日 期:2023年6月25日
1. 中化商务有限公司(招标代理机构)受中化能源科技有限公司上海分公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:
序 号 | 成套单元名称 | 成套单元内设备位号 | 成套单元内设备名称 | 数量 | 备注 |
1 | 再生热能回收系统 | 2562-04-E-1301A | 1#再生热能回收器 | 1套 | 1)提供设备间连接管道、管件、阀门,法 兰、紧固件、垫片等; 2)设备上的安全阀、液位变送器、双室平 衡容器等; 3)设备及管道上的仪表、调节阀、电动或 气动切断阀; 4)吹灰系统(包括带遮雨棚的升降平台); 5)再生蒸汽发生器系统操作平台、蒸汽过 热器吹灰操作平台,与设备本体连接的梯 子; 6)用于汽包加药的加药系统,及其相关设 备、管道、阀门、仪表等。 |
2562-04-E-1301B | 2#再生热能回收器 | ||||
2562-04-E-1302 | 过热器 | ||||
2562-04-E-1303 | 排污冷却取样器 | ||||
2562-04-E-1304 | 饱和蒸汽取样冷却器 | ||||
2562-04-E-1305 | 过热蒸汽取样冷却器 | ||||
2562-04-V-1301(含内件) | 汽包 | ||||
2562-04-PU-1301 | 加药撬块 | ||||
2562-04-V-1302 | 连续排污罐 | ||||
2562-04-V-1303 | 定期排污罐 | ||||
2562-04-PU-1301 | 加药撬块 |
2. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可从中化商务有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。
*3. 对投标人的资质业绩要求:
1) 投标人具有有效的营业执照(国内投标人)/企业经营许可证明文件(国外投标人)。
2) 投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立基本账户的银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。
3) 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:http:// www.chinabidding.com)成功注册。
4) 信誉要求:
① 2020年1月1日至今,境内投标人在国家企业信用信息公示系统中未被列入严重违法失信企业名单或列入经营异常名录信息,在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)或各级信用信息共享平台中未列入失信被执行人名单。
② 2020年1月1日至今,境外投标人在中国境内近三年没有不良业绩记录或严重质量问题,否则其投标也将被否决。
③ 投标人未被列入中国中化、中化能源股份有限公司及中化泉州石化有限公司供应商黑名单库(名单以投标截止时间为准);
5) 本次招标只接受生产商/制造商/成套商投标,不接受代理商投标,不接受流通商投标,不接受投标人组成联合体投标。
6) 资质要求:
国内生产商/制造商须具有有效的 A 级锅炉制造许可证。国内成套集成商需要外委加工再生热能回收器的,外委制造厂须具有有效的A 级锅炉制造许可证。如投标人为境外生产商/制造商,必须具有中华人民共和国颁发的A 级锅炉制造许可证,或提供在合同执行阶段有能力提供上述证书的承诺函(投标人须提供符合上述要求的证明材料加盖公章装订在投标文件中)。
7) 业绩要求:
4. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可于2023年6月25日至2023年6月30日在下列地点网上报名和下载招标文件,平台使用及技术支持费为2000元人民币或300美元。任何未在中化商务有限公司进行报名和下载招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。
(2)在获取招标文件后,投标人需登陆中化能源采购供应链SCM平台(https://scm.sinochem.com)进行注册(免费),在“【平台通知】投标人参与招标项目操作指南”中下载“中化能源投标管家”,并上传标书获取凭证(发票)(务必在获取招标文件截止时间前上传,否则将导致投标人后续无法上传电子投标文件),审核完毕后,需在SCM平台点击标书下载才能进行后续流程,SCM平台技术支持电话:400-818-8227 转 2。
(2)成功购买文件的潜在投标人确认参加投标的,需在网上递交投标文件前,至中化能源SCM集采平台(https://scm.sinochem.com)首页,根据提示进行企业CA办理事宜,并完成CA绑定。未办理CA将不能进行投标文件的签章、加密、提交。完成CA的绑定后,在中化能源 SCM 集采平台下载投标管家工具(附带操作手册),通过投标管家完成投标文件的递交,全流程完成的标志为供应商获得“投标回执”。
电话:+86 152*****906,+86 189*****524
电子邮件:qiushaowei@sinochem.com, changgang@sinochem.com
5. 所有投标文件应于2023年7月18日9:30时(北京时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于2023年7月18日9:30时举行。
6. 外币支付平台使用及技术服务费的账号:
Date: Jun., 25th, 2023
Bid No.: 0747-2340SCCZX400
1. Entrusted by Sinochem Energy High-Tech Co., LTD Shanghai Branch (Tenderee), Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids from eligible potential bidders in terms of following goods and associated service in the manner of international competitive bidding.
Serial No. | Name of the set of units | Equipment position number in the set unit | Name of equipment in the set unit | Quantity | Remarks |
1 | Regenerative Heat Recovery System | 2562-04-E-1301A | 1# Regenerative Heat Recycler | 1set | 1)Provide inter-equipment connection pipes, fittings, valves, flanges flanges, fasteners, gaskets, etc.; 2)Safety valves, level transmitters, double chamber balancing vessels, etc. on the equipment. balance vessels, etc; (3) instruments, regulating valves, electric or pneumatic shut-off valves; (4) soot blowing system (including the lifting platform with a canopy) (5) regenerative steam generator system operating platform, steam super (5) regeneration steam generator system operating platform, steam superheater soot blowing operating platform, and the equipment body connected to the ladder ladder connected to the equipment body; (6) the dosing system for the steam package dosing, and its related equipment (6) the dosing system for steam ladle dosing, and its related equipment, piping, valves, instruments, etc. |
2562-04-E-1301B | 2# Regenerative Heat Recycler | ||||
2562-04-E-1302 | Superheater | ||||
2562-04-E-1303 | Discharge cooling sampler | ||||
2562-04-E-1304 | Saturated Steam Sampling Cooler | ||||
2562-04-E-1305 | Superheated Steam Sampling Cooler | ||||
2562-04-V-1301(including inner parts) | Steam Pack | ||||
2562-04-PU-1301 | Dosing pry block | ||||
2562-04-V-1302 | Continuous drainage tank | ||||
2562-04-V-1303 | Periodic drainage tank | ||||
2562-04-PU-1301 | Dosing pry block |
(Details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.)
2. Interested Potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding
Documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.
*3. Qualification and Performance requirements to the bidders:
1) The bidder must have a valid business license or business license certificate.
2) The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of the bank credit certificate issued by the bank where the basic account is opened within 3 months before the bid opening date.
3) The bidders shall successfully register on China International Tendering Website (hereinafter referred to as "bidding.com", website: http:// www.chinabidding.com) before bidding.
4) Credibility requirements:
① From January 1, 2020 to the present, the domestic bidders have not been listed in the national enterprise credit information public display system or in the business exception list, and have not been listed in the "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) or credit information sharing platform at all levels. The list of executed persons in breach of trust.
Supporting materials: Bidders should provide "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn) and "National Enterprise Credit Information Public Platform" (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn). The screenshot should be stamped with the official seal of the bidder and attached to the bid document.
② From January 1, 2020 to present, overseas bidders have no bad performance records or serious quality problems in China, otherwise their bids will also be rejected.
Supporting materials: Bidders must provide a letter of commitment.
③ Bidders are not listed in the blacklist database of suppliers of Sinochem, Sinochem Energy Co., Ltd. and Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (the list is subject to the deadline of bidding);
5) Only producers/manufacturers/setters will be accepted to bid for this tender, no agents will be accepted to bid, no distributors will be accepted to bid, and no bidders will be accepted to form a consortium to bid.
Supporting materials (bound in the tender documents): Bidders are required to provide a manufacturer/manufacturer/setter qualification statement stamped with the bidder"s official seal.
6) Qualification requirements:
Domestic producers/manufacturers must have a valid Class A boiler manufacturing license. If the domestic integrator needs to outsource the processing of regenerative heat recovery, the outsourced manufacturer must have a valid Class A boiler manufacturing license. If the bidder is an overseas producer/manufacturer, it must have a Class A boiler manufacturing license issued by the People"s Republic of China, or provide a letter of commitment to provide the above-mentioned certificate during the contract execution stage (the bidder must provide supporting documents that meet the above requirements with official seal bound in the bid document).
7) Performance requirements:
Bidders since January 1, 2017 to date (subject to the signing of the contract) should have at least one set of heat recovery system (including waste heat boiler system) (steam output ≥ 61,142 kg / h, steam outlet pressure ≥ 3.9MPa, steam outlet temperature ≥ 415 ℃) supply performance.
Supporting documents: Bidders must provide the corresponding performance of the contract, technical annexes, etc., the contents of which should include at least the project name, user name, specifications and model parameters, the date of signing and sealing page. Contracts, technical annexes and other supporting documents are not clear or not provided are considered invalid.
The Tenderee and the bid evaluation committee reserve the right to review the originals of qualification certificates, performance and relevant information. If they are found to be falsified, the bid will be rejected.
4. Interested bidders can register and download the bidding documents (electronic version) online from 8:30 AM to 17:00 PM (Beijing time) every day from Jun., 25th, 2023 to Jun., 30th, 2023 (except holidays). The fee for platform use and technical support is RMB 2000 or USD 300. Bidders that did not register and download the bidding documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. shall be rejected.
Address for bidding documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform Website
Contact person for bidding documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform
Tel: 86+10-********
4.1 Registration instructions (important):
(1) Online registration and downloading bidding documents: Login to Sinochem Business Electronic Bidding Platform (e.sinochemitc.com), potential bidders need to register online first (free of charge), pay the platform use and technical support fee through online, and after successful payment, you can download the bidding documents and VAT electronic ordinary invoice. (Contact number for technical support of Sinochem Business e-tendering platform: 010-********).
(2) After obtaining the bidding documents, bidders need to register (free of charge) on the SCM platform of Sinochem Energy Procurement Supply Chain (https://scm.sinochem.com) and download "[Platform Notice] Operation Guide for Bidders to Participate in Bidding Projects". Sinochem Energy Bid Manager", and upload the bid acquisition certificate (invoice) (must be uploaded before the deadline for obtaining tender documents, otherwise it will lead to the bidder"s subsequent inability to upload electronic tender documents), after the audit, you need to click on the tender download in SCM platform to carry out the subsequent process, SCM platform technical support telephone: 400-818-8227 ext. 2.
4.2 Bidding instructions (important):
(1) Bidding documents (paper documents + electronic documents) must be sealed according to the requirements of the tender documents and delivered or mailed to the tender opening site before the tender deadline, otherwise they will not be accepted.
(2) Potential bidders who have successfully purchased the documents to confirm their participation in the tender must go to the home page of SCM collection platform of Sinochem Energy (https://scm.sinochem.com) and complete CA binding according to the prompts before submitting the tender documents online. Without CA, you will not be able to sign, encrypt and submit the bidding documents. After completing the binding of CA, download the bid manager tool (with operation manual) from SCM procurement platform of Sinochem Energy and complete the submission of bid documents through the bid manager, the sign of completion of the whole process is that the supplier gets the "bid receipt".
(3) When the electronic version of the document is inconsistent with the paper document, the paper document shall prevail.
For Project Inquiry:
Contact address for the Project: 25th Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing.China. ******, P. R. China.
Contact person: Mr. Qiu Shaowei, Ms. Chen Xiaomei, Mr. Chang Gang, Mr. Chen Zhichao
Tel: +86 152*****906, +86 189*****524
E -Mail: qiushaowei@sinochem.com, chenxiaomei02@sinochem.com
5. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a.m., Jul., 18th, 2023(Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m., Jul., 18th, 2023 (Beijing time). Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, representatives of bidders who cannot participate in the bid opening ceremony on site will be invited to attend the online bid opening ceremony at that time. The online bid opening ceremony will be conducted in the form of Tencent conference, please download Tencent conference software (free of charge) in advance. The conference ID and conference password will be informed to the bidders by email 3 days before the bid opening.
Address for bid submission and bid opening: Meeting Room, 23rd Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing.China.
Submission method of bid documents: Bidders shall deliver or mail the bid documents, and both methods shall guarantee the bid documents to reach the submission location specified in the bidding documents before the deadline for submission of bid documents. Mailing address: Meeting Room, 23rd Floor, Building B, Ping’an Fortune Center, No. 24 Lize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing China. Qiu Shaowei 152*****906.
6. Foreign currency account number for paying the fee for platform use and technical support.
Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd
Bank of China: Bank of China Limited Beijing Fengtai Sub-branch
U.S. dollar account number: 349*****5282
Euro account number: 348*****7855
Bidders are requested to indicate in the remittance envelope, in order, when remitting the fee for platform use and technical support: ① the last four digits of the tender number, i.e.: "ZX400"; ② the fee for platform use and technical support; ③ the name of the bidder.
标签: 丙烯腈
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