珠海翔翼航空技术有限公司模拟机SONY VPL-VW60
Procurement Notice of Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Company Limited in Procuring Simulator SONY VPL-VW60 Projector Update Service
珠海翔翼航空技术有限公司(以下简称“采购人”)现就模拟机SONY VPL-VW60投影机升级服务项目进行采购,欢迎符合条件的供应方参加竞价。
Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Company Limited (hereinafter called the "Purchaser") will conduct the Simulator SONY VPL-VW60 Projector Update Service procurement. We invite all eligible suppliers to participate in the quotation for this procurement.
一、 采购单位:珠海翔翼航空技术有限公司
I. Procurement Entity: Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Company Limited
二、 项目名称:模拟机SONY VPL-VW60投影机升级服务采购
II. Project Name: Simulator SONY VPL-VW60 Projector Update Service procurement
三、 采购方式:竞争性谈判
III. Procurement Method: competitive negotiation
四、 供应商的要求:
IV. Suppliers Requirements:
1. 具有法人资格或者具有独立承担民事责任的能力;
Suppliers should possess the status of a legal person or the capacity to bear civil liabilities independently;
2. 遵守国家法律、行政法规,具有良好的信誉;
Suppliers should f follow the laws and regulations as well as possess good reputation;
3. 依法进行工商登记注册,取得营业执照并经年检合格,能独立承担民事责任和合同义务,经营范围允许提供相关服务;
Suppliers should have made the commercial registration according to relevant laws, have got legal business licenses, be able to bear civil liabilities and agreement responsibilities independently and be allowed to provide relevant services;
4. 具备视景显示系统生产能力,至少有5台在用全动模拟机安装了其生产的视景显示系统。
Suppliers should be visual display system manufacturers, and there are at least five in-service full flight simulators equipped with the visual display system manufactured by the supplier.
5. 如果不是原模拟机生产商,必须具有原模拟机生产商出具的同意供应商在模拟机上进行此项目相关的软硬件改装的书面授权。
Suppliers should have the written authorization in which the full flight simulator manufacturer admits suppliers apply software/hardware modification on the simulator if suppliers are not the full flight simulator manufacturer.
6. 允许委托代理商参与此项目的采购,需要提供书面授权证明。
Suppliers could authorize the agent to join this procurement, but a written authorization for this project is required.
7. 本项目不允许合同分包、转包,不接受联合体竞价。
A subcontract and a consortium bid are not accepted.
五、 报名所需资料及要求 :
V. Application Required Information and Requirements:
1. 所有的资料需采用电子文档(扫描或PDF)格式打包并以电子邮件形式发送到下文所述的文件接收人邮箱,并保留原件备查。
All application materials should be packed and sent to the Recipient described below in electronic format (scanning copy or PDF),and the original copy should be retained for future reference.
2. 仔细填写附件《供应商报名资料表》,并签字确认;
Filling in Appendix I and sign off;
3. 根据《供应商报名资料一览表》要求提供相关资质文件,复印件须加盖公章;
Providing relevant certifications according to Appendix II; if copies are provided, official seal is needed.
4. 邮件内应写明项目名称、编号、报名单位名称、地址、联系人、联系电话、传真、邮箱地址;
Project name, project number, supplier information (name, address, contact person, telephone, fax and e-mail) should be written clearly in the e-mail.
5. 报名资料请按照顺序整理齐全。如有不完整情况发生,视同提供资料不完整,取消竞价资格。
Application materials should be complete in specifications according to this notice. If materials are not complete, supplier’s qualification will be canceled.
6. 报价人自行承担报名材料等所涉及的一切费用,不管竞价结果如何,采购方不承担与竞价有关的所有费用。
Suppliers should bear all the expenses involved in the registration materials themselves. Regardless of the procurement result, Purchaser will not bear any expenses related to the procurement.
7. 所有供应商必须确保所提供资料的真实性。采购人将随时对所有参与本项目的单位进行各项资质审查,如被查实在资质、材料等方面弄虚作假的,经采购人确认后,将取消该报价人参与本项目的资格。
All suppliers should ensure materials provided are authentic. Purchaser will have examinations on qualified suppliers. Once provided materials are found not authentic, Purchaser would cancel supplier’s qualification in participating in this procurement.
六、 报名的时间、地点及联系方式:
VI. Application Time & Contact Information
1. 报名时间:2016年6月1日-2016年6月17日。逾期报名本单位将不予受理。
Application Period: June 1st 2016 to June 17th, 2016. Applications submitted after this period will not be accepted.
2. 报名联系方式:
Contact Information
地址: 珠海保税区32号地珠海翔翼航空技术有限公司
Address: Land #32, Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Co. Ltd. Free Trade Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong, P R of China
邮编: 519030
Postcode: 519030
文件接收人: 许震丹
Recipient: Xu, Zhendan
联系电话: 86 756 *******
Telephone: 86 756 *******
邮箱: xuzd@zhftc.com
E-mail: xuzd@zhftc.com
联系人: 吴建荣
Contact Person: Wu, Jianrong
联系电话: 86 756 ******* / 86 139*****882
Telephone: 86 756 ******* / 86 139*****882
E-mail: wujianrong@zhftc.com
监督人: 许震丹
Superintendent: Xu, Zhendan
联系电话: 86 756 *******
Telephone: 86 756 *******
邮箱: xuzd@zhftc.com
E-mail: xuzd@zhftc.com
七、 竞价公告由珠海翔翼航空有限公司负责解释。
VII. Purchaser Have the Right to Explain Bidding Notice.
Notice is hereby given.
附件1: 竞价供应商报名资料表
Appendix I: Supplier Quotation List
附件2: 供应商申请人报名资料一览表
Appendix II: Supplier Services Information List
附件3: SONY VPL-VW60投影机升级技术需求
Appendix III: SONY VPL-VW60 Projector Update Technical Requirement
Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Co. Ltd.
标签: 投影机
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