Project Name: CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. Huizhou Refining & Petrochemicals Project Phase II
Name of Commodities: On/Off Ball Valves for 1000KTA Ethylene Plant
Date: August 6, 2015
Bid No.: 0704-1540JDCP0352
1. 中化建国际招标有限责任公司(招标代理机构)受中海石油炼化有限责任公司(招标人或采购人)委托,就中海石油炼化有限责任公司惠州炼化二期项目所需部分货物及相关服务进行国际公开招标。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted by CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” or “the Purchaser”), intends to purchase the Commodities and the relevant services required under the project of CNOOC HUIZHOU REFINING & PETROCHEMICALS PROJECT PHASE II with this Invitation for Bids (hereinafter referred to as “IFB”) by International Competitive Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requested to provide the following Commodities and services with sealed bids.
货物名称:100万吨年乙烯装置开关球阀 数量:120台
Name of Commodities: On/Off Ball Valves for 1000KTA Ethylene Plant Quantity: 120 sets
2. 对投标人的资质/业绩要求:
Requirement for Bidders qualification and reference:
(1) 投标人应是投标货物的制造厂商或是投标货物制造厂商集团内部的销售商。
(1) The Bidder shall be the manufacturer of Proposed goods or the sales company of the manufacturers group.
(2) 投标人在2012年12月31日前拥有新建100万吨/年及以上规模乙烯裂解装置裂解炉区或分离区金属硬密封气动开关球阀(其中阀门口径10寸及以上)2台销售业绩。
(2) Bidder shall have sale performance of pneumatic on/off ball valves with metal hard seal used in cracking furnace zone or separate zone for new-built 1000KTA (or greater) Ethylene Cracking Plant and the sales contract shall be signed before Dec 31,2012, in which the sales quantity shall be no less than two sets of the above mentioned valves with Nominal diameter more than 10 inch.
The bidder shall provide relevant pages of unpriced contract with signature of the Bidders representatives or the company stamp of Bidder, demonstrating sales performance and sales time. If Bidders performance lists without relevant copies of unpriced contract as supporting document shall be regarded as invalid.
The interested and qualified Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: through CNOOCs website (http://www.cnooc.com.cn/col/col871/index.html) starting from August 6, 2015 to August 17, 2015 (Beijing time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2000.00 or USD 350.00 for each copy (electronic edition).
The bidder shall fill in the Bidding Document Purchase Registration Form on line and the payment shall be wired to the designated account (Name of Account: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.; Name of Bank: Hepingli Sub-branch under Communication Bank of Beijing Branch; RMB A/C No.: ****************09667; USD A/C No.: ****************07037). After successful remittance, the system will send the download link to the registered e-mail address in Bidding Document Purchase Registration Form. Bidder may download the Bidding Document by this link.
The deadline and place for submission of bid: All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as specified and must be delivered to Meeting room of Floor 4, CNOOC Tower, No.6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing at or before 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on August 278, 2015. Any bid beyond the required time and date shall be subject for rejection.
Time for bid opening: 10:00 am on August 27, 2015 (Beijing Time).
Place for bid opening: Meeting room of Floor 4, CNOOC Tower, No.6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing.
Bidder shall register and submit the bids through “CNOOC Procurement Operation System” (https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/). Failure to complete on-line submission of bids may be resulted in rejection of the bid.
This Invitation for Bids will be published on China International Bidding website (http://www.chinabidding.com/) and CNOOC website (http://www.cnooc.com.cn/) at the same time.
Service telephone for online purchase bidding documents and submission of bid:********66.
招 标 人:中海石油炼化有限责任公司
Tenderee: CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
地 址:广东省惠州大亚湾区石化大道中30号信箱 邮编:516086
Address: P.O. Box No.30, Shi Hua Avenue, Petrochemicals Industrial Zone, Daya Bay, Huizhou, Guangdong Province, 516086, P.R.C.
Contact Person: Ms. Yang Xiaoli
电话Tel:+86-752 368 7957
Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地 址:北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 邮编100027
Address: Meeting room of Floor 4, CNOOC Tower, No.6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100027
联 系 人:王尧峰
Contact Person: Mr. Wang Yaofeng
电话Tel :+86 10 ********
传真Fax :+86 10 ********
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