Chapter 1Announcement for Bid
Camp Water Treatment Packagefor East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline Project
ITB No.:2023XM-UG-GKZB-06
1.招标条件Tendering Conditions
TheCamp Water Treatment Packagefor East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline Project has implemented relevant procedures according to laws and the capital has been confirmed., and the tenderee of which is China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company Ltd. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid.
2.项目概况与招标范围Project Overview and Tendering Scope
2.1项目概况:东非原油管道(EACOP)项目是一条全长1443公里的跨国管道项目,旨在将位于乌干达Albert湖的重质和蜡质原油储备运输到坦桑尼亚东海岸的Tanga终端,用于出口。该系统的最大产能为21.6万桶/天。东非原油外输管道EPC项目起点于乌干达Tilenga CPF(联络线起点),止于坦桑尼亚 Tanga港,总长1539km,其中:干线1443km,联络线96km。乌干达境内392km, 坦桑尼亚境内1147km;全线泵站6座,减压站2座,阀室82座,电伴热站20座(与阀室合建17座,单独建设3座)。该项目业主为道达尔勘探开发公司(上游,联络线部分)与道达尔东非中游公司。计划工期为27个月。
Project Overview:The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project is a 1,443km cross-country pipeline project, to enable the transportation of heavy and waxy crude oil reserves located in the Albertine Graben in Uganda to a terminal in Tanga on the East Coast of Tanzania for Export. The maximum capacity of the system will be 216 thousand barrels per day (Kbpd).The Ugandan crude oil export pipeline project starts from Tienga CPF (the starting point of the connecting line) in Uganda and ends at Tanga Port in Tanzania, with a total length of 1539km, including 1443km of the main line and 96km of the connecting line. 392km in Uganda and 1147km in Tanzania; There are 6 pump stations, 2 pressure reducing stations, 82 valve chambers, and 20 electric heat tracing stations along the line (17 are built together with valve chambers, and 3 are built separately). The owners of the project are Total Exploration and Development Company (upstream, connecting line part) and Total East Africa Midstream Company. The planned construction period is 27 months.
2.2招标范围:A包-坦桑尼亚境内12个营地的营地水处理系统,B包-乌干达境内6个营地的营地水处理系统。 各投标人须对两个标包同时投标,一个投标人可以同时中标两个标包。
Tendering scope:Package A -Water Treatment Equipment for 12 Campsin Tanzania, Package B - Water Treatment Equipment for 6 Camps in Uganda.For clinics. Each bidder must submit bids for two packages simultaneously, Two packages to award to the same successful bidder is allowed.
2.3交货地点: 工厂交货,卖方负责装箱和装车;
Delivery place:Ex-works,The Seller is responsible for loading.
2.4交货期 Delivery Time:
所有货物共分2批次交货, 第1批数量为9个先锋营用部分设备(见附件2),余下为第二批。交货期要求为(如果厂家交货期与要求不一致,请按照以下格式报最优交货期):
第二批 (余下所有物资):下达订单后90个日历日。
All goods shall be delivered in 2batches.The first batchforthe9advancecamps (see Attachment 2); The second batch is all the rest of the goods. The delivery time requirement is as below (if the bidder"s delivery time is different with the below requirements, please quote your best delivery time in the following format)
1stBatch (for the Advance Camps) 75calendar days afterPO or LOA.
2ndBatch (all the rest of the goods) 90 calendar days after PO or LOA .
2.5技术要求:详见附件1 ;
Technical requirement:Please refer to Attachment I.
3.投标人资格要求Qualification Requirements For Bidder
3.1 本次招标不接受联合体投标。
Joint venture for bidding is not accepted
3.2 资质要求:
3.2 Qualification requirements:
Qualification requirement: The bidder should have the Certificate of ISO9001,ISO*****,ISO*****or ISO*****.
The bidder shall,in your technical or commercial proposal,explicitly listed the Manufacturing siteof the goods if you win the bid. For example, the production and manufacturing processing base, which is different from the address in the bidder"s business license, shall provide the qualification of the production, manufacturing and processing place and shall not accept subcontracting.
The registered capital shallbe no less thanCNY20 million yuan.
The paid-in capitalshall be no less than CNY 10 million yuan
财务要求:提供 3 年度(2020-2022)经审计的财务报告,经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表(未完成2022年财务审计的可提供2019-2021年的财务审计报告),包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表和财务情况说明书(或报表附注)的复印件。不存在进入清算程序、被宣告破产或其他丧失履约能力的情形;成立日期晚于要求年份的,从成立年起计算。
Financial requirement: The bidder should provide financial reports for 3 years(2020-2022), including balance sheets(If the financial audit for 2022 has not been completed, the financial audit report for 2019 to 2021 can be provided), cash flow statements, income statements and financial statements.The reports should be audited by accounting firms or institutions. The bidder should not be in the situation of bankrupt or unable to perform the contract; If the date of establishment is later than2019, it shall be counted from the year of establishment.
Experience records and references :The bidder should have the experience of supplying similar products since 2020. The copy of the contracts should be attached as evidence.
The bidder has not been listed in the serious illegal and trust-breaking enterprises or trust-breaking enforcement list on the website of http://www.gsxt.gov.cn and www.creditchina.gov.cn
The bidder should not be suspended /disqualified the bid qualification by CNPC.
Any bidder can not meet the above requirements should be rejected.
4.招标文件的获取Acquisition of bidding documents
4.1 招标文件发售时间:2023年6月9日8:00:00至 2023年6月19日23:59:59(北京时间,下同)。凡有意参加投标者,请通过中国石油招标投标网(http://www.cnpcbidding.com)点击“招投标平台”进入“中国石油电子招投标交易平台”报名、购买招标文件。招标文件售价为2000(元)人民币。有意参加投标的潜在投标人确认自身资格条件是否满足要求,招标文件售后不退。
The timebuying the tender documents:8:00:00 on _June 9th, 2023 to 23:59:59 on _June 19th_, 2023 (Beijing time, the same below). Whoever interested bidders, please log on http://www.cnpcbidding.com,click into "ChinaOilElectronic Bbidding Transaction Platform for registration and purchase the tenderdocuments.The Price of bidding document: RMB 2000yuan.Potential bidders wishing to participate in the bidding process confirm whether their qualifications meet the requirements, and the bidding documents are not refundable after sale.
4.2 招标文件获取方式:潜在投标人报名后,须使用中国石油电子招投标交易平台缴费模块进行招标文件缴费(具体操作参见招标公告附件),缴费成功后系统将自动开启招标文件下载权限。有关交易平台的问题请咨询运营单位(中油物采信息技术有限公司)技术支持团队相关人员,咨询电话:**********语音导航“招标平台”,因交易平台或其他非招标机构原因导致的购标失败等问题,招标机构不承担投标人的任何损失。投标人缴费成功后需登陆“投标人自助服务平台”(点击业务办理,上传订单状态截图及开票信息,招标机构依据投标人自助服务平台中的信息开具发票。未按要求上传订单状态截图的,将无法开具发票,由此造成的影响由投标人自行负责。
Obtain bidding documents: After registration, potential bidders must use the payment module of the PetroChina E-Tendering&Bidding Trading Platform to pay for bidding documents (please refer to the attachment of the bidding announcement for specific operations), and the system will automatically open the bidding document download permission after successful payment. For questions about the trading platform, please consult the relevant personnel of the technical support team of the operating unit (CNPC Information Technology Co., Ltd.), consultation telephone: ********** voice navigation "bidding platform", due to the trading platform or other non-bidding institutions caused by the failure of the bid purchase, the bidding agency will not bear any losses of the bidder.After making the payment, bidders need to log in to the "Bidder Self-Service Platform" (, click Business Handling, upload screenshots of order status and invoicing information, and the bidding agency will issue invoices according to this information. If the screenshot of the order status is not uploaded as required, the invoice will not be issued,the bidder shall be responsible for the impact caused thereby.
5.投标文件的递交Submission ofthebiddingdocuments
5.1 投标文件递交截止时间:2023年6 月27 日8时30分。
5.2 投标文件递交地点
Web site for bid documents submission :ChinaOilElectronic Bidding Transaction Platform
5.3 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。逾期传送至电子招标投标交易平台的投标文件,电子招标投标交易平台予以拒收。
Should the tenderer fail to submit before the aforesaid deadline, Bid documents will be rejected.
5.4 本次招标采取网上电子版提交的方式,以网上电子版为准,不接受纸质版投标文件。
6、开标Bid Opening
Bidding opening Time: 8:30 AM (Beijing Time) of June,27th, 2023
Place(on line):ChinaOilElectronic Bidding Transaction Platform
7.发布公告的媒体Media For Bidding Announcement
本次招标公告同时在中国招标投标公共服务平台、中国石油招标投标网(http://www.cebpubservice.com/ 、http://www.cnpcbidding.com)上发布。
This bidding announcement is also published on the China Public Bidding Service Platform and the China Petroleum Bidding Website(http://www.cebpubservice.com/ 、http://www.cnpcbidding.com).
招 标 人:管道局国际分公司(东非原油外输管道项目EPC项目部)
地 址:河北省廊坊市广阳区银河北路125号
联 系 人(Attn):崔立新Cui Lixin/祁波 Qi Bo
电 话 (Tel):0316-*******/0316-*******
Biding Agency: China Petroleum Pipeline Material & Equipment Company Ltd.
地 址:河北省廊坊市金光道44号
Address: No. 44 Jinguang road, Langfang City, Hebei Province, China.
联 系 人(Attn):梁婧 Liang Jing
电 话(Tel) :0316-*******/*******
邮 箱( E-mail):wzgszbc@163.com
标签: 理系统
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