一、项目概况Project Profile
序号No. | 项目名称 Project Name | 项目内容 Project Concent |
1 | 进口零件内陆运输 import Sea container transportation | 海运清关完成后的集装箱和散货的内陆运输、空运清关完成后的散货运输,以及相应的港杂费用、集装箱吊箱、集装箱存储、空箱返还等服务 Inland transportation of containers and bulk cargo after the completion of sea customs clearance, bulk cargo transportation after the completion of air customs clearance, and the corresponding port miscellaneous charges, container lifting, container storage, empty container return and other services |
二、报名资质要求Registration Qualification Requirements
报名条件Entry requirements: 1) 企业近三年运输类年营业额在500万以上。 The companys annual turnover of transportation in the past three years is more than 5 million yuan. 2) 具备道路运输经营许可证,业务范围包含集装箱运输,以及具备货车(或拖车)进出马尾港/江阴港/长乐空港提柜运输的能力(在商务报价前,供应商需要取得入港证,否则不具备报价资格)。 Have the road transport business license, the business scope includes container transport, and have the ability to carry trucks (or trailers) in and out of Mawei Port/Jiangyin Port/Changle Airport container transport (before business quotation, the supplier needs to obtain the port entry permit, otherwise it is not eligible for quotation). 3) 具有五年以上制造业企业零部件拉柜业务经验。 With more than five years of experience in manufacturing enterprises spare parts cabinet pulling business. 4) 具备9类危险品(如安全气囊、安全带、胶类等)运输服务的能力。 With 9 types of dangerous goods (such as airbags, seat belts, rubber, etc.) transport services. 5) 供应商需承诺至少20部自有车辆用服务于此项目。 The supplier shall commit at least 20 owned vehicles to serve this project. |
三、报名方式和截止时间:Registration methods and deadlines
本资讯发布之日起至2023年10月29日16:00前(逾期无效),请将如下资料发至邮箱Procurement@fujianbenz.com,邮件标题请注明: 福建奔驰内陆运输项目+厂商全称”:
From thedate of publication of this information to 16:00 on Aug.29th,2023 (overdue and invalid), please send the following information toProcurement@fujianbenz.com, with the title of FBAC Nonstop maintenance Project+ Full Name of Manufacturer":
1) 企业近三年运输类年营业额在500万以上,需要提供相关财务报表和相关项目合同以及相关证明,加盖公章。If annual turnover of transportation more than 5million yuan in the last three years, the enterprise needs provide not onlyrelated financial statements but also project contracts and certificates whichall need be stamped officially.
2) 具备道路运输经营许可证,业务范围包含集装箱运输,以及具备货车(或拖车)进出马尾港/江阴港/长乐空港提柜运输的能力,需要提供道路运输经营许可证电子档以及相关证明或者文件电子档案,加盖公章。(在商务报价前,供应商需要取得入港证,否则不具备报价资格)The enterprise should own transport operation licenseso as to provide electronic files for transportation license or relatedcertificates with officially stamped. Business scope covers sea containerstransportation and collection by truck or trailer in Mawei port/Jiangyinport/Changle airport .(Before the commercial quotation, the supplier needs toobtain the port entry permit, otherwise it is not eligible for quotation.)
3)具有五年以上制造业企业零部件拉柜业务经验,需要提供已合作的集装箱内陆运输服务合同电子档。Not only at least 5 yearsoperation experience about collection and transportation for containers loadingmanufacture materials but also need provide electronic files contract whichcooperative with container inland transportation.
4).具备9类危险品(如安全气囊、安全带、胶类等)运输服务的能力,需要提供证明或者声明文件电子档,加盖公章。With the ability fortransportation in 9 kinds of dangerous goods such as air bags, sea belts, gluesetc. pls. provide certificates or electronical files declaration documents withofficially stamped.
Suppliers are required to commit at least 20 of theirown vehicles to the project, and are required to provide information about thevehicles
SupplierRegistration Form - Corporate Public Relations Project 2020 (Fill in and UploadSignature Seal Scanned Edition in Attachment Form)
Please complete the above information, incompleteinformation will be considered invalid.
四、特别说明:Special description
For the enterprises registered for this project, FBAC will carry outpreliminary screening according to the relevant system and process of thecompany, and through the preliminary screening link of the enterprise, ourrelated personnel will make further contacts.
以上我司保留最终解释。We reserve the final explanation above.
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