen the maintenance of the central air conditioning and ventilation system to ensure that all ventilation equipment maintains normal operation. Hotel shall also increase the frequency of inspection, cleaning, disinfection of the ventilation system & air conditioner and the replacement of filters during Epidemic Period.

暂停使用集中空调通风系统,切断病毒通过集中空调系统传播渠道。确实需要时,中央空调为机组房间内提供的是新风。应加强集中空调通风系统的维护,确保所有通风设备保持正常运转,疫情期间增加通风系统和空调的检查、清洁、消毒以及过滤器的更换。每周清洗一次房间内空调送风和回风滤网。必要时使用500~1000mg/L 的含氯消毒剂进行擦拭消毒。

2.3 The guestroom shall be maintained in clean condition and equipped with disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer.The towels, slippers, cups (disposable cups are recommended) and bedding etc. must be disinfected and strictly replaced after check out of each guest. The high-frequency contact surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons, escalator handrails, etc.) shall be wiped and disinfected with 500mg / L chlorine containing disinfectant at least 3 times per day.

保持客房室内环境卫生清洁,并配备消毒湿巾或免洗洗手液。使用的毛巾、拖鞋、杯具(建议使用一次性杯具),床上用品等严格落实一客一换一消毒制度。经常接触物品(如门把手、电梯按钮、扶梯扶手等)应每日至少3 次使用500mg/L含氯消毒液进行擦拭消毒。

2.4 Each room is equipped with a sealed garbage bag for the crew to discard protective clothing; Clean the garbage at the entrance of the crew room in time; Garbage bins with lids in each room.


2.5 Hotel shall provide dedicated room floors to Airline and such room should not be sell to other guests. Before the crew arrives, Hotel’s staff shall clean, disinfect and ventilate the room thoroughly. The room shall be equipped with temperature detection equipment.


3. Food and Beverage


3.1 Hotel’s staff shall wearing mask and keep their hands clean & disinfected at all times including providing room service.


3.2 Hotel shall always provide meal service or whole fruit in a sealed package. Sliced fruit, cold meals and raw food should not be provided during Epidemic Period.


3.3 The meal service shall be ordered and delivered to each guestroom of the crew and provided in contact-less manner.


4. Transportation


4.1 The service vehicle shall be dedicated for Airline use only during Transportation Service. The crew shall not sit in the co pilot"s position.


4.2 The service vehicle shall be clean, disinfect and ventilate before or after each use. The disinfection of high-frequency contact surfaces such as door handles, seat handrails and railings of the vehicle is essential.


4.3 Transportation service shall always follow the regular route, no one is allowed to get on or off the vehicle during the way.


4.4 The A/C of service vehicle shall have ventilation system.


5. Service


5.1 The hotel shall arrange separate check-in area for Airline.


5.2 Express check-out service is applicable for Airline crew.


6. The revision of Epidemic Prevention Standard


6.1 The Epidemic Prevention Standard is subject to up.date from time to time by Airline, these will be amended by the Airline accordingly after written notification to Hotel.


1.7 合同期限:自合同生效之日起2年,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。

Contract duration: Two years from the effective date of Agreement

1.8 服务地点:温哥华。

Service Location:Vancouver.

1.9 合同期限:自合同生效之日起2年,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。

Contract duration: Two years from the effective date of Agreement.

2、供应商资格要求Supplier qualification

2.1 供应商距离温哥华机场航站楼车程时间在30分钟(含)以内。

The distance between the supplier and YVR Airport must be within 30 minutes (inclusive) by driving.

2.2 供应商必须是当地注册的公司,具备当地政府承认合法有效的资质文件。

Supplier shall be registered in local government and with valid license.

2.3 供应商应当购买相关保险且保额能够覆盖在履行合同义务过程中可能产生的任何索赔。

Supplier shall maintain insurance sufficient to cover any claims or liabilities which may reasonably arise out of or relate to its obligations under Agreement.

2.4 供应商须配备餐厅,能提供早、午、晚餐服务(疫情期间采用无接触式配送)。

Supplier shall equipped with a restaurant, which can provide breakfast, lunch and dinner services (Contact-less delivery to the room during the epidemic).

2.5 车辆供应商须负责所在地国际机场候机楼往返酒店的交通服务,保证机组一人一座,同时车辆可容纳机组行李,专车按约定时间接送机组。

Supplier shall be responsible for the transportation service back and forth the terminal buildingand hotel to ensure that each crew has one seat. At the same time, the vehicle can accommodate the crew"s luggage, and the supplier will pick up and dr.op off the crew at the agreed time.

.2.6 供应商原则上严格按照当地政府与采购人不定期更新的疫情防控指引提供服务,并遵守相关工作要求。

Supplier shall do most efforts to provide services in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control guidelines up.dated from time to time by the local government and Airline, and comply with relevant work requirements.

2.7 被列入南航集团“限制交易供应商名单”且仍在限制期内的法人或其他组织不得参与本次谈判。

Legal person (The Owner of supplier) or other organizations who is listed in the "restricted list of suppliers" ofAirline and still within the restricted period shall not participate in this tender.

2.8 被列入南航集团“禁止交易企业名单”的企业,不得参与本次谈判。

The Supplier who is listed in the “prohibited list of trading” of Airline shall not participate in this tender.

3、供应商报名Supplier Registration

3.1 公告时间:2022年10月21日至2022年10月25日。

Notification Period: From October 21 of2022 to October 25 of2022 .

3.2 报名时间:2022年10月21日至2022年10月25日,向采购人发送报名资料(见附表),逾期送达的报名资料恕不接受。

Application Period: Registration form must be submittedfrom October 21 of2022 to October 25 of2022.

4、联系方式Contact Detail


Procurement Entity: Logistics Division of China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd.


Application: Email all relative documents and application form to below address.


Contact Person: Ms.Michelle Zhang


Contact Nbr: 020-********


Email Address:zhangmeixian@csair.com


Discipline Supervision:Mr.Zhong


Contact Nbr: 020-********


Email Address:zhongkaiping@csair.com


Attachment: Supplier Application Form


Logistics Division of China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd.



标签: 南航机组异地








