


国义招标股份有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2015-09-23在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注
子包1 仪表着陆系统ILS 2套 详见 第八章《用户需求和技术规格书》 无
子包2 全向信标DVOR测距仪DME 1套DVOR、3套DME 详见 第八章《用户需求和技术规格书》 无
子包3 气象自动观测系统AWOS 1套 详见 第八章《用户需求和技术规格书》 无

投标人应具备的资格或业绩:子包1(ILS)投标人须满足以下条件: 1)投标人必须是从事相关设备生产与销售的独立制造厂商 2)投标人名称应与招标代理机构的购标登记表上的名称一致。如不一致,投标文件中应附有投标权转让函,否则其投标文件将予以拒绝接受。 3)本项目不允许联合体投标。 4) 生产厂商必须是有生产相关设备十年以上的合法生产厂商。 5) 投标人所投产品必须具有5年以上(含5年)的国际市场销售史,至少有3个不同国家的用户使用过该厂家生产的与本投标文件要求采购的同类产品,并具有良好的销售、售后服务的信誉。以上要求投标人须提供证明(采购合同或用户使用证明复印件,销售合同必须以签订时间计算。销售合同或用户使用证明均需能反映上述时间及规格等要求)。 6) 所投产品必须取得有效的民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备使用许可证,并提供相应的复印件。(投标人需提供证书的复印件以作证明,证书须处于有效期内,若证书要求附加其他资料方为继续有效的,须按要求附加其他资料) 7)所投产品必须获得有效的中华人民共和国无线电管理委员会针对该无线电设备的进口许可证(无线电发射设备型号核准证) 子包2(DVOR/DME)投标人须满足以下条件: 1)投标人必须是从事相关设备生产与销售的独立制造厂商 2)投标人名称应与招标代理机构的购标登记表上的名称一致。如不一致,投标文件中应附有投标权转让函,否则其投标文件将予以拒绝接受。 3)本项目不允许联合体投标。 4) 生产厂商必须是有生产相关设备五年以上的合法生产厂商。 5) 投标人所投产品必须具有3年以上(含3年)的国际市场销售史,至少有3个不同国家的用户使用过其相关设备,并具有良好的销售、售后服务的信誉。以上要求投标人须提供证明(采购合同或用户使用证明复印件,销售合同必须以签订时间计算。销售合同或用户使用证明均需能反映上述时间及规格等要求)。 6) 所投产品必须取得有效的民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备使用许可证,并提供相应的复印件。(投标人需提供证书的复印件以作证明,证书须处于有效期内,若证书要求附加其他资料方为继续有效的,须按要求附加其他资料) 7)所投产品必须获得有效的中华人民共和国无线电管理委员会针对该无线电设备的进口许可证(无线电发射设备型号核准证); 子包3(AWOS)投标人须满足以下条件: 1)投标人必须是从事相关设备生产、系统集成与销售的独立生产厂商或其针对本项目出具唯一授权的代理经销商(提供相关证明)。投标人需有成功执行3个以上民航自动气象观测系统合同的案例(须提供相应合同的验收证明复印件)。 2)投标人名称应与招标代理机构的购标登记表上的名称一致。如不一致,投标文件中应附有投标权转让函,否则其投标文件将予以拒绝接受。 3)本项目不允许联合体投标。 4)生产商必须是从事机场气象自动观测系统设备生产与销售5年以上的合法厂商,产品应在国内外有实际应用案例,三年内有十个以上民航机场气象自动观测系统规模与本项目相当或超过的成功工程案例,投标人提供的业绩证明材料以合同复印件和用户使用良好的证明(需提供用户联系人和联系方式以便评标专家核实)为准。 5)投标人须提供售后服务承担企业法人营业执照(正、副本)复印件,(如为国外企业驻中国办事处,则提供登记证文件复印件); 6)生产商的售后服务单位在中国境内的,提供售后服务的授权书或协议书复印件; 7)投标人须提供不少于3人的售后服务技术人员资料(以人员为单位整理相关资料):《售后服务人员详细资料一览表》、身份证复印件、受雇于售后服务单位的社会保险证明资料复印件。
投标截止时间(开标时间):2015-10-14 09:30
联系方式 :****-********
地址: 广州市东风东路726号7楼
联系人:曾洁莹 赵劼力
联系方式 :(8620) 8776 8198-628/200
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招商银行股份有限公司广州体育东路支行
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 中国银行广东省分行
账号(人民币): ***************
账号(美元): ****************14

Qionghai Boao Hainan civil airport air traffic control special equipment international tendering project
GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2015-09-23.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Qionghai Boao Hainan civil airport air traffic control special equipment international tendering project
Source of Funds:Have been implemented
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Have been completed
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:0724-1540A12W2312
Project Name:Qionghai Boao Hainan civil airport air traffic control special equipment international tendering project
Place of Implementation:Hainan
List of Products:
NO. Product Name Quantity Main Technical Data Remarks
Sub packet 1 ILS 2 details refer to Section 8 none
Sub packet 2 DVOR\DME 1 set DVOR、3 set DME details refer to Section 8 none
Sub packet 3 AWOS 1 details refer to Section 8 none

3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:Sub-package 1 (ILS), bidders must meet the following criteria: 1) The bidder must be engaged in an independent manufacturer of production and sales of related equipment 2) The name of the bidder shall be consistent with the available standard name registration form on the agency tender. If not, the bidding documents shall be accompanied by the transfer of the right to tender letter, otherwise the tender documents will be rejected. 3) The project allowed the consortium bid. 4) The manufacturer must be a production-related equipment for more than a decade of legal manufacturers. 5) The bidder cast products must have at least 5 years (including 5 years) of the sales history of the international market, at least three different countries users used the manufacturers of the tender documents and procurement requirements of similar products, and has a good sales, after-sales service reputation. The above requirements, bidders must provide proof (proof of purchase contract or a copy of the user, the time of signing the sales contract must be calculated using the sales contract or the user is required to prove that reflect the above-mentioned time and specification requirements). 6) Investment products must obtain a valid civil aviation air traffic communication, navigation and surveillance equipment use permit, and provide copies. (The bidder must provide a copy of the certificate as proof, certificate must be in the period, if the certificate requires additional information other parties for the continued effective and shall require additional other information) 7) Investment products must obtain a valid Radio Regulatory Commission of the Peoples Republic of China for the import license of radio equipment (Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate) Sub-package 2 (DVOR / DME), bidders must meet the following criteria: 1) The bidder must be engaged in an independent manufacturer of production and sales of related equipment 2) The name of the bidder shall be consistent with the available standard name registration form on the agency tender. If not, the bidding documents shall be accompanied by the transfer of the right to tender letter, otherwise the tender documents will be rejected. 3) The project allowed the consortium bid. 4) The manufacturer must have a production-related equipment is more than five years of legitimate manufacturers. 5) The bidder cast products must have at least 3 years (including 3 years) sales history of the international market, at least three different countries users used their related equipment, and have good sales, the credibility of the after-sales service. The above requirements, bidders must provide proof (proof of purchase contract or a copy of the user, the time of signing the sales contract must be calculated using the sales contract or the user is required to prove that reflect the above-mentioned time and specification requirements). 6) Investment products must obtain a valid civil aviation air traffic communication, navigation and surveillance equipment use permit, and provide copies. (The bidder must provide a copy of the certificate as proof, certificate must be in the period, if the certificate requires additional information other parties for the continued effective and shall require additional other information) 7) Investment products must obtain a valid Radio Regulatory Commission of the Peoples Republic of China for the import license of radio equipment (Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate); Sub-package 3 (AWOS), bidders must meet the following criteria: 1) The bidder must be engaged in related equipment, system integration and sales of independence issued by the manufacturer or the only authorized dealer for this project (provide proof). Bidder need for the successful implementation of three or more cases of Civil Aviation Automated Weather Observing System contract (contract shall provide a copy of proof of acceptance). 2) The name of the bidder shall be consistent with the available standard name registration form on the agency tender. If not, the bidding documents shall be accompanied by the transfer of the right to tender letter, otherwise the tender documents will be rejected. 3) The project allowed the consortium bid. 4) The manufacturer must be engaged in airport automatic weather observation system equipment production and sales more than five years of legal vendors, products should have practical cases at home and abroad, there are more than ten civil airports automatic weather observation system within three years of the project size and quite Case success or exceed performance evidence provided by the bidder to contract copy and user a good proof (required user name and contact details in order to verify the evaluation experts) prevail. 5) The bidder shall undertake to provide after-sales service business license (original and duplicate), (such as for foreign business offices in China, provide a photocopy of the registration certificate); 6) The manufacturers service unit in China, and provide after-sales service of a copy of a power of attorney or agreement; 7) The bidder must provide at least three service technicians data (in units of staff organize relevant information): "a detailed list of information service personnel", identity card, social insurance employment service unit copies of supporting information.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2015-09-23
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2015-09-30
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:1 F of GMG International Tenderi ng Co., Ltd
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$170
Additional Instructions:Tender document is a non-refundable payment. Extra 100 RMB or USD 50 for the delivery charge for the mail order, the bidding agency will send the tender document by special delivery. Tendering agency does not responsible for late or lost in the mailing process.
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2015-10-14 09:30
Place of Bid:Room 2,2 F of GMG International Tenderi ng Co., Ltd
Place of Bid Opening:Room 2,2 F of GMG International Tenderi ng Co., Ltd
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Hainan Boao Airport Co.,Ltd
Add.:Central Plains town of Qionghai City, Hainan Province
Contact:Mr Xu
Bidding Agency:GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Add.:726,Dongfeng Rd. East,Guangzhou
Contact:Miss Zeng Mr Zhao
Tel :86 020 ********-***/200
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):Merchants Bank Guangzhou TiyudongRoad Branch
Bank(USD):Bank of China, Guangdong Branch
Account NO.(RMB):***************
Account NO.(USD):****************14


标签: 机场





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